Itf t
< OtlM
< 1IxoToas
waited frc h overj
M VXi line of tbo flnoai
At i
Result In the Fifth District in
Doubt with Indications that
Hare is Elected
ijlfeslandlDg Kenruys Clnluis Joo
Abbott a SlmonInro Democrat
is Elected in the Sixth
Joluathe Democratic List
ll Co n r
villi 1 BUeted Hirecpa
B rjlul B lienor
Clay Oountv
ulto tbe Gatetto
5 U tbo returns from tho various ot
pieelncts in Clay county havo not
known that Ross 1
ib bat it is now
bead Tho returns show that 554
jluvebeen cast 461 lor Hobs 54 lor
iran and IB for Dohonoy Wheeler
lieutenantgovernor Hogg lor attor
aeral Gaines lor ossociato justice
norland commissioner McCali lor
Lubbock lor treasurer
ol public in
n < r for superintendent
Hare lor of
ctlon and congressman
Fifth congressional district all like
t hare an overwhelming majority as
a by the presont retnrns There
llielr be 150 votes to hear irom yet
a are expected tonight
Collin County
ill a ttio Gaictte
cKdhtbt Tkx Nov 5 Quito
i 8i vote was polled hero
erdiyi The Democratic state tick
tarried tho county by an csti
> imajority of 4500 The Prohibition
il light as also tho liepubllcan
it retains indicate that Judge Hare
airicd the county by a email plu
nder bis competitors llckett and
r district judge Garnett carries
y by a small majority There
an exciting raeo lor county
itetween the nominees ol tho reg
Draocracy and tho opposition The
Scrwy Is likely to win save in the
j judgeship which 1b very close
fottcrand senator V A Kendall ol
i Point and J D Naylor ol Collin
tl county by a small majority Tho
option to divide the county la defeat
pasmsll majority
ill talheGaictto
Iaso Tkx Nov 3 Tho election
yesterday passed off quietly Tbreo
Ijed and slxtyilvo votes were polled
iDemociatlc stato tickot received al
ia lull vote Marc lor congress re
sist votes llckett 80 Mack 82
Cooks County
Ill I The Qaiotto
Iuritiluc Tkx Nov 3 Returns
slowly and the olllclal result
tit learned until tomorrow
llu carried his county by about
ejarily Hare and Mack are run
1 close lor second place Bell Is
ki fljiter though beaton by n small
ft In this county by tho alliance
Mitt Boyd Democrat nominee
1eprnentatlve is defeated by a
1 nujorlty The stato democratic
cany the county by a good major
ize alliance people aro jubilant
Denton County
l la the Gatetto
> tos Tex Nov 3
M twothirds in
flld victory for tho
i Judge Uaro has 300 votes more at
te than llckett and Mack to
Mack Is a llttlo ahead ol Pickett
te enator Allen lndepcndcntJs
oiHoo W A Kendall about 00
It la thought will be offset ln a
count Naylor tho nominee Is
I for floater and Hon C C Boll the
jeratle nominee is elected It is
l > lor representative by a hand
majority The county ticket Is
lamarj Instances and will require
MBut to decide who Is ln Frohl
IMiely makes a shadow
r Point Tkx Nov 3 The vote
About twothirds counted and
MmplctJd by midnight The stato
p Democratic is carried by an 07er
ote The local ticket elected
t S B8 lnilIc ° i John A Johnson
IL Coppago commissioner
county ofllces It will require tbo
font to determine who are
Irnjiou County
> tt OateUo
5wiTbxNov3 The vote as
almost II not quite solid
< > Rosa lor
governor T B
Fii wntenantgovcrnor attorney
ijimmw8 n ° W associate
ijim > jus
court iteuben II Gaines
rSI0n D > McCail coramls
C1 l nd ofllce lllchard M
f r rank11 Lubbock su
patni public instruction Oscar n
bW0C0DRre8S Fi > dls
6m iQde 0l tDe Iltteenth
ttoiiT10 Kighteenth dls
ItHaHn 80lld Kepresentatlve
RT n ryson ona Cook coun
hluxKi < irA Stsniper 1C2
M la the
kHbeen C city
The returns
and score a
truo Democ
Tue second ward
ItekSfo rom J at all and
L iS e TOtes aro yet couut
ii 0Hok t is that
0 present
