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KMVanZandt W 0 Turtior
on II Drown W A lUifrman
II II laddock Chan Hchtiiber
Jas W Swayno
W A Huffman W 0 Tamer
JaB W Swayno
W L Mauisk Ooncral Manager
atIWIII1lllllWMM giagJS 7i
Iottottlce a aeconJCla Mai wtur
iiAin svmantmuin
lmtiigt 1rtpatii li tht ruWihtrlS
I 0 UH
ariVo atnvui never icavo tna groan alive
Irloadanil be
M lnlwwMmi < niii >
11 to ivi
Inn Yiiir Ul 1 00
l JlontM 60 60
TlmWonths 3 00 ThreoMonths
Man r > uottk Iljioi
Im Week
IU L4AT O MrKoo nmnsKOr
it MA KH8xll I mnnago
WVwiiiminiiuil l J > < oy wa a r
lms O II Maxw manager
j ft kmonJi kiiononi wttttajet
Ju iiAr iiob Kennedy m 1
AallmnW K Iowoilmanager
rf iH iwiffiii o5imi
nCiiAMO K Johnson manager
II 5lSr UnoV r M Worlhiuii laanoxor
< llAinliCrank lioisoy maniiKer
0 K 1 0W It Nowklrlc manBKor
Vl iw uiJ K Moilanlolrnanaw
iiihoii W J 1ulloy manager
ttii tctbouoJ Ulonn manager
TUB Minrrwvrlll l > o found fur sale at the
l a BonaHner hrand Widejbotal
slre tillJa 0crton oalherniiotoi
i Bfiiwaa AititJ H I vi
Ho aw U Hull 11 IllishuoM anil 1 K Orocno
lutes ol AilvortlilnK Kurnlatied on Application
llfinUtunrnbildiitft imriojfrt mown milerir
til HtiMtit < llttitrutrltk < ifoUt
ttofinpoi dtinL ioIMKU < > till w t tub
iClromM Wonmtlan < > rrtnti tiff nwf Ariui i
fiillViitntM Merttt ioltctM ami irK U >
fllffW Mtwltjl IoUirMlon
mml It am > iwirl t Hit inltrS nnmr < <
< trrtt notor imlillciilhn hill < rtlitnut
rJun vrMnj to Tilt AlTrH oil Imvlnm
ptnmiul 191imiiWiM utllvttiue hicloff ttumjifui
liltllr rtMliigtobiulnmt > rH ilUii < ltlioiilil
IMS nihil awl tu Till UAM Ill Aorl llorlli Jtr
THE GAZETTE has tho Lurgost
bonafido Circulation of any Daily
Nowspapor published in I oxas
THE OAZETTE Is tho only Mornlno
Iapor In North Toxaathnt nowPubllshoa
tho A oolatoil Pros Tolooram
llnLKiif Tkxi May 12 188H Ilemo
orfttlablliililiiBOoinimnj li oil Woilli
Oentlomoni I Itavo rcculvuil thu rstuy
organ tlmt you mlvortiscil to nio to tbo
powon BinilliiK in thu KruMost umnijir ol
iubscrlptloiw to thu Sunday ntitl AVooKly
TAimnVclpro tho ilrnt of JIny Tlio
oipth hat btou tinpackuil iul In my
hoU i i ral tlnyc anil I uint to tell
ytm that I ant perfectly ilellKhlcil ltli It
lJeaso ncoept tny tlninkM lor your prompt
nuns iiml nty ery best wlthoa lor tho
Micoojtsof Tin flAiriu Virj nospect
lully Mim T OTAtr
1 tj I will Hunil you hoiiio inoro Hub
Korlbmj hot NceK
Ir Mr MumncH vanta to aavo hln neck
b > will iiliml unllty ami take lib chancea
i i Mi
Ah iiii breweries In Muter cities shut
< Umn entcker factories In Kurt Worth
open up
Tin Texas town that Is not a great
railroad center these dnyti la losing Ua
I i
WOiik on the AtchlsouTopeka Santa
Io la beloR pushed vigorously On to
Onlubgvllle In ninety days
Mtt Hwainh Alexander apeeolt was
tnoift favorably rectlved and It may be
put down that his boom lor uovuruor whn
cciit euvoral lenKtha ahead Ihcietiy
Tin Kentucky lcRlalaturu hat tid
Joumcd alter a session of HO days Tho
beiiUlriuu tho Kentucky papers say of It
U that thcro nuvcr was a wor u onu
Tine tptcatlon ot a publte park > i one
deeervltus tho attention of our people
Tho day la soon coudun when land for a
park will not bo so easily and cheaply ob
tained as now
Tint New Orleans Democrats who
elected their man In place of Uahn Ko
publican deceasedhave not added to tho
Domocmtlo tttrotijith of tho house Tho
new member 1 a protectionist
i > I
Kirs Democratic congressional con
Millions bavo beou held and every ono of
tlloni apprmad tho course ol lresldc nt
Olevelatid ami aslod him to koep It up
Tho IncorrlRtblo pollsmau Is lato In get
