a nf
h f
Tito Children aro Uoaslcd Allro
TwoSloty Frumo Honio
In Chicago
q > h WljitllilJliili il Jsilis tijk
In a
Narrow Kscape of tin Uuiployea of New
Toik Clonk Manufacturers
A Fatal Itnp
Harued to Death
Ciucioo III Oct 7 Two cnlldren
bo aged ten and falH sister tbrco years
younger wcro burned to death In beds at
No B2 Warren avenue by lire which
broke out at 2i35 oclock this morning
The bouse is a two atory frame the borne
0 Gcorgo Davis The flames wcro al
ready under great headway when discov
ered by neighbors rjho turned In the
alarm from tbo box at the corner ol
Wood and Madison streets The occu
pants of tbe bonso had not
been aroused at the time the dis
covery was made and such as
saved themselves were obliged to Jnmp
from upperstory windows the first floor
Of tbo building having been completely
enveloped In flames by this time Tbe
mother of tbe children was burned very
severely If not fatally and had one arm
broken In several places Firemen made
desperate endeavors to savo the children
In a New York Factory
Nkw Youk Oct 7 A flro broke out
this morning early In the fourstory fac
tory building Nob C3 to 67 Bayard street
It Is David Blacks old tinware factory
and has been on tiro several times before
Klght different firms have shops In It In
the three cloak manufactories of
Hamuli Paul Joseph Welner and
Natban Frlcdoron on the fourth
floor between lllty and eovcntyflvo
taut women and children wcro at work
whtn tbe flro occurred Samuel lauls
employes escaped by the east stairway
which was unobstructed to the street
Tbo employes of tbo other establishments
conld not escape by the west stairway
their path being blocked by the dimes and
dense smoke to face which meant death
Tbe tlru was below them In Hollanders
quilt factory The frightened employes
then made for tbo roof of the bnlldlng
The last reached the flat roof with her
clothes a flro aud halt smothered A
ready the deserted rooms were on flro
and tostpy on tbe roof was to perish be
causo tbe flames were breaking through
The adjoining factory was u twostory
house with a peak roof and to leap to it
was perilous but to remain was certain
doatb Tbe employes shrieked In despair
and a large crowd gathered In the
street below With shrieks of terror
that wero reechoed In a loud wall from
the btreet the men and women flung
themselves off
MInnlu Bogansky a young woman liv
ing at 8 Bayard street fell In the street
on her bead and was mortally hurt Her
skull was crushed She was removed to
the hospital
A little boy who was clinging to
the corntco of the peaked house
was rescued by Paul J Sbapell an
old Qvoluntcer fireman with the aid
of some citizens and the police
The police went upon tho roof of the tall
tenement at No 71 and threw a rope
down to the factory employes still loft on
tbo roof of the burning building and they
wero rcccned one alter another The
others were taken Into tho window
from tho peakroofed houso Hy
man Huberts hurt his arm badly
All this took but a few minutes and then
then the police and firemen put up tho
ladders At this time the roof of tbo fac
tory Was on lire but tho tlromon soon
mastered tbo situation A close search
ol tbo burned rooms soon showed that
nobody had been burned to death The
loss on the building and contents will bo
Voreit Firm
WiNKirHo Mm Oct 7 Destructive
forest ilres have been raging In North
east and Southwest Manitoba Around
Mordcn scores of Bottler bavo lost all
they possessed Including barns and Hvo
The Insurance
Special to tho llactto
Wiiitkw RiaiiT Titr Oct7 Batsoll A
Reeves Insurance on stock nnd building
which was burned on the 5th Inst was
86760 In Insurance companies as follows
SprlngfloldMass SlOOOj Qucon of Liver
pool 81000 Commercial of California
31000s Knot Texas 1210 Hartford oi
Connecticut 1000
Hates IMipiI for the Trial of Four of
InalliiVa Accomplices
