OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 22, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-05-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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CO j
m warfoa on drttru at
tte t ffe d and hf
f I U 4rikd
Afnn Inhumanity to Woman Hrenha
Heat If ttrfclm IlvfH und Honda
tlio Cruel Ours to Perdition
Agitator Ulmriurt It Uor Not Ill l <
nbnrM cliniic Tlri d of Kroth
VIIImikjuk HlKotlntf
apeclMtothol ulto
Dauam Tr May 21 Tho old
niarketliotisu on Main stn ct vrlilch In
the earlier days of Dallas cost tho city
917000 has bean pronounced unsafe by
a commlttco ol expert appointed by tho
council to oxnmlno It and It will bo torh
down Tho city owns tho lotand ns soon
m practicable proposes tocrecta flneclly
halt on It
John Shanks was an employe nt thu
gasworks Ho had a wife and ono Child
lint lelt homo Tuesday last rind now
hl wllo has discovered that
hu has cruelly deserted hor and her Ilttlu
ono Mayor Brown this morning out of
tho ctty charity fund gave hor means
enough to go to Sherman whuro she has
friends Her distress ns slio related tho
talo of her dcscillon by tho man eho
loved was pitiful In tho extreme
Tbo case of Joseph II Urown of lfort
Worth vs tho Wmtoru Union Telegraph
Company for damages caused by delay In
transmitting a telegram la on trial In the
United Stated district court
Thu clorkn In tho store In thu city
that Is Homo ol thutn nro ngltitltie ttio
question of only eight hours work during
tho hot weather They are preparing to
hold a meeting and potltlon their employ
ers on thu atiLij > ct
Tho speech of Mulvchlll mado at a
mass meeting of woiklngmon has occa
ftloncd no little comment and tho bulk of
It not nt all complimentary to him Stem
Jngly there are but few enrpontors who
sympathize with his silfluiposud Interest
lu thu matter of i Ight bouts per day work
In their behalf llo Is not n ciirpcnlor
himself nud IiIk cftortM are looked upon
by a groat munynti tooentlielygratuitous
Thu resolution hu prepared and forccil to
adoption last night that on und alter
luiio I eight hours should bo a
days work nnd 8 60 u days wages
will bo but Ilttlu heeded by tho
earpuitors llo It Ih Bald ban been tlio
chief agitator lu thin olRht hour move
incutami It In to IiIh well ululi incendiary
Uilie ami exhalations that llfty two
buildings that weio to hau been erected
hum been clcluyed and scores ot men
lirlcliUMnons cuipi liters and plasterers
who would iinwbavi Ik en nt work but
for this nro now Idle Numbers ol
Itnlghtsof lubnrnnd workliiginon It Is
Haiti nro expressing thuinsilvcs as being
tired mid slek of UicMulvuhlllet Idomiio
genus fiWIpiJ and think If they would
talk mh ami work moro It would bo but
tur allnrounil Westriip who also mudo
a speech In wilting n pamphlet on
froo banking hu says and thu en
tiro abolishment ol Interest which hu
considers a ltlu ipu non for tho coun
trys salviiluii Hi In going lo leuturo
Sunday ulijlit on anarchy and one would
judge from IiIh general talk that hu In
clined to cbaoH generally llo In lam vn
ns tho vrtrhgatul mall us one side ol
bin mustache Ih gray mid thoothoi blown
whllo bin hair has gny spots Intcrsporsutl
llirotijU It llo stys ho used to work
but quit because theru waa uo money lu
A llttlo after 0 oclock tbh nltoruonn
lrol Andres who has n tent hIioiv hero
Wan Sitting uu tliu platform ot lib travel
ingoar In Unst DaliaH whun n in an giving
tho iiamo ol Cooper caine up cur lng mid
using vile languogu Andreas naked him
to dctlHt as tbero wero ladled lu tho car
Ooopur becaniu greatly enraped iml
