it j
kc <
ivf Vl i A C < < < 5rf > i 0 iw vjW 11i i
V6 >
1 tl
i i ititl
I oBM IIP atalre over poatOfOM Uooo K
llallroada howl farmora lnorthanta do
trartoie nA private fnmlllea fornlahod wHI >
rellatiln belt both niftl n < foma ll r
dare t > rotn < llr ottoadod to Tclept jro ho 17
U W Onynri Proprietor
ft Mil
On Hit Indian Territory Xxtsnsson north ol
Upd river Obo thpuaand oei tcnmaroek
won rvid r ip < in lht aubivntrariora Ap
flalneevllle Tex
Wo aro now prepared to loanwoney In anj
emniteafred nnpaituroa Improved farm 01
ranohra Will slo Imy vendor lion noloa
NX Main alroot fort Worth
TTlf > NKV I uTaNOii Innna andrancnia
iVI Inaume of fMfl andnptvord at very low
raloa Jntereat poyablo only oneo a year
llnrapliritya A brandy over cor flrat A Rlnln
aireola rort WorlliTor
MpNRf Til lOATT l wUlTiuyveniJoiilleB
land nolo in anma of loop and over
Inane made all ov r North Tovoeon Improved
realeitate on > nK time at low rutin Jamee II
Hliiinfin7ll Klmalreat Dallas Tea
i T > rflAliK Ifolei reatanranl iloltiK a Kond
V liimlnoaa In ono of tlin tinat owua In North
toiaat run aovonty Urn to ion transients ptr
ilay Mil on or adiirtaa Matllton llouao
ffWfiTin Ill piirfih 0 ait Interoal In mine
VV esliihllalitil and paying btialnraa Iliaail
vcrtlaer l a young man sober Indnilrlntta ox
porlencod in litmlmuanUAlraanilnthftioiiKuan
vouninnt llaa a caih ritpital of wjo ami good
iredlt llrtt of rnferouoceglvon and nuitilred
AjJilrfljaW Km I Worth Oazttte J
vAVTKiyviAiK 11111
AMlKllA while eryanl Kill at IJoa
Kant Klrit alroU HiiiaII amjiy
VjiYAKTHii A 0iinn white woman Jorman
YV orHwlM to do Ronrral hnuiework In
rAinllyoljihrev Apjdy at Jhaieridln o
WfXfftHlt A Imy to learn A trtiilo flood
VV > aHi < for good hoy 1orl unit Jrlnt
VJiTAOTUli A ni iu urvAnt Apply lo Alrt
JX W A llfKimn WfHtHeronil ttfcnj
t lMlVIHillil or uofninlsliwl rumna f r rani
1 apply at No i Numind atrcot oornor
TWIT liUNl Itnuma iirnlhrKt nnil iinimj
I Uheil aonond and third llnornovorSIr 6
JMIrovrna Athlon l > ur itpi Houiton atrent
liHlff HBWPA Curnlmiwd room pliniannSeiT
I lloii anil near HOnd liOHnlliiK hoiitua l
lira Ainhrnie
ITUttKl TirrRUliOiI rooma or r iii rtlao
Wflhiin and
Ulnlmc mom furnlaheila Mnlile
or lion ohiwiliiK Apply 413 uirner Fourth
itiiil tirovo ntriioiia
Trti r
irOK HAIlt
IWlU bAlMUnlt liuiirett In liva iiuwaim
iiAperlnn live town is will taawln a
lirdtnlnm nnuaiiniiar J mini naiiwrlnnrini ahhioa
t Wr
IaiOft7filHrit holol wrtfi iFyo
4 room wiiiivetiUIAtuiluenirallylonntad In
noiinty alto IopnUilon 4kju No Oppixltlon
Ternid imar Apply to llnlm A Ollyu Ueorgu
owjij ljiiBa
Ktllt HA 11511 VI HTOIJIt
VftnCUMAl A goinj laTiiIiy liorae FiiiKgyjnir
y uoaaanildla and noiaii ruitolieaii Ktmtle
n r
torldaordrlKi apply At rniri Woilli urocer
Jjj hrokahoja rf A lluHjhi
TtTqia 7ioir S
rLrort Wnohj
AivH Hlruwiird Hn roulo to o l Dalian
1J airan irtuhar 8 my IUv llooit my iinmo
wrl ttn all throiiali II Will pay ahnva reirard
tor Ub in I urn to n W filuroliknt How lu ltic
nhKBfAN jrAjfiniftOrlKNaknil lluwln
JV water elKhtygalloua per minute and at
ralimator whlloaulphuriiiaHiiealaandaoila
tho heat halhlhg water In the atate It may b <
uaodaa at Dot HprliiK drunk hot while hith
lK Hliule tlnketato eentai five tlokolo II
llnrkle A llayiuaker proprletora northweaj