Unit out
i WWI i iii
Tun way this administration Is outrag
ing thft trooly loll In the Koulh is enough
to makil the bloody ahlrt tlano with in
itlnnatlon 1 persUta In prosccutlug
o y dnct jjf tho late federal olllcjaU who
cant Mipiijjtnij lil8Bl tttnl ry accountii
with the jtowrnmc nt 1s
but as Kmtllfrhroen are
l atal hough Ms dearest fncndi life hung Tha money was
T Xcxai > ° ar noappV wlthIhadthe hrsoA
TnuOalvcBton Tribune lvc advice i
Daliaa and Tort Worth should ttnlto n
thai bl fair project 8co bow Hooaton
amlo ftlvestondwolltogotber In unltyl
iort Worth otters to tako tho affair off ol
Dallas hands alncasbo lias ono at It In
such a bucgllDR majnncr
Wk call tho nttchtlou ol our Dallas
readers to tho vote Of tho cdltor Upon
tbo question of selecting the placo of
holding their nest convention Thore
wore fortyflvo who wanted Vort Worth
and thirteen preferred Dallas Tho thir
teen had not read the government reports
of temperature at Dalian
Tins libel law ofToxas ought to bo so
framed n < to prohibit a newspaper Jrom
printing An item of news until tho owners
ol tho papor could personally Investigate
Its truth JThls would mako tho nows
rather stalo but then nowspaper mana
gers would bavo legal excuse for printing
nothing that Involved trust In others
Tiik Qakttk has been sued for libel
for o telegram sent to It by a regular cor
respondent Tho petition alleges malice
Thcro Is not a sensible man In Texas
who believes a nowspaper prints tele
graphic news with malicious Intent If
newspapers vent mallco It Is In their edi
torial uttornnccs and tho paper must do
pond on tbo honor and honesty of Its cor
respondents othorwlso thero would be no
news printed Tho correspondents ol
this paper havo printed Instructions
which will bo disproof of njullciouulnlunt
beforo any Jury of men In tho state That
any reasonable man could deliberately
swear a nowspaper was malicious nnd
premeditated In so trusting to Its corre
spondents Is almost past belief Tiik
Oaktti never yet printed un Item of
news with Intent to Injure a man and has
never yet failed to glvo piompt mill cheer
ful conectlon of unintentional wrong
done any mint when so requested
i i i i ii
Many of tho 1armors alliance c en
those that approve tho proposition to
make common cause with tho Knights of
Labor protest against tho railroad pool
ing system and one or two have gone so
far as to condemn thu otutu administra
tion for not applying tho legal machinery
of tho stato against Us practice The
farmers will probably rend with a great
deal of Interest tho Iows of leading
KnlghU of Labor ai expressed In tho
courto of their testimony before tho con
gressional Investigating committee up
holding the pooling system They say It
Is good for the laboring men becauso It
prevents competition and enables thu
roads to pay higher wages Ono
of the Knights said It would bo
n good thing to do avtuy with com
petitive roads altogothorj for while tho
discontinuance of roads would throw
many railroad men out of employ
ment tho men who could llud work
would got better wages while those who
weio left wouUfdrllt Into other and bet
torpaying occupations principally agri
culture This Is not a bad plan from the
point of tho railroad men but its fleets
upon tho farmers are not so biuellcent
It acts disastrously upon them In two
ways Without competitive transporta
tion lines freight rates will be kept up
and their com and wheat and cotton must
pay higher tolls to market nnd by forcing
tho discharged laborers upon farms agri
cultural productions arc greatly In
creased tho supply far outrunning tho
