But Evorythlng Romarkablo for Us
Evory houao In this city has Fmbroid
cries and too they claim to sell them
lay trot perhaps MANQUM MONT
GOMERYS sales of Embroideries for
the past Wock will exceed the combined
Bales n this line of nil tbo other bouses
In Fort Worth Well why Is tbls so
Because wo carry the most completo
Because wo know whoro When ond
liofltloboy these Roods
Mecnuso such Information Is good cap
ital In this lino of business
Bccanso wo havo thorn In match sots
Jrom 1 Inch to 40 Inches wide
Ilccauso wo arc Belling thum ot a vory
fmiall margin on tbo ordinal cost
The dainty Nainsook and Swiss Edges
With Iusortlons to match fairly sparkle
in their loveliness Wo aro showing a
beautiful Uno of theso goods at S 8 I 5
C 7 10c up to iSOO per yard
Wo havo a lino assortment of Irish
Point Embroideries In Flounclnss All
Overs Tnpertlons and Edges to match
Itevcorlnga Tucking and Allover
Embroideries In great variety at populur
xThls department contains a urD > us
flortincnt of nil tho newest designs of ior
clgnau d domestic manufacture Tbo nr
ayqf these goods which woprestnt to
tbo people Is Indeed very brilliant and
flashes upon ono ns do diamonds Wo
call special nttentlon to our Importation
of Torchon Luces beginning with a beau
tiful design nt 16c per dozen and ranging
all U10 way up to 900 per down
Chantllly Kscurial Guipure Spanish
Orlcutal ntui Egyptian Lace in whlto
cream bclgo and black In 21 6 IS nnd
it Inch Flounclngs with Allovera to
fcOur stock of Locos Is certainly tho
largest in tho state and ourprlccs aru be
yond tho reach of competition
White Goods
The rarloty otforcd horo Is Immcnso
Consisting of Dotted Swisses lllshop
Lawns Victoria Lawns India Llnous
India Thread Cambilc Iewlan Lawns
In whlto cream pink bluo and black
1mich Mull In whlto and colors plain
nnd checked Nainsooks striped and plaid
Cabin Cord Swiss Irish Fronting Linens
figured Linen Lawus Organdies and
Chcesi Cloth lu reds pinks blues creams
cud white
Linens and House Fur
nishing Goods
Dlcsclicd and cream Damask at prices
to please tho pooplo Elegant Turkey
lied Damask bleached Table Cloths with
Napkins to match Towels and Toweling
In overy possible grade Linen and cot
ton Diaper Checked Linens In all
grade for boys waists and shirts
This mammoth stock ot Linens will bo
found perfect lu Its every dutall There
Is nothing llku It In this matket Dont
think of buying n yard ot theso goods
until you havo examined our stock
lute fcs
lu Uils stock wo am presenting tho
people superb bargains of a startling
nature On tomorrow morning Wo shall
begin an extraordinary sale of tho entire
atockot an Insolvcut Now Yoik Qlovo
manufacturer and Importer and this stock
certainly challenges the attention of ovory
onu hbttllag kucu goods Tho old adago
iHtltat competition Is tho llfo ol trade
IituUnthls department wo kill competi
tion with slaughtering prices
Two thousand pair of ladles Frctich
Kid Gloves in tans browns beiges
wines blacks aud ecru s s t to 8
worth every cent Of 9100 per pair but
under our low prlco system wo shall
mark them In plain figures only 2Sc
In addition to theso wo havo a full lino
of Fosters Alexanders and other well
known brands in 4 G and 12 button nnd
5 7 and 12 book lengths 111 Spring shades
to match tho leading styles of dress
goods Prices correct
This extraordinary salu will also In
cludo 1000 pairs French Mosquetalrc 12
button length Kid Gloves In tans
browns and beiges worth 92CO our
prlco will bo only 75c per pair
1000 pair ladles Lieu Mitts In pinks
creams blues tans and blacks at 20c
per pair
400 pairs Indies extra length pnro silk
Mitts In opera shades and blacks worth
at any other storo In Texas 75c but our
prlco will be 35c
1000 pairs extra length suporflno silk
Mitts In all shades usual prlco 100
our prlco will bo 40c
