iDdoies amid Its beauty Indifferent
the competition of enemies that is mov
ette world Into a newnnd higher civil
JfflP KT0 1XIG0
Il pio the City of Mexico Via the
Grande River and
Vera Cruz
Leathered by tho Waysldo of tlio
Almost Unknown Icoplo of
Onr Sister Itcpnbllc
V rUl Mntnmorna Tamplco Yern
tStrni ftolllaI Cnrdutln M obn
lower wo ohakdis
fjil Correspondence of tho Unzotte
f3oSTf Mux March 15 To nearly
one It must bo a matter of surprise
aJltotvto t3nrtlng tho annihilation of
j co as a barrier of geographical In
tlon by tho miracles of modern In
tho of tho
ett > 3 no discovery valley
Grando with its
urn Klo navigable
S salubrious climate groat natural
Siirces and cosmopolitan population
wild jtmntn to the outsido world al
aUotlrely unknown
Alls Is chiefly owing to the prcdoinl
iceof Its patrlatchs Abrahams Isaacs
niiicobs men who gave them clves
gl concern about their flocks and herds
1 like their prototypes in tho good
k regard leisure as tho greatest need
Htmllcappcd with these rudimcutal
< feUof probity In the eaily stages of
jai development It la not surprising
tths stclion like tho Tnrk in his
Ana Such Is man where prolific
iwe affords immunity against nd
jity In tho nbsonco of energy
iXKary to place a premium on propcr
< l He casts enterprise to the wind and
jitown In the shade of his vino and flg
nd thus natures great gifts romalu
< wsto of Indolence until with an in
M of activity tho best article of
ilch is railed whore tho struggle for
iitcnce Is tho most continued all rank
Mtnre Including the cactus is looted
and tho land of plenty yielding to
touch of industry blossoms as the
Iliitsuch an invasion has yet to strlko
fitgloii is less n matter of surprise
laresret Icople do not arrive at the
redgc of distant objicts by intuition
I Kith the luillff lence of thepalriarchs
tjaM to progress and development
sfeexlss no lnllacnco outside of the
iiipof enterprising journalism that is
jested in placing this country on exili
an Thero is no Jay Gould to conjuio
BJc of Immigration this way under
Wjgicnl iniluenco of his golden
j No immigration society has
5 bceu orgaulzcd with a view
Including this sections resources in
fUet llteraturo consecrated to the
olbUItltsof this part of Texas
C < hacl n tweutyfourhours rocki c In
itl tho Morgans celebrated cradles
ttodocp Tho cradle was committed
Gpt Jim Haker an amphibious pilot
1 mariner nnd half preacher who soon
ht us 6afely into the Santiago island
6 man Baker is n genius it half tho
iftold of him are true Ills manner
tftherlng tho blaspheming sailor like
dlent In a flame Is unique to say
nostef It One of tho men on deck
nvcanng loudly just as the pilot was
fag lie looked at him very soberly
itfceu oidered him to take a reel in
1 tt tackle This had the desired ef
and we heard no more hard words
i that man A deep entraucc
the harbor conld bo secured
comparatively little cost The
J U uarrow sand ridge abruptly
J jnates at deep water within and
A t andvailesln depth from eight
tJ Slrteen feet according to the scouring
i i of tho current during fall and
> it blows To cut the ridge away
i outd only bo necessary to couveruo
start and cheap breakwaters tho
k ceadoui power that Is hourly wasted
9 winding pebbles on the shore
iter li aving this port a sail of three
< brings us to Voint Isabol a town
six hundred people a large portion of
I tk aro Mexicans and uro employed at
I Kio Giando railway depots and at tho
5 TOs and on the ships in tho harbor
1 better opportunity could bo af
d for testlni the truth or falsity of
gj itatoment by somo badly Informed
5B 1 m In our sister republic that when
working classes of Mexicans wero
pressed by huuger or raised on the
fay thoy would not work or at least
toot to be depended on
found hero on Investigating that
t are lawabiding faithful to their
vsand docile to a fault Sluco 1872
ilch tlmo this town fi > y began busl
no Mexican has bet luund guilty of
greater crime than that
misdemeanor while their sin
freedom from intemperance
toca m striking contrast with tho qx
set by the lower strata of society
to and other towns Of their service
quite enough to quote tho statement
freight ageut of tho Wo Grande
nd company to tho effect that he
orlced them at freight thlrtyslx
I Without hearing ft murmur A
Tiauge road twentytwo miles
connects It with Brownsville where
to are transferred to William
4 upriver steamer or to Matamoras
city with seven thousand people
third amoug the list of United