Nkw Youk Oct 7 Wm B Mlllor
Henry L Saylcs Republicans and Wm
1 Kirk nnd Patrick Parley Democrats
members of tho boodle board of alder
men of 1881 whoso cases were placed on
todsys calendar of tbo general sessions
court for tho purpose of fixing tho trial
days wcro on hand today with their law
yers when tholr cases wero called Dis
trict Attorney Dartlnu appeared before
Judga Cowing and announced tho
dates for trial placing Saylcs
first for next Monday Lawyer
Newcoiubo representing Saylcs asked for
a delay pleading other engagements and
was Anally glvuu n weeks grace Tho
other cases wero set down accordingly
with tho understanding that no further
delay would bo grautcd Saylcs trial
most proceed on tho 18th Inst Parleys
and Millers on October 25 and Klrkfl on
tho first Monday In November Thero
was a peremptory order Issued by Judgo
Cowing beforo whom tho cases will bo
< m i
Cotton Futures
Nkw Youk Oct 7 O L Greene L
Co s report on cotton futuros sayst
It was essentially a bear market On tho
luflueucu of better advices from Liver
pool a point or two was gained at tho
opening with ovldonco of an effort in a
fow quarters to hold tbo proposition but
liberal supplies ofterlug along tbo lino
carried the day and the bulk of tho
trading was on a declining scalo of prices
closing 6 < G points off lrjrn tho highest
With the touo oasy
The Ollleers of the Itaele IIlamed fur < ot
lliihliiR the Stenmer Ashore
St Lows Mo Oct 7 Dispatches
from Capo Girardeau say thero aro few
new particulars in regard to tho burning
of tho river steamor La Mascptto Tbo
coroner Is holding an inquest on tho
bodied of thoko who lost tholr lives In tho
disaster Tho captain nnd pilot of the
Kaglo wero beforo blm yesterday and
testified that they did all lu
The Jueotlon of the IMsposnl of Ueronlmo
Discussed Iiy the Cabinet
Washington Oct 7 The Post this
morningpublishes tho following It can
not bo discovered that anything has been
sal i ofllclally at tho war department to
justify tho repoit that Gen Miles dis
obeyed ordors and made terms with
Geronlmo but It Is said that cortaln of
ficials In tho department while not
positively giving out reports haVo
encouraged the publication of those
strictures on Gen Miles In order to favor
Gen Crook who seems to meet with
Bpcclal consideration from some quarters
because ho Is a Wfanl Point graduate
while Miles is a volunteer sbldlor
Washington Oct 7 Tho IndUn
question Involving tho deposition of
Geronlmo was tho principal toplo of ills
cusslon at tho cabinet meeting today
1 i i
ruth Along Keep Mating
Wo hae decided to try tho auction
plan to sell business lots and will offer
on tho 23d Inst two lots on Houston
strcot for sale One lot In vacant block
between Ninth and Tenth and ono lot bo
twocn Eleventh and Twelfth for a bar
gain Be nt tho sale Prlvato proposi
tions will bo considered until day of sale
Wo will soil A F TnuiTT Co
A loot Way Out of a Dilemma
Nkw Oulkaks La Oct 7 It now
seems Impossible to securo a settlement
peaceful or ottierwlso of the Kernochan
Marks affair The frustration of their
plan to tight a duol and tho fact of tholr
being placed under parolo has already
been Btated In these dispatches but the
seconds misunderstood whatwas meant
by parole Marks second believing It to
bo observod wlthlu tho statu limits while
tho second of Kernochan thought tno re
verse Henco while tho latter was lead
Ing Kernochan to tbo orlalnal flcla re
gardless of parole tho friend of Marks
was hunting about to arrange a meeting
outsldo Meanwhllo tho Kernochan
crowd finding no foo on tho field of
honor now decline all furthor ovorturos
for a meeting on tho ground that Marks
failed to como to time Tho opposing
stconds will print statements and thero
tho matter will probably end
Ilia Finest Iltuora In tho World
At Andersons gun store
tbolr power to rescue tho pas
sengers and crew on tho burning
