OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 19, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-05-19/ed-1/seq-5/

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w sot Make tlie
J j o Congress
probablo cendl
2wcceMor The glamor
at Washington City
forMn > and he will re
Jhen ettondDK to hla
JT Hl TBnnt
SfVy lSConsldcr
this district In
Ator mturo
iod y
decided not to enter
hue can say IiiThkOa
j m
rSSurt partis a
appointment to many of
Aftted 1 no 8 lrlt
Cthat dictates tho state
1L equally as am
interests Who can
Eosca the wiser course
hero ol a
hate icaclicd
aSlawblch Capt J Stro
in Delaware
ol this
Md probably fatally wouuded
to named McDanlol Stro
Bwntr and has many
rrwro are conflicting tic
j jho Shooting
tie other party had threat
L lHe and when approached
drained that ho had dono so
etd drawluc his sun but
Uo tho first shots hitting
Zhit breast ond In tho grolu
oa his It that while McDan
c Mcg la his field Strcther ad
iWned up llro on him apd
oaaded roan turned to run fol
oa horfebick and Inflicted a
lMd After tho shootlne
W oonlonsvtlle where ho pro
< tl before a justice and was
trbcud His friends in Sher
t Hat a full development ol
a regular raeetlnff of tho mil
Jursla t night at which the
ft of local legislation was en
omit cf 235 was allowod for
ca the 6trocts during tho
th ard it was decided that
reetimprovementbo suspended
rh work as was now In prog
jjace was passed prohibiting
sjruhontcfhorses mules and
riisrir on cnalty of putting the
nin the pound The town cow
hue to stay homo cf nights or
m will get into financial
o ll was awarded the contract
itioclty with oak lumber at
tea wero authorized to ce
cfiltig up of West Jones
ithe conntctiou of Houston
1 ihe Wbltesboro road on
lljull were awarded tho con
fid aa oak bridge over lost
ate Wbltesboro road at a
frintlng was awarded Hunter
nitofKM Goode vs tho Life
iclAratilca tho plaintiff got
lor 11250 with interest for nlno
wiling to about 2000
id jury 13 still la sesslou
irjlirs have given Sherman n
m enough wealth to retijp fro
ip thelr shekels with a
before witnessed
J s cleared
y nmber l > i tbe watch
bolder will present same
ton and get the watch
i Tru tee < it
H leV
M y JUJohn
ttwter and It M
master I 0 O F and
0 of Alv wdo lodge
it ure n e cliyand
Hie ° f nlM Johnson county
ftliwejw mb0W this meet
g thlashallanda
9 b d ot trustees of
< thl morning
named teachers selected
for next session W J J Tcrrolli super
iatendentand principal J D Goldsmith
assistant Misses Ilattlo Ilattlc Piuk
Slaier Dca lllaok Wllklns Finnic Shlpe
Kiln Heath Mrs M II Qeorge and Mrs
M M Lockctt
Mr K F Field of Abllsne Is In tho city
DIsMct court his adjourned until
Thursday morning
5 U Cheeee
Tho Fort Worth Grocer Co have re
ceived a shipment of excellent nice Swiss
Not Down to Until Work YetTlte liin
niouit Meilnl
Special to tho Oaictto
San Antonio Tjex May 18 Tho Tex
as Sportmens association met at San
lcdro Springs park this morning with
representative shootists from all parts of
tho state and has been engaged nearly all
day In the usual exercises
lour set matches were shot off The
session will occupy four days Tho
matches for tho champion gold medals
and diamond badges will come off On the
last day
Hayo given Tongallne a trial In two
cases of neuralgia one a lady aged
slxtyj four doses gave permanent relief
tho other a lady aged forty neither havo
bad auy return
J I Donojiuk M D Butler Mo
Court Notee Mr Wenr Lecture to i
lncked House nnd Soils 1IU llooke
Spoclal to thcUazotte
fteluutlful moonlight nights
People of Sherman havo had
sure la organizing equestrian
Irldtog over the surrounding
