mmi wit i n > v rtlhtt f v n o fit < ifoitbi iprttg < m m lip i d UK fct Hit t > IS Ullltft dlO v < < < mi p t lu0lL i ttitp i 3 pUfl K toti Jiiit i lOiim i WL JO u op oaijL 2i < F ii > itnoiJ oooogi ftrwitp if OjtlJ if tfWAl OV J ° ill f > qr SuuownrflAiMj mJ iMjnsf tutor P v jfoniw if nPPimonioUMdu THE RAILEOADS WlillewrJglit Wild Orcr ho Extension of llie FrI co from ned Hirer to Fort Worth A Commute ttnta llonliam Visits fort an lliulimnA Itnud from Itnllas to Denture Tin Denton How Juclulioru taeta Bpcclnl to tiio Jmclto jACKunoito Tkx May ll < Jck oo lt determined to balld a railroad and fa vom Vort Worth on account of Ha din trlbutlng cuitUir and wIIIIokiicss to build railroads WorUlnc fur Hi Hit 1 H AM flpeclnl to the Oitullc NACOdDOCItiea Tits May H It Is rumored a commlttco of buslntcii men will o from horo to Kongvlow to nco what can bo ifouu about gottlm tbo St Ioulrt Sablno Oalvoston railroad to como to thin placo Ins cad of going to Center and Han Augustlnu an Intended OontlnK Morthwnril Poor old OulvcHton will mirror the loss of tbo olllco of Siiporlntoudent TJdlllps of tho Oulf Colorado Hmta lCo road as It will boiinovcd to Teniplo and ultimately no liopo for Uh reaching Tort Worth t Chief TnRlnior 8 orman of tho samo road will locate hie odlco probably In 1ort Worth and leavo a branch at tho Cluir city UmitrucU llviiii Tho chkf onfilueor of tho Gulf Colo rado fiinta lio road has been quite buny In 1ort Worth In tho past fow days perfecting Until contracts covering tho cxtetifllon of his road from 1ort Worth to Itgil rlvor To day tho last of these con traciH for building will bo lot Next weekcontritctn will bo msdo covering tho dUlauco north of Hod rlvor Into tho ludlutl Territory to the point ot mcotliiK tho Atchison Topuka Banta Ifo road Not I lll ll A rumor wu current In railroad circled jeaterday that an engineering corpiaro In thu Held between Ciuburno and llrown wood with a vIqw ot looming a lino ila Oranbury Muhsth Sherman and Torrv gontlotnuu juetty wilt Informed In Oulf Colorado bmitu to mattorH Hoemcd ex ceedingly Innocent estcrday when op pronciitd by Tim OAKtiit man on the tubjeot They would not howevor mako an Allreddavlt t ht tho rumor was unfounded Wlutt Hullo Dlil It might be well tor thosu who argue that Col Iloxlu Is not a friend of thu wOlklngunn to know that whllugeneiat Kiiperluteiuleut of tho International Oreat Northern many employes lot their money accumulate till from 800 to 3000 worodui them Irlor to thorccelvor Nhlp Col Hoxlo took an ungluo and car ami hunted up all thu creditors of this kind paying them ovory cent altur which tlm Knul went Info tho hnmlt ot tho aourt 8t I nl A kiin ii Tuxnii Corro nunil iicuot tho uaxuuo U NBV Giuivk Thv May IB Iadonla Is Kolng to get tho St Louis Arkansas Toxttt railroad A delegation from Shor man consisting ot Tom lhudolph cashier M 1 bankj Capt lultou and Mr Joluer ol fatty Joiner oamo through icstoidayonroututotlmt cltyt 160000 ilboilptlon H tuba raised 9100000of which Sherman haB already scoured the remaining 600000 to bti glvou by Mount Vernon Cooper Udonla and Wolf City Tho road H to bo extended from Mount Ijeasmt Ia tliesu town to Shommn ittrt in iii Com antcui w thu itmoito Austria Tkx May U ThocommUteo Hppolntcd to havo n survey nrndo of tho route to llastrop met last night and re ported that It would cost 987000 more than tho road from Hastrop to Taylor besides that lUstrop and TaUiir offered 821000 subsidy each Oen Walker who Is at thu head ot Urn Taylor Vlgln Has trop railway H M Austin must ralso 9111000 to hao tho rontu pbitngHd whteiv her committee said was lmpractl cable This makes a certainty of tho Taylor Klgln vt llahtrop railway Last trn cupltairsta bavo already put up tho m > uv Austin Is left In tho cold An A iirinl Knot Spcflal