boat Capt Ebaugh testified that bo
could not run hi ooat near La Mascottc
for bis own vessel would surely have
taken tiro Capt Ebaugh denounces the
crew of La Mascotto for cowardice and
selfishness In looking to their own safety
and not attempting to rescuo the drown
ing and burning passengers Capt
Thompson of La Mascotto says the Kaglo
could easily and without any danger to
herself have pushed tho burning boat
ashore Tbe testimony of tho passengers
who wero rescued coincides with that of
the ofDccrs of La Mascotto
Yentffrdaja IroceedluEa ot the Hoard at
Ilea Moines lown
Dk8 Moinks Iowa Oct 7 There was
an Immense audience In tbo opcrahouso
this morning when President Hopkins
called ho American board of foreign mis
sions to order After devotional exer
cises the committee on preachers and
next place of meeting reported They
recommended Springfield Mass as tbe
placet Rev II A Noble of Chicago
to preach tho aunual sermon and Presi
dent I wight of Yalo college as substi
tute The report was adopted Rev Dr
Lamson chairman of tbe commltteo on
missions In Turkey read a report on that
work Dr Clark foreign secretary
stated that the work of the depnttlon ap
pointed four years ago to adjust tho
relations between the mission board and
the native churches In Torkey had been
very successful and tho church there had
entered upon a great era of prosperity
President Bartlette of Dartmouth college
then read the report of the commltteo ap
pointed to review Dr Aldens report on
homo work Including tbe conduct of tbe
prudential commltteo In rejecting candi
dates for missions who oellevcd in future
probation Dr Bartlette followed
in support of tho report
Rev Dr Vose of Providence
who signed the report with a qualifica
tion came forward to explain tho reason
of It While agreeing In general with
the committee In approving the spirit
and principle with which tho borne secre
tary Dr Alden had acfd ho would dis
sent if tbo resolution of indorsement In
tended to approve tho idea that tho pru
dential committee of tho board was a
theological court or had any authority to
pass npon minor matters of doctrine
Large Purchase of Cattle A District Iudc
Special to the Gaictto
Waco Tkx Oct 1 Tho Waco Land
and Stock Growing company who have
an extensive ranch in Hill county are
shipping 2000 hnad of cattle from Abbott
station on the Missouri Pacific to Har
rold Sixty cars went forward today and
the remainder will go tomorrow They
will bo driven from Harrold to Greer
county These cattle were purchased
terms private by parties In Kansas who
prefer tho stock shall winter in Texas and
be transferred to Kansas next spring
News was received here this morniug of
the death of Hon L D Bradloy of Fair
field district judge of tho Fairfield and
Corslcana district Judge Bradley had
on extensive acquaintance throughout
Texas and stood high as a jurist Ho
was also a prominent member of tho
Baptist church
il Mill
A Member t tho Snltnttdn Army
Waiuhvv N Y Oct 7 Tho town of
Castile Wyoming county is greatly ex
cited over a murder committed thero last
night by Robert Van Brunt an rngllsh
man and a member of tho Salvation
Army Van Brunt boarded with the
family ot Simon Ray and last night found
Rays son Will silting up lato with his
half sister Kva VanBrunt told Eva to
go to bed and she refused He then drew
a revolver and fired at young Hay causing
a fatal wound In the head The murderer
was overpowered by the brother of Ray
and handed over to a constable Van
Brunt Is very excitable and very qulck
tomporod At Salvation Army meetings
ho attracted considerable attention by his
excitable ways
The Bnlgarlnn Urgent Resigns Royal
Fnsllcers Resist a Draft for
Serried In Africa
Uen Knulbars In III Tour ot llnlcnrle
Olre Orderi to the Municipal
nnd Army ontcen
Sofia Oct 7 The bureau of tbe par
ties supporting the government has Issued
