OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, May 22, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-05-22/ed-1/seq-8/

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MS j
l < > i
tl i
UO WRHtll i
lovable I y
4 to glvo
I Hvcryr
csham wa
> l htaihoti
ail not M
g K etC
turn that I
r lustrum
Sico road
roadI I
w woqM not
0 I
Mrs C D
Browns stock
of summer
dross goods
millinery and
gonoral fur
nishing goods
tor ladies is
now full4 No
oilier housb in
Texas exhibits
a better collection of fashiona
ble fabrics for ladles wear
than Mrs Brown and tho ladies
arc invited to come and see for
themselves at 316 Houston
Stoita nmth
v tott uo not tirrr Tin oazkttb
iKUUtAittv rrjJAHii virrtrv vb at
run orrion immkwatiuv
BtTtmOT ttt > MW H4J MAY
A > itl > tiuc tnt > iilii
Wo aro authorliod to announce the oanio of
liohcrt I Wear ana candidate or tho office of
county attorney of Tarrant imiuty nt lho next
lccllon to bo held Xovombur 4 181 nuldcct
hoivorcr tu tho action ut a aiamootiilla county
Wo ilro null orlrAil In nnnottnea Itobnrt Ji
Oarlock a a csndldato for county attorney at
thoCnimluft election iulijct to ho Action of
thn i cn crntlc county contention to holicld
In Fort Worth July 17 lbsfl
Wo aro aulliorlMfl to announco II P Ayrca
at a candidate f r county attorney at tho uoau
lnrcl < cllon iJect to tfio action of tlio Demo
cranio cmntv o invention to bo liclil In Kurt
Worth July 17 IBM
Tilts Mirhrris li nitlliorlcd to nnnonnca tlio
nnlna of II II ihliui ns a cumlldnlo for tho
oniooof niiirllf ol Inrrant county mlijoct to
ho action of tho Democratic convention July
rocnl IVritlmr ltrpnrt
AT IMSilWOOft A OKSCflS IlltUll BlOltH
On m 02 nliiiveniro
8 m 78
lfl m Hl >
Unoun s
Jpm w
i i in 8U
si > m H7
8 m u
Up ra Hi
la in 72
At UioOrima M rSlhenvlll ItoaniiUe Tnx
riinr imo M bovurldiri Hrlo ln It 8
Ihjflwm Ui lira Tax U W 1lclett Dcoaltir
AtWtiotlvne Oharloa tl TlmcVorIhtio n
eouuly Ky T tl lUwm ht lmil Sjtunul
IIiinUr on Ilmllny Ohio II 1 mo county
IJ IlliiM I viiKton Hiu M b llnwman
lluarluUn T i llowliw Doijiti Jihn At
littAMli Iliilnl J A UielimondHjn Autiluloi
JwiiiFllutluhiiriit llalmwft NYiSA rtrmt
Uplman fu > VIMor hbtltr bnuth ilondln > li
A l uvrc Jiiliu
nrboiOU It J mi
At uniht rn llinil
Hiirviy IHR Ujirlngi J
W J foilil lliuwnwooi
W I Urtiuuii unit wlfu T A1 It It W 1 Cum
friril DiHin Olulll Cmiilnn 11 JiiHit
TMMtMPO It Hull IMtli J l > totv llaliiui
lll l Win llfltrlHiiinnii Imly Now orM It W
ArnotBnlt Inknj T A Wation uml wifo llru
trivllin Arls Ml Winult Ml Anlonlot JJ It
Kurn Ttruit 1nul Iinlini Diilnn till
Klltoiti V t Himnlti Moi III llullor Aiintiu a
Kilomiinitoii Jln 11itiiiiluu kVaJInrmldt
TltJrto i IImimhii II IlillUiitniiil taily Ala
1 l > iiillhMils WI 1 lodit iMciilti Hills
Atllto WimUor Hotel J r KIcmliiK llnlnl
IIMKliinLnnu family lilnOhtn U It fimlth
Marshall 1 M i7i aiitMn > ir > ii Mrs T i lira
aiIloTcmii MliaOrnwnrn lliulrlotla Tlio
A lliouiiiion Wlihtta Fnllat Noll SlcCachen
Taxi r urait Maialtnll Kil lhnniii on Docn
titr It MnrrUi JlciinoVo 1 Hink Dccnturi
oiiiuly j Mra l Uh llisk II county
In IlB
tl 0 Crow 8j > r MRlleW Mo S It 1 iidd Kiinmia
Jltyt Mum V
Irloa Kan
Mli llckrL 1 11 lonl ItooV Inland
W Mmiutr itml lfc Aluon K
nanOlty Ilftiry o OnVr f J
ooBy Vi lliiiicyJrKon lorl
V 1 Worluin lloiiilnia J SIamoh Ablluun
Nowcpiiiu I 0 Itnrrutt llcnrlmtiii It
I olslun J MIlniHUrec Jsn hvillo 111 itoiicrt
Nolili it A 1rlclittt liit siiruc Mark
M llarnet tililhuiihmt Oeurirn inUmi
ililVt wJ ir r Jr WoHlioifonl
CMttr oil NuIimi IiiiilinpamcKiiui U liv
bin AhaiUtku I r A W Joliii Oiilnl nvl lo I