carry the district by a small
Wh v
tgf3 Mulilm
Ross Demo
t Republican 335
lastlce n 1rotubul ° n 1S
Htcu i 835 romp
Denocrat aso Brown
u WtONWri
liepubllcan336 Commissionerlandofflce
Hall Democrat 0BS Zurteck Republi
can 331 Hogan rrohlbltlon 13 Treas
urer Lubboci Democrat U8J Jackson
Prohibition 12 Cleaver Ropabllcan342
Supelntcndcnt Pnbhc Instruction Coop
er Democrat as Cllne liepubllcan
331 Allen Prohibitionist 13 Congress
Filth district Hare Democrat COS
Pickett Democrat 510 Mack lnde
pendent 177 Flttcenth judl
clal district judgo Head Democrat
818 Garnett Democrat 888 Ftecna
tor Blghtconth idlcsL district Dong
lass Democrat 116
district Thirtyone
w it iaI
Stamper Imlepemlec
tlve district Twcnty v it
Uticer 65 Tolbor Democri
coe liepubllcan 371 Williams co
liepubllcan 217 Winn Independent 73
Slvells Independent 87 Stewart Inde
pendent 487 This is Denlson complete
Special to tho Gtetto
Dkkisok Tkx Nov 3 Tho First
Third and fourth wards finished counting
todsy The Second ward will not finish
until tonight The voto is about 400
short ol what it was last year being the
lightest that has been cast In this cl y tor
a number ol years The following la the
olllclal count so far as completed
Governor Domocrat L S Boss 735
Governor liepubllcan A M Cochran
133 Governor Prohibition K
L Dohooey 5 Lieutenant
Governor Democrat T B
Wheeler 735 LieutenantGovernor
liepubllcan Lock McDanlel 101 Lieu
tenantGovernor Prohibition S G
Mnlllns 4 AttorneyGeneral Democrat
James S Hogg 737 AttorneyGeneral
liepubllcan C N Johnson 103 Assocl
ntoJUdtlco Supreme Court Democrat
ileuben It Gaines 787 Associ
ate Justice Supremo Court lie
publlcan W H Burkbart 101
Comptroller Democrat John D McCtll
734 liepubllcan Joxeph MBrown 104
Prohibition W T Hull 4 Commis
sioner general land ofllce Democrat
11 chard M Hall 735 Republican Adolph
Zadcck 102 Prohibition O T Ho au5
Treasurer Democrat FrankR Lubbock
730 Republican Frank Cleaves 200
Prohibition W D Jackson 4
Superintendent public Instruction Os
cir H Cooper Dsmocrat 730 Henry C
Cllne 100 A P Aton Prohibition 4
Member of congress Fifth District
Sllus Hare Democrat 654 GBPickett
Democrat 405 H C Mack Democrat
1G4 Judge Fifteenth Judicial district H
O Head Dfitaoorat 580 M It Gar
nett Democrat 284
Senator Eighteenth district L G
Douglas Democrat 832
Representative District 31 Cook and
Grayson counties R V Bell Democrat
800 M A Stamper Republican 372
Representative district twenty seven
two to elect r A Utlger Democrat
831 John II Tolbert Domocrat 358 G
W Pasco Republican 220 D W Wll
Hams Republican 120 BE Winn In
dependent 45 J WSlvells Independent
06 J W Stowart Independent 870
This is the olllclal count so far as com
pleted leaving tho Second ward to bo
heard irom
The following telegram was received
from Pottsboro Representative district
27 two to elect Utlgor Democrat 120
Tolbert Democrat 182
Tho total vote cast here this year Is
1375 against 2023 two jears ogj being a
decrease of G48 otcs
Special to tlta Uaietto
Bitix8Tux NovB The olllclal count
here Is as follows For governor Ross
280 Corcoran 24 Dohoney ISO For
congress Hare 216 Pickett 70 Mack
80 For district Judge Head 310 Oar
nett 7f Total vote 304
gpeclat tothctiaictte
COIXINBVIUK Trx Nov 3 Tals is
the lull olllclal count lor this precinct
No 6 Boxes at Colllnvllle Tioga and
Governor L S Ross 331 K L Do
honey 82
LieutenantGovernor T B Wheeler
327 S G Mnlllns CO
AttorneyGeneral James S Hogg 388
Associate justice of tho supreme
court Reuben R Gaines 337
Comptroller John D McCali 327 W
P Hull 74
Commissioner of the general land of
fice lllchard M Hall 322 C T Hogan
75Treaaurer Frank It Lubbock 208 j W