an appeal to tho people and army to re
fuso to allow Gen Kaulbars to deceive or
bribe them Tbo appeal says i Rather
uphold the honor of tho country and of
the army show yourselves worthy of In
dependence Tbo oftlcers of Shuuila
garrison telegraphed to tho government
asking if It is true as reported that Bul
garia intends to make war on Russia The
government promptly denied tbat any
such Intentions were entertained and
warned the Inquiring ofllcors that tbey
would be punlsbed If tbey again question
ed tbo government about Its affairs
I ondov Oct 7 The Itoyal Fusllcers
stationed at Aldershot went on a riot
last night In resistance to a draft tbat Is
being made for service In Aides i
savago fight ensned and the Irishman
wero only subdued after twenty or more
soldiers and pollco were wounded Forty
one rioters wero arrested
Madkid Oct 7 The ministers of war
marine and justice bare resigned It la
probable the cabinet will be remodeled en
a moro democratic basis
Sokia Oct 7 The new newfpaper
Independent Bulgaria stigmatizes Gen
Kaulbars as a rebel fomenting rebellion
among the people and the armv It also
urges the government to bind Gen Kaul
bars and send him across tho frontier
Bkiilix Oct 7 A duel occurred In
Thurlngla between a military olllccr and
a student Tho latter was killed
London Oct 7 MrLaktn son of tbe
proprietor of the colliery at New Bold
Leicester descended tho shaft yesterday
Fearing something wrong as he did not
return one of bis brothers descended in
search of him Ho also failed to return
when another brother and then tho father
descended The latter two not appearing
at tbe surface again a careful search was
madewhich resulted In flndlug the bodies
of the four men who had been suffocated
by choke damp
Colliers were subsequently rescued
from other parts of tho mine
Pabib Oct 7 Advices from St Louis
Senegal stato that King Transeas has
been murdered by his nephews
will now to thk will or nussu
London Oct 7 In an Interview a
member of tho Bulgarian government
said that after tho elections In Bulgaria
tho ministers and regents would resign to
the sobranje and agree to support the Rus
sian caudttlato for tho throne and would
not waste time In useless discussion re
garding the election of Alcxnnder Tho
Bulgarians are desirous of the amity of
Russia but on condition that Russia shall
ccaso to regard Bulgaria as a Russian
Pakis Oct 7 Journal des Debates
referring to Lord Churchills Dartford
speech says Russia will llttlo heed tho
Austrian dissatisfaction or thflFngllsh
theorotlcal protests so long oi she can
rely on Germanys assent or Indlfferenco
to her policy In tho Balkans
La France says Gen Kaulbars not
content with rendoring Russia odious In
Bulgaria makes her also rid colons
Pauis Oct 7 Tho French lnstituto
met yesterday and accepted tho bequest
of tbe Chantllly estate by tho Duo
dAumalo Tho lnstituto adopted a reso
lution declaring its gratitude for tho Duo
dAumolos patriotic generosity
Soma Oct 7 Tho government has
notified foreign consuls nt Sofia that Gon
Kaulbars through the Russian consul at
Rustcbuk has ordered tho military com
blander there to release tho political
conspirators In his custody threatening
to hold htm responsible If ho disobeyed
nnd promising a reward for compliance
and promotion to tho rank of commandcr
gdtieral when tho Russians ar
rive and Informing him that
tho penalty of refusal would be
reduction to tbo ranks Tho commander
Informed tho troops under his command
tbat ho had rccclvod this order and de
clined tho command and tho soldlors ap
plauded his conduct Gen Kaulbars is
enronto to Plevna and has summoned tho
mayor ot tho city to meet him and will
urgo that the mayor and other olllclals
sign n petition to the czir asking him to
occupy Bulgaria
SoiiA Oct7 M Karaclo f tbo ro
gent ol Bulgaria has nslgued
Maukhi Oct 7 The whole cabinet