> l i vllloH 1osNdWAiirkjrv 1arkcr
VlrKln njjihn llluillowhttonUi w Uvor
innii Nctv rk JOf lli o MontereyTo W
Wtloliuaon i lo lltn I w lltiiitorstt > itUi W
JUViinltoiiluini llCiitilhoiirii JllnirliN
nl1 Iaineron llkort N > h John W
tlaH l lvutonj bTIUInwniof Hallw
L At lha Matitlait Mr Mnrj H riitttr Sm An
Jonioi II IftjuuIcntlvllltf Col0 m
tiltlvintittii Unon Lou Kiinmaj Y 1C Unka
tlittvwont It ITarlrton raunln lounty lymtr
Julmaon Kt Uiulii II jouuita
ltmMtiplchttrDoTmi vatnrai Honhrook Mrs
low lliibronk itl lUlaMI Kr ilx lt Ky
l lr1u 1f < w Jrt iiArnuiV
IaiJV tlliarr nullai Shctn K tin chait t
vottltOhaaKlliUd llowft To Mr lcatu
Won It llcllon A lltirnnyivvM A 11
Lw H e Kr InlljTiXl Mr Ilotmlifon
HnrliiBtimn Mra Jolmnon Pntliigtow Mr
M > Md rthf ithmlownH ll > okrlinnlnrv
Jl llnrt ttttlr Utilufa du sin ta fS 11
Wt Hutl Toa 0 A biltindirs alcriou
T11i > ronco llallnt StcUlcllnnd Oluten
A ° U I S Itoblnrot lalnca llbt 1 W Siiraa to
tlflifonMu lit Vni A Font HouVum J
lMUilliin K flmpnon ilotta
tou 1 J hhclloioit Vlu > ittTi >
No rain yet llcjiutM Irom tho coun
try Cioiitlmirt ot tho samo tenor
Dr n Stouter will uul Mls Annlo
llalloy tijt Tuosiltj night 2Jm Inst
Tho Gulf Colorado Saut Vo roail Is
inittlrtg in auothor dwltch iwsr tltelrOo
l > ot
filx eJootrJo llnhts nntl two calciums
wllllio nj a on tho stafie next Tucsdny
N AmlrcYv8 Sinnlavfchool picnic to
Usyi kavu tho church tit 8 oclock n m
Tho colorod bAml wus httMly lunctlcloK
last nlaht cutilnK ready t dlscotiMo
> tBiiiatl ouilio irth
Mayor Hrollos u trcctltiR au clctjunt
family insithlou iienv tho colloao and will
becomo a renltlotit ot tho fourth ward
Libretto ot tho opow nro on i lo at
tho UoxoiUco oj tho thcatori also nt
ItotYoa tltkdt oUlco lu tho ftckwiok
1rof Torroll H IttfH at workitrllllnR
tho tioiilla o < the colored school for tho
exhibition to bo given by thorn ott Prldav
uifiht next
One ot our tiromlnnnt artlula Intends
to tsko a photOKrajih ot tho siaKo and tho
ftudloiico durlBK tho parlormanco ot
Tho autWf on Main stre t trttween
Flmfaort SeconOU bclog torn np ami
rtplaced by ono tfhlca will cirry on tao
water morg ntpitly
lho air ladies did not forget Ttik
Qabiii force la t nl ht bnt tmpplled
tttera with an abundance 01 Icecream
and other dellcaelea
Tho promotion cards to be Issued by
Superintendent Hog to the many woruy
chtldtcn In our publlcschooewlU bo finer
than any heretoloro used
The old compre 8 will soon bo no more
but the now Vmo will loom up Immensely
In tho Wciulty of tho Santa Va depot and
SnperlnUndent Kotr Is happy
A toiecrnra jvcelretl yesterday an
nounces that the St I nIs Calcium Llgbt
company shipped tho lishts for tho opera
perortnancc on Tueiday
Tho Mlstletou bop clfeit Thursday nlaht
attho residence ot Me rsOarncrandMc
Ifatton was attended by Oltccn couple
and a west delightful evening was spent
The sslo ot seitts doubled itscU yester
day for thn performance of ratlcncoTuci
day night nwt tho prospect I that lho
sign standing room only will greet late
cmirs on that occasion
It you dont secure your seats In tho
opmhonse nt once for tho performtnee
of PatltCf c you will bavoto fttamlott
tho other side ol lho street nixt Tuesday
night BLd listen ot n dUianco
Trains on tho Fort Worth S New Or
leans road were to have been running to
WaxahacMo on schedule Unto by today
had no Interruption occurred lu tho
Capt Sidney Martin Is not of tho opin
ion that a largo amount of ironey could
bsnecured toward having a 17th of Jnly
celebration but thluks It iUlto postdblc
to raise all that would bo needed for tho
Tho festival hold nt the pavilion Thurs