DJackson 84
Superintendent of public instruction
Oscar H Cooper 331 A P Attn SO
CongressSilas Hare 146 H C
Black 05 G B Tlckett 224
Judgo of the Fifteen judicial district
H O Head 865 M H Garnett 82
Senator ol the Eighteenth district K
G Douglas 249
Representative District No 31Grayson
and Cooke counties R VBell 184 M
A Stamper 217
Representath es District No 2 < two to
elect F A Utlger 3J5 K R Winn 60
J W Slvells 28 John II Tolbert 350
J W Stewart 76 D W Williams 8
County judge A GMoseley 45 8 D
Steadman 223 KPGecg 107 J T
Cunningham 76
County attorney J P z > C B
Randell 361
County treasurer H N Tuck 1 A
Harrington 85 W S McDuffle 65
SherlffR L May 201 YSCreager
2 A K Hughes 211 John Morris 84
District clerk Zac Farmer lJ E O
Thomas 309 County clerk F It
Goode 31 J P Austin 824 H C Hoi
combe 79 Tax assessor Robert Wal
ker 270 JC Maples 171 W B BIo
geistaff C2 Tax collector A It An
drews 145 C W Moore 58 J P Leg
lie 71 W M Scott 175 Cnnty sur
veyor W T Gowdy 135
Public weigh
to clectA W H Jrn 173 J D
cr one
Fenet 235 County commissioner Pre
clnctNo BKd Sanders 21C T A Sul
livan 59 JVHuttOD 18 G It Dod
sou 141 Justice of the peace Pre
clnct No 5M F Ragsdale 51 C
Webb 180 Constable Precinct No 3
Hl fcojtb 1C1 Q F Whitley 18 J
WiPatton 127 C T Bourne 125 IPO
He weigher tor CollinsvllleJ J James
19Tho above Is an increase of probably
with the vote oi
ten per cent compared
twoears ago
MonUgnn County
Special to Hie Osteite
Bowik Txx Nov 3 Tho election
held jestcrday was one ol tho most
peaceable ever held In Bowie A lull
voto was poled 635 votes being cast
Thero was no llenubllcan state ticket in
tno Hold tho Democratic state tickot
runnlug about en lo ono for Prohibition
candidate At present about 800 votes
havo boon counted Mack lorcongrcss be
ing CO aheeu and Pickett way behind
On tho county ticket the rcsnlt Is so clOso
it will take the oOlclol count to settle tho
matter Ml ljurn lor legislature Knight
of Labor camll ate Is about 50 a cad
Special to tbe GateUo
Sukskt Tkx Nov 3 Tho election
passed oH quietly more so than was ox
Scctcd Tho retnrns are now all ln
lias Haro has carried Montague county
over his oppponcnts lickett and Mack
Bransford for the legislature hs carried
Clay and Montaguo counties ocrhls op
ponent Mlllburn The following aro tho
names of the newly elected county
ofllcors i For county judge GrlQla Ford
For county attorney S P Hull For
county clerk Sterling P Strong For
district clerk D C Hart For tax col
lector R E Brown For tax assessor
T It Willis For county treasurer K
W Gllcrease For Shorlff George W
Campbell For county surveyor J A
Kelly For animal and hldo inspector D
K Fnltom For county commissioners
Knox Thomas R H Bowors Dan
Severy and Jack Crawford The Demo
crats qf Montaguo county feel jubilant
over the resultas this has been ono of tho
hardest battles yet fought for the cause
of Democracy
Special to the Qatctto
Montague Tkx Nov e The Demo
cratic tickot mot with but little opposi
tion The olllclal report from all tho
boxes except Bowie and one small box
aro 1 Tho congressional race Minds as
follows Hare 808 Mack 800 and
Pickett 414 For the legislature Brans
ford 1140 Wlllburn 884 Tho Demo
crats elected all the county olUcers ex
copt two
ivuitial cousn Rmunxs
Special to tbo linzctto
Bowik Tkx Nov 3 Tho oto ln
this county as far as heard from Is as
follows Foreatburs for c ngress Haro
79 Pickett 57 Mack 101 Fjr legisla
ture Wlllburn 122 Bransford 109
Queens Pea congre > s Hare 51
Mack 55 Pck tt 23 Legislature Will
burn 47 Bradford 82
At Hardy Hare tf TlokoU 55
Mack 20 Brausfor 93 Wlllburn 68
Dyo Mound Hare 42 Pickett Is
Mack 18 Bransford 88 Wlllburn 13