has decided to resign It Is believed tho
queen will ask Sonor Sagasta to form a
now ministry
Jeunlo Hewitt n Trapeie Vorformer
Mlaata Her Hold aud fnllaUloil
Special to tho Uzctto
Takis Tkx Oct 7 Last night Vfhllo
JonnloHowitt and Tony Howltt were
performing on the trapeze at tho Groat
American Allied 10cent show Jennie
njado a leap from tho uppor bar expecting
to bo caught on the lower bar by Tony
but his hold slipped and they missed con
nection lotting her fall about seven or
eight feet A man standing near caught
at her checking her some but sbo hit
tho floor with enough force to sustain
painful Injuries At last accounts Bhe
was restlug very well
Mrs A II Allen aged elghtytwo died
at the residence of her son J K Allen
on Jefforsou street yesterday Her re
mains will bo taken to Ben Franklin to
day for burial
Old Hoaa Sale
Of unclaimed freight remaining uncalled
lor In tho olllco of the Texas Express
company will bo sold for charges Thurs
day October 28 188C at Fort Worth
Tox unless called for and charges paid
beforq day of salo 8 B Gktts
Fort Worth Sopt 281886
JuatTry Ono
Buy a packego of Silver Loaf and give
it a fair trial It you do this you will
never regret It How many disastrous
failures In making bread causo troublous
vexation In tho household This can all
po obviated by a trial of Sllvor Loaf J
H Brown guarantees Its purity strength
and elUcioncy
Continued from IHrtt raae
fenso Is your accusation Tho
cause ol my alleged crlmo is
your history I havo been Indicted
on a chargo of murder as an nccompllco or
accessory Upon this Indictment 1 have
bcu convicted There was no evidence
produced by tha state to show or even
Indlcato that I had any knowledgo of tbo
man who throw that bpmb
or that I myself had anything
with It not the slightest evidence
was ever produced to shoWthat I had
anything to do with tho throwing of the
missile unless you believe tho testimony
of tho accomplices of tho atatos attorney
and Bonfleld tho testimony of Thomp
son and Gilmer If there was no evidence
to show that I was responsible
for It then my execution and tho execu
tion of tho verdict Is nothing but wilful
malicious and dcliberato mnrdcf as foul a
murder as may be found in tbo annals of
religions political or any other
sort of persecution Judicial murders
havo In many cases been committed where
tho representatives of tho state wero act
ing In good faltb believing tholr action
to be guilty of tho chargo tbey wero ac
cused ot In this case tbo representa
tives of tho state cannot shield themselves
with similar excuses for thoy
themselves have fabricated most
of tho testimony which was used as a
pretense to convict us Wewerocouvlcted
by a jury pocked to convict us
I charge tho states attorney and
Bonfleld with a heinous conspiracy to
commit murder I will now statu
a little Incident which may
throw some light on this
Upon tho evening of tho Haymarkct meet
ing nbout 5 oclock I mtt a young man
Knockyer by name My daughter was with
tno at the tlmo and never left me
on that evening until I jumped from tho
wagon a few seconds beforo
the explosion occurred Ho know
I had not seen Schwab on
that evening and ho know that no
such conversation ever took place
between us as was testlflsd to by
Thompson Ho knew I never struck
a match and guided the fuse In tbe bomb
He Is not a socialist Why did wo not
bring him horo nnd pnt him on the
stand you ask Because tho honorable
representatives of Grlnnoll and Bonfleld
spirited him away They knew his testi
mony would provo tho perjury of Thomp
son nnd Gilmer I will refer to the
testimony given bya fewof ourwltnesses
The wageworkerH began to say a few
things very objectionable to somo of onr
patrician friends They thought
eight of toll ought to constltuto a
days work The rabble ought to bo
satisfied It was felt that Bonellold was
tbo man to communicate tho wishes