5VKiar Noo and Tiroat Iractleo wn
IJ lined tiaiieiialillaraie lr frank Uruy
ojtleenyor lrid I KIiimUilrujr nloro
fCirTTMllltV K rTlfoN oniiuoTSTFlaTHi
1 removed Ida oillee and realdenco to uirnui
tOiirtli amtMylur etruole l r Ilroiloa ormei
realdonce Oiiloe houra U tq Ju a iu i to 4 ii
in Tolephonu nonnccllnut
7lVIAN A UUANII Keuerai land ami eo
V leellon nifonta r < Jf Ilia Panhandle o
Toiaa Taaeoaalnx
n Vf iW Wmi > llomsonathlat im
J K i toppo ltejioaloiUoo Ilonn
iloq maS0 lo4V1117l < ftundaii
I to J rtealnenoo Third atrcol cornor ItuiV
Telephone commotion
a WKIW Attorneya at law
M0IK1KU KiiiiTei rlpaelalatteutlon glvti
indaniloomiuerrta Uldotlon
lj wH nllarco To ae f
aVJB llBArX > itOOhim AUcrioiT aaT
IJ Mmlaelora at Uw Over Ton Worth Ha
tlonal hank Main atreet ynit Worth Tar
A Hllver Dollar Imltntnr Uunloii iialiimi
ll lima
MiHNHApoiiM Minn Nov a IWoq
Uv Qmnlan riiiI Kla Imvo nrrcatoilJ
II Iiullu allna MoDouald a nutortoiiH
onimtwMtar ttml iook who lma liooti
liasainR unit i1laio iitt of In various > yn
for Uto ii bV low we b in thin city llnely
coiintoiloltotl eilver ilglUw ThU aiiori
ou coin U nearly a i nrcct qqmttorfuil u
thu K niilno Tim mily illlterenco baliin
i H trlll ° Butur Bomo 811000
o li Ktlllt vvati oiiiittconctiniiiUii fiavo
near Collar lako Imllo ronlusHtiil tu tlio
tctttitflTei that thu turt Isniatlu by a wall
oru nl d n ig locMui nu r Oinnfia In
tllu Jus narvoil ii torm In thu penitentiary for
Mf brtrnkltiK Ho also cohfewett uBu
mi heon orK nlxetl to burKlarlm sevoral
banVH anil buulnoen lioueea Inrjt 1auUnil
Mlmiuanollii tomorroty naht Dihur ar
ycnU will follow
fur iowiler
Jnro bakintf l > owil r arq orm ol the
cbitjj Biito to thu cook tit pruparitiR pur
feet AWl wliolBaonie fiiHtl mid tbo hmii
wlfa will do wvll to ho on h r tmril
nuainbt bakliiK powitm tramps blivpr
Joat IMKIng Voft r It nnvor peililled
from hoitHu to ItMiuo ria iho nmnufao
turlnu tiKtiibllabiiRiit of J II JlrowM U
Uxiixi to Its nttormoat to aiimHy thu do
i pji i th ooinoihronuh IttaltiiimtB chnn
TjlS IflWtnn 4 Tixia Unntral railway
teal iuf j
ft Ul
fwrtWofth4N vOrlwini
Jfi imuy lullue thu uuitut linu
Jllon anil IttHwatan tu twuha
W m WWIMb to rwlntii oast of
Nwy OHsww MianJi flar bartlm ro
tvKPn J PIMKI tyU orflw No
W Main atrHi wftfflrp railway and nUom
jhlp tiokols W all points In the WM
ritflWs anil Jftirupo au bo hail
IrAMjM HA unt
u H u
IonMih AwisUiii
Ktposltlon flail HUH CreMdcd Willi
VWIom nnil Mfimilflcent Dliinfs
In KioryDcpnrtniuit
MiUe Bliort lliiraia n Ttlood Veaael Tim
MeriXKtd Alillloelleat The Hare
Mnek Inillnnronr Itace
Speelal ti the Uaietto
lHMfl T Nov And still Iho
Dalian Btato fair jfoos on A stiff noulh
wluJ httn bcon whtatllnR through thq
gronndH today Ailing tlio eyen of tho p <
tlefitflaiiH with a mild iiolntlon of Dalian
dnst and Improving thu flavor of tho
lemonade man1 buveraRo wblloover and
cnon It tovctl with tho aolltcry narrnunt
ofenmo HlRhtBeolng Comancho maiden
causing Jior to nit quickly down on tho
around In ardor to client tho oyo ol tho
impudent ipalo faco who oaRcrly on
deavorod to catch a peep at bar pretty
brown hoso All thosu Indian ulrla wear
lloBhcolorwl how a light dun no
painted or ntrlpcd goods but Just tho
natural leal
Hirly thlH mouilnR Iho bin Hhafttne