swiiii lio would kill Amlrosfl doing off
hu returnid tnesently with a nlxnliootur
and opened lire on Andiecfl but mlHlng
him AnilreMit dodged Into tho car for ills
pistol Ahoy named InsserwaHslttliiK
in u chair1 on thu platform asleep ami
Cooper shot him thtoiiuh ono mm wltlt a
ball nnd In tlio tacu with birdshot with
which ilto pistol was loaded llo lb en
llred Into tho car windows Andicss had
gotten hh pistol but his cook Milzcd It
nnd IhliiK at Cooper unused him Cooper
then tm oft but wnHcapuiied byOlllers
Waller and lhlrd Mounted police
Cooper piiiUndH to bo very drunk llo Is
nld to have had nn accomplicu who cs
oaped Thu boy Vrossor Is not danger
oiisly thougli palntitlly woumlod
Tho moat skilled gun nud locksmith In
town ntAHtorts gnu storo aotl Main
i i
lli Moi hc KdiiiiiI mill hn lluillot or I tic
Ihlium Mnj llvlu llm llitnri
Npncliil ii Ihu flniclto
AtnuiliKmui N M May til A
courier lu from Miiuraho n small Mex
lean sottlumont In tho eastern part ol
Valonola county sajs two suspicious
characleis nppeurod tit Miuiritno tho
other day and alter loitering around
over night disappeared Koeral
horsos In tho neighborhood disap
peared also A pirly was or
gitnlxed to apprehend the thieves
nnd when they returned they brought
back tho horsesnud portion of tho
clothing ol tho thloes in futuro thu
bmlluM of tho two men may bo found as
they woto undoubtedly hung or shot to
death Tho inuHsengur Is very retloeut
about thu matter though it U cuncluslvu
that tho horfOthlewos got no moroy
Turner McOlure
Will deliver your goods promptly
Wouldnt Let III Wifu AlmoVii llrter to
Mr liken
Hiwlul to the lAietta
Waco Tkx Mny 21 li n Stuart was
rcroutly served wliltnn Injunction lo
htralolng him from entering tho premises
ol his wlfa or lu anyway
Interring with her until n
final disposition of thu writ was made
by the wmct Ho disobeyed tho In
jtmoUou Slid was arrested and jtiled this
morning for nnstonipt ot court
J lin lee r arrested on a capias charg
ing him with horse steallug In Lampasas
county was roleased this morning upon
giving bond In thu tminot jfSQQfor Ida
appearance In ltmptsas Ho has lived
hero kIx jeara nqd worked at the carpon
tors triulo
Dr Y H Wilkes ono o Waco a lead
Intf phjaUlanantd MmayoroI thoclty
has received it call Invltloj him to ac
eept thfl chair of theory and
practice ol medicine In ono
of tho most widely known medical
coIIcrc of tho preat West He has hot
decided to accept It yet though many
friends counseled him to do no rrnlulnf
that It will bo a post of rcat honor nnd
advantaeo to him Dr Wilkes Is very
popular hero and his doparturo will bo a
Bttero los to Waco
Tho llttlo daughter of Mayor 1 A
Htnrgcs who recently roturned from Gal
veston whero slio underwent n painful
surgical operation to savo her Oyoslgbt
Is now seriously III with messlcs
lllin itill <
Tholort Worth Grocer Co nto Just In
receipt of an unusually choice shipment
of plno apples Call early for Mrst choice
< V Oiiiid Alnn loiin Troiitileil Or r tlm
tonlliitiril tnmiElitSucInt Inllitrlnc
l > ooUI to lh UtAtto
WkatiikiiKoii TKr Muy 21 Mr
Maek II Itonch our county surveyor and
ono of our best und most highly respected
citizens died nt his residence In this
city this morning at 1 oclock and was
burled at 4 oclock this evening with
Masanlc honors Tho death ot this good
man has cast a deep shadow of sorrow
over our city os ho was loved byoll who
knew him Ho has been Jiving In
Wonlhcrford about fifteen years ami It
cannot ba truthfully said that ha has ii
slnglo enemy His grlefstrlckvn family
Jiavu tho sympathy ot tho entire city In