of the citv Bonefleld with a vIsago that
only needs to bo seen to bo mistrusted
was tho man to do this work If 1 had
thrown that bomb If 1 knew tho man
who did throw it I would
not hesltato to own it This
your honor Is ono reason why tho sen
tenco of death should not bo passed upon
mo Justice If that term can bo
applied to this tribunal I remember that
Chicago Trlbuno of February 8 18SB
contained a long account of dynamito
bombs being used against the rebel work
ing men Why was not the Tribuno tried
for exposing the doctrlno of dynamite
This la all the Arbelter Zeitung did and
why was not tbo editor ol the
Dally Nowb tried In his paper thero
was a long account of tho manufacture
of bombs Nono of them wero found
in his possession This your honor
is another reason why sentence
of denth should not bo prouounced I
have been a resident of this city lor as
long a tlmo as Grlnnell and as
good a one I know I should
not llko to bo compared to him
Ho has nppcoled to the patriotism
of the jury but In answer to that I shall
quote from an English statesman
Patriotism was the last resort of a
scoundrel Tho system ot vvuges is tho
root ol tho present social Iniquities so
monstrous as to cry to heaven Grinnel
has Informed us that anarchism was on
trial Anarchism belongs to speculative
philosophy and not a word was said
about anarchism at that Hayraarket but
If anarchism Is on trial I am proud to say
I an anarchist You may pronounce
your sontenco on mo honorable judge
bill let It bo known that In the year 1880
in tho stato of Illinois eight men
havo lost tholr faith in human
progress It Is tho old question look
over the pages of tho history of Greece
and Rome thoro yon will seo tho records
of tho sclfsamo struggles tho ruling
class dominating tho poorer
ono nonorablo judgo tho domons
would join in tho laughter that
follows your sentonco If tho opinion of
tho court is to becomo law then thero is
no person in this country who
could not bo lawfully hung
I soy that upon tho law
every person In this country could bo
convicted of conspiracy or as tho
case may bo for murder Every mem
ber ot a trades union Knights of Labor
pr any such organization could
bo convicted of conspiracy If you
carry that ruling Into effret you will
bo responsible for tho blood that
will bo shed and tho blood
ol tho Innocent will como
up on you Seven policemen havo
died said Grlnnell You want Hfo
for life nnd
havo convicted an
equal numbor of men of whom
It cannot bo truthfully said that
they had anything whatever to
do with tho killing of Bonflelds
victims Tho very samo system
of jurisprudence can bo found among the
various savago people and tribes
OrouahtBtrlckeu Edltora
8pccUl to tho Oaictto
BAinn Tkx Oct C Last night thero
was seen In tho express ofllco horo a large
watermelon which was rafsed In this
county It weighed forty pounds and
was labeled as follows Donation from
tho droughtstricken West to tho editors
ot tho Terrell Star Terrell Tox four
miles east of Lawrence This donation
through the kindness of tho express com
pany was as all other donations billed
D H account or sufferers
A Conatructlon Train Wrecked and Ironr
Mtu Injured
lliixsiioito Tbx Oct 7Thls oven
Ing at 4 oclock ds tbe construction train
was workirg at a point thrco miles south
of lllllsboro U was ditched by the
spreading of tho Hack tho engine and
tho piledriver being overthrown Thlc
caused severe Injuries to scvoral pcrsens
Ono brakoman was badly scalded cut on
TI SI 01
On tlio Btli JOiiy ot April 1887
The Gazettes Second SemiAna
i of
will bo madeindno tickets will be issued for this tWJS
later than March 31 A new premium list is nowbeing
for the April distribution and when
brace in addition
to wagons windmills plowB
sewing machines cooking stoves furniture tobaq
Waterbury watches Waukesha water Silver liijffl
Powder musical instruments sheet music and oft