In machinery ball made Hh ilrat rovolu
lion tnrnlog thii
TIIOtlHANtm Ott WHRKt fl
In Uiat IminoriHo bulldlnit and tilling tbo
air with tho bua and clatter of tha many
wonder of iiiichHtilnm Hoon tho ncn
plo began to pour In and in a short tltno
tho irroiiiids worn covurud with llvlntr
moving masHOH of humanity npptruntly
as tager to peti tho slghls an on tho first
day thn exposition oponod H would
tako weeks to wrlto up tho womlurs of
tiKpnultlon hall while tho snmo tlmo
would barely milltuo to do Justice to
Von can seo anything you over
heiird of on the groundx and many
things you waver druained of before aro
ho > o on exhibition It Is one contlnml
not city nil the may through and no out
man or woman can sea Hall In a day
dust When you Imagine you have comple
ted the rights you run sijuaro up on
somothlngelseof Interest You can Hnd
anything yon want to eat from a raw
peanut to
oiiil aiDthliig you want to drink from
perpendicular pinetop whiskey to raw
water Theto Is a Japanese curiosity
here In tho shapo of a little woman Hit
ting In a roeklng chair on top a stand
Hhe sits and rocks away all day long with
n bind ol mechanical motion and tbo bets
nro miming about oven as to whether It
is a woman of flesh and bustle or a
waxen ilguro moved by machinery
Tnu almost totr1 absonco of crimes
committed on tbo fair grounds ttllecte
iiiucli credit upon tbo police force ol
Dulles It was known that there were n
lot ol crooks on the grounds yester
day but rumor says they left tho city la l
night fearing trouble
Among the wonders on exhibition here
Is n mermnltl said to have been captured
In thu Houthern sues A look nt this de
limet rprclmun of the mermaid family
hns sniitloiod many a dream of youth
and unused tbo beholder to swear off
lending poety for nil timo to oome Ono
of the special attractions for the boys
was an eighteen karat goasyouplease
pony teco by a troop of Indians
No one was baited on account of Hex
Jol Io won tho rawi by dint of hard rid
ing unit his bioad coppercolored face
woruasmileso wide that It lapped over
his ears
Tho bicycle taco wits postponed until
In the lrollo dash Monday Iube Hhnrt
hurstud n blood essol and thu chances
aro that ho will not be put on tho track
8 II Carmlchnel formerly of Lampasas
county who was run over yeaterday by
Telegraph Hying tbo track Is much better
today and hopes are untenaluott for his
recovury Thu awards today wore its
follows I
Hatldlo stallions three years and under
Oommlttco Don Hull Taylor countyf
fl h Moloney Hunt rouiilyi A W
hturns Dallas county llrst premium
T D Shirley Melissa Oolllu countyt
second premium y f Hicks Kaufman
Itondstcrs In harness Ilest male four
years or over First premium O Harris
Versailles Ky wooiid piomiiim 0
Harris Vorsollles Ky Ilest mare under
four ycttis Iflrat premium ic m
Crntcher Dallasi no comiiutluir
Trot iloublu tuums mlfo heals luise
11 L Maddox Jort Worth Tlmeli2H
AllKNA M ii
Matched HorsoaCommltleut Ql
Maloney Hunt county t A W Btearns
lal H Oourgu riUughUr DallaB Ilest
pair mares In hamusst llrst premium
0 Harils Versailles Ky t second Wade
Hampton Independence Kansas
Host nslr geldings or marcs for coach
puiposos Jrauger slid Jtoyal Ocorge
owned by M U Crawford Pallas
Tbo prograinnit tomorrow is as fol