to th uasatta Hiimimav Tkx May 14 Tho rati road to Mount Pleasuut t an usstired act and fiherman is fairly boiling oor with enthusiasm ThW aftomoon tho committee which has worked o horolo ally to get up thu big Vonus of 9100000 druvo through thu streets in a handsome turnout drawn by eight richly capari soned KtecdS bearing such mottoes as Onto Mount Vlcasaut Sbermau a rallrotd center etc Nows from thu committee that visited IVtdoula and other towns along tho line ot the uow road Is hKlily encouraging and every dollar ot tho 9150000 needod will havo been booked by tho emt of thopreaont wook TIUetlnR Ht Wlilt wrle it HpcWsl to tho U o to WiiiTKWinouT Tbx May 14 Arous ing rallpad meeting was held at tho opernhoiisoat 1 pm today to tako stops towards the extension ot theFrisco front lted mur to > ort Worth The meeting was eallcil by It W Campbell ot the Uontuuu railroad committee l > r ohalrmaui JU lllBge wretary Mr Campbell delivered an address after whlohO Y mthboni J H UeeveS and JU UlggOM wero selected as delegates to wait upon tho railroad officials of this division nud O Y Ilsthborn J 1 < UccicsJ U > niggor J 11 Woosley and Kit Smith na a standing road cominttteo In his address Mr Campbull advised that wo work In uolsou with llouham Active steps will bo taken in a tow days qnr town li almost as wild as llonham over tho contcmplatod toutu Whltewright will also get the Sherman guago II It gets thu Mrlsco A K U o rt ComutlU Yesterday Dr J B Saunders and Mr Henry Taylor of Itonham spent tho day in Fort Worth for the purposaef consulting with tho prominent cltUens of the Fort regardlug thu ftaslblllty ot obtaining a charter for railroad to run Irani Jo t Wortlt via MoKlnnoy to Bonham It Is suLgostcd by those geutlemep who ro acting as a committee from Bonhani that ucU a proposed road would be an excellent coHseotlon of tho Fort Worth lUo Graada rod ttllro d author ties co cr athl lik d ttww w l d cMos that lit tho t ery r f Htrw e crWp Hltle olty of Bonham will > odlr ct rail t couawlsnMlh tU Tv mnr > Hi 7 MHj rmol mfnifM 1I i 4r oq pncVifatood jo u p 10 iirestnijVS tu frt5vvt0iis X 3pnr H twiin M jjunadiuoo iiim 8 m > s ajpp gpj jotjCMAjprn oqi Surma PlDOm uotHmjaJpsiip pan aooT Kort Worth Tho country through which such n road would run Is not excelled In tho South Oolnff toDerMr Special to tho Hiette Yt Vo Tkx May U Tho agents of all tbo rallroado centering hero except tbo Texas Pacific left today for Den ver to attend a meeting tho object of which Is to adopt some action to prevent tho merchants of tblrf city from raising tho HI Jaso proportion of tho through rate to tho City ot Mexico tho wholo of tho conflicting claims of different towns The other eloy a meeting of the 8oclety for Furthering ltttsslan Trade and Com merce under tbo presidency of Count Ig tutlefr was enlightened on tbo subject by a discussion of several projects for the great work among them belii n cnrlons one tendered by nn tntorprlaliiR rxllo liv ing In Siberian banishment All dllllcul tics vvera ciy satisfactorily disposed ot except one which was qulto left got ol calculation and that was tho source of the 160000000 roubles and more that would bo required for tho ontfrprlse The addition of tho Canadian Pacific rail way to that of tho United States naturally makes the Itunslins feel moru ki only than ever tho disadvantages of their Isolated position on tho Amoor and the Paclllo coast London Times At Imluiiln Oorronpondcnco ot tho lazotto Lahonm Tkx May 1U Our citizens wore met last ulght by Maj A Fulton and T I Joiner representatives of thu Shurmancommltteaoupioposcd extension of tho Louisiana Arkansas Texas rail road from Mount Pleasant to thu city of Slteruinn On motion M II Drake was elected chairman and O M Evans sec retary Ma Fulton stated briefly