day and Friday nights by tho ladks of lho
Catholic church wtB well managed aud
pitrnnlzed andtho receipts were cjutto
satisfactory IIV a slip of the pencil
yesterdays Gazkttk as made to say
that dancing would bo kept up until Into
nt night it was not tho Intention of tho
managers of tlio festival to have any
dancing whatever
During tho past week has appeared In
fort Worth a sprightly llttlo sheet known
as tlio Hotel Iteglster distributed
gratuitously over tho city Tho exist
ence of such a bright little piper convoy
ing as It does Information as to travelers
stopping in our city Is mother proof of
our inctropolltanlsm and thomakers of
tho Uegister descrvo all encouragement
Turtles who lirno relatives or frlondn vl lt
Inic them will confer n faor on Tint Oazuttk
by living It a memorandum of lho fact cither
to lu roportara in jiur on or through tho me
dium of a pottalcard directed to tho city
City Marshal lien returned yosterdoy
from u visit to Dallas
Col Wynno went y est this morning on
Important legal business
C W Vllpot of Cedar lalls Iowa was
In tho city yesterday proiptcllng
A V King tho itjihtuing Texa3 Ht
press messenger camu In laat night
Mr Win A Threadglll and wlfo of
IMdy ato visiting Judgo Holland of IhU
Senator A I Matlock of Montnguo
well known throtiglioiit tho state was in
tho city last night
Mr II K Wall who lias been stopping
in tho city for the last day or two lctt
yesterday lor Katorn Texas
Master Iaul Walkur ttgod four months
vlsltodTiiiUA2im lict night in com
pany with hh father ludgo Alec Wfilktr
Tad Waltmuu the energetic missionary
for tho Huffman Implement con > pi > iylet
on thodelajed wcstbounaToxa4 lfaolllc
bonis llpassler Hordeaux franco a
gentlcmtin who sjieaLs but littiu Kngllsli
but who Isehunucit wIlhJabnlto Texas
Is In tlio city looking aroubd
Judgo 7 T Kulmoro county judjo of
Tiivls county 1h on uvisit to fort Worth
aud Is stopping ot tho residence of Mr
W A Holmes corner Koutth nnd rintar
Mr W A Citllnvay business man
ngir of Tut 0 izkiik has been confined
to his lied with sovero lllnu s for tho
pa t week but Is uow itnpovlug tnd will
soon bo out
Miss Mndgo Hotly and MI33 Hetlt
Ifaulknor of this city lift this morning
for Inticastcr Tex to visit their uncle
exSen itor It S Guy They will bo goui
about two weeks
Tun Gazktii was besieged by a bovy
of beautiful misses and thuir escorts last
ulght There veto In thu partv
the Mlws May llergln Klrby end
Halllnaii Mr John Capcu was lho
gnardlau of the fair Hock Come again
Col 11 Staplos connected with tho
Southern 1aclQo road is in fmt Worth
on business aud wis greeted by a Ov
ziitTii lopreeonttUivQ lust ulatit Col
Staples reports it drouHht in tlio Gull
coast couutios n most unusual thing In
that section
Mr J C Slttatt a genial dalvestoiiliin
nnd manager ol tlio Tons Kxprcss com
W ov orho HMv > ls lu fort Worth
lhls h hm lirstMslt for tho past six years
aud hotoltla GAKrxK reporttr that ho
could not get his turnings such had been
tho Immense growth of this city
Word was recoilcd in fort Worth yes
tordnytlmtMr Mackll Hoach had dl < d
yesterday morning at I oclock Mr
1 inch wa 6trpfithor of Mr John 0
lord ol
tho Llvo Stock Journal
A man named John lUbrend was jailed
yesterday evening chircod with burglary
in Arlington last night Ho broke Into a
store but was nt ouco oinght Ho Is
siippofcd to havv gotten In his work whllo
iVi 1 armoV7R wniiK a speech in
Arlington oq labor matters
Utini into hi it
The Western Union Telegraph boys
tmvo arranged an unique and nt times
useful slau In their oillce and a strong
desire has developod to inveigle mnocotit
and thuunystcrlonsiv gprtuc that slan on