ports of entry and first in fun
and vvhlm and hospitality Its
Ian population consists of Span
Ithe ascendant Americans Ger
Wd French In oqnal force and a
sprinkling of Irish English Scotch
WitrlsuN tho latter contributed by
Blattered forces of the illfated
Milan This commingling of nation
> drawn from tho peasantry ol
respective countries would con
M be an indigestible couglomcra
wt strange as it may appear
> Who nro Ignorant of tho
that Mexican cheap labor
invites capital and brains tho
n mixture is compounded of the
tei clashes of and America
orefloed simplicity tasto and cour
H ladles of attractive elegance
> acquirements With tho dlspo
to cnlturo to
mth tae reflncj features of human
r and educated residents ol this
Wlltan city it his tastes are not
by abnormal mental action not
by in
indulgence excesses gathers
JJintcrchango of thought and ex
f taoro attractive qualities than
JWed by ny slncle nationality It
w praise of di
of this mixture
vines that the pocket in tho hip is
ft 0 Garrisoned nd that since
An attractive feature of tho qUtenoltv
In tho city and fandangos In the
leaves the rmprcMion that the grcatnrob
The fandango in origin stretching avvav
back tovvant tho dawn of creation pos
the savage and charm ne tho cultivated
The connecting link of tSeso wclMIffertd
and yideapart orders of taste llko tho
dividing lino between sense and Instinct
has never been traced but undoubtedly
lies Fomowhere between tbo wild
fancies brought Into play by gauzy
openair shadows whirling In a glimmer
Ing torchlight to tho strains of barbarous
music and tho courtly style with which
the average lllado baka in the sunny
glances of his darkeyed senorlta or helps
her to caudles tortcllas or tamaio for tho
privilege of her partnership to a wait
The fandango carries with It it sort of
sideshow various and sundry naming
tables for which the descendants of the
Aztec race have a warmhearted affection
Brownsville Is one of tho prettiest llttlo
cities in the United KUtes It has a ry
efficient system of schools the finest mili
tary barracks in tho country an lco fao
torj atneater and an Immense collec
tion of jackals
Hero wc crossed tho river to Mata
moras At this point the river
is only seventylive yards wide
The liver terminus of tho citys
streetcar system Is reached
on the opposite bank at Santa Crur
which is noted for Its famous findango
plaza a lovely little park having a largo
refreshment saloon graveled walks and
numerous ornamental Iron beats and
marbletopped tables distributed under
decorated sheds The street railroad Is
owned by lTanclsco Antmnda < a mer
chant prlnco of Northern Mexico Tho
streets through which this lino runs aro
paved with horizontal mesquito blocks
and tho road handles freight as well as
passengers A ride of n mile costing CI
cents brings us to tho military plaza in
tho center of tho city affording on the
way n good view of many substantial
buildings of threo stories mostly built of
brick and as uverywheie else In the re
public tho windows lronbarrcd llko a
jail Matamoras with 20000 pooplo has
four public squares ornamented with tho
fairest flowers that bloom anywhere and
tho air Is fairly loaded with their
delicious perfume Kven the equare
containing tho cockpit Is lovely with
flowers Here tho peoplo spend their
Sabbaths aud their earnings in tho devout
and pious practice of chicken lighting
In passing along near tho public school
housea noise llko bccsswarmlugls heard
< mt on examination It is discovered that
all the pupils study aloud At tho top of
the hill however sllenco reigns snprcmo
and tho classes proceed to recitation Tho
children aro studious and polite to ono
another and easily disciplined aro pro
tected by tho strong arm of tho law
n ulnstcorporealpunUhmont or harsh and
arbitrary rebuke
Tho misery of tho city Is Its hotels or
tho want of them but after going on tho
streets everything else Is forgotten In the
admiration of tho extraordinary beauty
and grace of the ladies their graceful
Ugurcs nugulflccnt eyes gtudy und jet
becoming ilress superlatively dolectable
modo ol salututlon charming embon >
point etc
IU soil scenery and population both
sides of tho river aro about as much
alike as the Siamese twins Tho Mexi
can frontier has a decided advantage In
Its rural police organization than which
no better executive system for tho pro
tection of llfo and property was ever de
vlsed livery alcalde has an executive
