B Roaster
> detlcr U
malted fieah even
AriUlmooBecs Vept
fEuTry rayOwl
l0lI >
iLTab In
ij 4m
A B Norton
cted by large majorities
Johnson Cotiuty
Democratic Hosts in Texas
Vjth Ross as a
Their Tickets Straight
jLlttto Cavalryman Charged the
nemy Horse Foot and Dragoons
and Routed Them
GallantMills Bides Over Slander
and is
prohibition Opposition
Betnrnpd to Congress
d UariS Calborson Cralii Sny
KHore Iiania1f
aid More Elected to Uongrcss
Abbott Bouli Kenrby nnd Itecuven
n nd ° B Majority
llBonur guttli District
fc following aro the thrco TexaB stato
ieuvoted for yesterday
r Lawrcnco S Koao of McLannan Bo
Sm Wheeler ot Shackelford Oo
ah n8cr T J McOall of Travis Co
ffiBr R ot Williamson Oo
1 Mineral J HofB ot Smith Co
er JC k LnbboeK of Galveston Co
Oscar II Hooper of Harris Oo
It It Qalnes of Lamar Oo
Arch M OoChran of Dallas Co
Lock MoDanlolof OtlmcsOo
J M Ilrown of Tarrant Co
A Zfideck of Xavrro Co
0 W Johciaon of YoanK Oo
Frank Cleaves of Oooko Co
II 0 Llnnot JlsrrlsOo
W II U rthart ot 1ft HcndCo
lM E L Dohonoy of Lnaiar Oo
i rii t S U Mulllns of NavAiro Co
Set K Yoaku not Smith Co
Kmlnljner J I llraln of Uunt Co
iiS n F Williams ot Young Oo
jotr W I > Jackson of McLennan Co
rfrtlc Inttrnctlon A Clark ot IlnoJ Oo
ineiJactfrO Vacant
oriIloman dccllncdto run and his place
ijlsxas congressional tickets aro as
08tewart It I > Johnson
Jos Abbott
II O Mack
J 0 Kearby
KQMlllt JDUankln
J I Mien JlNo > fcomb
Uaaam J W Uarnctt
o marked aro mombors ot the
< ent congress Thera Is no doubt but
t the entire Democratic ticket has been
Quidvikw Tix Nov 2 Three hun
i ud slxlythreo votoa were polled
it IWott Is elected by four to ono
air for the stato senate by fully 100
jotty The stato ticket had no per
Mt opposition Tho election was
Juxdvikw Tkx Nov2 Tho voting
djiau passed off quietly and pleas
Jf A larger number of votes polled
Pillbox than over before A great
njlare spent tho day working ar
ill for their friends but in a pleasant
quiet way
till to tlie Gazette
ItXNDviEw Tkx Nov 2 Abbottfor
igressrccelved 232 votes Kearby 100
em to the Uazettu
HiRAbo Tkx Nov 2 Tho clcc
i passed off with unusual qulotness to
1 Klght hundred and thlrtyUyc votes
te polled J C Kearby for congress
tired IOC votes and Jo Abbott 332
Kearby a majority ot 74 votes at
box Trie balance of tho count will
beKotthrongh with tonight
iUBOENE Tex Nov 2 Tho election
w off very quietly Nothing occur
w came a disturbance or row Tho
felled was an Increase on tho voto
Jtusago Tho voto for congress
compared with tho voto for
ufiMeonicers Is about 160 short A
Write effort was made to dofcat Ab
It Is lmposslblo tonight to got the
< iUToto The probabilities aro that
wtt will this
carry precinct by a good
lontj Upshaw tno Democratic nom
senator is beaten
syRed the Independent candidate
ea by a good majority thorrohlbl
lM Independent tickots cut
° lU flS ° re Tiie total vote polled
08HDA Tax Nov 2 The election
Hdoaqaietjy hero today polling288
WWtnst 287 last
election Tho voto
nie been much larger than then
Jui Mt that P rt oi thl3 district
cn oa sicethen Correct re
rtS l be obtained at present but
Insofar are In favor ot Jerome
ua 8re8s A lied for the sen
Mn oHd Democratic stato ticket
fiIt lieUazetto
t BAt TtX 0V 2Abbotts
wJ at this precinct is 171
Kills County
> to th Gazette
SK T Nov i The election
MqleU t0I W Tho voto was
iiwsvoies were polled atEnnls com
Sfir ilUS ta 1884 Tnor ° WM m0re
thrillniv never kn ° wnbefore Tho
tori eu counted before day
t lorlPorted and probably will
mXmmow < li la estimated
ucket9 were
polled at this box
Ultoun WAXinCIK
KnvB0 a
Tax Nov 2
today passed off
W > a
1rty Th
box vrI ° ta l nuinber ol votc8 c st
ctlBst m a decrease over tbo
number ot
