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Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 03, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-11-03/ed-1/seq-2/

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< ftV
j W j
fe F xf r < jn
in Houston
Port Worth
OOlti of Publication 8 ond St Between
and Tamkmortoa Entered at the
FoifeSlet u B wo XUa i Well Matter
rentage Vrtpaiii by Me Pulliihert
One Yo rV llO 00I One Year J M
UtMontna 6 81Month 1 00
Ta e Months J 001 Three Months M
aVnitt UiJiSTtB 2 per annum postpaid
nituvKMtn nr VAnntniisi
Per W 8i
4 aiiberlberi wl M e th r ttlJ
oh nfcil Irom ono j c lonice to another ron
giro the oil address as well as t > > no or the
hango cannot bo roadr
tutUSJ HSnlllvan manager
Dnwiaon T 11 loan manager
WaOOW I Ulonn manager
wjuiuwMM Dll II Do iey managor
rABia 0II Maxermanager
JkSJiui > iK W 1 amoron manager
MARlTuiXKobt Konnedf manascr
H Mlntor Manager
OLBliUnHBWil Ilyrdnianwr
Kt l oJ A Jtopbcnion mana
UAIMKtVItti K f HIH and J I
iiomu iiO K Johnwn manager
IIOfHirOi > v T K Wortham inansg r
IUiiui rrank Dorsev manager
lUKtainttelt 8 Killmanager
aotoSlpoW n Nowalrk managor
MtnOIAJ r MoDanlql managor
UmooA Mlledfleld manager
wriliitsBOJto J 0 Olenn manager
ami el Ad ertlilDf Furnished on Application
IKmUtance bit draft pottojtee money order or
ii regttttre1 letter at riipcflct
alt tvb
CorrupondeMtU wlldttd upon news
lYompt information of tvtntf ani new happen
Wat of general inttreit eolicitfd and wilt be prop
tarSSlew Mended or publication
mmt be acconpanled by the writer name and ad
dreu notforjmbllcation but oi an evidence o
riitlu urlilnii to TUH OAIKTTK onbuilntu
perionat to themtteei mill pteaie inctote ttampor
T Aft letter relating to tulMM Of any Hntlthonld
at eddreued to HukUmunit Fort north Tex
THE GAZETTE haa tho Largest
bonafldo Circulation of any Daily
Newspaper Published in Texas
Ok to Seymour 1
On to Hrownwood
Ox to Tobolobampo
Tout Woimt li a railroad contor
Anothkp Fort Worth
the Northwest
ailroad On to
Thk Sonthurn Kansas railroad will
give Fort Worth Its eleventh outlet by
Tout Wohtu knows no politics when
t comes to working or voting for the
jgqgiiiiN is content Uo was working
lor a poJtolllcu or something better In B i
and Is willing to watt
Wki t llrothur Crauilll how does It
feel to bo pulverized Do you thluk
Dohoney will ever rocuporate
Tins capital ntock of tho new Kort
Worth road tho Southern Kausao Is
93000000 On with tho boom
And now for tho senatorial struggle
which will bo a light miru enough not a
walk over like Hoss had yesterday
low Kos It In as ovorybody know it
would bo Tho slr0 ol tho majority can
not bo stated yet but It la big enough
Now lots have donu with luaucs that
distract nud cllvklo and all go to work
With renewed faith und hope for Fort
Maxv nioiubcrs of tho Lithographic
Union of New York votod with tho
Democrats onacoomttot Henry Oeorges
views on the land and frea trado question
TkxAS sends greeting this morning to
thaDemocrats of tho country It they
have done as well In nil tho Democratic
states as their bruthren In Texas tho ma
jority ot forty In tho hottso ol repreaonta
tlves will romin unbroken
Tub ancient Lubbook Is a solid mill
doon lortbu halfdoxonthitlmo He didnt
havo a particle of doubt as to tho result
audit ho hvos until 1888 It Is hardly
necessary to state ho will moot us all at
the state Demooratlo convention
To thk Republicans who wero Demo
crats jcatorday for Vort Worth onlyi
Hero are Demooratlo hands for ovory
good work for the city ot our common
residence common prldo and conmon
lovo Shako and shako again Whatever
tho result shako
gratify cither trlonds or enemies by
writing a book defining tho progiauuno of
tho Liberal patty Ills ago Is aufflclont
reason for this nmt ho afllrms that ho
only retains his hold on politics in tho
hopo ot a possibility of helptngtho Irish
JDhhih is a strong effort bolog nudo In
New Vork city to havo women placed on