olllccr on whom devolves tho duty of
permanently cnrdlllng and commanding
for Immediate strvlce against malefactors
the bravest and ablest dependents hi tho
hacienda These Cossacks have no ten
der mercies and tho wretched Bashi
Bazouk who has enterprise in murder
and robbeiy Is forced to swim tho river
or bo run down llko a mad dog tho chafe
spreading without interruption from
ranch to ranch until the culprit is taken
and killed
The cllmato along tho frontier here is
no less favorable to tho husbandman
than to tho frultfulncss of his toll As
oarly as March tho markets of both those
cities are plentifully supplied with mel
ons green coru and all vegetables known
to a Southern country
In ordinary seasons two crops of corn
can bo harvested between March and Oc
tober and tho great revenuebearing
crops cotton and sugar yield nbuu
Agriculture Is sadly neglected being
conllnid almost exclusively to the Mexi
cans w ho bavo not yet advanced beyond
tho Koman plow and tho Grecian oxyoko
If It bo true that civilization begins and
ends at tho plow It would redound to the
credit of somo alcalde acquainted with
tbo advantages of running his furrows
deep to give them a push ahead by Im
porting somo professor of ono of the
many colleges in tho United States who
are supposed to teach tho science vex
ing old Mother liarth They ought to do
this or something else that would bear
directly on tho agricultural actualities ol
tho nineteenth century
When capitalist farmers como into this
country as thoy purely will their great
object and bonanza will be sugar cane
which In size nnd yield exceeds oven
now that ol British Honduras These
ugar lands easily accessible for the pur
pose of Irrigation embracing nearly
square miles consist mainly of alluvial
loam black and rich that can bo broken
with two good
up to any desirable depth
horses or any other kind of ordlnaty
team These lands aro partial prairie
and partly wooded with metqulte ebony
of lanco wood
and a bcautliul variety
with some chapporel In proof ol the
success attending the culture of this great
revenuebearing crop it will bo necessary
to call in evidence the balanco of last
vcars crop of tho only sugar plantation
of any size on the river bank owned by
Georoo Brulay a Matamoras merchant
who bought a piece of land at 82 p < r acre
and engaged In sugar planting
previous experience Tho last crop
ered 100 acres from which notwithstand
ing the ab ence of anything like economic
of manufacture ho
scientific process
made 204000 pounds of sugar and 1C5000
pounds of molasses Tbo proceeds from
salo of the latter covered all
Including water the Interest on
expenses bis investment in machinery etc Ills
ingar brongbt him eight ccits P p6und
leaving tno courageous
clear profit of 821120 much iwnttm
in Texas accumulates in n
many a farmer of
Ifo time and a Jxmlslana plantation
behind iW MB
the like area falls away
of profit a fact due less to the fertility of
the soil than the cost of labor
The peat rural Industry at present
oal Cat sajj j jjp ov u xi
wholo country Js
carpeted rarclv run
SSVi1 P ° < ft the clnpperel
annually the owe generally producing
r av Uo1Uuhe Mexlcaus usthq
ib roT We blm with cheese tho skin
with leather and tho carcavs with food
The usual prico of an adult Is SI
rom Mawraoras to Tatnplco on tho cult
was a pleasant tall atong tho border of
tho stato of Tamsullpas Tamplco Is
tho chief port on tho coast of this state
and la situated on tho river Tanuco llvo
miles from the gulf and has 10000
plo It Is 216 miles uoith of Vera Cms and
about 100 miles abovo tho great Tnxnan
valloy The bar nt tho cntranco to the
port Is a drawback to navigation and tho
harbor Itself Is not counted as sate In
times of longcontinued storms of heavy
winds Tamplco is tolerably well built
mostly of brick and stone has a custom
house and somo moderately fair public
Our noxt trip was to Vera Cruz which
is tho gulf terminus of the railroad to the
City of Mexico somotimes called In Span
Villa Jllca do la Vera Crnz or the
rich city of tho true citoss It Is nearly
duo east from tho capital about
in a straight line 138 miles Tho popu
lation is hetorogeneous composed ot all
natlonalltcs Tho streets are regularly
laid out and tho town built in the form ot
a crescent or semlcirclo with tho center
facing tho gulf Tho most noted object
In the sea front is the famous castlo ot
San Juan d Ulllo on the Island of the same
name half a mile from tho shore