lows i
Klrat race Ilun twomilo dash free for
all maidens allowed flvopoundsi 8100
Hecond race Trot 2ia7 classi 100
Third raco Hun llvoelghths of a
mile dash for ayearoldsi maidens al
lowed ilvu pounds ajo
Tho display of saddlory by ladgltt Uros
still claims tho attention of dealers in
that class of goods and more than one
squall of cowboya were seen to stop and
garo In admiration at the pyramid of stack
The magnllleentdlsplay ol BangerHros
has been tho chief attraction In the main
building since thu exposition opened
They occupy so by o feet to tho right of
tbo main entrance and their exhibit Is
composed of selections from cloven dif
ferent departments of their ImmensQ eg
tabllehnient These are arranged In ono
superb octagonalshaped suhdlvlded
showcase that extends from the Moor to
the celling and around the entire length
ol thu room
Tho selection In each department
represents thu llnust fabrics ever shown
In Texas and the arrangement evinces
thu handiwork of a born artist Without
srtlilolal aids the display Is one of dai
uling splendor and when the nisae
effect of tho ulectrlo light Is added It bo
comes alinoat gorgeous In Its magnifl
ceuqe tin tho extreme right Is their
display of gloves and hosiery followed
bylartleo underwear lace department
cloaks buttons and dress goods The
left wing Is given up to housefurnlsblng
goods shawls hoe and BenU furnish
> M Ro ds wbllu the center sub
division about tweulyflvo fe i
Wi1 y ofjlt I depth
wntalu their display o intlllnary goods
Ihtsmlabtbo term tho speojsl estara
o tho dlf play t n hot any ono one Uh >
illvUlon Is worthy of parMolar mention
above the balance
An attempt le portray the beantyol
tbts dlipl > of mlKlncry would ba a nno
less waat > of words Tbo arrangement
of Hoe nftls bonnets plumes tips fans
luathera and flowers rellovcd by two
handsamo wax llgurcs In fall evening and
bridal costume makes up a picture that
must ho seen and studied to bu appre
ciated Uotlt costumed wore nudo In the
dressmaking dopattment of Bangor
Hrotburn cslabllsnment from material
carried In stock nntl every article
embraced In tho entlro exhibit la hnt
sample selections from their solosroom
It Is evident that visitors who have
come and gone dtitng tho fair have boon
advertising this exhibit since three
outths of tho ladles on arrival today
spent their first halfhour as they ox
pressed It In Hangers department
This halfhour was In mos Instances fol
lowed by a second visit In tho nltornoon
and throughout tbo entlro day the room
Was literally packed by Interested happy
looking spectators
Iotnt lt IIWh Accident nt Anhr yArm
Ijnulieil i n tin
Bprninltotba Oaiatto
1IMIT IOINT Tbx Nov a A sad
railroad accident occurred this morning
at Aubrey the station seven miles south
of tho city In Which Mr Charles Hulnnor
well known here was Instantly killed
He was tbo son ol Mr bamuel Bklnncr a
large stock man formerly of this county
but recently removed to tbo Indian Terri
tory to which placo Cnerles was bound
with stock Two Irulght trains were
upon tho sldo truck tho ono bound north
backing In from tha main track while
tho other had made tho attourt to
ascend tho heavy grade but falling
ran back Tho caboose attached to each
train collided Charles was standing
npon tbo rear platform of the north
