OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 15, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-05-15/ed-1/seq-2/

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tfally c
n mow
Iwdllbjil i
flllo K I
ant I
Match 7
tt Worth
ov6 tonl
n Wort
t J m
tt Wottrf
clmrno I
t VTottf
nsr solid
Via Tor
iflapli t
JM >
Y i I
oVlnjIbjS l
8 Jono f
Ti Mays > I
ip Tnylo f
J1 to J
JSttil t KitSf6H i TBAIkBC0 cottonyardU
vv l U H WiV for Fort Worth as well as tho abigtbloar
ct lm S < loion
it iiilJ 0 s > J ° b on msnaeor
Kt nlt Homey maniiKor
WII l K uouoJ < Olonn mnnnjor
Oil thf conduct of other Journals
gy tho listless
Democracy of Texas
A state will
a population of
nearly or
It up
i rrttlence 01
WMttn J l w ovor to
j SlWS o T ° n o thoso tw ° owo
tho convention i
Darklantern campalgnslet
tor than darklantcrn no > at
cbncernlog the public Inter not
worthy of being dono in thl not
UDUCCenta 1 n Pnn111 t
wlU bo tenfold moro accenhem
than tho man who
through tho convention enth
hour i
Amassmeetlng Was recll at
moving toward S
wearing re
rm beveral weimost
mofarnanlynndseBg ox
of Mr Jonathan
Iusscl pro
lot Jolting claimed himself
their charters m 1 in
oln this
aances withdraw
1IKW0N Tkx May 12 i88 Uurao
crat Publishing Company Port Worth
OouUfiuaiu 1 havo received
the Pstoy
organ that you advertised to slvo to tho
puiaoit MtiuuiB in wo groaicHtutimbor of
Mubscrlptlons to tho Sunday and Weekly
iakitk beloro tho llrst ol May Tho
organ has been unpacked and In my
house several days and I want to toll
you that I am pirfectly delighted with It
Please accept my thanks for your prompt
ness and my very host wishes lor the
ueeesotTni4GA7KTiK Very respect
f ll > Mrs T G Tait
P S I will send you some moro sub
scribers next week
Is las W Throckmorton a candidate
lor go ornor of tho stato of Texas
i Oi
Ii r tho nomocracy ol Tarrant county
put none but Democrats on guard toduy
may go but the Swain boom goes on all
AfTKitustho Hood aro words that
would suit tho wrangling Ohio polltl
Tiik horses In Throckmortons district
are being groomed Tho woods aro full
hi em
John Iuklakh stales close behind the
political path marked out by the astuto
Tiur candldato for olllco Is a long way
from his party whou he says that ho Is a
member of l if it U honest
Ohio hangs a few of Its criminals at the
lilting hour of l oclock a m Tho others
aro > cnt to tbo stato legislature
SrmivKiis anarchists tloods cyclones
and politicians all seemdetermined to
maKo tho year 188C ono of dlro romem
WtM tho Waco Day please Inform us if
Gun Ross Is a freegrass man Tho Ex
aminer refuses to answer the question
Plain jos or no
Tiik Stato alllauco will sot down on tho
llttlo political bosses that are trying to
bust tho alllanco with a dull thud This
Is a prediction not a threat
Wouk that must bo done in darkness
arouses suspicion of Its honesty If tho
darklantern ticket was a good thing why
wasnt It made In tho fair light of day
Tiik American party carried Sovcral
statc in 185 but
lie secret methods ex
cited Ulstrustamong tho people and In
the section of I8SG tho American party
k tot soma time with malarial j 8JJ0 TQ r l on vonaors uvu
fai thin awrnlng for Iowa to l Perty In m rttts addition
U n l h If frln f ll lirt I
= = = l CT ZlrCa o montl ° ° ° f
i o Hies
n provent raking away their charters will
tho former membersi
Tin Greeks aro becomliig desporate
They havo called upon a man who goes
by tho namo of Papomlmlchaloupoulos
to servo as secretary of stato and form a
now ministry When tho ministers of
tho other powers rccclvo a dispatch from
him they will die of lookjiw nt ouco
Such a method of warfaro may ho excus
ablo In a llttlo nation dealing with three
or four big ones but otherwise It Is not
moro civilized than dynamite
No MKMiiitit of tho Knights of Labor