Tho stylo of architecture of the city Is
decidedly Mexican orMoorlou tho mater
ial being what Is called mbblo masonerv
consisting of small atones covered with
red tiles aud coated with a durablo
cement This city Is distinguished tor Its
numerous churches end sacrod edifices
Includluga lofty cathedral but In tho
Moorish stylo The greatsquare or plaza
has on one sldo tbo courthonso and
prison Monasteries convents and hos
pitals oro sustained by tho Uomlsh church
riiodralnago Is exceedingly bad Tho
surrounding country Is low nnd barren
Tho drinking water is miserable and
renders the place very unhealthy Yellow
fever is usually hero from May to Novem
The harbor as It Is called cannot bo
truly said to exist There Is an open
roadstead between tho shore and tho
castle but thero is no good auchorRgo
aud the port is extremely insecure In tho
presence of the northers which periodic
ally sweep down upon tho city ratslog a
cloud uf dust and stnd from tho shore
and often scudlug tho steamets to sea for
Heretofore that Is in tho early history
of tho country the exports of Vera Cruz
consisted chiefly of gold and silver and
other valuable minerals from tho mines
In the Interior Now thoro l < a small
amount of the precious mouis mnt out of
this port as tho Increase of mints coin
lor homo use what was usually sent
abroad and the advance ot civilization
has had the effect to diversify the homo
production aud the pro ent articles of
export aro coffee sugar flour Indigo
cochineal vanlta jatapu FartapariUa and
pimento and many other pioduUS some
ot which wc tlo not know cither tho
namo or use and all ol them
amounting to seven millions jearly
Tho export to tho United States last jcar
was 9000000 from this port and II wo
had tbb reciprocity treaty ratified It would
bavo been nearly live times that amouut
This city Is far wl bin the tioplcs being
near latitude 1
1roui Vera Cruz the direction of the
road Is u little to tho southwest for n
hundred miles crossing tho Terras Calli
entas or hot lands ot tho coast Tho
first station of any importance niter leav
ing tho coast Is Solldad forty miles In
land Soon alter leaving this city tho
road ascends to tho tablelaud aud pene
trates ono ot tho most beautiful and Inter
esting countries lu tho whole world a re
gion that may bo called the Eden of the
Western hemisphere Nor will those who
bavo seen it say tint this assertion at all
borders on extravagance It Is tho region
of Cordovla where u Confederate colony
settled directly after tho war It em
braces Orazabas moat magnifi
cent valley vvbure perpetual spring
continually rclgna This vnlloj
lies In the shadow of lofty
mountains and tho road winds around the
southern side of the volcano of Orazaba
This is an English built city ot 7000
peoplo and lies directly at tho foot of the
rauge that contalus tho v oleano Is the
capltol of tho district of tho same name
and is fiftyseven miles from Vcta Cruz
In n straight line
Here aro many flne buildings Including
tho cathedral This place lias somcthlug
of a namo for Its manufactories Cotton
woolen nud lcatbor goods aro produced
on quite a largo scale The country
around about this is one of the richest
and moat fertile of any In the republic
Sugar coffee nnd tobacco aro tho princi
pal products especially for tobacco Is
celebrated It Is a tropical and ytt a sa
lubrious country and furnishes tho city
with a largo trade leaving hero the
road makes a deflection to the northwest
thenco nearly south to tbo city of Or
aaba ono of tho flourishing large titles
of Southern Mexico it i in the
western portion of the state of Vera
Cruz contains 20000 peoplo aud Is
twentyflvo miles south of the volcano
To the eastward Is a fine cotton country
Hero cottontobacco aud coarse cloth nro
manufactured Her people are tho most
Industrious of any we have met in tho re
public The peak of Orazaba Is the first
Isndvisible on approaching tho coast
When In a stoto of eruption the top of
the crater nt a distance has theappear
ance of a star on the rlra ot tbo horizon
so great is Its height It Is 17000 feet
hlgb trnncalcd and Its top covered with
eternal snow
Making tbo circuit of the volcano on
the southern sldo tho read veers away to
tho northwest over 100 miles to the town
of Huamanda thenco to Apizo from
which point a branch runs directly south
This Is ono of tho most considerable
cities of Central Mexico having o popu
lation ot 100000 It is situated Yin the
table lands seventysix miles wist of the