Splomlld stock of Infants childrens
misses and ladles silk and Uslu thread
Qlovos from 10a up to 92 00
200 pairs ladles silk glorcs at 250
per pair
1000 pairs ladles lisle thread dlovcfi
usual pneo 25o our price only 10c
100 pairs ladles extra quality lisle
thread Gloves worth elsewhere 40c our
prlco 15c
Our Glove department has created a
sensation In Fort Worth and It shall not
bo abated until every hand In Toxas shall
hava beoo gloved by us
Wo carry tlit largost stock of those
goods of any houo lu Texas aud our
prkes uro indestf very attractive We
nra selling an extra quality ladles silk
Ifoue lit blacks amroponi shades at 4100
per pair
The ladles all tell us that our full reg
ular made Ingrain Hose at 25c aro tho
best goods for tho money ever scon lu
Ininnts children and misses silk and
lisle thread Ilosa at all prites
Childrens school Hosiery a specialty
AU10 a completo Una ot nuns and boys
Host at prices to ploitso the most exoot
Our stock of 1ivrnsols form a special
feature ot our business ot which wo are
very proud Our sales in this line lmvu
been enormous ami jet our stock Id kept
complelu by tho manufacturers shipping
us dally the latest novoltles that thuy
Tho Manroaquo and tho Mikado
which aro 10 popular this season aro
found in Fort Worth only In our stores
They combine grace beauty and utility
nnd aro Justly the leading styles ol thla
Spring aud Summer Wo aro showing a
special number of tho
mado of suporflno quality of satin with
silk linings trimmed wttn Spanish laces
block brown betgo and cream solid
sticks and paragon frame at 9500
Wo also call special attention to tbo
Mnuresquo trimmed wlto ltosary
wooden beads aud woodeu pendants
This Is quite a novel style nnd Is very
popular Prices from 760 to 81850
Ladles Manilla nuihalr and silk um
brellas at 11U prices
Misses and childrens Parasols and
school Umbrellas from tho cheapest to
tho llncst grado mado
O110 lot of woolen Tnecdsfor 25o yards
jubt tho thing for boys Summer wear
Ono lot of woolen Trvooda for 35c for
nuns and boys wear
Ono lot of pure all wool Casslmcros
real value 100 per yard In any storo In
Texas but under our low prlco system
WO shall mak tit am only 80o
Fort Worth
Tlxart J3irtdLs tlxe Volume of tlxe Wejelfc
New York
That Binds the Volume of the Week
And the goodsized volume of business which was bound to
gctlier in our mnmmoth stores during the past week is proof
positive Unit onr rude is to be of immense magnitude and
we huvc propured for the emergency by duplicating many of
our recent purchases by express which arrived yesterday in
large quantities
Wo always deal with the people in nn open and frank
manner naming to them but one price and that price the
very lowest known to the mo8tcxpcriciiccd buyer
Wo aim to do our best for our customers that we may
lully deserve a patronage so marvelously large that it may be
truly called phenomenal
Notwithstanding the excellent trade of tho past week it
will bo but a mere shadow of the crowds yet to come for it
is our ambition to make tho next six days a memorable week
in the history of tho dry goods trade of Tuxus And why
shouldnt we
Our present display in orrery department throughout our
entire stores represents tho best efforts over mado in this
eity to servo a liberal and an appreciative public
An intelligent and an impartial examination of our mag
nificent stores Avith their matchless stock of lovely Spring
goods will ocularly demonstrate that tho veryincarnation of
concentrated thought and tastin tho art of merchimdisinir
cjmi be witnessed in all its glory at our popular establish
ment The econo will be wonderfully beautiful and pleasant
to > behold
Whonovor you hear a merchant complaining that huis not
receiving his sbaro of tho trade you may rest assured of the
fact that the reason why ho does not get it is that he does
