ffi iw L
Tho Closing In of Ilio HoMs of Iro
tectlon nml Tariff Kcform fof
Finnl Untllo
Homo Oreftt rn > T Ill ea s
lUultnurt ilia OimMqueuem
to Follow
taiiikv nrroiiM in coxqiibss
New York Times tod Hep
It appears to us that Homo of tho
friends of tariff reform aro unduly dis
couraged by tho results of tho lato con
gressional elections and too ready to In
fer that nothing will bo done for tlio re
form of tho tariff lu the next couRrcss
Tho most Important feature of tho elec
tions or at least tho one that attracts tho
most attention Is tho defeat of Col Mor
rlson In IlHeols and tho narrow e cj > o
from dofcat of Mr Carlisle In Kentucky
Tho latter toad nothing to do wjth
tho vlcwa of Mr Carlislo on tho tarlffand
was as nearly as any lilng In politic can
bo a puro accident Tho defeat of Mr
Morrison was mainly on tho Issuo of pro
tection bnt It Is to be noted In tno llrst
placo that his opponents had to take a
candldatd who was by no means a repre
sentatlvu of cxtrcmo protectionism and
In the next place they had to mako uho of
tho Knights of Labor organization lu the
district which was Influenced only IndU
rcctly If at all by tho turlfl views of
Col Morrison Had tho gentlemen
of tho Iron arid Steel association chosen
to specid enough money and had they
worked as shrewdly and unccrnpiilously
with tho labor vote thoy might have de
feated Mr Cox In this city or Mr Del
inont on Long Island They concentrated
their efforts on Mr Morrison and accom
plished their purpose Thoy wero aldod
moreover by some peculiarities In Mr
Morrisons own record to which wo bavo
alluded elsewhere
More significant though lass con
nplcuous Is tho Democratic loss In Vir
ginia and tho tendency shown very gener
al Ty by Democratic candldattH llko
Vanco In tho First Connecticut district
to court tho protectionist vote Hut
thesu Indications aro very much moro
than offset by the victories won by tho
revenue reformers In Massaohusetts
wboro tho Issuo was dotlnltoly niado
And In theso Haste n contests It Is to bo
noted that tho protection humbug ns
Henry fleorgo calls It did not havo tho
strength It was supposed to buvo among
tho worklngmen of tho fac
tory towns On tho contrary
whenever tho question was
nolrtly and clearly argued beforo thorn
voters of this clasi showed no special In
clination toward protection lu tho
Northwest In Minnesota and Nebraska
whoro tho Democrats have mndo gains
It Is worthy of attention Hint tho ltepub
llcan candidates veru either ruvumio re
formers so that tho Issue was not raised
nt all or that wheiolt was raised tho pro
tectionists lad tho worst if It It Is
therefore a pttfectlyieasonable Inference
that so far as tho net congress Is in
fluenced by public opinion as to tho re
form of tho tariff It will bo Inclined more
toward reform thau tho present congress
has Been
lint thero Is nuotbor fact that must bo
bonio In mind which Is that It Is now
almost certain that thero will bo n largo
Hurplus that cannot bo used In reduction
of tho debt and that can bo avoided only
by a reduction of taxation This my
and wo bellovo will havo a grout lntlu
cuco with public oplnlou Tho people
of tho United States aro not clvon to
voting on abstract Ibsucs Thoy nover
bavo done It save In tho casu of
the limitation of slavery and that
was an exception more ap
parent than real They havo too much of
tho llnglish political temper to bo seduced
Into regulating their political action by
Ideal or by sentimental considerations
Hut when that action Is called out by
matters of direct practical Interest It Is
npt to bo very energetlo and for tho pur
pose Involved very effective If tho pco
plo comu to u realization of tho fact that
money la deing taen out of their ponkM
Tiso7 vWcTr must either bo
squandered lu extravagant appro
priations or heaped up in tho treasury
they will take prompt measures to seo
that taxation Is reduced Ana when It
conies to a mention whether taxes shall