bitauhXom uo < >
Attaoljmeuts In two snlta wero run Inst
ulght on tho stock and tlvinres of W J
Wood who keeps a saloon on tho corner
of hlghlh and Main streets Tho atrtrre
Mr opd is tu the neighborhood of six
hundred end lilt dollars Messrs Ch
bcheuber A Co and Casey Swa > ey lntl
papers issued
lroEMilio Kuihr
Mr and Mrs Howard and
Tully Mr
aud Mrs Henry Mfurmw
gaje ouo of
tho handsomest progressive cochre par
ties of tho season on Thursday night Ust
at tho hospitable home ot tho former on
West Third street
Tlie entire first door was thrown open
sod almost completely filled with guests
Court Cnlllnes
Tho grand jury yesterdiymido a re
port to tne district court that they had
found twenty true 111 as follows two
felonies two for violating local optlonj
flvo for keeping bawdy houses seven for
selling beer on Sunday four for selling
Houor to minors
Tho appesranco docket was called in
tho district court yesterday and judg
meats entered
Tnbernnclo T lh
Another largo congregation gathered at
the tent last night and listened to tho In
structive dlscourso of Itev Mr Moore
As usual the stoRlng was < ery good and
the congregation dlsper ed feeling that It
was good to have bet n there
Tonight Mr Moore again conducts tho
senices and tomorrow Sunday after
noon Ilev Mr Tlnnon will preach at 4
Kvvlvnl nt tlin tlirlllnu Clliurcli
A largo congregation ngaln met at the
Christian chnrch to listen to fhe evangel
ist on tho subject How to Become a
Ono person confessed faith in Christ
and ono was received Into fellowship
There will he no preaching tonight
Mr Hoeecrans will preach Sunday
morning and night nnd then will eavo for
other fields ot labor hai lag accomplished
much good heru for tho cause ho adio
Tlii Ilrmw ILlirnraal
A Gazkttk reporter had tho honor ol
listening to a portion of tho opera ot
1atlcnee as executed by our niuiteurs
nt tho operahonso last nlyht Such ls
tho work accomplished by Mrs W A
Huffmaus untiring zeal as to reilcct great
credit on that ladys executive ability
and what little ot the splendid sinning
was heard Iat > t night by Tiik Gazkttk
man justifies tho public In looking for
ward for a musical treat next Tuesday
night j
A Card
foitT Worth May 21 188C Editor
Gazkttkt An article appeared In the
Kvcning Mull > f tho 20th stating that I
refused to pay a man by tho name of II
M Ilownian a snnll bill and that
I a siultcd htm Tho bill referred
to was a small amount of
882o I had gono bis security for a cord
of wood furnished him by Sir Illuton
which was 1 which 1 haio paid so you
will see I am out of pocket fccvcntyilve
cents Tho trouble grew out of my ie
lusal to bo beat by tho abovo liowman
ItespecUully JH C IUhvit
A attuil Kinder
John Shcohnn has discovered has In
vented or lias been presented with a won
derful psychological fact It Is a mind
reader Ono smokes aud concentrates
his ntlud on what ho has nearest his heart
and then Mr Sheohan extracts from the
holder In vltleh tho clitar has been held a
mlnutu plcco of piper on which ls found a
llatiro of a horse n dog money oillolal
position otc as tho caso may bo It ls
of no avail to try to concentrate tha mini
on some subject or object other than tho
ruling passion tho brain or mind uu
enlugly impresses tho paper and raveats
tho thought
luor Olil lliHcMoti
Tins GA7isrTK presents tho latest liter
ary effort of Col Wneatley Our citizens
will observe with sorrow that tho colouel
lute mis leaving us
Tills rekuown orltoin ptmm has
spread far and Vilu as U lug One of graud
est Success Of tho age and Advocates tho
greait enterprises of tho day as to got
Deep Water at galveslen nnd lu this