the board ot education This question Is
o Immediate tha it mast coma under
tho consideration of Mayor draco or dur
ing the Jlrstdajsof his successor In tho
mayoralty Thtjrecan b a no reason for tho
rejeo Ion ot wtfmtm qn this board it only
sucu womeu are selected as thoroughly Innovation
uaderhtaud tho domsurtsaud duties of the th t if
iiiUK uvi 0ae < t
ThoJ witcrprlsliig flrnio > > v
J1 2ilS l on iIouatFrj
position It Is no longer an exporiraorft
as women bavo proven ispablo In tills
placo In many towns In Kngland and
MR JaMKS ItUSAKLT fOWKLL fctls tlint
tho prnyor Save mo from my friend
dhould bo made to embrace tho children
ol thoso friends TIo la much chagrined
at the vlnvrs I men and things which
Jilan Ilatvthprne has pntlnto his mouth
a I Intimates that tho lntorvlower has
broken down the partition between bis
memory and Imagination when ho gives
Lowells crltlclim of writings of which bo
has never read a line That a frlondly
Interchange of vlowssiouldbo tortured
Into an Interview far publication Is cer
tainly a gross breach of all that true
friendship holds Inviolate
Tannic seems to bo little douot that
lrlnco Watdemar of Denmark will bo
elected to tho vacant throne Of Bulgaria
Thero Is a fixed determination on tho
part of tho Kdropcan powers that Rus
sian Influence shall not preponderate M
KaravcloS tho proRussian member of
the regency has boen asked to resign
There is a shrewd suspicion that the
mothers hand moves tho springs in this
Bulgarian business Queen Louisa of
Denmark Is known to bo ambitious and
tho has forwarded her schomes so sue
cessfully that one dauthcr is czarina of
Russia another 1rlncess of Wales her
oldest son wields the scepter of Greece
and now with Waldermar who has re
contly married a princess ot the
houso of Orleans on this side ot
Turkey sho will feel that her children
aro well placed Whorever they have
boon thoy havo shown their capabilities
no doubt Inherited from their mother as
tliu old king is said to bo easygoing aud
stupid and should this youngest son as
cend tho throne now waiting an occu
pant thero Is ovory reason to btlltvo ho
will bo as reliable as his brother George
of Greece has proved
Kvory town In Texas oven to tho little
hamlots and vtl ages has tolegiophlc fa
cilities and the eager newspapers uo not
spare mouoy or effort to get nows But
for all this it will be scvoial diys yet be
fore tho public will got tho dotalls of tho
voto cast In this State yesterday Of
course wo know tnat the Democratlo state
ticket and perhaps all ot the Democratic
congressional nomluoes aro alccted but
that was u foregone conclusion nnd tho
knowlcdgo of today Is based on that
forcgono conclusion rather than any ac
tual nuws received Thoro aro local con
tests such as tho result lu the Fifth and
Ninth congressional districts unci In sev
eral Judicial and lcglelatlvo districts
where tho result Is puioly conjectural
It may bo two or threo days yet before
satisfactory figures aro received This Is
duo to tho Toxas election law which has
aomo antiquated nud cumber
some features For examplo tho
iolls closo at six oclock in
tho evening and tho count which Is then
commenced Is continued uninterruptedly
until concluded Kvon whero tlie voto Is
light this count necessarily lasts until
late Into tho night for tho gcnoral ticket
votod on yesterday was n very long one
and tho limited number of judges and
clerks allotted by tho law will not permit
tho count to bo disposed of in a reason
ably sliort tlmo Where tho voto Is heavy
as in tho populous wards of tho larger
cities and tho county towns tho count Is
an nil night matter and results oinnot bo
mado up In tliro for telegraphic transmis
sion to tho morning papers An Inspec
tion of tho dispatches general and state
published In Tiik Gazixtr this morn
Ing will show thnt as a rule
the results In tho Kastorn states aro more
clearly shown than In our Toxas towns
and districts This Is duo to t > o dlfter