ile s they lay bathed In fair
wy beams A night or so ago
KJithe popular host of the
n was urged to lead one of
Mom In vain ho protested
didnt care to go tho ro
M that sort of thing
rMd any charms for him
Kcnso would be taken
Jtogo They will never ask
for it is tnldho led them
wrGrajBon at break
J fida tired lot of mortals
ieu they got back to Sher
umber of the partv aro re
Jetaklrg their brea kfasts off
Piece at present and say they
horsehack exercise to
S rest of the year
w Lyon the aged father of
i is here on a visit to his
Wn lives at Port Deposit
l er mi 6es spending a few
7sotnmer in Texas Hols
ojdi but la in full possession
WMal and physical faculties
f to complete a century He
oteribtlng n convocation
TfIMaRttat state
ftouie given by tho ladles of
MUiabenefit ot tho cemetery
cms and Hnan
fJoung ladles cf Sherman
J conceded tho prettiest In
< cd
over scores ot lopg ta
y ever
luxury in such
J thtt the masculino ele
DKfwrcn Tux May 18 County
court forclvll aud probate business con
vened yesterday with a heavy civil dock
ett The criminal docket will bo taken
up next Monday
C 11 Heard has opened in Munssiers
old stuud ho bought tho Mungsler stock
under order of cale from cuunty court
L C Sperkraau formerly of Decatur
but now ono of the liadlng lawyers ol
Uunrlctta Is in town attending court
Mr Hobt D Wear of Fort Worth lec
tured to a packed house hero last night
Subject To He or Not to Ho Ho
handled tho subject in a masterly man
ner and fully sustained his reputation as
a lecturer of extraordinary ability and
learning After the lecture he sold many
of his books Ho will lecture tonight
and tomorrow night
lllril Seed nnd Ulrd Uriuol
And mocking bird food for salo ot
Turner McCluros tho Houston street
Uoutluo lluklui HVI llllii Ihei Mlfmtitna
lort Worth llenrd From
Special to the Gazette
San Antonio Tkx May 18 The State
Press association met hero this raornlDg
iu Casino hall with about sevcniyflvo
memuers present rom nearly cvory city
town and hamlet In Texas Welcoming
addresses woro niado by Mayor Callahau
and other prominent clticns and tho re
ply waR made by Hon J II Davis presi
dent of the association after which tho
morning was consumed In preliminary
routine business and tho afternoon spent
Invlsltlng the old missions below the
city Tonight tho cditon are tho hon
ored guests of the Young Mens Christian
association it Is strongly Intimated that
the Texas libel law will receive a good
deal of attention More the session
terminates Tho prcident favors the ap
pointment < if a committee to draft a suit
able bill lor presentation to the next leg
The Invitation from Fort NVorth has
been received aud it is more thau be
lieved that the State Press convention
vllllslt your city betoio leaving tho
state for Chicago
Quarter ll rr l for S f
Wo have n few packages of No a
mackerel which o offer at tho exceed
ingly low price of 82 per quarterbarrel
First come first served Fort Worth
Ko robberies wero reported Grocer Co
It l iot thought thit the
Arbitration l iU > nndA auKlo 31nrder
ltesull Ieleeal Oone
Special to trie Unietle
WKVTiipnroitt Tkx May 18 A
Stevenson Esq county attorney re
turned lato last night from Poolvlllo
whero ho went yesterday morning to at
tend the examining trial ot I G Bnllliig
ton etiarged with un assault with Intent
to murder Dr G W Klnnard on Satur
day last The difendant was bound over
in tho sum of 8350 Tho doctor Is said
to 10 In a critical condition from a blow
ho received on his head from defendant
Tho cause of thedllUculty In which this
trouble originated was a partnership mill
business between tho defendant and Ule