this tbelr great loss
Mr 1 O Cotter representing V M
WIcIioIh of Osuge lows oiioof tho largest
contractors of tho United Mates star
routo mill service In thu United States
has been In tbu city sctoiul days nnd suc
ceeded In reletting thu Oralmrn Graubury
nnd Clebnmo mall Hues to Mr J JOul
Inhor tho present contractor of tbu Gra
ham lino All proplo who trsvel these
lilies will nolo this with satisfaction ns
Mr Oallaher Is tho only contractor who
kwcterriin thcsolluos with any dgrio
of promptness so our neighboring towns
can noiv count on hitting regular malls
Our people nro getting a llttlo uneasy
about tho probable result of the Continued
Mnj H I JJldwell attorney for the
Texas luoltlc came lu this evening on
thu easthomul delayed train duo huio at
C oclock this moinlng but was tun hours
late piiisliifr this pluco nbbut S oclock
this afternoon
John Hoeny Jr of thu Sun took tho
delajed eastbound passenger for New
York Htchmond Vn nnd soeral other
Cities where hu will visit u number of
piipurmllls In thu Interest of the Hun
Hu will bu absent from the city about
three weeks
Ono ot tho most enjoyable sociables of
tho scaion was given in honor of frank
Hoeny nt tho rcsldcree of his father
About fifteen or twenty of tho younger
part of our society folks were present
ami spent n verv pleasaut evening
Sirs II II Itilnbult nnd Mrs 1 W
Woodlief Ielt on tho eastbound train
yesterday for Ilendeison Tux whuio
they will spend sovoral weeks Usltlug
lelutlvusnnd friends
Have prescribed Tongallno In two cases
of peilodlo lumdache of it neuralgia char
acter nnd lu both Instances with entire
success 1 think that It will do all Hint
you claim for It und more T 0 Mil r Kit
M D Dayton Ark
Mini In ArhiiiinuH mill Onn In Nmv
York Kirlni Hid Trn >
vyitFMiiKliirfr lliuiBiiil
HimAio N Y Muy 21 IVter Louis
Otto tho wlfumnrderer was hangctl at
lOtLfli this morning Thu murder wiib
committed on tho inoinlng of Not umber
tfi 1884 Ietor Louis Otto lledwlth his
wifu Susan his children and agod mother
Tho murderer who was a cuidyniRkir
had been dHslpattd for years and had
been on u protracted spieo nt tho llmo of
tlio murder Ho entered tho house on
tho morning named and found his wifu
wiililiu Without a word hu druw a re
voUur and tired flvo times at tho defense
less woman Sho rushed bleeding to tho
front part ot tho house and fell dying She
expired lu h Jew momonts without utter
ing a word Tho mutdorod woman was
about thirtylive years old
ON1C in auuvnsah
Dovkii Ann May 21 Leo Barnes
was hanged hero todny at 10il0 oclock
tor the murder of Charles Holmiii u gam
bler on November 20 1685 On that day
llolman und lUmes gamblers living at
PltimmerHVille Aik arranged to attend
n festival lo bu held somu four miles
distant lleforo leaving homo Humes se
emed tho coopornllou of John Cullons
and ltusscl Watson In a plot to tic
company them and during the
night Mil Holnmn taku charge of his
property and nhout 8 0 In cash Lato In
the night and whllo Holnian was sleeping
llaruus drew his revolver nud discharged
two shots at him both of which passed
through his hoait nnd while In thu agony
of death Cullcus with an a Btmck him
a fearful blow on tho head After his
conviction and sonteitco llarucs mudo a
full confession of his crime Cullons
was sentenced to twontyono jeara lu thu
penitentiary Watnin will haven hearing
at the fall term ol court
Unnrter Darrein for J
Wo liuyo n fovv packagos of No a
mtckerol which wo otter nt tho exceed
ingly low price of 82 per iiuartorbnrrel
Mrst come llrst served Fort Worth
Grocer Co
liiitirtnliilnBTlie Iltniomlmn ClllliAr