that he as a representative of Shurmau de sired tho cooperation of cltUens along tho proposed lino of road to assist them In securing this valuable road lie stated tho many advantages In a btislnussIIko manner forcibly to tho point carrying conviction with his strong arguments Ho was followed by Mr Joiner of Sher man C W T Woldon and 11 S John ean of fSiloula In appropriate remarks of O M KvaiH 11 II oouivt < J Hudson McForland Ooo Woods A W It Merrill W 11 Cobb and M II Drake were elected tocanva s tho town ftnd vicinity and nee what could bo rawed In the way of subtcrlptloit and right ol was way Though tho notice ol meeting uot generally known tho hall was crowded to Its full capacity with heads at uvery window and considerable en thuslasm was manifested nadonta 1ms Jtttt secured the Oulf Colorado Santa Fo railroad at a coit ot 810000 to her citizens and with this drain on a people et In board shanties numbering only hboitt tour hundred citizens It cau bu that It takes more to meet a second the great demand though our people see advantage In getting this road and we Jeolnssuted that they will come to tho front aud secure tho road 11 tho demand ts not bejond their reach Dnllin to Ueontor 8ioetal to tlio H ttc DAiuHTKXMayl4A number ot gontlomcn from Denton and Decatur ar rived In tho ctty this morning to confer with citizens of Dallas In relation to tho building ot a rallrtml from this city tbrougli Denton to Decatur The Denton delegation consists ot judge J A Carroll Mayor O P Poo ox Major D A ltoblnson Hon C O Bo Mossrs J W Jagoe A O Owsley T W Acucy D Head W J McNeil W J Wheeler J M ltoarkJ E Hates and TV S Gates Decatur Is represented by Judge Power and Col 1 A Ilolman Tho mooting had boon called by Mr W White president of the verehattts ex change aud was held In tho hall of the exchange at a p m Dillas was not largely represented though those ot hor citizens who wore present were among tho foremost business men of tho city JudgePower was elected ohalrmananil tbo wholo time ot tho meetlnn was con sumed in tho discussion ot different plans tor building the desired road and oa to whether it would bo bettor to organize an Independent company or offer tho DallaH Wichita Inducements to extend Its lino lrom Dontop to Decatur After considerable discussion the mat ter was rolerred to a commlttco consist Ing ot two from Dallas two from Denton and two from Decatur Tho meeting then adjourned VUOM ANOTlllSlt qUAUTKR Dr Euibree Mr Thorp and Mr A Ttnsloy ot Embrco formerly Duck Creek wore In town today trying to effect a Junction between the Dallas S Orccnvlllo and tho Sauta Font their town They say their peoplo will contribute lib erally of tholr substanco to effect tho junqtlon Held tor LoattiiK tlio Drue Storo Ciucaoo lu May 11Before Jus tlco White today n score of boys and young met Poles Bohemians and Ger mans wore arraigned for sacking and looting llosenlelda drug store at Eighteenth street and Center avenue Oun Ing tho riots They were nil arrested ratordayonlttfotimtlonglAoa by little Charley Fruudcl one of tho youngest of tho Hang Fruudcl was set free Tho rest were held for exvmlnatlou next Tuesday In ball of 800 charged with Lieut larceny and malicious mischlol Shepperd Is still ol tho opinion that sov oral deaths aud much sickness has boon caused amoug tho Poles aud Bohemians by tho poisonous drugs which they Ignor autly swallowed for Intoxicants VFootau WIU WKl r By the glass otgaUVWotWJs 1 Vou Wiuit awt K U T Tlvo ha dM ixtterastoMlecttrtHts plco 10S to 10 at Andtratms gunetoto ilimr Uoiniilnnanddttlana Dcnror City at 89 Golf Colorado Sauta Fogold Cs at lO j Texas Pacific terminals at 341 do Incomes atflSit do Ulo Orando at 40 t Kansns Texas Ss at 70 do Id at 115 do general mort gage at 02 i Missouri Kansas Texas 7m at US < io gold 7s at 1311 Texas St Louis ls at 034 do Ss at 42Jl Mis souri Partita at 110 Galveston Harris burg San Antonio Ss at 874 Houston Texas Central 2fl at 70 Money 14Z per cent Storllng wits weak In the forenoon and rates wero reduced 4c ou tno pound to 4874894 Wiieat was firm Cotton declined 1 point Oil closed ot 724c Cpftce was 6 points higher THK WOOL MARKKT Special to tho Gazette Bosiojf Mass May 14 Tho wool market Is In about thu samo unsatisfac tory condition of Inactivity and moderate depression brought about by the same causes previously reported Tho leading features are some large sales of Ohio ami Michigan dulalne at v cry low figures Tho wool market ol this city has been for two weeks visited by several representatives of London houses who are trylug to sell yams aud wool Tho city has also been vlblteil by rrptcsentattves of manufactur ers lu Franco Germany and Belgium who are desirous to establish an agency for tho sale of their worsted yarns Tho field Is being literally captured by foreign manufacturers whose yarns can be Im ported at from ten to twenty per cent be low tho pi Ices of tho homo nianufac tutcis A dispatch from San Antonio Tex repoits a stock there now of 13000 bags St Lotila parties are buying on a basis of 15c scoured for six and eight months wool Texas grades aru quoted as fol lows i Texas spring medium twelve months Static 18a0cj Texas spring nominal lu JOo Xoxas spring flue six to eight months lfifeLOc lto 8c Texas spring moellum six td eight months IDfegaic 1018c Texas tall line 16fei7o l2Ua Texas full medium 1718c lllSo Tho total receipts of wool at this port during tho pasj wiek comprise 10000000 pounds domestic and 320 bales funlun The sales lot the wuk wero JOM200 pounds of domestic llceco und pulled and LSL 000 pintails of forulgn Among thu moro noticeable sales havo been the following C000 Ohio No 1 SlIJo 2000 Ohio XX 32c 12000 Pennsylvania XX 82oj 10000 Ml hlgati X 28 160000 Ohio and lVnusjlvanla XX aud abovouYlnlim sn pnoftO KA aVrV w Vruiw 8B 88o 28000 California spring 10c The total amount of sales of various grades tlons are na follows eirado Ohio ami ronMylvmiln Michigan WUconiln oto lortltory loxummil tloulhern and dtserip 1cuniU fitieou 12000 4U000 sj i oo UnwltiTsnd unmelcliablo 7i00 fiUloil wool una nulls 1MS0 cniinU suit tab = UalltoinliSirlnK anU Ore 63W0 OAlltomln full OUd ami onus JiiK IoUl lOillWl A 1IOOM AT SAN ANTONIO JpoiMul 10 tho UajoUo blca If You Ilont Want to como out In the hot M > 80ll San Antonio Tkx May 14Tho wool maikot took a decidedly llvuturn today and woolgrowers aro xdcing In tho brightened prospects ahcad bout 1000 bags or 200000 pounds ccgod hands this mornlug In short ordeHtt an Increase over prev lous odors Tbnce paid was 16174o for slvmouthiwool and 17G 20c for twelvemouth clip This Is an advaucu ot 2 cents pe und over the open prlco of last seasorr thu samo class ot wool Tho market now considered wide open and with targe number of buyers horo lrom tho rclpat oltles ot tho country tho stock onld In crowded warehouses will soon owing to market and tho money thurefOijt tu general circulation AND HO OOVKUNMKtns STOChS NttwYoitit May 11 Govcrnmends were dull and steady today ltallroad bonds wero qulotjccs wero steady and lrupyrtant chattare lew There was a decline In Ho S Texas 3n of 2 to 70 In Texas Siltlc geporul Cs of 21 to 834 and Ieat Western 2h ot 2J to 9G Thu uncertainty In regard to tl + th comlng statement ot New York tal tho trouble ot Lake Shore nndicl Plato and the unfavorable state ot tho earnings on St Paul pietj lately made stocks consplcuousak at the oponlng today Tho rem of tho actlvo list wero all within 4 Jnt ot Hst nlsltts closing figures lio market was wc ak from tho opcultho closo with hanlly a rally worthyhe naiio Missouri Kansas