orParmcrsalllauco In Tarrant county
has any right or plnco or voto or voice In
a Democratic convention unless such
member publicly declare his opposition
to tho ticket nominated by tho comblna
Hon of these orders In midnight session
Tho light Is made on tho Democratic par
ty If tho Democratic party has not tho
selfrespect and courage to resent tho
onslaught let It lndorso tho midnight
ticket and make of us all ono party
Tub GAZKrTK publishes this morning a
letter from Austin which will bo ot Inter
est to a great many people besides tho
politicians It Is not au unusual thing
for wouldbo dlotators to schemo to
thwart tho frank outspoken will of tho
people and to achieve their ends no
means aro too desperato Tint Oazsttk
anticipates a great deal of plotting and
trading before tho
convention but wo
doubt very seriously whothor any of tho
goods bargained tor aro delivered Tho
vlgllaut oyo ot tho public has grown too
keen to bo deceived by tho petty devices
of tho professional political manager
aud tho rays of mauy calciums aro ready
to shlno upon tho ivuys that aro dark aud
tho tricks that aro vain Politicians may
plant and water but It remains for tho
delegates of tho pcoplo to give tho in
KxGoy 0 M Roberta Is a candldato
for governor Tho ovldenco Is too strong
to admit ol a doubt of this Our special
correspondence says truly that It Is not
tho method ol tho sly old gentleman to
make an open political canvass Ills
method Is to got in tlio pathway of Jovo
and wait for a thunderbolt It must bo
admitted that In tho past tho scheme has
panued out very successfully but Jove
like Koko has to draw tho lino some
where and the chances aro that ho will
draw It against tho Old Alcaldo for a
third term
No ono will contest tho rlgnt of
tho O A ta mako tho tor
governjr If he chooses to do
JIfeotlvo Jicciioanamuiovosiuk
ui v u
j lu their testhotiu costumes will complete
IMtalloa manX t i0 llit
convict labor wh honcflt m
montality auiTproclaiTirtbat they uroin
faorofa convfet farm where convicts
may bo worked and mailo selfsustaining
Of course tho pioducts of their workmust
come In competition with tho products of
honest labor On this point th6 farmers
of Hunt county aro widely npartjlrom the
Knights of Labor
Tho tenth lesolutlon will satisfy tho
prohibitionists It may generally be ac
cepted as a certainty that whoovcr favors
tho submission of n constitutional amend
ment to prohibit the whisky tfalllc will
vote for that amendment when It is sub
mitted Therefore tho support clveu to
tho submission of such an amendment Is
support to ptohlbltlon
Tho winds that havo proved m > de
structive to life aud proporty In Missouri
Indiana and Illinois are not tho dreaded
cyclones but appear from tho accounts
published to bo cither violent gales or
hurricanes Tho destruction of Sauk
Rapids Minnesota a few weeks ago was
by a oyclono but tho disasters at Kansas
City and othor points In Missouri and
Indiana wero produced by windstorms
of extraordinary forco and soverlty
A cyclone is distinguished from alt
other movomeuts of tho nlr by tho rotary
motion of tho wind It moves across tho
country invariably from southwest to
northeast and In tho Northern hemis
phere tho tvlnd rotates from right to left
Tho pathway of tho destroyer Is not
oltenmoro than ilfty yards In width
though It somctlmos expands tq
a hundred yards Tho onward mo
Hou of tho tunnelcloud that Is
tho center of agitation Is not
moro than thirty miles an hour but tho
rotary velocity of tho curront Is as great
ft9 two huudrod miles an hour It Is this
tremendous speed that makes a cyclone
so destructive to everything In Its way
that has given It strongtn to lift thirty
ton locomotives from tho track and hurl
them through tho air to twist iron ralle
from tho ties to which thoy wore spfked