bo taken off from liquors and tobacco or
from tho materials of manufacture tho
choice will uot be doubtful or long do
lajeil If tho caso shall bo presented m
this way us thero is every reason to think
that It will be tariff reform will come
about with i cortalnty that will surprise
a good many theorists on both sides of
tho question
Chicago Herald Iml
Tho defeat of Morrison and Kurd and
tho opposition to Carlisle llolman and
Bprlnger which was so unexpectedly
strong aq to reduco their majorities to tho
narrowest limits havo naturally caused
these gentlemen much bitterness Know
ing that thoy woro secretly and corruptly
assailed by paid agents of tho
lies agalust whoso encroachments thoy
defended tho people thoy regard with
chagrin nml dismay tho easo with which
tho clomont which thoy had faithfully
served was turned upon them
Hut this has been tho history of tho
world tho lato of all pioneers In move
ments for tbu amelioration of the condi
tion of men and tho Inevitable conse
quent of attacks upou tho power of
wealth and greed Tho historian of tho
Ilrltlsh parliament observes that tho rulo
1ms never failed In that body Tho mon
who utdo with monopoly and error gain
distinction and pralso and aro every
where accorded tho highest commonda
tlou for their abilities patriotism nud
statesmanship Tho men who attack
Uieso unjust comblnattors and who In
tho peoples behalf point out tbo Injuri
ous effects of monopoly bo they ever so
honest able unsolflsh nnd patriotic
do notoscapq tho shafts of rldlcuu
or tho bludgeons of violence too often
aimed nt thorn by tho very class which It
1 their ambmon to servo A casual
glancu nt tho history of our own congress
will show that tbo samo thing has been
and Is true as to that John Randolph onco
said that ho might as well attempt to
preach Christianity lu Constantinople
to speak against tint Uultcd Btatcs bank
congress so eminently respectable had
tho moneyed lnloiest which was m
trenched behind that monopoly rnsdo tho
service of defending It Later on It was
tho samo w 1th slavery Tho men who at
JWJI wuto looked upon with contempt
whllotho most culinary defender of tho
system passed as a groat statesman aud
his cheapest witticism an i most falla
cious arguments wero halJcd by tho
massed as evident of tho profoundest
wisdom So uovy viHth reference to tho
admitted abuses of tho day tho protected
Industries the fslgautio monOpoltos tho
Bt Ui v mr >
remorseless bosltioM combinations the
hnd nnd cattlo rings and tbo banded
corruptlontrts ot old political organist
tlonaj tbo wen who question their propri
ety aro ns a rule condemned and
laughed at wblls their thlckandthln do
fenders of tfco Blaine variety pass as wlso
beyond their day nnd ucneratlon
In tbo diys of tho Iloman republic tho
privileged clashes who wero attacked by
Tiberius Gracchus hired ft band of assas
alns from tho ranks of tho people In
> fhoro defense that great leader spoke
and ho and bis associates fell under tho
dsgeers thus wielded With tho death of
the iracchl perished the Komau repub
lic In our own tlmo wc eco popular
leaders Becrotly destroyed not by mur
der It Is true but by tho corrupt use of
money Tbo monopolists of Homo de
fended themselves and crushed opposl
t on by hiring their own dupes to uso tho
dagger Tho monopolists of America
havo defended themselves and attempted
to crush their opponents by hiring their
dupes to uso tho bullot
How long Is such assendency to last
Loulmlllo Courier Journal Icin
A revenuu reform crisis Is about to be
precipitated upon tho country by tho
stern and unanswerable logic of tho pro
cess of facts without tho need of any help
from verbal argument Thts power Is to
corao from tho relative positions of tho
revenues tho treasury nnd tho money
mirkets and no man or combination of
men can Stay It Tho excessive revenues
collected for tho pnrpofo ot sustaining
tbo present excessively high tariff aro