Denver Mack 03 Plekolt 60 Hare
54 Wlllburn 78 Brans rd 48
Bowie Ross 4S1 Dohonoy 75 The
balance of the state ticket about same
majority For congress Hare 144
Plcttett 77 Mack 297 For legislature
Branefoid 238 Wlllburn 201
The Knights and alliance will jelect
their candidates for county jmlge and
treasurer Tho Democrats elect sheriff
and county clerk Thu balance of the
ticket Is so close an olllclal count will be
necessary to doterinlne tho result
In hIx precincts Hares total vote Is
489 PIckott 261 Mack 089 Mack car
ries the county bj over 200 majority
Wlcliltn County
Special to tlio GateUo
Wichita Falls Tkx Nov 3 At this
writing It Is impossible to got tho exact
figures but tho following figures aro sub
stantially correct The average majori
ties on tho statu ticket are about 200 in
this precinct and tho moj rltlcs on tho
congressional district and county tickets
ore as follows ll having majorities ln
this precinct for county ofllces will be
elected unless possibly the county judge
which will require ottlclaWote to deter
mine Congress G B PIckott majori
ty 33 District judge James it Robin
son majority 13 District attornoy
George K Miller majority 22 Sheriff
and tax collector F M Da > ls majority
77 County judge K W Foster majori
ty 4 County treasurer Jos A Kemp
majority 14 District and countyclork
C F Held majority 83 County attor
noy J P Boyd majority II Tax as
sessor O M Bryan majority 130
Justice of peace precinct No 1 S Arm
strong majority 1 Constable precl
No 1 A M Davis majority 23 Com
missioner precinct No 1 Williams ma
jority 37
Wli Uoanty
Special to the Gnetto
Alvobi Tkx Nov 3 The roles are
not all counted here yot The Demo
cratic state ticket Is decidedly ln tholead
Mack is a little ahead for congress with
llckett next and Haro ln tho rear Tho
Democratic county ticket Is generally ln
the lead Nearly three hundred votes
were polled here and not more than two
thirds aro conntcd so far The worst
mixed vote that has ever been polled here
Is tho present one A fnil count may
make some change In the present stand
Special to tbe Ooiette
Auboba Tax Nov 3 The following
vote was polled here Congress Fifth
District Silas Hare 66 G B llckett
163 U C Mack 47 State aenator
Twentieth senatorial district J J Jar
vis 211 H 8 P Ashby 87 Represen
tative Fortyflrst district T A Fuller
178 J B Dabney 78 Representative
Fortyfifth district J P Humphreys
318 Q R Craft J County judge
W W Brady 231 D P Nowson 62
Sheriff W J Mann 368 Jacob Brown
38 County attorney R E Carswell
218 AEdwards 39 Treasurer W P
K Kincanon 23 IT Reeves 22 L K
Pounds 212 Tax collectoi D W Fra
zer 179 WMWard 87 John Brown
IS Tax assessor Dennis Paschal 250
J T Holt 27 James A Smith 18 W
B Laslter 2 District clerkWill
A Miller 254 A B Foster 36
County clerk II L Ward 279
W BAustin 20 SurveyorJ W
Tyler 219 J O Mode 44 Pobllo
weigher J B Abbott 252 Commis
sioners precinct Four and Fhe W A
Killough C3 A J Jones 18 Joel Bur
row 220 Justice of the peace precinct
Five T S Gardner 124 A C Hill 35
W W Carney 130 ConhtxW precinct
U < nSil > onVcnttotfc nexuyeftr
No B II R Rogers 134 James W
Prunty 145 Gardner was elected by five
voles great excitement was manifest
Special to tho Uaietto
Riiomk Tkx Nov 3 Great Interest
was manifested In tho election yesterday
Wo polled a larger voto by 20 per cent
thau Wo havo over dono betoro nt this
precinct All the nominees of tho Demo
cratic primary election ricthed a major
ity but H O Mack was in tho lead for
congress No unduo excitement v ns
MAJOnilY > 01t 1ICKRTT
Special to the darct e
Riiomr tytv No Precinct No 4
Wise county gives Haro 16 votes Pick
ett 07 Mafk 12 Jarvls 74 Ashby 19