onco In tho oloctlpn laws of the states
In most of ths Kastorn states thero aro
two sots of judges aud clerks ono tor re
ceiving and tho other tor counting votes
When tho polling has been under way an
hour or two tho counting judges com
mence their work There aro two boxes
for ballots and as tho voto goes on it is
counted but in uqothor room than the
one whore tho polling takes place When
tho counters havu emptied ono box they
return It to tho receiving judges and take
the other Tho result Is tint wheu the
polls close In tho evening tho counters
aro only two or threo hours behind
tho receivers and by 0 1Q or U
oclock at tho outside tho voto is all
counted and tho actual result kuawu
Thosystom Is simple does notprosont
any opportunity for fraud and has given
satisfaction wherever Introduced If wo
hadsuoh a Bystcm in Texas ThkGazrttk
with lti coips of special correspondents
all over tho state cagor and alort to got
tho results could havo presented this
morning tho voto of ovory county In tho
state Many ot theso gontlemon were at
their posts until long after midnight last
night and numerous dispatches re
as lato as two and oven
threo oclock tills mowing concludod with
thq words count not completed
Tho next legislature can remedy tho olec
Hon law iu this respect and do away with
tho allnight count and not keep tho
l > lo watting so long to lcaru details
When Gen Ross was ajnomber of tbo
state senate ho perceived tho cumbersome
nature of our olcctiou law and mado an
effort to eccuro a relalou In tho dlrec
tlon above Indicated
mossback com
mltteu got hold of tho bill however and
smothered it in tho commltteeroom
Thoy wero probably men who were opposed
on principle to anything that looked like an
or progress Let tis hope
the nest legislature shall show a
disposition to do away with tho defects
the Ln governor will lend < bls Influence
to bring abont tho ctanges that arc ex
pedient and dcslrod
Politicians ot both parties find a meaty
subject of scnsslon In the recent re
moval fro i ofllco by order of the presi
dent of two olllccrs of tho government
Both wore United States attorneys one
for tho Western district of Missouri and
tho other for tho Western district of lcnn
sylvanla The first Is a Pcmocrat tho
latter a Republican Both are charged
with offensive partisanship the nowj
political sin that has come along
with mugwumpcry and tho present
administration Tho sinners wero
warned of the wrath to come bnl
they didnt llco It thoy had read
tho presidential order forbidding olUclals
to take too much stock In politics but
they took stock nevertheless They
didnt beljcvo tbo presidential gun was
loaded but havo found to their sorrow
that It was In their speeches for tho
pair of unfortunates woro foolish enough
to take to tho otump to air their
views concerning political Issues
and candidates both ridiculed civil
service reform and they made such
a noise that their clamor reached the
Whlto House Thoy must go for cause
said tho president and they havo gono
It Is a fair standoff ono a Republican
and the other a Democrat and tho mug
wumps aro smiling and rubbing their
hands over it Next to getting anolllco
or himself thero Isnt anything that
will make a mugwump so happy as to see
an offensfvo partisan from either par
ty bounced out ot ofllce But partisans
whether Democrats or Republicans and
a thorough going Doraocrat or Republican
Is always a partisan aro not as Jubilant
over theso dismissals as tho mugwumps
arc It Is a now wrinkle altogether in
politics and tho old stagers are not fa
miliar with It Of course there Is noth
ing for tho presont at least to do but
grin and bear it but it is to be hoped tho
presfdent will lead the way of re
form slowly and kindly and let
tho country fall Into it by de
grees OlUceboIdcrs aro begin
ning to havo a realization of what is ex
pected of them but tho president must
not expect too much at tho start Ho will
remomber let us trust that tho customs