demand nttd prices go down In conse
ThoFarmcrs alliances should sotllu tho
inattor beforo gobm any further whothor
they aro to cut their own throats by up
holding tho demands of an organization
whoso leadors defend tho pooling system
becauso It allows too much competition
A people deserve to bo represented by
just such olllcers as they elect Somo
pretty poor men aro often sont to con
gress poor In possession of brains and
of honor It cannot bo that such men
nru elected by thu great body of thu peo
ple who aro honest and capable of dis
cerning Intelligence and competency In
others Hut such men aro elected which
leads to two concluslousj namely that
thoy arc elected by men no hotter than
themseheat and that tho better part ot
thu voters allow such things by their ab
keuco fiom thu nominating conventions
l vety man who neglects to glvo his ac
tlvo support to tho best men for olllco
contributes to tho election of tho worst
It Is a duly ol citizenship and not a mete
privilege tb vote Ono owes it not mere
ly to himself but to tho society of which
he s a part to tho state ol which ho is a
cltlren so to Interest himself In political
affairs ai to sco that tho best men aro put
in charge ol public olllces A failure to
act his part In this respect Is a violation
of bis duty to tho slate which demands
tho best services from Ml ItspeoplOi itls
a violation ot his duty to his neighbors
for they havo a right tcj his assistance in
upholding tho general welfare
At the primary elections Is tho
placo lor tho display ol public spirit A
nomination is In party practice equiva
lent to an election by tho party thai Is
strongest To allow an lmprororman to
bo nominated Is to encourage his dec
tlonj foroucn nominated ho will receive
tho votes ot many who would rather voto
toraomo ouoolso but who yielding to
party discipline defer their Judgment to
tho collective Judgment of tho majority
as shown In Uio nomination It is easier
to beat a bad man at the primaries when
tho Rctlon la free than after ho is nomi
nated nod the Individual action is lettered
bytlunolcool tmnuajoilty Therefore
tho placo and time to work lor tho host
men lor public ofllco Is before tbo pri
Thk Gazkttb would liko to sec every
Dorriocrat In Tarrant county represented
In tho convention ol July 17 To gain
representation thcro thoy must take part
in tho primary meeting ol July 10 and
elect delegates who will express their
v lows In tho convention II they do this
tho best mon will bo nominated for tbo
best men In tbo county will mako tho
nominations No one who falls to act
his part In tho primary meetings has a
right to complain if the result Is not what
ho would havo had It for by staying
away bo has confef scd that ho has no
interest in tho welfare of tho county or
state or ol his fdllowcltleri and ho Is
cut off from complaining at whatever
they may do
The congrojslonal conventions are be
coming moro frequent nnd remind us
that wo aro entering jipon another cam
palgn lor tho control of tho house of
representatives Tho coming election
will bo fuller ot Interest than any that has
taken placo In an oft year since tho wart
for being tho llrst national election since
tho cbango of administration it will bo
regarded as showing how tho country
takes to Democratic methods If tho
present Democratic ascendancy In tho
house Is maintained It will be an ap
proval and no change ol policy will take
place Hut a Democratic defeat this year
will compel a change ol policy to lit it
more to tho demands of tho country Tho
Democrats have been on trial and now
tho Verdict Is to bo given