lexis sour Paclllo and Western Uultro vory dull The market In goneralh tng but iv traders market Tja business aggregated 187701 shaitc market clostd dull aud beavy tut n o lowest figures reached phono to Clarkson and ho wlllM look at any eeioudhamW unlu may want to sell and will r yie highest prlco iu cash t ruo DEltltV DAY r ut Annual Itncn nt ltn All Willi 4 Locisviiui Ky May It De aud and by all lias come gone jr Hit has been put down as a gi event successful In every iespcf weather was > cry warm Tho good mid tho attendance was i sccnat Louisville In many yea crowd wat simply immeoso T good natured but It require exertion ou tho part police Tho betttug was vij It was confined to auction an mutuals the pool bookmakers to pay tho sum required for prl White Co lessees Tho ra miles The starters were Fre HtPtrlckMwterpI 0W t l UrrlsontLljetD Murphyt B Jim G y WtUwrsj Sir Jo Ph GrraaldTLewI IaHHeStoval barg J HtttJ 8 cJ > Htid oq 3dMVjp B ps ci MM ° IJJK ntootttf o 2 i qvr paqovaJsiuv juatnowSti pff 11 Pi pAJi ° tno ina uwl ooij THE GAZBJTJE JPOIW WOKTIf T12XAS SATURDAY MAY JS which la not much higher than tho local aueeut to tho Oazette to compote with tbo steamship lines to Vera Crox Tho Texas isclilc opposes tho movomcntand claims that tho El laso proportionate rato Is as mneb as ought to be charged and will Insist on It being the rcRUlarrato Tho Colorado officials returned today from tho City of Mexico and left for their homes lrnJactMt lb rlaii Ilonil Tno completion of tho Canadian 1aclflc railway has given a fresh Incitement to tho discussion among KUsslans ot tbelr own longfalkcdof lino to the Pacific across Siberia to Vladivostok If Jtus sla has stolen a march over England In railway progress toward Herat U will bo a long time before the Uusslan locomo tives compote with those of England and Amorlca In reaching tho shores of the Pacific Tho branch to Tltimon has not yet been made and tho Ufa Zlatoust sec tion to Ekaterinburg haB only lately been decided upon after years of dicpiito over OK WALL STREET Tho 8t cJ Market Wns Weak Yester day from OpenliiK fo Close Willi Ilnrdly aItnlly riio Kanttrn Wool Market In nOndltfor of aioil rftte DrjiTinlon A lloiim ut Knu Antonio t cojtMKncur iiksuji k rato to jir o and which was adopted Nkw Yoric May n muway bonds to day sold as follows Fort Worth tlnz wast Ben Atl gSOOt Vnn Knight S22S Blue Wing 8273 Jim Gray 8l7fij Masterpiece 845 Held U0 Thoro was an excellent start without delay Bine Wing Grlmaldl and Master piece as named showed up In front In a short distance Mastcrpleco went to tho front soon having a lead o tbrco lengths Harrodsburg second a clcarjength ahead of Grlmaldl Grlmaldl groping back Jim Gray moved up even with him on tho back stretch Tho leaders wero coming back Jim Gray showing a trifle In tho front at tho halfmile pole Harrodsburg Masterpiece and Free Knight in a closo bunch As they rounded Into the stretch Free Knight was lu front but the four were very closo together In a short time Ben All and Bine Wing bad tho race to themselves They had a v cry hard and driving finish Eolh horses were very tired Ben All winning by a short threequarters of a length Blue Wng second Free Knight a bad third Tlmer2304 Dtickrf Uiuk < DurltK Two ducks behind two ducks two ducks beforo two ducke and two ducks between two ducks how many ducks nro there Call at tho Fort Worth Grocer Co sand they will explain DEMSOX Tho lllloulo Hop Hid Ornnrlcst ivrtit of the Siiclwl Seiuon Special to the Uazotto Dknison Tkx May 14 The Mikado hop given by tho ladles of St Lukes guild as a compliment to the Aroatcnr Opera company of Dcnlson nt the Gate City Social club hall last night was a complete success and tho most brilliant affair of tho season Tho orchestra under tho leadership of Prof J F