nnd precedents and traditions of years
cannot bo broken up In a day cr even a
year Tho average Domocrat or Repub
lican has been trained to believe It bis
duty to put In his best licks for his party
on any aud all occasions
Itetnmo of ttm Uonleat Vrntenlajr with a
Ilepuliltcmi View ot tho Ilnttln
St Lonla Globe Domocrat
Seven states have already elected gov
ernors this year and soventeen moro will
do so on November 2 Other stato ofll
cors but no governors will be chosen on
that day in seven states Illinois In
diana lown Missouri New Y rk North
Carolina aud Ohio Tho states which
havo already chosen governors this year
are as follows with date of election and
name and politics of succossfdl candi
Stato lMto Name rolltlr
llhodo Island April 7 O Wctraoro it
Oregon Juno 7 Ionnoyor Dom
Aljbama Aug 2 lliomaeScn Jem
Arkjiiea Sept n 8 V ilughca i > cm
Vermont Bout 7 K J oJmbeo o
hc l J Uodwcll He i
Ucorgla Oct 0 J uordon Dom
buventecn states will choose governors
on Tuesday of uoxt week Nino of them
at presont havo Republican governors
aud olght hao Democratic governors
Tho following aro tho states having Re
publican governors with tho
names of
tho otudldates of tho two groat parties
8tto Itfimblloan Domocrat
Colorado W if Jtoyer Alva Adams
onncetlout I 0 LonnWyK 8 oiovehVmt
Uanas J A Mania
T Moonlight
iV0 huoUa > Amc J V Andrew
M clilgan O tl uoo ci 1 Yaulo
Mlinuaota A It McUUI A A Amis
J M Thajcr J ic North
Wisconsin J M Husk Jflt Olln
Only two Republican governors wero
renominated In tho nine Btatos named
Martin of Kansas and Rusk of Wiscon
sin The following are tho names of the
gubernatorial ciiudidatc3 in tho eight
states having Democratic governors at
present which will elect governors on
Tuesday of next week Adams of Nevada
alone being ft ronomlnstlun
l c i uJI Ml Domocrat
ramorrln J lBnlfi y arttott
Delaware No nomination 11 T Itrlata
now Jertoy n k lloivoy Jt s Groon
lonnsylvanla J A Heater O K Illack
U t r 01 N ° n < > len J IMtlchardsr
Toniioa ie A A Taylor It I Tnylor
A M Cochran U 8 Uuaa
The Republicans have made no nomlna
lions for governor In oltbur Delaware or
South Carolina Thq Prohibitionists
caudldates in all tho seventeon states ro
forredtoexsopt Nevada South Carolina
anil Tennessee California
has a Know
Nothing and an Independent candidate
and Greenback liomlnces aro In tho Held
In New Hampshire lcunsjlvaula and
lennesieo Wisconsin
a Peoples
candidate In addition to tho Republican
inTn 0 au dr > MbUlon nominees
and Connecticut v
has a Labor candidate
h 1 p ubll0 ans wl11
almost certainly
xYnin SoloJi0 Massachusots
° a ota f0br8k
i New Hampshire
standing tho active
canvass which the
Democrats and
Prohibitionists aro mak
B ° vonl
nnB i i 1nsj wd the apparent
rhttS tocans In MasUbu
will carry Dele
ZhUth Caro Da and T as fd will
ttSS T anwso California
Connecticut Mlchlgao Nevada and Now
Jcrsoy may bo considered doubtful
states In the presont canvass
nmift Mta dQabul causo of tho
Suff tlnkota th Md
The present
Stato olllcen who aro all Democrats
Mi 910 hovco
IaJ884 > er Blaine
fwMVlat0 by a P Utr of 8101
Connecticut has been a closo stato tor
many years pw Garlleld cSrrtirtlit in
1880 by a plurality of seat while its
Plurality for Cleveland In ISM was 1270
iMrA JiirSf Vwowts canled it In
Mil and H Mb i
TK flj j r
Childs Button shoes in goat 4 to 7J 75c to 150
Childs Button shoes In kid sizes 4 to 71 75c to 8160
Childs Bntton shoes In kid and goat sizes 8 to 101 6100 to 9200
Misses Button shoes in goat sizes 11 to 2 SISO to 9200
Misses Button shoes In French kid sizes 11 to 2 81CO to 300
Misses Button shoes In calf a splendid school shoe glBO
Aro now showing tho Largest and most Magnificent Stock oi Flno Foot Wear over handled in Fort
Worth f a
been mado oxprcssly to our order of the choicest selection ot soek In tho very latest and with a view ot W
fectlon of Fit Styles and Comfort which can only bo corablnod lu tho constraclion of a firstclass shoe 8ec9i4