capital city It Is it little more than 1000
feet above the sealevel and tor an old
Mexican cltyj has fine architecture
It is ancient aud wealthy and its
inhabitants comprise some of the most
polished society in Mexico In climate it
has no superior us It l > nearly uniform
and springlike Having an abundance of
clear fine water the health of the people
In size nd importancethis
Is Dlice perfect takes rank nrfong tho largest and
U wealthiest of Mexicos cities and owes
much ot tils to tho fact that she has many
manufactories which Inclndo glass tarth
sutwt Ctfarw woolen doth soap and
many other articles Its m > ta nro
always well stocked with tho various pro
dnctions of all the state that lie near
Trom Aptzo juncilon Use road still runs
notihweit to tao town of Apau and from
here makes a long curve crowing the
lake aniltbenco into tho City ot Mexloo
i robably no lino on tho continent pas os
through a grander or more beautiful
country than this
A linn Opimrtmillr
Fotrr VVoiuil Tisx March JJ tfcM
Tho strike Is about to culrolnato and
tbcrctoro 1 proposo to rent tho Mansion
hotel for a term ot llvo years to soma
good reliable hotelman Tho lessee to
buy the fnrnUurc Well lighted rumple
room The offleo Is lighted by electricity
latest improved electric annunciation bell
tho rooms supplied with gas Dining
room is furnished wJth rotary fans water
supplied br city waterworks Good
waterclosou and sowerago con
nections and In fact every conven
ience as near complete as possible
eighty neatly furnished and well ventl
lated rooms located In buildings fronting
Main routth nhd Bus streets These
buildings are built ol saud atone and
brick In connection with the abovo
thero is also ono ot W M Dnnns unique
refrigerators An artlclo almost Indls
pcnsabloto a hotel man Ono thousand
dollars could not purchase it It I could
not obtain another one Tho doors ol
this refrigerator can bo left open without
affecting cither tho lco or the coldnlr
In tho Interior chamber thereby ntaklug
It ono of the most economical refriger
ators In use Call and sen mo
On of Threo Mnx
Iojst WoitTit Tkx March 27 Kdltor
Gazkttk Which shall It bcT Vorcoand
compulsion orarbitration nud concilia
tion How shall tho strlko terminate
Thero nrj only threo ways i Tho men by
force of numbers to compel tho company
to come to terms i tho company by force
ot money and with aid ot starvation to
compel tbo men to submit or both In a
spirit of conciliation to eettlo the ques
tion by mutual concessions nnd amicable
agreement Which shall 11 bo
Tho writer Is not directly Interested In
tho strike Had no voice in its Inaugu
ration True my sympathies aro all with
tho strikers Truo I sincerely bellevo In
tho justice of their cause and did preju
dice alono guide me 1 would wish for the
ond first nanied But ruuou looks be
yond Immediate results Thoru Is n
prlnclplu Involved ns well as the practical
alms In view Hen < had I the nbsoluio
power to decide tho question I would
yet advise the latter mothod arbitra
tion Force may compel submission
but It will uol convince it may lepress
restsunco but It will be uudor protest It
may bring a temporary truce not a per
manent peace At nest It Is a form ot
tyranny whathor by tho few or by the
A vlctoiy of foico by tho strikers would
In tbo uttlmatu be worse than a temporary
defeat They ha to justice on their sldo
and flnal success Is a meru question of
tlmo The Very bungling of their starting
only proves the strength of their con
sciousness of being In the light Ovur
couildence In tho strength of tlmt juxtlco
to conquer Success legardless of prep
aration or condition has boon so fir their
greatest stumbllbg block 1 ranted u vic
tory by forco now and overconfidence
would bo their greatest burden in thu fu
On thu other hand let tbo mlUoads win
this contest by forco let them refuse to
recognize and reason with their employes
let them arrogantly nssuuiu to act tho ar
bitrary dictators to labor and leluso to
arbltrato tho differences between them
aud conquci by ruthless icpresslon
yes It would be a victory In form but
a defeat terrlbla nnd crushing m effect
It would sound tho deathknell of corpora
tion rulo on tho continent Thts Is not
a threatbut n prediction Let them forco
tho Issue challengu fatu and tlmo will
rotllzo It I wnt with a full nud deliber
ate conception of tho Import of tho words
and a full nppruhcnslou of tho facts
Thero Is aroused todny aud abroad n