not deserve it As rule
iugeneral and of course there are
exceptions to it people pass for all that they are worth and
receive all they deserve Our motto is to merit tho patron
age of the people and leave the rusult with them
There are stores of every sizeand condition in this city
Somo are overgrown and filled with goods adapted to the
past ages and actually boast of their initiquity while others
aro of dimensions not quite so great and
nice goods
but their prices are
Our stores ar < y well lighted indeed
equipped dry goods stores in tho groat
strange but nevertheless true that they
really show some
than Comanche
they are the
tho only
goods salesrooms in the great metropolis of Toxas that are
painted white on the interior and why i this so Well
just ask any expert dry goods man and he will toll you that
it is an idea that nearly all tho merchants indulge in that
dark stores enhance the chances of makingsales Ourex
porienco and observation refutes this theory Our stores
aro crowded with eager purchasers six days in every wooic
and they fully approve our plan of giving them plenty
No waiting for
slow process of delivering good
use Lameons Automatic Gash Railway
Tolophone connection with over three hundred Iioilsos
in this city
Now Here Aro Wonderful Bargains
for the People I
In this lino of goods It has been and Is
today tho custom for tho merchants to
demand of tho people very long prices
but wo aro determined to regulate this
matter by placing beforo tho public first
class goods at prices that shall force com
petitors to treat the people right
Head tho prices carefully and then come
and call for tho goods
100 dozeu mens unlanndered Shirts
3ply reinforced linen front with linen
neck bands made of tho celebrated New
Vork Mills Domestic full size double
stitched firstclass iu every particular
worth In any storo in Texas 100 but to
regulate tho Shirt business upon Us
proper basis wo huve marked them in
plain figures 50c
100 doztn mens unlaundercd Shirts
continuous facing back and front rein
forced 4ply llucn bosom and neck band
triple stitched and handworked button
holes mado ot Wamsutta Domestic
worth iu any other store In this city 123
our prlco shall be only 75c
In addition to these wa have a mag
nificent Hue of mens and boyslaundered
Shirts In plain whlto and fancy percale
In all prices from 60c to 3C0O
We carry a full lino of tho celebrated
Karl Wilsons Collars and Cuffs at
Now York prices
Hero U Good News for tfio Boys and
Oollghtful Information for
tho Mothers
i 5 dozon bojs Tercalo Waists worth
05c but our price will bo 35c
25 dozen boys French Cheviot Bicycle
Waists wortb 5c our price 10c
25 dozon solid bluo Cheviot WaUts
usual price 7 c oUr price 60e
10 dozen boys superfine wnlto plait
bosom watstsf very best grade made
usual prlco 150 our price will bo 100
Also a f nil line of boys French lercalo
and Flannel Waists at 75o 100 and
50 dozeu Pants for boys from 4 to 10
years of age mado of imported all wool
Casslmeres worth 225 our price will
bo 100 Tlicse goods 6anaot be du
plicated at this price aud wo vould ad
vise all who need theso goods to make
their purchases of us immediately
Whenever you need boys Shirts Waists
or Collars dont forget that wo carry the
best stock iu tho state
On > tomorrow morning wo will place on
sale an Immense assortment ot new and
seasonable goods in every department
fresh from the Now York Importers
The priceswill bo specially attractive
audi the styles will be elegant in every
Wo intend fo mako otirhouso tho
boat place for consumers ofc dry goods
tcoblain the bebt value for tho least
monoy We bought heavily for tho
Spring trade and many ot our goods
were greaCy delayed la transit by reason
cf > the blociade caused by < th strikes and
lu order to reduce this enormous stocks