will not bo
known tonight Tho Democratic stato
congressional state senatorial and notor
ial tickets have largo majorltlc Hcre
very slowly as tho tickets woro very long J
ones At thu close of tho polls our artil
lery detachment IIred a salute ot honor
It Is a certain Democratic victory
Collin Jaunty
Special to tho Gazette
MoKinney Tkx Kov 2 A heavy
voto was polled hero today and much
interest was manifested Tho count Is
progressing slowly Tho Democratic
ticket state and county Is running three
to one at this box At this rate Hops
majority at this box will ho 780 over all
This Is a Democratic gain over tho vote
two years ago Dohqncy gets a small
vote In tho congressional race Judge
Hare is ahead and will likely carry the
box ovor both opponents by 100 majority
The county will bo close between Hare
nnd Mack Garnctt wtll carry tho box by
00 In tho district judgeship
Xnnuln Coutityr
Special to tho Gazette
IIonham Tkx Nov 2 Tho election
passed off hero very quietly with a light
voto of 887 which Is about an eighth
more than at the last state election
Bogustlcaets headed Democratic ticket
with Dahoney for governor and Connolly
tho labor man of Lamar for representa
tive ol tho ThirtyFirst district woro
voted by a few but aside from this the
count for tho Democratic nominees for
state and otber ofllccs will likely bo a
sixth larger than In 1881 No returns arc
in yet
Anderson County
Special to tbo Garotte
1alestink Tkx Nov 2 Tho election
passed off quietly in this city Tho
precincts polled about 1000 votes 200
short of tbo votc last year on prohibition
It is lmposslblo to obtain figures tonlcht
as the votes cannot bo counted before 12
oclock Tho Indications aro that tho en
tiro Democratic ticket from governor to
coustablc wil get tbero with a good
majority Tho Independents and He
publicans are preparing for a vojsge up
the river
Itrzar County
Spoclal o tho Gazette
San Antonio Tkx Nov 2 In many
respects tbo election which took placo
hero today was tho most remarkablo
ever witnessed In tho county on account
ot tho lntenso partisan feeling which
provalled the good order maintained and
tbo amount < f scratching done So
many and varied wero th3 tickets that It
is extremely doubtful If the result will bo
known beforo Thursday Those who
eeem to be best posted claim that a
majority ot tho straight Democratic ticket
Is elected though several on tho fusion
side n ro conceded There is no doubt
that Bayers has polled a largo majority
for reelection to congress over J V
Newcomb Big majorities arc also con
ceded for all tho Democrats on tho state
ltell County
Special to tho Oazotto
Bblton Tkx Nov 2 Tho election
passed off quietly today Reports from
over tho county show that tho voto will
not be as largo as it was two years ago
The indications are that tho Democratic
ticket both state and county will bo
elected by a handsome majority Mills
will receive a majority though not as
large as formerly
Bpectalto tho Gazette
Temple Tex Nov 2 Tho election
passed off quietly Six hundred and
eightyfive votes were cast in tho cltyand
an unusually heavy voto Is reported In
tho country precincts The comt pro
gresses slowly owing to a great deal of
scratching Thcro wero lour tickets
voted tho Democratic Anti Mo
nopoly Peoples and Republican Tho
indications aro that the whole Demo
era tic ticket is elected byaclesr ma
jority though the opposition worked liko
beavers from dawn till dark Gen Ross
was ahead ot the ticket and Col Mills
something behindHOLLAND
Special to the Gazette
Holland Tkx Nov 2 Tho count
has not been completed yot It Is esti
mated that tho Peoples ticket stands
three to tho Democratic tickets one In
a circular distributed among the voters