hound and was crushed to death Jus
tlco V Miles went down and Impanneled
a jury who rendered a verdict rs above
slated tho result of carelesmicss on the
part of the trainmen Ills remains wero
brought here this nltornoon for Inter
ment Ho leaves a wife mid one child to
mourn his departure
Albert Aimer colored employed In
Coopur Bol s gin this city had an arm
msnglod In tbo gin this forenoon and this
ultmnooii Doctors Whltton and De llano
amputated it near thu shoulder
Mr Mack Wilson a prominent planter
six milts southwest of town was seri
ously II not dangerously wounded by
being thrown upon a wlru fence by a run
away team llo was frightfully cutabont
tho litHil and other portions of bis body
were considerably cut
Special to the llnrctui
AviMKt Tbx Nov a A collision
occurred hero this morning between two
freight ii letcoplngtwo cabooses break
ing iieiural curs and Instantly killing a
ftofliinan named Charles Kklnnor of
Vlnlta I T
i tmn ii
Angostura Hitters tho world renowned
appetizer and Invluorator Imparts n de
licious llavor to all drinks and cures ilys
pepslt dlarrhiua fever and ague Try
It but buwaro of countiirfelts Auk your
grocer or your druggist for tho genuine
Angostura manulaotured by Dr J a Ii
Hlegert Buns
A Henleil Oar Openeil nml Jinny Vnlunltlea
Taken Tliaratrniii
TorKixj Ohio Nov a Tho United
Hlatos Kxpress company hss another mys
terious robbery on Its hands to no cleared
mid settled for On tho arrival of tho
Lake Bhoro from Chicago last night It
was discovered heru that something
wrong existed In the express car Hint runs
closed nml scaled between Chicago and
New York An examination developed
tho fact that the car had been
entered that sundry packages
containing valuable merchandise
hod been oponod by tuo robbers and an
unknown quantity carried away Tho
i xpresa ofllclals at onco took steps to
cover all evidence of tho crime and set
about to Hnd a clow to tho robber or rob
bers The cor hud been opened In
transit evidently by some ono who know
moro than would bo atcredltcd to an
ordluary tholf Busplcon was at once
directed toward certain otnployos Hu
perlntendenl Cane of ftho United fitates
Kxprofff Company and Buperlntendent
Charles Worth of the Iako flhore weio
In conferuuoo today with thu aid of tho
companys detectives endeavoring to dls
cover tho perpetrators of tho crlmo
All IJprlalnjc or IllaiUJIii Itnporfaii from
North Umollnn
llALKiiw N 0 Nov 3 Jncend ry
speeches of a negro In Itandolph county
last week caused excltemont which fed to
his arrest Thorp wore current on Batur
day teports of lynching This morning
Oor Scales received a telegram from
Copt W Johns of tho Third regiment of
state guards at High lolnt that a negro
Insurrection was Imminent and ofttrlng
tho sorvlccs of his company there Gov
Scales responded Instructing him to bold
his men In readiness bat to take no ac
tlon until ordered to do so Tho gov
ernor thou telegraphed lor particulars
Two Mon SiiOur Ilia Dtittli Ienulty for
N v Wkoiminstkr 11 0 Nov
Albert Wallat was hanged In jail at Kam
merloofs yesterday Thecrimo for which
he suffered death was tho murdor of An
drew Johnston nt Itevclstoke It 0 Au
gust 8 W5
Ah Bwoet who was couvloted of the
murder of brother Chinaman In August
1SB3 was hanged In Now Westminster