A Mew lnper
Special to tbo Gazottc
Dknison Tkx Oct 7 T J Crooks
published tho first copy of his paper tho
Giide this evening Mr Tatey Mac
Jackson tho veteran newspaper man of
this city will have chargo of tho local
work It will be a fivecolumn folio
evening paper
The Weather
War DErAitTUENr Signal Service U SArmy
Division ot Telegrams ana ltcports for tho
Bonolltof Oommerco and Agriculture Toxas
Cotton Region llullotln fortivcntyfonr lionrs
ending 6 p m October 7 1888
Hone ton
an Antonio
lonfrYlu w
Helton <
Sour Lnko
8i 31
l > 6
Sometlilne About the Dancuters of the
Hletaed Queen Victoria
San Francisco Ohronlclo
Persons who aro interested in tho royal
family of Great Britain will regret to hear
that the marrlago of the Princess Beatrice
does not promlso to bo as happy as might
be wished While It Is understood tbat
sho Is likely to gke proof this winter that
she loves her lord tho London newspa
pers which make a specialty of reporting
tho feelings of tho royal family and the
nobility stato positively that sho Is in
low spirits and In such condition that
gossips declare sho is disappointed In her
marrlago Marrlago Is a lottery In royal
as In othor circles Tho fair Beatrico got
for her lot tho handsomest man In Europe
We know on this continent that tho hand
somest man In society is apt to provo a
poor matrimonial bargain Tboso of us
wbo bave both daughters and experience
aro content with tho second or third hand
fomestraan andthoso of us who havo
more than onco gono through tho mill aro
content to dlsperso with good looks al
togmher if wo can get for our daughter a
man who is honest and wellbehaved
able to cam his living Male beauty Is
even shallower than tho skindeep beauty
of women
Tbo queen had flvo daughters Of
thesotwo proved peifect women who
would havo been an honor to their eex If
they had been born In a lowly station
lorbaps tho brightest and bravest woman
In Luropo todiy is Victoria Crown
PrIncebs of Germany Sho Is tho ono
redeeming spot In tho dull German courtj
A full list of the premiums will be published as J
satisfactory selection can bc nade and every person i
ing cr renewing their subscription to tho Sunday i
Gazkttk for before
one year the 31st day of nesS
will receive a ticket m
The Gazette is unquestionably the liveliest bi
paper in the stateand will be made
teresting for 18867
X ort TVortli Tox
liiialneaa Failure Glnnta Vlaltlng before
Goluc Into the World
Special to tbo Gnzotto
Gjikenvillk Tkx Oct 7 J V Jen
kins was attached for about 12000 this
week by the First National bank G E
Tomllnson and J K Ward of Greenville
and tho Glen Shirt company and August
Bonhelmer S Bauer wholesale firms of
other cities
George Hobinson tho noted California
giant Is here visiting the Shields Giant
Robinson measures eight feet and two
inches He is said to bo tho tallest man
now living measuring ono Inch moio
than Jack Shlolds tho largest oco of tho
four Tho giant brothers Robinson and
Slado Shields leave today for New Or
leans where they will be on ehibition in
the museum this fall
Yew LTm
All subscriptions must be paid in advance Addi
t > re
X3 > 23Tt < D > CJEiJ ± JC PTmTTCTTPnrTyr am
was as loyal to her bnsband hi
Jugal law requires She raiy It
WaterWorka Colapil
Siikkisiikap Bay Oct
Duffys Pure Malt
tho head and Injured In the spine Ln
glneer Hall was severely scalded Hlck
erson of tno building andjbridge depart
ment had his noso and mouth
hurt and his left thigh bruised
Doctors Duko and Iost of
Alvarado and Dr Roberts of Utllsboro
wore summoned to tho unfortunates
They were made as corafortablo as pos
sible and placed on No 154 and carried
to tho hospital at Fort Worth By this
accident tho northbound passenger train
was delayed about three and one half
hours With all efforts possible tho de
railed engine and driver at this hour aro