InfantsKid Button Shoes in Prlmo Amcilcan Kid
Sires 1 to S 75c to 8150
This department Is crowdod to Its utmost capacity with all tho Latest Novelties and most approved Styles 1
S250 is tho prlco made on our solid leather mens shoes warranted and sold by ns for a loss at 81 m J f I
this week 2 50 Jm U
S300 This Is our gents best American calf shoes Got up In all tho nobby fall shapes Button n t
dealers ask 1 50 for a shoo not as good and C
S500 Fine American calf sewed doublesole walking shoes a special bargain at v
85 00
S750 Shoemakcts cant beat them at SO 00 They ro tho finest hocdsowed French embracing all n
and lasts ° mostify
Our Entiro Stock is Mado up of tho Very Best Boots aud Shoos Manafa
iu Auiorica
Htrnngo Frank ot Nature
San Fiuscisco Oar Nov 2A lot
ter pabllshrd in tho bnlletln under the data
Si i1 0 1 015 8aJ3 thentio news
ctached Samta ll > at on the morning
LT0710 0Ter on0 ndrcd heavy
occurred on tho Island of
Sim fiW 01 tlTe Ro groupand that
toP i ° > > IM arisen
toih hM l ot S0 °
BOt obovo ts auco
also that this
mountain has burst out in
tiiinis of tno cocoanut treesou the island
HwlwoaabalnK M hocks o
earthrpiikosofreanently now that thov
aro no longer ai2
noticed by the nts
sssfeg hag
ssss dri PS ya
School Books
During the Fair my representative
MR F P MOORB can bo found at
735Main Street DALLAS
with a fnll lino of Samples Dont buy
until you havo seen my goods and prices
3U aud 313 Houston St
why Michigan Is a doubtful state which
aro n brief tho union ol Domocrats and
Grcenbackors on a fusion ticket and tho
rapid growth In tho prohibition vote
Iho Republicans carried tho stato for
president In 1884 by a plurality of 3063
while tho Fuslbulsts elected
their can
didates for regents of tho university in
1885 by a plurality of 17390 Nevada
was carr ed by Hancock In
1880 on ac
count of
tho Morcy letter by a maior
y oI fW Two years Iatorthosuno
pty okctfcd belr
governor who is
still In olllce by a majority of 1235
Blalno received 1015 moro votes
in tho stjto than Cietejanddld In l8St
Thoohlof element of unccrUInty how
ever In Neada turns on the amount of
money which tho respective candidates
aim their friends put into tho canvass
Now Jorsey is made doubtful by tho uu
cer alntv as to the vote which tho Pro
lb ttonists will poll It has been carried
by the Democrats in all recent elections
both for president nud governor Tho
plurality tf that pariy in tho uatlonal
iBri ° f 1 ° w 00 aml > n tnatrt
isn uu Thuprosent Democratic kov
iruor carried It In 1883 by C809 plurality
It was tho Prohibition delectlonhowe or
gavo to Cleveland In 1881 tho
vot that party in thatyearhaving been
1741 larger than the Democratic
ty The Prohibitionists
are making a
lively oanvau in that state this year
Xhe chances In tho flvo doubtful states
K In ual Vor the Rcpub
aiuSf a orula Councctlcut
ftitS iay
A M BRITTON President q r neutqu
Ladlos and sentlomon who havo valuablo
papors monoy or Jewelry ntu
nem A private parlor Is furnished whero thoso who havo boxes cm SjESl J
t their own oonvonlenco and loleuro bbjbJi asi
JFOXt 770Ct22
i ii
D 0
E 0 Hf
Cornor Houston and Second Streets Fort Worth I
Caali Cupltal ana Surplun S < lfiO < O0 <
> lrootorsJ SGodwin MIlLoyd JDHood ZanoOottt D
0 Bonaett fliom
311 Burnett K H Harrold and K
Vf llarroid
Succuesore to Ttdba ll VanZandt Co Fort WortbTe M
Slictor K M VanZandt Thos ATIdbaU N Harding J P Smith J JJ rrt i
Oornor JPoxzxrtkx cctxdi 3MC tjLnL
Fort Wortli Toxas J
Uiitcs S250 per Day W E KEWNEDY
Fino Carrlogcs for Prlvato calls a spschSJ
roadsters for pleosuro riding Huntt
end Drummers outflta always on htti
Ttxmids of
Baltimore Ojsi
Established 18CS
No 121416 ami 18 West SecoBd street corner nntiBiiw
203 Main St rortfforu
Importore and Minnfae J f
Fine Guns Blfles FIJpliJJ
Cutlery Ammenttloii
lewis m
Mail Ordors Givou Prompt Attontion
Noatly Doue
> v
730 13X X SXXUEX3X DAIi1

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