to overwhelm In ruins the most substan
tial buildings of stono and to Inspire In
tho roglous that aro subject to such vlsl
tatlohs the jnost pitiful terror
A ncro windstorm In nothing Strong
houses ore safe against tho most violent
wind as long as It blows In a steady di
rection Tho buildings blowa down In
Kansas City by tho storm wero weak
structures ono ot which had been
condemned as unsafe all of which
were unable to stand any unusual strain
Tho storm passed over tho heart ot the
city yet only thrco or four houses were
destroyed Had a cyclone traversed tbo
same way tt would have cut a clean swath
inoctjurtlo oxVail pkra atiti gumbo at
jwuamtD mnrAr n wi Tffl toB u
v T > ifVa Zant w > ° Turor
B B Paddock Chas Scheubcr
Jas W Swayno
W A Huffman w G Turner
J as w 8w yno
w r x
L i General Manager
K i t 0 MelCeo marnixor
ali > a J OnclH tnnnoffor
iv JftnVJrS naer
lnw nTi 0l y n Kor
fPiilT0i > u aR
Ay ° t M > Kllchon mnngct
wcakmartcta to cot
COMPANY ton producer
W 0
miit0t whch
W A H rent < Worth is conquering
sovereigns of tho statj
llcenso to reach for
thathoflhooldnlbblo a
sees the sign by n ° mo ml thcn Invpgv
when It Iol rlmoSen uro H is e
orer8 ysi FortWorthaticks up to lta loca l lconHlolon woul
papers Fort Worth is tho best adver Brant v0atoa
city in Texas havo an idea lfte
l8at0 s Koing to denn
i l KKOUMKiui who start out with a dark uoncs expression of pplra
iantcrnmaybe reKardqd with tho same t009 ° a seek its honwb
degrcoof confldenco that is given to crtIs
Intentions of a darky caught I n ccssltates
prowling around
a henroost at four ancles
roito icea flffl 1 vorlb
StcoadOti mIi lands
ro mail svnhcntwns
foilnge Irtpoid l fwtthhtrt
xVA saf Te2 i M
nix Months 80 HliUnnlh V Si
Bun uy HAtttriH ti8rnnnampo tp ia
we sco clearly and no
on his f Is
a KscuYio
aunts and fcl
COccnt sayol
and several
tures of his land pollc th
look through a glass darkly Now wo I ° ir administrative active
m y guess what they were there for their Impress To S
° IOW Cftn aDy m0Ds > toborta proposed u raufcn
fro 1 t
national or stato legislation bo rccV Policy ho
should hurry uhe
count 17 tUlSC8C0Un tttl0 1 Publc whtt It S
m is If h0 at
county clerks
county treasurers othj
and ho
or like local ofllcers
Tjik Waco
Kxamlncr seems to
havo an
Idea as to what constitutes
a fair crlti
c sin in
other papers Kxamplo Is bet
tor ban precept Tho Indecency
JJ2 hb0 Joiner has warreVon
owain should at least Movent that
ought to correct lion
which is being diligently d by
his friends that his namt ore
teemed contemporary from commonuS D dono a st
expl and
ni Tho
which declai
tk tenth
f stato rontroftll
w entire Idtb and kit hardly a homo
RVvf i AdM nS Furnished on Application
rt HeUdfpA
> alt Ht
Meteorological science can fofttol
hurricane but It cannot give
storm or a
warning of tho approach of a cyclone
bts career ol wrath
The monster begins
down upon
in ills
swtches up houses and pcoplo
them torn
whirling grasp and nings
broken and lifeless to tho ground with
out a note of warning to prcparo for tho
danger It Is this that causes such terror
they cover Is so
of cyclones The space
narrow that people could escape by flight
If they know of Its coming Bui thoy
know nothing of tho danger until It is on
them and escape Is impossible such
Texas Is comparatively frco from
dozen do
disasters Not once in a years
firstclass Now
wo havo a
then an Infant of that family visits us
but compared to tho flno largo ones that
the Western states from Iho Indian Territory
lakes art familiar with
ritory to the great
ours aro harmless tot us bo satisfied
with our lot and be not envious of what
onr neighbors havo
I Sollclta to Adifr tne Xeople ut Fort
Worthi mlO ent to Uo So Next Sat
1ort Wokth Tkx May ip 1880
Hon A W Terrell Wc tho under
cttlnn of Fort Worth re uest