doctor which they both agreed to settle
by arbitration of a committee of the
Farmers alliance their principles being
to avoid settlement ol differences by law
In every instance possible and settle all
troublo by arbitration but It seems that
at the
both parties became so enraged
time of settlement by tho Committee of
four members of the Fanners alliance
ensued resulting as
that the difficulty
above stated
ltv B A Howard formerly of May
Held Kv has located in this city and Is
arrangements for a business
house making in whlcfi ho will open a arge stock
of dry goods iu August Weatherford
citizens aud
needs more such substantial
The little difference botwecu Maj a
Andrew and Mrs II McKay regard
ing tho leaso ot the Carson Lewis house
assorted InTiiic Gazkttk oili the1110
has been adjusted and Mrs McKay has
leased the hotel for another year
of satlsfact on to our
is a great source
citlrens and tho t vollng piibllc
of lort Worlt a
Mr S W Stlpp
prominent life Insurance agent Is in uie
Cl Col J N Koacb and Hev M h New
evening train for hedalla Mo
took the
assembly as
to attend tho general
from hrs district of the presbytery
ofthe Cumberland1iti totaa
Tiia itirnoon about 2 oclock iJauas
weUto o tarmer living eight
Ho ord a
mdefnortb ot this city while rid ug one
and leading tne ower
nt his workhorses
lot tho horse bo was
was IwInK and
kadlurierke him off backward
broke bis neck His wM
loo as he fell and ran to him ilndin mm
< t
To Sell tlm llnvld J Adnme
IUumx N 8 May J
unorder for the sale ot
IromDIgby says the
the schooner David J AdjupaVb
tt once
state mm
Holrrg anil Happenings of tho Hay
OccarrcnccH for TTcal
or Woe
UMIierlnti from Oyer the MntoVeported
Specmllr for thnaaictta rj U
Owu Corrtitioutlenu
N ro Killed
Special to tha Oaten
Ktij Tier May 18 Intilllgencc has
just reached hero of tho killing of Dick
Hail by Lewis McMahpu both colorcdon
account of an old feud Tho affair took
placa about nlnn miles from town In
what Is known as Sledge lane Details are
Kl l > iuo
8pcel alto tho tiatcUc
El 1aSo Tkx May 18 F O San
dusky who recently succeeded C Yl
Walnoy t Co dealers In picture trames
glass etc assigned to Thos White tor
the benefit of creditors Assets 81418s
liabilities 2000
Chas Cline of California was today
sentenced in tho district court to two
years In tho penitentiary for theft
llnrd on Jlmep nnd Ctvltlo
Special to ha Gatctte
San Antonio Tkx May 18 Maj 1
K Hash paymaster of the United States
army who has just returned from a trip
In the West reports that a largo number
of cattle are dying from tho drought iu
Presidio county aud that Mayer llalff of
San Antonio has lost 8Q0O head Tho
Pheopmeu have killed thousands of
lambs for tho reason that tho owes cannot
support them
Correspondence ot Itao OaicHo
Ckowmsy Tkx May 17 Today Mrs
llettle Nceley was interred in tho Crowley
cemetery There was the largest iunural
procession that over followed tho remains
of any one hero for sho was kuown aud
loved bj many It has been scarcely ten
months slnco Tim Gazkttk recotded tho
marrlago of Mr Hid Neely ond MUs Hot
tie Urannon Mr Neely has tho sympa
thy of numerous friends and acquaint
ances over his Had bereavement
Thero has liecn no rain yet and crops
are suffering forwautof It
All Fixed Up
Special to the Uazctto
Galveston Tkx May 18 Tho ex
pected sensational denouement during the
session ot tho city council last evening
did not comu off It transpires that the
embarrassed officers bondsmen got wind
of his defalcation to tho city and havo
come gallantly to tho rescue of tho sink
tug man The matter rests h < re audit
Is not probable that any further publicity