today tho Democrats found this lan
guage t Mark tho man who says bo Is
your friend and votes against you
KcLenunn County
Special to the Gazette
WAtX Tkx Nov 2 Tho election to
day has passed off orderly and quietly
Quito a breezo ol Interest was created
early this morning by tho following which
appeared at tho bead of the telegraphic
page of tho Examiner this mornings
Special to tbo Examiner
Bklton Tkx Nov 1 W V Hull re
ceived a dlspatcn today from Waco which
reads Dr Moore chairman of tho
Democratic Kxectttlvo committee has
publicly repudiated Mills Coke and
Ross are not in sympitby with
hlra andii deprecate his courso The
best Democrats in V7aco publicly declare
their Intention of supporting Rankin I
spoke to a large audience hero last night
Mr Mills had agreed to meet mo but
failed to como Ills friends are disgusted
McLennam will go against him strong
Signed H U Kraasuonv Jr
Senator Coko sends tho following
The statement that I am not support
ing Mills is absolutely false Col Mills
has no warmer or more earnest supporter
than myself
Signed Riciunn Cork
The managing editor of the hxamlner
received tho following dispatch
Cohsicana Nov bavo had no
agreement with Kingsbury to meet Wra
and have received no proposition from
him or any friend of his for a meeting
reading this Col Millsfriends
took fresh latere t in their work and
commenced putting ia their beat licks for
Tno vote Is as lull as usual ami tho cn
Tho Republicans and lrohlbltlon > 0 C tJ tiro Democratic ticket Is olcctodl but tho
a smalt vote Kearby Indcpeu < 7W > tll vote cannot bo obtained until very
congress received < v largo voto vty tonlitht as tho count progresses
lho counting of tho votC3 is progress fTa Tho only Interesting contest was
v > re88inan and district judge
Tu fy nbllcans and Prohibitionist
votoa Xlldly lor Rankin for congress and
several Democrats scratched Mills Two
Democrats IJ V lllmcs exJudge and
Kugeno Williams present incumbent
wore In the Held for the district judge
ship and It will require full roturnt from
thocounry to toll which of the two Is
rls district clerk ZJ Measleyt county
clork John W Bakor county treasurer
J D Wallace sheriff Bill Harrls tsx
collector Otis W David assessor ot
taxes S I Norwood i county surveyor
Andrew W Goddard cattloand hide In
sptctoriTsePryori tmbHo weigher J S
Special to the Gazette
Waco Tkx Nov 2 At midnight tho
Ave city wards give for governor Ross
693 Cochran 200 Dahoney 6 J For
congress Mills 4C3 RanklU 8S3 1or
district judge Rimes 442 Williams
407 Tho count will not bo comphted
for sovcrai hours yet Tho returns from
the county precincts Indicate that Mills
or congross Is running behind tho state
ticket and somo fear that Rankin will
carry tho county
Special to tho Gazette
election goes on in tho quietest mannor
possible Present Indications aro that
Farmer for congress will not touch Kit
gore pbnS p lnks forSQuntyJudRo
will doubtless carry this beat by n hand
some majority W I Haynes scorns to
be leading for county attorney John T
Curry tho nominee for representative
will snow his Independent opponent N
S Whctlsr under by a heavy voto
Thompson seems to lead strong for county
clerk while Wllhtto seems cbolco for dis
trict clerk II F Blackwolt will doubt
less carry this beat over A S Tannor for
sheiiD Tho balance ot tho county ttcket
will be close races At present It is im
possible to guess who will get left K
L Dohonoy Prohibition candidate for
governor is being oubstltuled for Ross on
a good sprinkling of tickets
Special to tho Gaictto
Wills Point Tkx Nov 2 At this
tlmo 1180 tho voto stands All tho
Galveston nominees 100 Dohoney
6 Col Kllgore nomlneo for con
gress C2 Farmer Independent
80 A W Gregg for senator 100