i gned
that at your earliest convenience you will
speak at the operahouse In this city upon
tho Issues of tho day
Robert McCart
M B Priest
William Capps
HobortD Wear
W X Harris
W K Booth
It M Wynne
A J Chambers
B O Johnson
J M Hartsfleld
S P Greene
Henry M Parraan
W T Maddox
W S Pendleton
II M Chapman
It A Rogers
M C Hurley
T J Beall
C 0 Allen
J P Cooperv
Hydo Jennings
Malone Wallers Co
II S BrollesMl
Drew Prnlt
Edward K Purman
I W Humphreys
C It Bowlln
Thomas 11 Martin
J C Gant
Iampton Bros
II Tally
Montgomery Co
p Waltman
II 11 Karly
0 Nance
J L Hill
Walker Bascom
W S Essex
Thos Spiuance
Jas H Pleld
C II Hlgbee
Pout Worth Tbx May 11 188C
Messrs McCart Priest Capps Wear and
others Gkktikmkn Your Invitation ot
the 10th lust to speak In your city re
ceived In reply will stato that 1 will
again bo In your city on Saturday tho
16th day of May and will then pleas
citizens at t
uro In addressing your
oclock In tho evening
A W Tkrhei1
Hie AVoro Question
Wkatiikriorh Tix May 12 Editor
GAZKrrH In this mornings Gazkttk In
answer to tho question ol a correspond
ent who doubts the assertion which I
had made In a previous communication
to the effectjthat tho avorago wages of
worklugmen fell onefourth in thu decade
between 1870 and 1880 you adduce He
mes to prove an Increase ol ti per cent
Instead of a decrease of 1S lr tho period
mentioned I assuro you I v onld bo very
glad to find that I was mist i ken In tho
ymrnlHes for then there would bo hope
krtoa iMW tvrr
crc + > uhat Tas
despair to many a weary wageworker
Your calculation Is correct on tho basis
of tho ilgurcs quoted but In one of your
Items Is
n serious error a matter of
3155000000 too largo to b overlooked
in a calculation of this charucter
Irh nJ nmm ol w Si paid to tho
053991 workers in 1870 you put
at S020407474 Tho actual amount
accordtug to tho census report was 775
o81343 You will flnd those llgnres on
page U13 of compendium of tne tenth
census part 2 This would mako the
avorago annual wage in 1870 to bo 887
histoid of 9307 as you have it From this
it will bo seen that the averago annual
wage in manufacturing Industries fell
from 377 In 1870 to 317 In 1880 But
for a criterion of tho goneral average do
cllne lu wages Tho workers in tho man
ufacturing trades aro bolter organUed
and henco havo been better enabled to
kcop up their wages Thoy havo foucht
reduction inch
by Inch persistently aud
determinedly Tao 732595 workers In
manufactories which you eite constitute
but a comparatively small part of tho toll
ng masses What of tho 8323870 farm
a 0re r 100 ° 000 domestic
ann 0n ren servants
nn n n nn
JnnnrX commo laborers so called
500000 clerks salesmen
Thosu aro tho classes who < e wages have
been reduced most sorao of them fully 50
por cent Rcallytlio actual general averajie
leductlon was more than 25 cent
which I claimed Nor does It require any
wW rl > 0rt t0 IJrovc 0 the woil ers
who Uvea and worked for wages at tho
dates named that such was a tact Thcv
i111V1o Plainly and
sclous of It at the time M painfully j Wan
The Allinnce Nimlolltleul
Dkcatur Tkx May 13Kdltor Ga
zkttkj Referring to tho proceedings had
lu tho lato mooting of th Pormeis alll
anco and Knights of Lab as reported In
this mornings Gavktii i wUh
to say o
m af th ° F1rmrs ulla c ° Is a Ton
organization and
whenever a
turcs itself Into a political concernft
violates every principle upon which the
organize on was foundid and the
logs that havo been the v 1111
of its
great success This ti ue thu opinions
fimT80 8 WekMow
polticlanstothe contrary notwlWatantfc
S Q Dawks
1reimrliR to lttalst Horn itie
Armaoii Irrunu May ua larcoas
soc atlon of loyalists has been formed hero
for tho
pttrposo ol arming and drilling tho
opponents of Dome rule The orcanlza
Hon has arranged for the
purchase of