will ever be made Tho city loses noth
ing aud everything goes along swimming
ly thats the programme To Indicate
whether the disgraced officer remains In
thoumploy of the city would bo to Iden
tify him which would grievously disap
point the many warm frkmls of tho un
tortunatu man
Cnpt Sneenry Confirmed
Special to tho Qaiotte
Ualvkston Tkx May 18 Capt C
C Sweeney received this evening pcr <
haps tha roost gratifying telegram of his
lite It was as follows
Wasiunoton May 18 To Charles C
Swteucy Collector ot Customs Galvefc
tojr You wero unanimously confirmed
this afternoon
Signed IticuAUD Cokk
This lilted a pretty big load off
the captains mind tho word uuanl
mously being particularly gratifying to
tho collector and his friends Just what
occasioned tho delay in Capt
Sweeneys confirmation nelthor ho
nor his friends kuow and the
latter had begun to feol that some pnW
erful secret enemy was trying to defeat
tho captains couflrmatlon The unanl
mous vote however dbpels these vague
Special to tho Gazette
Lokkna Tkx May 18 Wo have to
ht whisky In this precinct being J 1
p C McLcnuan county on fJune 12
aroysuco of success our pre
clnctnias wos4rirohlbltlon forMho last
four years anoTwJ intend t < J kiWp It so
until wo become a city fillJ Wj ity
J P Williams received a carload ot
binders from tho factory tbls morning
H B Sherman has opened up a furni
ture store on the cast sldu of the railroad
and wo understand he Intends to keop a
full supply ot agricultural Implements on
hand We wish him success
MrIat Brusf enham will run tho quarry
couth of town hereafter for tho Missouri
Pacific rallwoy
W K Sassaman Is delivering his wool
to J N Kskrldgoattho Missouri Pacific
railway today
Unless the weather changes very soon
crops will be slim in this section The
cold days and ulghts and continual
drought are telling on everything fast
Wichita rnjn
Corrcipondonco of thoOaiotte
Wichita Falls Tex May 17 Bishop
Garrett ot tho Episcopal church was
tendered a reception at tho resldenco ot
Mr J S Maytleld last Saturday night
which was largely attended aud proved
to bo ono of tho most brilliant social
events ot thoteason The bishop held
sen ices in tho church Sunday morning
aud evening preaching two very instruc
tive Interesting sermons to large congre
gations The church contained many
fioral decorations and the music was ex
cellent Four ladles and two gentlemen
wore confirmed
Dr Shaw tho regular pastor seems to
be doing good service for tho church at
this place which is only Iu its Infancy at
John Ames a section railroad bond
was brought before tho justice of the
with attempting
peace this morning charged
ing to shoot Pat Bates a fellow section
hand He waived on examination and
was held to appear before the next dis
trict court in the sum ot 8200
Illlt lolnt
Special to the Gaictta
Pilot Point Tax May 18 Dr G
B Ktbler formerly a dentist In this city
and a popular business man died last
nlchtat his farm residence Jour miles
south ol tho city His remains were
brought hero for InUrmcnttais afternoon
followed by a long processipn of friends
and neighbors About two year ago be
stricken with paralysis from which
he never recovered Last Saturday while
In the city be was KaIn takUt down ud
remained unconscious till death came to
Ills relief HbjUralJy arethebvneflclarlca
JHj ff8 ° RT WOatfH yjBJAg vtfbNESDAT MA1 J0
of a pMttf > policy In tho American re
gion of Honor for 8S000 He removed
fiomt Arkansas to this city about nine
years ago and was well known In tbls vl
Judgo Oliver ot tho New Kra has cone
to San Antonio to tho Press association
Elder4 A J Harris this cowboy