B M Stafford for district attorney
100 Jo T Curry nomlneo for rep
resentative 71 N 8 Wheeler
Independent 24 JohnS Splais is way
ahead for county judge W Haynes
is two ahead tor county attornoy W
D Thompson is twentytwo ahead of A
B Cbappel for county clerk II S
Cbltty is twelvoabead tor assessor SJ
High Is 18 ahead for treasurer II T
Black well is 40 ahead of A D Farmer tor
Clay County
Special to the Gazette
HBNniKTiA Tkx Nov 2 The polls
at this place having closed joBt ono hour
ago It is Impossible to say what the re
sult of the election will bo hero but It Is
generally supposed that Ross will lead for
governor Silas Haro for congress for this
tho Fifth district and V Q Bransford
for representative of the Fortyfourth dis
trict Thero seems to be but llttlo idea
as to the result for the otber state officers
Everything went off very smoothly to
day but great Interest was manifested in
tbo county and district offices
Morris County
Special to the Gazette
Daihqbrkikld Tkx Nov 2 The
general election passed off quietly with
no disturbance Four hundred and forty
live votes were polled at this box The
state Democratic ticket Is eouuldorably
ahead It is generally coutf cd that Ar
mlstead Democrat la ahead for senator
and William Skinner tor representative
is ending J M Moore Davo Culberson
will como out with his usual majority
Ten less votes were cast this time than
two years ago
Taylor County
Speolal to the Gazette
Abilene Tbx Nov 2 The election
passed oft quietly here today A lull
vote was polled The official vote of the
county is not attainable at this hour ow
ing to tho fact that it Is raining tonight
which will delay tho returns from out
tide precincts It Is probable that the
voto will be sjmewhat light as compared
with the vote two years ago Tho cutlre
slate Democratic ttcketbas gouo through
with the usual majority with Ross run
nlng sllsbtly an tad ot the tlceet Tne
Eepubilcan vote is very light The Pro
blbltion is also light bu n heavier tbin
r vl < M
elected Tboproposltlon fora free bridge Democratic voto was polled hero today
across the Brazos at Waco has rocolved
an overwhelming majority lu this city
The following is the full county Demo
cratic ticket elected today t Reprcsenta
tlve Seth 1 Mills notorial representa
tive A C Prendergsst county judgoW
W Evans couuty attorney A M liar
was expected LWhara for cofgrcrs
Drowning for reprmSutatlve atil tlcntloy
for district attorney will have largo ma
101 nn J Cauuly
vauIky mills
Special to tbo Uazettol
Vallky Mills Tkx Nov 2 Abbott
leads hero for congress All too state
officers fcavo a solfd voto Of county of
llcors tho courtthouso ticket leads all
Democrats 8
ttfcetnt to tho llaxette
Mkmihan Trx Nov 1 The usual
Itosa carried tho voto almost bolld Jo
Montague Tkx Nov SrTbo elec
tion passed off quietly No disturbances
aro reported Tho DarkLauternpariy
made a desperate tight while the Demo
crats worked manfully It Is tho opinion
from all sources that tho Democrats havo
carried tho county Hare for congress
received n majority over either of the
other candidate with Mack next
Special to the Gazette
Buhlinoton Tex Nov 2 Tbo Dem
ocratic sato ticket Is getting almost tho
full voto at this place For congress It la
badly mixed but Hare la thought to be
slightly In the lead with lickott next
For legislature Bradford tho Democratic
nomlneo is thought to bo ahead but Mil
burn tho alliance candidate got a good
voto The vpte Is smaller thau two years
Wksi Tex Nov 2Tho election voto
at this box stands as follows For fcov J 1 L rl hah Vi
t c blraght Jeraocratlc tlc 1
ornor LS Ross 111 A M lochran 3 hAJle
way ahead
Dohoney 23 Lieutenantgovernor T
B Wheolor 110 Lock t McDanijils 4
S G Mullens 24 Attorneygeneral Jas