Humphries 85 Craft 10 Puller 74
Dohonoy 12 Precinct No 6 gives PIck
ott a majority our both his opponents
8pcclal to ThjOaictte
Dkcatur Trx Nov 3 The voto was
light here estimated at 3500 ln 1881 it
was 4200 Tho Democratic ticket Is all
elected by a majority ranging from 1600
to 400 Jatvls has a majority over
Ashby of 403 with Decatur and Alvord
Boonsvlllo and Grafton yet to count
Plckottfor congress ns far as heard from
In this county has a majority of 250 over
Mack and Ware 839 The Democratic
otato ticket will receive about 2500 a tall
off front 1884 of 700
MnrtoD County
BpoUal to the Gatetto
JurVKRaox Tkx Nov 3 Tho sup
posed result of the election hero as wired
last night Is correct except that J C
Hart Democrat Is probably elected lor
tax collt ctor iustcad of Watson Culber
sons majority for congress in this county
will be over 300 This gives him 244 Ha
publican votes In this county and all
thu Democrats Tho Culberson box In
tho western portion of tho county went
almott unanimously for him Tho enthu
Democratic county ticket is elected Tho
pcoplo ara jubilant oor tho result
Cnllnlinu County
Special o tlie Cniettc
Baiiid Tkx Nov 3 The election
passed off quietly yesterday Tho Dem
ocratic ticket Is way ahead Thoro wore
ohly a few scattering votes polled tor
Prohibition and Republican parties at
this box With four precincts heard from
S W T Liuham for congress B It
Webb district judge and B W Camp
for district attorney are In thu lead
and J N Browning Is solid for tho legis
Special to tlio arclto
Haiku Tiuc Nov 0 The returns lor
tho county btllces are all In and tho fol
lowing candidates arc elected J Mc
Hhanuy uiuniy jud o J W Jones
sheriff IN Jackson district and county
clerk C Estes county treasurer I S >
Bell county attorney W C Ashbury
lutpcctor Nothing duilnltecau bo learu
ed about district uiiilcora as thu returns
aro scaled
Itntk County
SpecUl to tbo dinette
HKNDKitaov Tfc Nov 3 Yester
days election passed off with unusual
quietness A heavy voto was polled On
account of the meager stale of tho ru
turns no definite conclusion can be ar
rived nt It Is salo to nBscrt howecr
that Ross plurality will greatly exceed
that of Ireland two years ago also the
congressional legislative and notorial
tickets which arc augmented In a like
manner Ross plurality over Cochran
and Dohoney Is estimated at fully
while lor does not lead L
Kllgore congress ui n Pmnnr i uns i
wasklnsJ iV
Farmer exceed C00 Great Interest
taken over tho contest for the legislature
Mllneismajority Irom fourteen prcclncti
bo fur Indicate a majority over Flauaguu
of 1000 No opposition county ticket was
put ln tho Held Davis the IlJater will
receive In ull probability 800 majority
over Murphy
Tltua County
Special to tbe Gaiotte
Mount Plkabant Tkx Nov B D
B Culberson as usual carried this coun
ty by a large majority over his Republican
opponent J T Fleming W T Annl
stead carried tbe county by a fair vote
or statu senator and John h Sheppard
for district attornoy received ercry voto
ln this city but C Thoro were bat 4 Re
publican votes cast in the county and
about 300 Prohibition tickets found their
way Into tbe ballotboxes Onehalt of
the conuty w > uld havo voted tho Prohibi
tion ticket had tho snbject been more
thoroughly agitated here
Uoutton County
Special to tbo Uatctto
Crockhtt Tkx Nov 3 Tbe election
passed off quietly here yesterday Par
tial retnrns indicate an lucreaaed Denio
cratlc majority over 1884
Colcmna County
Special to tbe tiazolta
ColsmanIbi Nov 3 The fall re
turns from all tho boxes ln tbo county are
as follows Ross 606 Wheeler 836
McCali St Hall 836 Hogg 836 Lub
bock 830Cooper 836 Gaines 836