Kobler assisted by Professors Hurd Tcltzel una C EDancy played tho beautiful Sliver Bells ai an overture followed by tho Grand March which under the manage ment of Prof Hlrsch was beautifully ex ecuted Tho following Is a partial list of tho ladles present and their costumes Mrs Martlncre black eostumo jet ornaments gold Jewelry Mrs W B Bass ashes of ro < cs silk and natural flowers Mrs J C Fields vvlne colorcd silk gold ornaments Mrs lilt Darlington elegant black silk natural flivvers Mrs J II Porter handsome black silk jet trimmings Mrs W B Mttnsoti black silk lace and diamonds Mrs W J Hughes black satin with laco trimmings natural flowers Mrs John Wilkinson handsomo handpalntctl whlto satin dlimonds Mrs T N Adklns black streot costume gold ornaments Airs McClnln Washltow I T Mrs B C Murray uray silk with evening bonnet gold ornaments Mrs Dr Fisher black silk gold ornaments Mrs Kretztngcr bhcksllk and velvet gold ornaments Mrs Ainsworth street costume with gold ornaments Mrs Wilkinson bo coming street costume with diamond ornaments Miss Caddie Lingo pink satin with black lace making a tasty combination Miss Lillian Blood hel lotropo satin black lace natural flowers MUs Edith Menifee bluo silk and tan Uce diamonds Miss Llbblu Bennett cllIne < gold ornaments AHss Sadie Waterman white all ross > real laco aud diamonds Mits Carrlo Huduell white embroidered muslin Miss Molllo Hudnni white em broidered muslin Miss queens nuns veiling und cream pauiHh lace with flowers and pink trl mlng Miss atattlu Cook snporb whin satin with pearl passemeuturlo trln tulngs and l amonrt jewelry Miss LI le Kaglaud blue satin and white lace natural flow ers Miss Jcnnlo Munson pink silk and black lico with gold ornaments Miss Cample Iledwood black laco with natural flowers and Bold jewelry Miss Uosa Lecper magnificent white embroldeied suit natural flowers and diamonds the charming miss Luella Dollathlde pink satin with whlto lace nutural flowers nud diamonds MlssDttlco Muiray cream nuns vellluRS Spanish laco and natural Su l yiSM < Mo3cl > embroidered muslin and M diamonds Miss Mabel Kan l ° v h ° swlss nnturul flowers Miss Boll Porter whlto embroidered stilt gold jewelry j Miss Mamlo Kone whito Mlr0 muslln So ornament Miss Llbblo Bennett muslin and rea ace Miss Minnie Vcnable white muslin with orango sash rhloo stono ornaments > uugrnu wr itaroinson F vi aShnlel M W Young r ami Iko S Standifer J l Duncan J K Prederlck Wlli Everett Harry Lingo Charles Hedwo 1 GcSrgo tuodes Will Harbau Lee Duncan Vm Moely Holla lkn Allender Mr Snead John W1U W l Charles w o Fuuis alr s n lihyA 8n fi Dr eHius o S Darl ngtcj Dr Jinm Achesonj ii Porter C Wttlo JohJ Lecper B C Murray Wmiam fencer ifV 0 bus n Dr Graham enlrvnfi 0 Ci0fhnnoleKint lucheen was enjoyed by all present when diticlnff S nU th0 8 hour TurG Qum man Is nidor obligations drick smId MrJnmesSlmp son and Mr Elmer Willi ms for i Z homi him whicn ho duly appreciates Thogucts departed wltt aVnedlcUon thohdiesot the guilder tho enjoyable A woman was arrestrt hero vesteniar vui or whnt WW We a not known woman gave a bond goo and Is now J II Coflln Is attending court at Shcr Mdh b 8is r8 of savririy ramltlsburg Mdsav sav eiKUr eflUacloy Cou h Cu S us Moony to i n SOMJtKnviUJt CltABK 80S Main street llnao Unit AtPlttsburg Loulsvlllo < Pittsburgll At I CinclnnaU St Louis 8 ctoCH tint At Detroit Detroit 5 New York At New York Metropolians mpro 2 At Philadelphia letlcs U 1Haiti Haiti Brooklyn y Ath 1HSO Maple Hynip s wasssat6 rtTfitmjnai w SHESMAtf AWorof WonlK In tho J < J rMonselu lie Care Itobbery Case New Tnx Xory Two Stormy remnlM In Jnlt The Orifjton Kill Pr erenlnir Finely rotnl Nole A COURTilOUSK ElISOIIB Special to the Hmoite SitKiiMAX Tkx May 14 In tho Cavo robbery case today Mr Campbell a young attorney