preacher weth hla family removed from
Denton to this city today
Last Thursddy evening just after sun
sot an unusual rumbling or roaring was
heard high up In the air for many miles
around and a flash or streak of light was
observed by some all of which Indicates
the explosion of a great meteor W II
Morse who wa Rt the time mentioned
twentytlv iull i w t of the city iu com
pany wiil others heard very distinctly
tho roarlug and sawthe flash Noclotida
wero to hi vwi
Orroipondcncnof tho Oaiette
MoxtaoiK Tkx May 17 This tec
Hon was visited yesterday by n slight
shower ot rain which was nothtng llko
enough but Will do considerable good
The weather for the past few days has
been cool
Sheriff Molaln has levied upon fcOO head
ot cattle belonging toKT Morrlv This
levy was made to satisfy ait execution Is
sued out of tho dlstrlot court ot this
county against Morris and In favor of tho
First National banket thU place
Kows has reached horo that tho discov
ery ot a Iresh gravo near St loo aroused
tho suspicion of tho nelghoors and they
reported what they had discovered td the
justice of tha peace who proceeded to
hold an Inquest but your correspondent
was unablo tp learn what was tho result
It appears that tho grave was found on
tho premises of a party who had recently
left and Is snppositl to be Iu tho Nation
and against whom suspicion rests as hav
ing toully dealt with tho Infant as from
the slue ot tho grave It was supposed to
buan Infant
Tbrco more head of tho horses captured
by the sheriff havo proved to bo stolen
County Attorney M Chambers ac
compaulcd by hi wife loftycstetduyona
visit to tholr old homo In Ohio
V S Jamcrson has gone to Dallas on
busbies In tho federal court
Tho Haptlsi revival fttlll continues
Jluv K C Dejornott pastor of tho
Methodist church at this placo who
with hit wife has been spendlug koiiio
tliuo at Jefferson and Greeuvlllo returned
libino Saturday
Corrcapondouco ot tho Uaiolto
Aliianv Tkx May 17 Mr CbarlcS
Schcuber of Fort Worth has been spend
ing tho Meek In this county lookleg attcr
his Interests in land nnd live stock Mr
Sohouber Is connected with Dr Culver In
theowncrshlpof n flue flock ot sheep and a
large pasture Wo aro creditably Informed
that they havo sold tho pasture to J A
and J 11 Mathers for a handsome sum
The 111 ntlst meeting closed Thursday
night Several new converts wero im
mersed aud received Into full fellowship
A disagreeable dust storm blew all day
Friday followed by a sudden fall In the
tempeiaturo from US to 05 In a fow
A cltlrcn > meeting was hold at the
courthouse Saturday for tho purpoho ot
electing olUcors for tho Fair association
V K Conrad was sclectt d prcMdent J
H Fleming1 vlcipre Idontt J I Shelton
treaeuior I J Thompson sectutary
nnd W A Davis corresponding hccrc
Mr Horace Washington Is havinga
fiveroom dwelling erected upon his
ranch properly recently purchased from
tho Gardner Bros
Mr It K McNulty Mr < J Thomp
sou and his sisterinlaw Miss MoMulIeu
wero passengers on tho westbound train
from tho Fort Friday evening
11 C Jacob sold 1000 acres of choice
laud near town to J Ii Flehcr last week
John M Moore of the law firm of Flem
ing Mooru sold his dwelling on Third
street to L II Hill of tho firm ot Camp
bell S Hill It Is alilrmcd that Mr Mooro
intends to move cither to Cisco or El
L W Campbell Esq la attending tho
supremo court In tho interests of G W
Tucker and wife appealed from Jones
lnmoiu Uiicuimiflfil
Stllwcll pig hams frcm shipment at
Turner McCluros
Tlio Uepntillciiti Lender of the Itlo Ornml
Vf IleeU iu
special to the Oaiette
San Antonio Tkx MaCT8 Col