In tho houso thcro arc now 1I Demo
crats and HO Kcpubllcanlj With two
elected as Independents who cannot be
classed with cither party Tho Demo
cratic majority of ID Is n6t too largo
for safe control ot tho house anil tho
Democrats must show ns large a major
ity in tbo KJ1 tloth congress oracknovv ledgu
In tbo South thero will be very few
changes Tho Domocrats expect to gain
u scat In Kentucky tho only Hepubllcan
from that stato having a majority ol but
10 Tho Itepubllcans oxpeot to win two
districts In Tennessee on account of tho
change of feeling to support of hightariff
measures A gain of ono DemocratIs
counted on In Missouri where a change
has been made in ono of tho congressional
districts slnco tho last election that will
glvo tho Democrats majority whero tho
Itepubllcans elected their candidate In
Important changes aro counted on In
thu North nrtd West whero losses and
gains nru looked for on both sides Con
gressman Henley of California who en
joys thofllstlnctlon of being the only Dem
ocratic roprciontntlvo in thu inwent con
gress from tho Pacific coast says his par
ty will gilu four seats in California Tho
Knights ot labor are acting with tho
Deinoeiats Jn Connecticut and with their
ul1 a gain it ono Is looked fiif Iowa lias
been gerrymandered by tho Itepubllcans
nnd the Democrats will lose one proba
bly two Senator Voorhecs sajs no
change will lie made In Indiana but Con
gressman Wcrd expecti a Hepuollcan
gain of ono Wurdlsn spoils Democrat
and tho gain If made will probably bo at
his expeuso A Democratic gain of ono
Js looked for In Massachusetts A loss of
oueor two Democrats lrom Michigan Is
anticipated uud a gain ot ono In Now
Jersey Foran says ilia Democrats will
not hold their own In Ohio It tho loss is
conilned to lorans district thcro will bo
llttlo grlol nmong his party A probable
gain ol ouo from West Virginia will make
tho delegation lrom that statu solidly
It tticsu gains and losses aro made the
riftleth congress will bo divided botween
tho Democrats and Itepubllcaus about as
tho rortynluth In that ovont tho con
test will bo accepted as favorable to the
administration and tho Dciuocints will
persevere In tho course marked out and
followed so far
Tho St Louis GlobeDemocrat is Justly
regarded as ono of tho foremost papers
of Amerca and thero is indeed much in
this great Journal that is worthy of ad
miration Hut the constant outcropping
ot spite and prejudice so apparent in
every editorial touching tho South or
Southern institutions past or present is
a fault for which thcro is not tho slightest
Justification In a luto artlclo headed
Tho Ducilo Dead It deuls with Its
themo In a way thatbetrajs either false
hood or Ignorance or a mixture of both
that would dlsgracoa crossroads coun
try weekly Tho tenor of tho piece may
be judged from this
ItwasUio popular belle when duels
were more common in Virginia than thoy
have been In tho past ten joars that no
ono was ovor killed in any ol them ex
cept a negro In contest with another ne
gro nnd In that Instance neither princi
pals or secouds had tho remotest ldia
that the weapons were loaded with any
thing except powder
A newspaper In Its ofllco as recorder ol
contemporaneous history ought to havo
enough decency to at least approximate
truth Tho cowardly insinuation Js irtado
that tho duels wero merely lorbluster a < v
further on comparisons arc drawn be
tween these attalra In tho South s they
happened years ago and similar meotlngs
in Trance and Germany Now tho Inlic
quencyot latal results In these Kuropean
contesU on tho Held of honor Is known
aud joked about everywhere but when