opened for tho prosecu tion In a brief but clear and cogent pre sentation of tbo facts To tho utter sur prise ol everybody tbo attorneys for the defense Messrs Hare and Woods an nounced that they were willing for the cose to go to the Jury without lurther argument As this would havo entirely chut out County Attorney Itandell from making a speech thatgentlcraan rose and emphatically objected to any such pro ceedings claimtug thoright to follow Mr Campbell for the stato Tnls Judge Ilaro and his colleagues denied and a spirited difcusslon arose between tho contending attorneys The law gives tho state tho right both to open and conclude said Judge Mattblc f hen your honor they will have two openings and one conclusion said Judge Woods Thats all replied his honor A bill ol exceptions was taken NEW TAX LKVV At their meeting yesterday tho county commissioners made tho following lovy of taxes Cdunty poll tax 25 cents on the 100 lloads and bridges 15 cents on the 9100 General revenue 20 cents ou the 100 Building fund 10 cents op the 100 Sinking fund to pay Interest and prin cipal on the bonds borrowed from tho school fund C cents on thu 9100 Tills makes an og4regato county tav of 60 cents on the 9100 which Is B cents re duction on last year Sheriff Dousluss jail account for tho current quarter was allowed as follows For board of prisoners 91120 CO for guards and labor at fill 9480 00 wash ing for prisoners 9110 00 IlOtlTINO IKVIAUS A couploof women of the soileddove variety dwelling not far from the squaro rejoicing in thu given names of Efllu and Lula got Into a row with a colored fe male yesterday which ended by Lula diawlng a pistol on tho Sonegamblan sis ter which put hor to Instant flight Then a policeman catno on the scene and locked tho whlto women up releasing them a few hours later They celebracd their emancipation from tho bars by get ting on a glorious drunk and wero again put In tbo basilic whore ample time for rrpentanco will he nllowcd them ItOUM AllOUT TOWN Editor Bowles of tho Sherman Keeliter now alludes to Dedlion as Sandy Point It Prank doesnt let up on Lit tie Denny It may be unsafe lor him to go there In tho future tnimw ion as them nil Capt Uo < 4 otalc oroam Scntiyalst olc to make It hard to keep up with Tho Grajson Hlfles uro drilling on the streets during the moonlight nights and are prosresslng flnely under their able and popular captain Silas Hare Jr Tho Grayson Bides band tinder Prof bands in the state The band bojs six teen In number mean to cot a uniform ot 1 btaUtal co5 0 the Hlfles Quito a number of yount ladles ami gentlomou of Sherman uttered meeting hop at Denlson given a by camp the kado Amateur company More than a score of Z f r0ra thta Vrnoonto up mi v 1 J1c T n s 1a at Gainesville Sokson lately a citizen of i i Longvevvhas bought an Interest in the i 0018 stabllslnnsn ShUTn m Schneider S Bro and will shortly brine hs family to Sherman to reside VeX 1KnsONAI Leo Hall nud NOTKS family are city and vvlll remain sove raiJda ys iu the Jtohert L Owen and B T Itient ttlemen of tho B l Bvrd Iu hiCol Stimvcll H Hussell of Denlson Is Aml ° I rown aml Link Miss Molllo two popular young ladles of this trt01 > ari8IU where they ir P t h0 umm r with f friends vr nJ Tb8rl 8 T otl11 a Prominent law The jury In tho Cove robbery csso aftor being out about three hours reported sj Kssssar W5 he ri fesaf hajsr0ft UKKKHAM MAIFEST Th rim 1Jfty ot tll a Success Special to the aaiotta BitKNHAM Tkx May H Tho first < l o the firemens Malfest vS JJfte a comPl010 8uc ss passed At the off plr of a largo atl0iS0annrVe7rencoTX S L Mr BcaureS X < nt0n equal to tho Occasion h 0 Uu e < n was Ins featurrf k 0I tno interest 1IchtGuZt will il h wons roust ° n rp S TOi1X wrolsou Yon TOi1 chmvSrs Lrtburn r rom tobftcc ° chow lniIS stlonIf