spirit a principle that will not down n
spirit that is growing In Intensity In
eleatness In volume a spirit which will
not permit any power Individual or cor
porate to ride roughshod over the rights
ot manhood From mine farm and fac
tory from cottage and liuul among
workers manual and mental tho aspira
tion Is strnggling for utterance more or
less distinct more or less emphatic that
now and for evermore mauhuod must be
recognized and labor respected No in
timidation can run counter to that prin
ciple and live no corporation can Ignore
it and exist no matt can tiamplo upon It
and prosper
It will not do to judge if tho future by
the experience of tbo past Tho present
conditions novcr existed lu tho history
of humanity Tho outlook Is ns unique
as It is magnificently prophetic of tho
progress of the race Never before was
tho identity of intirest of all tollers so
clearly understood or the solidarity of
labor so definitely outlined To tho
wrongdoer and the tyrant this should bo
warning as well a an appeal No
rude rough hands aro necessary to right
the wrongs ol the future Intelligence
and civilization will eliminate and sup
press the vicious the villainous and the
Another reason why arbitration is par
ticularly desirable In this present strikoi
The business men have to a certain ex
tent taken sides In this contest A con
clusion of forco would Invoivo anlullnlty
of feeling artd reprisal damaging to them
aud to be prevented If possible I am
not now expressing any opinion on tho
course they saw fit to take I am In this
uivlng the facts They aro to that extent
involved and it l to their Interest to
have peace aud conciliation established
all around
Shall peace prevail M J Noiak
Try just on
Duy a package ot Silver IVoaf and give
It a fair trial If you do this you will
oorcr regret It How many disastrous
failures In making bread cuso troublous
vexation In the household This can all
be obviated by a trial of Silver Loaf J
H Brown guarantees it purity strength
and efficiency
Jnstly Mcrlleil
The reputation of E Wlrovlno8 fresh
roasted coffee Is rapidly coming to tbe
front It Is a wellknown fact he has tbe
best patent powerroaster in the state
and selects as his standard coffees tho
choicest Itlos Santos O Javas and
Mochas bought of first hands In quan
tities to meet competition Onca tried
will convince you of lu superior merit
Call at the Kort Worth Tea Store 203
Main street
B V7 rnovisr Proprietor
cao ao
All Kinris of Hard Wood Poplar and Cypres
31 XT 3MC IS 3S3 3RL
Houto Paints
and Clay
Alt Lumber anil Bulldln Mat rl KUndr Shed
ltntioou btttlrri DonuK lu Umml fitimnKr
lntll M nnUr l Tftlk
Oomuponaemce ot th Uatette
WiNMHnono Tnx March 25 Busi
ness has settled down to Us usual sum
mer dullucM already aud ono can hardly
tell It tho sttlko Is affecting us axccpUor
the encrgctio kicking ot tho Kasttlno
men who aro not in tho tflrtko only as
forced to bo so by tho shutting off of
freight on connecting lines Some aro
complaining Itmtllyot tho uselessncss of
tho strlko aMvcllasot IU damaging effect
upon railroad business tit Texas Ills
safe to say that thero would havobeen
many a thousand miles of road built lu
Texas tho present year had It not been for
tho strlko But it Is now fearod tlat
tho half will not bo done becauilewltli
euoh a prospect before them capitalists
will bo chary about Investing their money
where thoy cannot control it TbUitho
strike becomes n boomerang that hurts
all connected w ith It Freight trains run
oil this wad whenever they can tlud any
thing to do although they only mnko two
or threo tilps dntlng the week on account
ot the lick ot business
The arls Marshall road over which
such n flurry wan created n short tlmo
ago Is very quiet now Our pooplo In
tend to bo ready to hi lug It this way
whenever nUlrotul mattersTuvlvohgaln
A petition was in circulation hero to
day asking the appointment ot Mr Wil
liams of Tyler m district attorney In the
place of Mr Hart who gave ltoutthathe
wos going to icslgn Mr Kllgoro of
Wills lotnt wa also an applicant Mr
Hart has rtoonsldered his matter how
ever and sluco thero vvna nbuultn bo
some feeling grow out ot the matter has
diclded to withdraw bin resignation Mr
Hart has made an nooeptable oltleor and
Ihlu movement will moot the approval of
his friends
Notwithstanding tho dull times Wlnns
boro continues to Improve In a
substantial way Several handsome pri
vate residence have been put up lu the
past tew months white others are In uon