son Plato tho excollector for tho Corp
Christi district under the Republican
regime who put on a good ileal of style
whlio drawing a big salary with both
hands from Undo Sams crib has been
undergoing a trial tor two days past for
embezzling 81770 from the government
whlio In ofllco during February 1884
The defense set up a pica that tho claims
of itho government had been puttied Iu
full which Is a fact but It was not done
until some time after the Indictment
filed by tho grand jury A vigorous fight
was made on both sldos and District
Attorney Kleberg was particularly severe
declaring that tho big fishes should not
bo allowed to monkey with government
money Tho jury returned a veidlct of
guilty In ton minutes recommending the
prisoner to the mercy ot tho court and
tonight Col Nelson Plato the Itepub
lican leader of the Itlo Grande rests iu a
A Mew ltuterprUe
The underslghcd respectfully informs
the public that they have just established
In tbUclty at Fifth and Throckmoiton
streets a new laundry replete lu every
department The machinery U of the
best and most expensive pattern and all
of tha latctt Improvements aro Iu opera
tion We guarantee washing to bo dono
without tho least Injury and In a prompt
thorough and systematic manner Wo
bring Into the business several years ex
perience at Mobile Ma Wo employ
none but experienced and reliable cm
plovcs and the laundry will be conducted
strictly on business principles nnd satis
far Ion given Iu every particular This
Ijnudry is pot a laundry In name only
but a drstclass enterprise In all the term
Implies Gqodtf sent tor and promptly
delivered as per contract Prices very
reasonable This new laundry will bo
ready for business on Monday the 24th
Inst IIcsryclfullyl
Trior Btkam Laundry
Gibbon MkU Cardinal
BALTixtpitK MW May 18 Arehblshop
Gibbons this mornlDg received an official
communication from Cardinal Langl
Jkcoblhlf papal eecretary of state in
forming him of bis election to tho card
inality by Pope Leo XIII
Ciue ScHtimsn
Tho Onllltmeii Omptulti llltitirly
llme Mini llntu itlnnyn Aided
lliein tlne Miula
Special to tha Oniclto
Gainbswilk Tbx Mny 18 Informa
tion readies here from Delaware Bend of
a shootlug Msrapo which occurred ucur
there on last Saturday In Mhlch a young
man by thu mimo of McDantel was shot
and probably fatally Injured Itsooms
that McDanlol and another man who
wero employed to work on tho farm of
Trlgc Strother had a quarrel on Satur
day morning nhlch tact wts reported to
Strother together with tho statement
that youne McDanlol had threatened
Strothcra life Strother arming him
self with a sixshooter 1 in me
diately xepalrcd to the tarin
whore ho found McDanlel at work Thu
latter whou questioned by Strother de
nied that ho had mado any such threats
and reached behind him to get his hand
kerchief from bis pocket when Strother
opened llro tho ball striking MuDamel lu
tho left breast Tho latter us toon ns he
received the shot broko and ran with
Strother In close oursnlt Being unable
to catch hlra on foot Strother procured a
horse and followed some dis
tance wheu he found the wounded man
Ijlng down Diawlng bis pistol ho fired
two more shots both ot Avldch took
effect and then left young MoDnnlul tor
dead Strother then rodu to Gor
donvlle and surrendered to Ecqulro
Crump and was released on a f > 00 bdtid
for ids appearance at some future day
At last accounts McPanlel was still alive
but his wounds wero regarded as neces
sarily fatal
Dr Ullcrlst ot ttils pity was called to
attend it young man by tho name of ltlgs
by living about eight miles wost of here
who was thrown lioift n horse and very