you Turf Plug Se n P 1 vana l oypeMh flavor thirty PC cent mlldMt ouuSllh 0a Uwtt th a l Wways n08 Pu9 plUat o biu r DR W A C001 elST dM fiB h Surplcal Ulnponsary has mn nM i1 rickwlck hotel for fit cen < a uitbOpell 0docoan hr r head throat and loni ulll complaint Inveterate dlwa sof fhK that hav o dcacd all other luothojii nil dlnoiscs of tho n Tvoi from whatever cause crotiilairJiV Is ots fnv or fores contrncto total3 trnt Miff Joints rlicnmninm 1 lcuill oa8ed bones def raltlc f uphill anthma hay f vcr wiX Uironlo dlarruei nud In illabetl cured by IhUvvondorsjtteiii if no CATARRH monsit tho list of chr nlo ittei nlloct the hnmnn frame all catarrn U 11101 oironnlvo ipiunt and tauit I tnd diseuinfort and a vnlct > otiUif dacRcrons complications If jui u accumulations of mticns In the nmc u n stulfy atlliiK in tho h ad uawllmr tliiffilnll hosvy pain noross thecici Uon in ot promuru on 110 forencua il from tho nonrlln sores and utccrilat bad breath Iicndnchq and a tlriMdn fee HnK yon aro nlTeUcrt wttii ihnt mo ronio of nil dUoa e tlIiOMO OA andsliouUlcallaton onnd consillui who cures nil firrms and coiniillcalhni OUcaso LUNG DISEASE If you bavii pains In UierhrMer sensation ln thothtoatjl jotconihai whlto toiiRli mucus or ydlow and i vj llh li oorii or If jou h mj n Hunt b dimcii ly In Ijioatlitup aftc noontliti fover nlaht svventroUBllpatlonniD tlte iindlt nfeiinle loncoirheauitf Buppreenjd inonsisjoiiliavenotlwu muut lth cod lltr ol paifntctuw cures oough modlttnvi or change cf Do not tun dnntrrrnu risks hut come pcrleuccu llt COOK FEMALE DISBAS with uicry aksuranio of eiitejy n permanent euro 1 he rt or pnrllciilnrly Invites all a havo bem Shtn up by oilarpiTiitut unilor dohiR tho caraofjontt P ctl m me as ttoat thoso who cannot dnd relief tin TESTIMONIALS r la1 w ° ber 11 irouttonTex i Piiiroicrfiom li onlo IiIaoiI ixiInhIii cnusod nn ulcer ihatballhd ths skillc eminent physicians Ho ra treate LK on cnt well anil ln MJ attend to biislntss Jlr Ibivl 11 > While of Houitoa hM I jr in a spsfmeruvv tnpa lllviicnrs iiiioj Iiu iiUcei under Dr Omika Irentnont tx weeki juts lint no ntiirn of ibu Ulscateand hliusLlf as cured Mrs Kunnle lionimn Jtonalon li trentod by Ut Cook f rllycr dlicaie a peiiala and ls nuu entirely well Mrs S IloydGalvoatonTciiT bled wltli backache bearing doTnpulii feotlnirs dizzy head and other few plaints for several ytnrs and wa eore > month by Dr Cook vvlthont being mt embarrassing procodnro of an eiamlti Jlr Icn Cornet of G lvo tonTei havo aulforcd for years from caroai catarrh and havo obtained grestrl Hr Cooks treatment and am satisfied t moro months treatment will effectsci euro Sir J Journcny connected with ttJl Iacluo railroad nt HoustonTaxudl had both boon lone suirerers from cbroal tnltls which had almost terminate sumption Theyttoro cared in Jesstk months nnilcr lr Cooks treotmtne Sir Thomas Clarkln cOrnfr Thirty Iostotnco strcois i nlvcston Tex 1 rcrtlfythat Ir Cook curod mo of a which had resisted tho treatment of phvslclans In tho country Jl remote a plaster that csusod mo bat Utt o > als V rnonlals obtalnid Hi Cook II i country Consultation frco Charcot moderattl nt tho 1lckvvlck hotel Fort Worth Teif A HANDSOME WA1 TO HE Gta to lie City Si On the 15th of Eaoh Month 1 May 151880 JEvory Individual who takes n one month and nays for tamo fompuj entitled to a ticket la tho drawing > sorno watoh Said drawing to takopJA tazotto olllco on tho evening on eaoh month beginning Mar 151 j ZAYFIJELJO 33 353 NTIlS rostoOw Orer Ins Altualnum PUW less OxtracUOMOf t All work eolontlfloilly donn t lfll l m > mDR FRANK GRAY si boia raottco confined to ilttu X5yo Ear Noso and Offlo over Kings Proswre our t Ha iniK lrnctlse limited to Diseases of Eye Ear am I WRAY i STANLEY Attorneyn tt mot or f Cttj v U9 i s l