tho Globo Democrat tries to can
lldlculoontho duolio as lt ormerly ex
isted in tho Southern states it dUtorts
Wstory audi bctraytr Its want of Miowl
edgo of tho customs of a section It ha
ever misrepresented with all tho mallco
ol Iguoranco and hate
Hcavon knows tho people ol the new
South aro glid that tho duello Is dead
Liko slarery It Is a closed book Thero
la nothing to look back on with prhlo In
tho contemplation ol tho bloody code It
wo < t simply an abnormal outgrowth ol
popular misconception ot chivalry But
It was no childs play Not only Virginia
bnt both tho Carollnas Louisiana Geor
gia Alabama and their sister slates ol
tho South had regular duelling urouiids
whero men as bravo as ever fol
lowed King Hlchard In tho crusades
met to light out their differences to tho
death And yet tho attempt Is made to
show that tho duel became a dead custom
on account of Its harmlcssncss It says
When tho fact became genorally
known that duelling bad become its harm
less a diversion as dancing and much
less deadly then quiet sociable drinking
Its doom was sealed Tho duolio Is dead
In tho South Itldlculo has killed it
In assigning a caiiso tho GlobeDemo
crat gives tho very opposite of tho truth
lluln and rcmorso do not beget rldlculo
Tho custom Is dead not because
of ridicule hut became the
moral Bcntlment of an advanc
ing civilization opposed Tho exploits
ol Col Cash In South Carolina In recent
years avvoko a feeling of abhorronco not
only In tho Palmotto state but through
out the South Thcro waj no room for
lldlculc but of abhorrenco for tho bar
barity ol the bloody business A man
who would havo taken the field In tho
South twenty years ago to partlolpato as
principal In a contest whero grim death
was not a likely result to one or both or
where thero was tho slightest suspicion
ot burlesque would havo been branded
as unworthy tho society of gentlemen
Happily that epoch Is past In truth tho
duello Is dead but not from rldlculo
Tho people condemned It for its sav
agery and it had to go
IimiiaiV rtlllnncr KuIkIiIx it Jalior ma
1H niticritcy
Tout Woktii Tix May an 1880
Editor Oakttk I seo in your issuo
of this morning that you lu suostunco
take tho position that tho larmers ot this
county can and ought to exercise a con
trolling Influence In our county conven
tion and that you urge them aud all
other Democrats without regaid to their
connection with secret societies to at
tend tho primary meetings and to send
men to the county convention whom
they can dopond to represent their inter
ests and reflect their sentiments This is
right Tho olllclal returns show thaMhc
total voto of tho Democratic party ol
Tatrant county at tho last election was
Il IO Of this number UAOO cast
outsldo ot tho city of Fort Worth and
l0i5 wero cast within tho city limits
Tuls gives tho country Democrats n clear
majoilty oIlOO over the city Democrats
Thu Democratic party is tho party of tho
people by tho people and tot the people
It Is a cardinal principle f Democracy
that the will of tho majori y Hliall rule
Thercfoic accoldlng to uocratic prin
ciples tho country lumu > uvts havo tho
power and It they so desire they
can excrclso n controllln Inilnuuco in
our conventions I for ono would bo glad
to see them exercising thu power It
would result ingrcater purity in politics
It would secure a faithful nforcement of
our laws It would give us n bettor
ernment Tho farmers 5s a class are
prudent and conscrvatlv o men As far as
politics aro concerned thev have no do
stio except lor honest ami faithful ofllcers
good laws and good government Thoy