Sayers BID For district judge Ran
dolpb 77 Webb Itf Linds y r8 Mc
Gonaglll 41 tivans la elected jadee
Bowen clerk Simmons sheriff Orr
county attorney Hubert assessor Petty
treasurer jMoKlrath KunreyorkWalker
county clerk
H nderaon County
Sptalal to the batette
Atiibhs psx Nov 3 Henderson
county is Democratic by the usual major
ity The election passed off In perfect
quiet The Returns come In slowly Tbo
Democratic state ticket has a largo ma
jority For congress Reasan bad no op
position Idr the senate Gregg lends
Collins Independently a largo majority
For the leglilature Larkln Democrat
carries the county by 7400 For district at
torney J J Faulk had no opponent For
sheriff Osborne Democrat will probably
havo 100 pinralliy For county judge W
S Xaulk Is elfcled For county attorney
J A McDocula Democrat Is elected
For county cletV W T Eustace Demo
crat is clecttd For district clrrJ T
ftr drfrnndonbti I co jjres7carrl dthf3ountyj
Deeno Democrat is elected For county
treasurer J H Reynolds Domocrat Is
elected For tax nstcssor JMWood
Donlocrat Is elected For county sur
veyor J T Meredith Democrat is
OuntlMupa County
Special to the Uaiotta
Sk < iuin Tkx Nov 3 In Guadalnpo
connty Burgess tor tbe state scnato Is
elected by oer 1 000 majority and Mc
Gee and Ellis tor tho legislature
Democratic nomlnce wlll haTU handsome
Aniler on County
Special to tbe Gatetto
Palkstihk Tkx Nov 3 Tbe voto ol
county precincts has not yet been ob
tained but enough Is kuown for tho as
sertion that tho Dcmocratlo tIAct enliro
has been elected by from 800 to 1000
votes In the city precincts tho total
vote is 1000 2C0 to 300 short of last years
voto on prohibition WattB Democrat
tor justlco of tho peace has 435 majority
over Sweaney Independent tho present
Incumbent Crist Democrat for consta
bio 160 majority over Brltton Indepen
dent the present lncumbonti MclUy
nalds Democrat majority 0er Royal I
Independent and Richardson Republican
Tho voto for governor was 1001 Ross
680 Cochran 823 Ross majority 215
Comnuoha County
Special totho Gatetto
CoMAKCtiB Tkx Nov 3 All boxos
in tho county aro heard from About two
thousand votes were polled about ono
hundred republican Tho stato tickot
aud all tho rest solid Democratic For
representative to tho statu senate Burns
of tho AntiMonopolist notoriety I mils
Bard Democrat by C7 For district
judgo Lindsay 053 McGouagtll C44
Wtbb 194 Randolph 74 In tho county
election the DarkLantern Is carried
throughout by abuu 100 majority Lan
hams majority In thu county Is small
Cherohoo County
Special to tlio Uaicttc
JAOhsoNvatit Tkx Nov 3 Tho
election passed oft quietly A heavy
voto was polled More Intorcst was man
ifested yesterday than In tho past eight
years Further than some rivalry liotwccu
candidates for county olllcesthero was no
question at Issue thero being no oppoHl
tlon to tho state Dcmocratlo ticket Tho
count Is progressing slowly with Indica
tions of a change in tho olllces of tax
assessor ana collector and probably
county attorney
Special to tho Gatetto
Rusk Tkx Nov 3 At this box tho
olllclal returns give Ross 467 and Coch
lim 250 Thoro wus no Prohibition voto
and Ross was scratched but twice A
W for sonaloireceived705
Gregg votes
being within Ihrco votts of the cntlro
poll Martin watt elected just by ono
vote G AvNjwonf r representative
is conceded by alt to be elected Kill
mates of tho > oto counted and reported
so far show that tbo Democrats havo
cairlcd tho county by about 1500 major
ty Reagan tor congress at this pro
clnct received ell tho votes palled but
two Ito had no opposition
NHViirru County
Special i o tbo Gaiotte
Corsicana Tkx Nov 3 The election