rented tar Hliliinptnir
ShkIM to the taumo
Tkxawuna Tkx May 21 Mrs Judge
Froldell entertained quite a number of
her friends Ian night Among the ladles
wore Mians Ida Hallaway AgnesMoffatt
Jennlo Carless Mattlo Morrow Nelllo
nnd Matnfo Lck and LUtlo Tllseti Until
ery Into hour tha evening was most
hnpiilly enjoyed by nil
Tho Pantomime club gavo it stravvborry
and leecream festival on Prldty night tor
thobenolltot tho Kplscopal church nnd
last night gavo un cntottalninent nt the
comer ot llroad mid Statu streets vvher
dancing und other aiuusenients vvcrolu
dulgod to the pleasure of all Tho serv
ing ot strawberries nnd Icecream wni
al o one ot tho principal features of tho
Officer Wtkcr colored of Arkansas
was arrested yesterday for kidnaping a
tulsoiicr on tbo Texas side Hu gave
Uorpua curtail
Canned rod fish vcrj line at t > cents per
ean at the Fort Worth Grocer Co s
ChliWeiu nud Hotter
The 1031 chlcktii eggs and butter aro
to be found at Turner McClures
Than Ionr Mllen of tlio
Wortti A titvr Orleans lo
Ho Unlit
V 8tiSB < tliin Tlis IncUihnro ItuBctInrU
fliidCfinlii rin Xloiilneuo A
Fort Worth A N w Orlnnin
The track of this road Is within three
and a half miles of Waxabachlo nnd
about one thousand lect from the pro
posco terminus in mis city one bridge
Is to bo but t on the Waxahachle end
when the track will bo finished In Short
order Hy Juno 1 tho road will bo in
shape to transact freight business and
y July 1 If not sooner passenger trains
will run
Mr Ilnlllum paymaster ot the con
struction forces was In the city yester
day after funds and left for thu front
ouded down with gold tl vcr nnd paper
Kxpcrts who hnvo gone over tbu road
agree that It H the brat forty miles of
track In thu slate ot Texas and say thirty
miles an hour can easily bo mado over
such n track Tho days of right of way
und two streaks of rust doing duty for a
railroad have gone
A loud HncKoilon
A number of our citizens nro of the
opinion that Iort Worth should tsko no
Hon at once lu regard to securing the
Krlsco nnd think that the citi
zens of llonham McKlnncy White
wtlght and Orapevlne should
bo nsked to send committees
hero to take counsel with or people In
making a concerted movemiiit to secure
tho road It Is stated that St Louis
views with slnrm tho construction of tho
Atchison road through tho territory
which has nlwnjs hitherto been tributary
to St Louis but which will now
trade lo a gaut extent with Kansas City
unless thu Krlsco bo pushed Into tho
heart ot tho stuto Tho Junction ol tho
Iirlsco with tho Sinta Io at Paris will do
St Lrmls no good fortlio branch to lirl
from Cleburno will bo run In Hie Interest
of tho malu line ot tho Atchison and
to counteract this tho Krlsco
must comu to Vort Worth
whero It eau form connections with nearly
all of tho roads of thu state especially the
lort Worth Denver Kort Worth Illo
0 ramie and Kort Worth Now Orleant
Hy all means let tho cities mentioned tend
their committees here nnd let tho good
woilc begin
Inrt Worth A NurtliwMUrii
Incksboro and Jack county Gruham
and Young county aro fully nllvo to the
necessity of securing a railroad and they
naturally look to Fort Worth
to old them In their lauda
ble enterprise Long yeais ago
it was tlio Intention of Ifort Worth thluk
era to pehstrnto tho magnificent region a
road would reach ingoing to tho two
cities mentioned nnd lately tho old fires
have burned anew There nro several
suggestions In regard to a road
to this section any ono of which
will do Tho first Is that an Independent
line bo built by Kort Worth Jackboro