aprochls the Saiuo thing thrueaito of con
gress to navegato tlio Air In and araal
Ship and Should ho bo Successful his
namo would Walk down tho Steps of tlnio
Ilk tho David of Old and will In a few
days go to gnlveston lo address the good
1oplo ouo this enterprise
School Drill nt No 7
Yesterday afternoon atschoolhou o No
7 under Chansof Principal lt > ublus a
drill or cxutiit ion occurred which wasau
honor to the tttiest and faithful teach
ers of that school Tho bright
faced oleu lv dressed and happy
pupils couii mted an cxcelieut pro
gramme foi tho pleasure ot tliclr
many visitors aod teemed delighted with
thu many exercises which ycro go Intot
estlog to those present
Mayor Broil and Judgo lnlmore ad
dressed thu t > luot and Tins Gaxktti
regrots tho Impossibility ot giving an ex
totided notice it the many good things
fald and douo Tlio school is certaluly
well managed
A T itgn Attnot inciit
On Wednesday last nrnrgements were
quietly madoheio lor thu use of an en
gine on tho Sautti f o road tor tho pur
POto of carrying via the Simla fo and
Central roads Attorney frank I Stanley
to servo attHchnitms on a party In Db
Loon In Comanche county Tho papers
nero my quietly secured and the
trip undertakeii Tho attachment
milts aggregated upwauln ol 10000 In
favor of frt Worth ondltom Tho on
glno sped ovor the dlstanco between this
city and DeLcon and before morning the
attachments had been levied and tho
chartered engine va9 well back on Us
way to lite fort
It Is understood that tho suits wero
brought sgsinst Alex Booth n merchant
of Deleou
David Scott champion Australian crick
eter sajsSUJacobN Oil acts ltko uiaglo
Salesmen nnd salesladies Call at
room K over pontolllee between tho
hours ol
0 nni 2
room K o
nnd fcilettidles Call
over postOtllcc between tho
hours of a and 2
bffiifflA XSiSP000 < >
Thl Snaca lt crv rt for
tho Tea and cottco man
SpccUl Muntlon Fl n to all orden b trla
phone or la pcrmn SOJ JtfaiT tfoci
Tlio AppeiliO Orows wlllt Wlint
Feeds UponEnUmslnsmKind
ling aud Plans Mntaring
United States Architect Clark vouches
for tho great efliclency ot Bed Star Cough
1 rcili VcKetihlen
uiUJB0 ° frcsn vegetables arriving
i n
daily nt Turner McCluas
j iiili > biin ili
r L ta r f rVK
izumAhim Neuralgia
otphthena Sara Throat
Uf nutlet rv
i i
t Ml I i
ti >
t II i i
It 1 y
1 i
tmllim U4
ttlnii thu
I latcU
< ttT UK
Law oi ftst CiileiB
Stock of
Boota cvcxtA Shoos
UteSputh AU renaBldlllU > tliCiIK
aits xioxjfcrrow st
Many SorrkMIom fcom Many ailnilaFlra
m n aillltln nnd All Unlformctl Orilora
to 14 UrBed to Iarticipato with U
Tha rambling of Tiik Gazkttra local
forco yesfrday revealed the fact that
our cltlrens very generally
have become enthused on tho
snagestlon made dn yesterdavs Ga
zkttp relative to a rousing celebration of
tho forts tenth birthday ludeed In
ono Instance and after tho fashion of
our merchants never bdng willing
to get kit ono hading houso has
already engaged the largest float In the
city upon whjch to dljplay their lines ot
If ono will reflect but ti moment on tho
immense po sibIlltles of the fort adver
tising herself by this contemplated cele
bration as haj never been before tho
subject will expand wltn amazing vhjfor
and enthusiasm becomo tho more epi
Something moro than a mcro trado dis
play Is desirable To tlio many privately
decorated floats aud wagons of tho pro
cessiou could bcedded something in tho
nature of an allegorical representation
a pocket edition of a Now Orlenns
A gentleman who has takan a hand in
several MnrdlGrtts parades says a com
pany of citizens could easily bo formed