UitnplaUon some ot them maduncceesiry
by Ulo numerous marriages now on tho
The Irrepressible llm Cookwhoswuarn
by Tint Gazktth ond will take no othuri
Is still on deck and looming tit to kill
Jlm knows a good thing nud is1holding
down Wlnnsboixt for nil tlmo to cumc
Tlio finest Hntorn lu Hie Win Id
At Andoirtons gun store
iii I IB
Niitliuml Hunk A IlmirUliIng Oolleao
lollllcnl Tn Ik
Uorrotpondenrouf the OniAtto
Suinttrit Siiunos T x March 28
Tlio Itrst National bank of Sulphur
Spring was orgnnlzid on tho 17th Inst
with the following named gentlemen ns
HtockholdoiHi J U Wliltvvuitb Ihll
toscuo II I Iioscuu li 1 lnlton Max
Vesner nnd Capi Ho Loach Tho bank
officers aro J I Whltvvorthprv ldenti
lhll Kosciii cashier These gentlemen
are all amon our most substantial busl
uons men and a successful career Is pre
dicted tor the new bank lly Die way
this Is tbo only national bank between
Tyler and Iarls und Ofronvlllo and Tex
Tho college ntider tho management of
Irof J W AdKlnson is bringing Sulphur
Springs to tho front ns an i dutatunul
point Tho college has now 100 regular
attendants of whom sixty ato from
Tho artlclo in Tiik GASMrrn somo time
ago railing attention to tho > OHlbllItIc
and probabilities of n railroad from Tort
Worth lu this direction has attracted
considerable attention among our people
aud ffouovrr It If thought advisable to
makun move they will bo found ready to
take hold ot thu enterprise In a sub
suiitlal way Tho Central railroad
which runs to Within sixteen miles of
Greenville now having Hobcrts for ItM
terminus bns been making somo effort
looking toward coming to this K > lut
Tlio Kanncrs alliance hold u mealing
hero ou tho 2d of April for tho puiposo
oli sending delegates to Dallas ou the
Oth of that month for the purpose of con
slderlng tho bojeott question In which
some of tho alliances have taken stock
along with the Knights of Labor It Is
hinted that tho county meeting will also
cousldcr tho matter of county officers for
tho ensuing Uirms lucldentally ot course
Whether this is truo or whether It
has Its origin only In thu fears of roniu
candidate remains to bo Utn One
straw however which polulM to tho fact
that while tho alliance may not design
putting anything like a ticket in the
Hold their leading man In this
county is out for tho legislature
and in other counties that wo wot of
there aro many of tho lending men of tho
alliance thoso who havu borne the heat
and harden ot its Incubation who aro
offering for county offices and not all for
tbe same olllce cither
Dr latton who has4 been sick fur
some tlmo past Is up again and al
though in feeble health yet it is to be
hoi > ed ho will regain his wonted vigor
The Garrison house Is headquarters
for tho traveling men who coutlnuo to
look to Tin Gazkttu for their hews aud
views the same as of yore nowlthstand
Ing etci etc
fnnii Lamps
Cheap cheap at JUetza TenCent store
Get yon one
Frsik Vegetable
Itecelred dally such aa beets carrots
lettuce spinach tomatoes cucumbers
raddlshcs celery and parsnips Catl
early for your selections
Tort Worth Groom Co
H W HARRY BRO 707 Mala Streot
lZ JlS CM7n iftf VnIronTtn ruto8li t m1 UlrontMxl iron wVlai
w 0 noi
nalcil In Hockley county
belnx surveys Not SJ 404
rjtllK Ho i ir lnt lilKfn5e anaSKKWulfreeM
< ° c l l r evw poatofflca toom K
MfWW JJiM urnlrteil with
reliable hdi tlelh m lo tart fcmnlo All o
jc yHlwtJr itemle to Tvltnooue Iio Ill
J V tlnjrnn Itoprlotor
JL vrtnAVanlclwillauontl Mailorder tor
help free of chat > < i at Mi M u meet t twA ii
Wshlli ami hlntli Uo l vtn ft Daniel Hell
V R > e H > a niit tC Xpny
W ASthA fntclllgdui MrneiV CalEoTo
mV J ° VI < e ciH n Urno mmailbtn
Uarriar street hen ift hUonn locality n <
ouulilo Hrgt oltlM A remutitrHlto ulntj t <
f A tKf > M i to ell our kvo3 nTWrfiTiri
am tiiljolnlnit couiilloi mil i > y kooi
r > iidillCMMMic Vrrlw for term ami
offilnryMMvtOl siosn too Manuructur
rr Joorga viol Cincinnati Olilo
jrANTUlt 1ha MiMoutl Padua TtiT
> t cvmiiany t vreparod tn furnifth employ
Ueon raid li t >
inn < hlul i carpenter
oar te > Mrnr car clfdncrs cnRlno wlpnfr
yardman twitehnmn traeUnvn anil lnl > orotnt
61 Uhu Mo an J other utttlnn on lla line
Mood ami coinpeliml men wilt lmeini > lo > i < < for
the nervine ilnno n oinil without tifmnoa1
to their nttl or pre ant relation to Hit mm
paiiyortlielr eanneclliin with any society or
uiganlralton mien secret rroulitr er oilier
vvl e Much A aro accepted will t > paid tho