we shall same prlaeB that cannot ba
aiathecd oist where la ilia state
Scan our prices carefully and visit oar
establishment where wo shall take graat
pleasuro lu showlugyouthe goods
20 plecxsEttamlnes In blacks miw
browns tans boljes whites and ccrues
at 10c paryard
20 places Caiuas Gloth In browns
blacks navlo blues whites tans and
creams st 16c per yar
20 pieces Ilouclo Glotb In tans brawns
garnet naviesblacks crnes andaaams
20c pan yard
10 pieces Bouclo Strlpo Ettamlnes lu
navUs tans garnets ecrues creams and
blacks at 20
13plcces NunsYelling leadinjshadcs
at 10c per yard
20 pieces Flaid Kttnmlues lcnew and
beautiful combinations at 16c p or yard
10 pieces llrocado Canvas Cloth in
weaui pink light blue tan nad black at
15o per yard
G pieces Httamlno and Molra Stripes
in all the loading shades at only W
pei yard
20 pieces donblewidtU Cashmoro In
navies garnets browns tans beiges and
blacks at 15o per yanl
12 pIqcor doublewidth Armuro Olath
tn all tho leading shades ut only 0o
per yard
0 pieces doublcwldth
brown act gray
DoBego Mixtures at 2 < v worth fully 10c
per yard
6 pieces 4Clnch ionic iacc Suitings
worth 75c our price will htioo per yard
4 pieces 40inch Brocado Canvaa Cloth
worth 76c our prlco will bo Wo per yard
27 pieces puro alt wool 4Wuch Alba
tross Cloth in tans ccrues uarles
crcarm whites baby blues and jihtks
usual rrlce fie our price will to 50c
SO pieces puro all wool doubibwlcttu
French Cashmeres worth 76c ouv price
will be 6Cc
AVo call special attention to our stock
of black Cashmeres We positively auaiv
antee them to bo f oat colors nnd In every
respect to glvo entlw satisfaction to tho
wearer lrfccs on thci will bo vary
Wo havo an excellent line of woohni
Dress Hobcs with plaiiran striped Vci >
vet effects at ftom 500to J500 each
Wo havo a splendid lino ol 1lack
goods conslsttus of SIP Warp Henrietta
Cloth Tamlse Albatross Ettamlne
Dtcgonals and other itylcs at correct
10 pieces lovely Summer SHU at 35c
par yard
10 pieces plaid and 6triped Summer
Silks at 50c per yard
A lovely lot of evening colors in Bro
cado Silks with Surahs to match
stock of Silks has taken tho town by
25 pieces Surah Silks In nil shades
warranted to bo as good as thoso that
manyofourcorapetltora pro advertising
as GIUUT BAltGAINS at 125 but
under our low price system wo shall
mark them In plain figures 100
5 pieces excellent quality black Qroo
Grain Silks at 60c
5 pieces black Gros Grain Silks at 05c
Horo is something never hosrd of
before in Toxas
C pieces Gulnets celebrated blacli
Gros Qrliu Silks at 75c
3 pieces cstrn quality Gulnets alack
Gros Grain Silks at 90c per yard
15 pieces superior quality blacH and
coloied Silks excellent value for tho
moneyy at ttC0 125 15 V 175 00j
225 > 250and 27B
A grand array of Satin Duchess plain
Satins Satin Khadames brocaded Silks
striped Sntins in every possible
shade and giade prices exactly ilghti
SCO pieces beautiful figured Lawns
combination price 5c our prlco 8ic
330 pieces Lawns superior quality
from 6c up toKc
200 pieces beautiful plaid Dress Ging
hams cow cclors and desirablu shades
combination prlco 10c oujvprlco will
be 94c
100 pieces estra quality surerflno
Gingham at 0 and 124cworth from
12i to 20c
25 pieces flgured Sateens with solid1
colors to mat h onr prlco only 15sx
tu pieces French Sateeno In 2gure
solid colors to match at 25c
200 pieces Crinkle Ginghams Seer
suckers Toile do Notrs Chorabrays
Batistes FaDlUc Lawns and Organdies
Winning prices
nte playing hnvoc with tho combination
prices in Fort Worth Jast got a ft
glhle ptislt on on Houston street niid
watch tho stream of delighted people
Dour iu nndout of Mongam Montgom
erys great dry goods stores It is in
deed a sight worth seeing
lho cholecst styles and tho latest
hhapes 1 New and lovly trltamlngs All
the comjct Ideas oi tho oeusonl Exr