who would present In tho shape of six or
moro gorgeous floats somo allegorical or
mythical tale This gotttleinau favors
tho parado at night say f rlday night bo
foro the big Saturday barbecue and says
fort Worth can easily ecllpso anything
over before witnessed In tills lino
A number of tho ofllccrs of tho lire de
partment wero seen yesterday and fny
they could with excursion ratus induce
hundreds of firemen flora neighboring
cities to join in tho parade nnd they soy
with our own department and apparatus
magnificently trimmed tho liro men would
bo ii feature of the parade
A gentleman wellacquulntedwlth Capt
Leo Hall says he ls satlMled that Burk
Burnett could get the captain to send a
number of the genuine Indians to grace
our gala occasion
Tho militia companies of tho stato could
bo urged to join with us nnd tho uni
formed orders such as tlio untfonned
rank Knights of lythits and tho Grand
Army of tho liepnbllc nnd all others that
would could easily be Induced to lend
their presence to so worthy an object ns
is suggiscd Indeed there seems no
limit to tho superb possibilities of the
If tho matter ot entertainment of tho
l iting hosts ol people on that day give
uspattho Item easily bo demonstrated
that with their usual hearty goodwill
our citizens would throw open the
doors of their homes and for a night or
twobo willing to houso st > mo of those
who honored tho city wfth their presence
Capt Kennedy of tho Pickwick bellevi s
in the grata c lebratlon He 6avs it can
bo dono aud places the cost to tho citi
zens nt tho bagatelle of 3000
Mr August of Washer August to
ilers s tho projCt and toes nothim
but success ahead
Mr J A Thomas says he ls ready as
ho believed tho mass ot our business
men will be found to be to contribute
his share to this good wotk
Mcs s Ctipota Uios and n number of
others colnclilo with tho favorable opln
ions heretofore published ood Tin Oi
KTirirt persuaded that It our tlnzeos
will matt organizo committees ami at
oncu go to woik with n high staudard be
them they will perfect such a celc
biatlon as will mark nu epoch lu Texas
A eight pnrnile amid ghrlng electric
ty gas and oil fl Hung Hrewotks and
gorgeous decorations anight of splon
dor and of sport followed by a barbecue
and reception on Saturday with lion W
J Swain Gen Sul Boss and other iirom
1 m cajur8 oI e day all this Is
within the
forts easy grasp
Shall woselzoilf
< Tffw ptrri w vm
Absolutely Pure
This powder nevoi variea A marvel o
purity etrongth and wUoloiomencca More
economical than tho ordlcury kind and cauhoi
bo sold In competition with the maltltndc of
lowtoMBhortwolKhtnlam orphom
dor SOU mla h
rOWDKU 00 i
f wall Street
t n M mu + KL
ti4V ISS
AIIOrl rr <
l M lu W 2V ILii
fi VuTJj
tf it is your intent ion to malco purchases
dress tip and look real slick we have
for you The latest patterns in stylish
latest novelties in Fuwrialihigs can bo
Wo name the lowest jriees for you and
every purclmsc With us it is one
Glott a
found i
pneo and i
If you need anything in our line drop in
and in
GOO Bouatoxt t
Of ISvery Deserj
Agcnls for E M Miller A
riagos and Btitjgits Cart
Wagons Repalitd
tV > t IVtBtlierforit Str tr it
For till IClucIn oi IIur < i Vood J opliu nn <
X TJ 22 E EB E li
A1 j Home lulnts Itonf Jlrlek end llnrn 1alnts by tho barret ttoti
Ad Uimbnr td lltilldlnc Material under shedi
Undertakers and Embaliners
3 Uoarsea aud Carriages IltrnUhod
v ARcuts for WMtofcuHlS
Port Wioartla Tox
Clothiers Gents Furnishers
Port iTFoitia
uoi aa uOa uu
Wholesalo and Retail DealersSa
Corner of Fourth and Houston
iDtfttialbo mew
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