S Hosrg 110 C W Johnson 4 Su
prcmo judge R 11 Gaines 110 W II
Buctthort 4 Comptroller John D Mc
Call 110 M Brown fit WP Hull 23
Commlsslouer gonerui land office It M
Hall 109 A Zadcck 4j CT Hogan21
Treasurer V It Lubbock 10S Frank
Clcacs 0 W D Jackson 26 Superin
tendent public Instruction O II Cooper
110 Henry CHno 4 A Patten 24
Congress R Q Mills 88 J D Ran
kin 38 Representative S P Mills
129 This is a small decreases from the
vote ot two years ago Considerable In
terest was manifested but no hard feel
Von Znnilt County
an > 1 to the Gazette
Wills Point Tkx Nov 2 A good
many ot tho candidates are In town The
Special to the Gaict o
Bowie Tkx Nov 212 m Tho count
is progressing slowly Vivo hnudred and
thlrtyUvo votes were cost at this box
The vote stands at present Governor
Rofis 87 Dohoney 18 Congress Hare
40 Pickett 10 Mack 60 Legislature
Bransford Democrat 64 Mtllburn
Knight of Labor 46 Tbo count will not
bo Mulshed beforo noon tomorrow
Everything passed off quietly A full
voto was polled A heavy rain tell to
Wis County
Special to the Gazette
DkcatuhTkxNov 2 Tho election
passed off very qnletly today thcro being
818 ydtes cast Somovory earnest work
was put in by both sides and the result
Is watched for with anxiety It Is thought
that the DstkInntornltes aro snowed
under tor good and all
Murlnu County
flpoolal to U sioitOMk m u s m
JimKnsoN Tkx Nov 2 The scenes
enccttd hero lor the last few days aro
enough to almost disgust orderloving
people with elections Jtst nlghtcrowds
of drunkard negroes Ulled tho streets
shouting and llrlug pistols Two colored
men supporters cf opposite candidates
tor sheriff engaged la a conflict BUI
Williams ono ot the belligerents shot
TlmmlePhillips In thq face and tovorely
wounded him Last Saturday ulght a
drunkard negro went into tho house oc
cupied by Dr It K Howells colored
cook waving his pistol and It was acci
dentally discharged shooting the woman
through the arm and tho ball lodging
against a steel corset which she was
pedal to tho Gazette
Jevpeiison Tbx Nov 2 Tho elec
tion passod off quietly Nino hundred
and ninetynino votes wero cast in this
box an increase of about fifty votes over
the last election For congress DB
Culberson Democrat 683 votes Flom
lng Republican 839 votes For senator
W T Arralstead has a very largo major
ity In this county For rcpreson atlve
D IK Zachary of Marlon and W 1 Skin
ner ot Morris aro thought to be In the
lead For district attorney John Shop
pard his no opposition For county
judge S W Mosely Democrat Is un
doubtedly elected For county attorney
C Shluter Democrat Is also elected
For Sheriff James Dewarc Democrat Is
elected over tho old lnsumbent Ward
Taylor by at least 260 or 300 votes For
county clerk W F Jones Democrat
Is elected For district clerk B M
Terry Democrat Is elected Por county
treasurer It 13 Howell Democrat Is
elected For assessor Howell V Wal
ker colored Is elected Por tax colleo
to G W Watson Democrat is probably
elected No returns are in from the
other county precincts The candidates
for stale offices aro far ahead ot tho Dem
ocratic vote Culberson Is no doubt
elected by an overwhelming majority In
his congressioua district and Armstead
will undoubtedly bo our senator
Waller County
Special to the Ga7ctto
HKitrsTBAii Tbx Nov 2 The eloc
tlon passed off quietly In this county
InforWtlcn at this tlmo points to tho1
tXWMS3SSir Si wir WtajfoSL I Bgrcarrled
by a small majority Tna Republican
stato ticket will have 300 majority H
D Johnson Republican for congress
will have the samo majority J W Par
ker Democrat will be elected represon
Mllain Couolf
Special to the Gazotto
Cambkon Tjr Iiov 2 A more quiet
and peaceable election never occurred In