ample number of rifles at 25 shUHnS
each A quantity of
material has a ready
Tho nhavo
rill some days
exorcising every dov
Their numbers Include tho Kcntrvoi
city Donations have been liberalIv
made to support tho
movement the
tMX > 100
Tho loyally downwards
everywhere about
express a
° V0 l ° rcs8th0
shape in every
lrrah Oountrj llntttr
TuA o i nsa fe3uitbccnrcc vcd l
Nine Ioxe OontaiulnB tlin Mpdles
Killed Ijt the
Special to tho Gatctto
Dallas Tkx May It
of a man badly mangled
Children nncl AtlnllnJFotind
Chicago at May 14Tho coronor
received a dispatch this morning from r
A Vogt trustee ol tho town of Cicero
near this city which said that ulno boxes
containing tho bodies of children and
adults had been found about a half mllo
south of Oak park Up to 11 oclock no
other particulars concerning the dis
wero to bo had Tho facts as
known created excitement In pollco cir
cles ono of tho theories advanced being
th t tho bodies wero those ol
who had died from Injuries received In
tho Hay Market and subsequent Dghts
with tho pollco
the Divorce
Tho remains
wero found
on tho Central track flvo miles be
low Dallas this morning It Is supposed
the man was killed by a train last night
Justice Kendall took a Jury down mid
held an Inquest but could not establish
tho Identity ot tho man Tho verdict was
that ho camo to his death by being run
over by the cars
Mrs Emma Lcploywas granted a di
vorce from her husband Charles Loploy
In tbo district court this morning Tho
testimony In tho case showed a groat deal
of cruelty and abuse on tho part of tho
W J Owen has brought suit lor di
vorce against Lllllo Oweii to whom ho
was married In 1872 atMuskcgonMlch
and who lcit him last Juno
Dr Ryan of Decatur Ala father of
tho boy who was caught hero by the
police on Thursday night arrived last
nltsht and took charge of his son
p S Pluollen and Nellie Dalton were
licensed to marry today
Tho grand lodao of colored Knights
ol Pythias which has boon In session
here for several days adjourned today
A parade and picnic wound up the
meeting and furnished joy to
Who attended
IlriclBtmio OtnkeR Further CmhIoiiK
London May II Tho houso of com
mons was crowded last evening In antlcl
patlon of an excited discussion on re
sumption ol tho debate on tho homorule
bill Gladstone replying to Sir Michael
Hicks Beach Conservative said tho gov
ernment would propose that tbo dobate
on tho homorule bill be from day to day
beginning Monday Tho government
would not tako Friday for such debate
becanso John Morloy chief secretary for
Ireland would then tako occasion and
move a second reading of his bill relating
to tho purchase and use of arras In Iiu
laud Tho debate on Gladstones Irish
bill was then lesumed
Further cessions from tho Gladstone
stctlon of tho Liberal party aro reported
consequent upon tho disappointment
created by Campbell Bannermans state
ment In tho house yesterday touching
tho horacrulo bill A number of sup
porters of the measure made a combined
representation to the government whips
urging that Gladstone would announce
before division Is taken that if the bill
passes tho second reading no will con
sider tho result of tho division as simple
afflrnwtton ol principles ot home rule and
withdraw the bill and frame another
measure next session It Is expected tho
debate will be concluded on the 25th
company was VipfoM6 Sl
breaking up a lot of old Iron which was
stoied on a vacant plcco of giound ucar
the Republic Iron works Ho commenced
on a teoton anvil and used at immense
charge of dynamite for that purpose A
terrific explosion followed and huge pieces
o tho auvll were scattered about In everv
direction One pleco weighing 300 pounds
wrecked the houso of Mrs McNamara
one block distant Another piece welch
ug over two hundred pounds
alsT llWC1Ing ° lnU Kastmon