nnd Irahatn tho second that the Fort
Worth Nw Orleans bo extended In a
northwestwardly direction nowaudlat r
gotoSnblnu l is nnd thu thlid thit
tho Fort Worth Donver throw
out u spur reaching the places mentioned
riierocnnbo uo question that Jack and
Young counties arc ready and willing to
do much to get n road and this city Is In
a position to aid them
InrU > u it
Spoolal tothatlnicttu
1aisis Tjx May 21 As was stated
In todays OAiaTis there wero only two
nnincs lacking to securu Iarls tho Julf
Colerido Santa To railroad W II
Wlso and W 13 Mnsunburgs names
were added to the lUt making twenty
men who bind themselves to eco that the
eoiitiiict la carried out Tho contract is
now signed sealed and delivered und
rails Is now waiting for Its nccoptnnce
and it Is now expected Hint work will be
gin soon on this end of the Hue
iloiitiiguo Aainiiiiwcucrn
Si > cnliltottielniottc
Montauui Tkx May 21 Copt John
T Murroll chief engineer Of thu Mou
taguo Southwestern Ktllioad compauy
e mo up yestorday on tho tort Worth i
Denver nud at once commenced tho
work of crosssectlonlnithe balunco of
thu roul which will Intorsect thu Fort
Worth Denver ubovo Howie and
Immediately on the completion of that
work Capt Murroll wilt ixteud tho sur
vey on to Stephens coal mine a distance
ol about four miles Humor has It that
thei aurvtjlng corps will bo on thu lino to
alnesvlllo In tho course ol a few davs
Wo do not pretend to know tlio object of
the company but bcllevo the extension
ol their lino to thobo coal ileitis n wise
move and wo predict a mutual benellt to
budurlvedlhotefroui as It will develop
these Important mines und at tho same
timei odd greatly to the business of tbo
WW Palmer left n fovv daji ago to
join tbu Santa Fu sun eying corps
milna ireentllle
Correiponilenco ot tlio uatutto
HocKvvvu Tkx May 20 Tho Dallas
Grecnvlllo ojnipany broko ground near
Greenville on Monday last on our long
lookedfor rnllrond Hands and teams
are going forward ulinost dally to work
on the grade Iho contractors have forty
teams at work on a small coutruct on tho
hantti Fo which they will fluleh this week
wid the teams will then bo transferred to
tho Dallas nud Greenvlllo Sumu of our
townspooplu mu negotiating for tho lob
of clearing the right of way through the
bottom ot tho Kiist Fork ot tho Trlnltv
near town
The contractoiM contemplate bringing
tho Construction trains to this point Irom
Orconvlllo by the ifithor 20th ot July
next Itlstticlrluluntlonto bring their
ties and bridge material by tho East Lino
and Missouri laulllc by wayot Green
The Trmiicoiitlneiitnl War
Nivv Yokk May 21 it has been 0111
daily stated that the trauncoutlnonui
rallvvay light Is not only not over but
that It Is now being waged with quto as
much vlgoraud detormliiatlon as ever
before and that there la no prospect that
t can bu sottled for some time whllo It
is made clear that oven wheimsottle
inent does como It will bo upon a basis
far different from anything that has been
predicted It will provide for rates
lunch lower than any that prevailed
foro tbo war began
Vttn mid lUllxuj situ i
SiiectM to tho iMolto
t > isox Tkx May 2lt Tho Te > s
Press asM > claUon amUovora railroad mtn
MIo eruVn V7ln ta trillion l U oro iomI Oioftwwt
will pass through hero this morning at
fliflS oclock on their way to St Louis
and Chicago for a pleasure trip
The Missouri laclflc Hallway company
are fixing up tbelr ticket office In elegant
shapoatthls place When completed it
will bo ofie ot the nobbiest offices In this
part of tbo stato
tloliiB to Work In 15rnr t
Spelil to ino Osteite
Oaivksmuk Tux May 21 A force