jail yesterday
fjj Til I I I IJ
JIuiUil lii a SaolVii
Hoiianton lA Nov 3 Jsmes Corfroy
aged seven yearst J mes naugbotty
aged seven yoariJohn Daugherty aged
six years and Vllni Dougherty aged
threo years were shffocated In ft sundplt
In the Third ward of tbS city lost even
bg A bank under which they were play
lug ell In
r ll JlowaunUlavotiir
Dktroit Miuf Nov 3 II IlMr
rlnglon of tho iirm ol a v VurrlnBton t
Oo wholesale groees fell down sn
ulsvator from tie second story today
arid fractured hli skull Jfc yin probs
bly die Iarrlnfton Was well kuoryn
throughout Die cmairy
I nr M H
Hahltusl twdtlpation proiluucs plies
This most pslnffll sftectlon li prevented
Uy iiilfig MorrU Oasearlne
A IoiilnliuiH Ollltlnl Jlinrgoil Willi 15in
liertlenient fitlito ruiulH
Spoolal to tha Uaiottn
llATON llOUOH IA Nov 2 Qon
William A Strougbrlgadlcr general of the
state mllltla of this state and pruuent
secretary of tho Louisiana state senate
pieseuted himself at Iloton Kongo yester
day ami surrendered for trial In the dis
trict court on a charge of embezzling
state funds There Is a state law which
requires that tho paper fur election bal
lots shall bo of a speclllo kind furnished
by tho state and sold to the election man
agois or other Intorestul parties This
paper Is placed In the cus
tody of tbo secrttary of state
who deuls It out to purchasers
accounting to tho treasurer for money
received after deducting a commission
allowed to cover his trouble Con Strong
Is charged with having while ho was
secretary of state failed to nccouut for
moneys iccelved from the sales of this
paper The defalcation which has ex
isted lor several years amounts to some
thing like 80OOO Ho has lately been
Indicted by tho grand jury of tho Baton
Kongo district court and his somewhat
tsrdy nppearanco for trial Is thu lesult
Ho has Dien admitted to ball In tho sum
of 9SQ00
1 M
Oh ray head aches and I am unable
to attend to my business Is a remark
often heard The sufferer will Hnd
speclQc In Morris Cascuriuu
Thoae In Wluiiii lh Oreut Kaliite 1 lroli
nhlr ioir w 1uhllo lleiit ata
Nkw Youk Oct an Kverybody specu
lated today as to the disposition which
Mrs fitewnrt had mode of thy huge
property loft her by her husband and to
which shu bad added a largo amount by
her frugality apd Judge Hiltons econom
leal management The report that the
mansion with Its art treasures had Hen
left to tho city as a public gallery was do
nct by near friends of the deceased
who soy that such a disposition of tho
residence and its contents valued all
told at 95000000 would bo entirely
foreign to tho conservative spirit of the
Stewarts Neither Alexander T Stewart
nor his wife believed In public benefac
lions Tho general opinion among those
who are lu a position to know appears to
bo that tha charitable benefactions all
told will amount to scarcely a one
hundredth part of tho entire estate They
think that tho marble bouse Will go to
Charles J Clinch the son of Mrs
Stewarts dead brother cabled Judge
Hilton from Paris
yesterdsy that he would
Htvri T 1 ou h0 lrst stonier
Mr Clinch and his sister Mrs Bmltbare
Mrs Ktewarts blood
p0L Mr Lllcn hss ody daughter
and t is generally believed that a greater
portion of the estate will go tom
m rfUl h W > finlth wile
o JB0r wwee Smith ol