which I 0ck ttwa5 nml slrucl i bed In
three children were sleeping
Thcyweio covered with debris but
oscaped sorlons Injury The house of
3 ° ° eet avvay w also
wrecked Tiieonly person Injured was
James Acton who was walking on the
sldowalkablock away He was struck
on tho leg wtth a fragment anTbadiyTn
1 0CCnrreC0 causetl intense
cxcitomout as a
rumor was current tint
a bomb similar to thoso used ai
had been thrown on tho street
Ojiaiia Nkii May UAt Port mo
brara two soldiers weto killed
HolilicrH nt War
VVedncsday A pilvato and a corporal on
got h Into ° a quarrel and the latter struck
f The private got a inn and
llctnSaW1 ih011 th0 hea 1
uns of tho suard
Ilirchnslnp In Cnnnilln Waters
S May HDtspatches
from Lonzo stato that tho American ilsh
ing schooner Kdlth Wbalcn which pur
SwrOTMIil0 ro Iet Conzoyester
hwde5lna n aUK k8 Was ostonalbly
Pov Sm5 vent 18toail w
purchased ZhmU i aud 1 thou a Ported she
Prow Harbor Proceeded to
to complete her crew
An Advance toboAakeil
titlTT PA M Secret pell
tons aro In circulation
among tbo cm
SiMB Thi flvancon wa ea ot 0
ESidK Labor and
usvrn parsanrt
Most ItMHnll
V i HiiaEArt J l
freight men
kwVoric May llTno
iZttollT wa NwSfi
today and released on 81000 ball
y 80 at h0
rcstett tvas ar
Hymimthy With Her aiut
eral anil c uncn th < > P ° llco in sen
Mot anaiDriDPlt wlth
liclp frco
antei win uir7 i
VV expeilcnc lnta2
refofrdV4 r
AdUrc or pr icoCSJSWh
thr e months duruwuWi
baa aoveral >
yw c w j
n furiiili Rood tcillm0S5e
to Ilcnton oncta hooitf W
onico wa MMn treiwL
anitXIntn 73 tlom etLM5l <
girls farm 2 men and wlu ilvuSH
on 1 man and wire
first and 2 nccond co6k7t aSS
maid 1 dlhwataer 0 S
> > liberal MmmUttoaiME
lrnnd latottgin Infia eJffi
lnlonHl Jo 8Ut ffi
WANiKuZ KnSirrerrj
VV makers wanted wuImm
In tho etntl nont Imt Uriili
James If Martlndad SpSEto
> V nttlclolhatjUltto I 1
> L Myerg enrncr Lamar wt u Li
IccofTtx Apply t Ji
Bohoola will oltict aiuperttLH
of teachers for the eninlujS
will hi mndo with irwffifc
Uon and mibseiiuont rT
Vcsgy bectctar lio tnTni < t
ono ilrstclais barbersTm
oin A Jensen
smnll ciipltul toUldjjS
mana o a steam laandrjitmcilSc
jpon KKOTiwatn
IJ > OftTtiNlf ne two ibm3
rooms well fotnUmnlai
ctiadc lot tit
corner wstcr oa
further Intorraatlon ice JpIm
Worth rirocer Co
ILMJU llllV lSroomboutUnJ
JT wntor on West MUittd
of II I ArmsttonxoTCtSuwtii
nooais Kim my
FOU IlliNTlttrnlsEcTrMSr
reduced rates ottte limit
nqyJM rnlhomu coretr Fltit f
Tuit ulM rutidihea ima
V WcaUicrlordtilcct Jlit
UIl ItLNrtnrnlitieU tomi
1 rntea tor the summer Ot
street Mrs Aiutro c
XTOW is youk XlU
IN money I will sells lev
olioil for cash irulll icllitk
low lUnros no lon tlm Wi
patublu In adviincc > i0H
uuter clKlnygalloci puu
rainwater white sulphtrmr
tlin boft bathing water ti lilt
uttud us t lIolSt > rlnidniit
lni single ticketsS te tt
utWoI J itotgy
riiliifoscurliyiltiiJ Si
ttims ri nsoiinblo h LCuUl
root nml
Public Spam a
land nnlcs la lottid
loans hihiIo nllovrr AonXTc
biniiuoii 73ljim ttrcitDilH
MUCH I O coltecUoe bmilr rbwN
Jaday oir
r limpin Coptl rfo l
csrnrtnN < A VTiiiti
sf aw v i ml ts a
to BroodvrayKewYotk TImOwM
TiOlt HALtloilerFoniSiffi
Jj proporty UUIM feelbs
A laclllo railroad or l dtwdi
on railroad next to Juokpm
buildings long tlraenlll W <
purchaeo money WCtwU
IJAKIIES wanting to but all
denco lots on nclbir I
streets In Fort Worth leiw
reasonable terms by ppll
Ddlla Tex or
WorthTev corner bwma oil
SALK600 Ucrtiafk
17011 acres ot wlllluW
ty 20000 acres In fatal li Tint
conntles houses and loll u
dcslrablo loeatloni Spfil
Daniels real estate sgwli1
In Northwest Temto
tinrroumls tho to n et 1MH1
fourteen bundled and cilJ jajj
town lots Titles pcrfwi 4
Itliomo Tex
l7onT vbuTii MtfTuiwF
Jj tnUderinlst AUWrtU < i
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