seriously Injured It scums that the
young man was riding a pitching horso
and was finally thrown to tho ground
with such force us to injure his left side
and fracture hi skull Hu was still un
conscious when last heard from though
thero were some indications of a re
Doputy Shoilft Vlnce Augllnand George
Itlee left this morning In search ot a
horMi thief A few days ugo au Individ
ual who signs himself J B Crisp ar
rived in this city with a horse which ho
sold to George Blco for 820 0 giving
Itlco a bill of sale Shortly afterwards a
man from Greenwood Wise county
camo along In search ot tho unlmal which
was found today When Jllco learned
tho facts in company with Deputy
Auglln hu started iu pursuit of tho thief
who stated ho had a brother living about
four miles north ot WhlUJsboro
His understood that many cattlemen
living In tho Indian Territory or having
cattle there complain bitterly at Gaines
vlllo putting tho blame upou our city for
tho order to remove tho cattlo of nonresl
dents on this sldu within tho reach of cred
itors Tho cattlemen havo been greatly
favored by many citizens of Gaines
ville and even now they have Interfered
to gel n stay ot proceeding for sixty
days which has been gruutcdlby tlm sec
retary ot tho Interior ond Instructions
telegraphed to Indian Ageut Owens of tho
Clilckataw nation
Thu following representatives of tho
Galncsvlllo Gun club havo left tor San
Antonio to attend tho state shoot i C
Chambers Joe Cottraux Mart Brown
W P Po and and J B Spraglhs Thcie
aro somu good nhots among thu crowd
and a good record Is expected for the
Elder Mcpherson ol Waxahachto ar
rived lu tho city yoklorday and will re
main several days preaching at tho
Christian church morning and evening
Bob May candidate for sheriff of Gray
son county is In thu city
G V Barefoot candldatoior county
judge of Montague county is lu the city
line Apple
The Fort Worth Grocor Co tm Just In
receipt ol an unusually choice shipment
of pluc apples Call early for first choice
Forctnc Them In IIUcum Homo Hide
LONlOv May 18 Gladstone in the
house ot commons this afternoon moved
that the house devoto four nights of the
five given to parliamentary business ev
ery week to tha debate On tho homerule
bill Tho premiers proposal produced a
sensation as it came to generally be be
lieved without any clearly defined reason
therefor that tho gentlemen had about
given up hope of carrying their measure
und would bring on a crisis as early as
possible An excited discussion at onco
followed ou tbo motion During this
time both sides to tho controycrsy ro
vraled tbctr positions Sir Michael
HicksBeach Conservative said bis party
wanted a pledge that the debate would bo
finished lrli y next TothU Gladstone
J w SCHjsiiflKn
Sola Agcnl > In North Tetat orthofelrbrctod
Slluvinn Sprfnsrw Wnukoahu WmHev
AOI IlottHtott Htrout Cincinnatioaioc
Fort WorthTcxat lift etyoiimoiti HtVoot
Another Oclunnro Ilcml Tragedy
HcKiilts In tha enth ot Ono
WhoIesaleWhisky IVIerchants
And DcAlctt In All KlmJoof
llouieu K5 KcU lle c r 11 Celcbr ted 1oUlcJ lle > ° Mllwaakec llottllng and Wu Ira
400 and 402 Houston corner Third Str Fort Worth Tex
llcmbt r American Ticket DroVcrV
tickkih whioiit orr and > x
Hotel IlcKwlck it Wortli
answered that his reckoning cxtcudod
tho dobatu Jir beyoud tho dato fixed by
tho opposition Alter a long and warm
dlscnisloiv Oladstunua motion was car
St Jacobs Oil cured Dr Ulcbard Obor
laendor of Lelpslc Germany ot neuml
in > i i
Unnt ll r tllty lrotierly
Or anything olso In tho real estate lino
until you call ou Ilttlejohn Martlu 205
Main street
eimroWn HfiTollie Itlglit In llo filed In