of men In charge ot Holdcn subcon
tractor arrived today to begin grading
on tho Santa lc from hero to Ited river
Tiik OA7KTiKCorrtsponuent learned to
day that as soon as the right of way
through Cooke county was stoured 1500
men would bo put to work In this county
Vnrnonit atiuililjr
Special to I bo duetto
Vkiinov Tkx May 51 The bonus
asked by tho Fort Worth Denver City Is
nearly all subscribed and that the steam
whistle will bo heard In our town before
tho 1st of September Is almost nn as
sured fict Tho committee have worked
zealously and tbu citizens responded lib
erally In tho ui ttter
Itnlliouil to llo Solil
SfiiivoftKti Iii May 21 Upon the
application of C W Fairbanks counsel
for tho bondholders of tho St Louis Cen
tral JUIlroad company the United States
circuit court to duy entered a decreu for
tho saiu of tho road und property of tbo
company The talo will take place the
latter part of June
Nol m
Tho castbound Texas Pacific was
nearly ttn hours lato yesterday owing to
u wreck near tho uew town of Odessa
At tho next meeting of thoToxasTraffic
ucioclatluii it Is stld thuro will bo sev
eral radical changes In the rules govern
ing tho puol ilui next meeting will
probably occur lu August or July
Conductor ISurke one of tho rellablo
men In edirge ot trains running west ot
Fort Worth was In tho city lat > t night
A number of applications to furnish
teams to thu AtehtaonSanta Fe contrac
tors wero mudo jestorday and a number
engaged Everything la uctlvlty with tho
contractors who are working day ami
night preparing for tho execution ol their
Two contracts for ties for thu Atchison
road have been let to parties In Hast
A largo number or pine tics have been
uulouledat tho Gulf Colorado Santa
Fo depot Ju this city
Fort Worth will soon bo connected by
rail with Montnguu by way of thu Fort
Worlli Denver und Montnguu and
Thu railroad boom has bad its effect on
Manalleld this county and considerable
building Is going on lu that town
Do Von Wiiul it loud Knlfo
Five hundred pulterns to select from
prleo IQu to 810 at Andersons guustoto
llntcnilvo Tnicey tellittlio Story ot tlio Trip
to Aiitklttml
St Louis Mo May 21 The first
witness In tlio Maxwell cute today was
J A Fraztr of Toronto Can for many
> cnrs a photographer now n portrait
painter nud sculptor Mr Franer was
placed on the st ind nnd testliled tlut ho
bad met Preller In Toiontoajeurago
last February Ho doscrl d Preller as
hoknowlilm then and hlblted u por
tuit ot him which had bet i pronounced
an excellent likeness He una bhown by
Mr McDonald of tho pros
ecution during tho letters visit
to Toiouto a postmoitoii photograph
of Preliers body and had mado
tho portrait from It Wltnss descrlbod
his visit to St Louis altei tho murder
Ho had vIMIed the cemetery had seen the
casket in which Preliers uody hid been
placed exhumed and recognized tlio body
without doubt
as that of C Arthur Prel
ler Ho recognized tho corpso by tho
face and a peculiar scar over tho left eye
Tho crossexamination failed to con
fuse thu witness and ns ho stepped low u
Irom tho sLind It was ovldunt that thu
jurors and spectators alike entertained
no doubts as to tho Identity of tho bodv
found In tho trunk
Detective Tracoy who traced Mawvell
to San lranclsco hih brought him back
to this city from Auckland Nuw Zealand
produced In court seveial nrtlclos of
clotlilng markud C A P Including u
shirt covered with blood unit badly torn
and cut supposed to bo tint which Mux
well removed from Preliers body Imme
diately after thu murder also n gold
watxh ami revolver which Maxwell told