In this city aud prccluct No 1 resulted as
follows For goicrnor Ross 231 Coch
ran 68 Dohonoy 41 Congress Mills
250 Rtnkin 165 State senator J Sim
J AAllen Inde
pendent 143 District judge S It
Frost 214 L J Wnrror 103 Repre
sentative A 8 Gill 176 BFDavis
Independent 226
Special to tho Gatetto
Corsicana Tkx Nov 11 The returns
now Indicate that Mills majority ln Ibis
county will bo fully 76 per cent below
the last congressional raco
Ifiiilth County
Special to the lunette
Winona Tnx Nov 3 At the last
election 2J1 voles woro polled with a
majority of 2Q At this election 315 Votes
worn polled with 89 majority for the
Democratic state congressional legis
lative and senatorial tickets No trouble
occurred at tho polls
Special to the Gaiotte
Tylkk Tkx Nov 3 Ustnrns from all
the votlpgWclncts In the county show
that tbo wholo Democratic ticket Is elect
ed by majorities ranging from 100 to 600
Tbe greatest enthusiasm prevails among
tho victorious A procession headed by
a man bearing a banner on which was
lntcrlbed tho words I told you so and
a dead rooster suspended from tt polo
marched through tbe streets this evening
keeping time to tbo music rhyme of a fun
eral march played by tbe band The
procession finally halted ln the court
yard and for several hours listened to
s cccbes by orators living here and In
other counties Beforo tho election it
was generally thought thattho Democrats
would lose tho two precincts voting nt
Tyler but glncd those precincts by a
majority beyond tbe roost sangunlne ex
Cut County
Special to tb Uaaelte
Quwp City Tkx Nov The alec
tlon passed off quietly The vote fell
nearly iOO short of that polled hero at the
last i election Tbo Domocrallc state
congressional and representative tickets
will carry this box by 160 majority and
the county ticket will carry by 100 major
lty a Democratic gain of over 100 Tills
reckoning is from an actual count of 2lty
Lampmaa Oontity
Special to tbe Gatetto
Lampasas Tkx Nov 3 The ejection
was quiet No disturbance occurred here
or throughout tho county Ross U away
ahead of thu ticket notwithstanding the
heavy effort made by tha Prohibitionists
The county ote > was very close with as
as 8 majority K A J Notblngton
ocMtic candidate in rrresomsthe
frfocrfptloii dtdum
Upon all dayalt nhxht
reported and ilnraontli
rorrnmerlca oap
Kaney Good
ete etc
VOLX11 NO 97
was elected Goodwin D rkLsn
ternlto by over 1000 majority The voto
cast is as follows Rosr103 Tehran
109 Dohonoy 456 Whetlor 842
Daniel 281Miller 152 Hocg 881
n8 nA TO 05 lnM U Uutkshart
JPM Mcpal 8 Jlrotyn 101 Hull 388
Hall 831 Zeadock 21 Hogan 56
Lubbock 939 Cleaves 115 Jackson
298 Cooper 819 Cllne 28 Allen 31C
Sayers 1312 Nowosmb 99
1IIU County
nruunu cnr
Special to the Uatotto
llunnAiii City Tkx Nov x Ths
election hero passod off very quietly The
oto polled was an Increase over two
venrs ago Tho Democratic stato and
county ttckpts rtcolved a heavy vote
Upshaw ran behind on tho Ktato ticket
Chrlstlnborry carried this box almost
solid for roprosontatUo Red and Kearbys
voto was very Fght Dohonoy was
hardly talked of at tho polls
Special to tbo flaietto
HtLLSBOHo Tkx Nov 3 From
elnhtoen important voting precincts in
Hill county it is known that tbe following
candldaes aro probably elected Jo Ab
bott 1802 Koarby 1266 8 O Upshaw
1VI53 C M Chrlstenberry represent
live 13591 county judgo J GAbney
1731 countv attorney T S Smith 1780
district clerk E B Crumley 3010 coun
ty attorney W W Wright no oppoucnt
sheriff John P Cox 1643 tax collector
Gootgn Cttrmlchaol 1670 tax assessor
C W Rollcy 2302 treasurer J C KU
lough 1607 aurvoyor O Holland 1473
justlcuottho peace D Oretton t40
constable Tom Burks 861