tlm nimitt ur o < timubt
o + riclftHo tnoUaiotto
Four Smith Auk May 18 Tho fol
lowing Important decision was rendered
litHt evening by Hon J C Parker Judgo
of tlio Hulled States court for tho West
ern iystrict ot Arkansas Tho case of It
M Wolf and II 1Icons Cherokee dele
gates canto before tho court on nppllca
tlonto Iho judgo ot tho court for a war
rant tor their removal to tho District ot
Colignbla for trial whero they together
wtMftW A Phillips attorney for tho
Cyrokco nation stand indicted on n
iVt a of conspiracy to defraud iho Ctior
okeuuallon of 8112500 Wolt and Boss
sued out a wilt ot habeas corpus on tho
ground that they were hold In arrest con
trary to the constitution and laws of tho
United StMus because they wuro Indians
Thu case was argued several weeks ago
and the judgu has tdnco had It under ad
vlncment The court held that tho urlmo
charged was row piracy to commit an of
fcusu nalust tho United Slates nnd that
tho law n such cao applied to the Dis
trict ot Columbia as well ns all other
plaoes over which thu United
Slatca bad exclusive luvlndtctlou After
reciting at some length tho lawa govern
Ing thu case and on which his decision
was based ho declared that notwith
standing Hush nnd Wolt wero Indium
and Iho Cherokee nation was an Indian
nation tho supreme court ot tho District
0t Columbia had jurisdiction In the
premises and It became the duty of this
court to send tho defendants to Urn Dis
trict of Columbia for trial whom Phillips
Is already lu arrest They uiu under
bond to appear in Washington by thu
first of June
Unr loilcl Ilurk Mult
Tho Fort Worth Grocer Co liavojiistra
eolved another car ot rock salt Tho best
and cheapest on earth for stock use
W A Huffman Manufacturing com
pany are now lecelvlng a largo invoice of
portable forges for blacksmiths and cat
tlemen Special discount to tho trade
Prof John J Caldwell M > Balti
more payst No narcotics In Bed Stat
Cough Cure
C17 St flmrles Hired SI Louis Mo
A rrfttlr tradutlfftf l e Millr1 Cllf11 Uoloiif
ntgr4Jnit > ipreil fr liuful uf 11 Vitimir Mnvl Ot
nr ibr ll < <
a tbu 7ll In t
en pepeteehei 4 till rwiUut ks4 w
Onnorrhira llrrt Mrktnre Or chilli
or Itupture ill tlrlmrjr DlirMte ami
rlrphlllllo llbeiim tl iii and M rcorl l AflMtlom
ol the Tliront skip or llonea t it i J lit uori
ti lavMtiiafini MieuiiDerriuiiii Haitiriiutiif
Kpernulorrritui ttettul Dtbllltjr nd fropottner
ifat iillrHlftbu4 111 youthrivl t > mall mlurr
7 rl r tbrttBCf nt wllb 4 n ftnlll li > <
ffKlu brreuuiM nil l tanliilpnl nlfbllH > id tjllU
4lmc J rilB ht nil fMiif nrm r j > ln i > 1 l CD lb ft
plmlflftl ifM > rcrila to the 011 of frmlMetnfuloa
fHMloii ftieU r in i la
reorM r eui > rr r ertMtte11 u 4 Iufblrt Ift
rfiiantbi U 14 Trluu fr t Mr m
drii OanilUllglmi ot b nie en J ltluJ A
frlu4l Uik cr bio enlon e it uHbisi 1
All Urlner Kbloeraml IllaiMerl
Ken cure for life
Wb u It Ii Uoo fiil t la tlll lb til for tJilntot wl
ImMta be ot b mil ur itireti n r n Iwbw
MirurLl t WLrHMbl III frnkl l le4
PempUlete Enfllehortlerninlil p ueearlb
Ing eboee aieeenei in mle pr lomlo yilEJi
800 raRM Vino IJnlee
Klfjot llatlt > U4 III triJIiV H M rr aoeurjii
Oh imaiif l plnnee 7be
r eonmi > r
wbla iirjlru li Ilri
ailUU e be olUilx ab < ui
b uiiiVrr b BI kbliiaDbM4 mnh l l r
fitUor Oku 1 trlibM iiU < be life 4 blr
iloiatii b lecrfM IU tibaUlorr f rpr liutlb <
Ubumara Tlie luatilHorunpltlBe nrrlaebpli
watt 11 exbite t mi be all ll iraooi iWib
BD4ar Iiki eiid Iptilr a4lUn iae ba r eavr 40Ca
< 4 S W IB >
f lkl ii 4v u u j utvvoiuuictifrBieff VBBHJIy Mj l1 0 1
i A1

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