still off tho track Tho track was cleared
and mndo securo and the train passed
after tho abovementioned delay
a woman gifted with all
gooJt aw
sweet that even those who cuioBS
clato her adoro her In sllenceSEtl
Alice the illfated wife oftAn
Hesse was so tender a daogMeiS
a wife 8o dovoted a moukjlvi
memoirs aro given by AmwiaijjMJ
to their daughters as tbo rtcorli W
which good womeD should tU m
emulate e Wf
Of tho vvlfo of Prince Chrlstuki
Is known Louise Irlnccsi ritam
did not convince tho
wife but European gostlp deisiciST
a9 too constantly separatedfnr35K
band to fulfill strict matrlmoaIJH S
tlon Tho law says that the tShH
cleave unto her husband Sniii s
well cleave If ho Is atBgSS
VVhllC olin rema lnsat trfc l2V
In her
that her marriage was a loveBv i
ing from a boy and girl iffcaLrgS
rulo tho nursery Is a bndcridleigiY
jugal love Both men and v 3
of nursery faro Now Prkco mCL
Is said to bave drawn a blinking
trlmonlal lottery If so Uutfaft
will bo sorry Sho has btuft i
daughter tenderly affectloaiiijS
morose old mother She flnnft
entitled to a good husband i
A story Is lloatlng through b 2
that the eldest son of the prlnaiJS
who if he lives will come to >
Great Britain and Ireland udlh
of India Is about to many an t
girl Wo do not believe it Tift
monarchical etlqnette lorbldrl
alliance Tho young prince wEjf
bo restricted In his choice to
German famllle whoso stockfeM5J
their various quartcrlngs tji
strtct adberenco to tho Irotefte
It would bo a hopeful sign if foSi
Wales dared to depart from pwr4
far as to permit bis son to Ek y
Miss Smith of New York or Krn
of Philadelphia But tho Amerita8
would be surprised to learn UuXL
Ideas had made such progresstffiS
marrlago was possible Su
t7T E
l3Jp pt3
works hero collapsed at
a terrific crash as tho waterl 3
lown MJ
nnd ittav
Duffys FprrauliUJ
lfor Consumption
In December lait I w k niiMZZZ
at my hotel wttliatotorc lifBonwal fB
about ono Rnllon of blood i
and large quantities frcq
My case was considered t
Hart nnd o certain were i
would die that tbey actually
funeral I ivaa ordered by ft
use eod llrer oil nnd wnlstey
wblilcoy I u cd waayourfamoUWjC SV
Ualt Whiskey In a short tlnl > J
tho oil netuir only yonr wbUW jb bb
1 owe my luo to the saving ottHliaT
of our whlkkey 5
B Lliif WjJJftT
Dealer In Procs Hooks8iif ff
Pr rvutnvjgm
OentlemenMrs Jeff KOMer
rolnt or death lib what doctonftfiftO
consumption l elatlve were WBe0
her die Somo one rccommendM Bs i
Malt Whiskey Her husbandMwmjgW
ties She Improved heboMttosfiSSi
short tlmo she was up doin t lr
know and it Is conceded that TWfUl
raised her from the dead iPe
B m w xm
CO M ST 8 K WA Bt l eWli
fclraI bad hemorrliarrsanaW M mmi 7
by a rbyalclan who thought
nshtrr congested In Aojust l
more hemorrhages and lost a
Another physician said I wailalM
eu <
or consumption and anally I
Ins on all hope 1 obtained yo 9
Walt WblskeV and tooK It In eoaf
I hsrtr
your DnflVs Formula
and strencth rapidly and sm j ffi
rulorcd w
pietely ijSfefi
The distinguished writer J ijSS
testimonial has served her heMj V T
at the head of some of the UWCWM
andcbarlUblelnatltutlonsoftMtJ < m
lt > S Stlaul Street
It Klre ma creat
Unity a lure Idalt WblskeJJSGaIN
used with ca
satisfaction for KSy
the last siaecs of that IfSaJsllaB
from Its medicinal p o e eV tir
tho patient can retain It Jt
ulantsfatt I recommecdj l t ia jsf
and tiU W > Il
mails I n btliadofau
TUKDnrrr halt wBi2S5
VT Tht Duty Formula Ji SftSm
Hold application of M ffiSVMKM
purity of DuStft Vurt UattVt p mm
ttndtd more titieiJlraUli W5JjJHEi
Conmmplton VinP Jn2vf > >
antral DtMllv and all ITu
ovMlllon lotlittonU rjrtrtof < fZt
nttlitt untotilt bloodtormlngi Eai
U lirfeAlanil winatk an
m < td In accordant irttA <
Mall HMtlty and tlait 1 r
lleuld form Mil nutrUiouijI
itma extracted without WjJt I
chrmgn ly a new jirocet
Jfllco over rir t K atlonal ban