have uono but their countrys good at
henrt Upon their shoulders tail tho
principal burdens of tho government nnd
It Is bnt fair right and just that tholr
voices should bo heard lu our conven
tions and that their wishes should bo re
spected and their interest fostered by our
lawmaking powers
Much that has been said with reference
to the lat mors can also be said ol the
Knights ot Labor While thcro aro somo
Imprudent and hotheaded among thoai
and while they havo raado mistakes
yet as a body their object and purpose Is
to elevate and dignify labor In times ot
excitement liko thcte wo should not bo
deceived or misled Because Injustlco
has been done on ono hand and excesses
havo been committed on tho other Is uo
reason why men who should bo fair and
Impartial should lose their senses and
tako extreme and untenable positions
cither ouo way or the other All honest
men who havo toe good of tholr country
nt heart dcslro that caplt ii should bo pro
tected but on tho ot tr hand In our
zeal to protect property lights wo should
not make the fatal mlstako of elovatln
capital above labor Tho basis of our
government Is not tho
support that it re
ceives from men of large fortunes but
tho arms that labor the minds that think
and the hearts that fed constitute our
trim strength and glory
Wo should always remember that labor
Is flesh and blood and that labor Is tho
creator and capital the creaturo Tho
creator is greater than the creature
ihls is tho law of natu and ot natures
Qod Any attempt to > verso this law Is
fnro to bo followed lu convulsions aud
dlsastor Therefore iplui which Is
bloodless and soulle should by lnv bo
held subordinate to th Jnst demands ol
labor Among Uo Kit ahts of Labor arc
many good and true
men I for one am
In favor ot aiding then n u that isMv
Z Jfi1 In ny MR tho but
means In tholr power accompllshln
good MHJ for labor s for them to
tend our primary meetings and us Demo
crats make known their gtlevances heir
r l8 m thcr > e < The Democratic
pony Is a patty ot tree thought and free
speech U contends that all power is iS
LU ° lUH to K co and 1 to
will do full Jusdee to labor I would
therefore urge upon all Democrats who
nre armors and laborerswlthoutiecard
Ll7j ° ttcnrt our PUmarv meotlncs
and thero let their power bo felt I bn
of them l to draw a muk0 to m r >
out ot tho Democrat
party and to attempt to acwmplEffl
v lie mo jiica 0f eccrel noiiiM 1
f1omSr 7 th prl cplc f
bovcrument It Is fore sn to our count
W ° nn V on SSicm
SSi Jtevpr Interests tho
i °
Ahould not bo done at the deadhoSrs
wild Jolngs
A terrible
report of ih
tho night with closed doora and posted
guards Public buslncio should bo pub
licly transacted If thcro Is anything that
tho American people want and will havo
It is an open field and fair play They
will always look with distrust upon secret
political movements 1 do not know of
ray own knowledg o that thcro fa any such
fecret political movement nmong
tbo farmers ullmnco and Knights
ol Labor As a matter of
rumor and hearsay I havo heard that
tborols It this bo tiuo I dcslro to say
to them In all klmlnes yet plainly that
In tny judgment they havo mode a mls
tako liy so dolog they bavo cut them
selves oft from numbers of their friends
who aro in sympathy with Vicm and
would liko to aid them but who aro not
willing to leave tho Democratic party
By so doing they havo placed themselves
at a disadvantage beforo the bar ot pub
lic opinion and havo given their enemies
tho advantage ot them Tho object ol
tbo monopolies Is to keep up discord nnd
divisions among tbo people They know
that they cannot stand II tho peoplo aro