Smlthtown U l was Mrs Btewarts
Sisterln law Her six children yl J also
8rafalrporl o9 of the flute
Thu Misses Ju la Anna and Mary Clinch
halt slaters ol Mrs
h will
bly receive
Judge Jlqpry
Hilton fol Henry Hilton
anl rrr r U
n > l Mrs Horace Ilussel win
umlQUbledly Im renemberei T
J 0 Minor who has attended
MMH SlOWeit fqr tea veira
and oally for ifl fast three years Is gaid
to b down for 6100000 WWton
Mrs Mack iholouseke p rV HrnitD thu
n ld 4 the other
servants aro r
6oT ty W Vror l wowfi
W l Lr c nBh
irrlvfts from
Continue to AttraJ
Things Imvo been quite lively on thl
sldo ol the house for tho lost few weeks
ami now that the weather Is such as to
justify pooplo In buying heavy clothing
tyo aro going to mokii It very interesting
to overy man youth or boy who has any
thing to buy in tho way of wearing up
parol Wo respectfully submit that our
stock of meiiH goods is llrstUassand wo
guarantee lower prices
175 A SUIT
Kxtra heavy allwool red knit under
wear worth S as
Wo offer extra heavy halfwool Bcotch
unilornhlrtH usuallysoldforQl Mat 110
Scotch Morlno undershirts medium
Wo wish to say under this head that
wo am soiling our standaid grades of
shoes for ladles and children at prices
that will pleaso customers who have been
paying moro for tbo nsmo quality of
goods Special attention Is called to our
stock of pebble goat shoes for childrens
school wenr
Housekeepers who tlud they need any
thing In tbo blanket or comfort lino will
do well to consult our prlto list before
Wo aro showing tho largest ntock of
lionnols over brought to Kort Worth and
as wo bought In August before tho ad
vanco wo aro prepared to mako prices
that defy competition Outoftown mer
chants will Hnd it to their interest to fill
up their stocks from thoso goods Sam
ples sent on application
This week pattern butty
Heed If
you havo jioHcbA
you had better attend i
prices i
Trimmed hats WOrtm
Trimmed hats worth f
Trimmed hats worth J j
Trimmed hats worth Mt
Trimmed hats worth
In birds tips feather wisa
kinds of trimmings JfotriiA
get your winter hat or trtBaflt
Ft Worth Grist s Feed
Having puichosed this piopnrtv I will mn it U tho best inlcmWl
by keeping at all times tho best of Itollcd Wblto Meal made tesi
cents n bushel Also Horse and
Cattle Keed at reasonable prices ha
Hon to business my efforts nhall bo to merit a liberal pstronaue fe
Open nt nil hours through tho
A A nntDQE88 Prop Cor i
In Grain Provisions and Cotton Fill
MO Blitin fcjtroot
Fort Wort
tliefer by permission to Traders National Ilonk Fort Worth
J P bmIth Iretldf nt
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Ammunition and Sporting Goods
netti Wustreua Oaiaiogpe
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Cor till I in lH of Ilura Wood Poplar nnil
AI o llonaa Palnti itopf rrmlarBnrt llrlck llarn lalnta by the batreTVlf Jhi
llulMIng Materia under bhodi
W holtsala Dealers In All Kind of
SoleAgena In ff jibTexaa for the PeUtritt
m nousioB si Fort woriiuei ciituuti mW
Wholesale Whisky Mercf
CAnd nealera In All Klnda of
OmUiumVgScit Wtlui Ji0 ed OolMllwankeon lHl rwl
Houston cornop Third SI Fori Ve
6 BOmTfcew lt
ailliLKit Manager
Fort Worth Gaslight
Ofllco BU Houslon Street Fori Worlh T k
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings Etc