this the counfjr seat of Milam county
than today Asfar as can bo learned
not a single jar occurred to disturb any
one Tho couut not being completed as
yet tho exact voto Cannot bo glvjU
though it is generally conceded that A J
county attorney will bo ory close bo
tweon McCall and Ralston About the
same voto was polled as last year
Special to lho Qaavtto
Hockdalk Tkx Nov 2 Tho election
passed oft quttoly today with no row or
disturbance Tho state Democratic ticket
received a strong vote and tho name ot
LS Ross was ft headlight to tho ticket As
far as wo can learn from several pre
cincts J M McKlnny end W F Sharpo
will bo sent to the next leulslaturo It
Q Jills was Indorsed as tho noxt con
gressman by a big majority Scott Field
Prescription Drmism
V ported and IficnpiU
rotfrimeilra tStf J
i Vanny flwjii
VOLX11 NO 05
representative aro ahoad by good majori
Special to tho Gazette
HiLLsuono Titx Nov 2 ThiOfeo
tlou today thu h oxcltlng Unusual Inter
est ptssed off very quietly Sobriety
and good fooling prevailed almost unanf
monsly Tho largest voto ever pollflA In
Illllsboro wtff balloted today aco votes
bolng polledAt this hour 11 oclock tho
ooutittDR of ho voto la going ou as
rapidly as possible but nothing
certain will be known tonight Tho In
dications aro that In tho four boxes iu tho
received tho Voto for sttto senator and i city ot iUllsuoro Abbott Is 26 to rO per
K I Antony for county judget cont ahead ot Kearby John P Cox
W M Balncs for county clerfc G M leads as candidate for sheriff T S
Abbott fo111 bo cKctod by somo 600 ma Mstn for county attornoy ATUwIs
jority Berry and Smith for tho leplsla > MitT > m turns bjvo fiot been io
turo orb elected by a good majority celvoU Tho uonprohlbtlon element
MnzttREim count has been working dlllgontly to havo their
special tb the Gazette tlckel ttaouah and from What we
can learn through messages trout various
parts ot the county Milam Is solid on the
nonprohibition tlcaet Iu the next elec
tion which will take placo tn December
Jefferson County
Special to tho Gatctte
Bkaumont Tkx Nov 2 Thu elec
tion horo went off very cUlotly and ordor
ly All tho county offices wero strongly
contested Nothing ltko the probable re
sult can bo obtained tonight Tho statu
ticket stood as follows > For governor
Iawrcnoa S Ross for lleutouantgov
ernor T B Wheeler comptroller J B
McCall land commissioner tM Hall
attorneygeneral J 8 Hogg treasurer
F H Lubbock suporlrtoudeHtof Instruc
tion Oscar H Cooper supremo Judgu
R R Gilncs The foregoing wero no
contested For congress Charles Stew
art Democrat for ruprescntatlvo ol tho
Frat district Hugh Jackson Democrat
P S Watts Independent It Is generally
believed that Watts has polled high horo
Only ono precinct has been heard from
A larger voto was polled this election In
conscqttoucu of moat of the Sabine Pass
people being ocatcd hero
tlmrlo County
Spoclal to the Oazcttc
TkxakivANa Tkx Nov 2 Tho Bowlo
county olectloe passed oft quietly Tho
Indications aro that tho ontlro stato and
district Democratic tickets aro carrledTho
county candidates are extromoly doubt
ful being very close In their race It
Will require itn official count to dcolda
At this writing It la Impossible to obtain
any dolliilto estimate na no returns havo
been made
Denton County
Special to tho Gnrotto
Pilot Point Texas November 2
Tho election has passed qnlotly without
excitement with a lull vote polled
Special to the Oazotto
Pilot Point Tkx Nov 2 Tho
counting ot tbo votes proceeds slowly
The total voto Is 610 tho total vole of
1884was683 For congress Haro Is lu
tho4cadyiForRunator Allen loads Ken
dall ForrepresefimivorJlush laahtati
For floater tne race Is about even be
tween Hullug and Naylor Tho Ropub