thoroughly aroused and united Thor
object Is to divide and conquer I bo
Jlevo that tho people aro becoming
aroused L t us also be united II thcro
has been a iccret political movement In
augurated amoug tho farmers nnd la
borers I am satlHIcd that It was
done for good purposes and with pure
motives but still think that tho method
Is bad It has been said by some that On
this account membcis ot tho Farmers
alliance and ot tho Knights ol Labor can
not tako part in our primaries and con
ventions This la all wrong Such talk
will do moro hirm than good and ought
not to bo lnJugid lu Tho test ol a
Democrat is will he support tho action
ol the convention and voto lor tho nom
inees ot his party II ho will then ho is
ns much entitled to take part lu our
deliberations as Is anyone else Any
man who will so pledge himself Is n good
Democrat I euro not who asserts the
contrary What wo should all labor for
Ispeacoand harmony falrncsft and jus
tice If mistakes bavo been made let us
try to remedy them aud not persist in
them It Is no dWgracc for it man
to fall down but it Is a dlsgrnco
for him not to get up Tho sun
has spots on it Wo aro all liable
to mako mistakes Mistakes of j udgmciit
nru not criminal nnd now If somo ot us
should think that somo of our brethren
havo mudo a mlstako of judgment that Is
no reason why wo should attempt to sit
In judgment upon and excommunicato
them Wo dont want divisions and
strife Let us then Invito nil Democrats
who will pledge themselves to nbtdo by
tho action of our convention to partici
pate with us in our primary meetings
If this Is dono in good faith tho volco of
that convention will settlo nil differ
ences IlKXItY M lYUMAV
The Kateomecl JoiUeinpiirnrlrn Kn Kiiuto
to ilie North
The editorial excursion passed north
ward last evening on their way to St
Louis and Chicago Sovcral citizens were
at tho depot to meet tho gentlemen and
thank them for their compliinentaiy re
solve to meet In this city nest The
edltois wero lnhlKhgleooverthelrrccrea
tlon fairly earned by arduous toll nnd
unremitting energy In building up tho
various sections of this great sttto
President Davis was In Immediate charge
ol tho quilldrivers and his olco could
ho heard
amid and above tho din
that prevails nightly at tho depot
of thu great lallioad center of
Texas He li tho rlgiit man
In tho rluht place Through the courtesy
of Mr C E Gilbert Thk Gazbttk wun
furnished tho following ns those
who will mak i the trip
Ktchard flood Wlnnsboro Sentinel
Chas Culmore Houston Kcwa
L D Llllard Falrileld Iiecorder
1 II Gaines Greenville Appeal
K E Gautls Wills Point Chronicle
1 M Davis Jrecnvlllo Herald
V V Larimer Cisco IloundUp
John Hocney Wtntherford Sun
0 W Dodson Henderson News
< M ltussell Cameron Democrat
T P Maddox Navnsota Tablet
V 1C Nance Ilirntersvillo Times
TD Hick Woodvillc Eureka
Miss V S Itock Woodvillc Eureka
C E Gilbert Abilene Keportor
E W Harris Gleenvlllo Herald
J V Mitchell Grecnvillo Banner
Wadiworth Sprlugtown Pilot
J B LUIs Paris News
D C Williams Mlneola Monitoi
I B Itoblnson Huntsvillo Item
Dr J n Crauflll Gatcsvillo Sun
Mrs J H Cranhil Gatesvlllo Sun
It II Morris Henderson Times
Chas A Kesscler Linden Sun
I90mur > Dalngerlleld Herald
A 0 hcurloek Cleburno Chronicle
Mrs A 0 Scurlock
L D lieoso Port Worth GAirrrK
Percy Darwin Whltcsboio News
V old Austin Statesman
In 9 UBont Mlncnl Wells Herald
lit 1 < aSer Waxahachio Euterprlso
1 Jlstcr Canton Telephone
U plttyton alias Herald
II W fapecr Blanco News
Wlnlleld of tho Wabash road and 11 D
Wilson ol tbo Mhsouil Pacltlc rond
Mr Price ol tho Missouri Pa