him ho hid purchased from a
mini In Sin Francisco mimed ltobluson
iho vyltness described the incidents of
the return passage nnd lepcated conver
sations which ho had with tho prisoner
During one ol the latter ho nsked Max
well how much money ho hadjuatpre
vIons to his departure from St Louis foi
innnT < 1 C0 Mlh0 nTlul About
91000 but had spent n gioat deal of it on
the trip and In San FrancNco Whon
atked what had become of the remainder
ho referred him to his lawyer lu renrd
to Maxwells acquaintance with Preller
1 1 tlmt hohw >
nffSiVt VneSH
Prollor In
Liverpool and had
w n a t0D Tl ° winalDUcr ot tbo
now simony icv eloped nothlug
Hvorybody to throw mrtof their Influ
once In favor ot tho IJi ipso lumberyard
tf l b0 no w 8tnn eon r Teuth between
Main and Houston air ts Harjrnlits
Im K lltor Iron forilie
Special to tho CUiolto
Austin Tim May AThe lxcss as
soclatloii excursion irom San Antonio
en route to Chicago
tbrou h t 8
K V e a number of edit
om on their
way homo nud about
firy belonging to
of tboni Mopped tho uo excursion clty Soma
MalehottHo and Interv lowth Od Alcal lo
Among them Johnson of the Ioat Gen
Norton Col Souter nnd others
ecn earl ° ada of Iron from Bolelum
lasnrft ss toiay depo8htu
Will Issue his opinion to countyTudw
concornlng tho powers of tho boadK
eqnillnuon In raising tendered values
M wild
c w as a rumor was tltirrcut thaffh
tbataithou > thlUeIo2r4 lfrcndShun ta b a > J > m < < > CiMffl
hhOm an nvii rbsMc mtV ZHZc I 1 no w8 la1 nd tha centlemsn had been thrown on thn nrvt Iaoqt h wn
wilddoings in
Swert Jlrl IrmlnntfB Irepnrltlg for
tlio Orilcnl of Commencement
Slimlrnl Ttirpnlrhorrnn Think He VVnn
iiuiiiirii in siiootinjr iiiuiii r
Home ItmoTiUlon
Special to tha iatctto
Siikiiman Tkx May 2l Tho days
draw nigh when college commencements
snail prevail In tho land No whero do
thoy pasa off wltlt greater eclat thati In
Sherman whose many excellent schools
form tho proudest boast of Its clllons
One of the leading Institutions hero Is the
North Texas Female college presided
ov cr by that veteran educator Judge I
M Onlns The programme for the clos
ing exercises Is ns follows
TucMlay May C2 Final examinations
Friday Juno 4 S p m Art lovco
Stturday June fi Meeting of curators
and trustees
Sunday June I Commencement sor
mon by K v J It Wages of Pilot Point
Sunday June C 8 p m Missionary
sermon by llov D II MoAnally editor
St Louis Advocate
Monday Juno 7 8 p m Annual Con
Tuesday June 8 10 n m Graduating
Tuesday Juno 8 II n m Literary
address by Hev D H McAnnlly
Tuesday June 8 8 p tn Annual meet
ing o thu Kdgworth Society
Tho young ladles have been making the
usual great preparations for what thej
cousldur tho most Importunt epoch In
ollege life and the occasion Is looked
forward to with the happiest anticipa
Apropos of school cntertnltinient to
days mall brought TiikGazkhk man n
handsome Invitation to attend exhibi
tions of tho Philomatheaii and Normal
debating societies o tho Whllesboro
Normal school which occur on tho 27th
and 28th lust
The operahousu was well lilted this
evening with an appreciative audience
gathoied to henr tho umdcalo previously
referred to In Tim Gjiktti Tho pro
gnmmo was ns follows
Ovcrtnro hllvor Wcduine Orclicstri
JiiuIlUc jIvo Mo My Own Autlvo I lo
Mp8tb lllll Price Wnilaeo iina Colo °
Trio Jlinrlij
MImis Colo Hills ami Heott
SoloTarla UArdltll
Mies Miinna lllllg
Violin Solo Drtiurlols blxth Air 0 Dcbcrlot
1rof KthlernniLMliiiHltncy
Coralnlliipt Jlr anil Mr Snlbbn Howott
tV III VVa laco anil Miss Muiina Dliln
Upnetfolo eelceicil J IMusk
LhurflttcrSonif lroiiliumlo Ilneso