1111 County
Bkiion Tkx Noy 8 Hotarus from
twcntyilvo out of thirtyfour voting
places ln the county gtvo tho stato Dem
ocratlc ticket ill 62 against 116 J for all op
position Mills 2802 against 162 for
Rsnkiu Tho msjorlty rccolvcd by the
Domocratlo cnutlldatos lor county ofllces
In tho twonlyclght boxes ranges from
800 to 2000 Tho nlno boxes to bo heard
from will lucreano tho Democratic
majority from 1000 to 2600 for tho differ
ent candidates Tho Democrats aro i
jolclug over their victory wbllo tho Anti
Monopolists aro as quiet In propSrtlon as
they were exultant and boantful before
tho election
special to tho Guretto
Holland TkxNOV 8 Tho totO hero
stands as follows Ross 72 Dohonoy
104 Mills 69 Rankin 132 Tho county
Dotitacrntlo ticket is ekctiul
Jtllln County
Special to tho Gtuoltii
Waxahaoihb Nov 3
election returns front tho
No deflntte
county At
this box onehalf tlio voto has been
counted with 1ho following majorities
Governor Ross 401 congrosf Abbott
330 senator Upshaw U5 district
judge Ralney solldr fldater GfAce
solid Tho counting progrosseOJOwly
ns thoro ar eighty nnines ou tho face of
tickets ln this county
Special to lha Gaiotte
Enms Tkx Nov 3 Tho count of
votes at this box Is proceeding very nlonlr
Only 876 votes havo boon counted at this
writing 816 pm Of theso tho Prohi
bition statu ticket gets 14 tho Republl
cans 43 and tho Democrats M3
Abbott for congress gels 260i Kearby
79 and Norton 44 No Kistcm county
precincts have as yet boon hoard from
but general pi aspects point to a two
thirds majority for Abbott aud thu statu
ticket la tho county
1ieciluue County
Special to tbe Gatetto
Mkxia Tkx Nov 3 From news re
ceived from Freestouo county lato this
evening the entire Domocratlo tickot it ill
bo elected Rossh mnjorlty will boabout
800 Roproscntatlvo 11 E Stcolo will bo
returned to tho Twentieth legislature
KnHltiuil County
Special lo tbe Gatetto
Cisco Tkx Nov J Tho election lu
this county as reported by rumor re
sulted as follows i Tho ontlro stato ticket
and Lanham get a good majority Ham
monds Domocrat is elected couoty
judge Yeargln countyjclerk Schmlck
vherlfr Thu election passed off quietly
tho DarkLsnternltes dureloplng learn
strength than has been attributed to
Ilnnnrd County
Special to tbo lautic
Ilia SniiNOH Tkx Nov I Complete
election returns cannot be obtained as
yet ou aeconnt of tho non arrival of two
tiallot boxes from distant precinct
However tho result as given lift eveulug
Is about correct with thotexeepton of
LanbamS majority which wilt fall short
of the estimate 11 ret given
mil County
Spools to thd Gaielte
Makmn Tkx Noy 8 A lull r ote was
polled at tbe election hero yesterday re
sulting ln a majority for Hon of 709
Mills 160
Wllllaiuann County
Special to the Gatetto
Taylor Tkx 1o1 l Xo interest was
manifested In the election here yesterday
Tbero was not a npplo of excitement
The rote polled was very light tbo total
number being Only 484 In 114 tbe total
voto numbered tvi bowlug a decrease
of 84 votes Tho liepubllcan ticket was
scarcely vUlbl The Democratic ticket
stood as follows Governor L 8 ROss
372 lleutMUntgovenior T B Wheeler
3721 comptroller J D McCali 876
commissi ner general laud ofllce it M
Hall 32 attorneygeneral J S Hon
37i treasurer F R laibbock >
superintendent of public instruction O
HCooper 37i supreme judge It R
Gaines 872 conaross Tcntu district J
I Hiyew < dsnlu attorney James
II RobertKon 411 reprtuvntattvf J II
JfauMon MO county Jlrtgn W M K y
diafVouaiy attorney Jostph W tob r
on 400 sheriff John T 01te ie
II W Mcllendon 33 dl rlet clerk 1
CWlf MMl Wi i < < i AiV
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