qulslto gcms in 110 sbapo of lovelu Bon
nets nnJbonutlful Hcts
No exorbitant pracs asked for goods
n this dspartment Like everythloe else
rnTaain t1 1 ftwes only alefJMmate
profit demanded bj us No such MI1H
1ortVifortb JCverj Bcnnet mid Hat
lm nJod by < MiWacrs And tamed out
ounostabllsbmciit is 0 sonsplcnmis ad
Mrw Wo hava an endless variety of
thcs coortH awl
anythina not
the MllllBcry 1 thte bwincss 00k d0M Occsionally ot b L to
have1 a call lor somo wo
styles that wt ro n
vogue last season and of coarse cannot
supply such demands but when V
toaer wants tho
mort popGla
tha mM of
season n8 can always meet their re
CUlreinents by showlagthenTthrough
Mrwb Rtnek AVo have In aU Qualities
tTn ih mi lmorc th0 tn Obor
Lovxdy yrench Slowurs
Fcathcsrs and liibbons
Beaded Crowns
Jet and Straw Hace
houso west of ths rwi
thus far wo are PJ
the reanltolOT effort
> f
Our Suby Corsets rlrfT
aud pojffcUy made
dcrfully cheap 1
Our V71ndsor Corseti
Blderedo rfestg ra
really cheap at
keep fait iZ
selling tho markrtandT J
French woven Corsetsiti
00 and flCOxiach l
Time is Monet
Tor Ititcen years Thnmi i
Fitting C6rs rha 0T 8h
0 8
favor with tholadles till S
thumost popular CctmIsiS
ttuieb They mlFjff
construction and so adnirhi
naturesmodel that
Ugnro A the
bltrto thoso desiring a pcHS
dtrrablo Corset tf0
SateensFrench Coutllo utf
and blacks from SrXJO
Up fa 1
Zephyr Weight Ventilated
tietE prlco 100
Drv Warners misses
si zes
Warners Coralino Cam
This Is by Ut the 2
St00 Corset
over prodntci
nl acturors ot this Corset srcn
t 4000
ou nearly perdayenaa
f01 them Is still lucreasfcR
i 0 dozen Dr Warners Htiftr
Thl s Corset Is sure to glre akJ
cell eut form The strspsaadw
pon Ing pins can bo reamed u
pref ers
20 dozen Dr WarnerM
sets This corset Is tho del
moth er
Nearly every tuvat
Corst ts has attempted to I
Corse t but without success m
with t ornHne has ehealder 6
skirts upportlug ping andajtts
loosclj as may bo desired trio
perfect fora and enable tiett
carry her skirt suspended I
shoulde rs
3 don en Dr Warners flu
Corsets This Corset is cote
tho anali gy of the bumasWS
upon tlio sales passing ife
nround tl le body and is yna
feet case
10 dozen Dr Warnei9lW
Corsets TltoCorsetlsaipa
with many ladles as It lsjhtf
hips but Ions in front tbtit
lighter and more flexible ttu
nary Corset
18 dozen Dr Wamerjl
domJnal Cofscts This doftii
ot steel of tho ordinary le3jttt
estendlng btilow the steel i > ft
two to three inches NcaM > ti
each side an olasiic ggra
which combines the snppwro
domlnal Qorstt with Ui4 tei
fftedomof mcvemeat trfcinS
ordinary length
A magnificent line of hdi
Dres3es ChombcsCpcsetftifB
etc from low priced goo It
goods manufactured
Also ladles end chllc ireVifi
and gauze underwear
Ovations of ho most ids
acter rendered daily to ever 4
in our immense establlshntsl
From tho wuyuhe otdemot
aidifltance it is very evioW
goods and prices are rajiiHi
reputation all over the Mutt
A lovely lino of Dress Wis
received lncludias DaVR
Clusps Silk Wooden aciJttf
Pendants AujberGlmpt
with Buttons oad OlaJfalt
great variety Prices Uw
Lovely Hndberchiefj > K
handsome Collars
Here is SoitMfilrt
lively Lace Bouat
NorwatuljMmil other jrctty w
arc exqu3lteiy madcj and wj
them voiy wpldly We
come lu aud see them
Wo work lor the toIusH
and nctj for long prices F a
gains to aid who buy of
mean tliatwowiltrelucUW
ccinmaiid W
galntvat your
glvo to tho pecjla their F
PoTfuoti and pollts trcato
all who enter ocr doors
Our salesmen are w1
obliging our prices art
styles of Spring gow i
Tharo aro maay stores Ja P
everybody is In bad tWDM jg
vdslt our establlshinentiou
filled with < w
M Is always
tumors and tills ennjhUi f
Mr C A IlSTEn SUkS S 1
Mr A
MrlII AIDnrrin a
anrt Stnrt
Mr OKO y lit
UnUtrwcar and Coriel
i lfe
1 0rat
bible i
Hu > a
ii vcr
i D
O Vb
i Stlae
f ld
a t