mt of wage rcoommonded l > y tho mivernor
nm oilier lMo ofttclttlant Mlxourl anil Kan
Mvrlioii tliolnlior Itouhloln Mdreli if wern
adn teil tlio him aa lute y thla
cOniiAuy since that dalo Apply 1u > It K 8lu
loyimpo Ttnlonilont H onrl VaclflO
uciiaiio Mo It il rioitilnjf Dupetlotomlenl
ft lfliilsIron Mountain A Houihcm rallwn
811ouls Mo A VV ltuktn on snperlntend
cm termini faclllltos Unlmi
depolfit lxinls
Jolin ModRes mauler cat builder Missouri
Iaclflo shops fit Umls I llorvloll uunlrt
ne lianlo Mlssottrl Ianlrto shops St Lanls 1
llrnln iipeilulonden lalesiliin Toitt W
UlArVo master meolianlo Uonlson To VV
w Kmau sniierlntendoot AtclitsonHsatnr
to tue unueutfitnvd
lenersl Hujierintiyidin i
WASH15UA position a much maiiiKsTVy
A wan with twonty years epcrlon o In
toy stool raising biulunso AdJreea W H9
Hits ollieij
rL t xfssenssrjjjs
roit HAiititvKnriioK
l Olt fiAtR TindlvldoVl Jiaff liiterusTrri K
X stock farm lour iiillns frnm Iort Worth
wnolo tiuotiiil In toad dairy 79 stock cattl lit
lino Jerseys farming oullil M y tonus ou
farm and Jctiovs cash on person urnperty
Api > JyjiiJ A Wilsons urorery 7U J llouslon
it OilllVi
invoyanr o fnmlsliod
1UNT rutnUhoit rooms imlUtlo tor
tiousoXeeplnR or bed rooms at tCJ ltssk
HflirTtim rrTTOrux > oomr ririoTr3
L1 10H Taylor street
jTTJH mifil yii tnlsLuJ rooms atWI
Usui VYeatlieiford street J M
1 AointftKl liusTners iou iie iiovrT ai lHi JOi >
1 sooth sldo uiull siuaroi also uloa room
oversaiiio sullaklofor oOlep vto Apply lu J
M Hartsdcld runrl linuio
water elKlily nations lirr minute soft a
rainwater nlilto sulpliilrmaaneslaani sods
ilia bed lisihlnir watt r In tlio slate It insyta
usixlasnt llotbpilnRS drutil liot while bath
Ing Hlnolo ttokols lj ctinu nvo tlokels i
Mnrklo A linymiilicr piopiltilors nurlhtresl
oomur putillo square
O u milneoTSheieiTTeal
lu estate iii elty or conntry on loimorshod
tlmo to suit tlio conveulonronf harrotvors and
upon reasonable inles Vendors lien note
imtjutlnUdi Apply to It I OAKUWIC atlor
tteyallair Fort vvortli Tax Ha W curnor
Mm slroetand ItililloHiiuar
fIWAJ SltvLtK gcB fM7atra aiTooT
V lection aHenta tor the IanhaDdlo of
I oib Tn co To x
j inaroitvir mam iiiocDrtiirpnT
tlrlan oOloo Idl east Third strcol up
stairs opposite opera tiouso onko hour ll
a in to 3 p in llesldenro SIS Jlroadwar cj > r
ticrfie IjiiiIs nvenut Mouth tJldo JanKlectrld
teleplionoat ipddeucn
ivf wrw iioin7riwmooTanrisT ifc
JmSlnln slrttot opnosllo poswmee tloarsi
V to 10 m J 30 to 4 and 7 to S p m Huodsys
II Ml Itosldoiicuthird street corner Itutk
Telophono uinneellnns
jr fOTKrtor Vfinra Aftomoy at TUT
IX MontaguoTeins Kpeclal attention Iron
to land nnd commercial Initiation
TiTiniflljV atlornoy si isw and innd
J j agent Clay county Henrietta Tor
onion In Bonit houto
KS V ImiNKU A Or Vwrtr andIn3
B ttKonts Vernon Wilbarger wonly Teios
render land and pay taxis furnish abstracts
ot ami perfect titles buy sail redaam and rep
resent owners of real estato Ilsro complain
abstracts to Wilbarger liar < leman VVIcblts
Knox Jlajlor and Arcbor counties lRnd III
m n sjicclalty
f tWjiVrMiTEiT a rwitu Atwnioys i
ijjwSAn Marcos Insm
I aV1S IiKaIJA ltOuKlWAttonies aa
IJ Counselors at Uir Orcr fort VVarth Ma
Tonal hsnlf Msln struct fort Worrh To
lllds will he reeelted by tbo comroluloners
court ottlavrilck county Jcxfts tor the sale
or lease of threo and onu hair Ie joc lja
acres of Marerlra county s < hoot lands sll
and part of 4I bids
to bo for ellberioaso or nala Hid fur lease to
state number of years bids for sale to bo for
cash or on tlion not eicuedlni twenty years
wltli Interest at not less thsu six per cent
per cent per annum payabln In advene
Kacli bid must bo accompanied with a forfeit of
flro hundred dollars for JsHlifttl perfprmanco
ot contract In caso bid Is accepted At bid to
In DM with tho ondursUned on or before II
onlock mo second Monday of May noxt
whoii said bids will hi opoaod The court re
serve tho rUbt to reject any and all bid
Joan ty Judge Marcrlek i3o Ksgle lsss Toxss
This tih dsv of rsiliruanr H
Vatm iuwdtr
Pure baking powders are ono ot tbe
chief olds to tho cook in preparing per
feet and wholesome food and the house
wife will do well to ho on her guard
against baking powder tramps Hllrer
Loaf Baking iowder is never peddled
from honso to house as the manufactur
ing cstabllshmmt ot J II Drown I
taxed to Its uttermost to supply the de
mands that como through legitimate chan
tv >