JlcfcsrB Dole and Price Mlaaus avvln
fordnnd tjcutl
So o IllRliled fallli MIm IHta Onlo
l <
lrlo 0lte tlraaSca O a White
MIsr g
awlntoril an i iMeaira Irlcu and Oolo
Orcetliiir to birlnp Wlleon
Mlj n Oolo Dills Sivlntoid nnil fcoolt
Solo A Joll > aooil Laugh
Ovtrtiliu Maaeot
Clinrncler Sour JtoriRngo
I i Hill
tho Faun
ilosan Wvrlck aiiU Wallarcniiil JIIbdoj
Hills nnil Mlse Colo
vl ° S ctcl Mls Mn5 Swlnforil
lo In Solo
In I homo by VVcIkI
U II llniilols
lr of voider and MUathnov
labi oaii WhlnCP
Tho audience without excejitton was
delighted with thu performance and
when It Is stated that those who took
pait lu it aro among thu best representa
tives of musical culture in Sherman no
eulogy Is necessary
MajJ M Sevllls a prominent und
popular cltlen ol this county who re
sides near Hells vhited the county clorka
olllo today and got out tho necessary
authority to form n matrimonial partner
ship with Sirs Nancy Heard
Unite a number of prominent young
people wciu gathiied this evening at tho
tosldenco of Mr II A Uurnctt on South
lravli street whoro they wero enter
tained most pleasantly by their kind host
and hostess
A motion for u new trial In tho euso ot
Jack Dhon lately given six years In tho
pciilt ntlary for robbery was refuted by
and nollcu ot appeal was
Theto has been moio demaud for real
estate ol late than for a long time past
Shermans splendid prospects are beglu
nlng to attract consjderablo attention
The Biuklcy houso has been lately rcno
tntcd throughout Its whole Interior and
pe n ery tractive iippcarauce
matching well with tho handoomo Jlmraie
iajtor tho naughty but nlcu young book
keeper of tho establishment
he RrauJury returned n true
U alist t T htrothlir 0 Melattaro
n i cllar
Jin 8 Mm with assault to
murder one McDanlel on tho Ifith and
his bo was
Iked at 8000 Capt
ttmliVu S aU e t aa PmmbWu nun
au his friends think ho must havo
an icient jiHtincatlon for th ehooni
brilliant lrichs ball this evening wjh a
nftalr Misses Jennlo Cov
Lopella Dolliirhlde Nina FarthInn Mat
llo and Sue Shuell and Ida Hut o la
I t ot b iiutl1111 Hou bellcs gracc
li tl10 charm 0I llolr Presence
was also well represented
j oihne 0 rng Ua V ° tCtl on S l
Tinmt lo the liu rSeiiij
Jt Mny 21aov lloble
ay T ° nlD < l th0 > Of
tho I J Adams and
Klfa M Douchtv
° U th0 S
dim JH P rt 0I
an outrago on our
SriWoM r ° 8 ret > hadS
01 war should have been
even for n mn
K hul I1 l fcnl l
no desiro to
fiavo thor ahts of nor not
f KftW S Caifndlan
W A Huffman Mantifacturln
ce t CiBRr
tobaccraf st cfiarcU0 antl h < vl K
street sun m > 0il Main
atrjeu ak V > W J H Houston
i nn I
un li
tile 1 tl
1 > i i i
° ndj Madrer Vh m wu uu jaHuatbe
Tn r i
I Ichii
ICKl I i
vi i i vA
141JSTUV 11111sskis r5
K1 IMIUtlAs JAiTL > roS
hold IniA fiJffl
aLijiptlnn 1rlegg
O flLTRl ljrjrij
Upholster j Ho
W J 3L
Invito nttcntlon to tho i
from tJSwi J3
HtllllAH I4GE CUltTAin DIIPf
AVriQimaudHlKuTil K
OTTl fiIItJIut t
Tuiiroji is runTuT itk Dtt
eIto Kt > KlrS aWrt
from MpntCs
IFliiilrm MiadM MmIj on ItmrtJiW
Sinijitoj sent vvhen ilOf Ire I ml w
Broadway and 19th 9
NTOW vomcciTti
Contains no Opium lnA jfi
Price 25c SOcalli
aorommoilntlon ot all whojj i
coiirIi or rroiip rmnrdy IM
romedr for connnmpllon wajj1
should sornro the largaflWW
Directions A
ForSalo byAII MedTclmO
TaVca pm
aiinouncin WW
on unit 0U1W W >
ioal i 3
Iniglil i
I drink andiiiuB to S
oat at rivolliiou9toa
Hall iriei
Parasols Ok
MC <
Sleain CIcauing J
1007 main 8t J2S
nliir <
1 ilASIIOOli
l olhrr tnwtas
iiiiirtri j ions totj
r ni
M t
t t
lei T
I 31
j l

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