llcau end Prohibition votes on tho state
ticket are very small
Special to tho Gazette
Dknton Tex Nov 2 A light voto
was polled hero today falling at least
800 short ot tho usual voto for this pro
clnct Tho disaffected olomont turned
out pretty well which will make tho re
sult liotwcen tho rogular nominees and
Independents somewhat doubtful with
odds considerably In favor of straight
Democracy Judge Silai Haro Is
thought to havo carried the couuty by a
handsome majority
Spoclal to thatiszelM
Dknton Tkx Nov 2 Thu voto ot
toiay which Is now being rapidly counted
out Bliows that DarkLautcrnlsm Is far
In tho roar Judge Hare as far as tho
count lusgono Is ahead of both PickU
and Mack W A Kendall for stato son
ntor and J D Naylor lor floater aro
ahead Tho Prohibition party has failed
to show up
Cook Oonnly
Special to tho Gaictto
Gainesville Tbx Nov 2 The elec
tion was vory quiet About 1000 votes
woro polled in this place whlsb Is con
siderably under tho estimate and lighter
than tho vote two years ago Nothing
official can be given tonight Returns
from county precincts are unreliable at
this hour
Tho Indications are that Mack has ran
behind and tho race is oloso In this
county between Pickett and Hrro The
election of Bell Democrat for floater Is
conceded wbllo the election ot Boyd
Democrat for representative Is In much
doubt Tne alliance people aro sa gulno
Their ticket was largo and the couut will
not be completed beforo tomorrow
Howard County
Special to tbo Gazette
Bio Spwnos Tkx Nov 2 Full re
turns Ot todays contest cannot bo ob
talncd until tomorrow as several ot tho
polling places are from fifteen to Ulty
miles distant The Judications aro that
aooutiouu votes wero polled being an In
election of tho Repuollcan county ticket crev Ma tnrtynvo over tho voto of I8BI
Lewis lor sheriff D D Wallace lor
county Judge J p Oxenford for district
Clers L K Lanklprd lor county clerk f
B Wolf for tax collector A J Btono for
treasarer E M iBoad fora scssor A
S Huby and Oeorgo Mangum for Justice
of tbo peace and constable Of
Precinct No jl all Democrats
arc elected The votc for
Lanham the Democratic nomlneo for
congress will proabably beat bis op
ponent by 250 votes Tho Democratic
ticket for stato officers will also win by
880 majority there being a few Prohlbl
Hon tickots voted Consdorablo money
changed hands but the day passed off
without any trouble
nil County
BjiecUl to tte Gazette
Itasca Tex Nov 2 Tbo number of
votes cast was 820 About onebalf havo
been counted Tho state ticket la solid
Kearby polled 81 and Abbott 00
Special to the Oatotte
AnnoTT Tkx Nov 2 Tao election
passed off qulotly at this point today
there boing a heavy voto polled No
Prohibition votes were polled with tM
exception ol a few lor Dubonty ilio
stalght Democratic ticket was voted with
Joo Abbott thirty votes ahead of Kearby
Upshaw for stato senator and Buck fur
sajtu ior qonnty attorney K S Crumley
for district clork and W W
Wright Is wltliout opposition
for county ulork Tbo voto for
ropicscnlntlvo Is muoh divided between
J M MoDanlel and J G If Buck With
considerable scattering votes for Christ
cnborry Connelly and Tipton No infor
mation has como lu from tho
county precincts that can bo
trusted but It la thought by
many that Judto Abbott will not carry
tho county but that S O Upshaw will
carry It for tho stato senate OttrUtcu
berry is probably elected representative
No reliable lrdlcitlons aro lu hand as to
other county offices tho voto belug di
vided to n surprising degroo among tb >
various candidates
Orayetin County
Special o tho Gatotte
Dknhson Tkx Nov 2 The oloctlBn
Is passing off very quietly TheoabdU
tlates nnd tholr friends aro workttig with