boys Tim Gai ITk had but a few mo
ments to Interview thocxcurstoulsta but
tho gentlemen seem to bo In splendid
hands and tho railroad companies will
certainly commend thomselvcs to tho
TJf uro > 18 treatment goes lor any
thing The railroad
olllcers In chariio
seemed to have been selected withes
Irm ur B 10 tlcr ecllar qoallUo
tor making the
excursionists comfortable
mmI nIpy 0nu cdltor whispered to
J1 YAf1TK as tbo train pulled out
b n 8
Sfv ub ooyn j ° my ° f S d0W
i sra tk ga <
Let llb IruiiUermen Orgnnlie
ToMimosK A T May LlTho mini
bcrofp0rsonsmurilercdby tho
wl hit a gunshot of
Nogcls AT during
P fmr w ek ow reaches forty
ludrboirtl 0I th0 MH band and
hitlf i 0dnc leae no doubt R that they
fcbCCrelforce1 th discharged
0 founded
o further reports
wna 0 rt mnM bellow that
Mlil ioutb w al < la not quelled within
bvtheLiL ° i0tllcst ° PTodatlons
oy vna apaches
over known Thnm u
strong feeling hero
that too govoinnen
WaiV10 ron > how what
unK J orS DJ8 a body of vol
< > KotU Halt
rholort Worth GroccrCobavojustre
i7i HNiriii
lV WniVeo
Av orVs
h fr h A
OnrpontcM a6
ew t ij
TvruNM iu w l
loans mudo m iia l
ronloatato rtnloai i 0 TW
ettn onion MM MeJi7 l
mi neural
Address or j5 icJiiV u l
jylll bo mniloVllh tS i
ilou anil nbc < inci t ffiStPl
wornT7oTfKKS <
lUft UKSTChof Sflte
1 ° s
nvorifu4 Main T
porcliQ nnl one with JS I
XMOSHra ApplytlftS
< i niti
olfflf S Sl
Atiply to VV
Nwrtltt i u
Uroyu utrcot iwniei
Je bualiicii portion ol tn tlirSJ
1 YftT Vi TV HeuTiU Utm
MOTltL I mil
J1 liorno power tor u u ii
Uruvcs Helton MH
lhouulfc ftl
0t n irl Wo h 4 0
l0 L ° l ortn lt
X water clihty ggitfnl petS
llie lic t battlingvratirlabeS
i i U m at Hot
I SInalo netetaW SptlDH cent draittap
corni rjMibllo t lnvw
Mo nrT iin oAjflTJo
Kstnto scwlij laod Sua
rii onnllo MJiCariict
etrcetiinill > aljimP1a r
AGENTS ° P montywtiliMrAu B
V M tnlKtlllJ fmllfjlttimi y
JO day offr Jmp in gjjj
S5UVU omt e 6corr uni
lwajrNiwVorli IlnOolJo
Asrni ToMiiinypioMi
W 1 o feet with Improreoieau
Hlili trrra tuHv utio wmmu
n llnrrlBj o0i Sin JWtw
Tc1Olt t > Alh I olfvrttiruieitt e
propotty vvlth IU imttnMt
Iudilornliroailor II iataim
on ntllroad next lo Jcnnlct < iwj
liullilltigs lon Umoulll Iniltji
luiiUittbii iiinney N Q Krwh
> wnntingi liur ullvi
ilineo lots on < rllMjt Sli
HireuU In Fort Worth let tup
roAho able term liy vi > In < M itt
Colim 1 hn lex or yW
WoftliTcx turner Scfoaii uUilij
tll 0AUJ JOOOO ocieiol luiHtif
1 J 2ftOeiOaertaowlWluUil l
ty 0OOUncruiitDfainiilaIima
counties bonecsaudloti i J
desirable location Arpl WI
DanluU real cttaiu strati
Kou VVortbTox
tn Northwest Tc s Ior
surrounds tho to n of liboti t
fourteen handled and odd saw
town lots Titles perfect AJffl
fjiol nrWolttif HiPttrjRs
A taxidermist All UrduH
ns natural nsllfu
VIVIAN KlilAHU jesuilj
lection agonts lor tfc i
Texas TascoBa Tex
i itij oioRBii i
U llstulaandllsiiirecurri M
detention lrom bnildcu
bo at Jlnnslon hotel rwtw
day i
rciT VAX ZlNUlllK
ofllco ove t
ncrlonrtn and IIoMtet J l
phono connection > <
llvostorlc and low
street Fort Worth Tct
vif rDATXowAyj
VY IonMoirl cooxSJ
a to 10 a ra sse to iJ
lltol nc8dencelilr
Telophono connection j
± 1
Montague Ttttf tggmn
to land and oomrocrcUEWgSH
i iKent Olar W T
yers and Ifl
oounty Toxa Wfift
furnish nbstraetr ffi
rodoom and rej rJ i fW
Havo wraplcv r wrVtl
ooantirn ti ni JWSZ
W J vr anJS ra
1J OonnsclorsatU XL
M A80N W Ka n 2
Buy a package 01 1
lair trial Kj
it a f
never regret It TO
in m
fMIarealnmakle w
vexation In ta > 2J7ii
be obviated by a i
II Brown gu r5wp ii
and eWeKnay
a Y feSSW lnoorflnallCBd
ir orei
m ot
p ttni
lot i >