might and main for success Kach and
every ono is snro of election U tvootii
judge by tho talk at tho pools Haru and
Pickett ore running vory clo e In tho con
gressional raco bore with Haro slightly
In tho load and Ross for gqrornor
Everything so far has boon vory orderly
tho prediction here is that It wllltako
several dajs to couut tho vote oon e
quontly tho official returns will bo tardy
coming In
The followlnir telegram Was rocolved lu
his clly this morning aud was tho cause
ot much rojolclng among tho friends ot
Judge Hare
MoKlNlaV TkxNov 811 < W tit
T J Orooka < >
This ooitoty will glvo Haro 2000 major
ity Tho Dcmoorata and AutlMonopo
llsttt aro voting solid for himJB
JB Btivi
Mr Stiff has been until recently a
Plckott man
MrKlSNKTiUftv Nov 2
ToLuclllwsIMCe v
Demourats ate voting solid lor llaro tn
Collin Ills majority in tho ctftipty will
reach 2000 J It Uinciium
Special 10 thu Gazette
Colunsvjllk TiX Nov 3 At this
writing most ot tho votes for this pre
cinct havo been polled For congress
G B PickotlH ahead forreproscntntfvjfci
K K Wlun and J W Stewart uru ll yj
ahead tor justice of this precinct Mj >
RsgHd luspomBtii hM u aiarftcjmftJorlty
Jpcclnl to tho Gazotto
SmtrtMAN Ticx Nov 2 The election
In this city passed or qulotly to
day without a Blnglo incident
further than tho attendance of
largo crowds at tho voting precluets
which assembled early In tho morning
and continued till tho closing of thu polls
at il pm Thero wero 1817 votes polled
lu all making it decrease ot about 200
votes less than tht uleotlon Of 1861 Thu
vote as counted up to 11 p n stood ad
For governor Ross2241 Cochian 104
Dohonoy Prohibitionist 19
Stato senator Douglass Democrat
has no opposition
For congress Haro 3111 llckctt oS
Mack 21
For representative Tolbcrt Demo
crat 230 IHtlgor Democrat 176i Stew
art Ana Monopolist 90 Winn Prohlbl
hlttatitst 29 Pasco Republican 99
Williams Republican i6
Floater for Grayson and Cooke couu
tics Bell 210 Stamper 61
Thoofficlal count will not be com pi etui
till tomorrow aftornoon
Webb Couutx i
Special to tbo Gazotto
LaitKHO Tk Nov 2 The Fourth
ward lu this city gives Ross and the cn
tlto Domocratlo ticket J8C and Cochran
and tbo Republican stnta ticket 1C votes
majority 070 Ward No 4 gives Rois
117 votes and Cochran 26 majority 292
W II Ctalu caudldato lor congress In
this thu Eleventh c ngresslouul dig
trie polls tho entire voto ot tbo county
as ho has no opponent ltkowlao WE Mc
Mauus candidate for tho stato senate
Penn J Kennedy the regular nominee ol
the Democratic party tor tho legislature
in tho Eightythird district will carry
this county against Showaltor and Hare
Independent by about 300 maj ir
lty Other precincts aro not In
but tho majorities are about tho sainu
propoitlon Tho total voto of the four
city pfcclncts amounts to 1423 The
straight Democratic ticket has won over
tho Citizens or Guaracho ticket
IAlo llnto County
Special to the Gazette
Miskiul Wklls Tkx Nov 8TJio
Democratic statu ticket will win lu tls
county by handsome majority Hon J
K 1 SMiJey Democrat nominee for
representative will carry the county by a
small majority The DarkLanternltes
tA X
wil prqbably elect ono or
officers Democracy reigns
Tho election paused off quietly
two local
lte < l ltiver County
Special to the Clajctto
OuimsvitiK Tkx Nov 2 a ilgnt
voto was pilled today The Democrats
are far ahead All interest in tho result
has ceased It Is Impossible at this tlmo
toestlmato tho mljoiMy thouult It Is tho
greatest that bas over been given here
< lr R County
SpecliUO tho Gazette
LoNtrviKw TkxNov a The ount
will not bo llalshwl lure hoforo n 1 tAi
and no rtturns havo yet to ru > la tr m
other preclnca Knonuh is iratruodriow
cwiftiNKf im Fifth VtK