running at mora than a million dollars a
day and nro creating n surplus of moro
than s 100000000 a year In about four
months tho last expedient to pay out tho
accumulating surplus of hoarded cur
rency taken out ot trado will bavo been
exhausted by tho Until payment of all tbo
redeemable debt There will then be no
alternative until 1891 between two expe
dients either tho cutting down of the
revenues by lowering tariff taxes or by
n prolllgato aud ruinous system ot public
expenditure and waste based on tho un
heardof and thoroughly fligltous theory
and purpose of spendlug any way and
any haw upward ot a hundred millions
of unnecessary and superfluous taxes
wrung from tho toll and sweat of tho peo
ple Thero In no other horn to thu di
lemma and tho peoplo should loik It
squarely In tho face It Is to bo either a
curtailment ot a hundred million dollars
of unnecessary taxation or nn explosion
by over a hundred millions m the unne
cessary expenditures ot tho public serv
ice There can be no possible middle
Uround nnd tho issuo cannot be delayed
It Is Tight before u and look at It as wo
may It will bo really n crisis of the first
magnitude In tho administration of tho
government Managed aright It will
bo a yiesslng but managed wrong It will
introduce us to a llrst class commercial
and Industrial crisis
Tbo necessity of cutting down tbo tariff
was never so Instant aud Imperative as
It Is rendered by this peculiar conjunc
llillndolptiln Treat Hop
It Is now certain that If tho official re
turns glvu the Democrats a majority In
tho next houso of representatives It will
bo a small one only This Is an unfortun
ate position for a party to occupy so
poorly trained and disciplined as the
Democratc party Is and It would doubt
loss prefer to find Uself In tho minority
It n number of able and skillful Demo
cratic leaders had bteu choaen nnd
tho pirty was unit d on a dellulto
policy tho h1o of tho majority would
not be a matter ot so much Im
portance Hut unfortunately most of
tho old and tinlned parliamentarians on
tho Democratic sldo In tho present house
will bo absent from theFiftieth congress
and tho party Is hopclesaly divided on all
tho chief issues of tho hour
Mr llowitt leaves congress for tho
mnyornllty of New York city Mr Curtln
of 1ennsylvanla Handolph Tucker of Vir
ginia Warner of Ohio Ouxof North Caro
lina Aiken of Month Carolina Hammond
of doorgla Willis of Kentucky Hraggof
Wbehnsln and Singleton of Mississippi
either failed to got or refused to take
a rcnominutlon multi Cabell of Virginia
Morrison of Illinois nnd Lowry of Indt
ana wero defeated and Speaker Carlisle
If successful approached so near to tho
brink of defeat as to bo sadly weakened
In Influence Tho only men elected who
aro titled by training nud ability to re
place theso leaders aro Cox of New Vork
Hmidall and Hnckalew of Pounsylvnula
and perhaps ono or two others It is
evident therefore that tho Democratic
sldo will bo sadly crippled just when it
needs strong leadorshlp tho most
On tho other hand If tho ltopiiblcari
aro placed In tho minority thoy will not
lack for trained and oxperloncod leaders
Nearly all tho able debaters and parliamen
tarians on tho Republican sldo of tho
present house havo been roturncd and
their hands will bo etrongthonod by now
members who lu a smaller Hold havo
proved their Illness for legislation
Heed of Malno Long of Massachusetts
Hlscock of New York Ihelps
of Now Jcrsoyi Kelly ot
lonnsylvanlai Huttorworth anil
McKlnleyof Ohio havo been reelectedi
whllo Lodgo of Massachusetts 8 V
Whlto of New York Kennedy nnd Iugs
ley of Ohio aro among thu Htrong now
members chosen Tho Republicans then
aro certain ot having competent leaders
and with their better discipline nnd gen
oral higher average of lutolllgonco they
will form re compact nnd Influential body
ot legislators and ablo at least to prevent
tho Democrats from accomplishing much
MonnisoN niUTKN
Now York Star Dem
Tho defeat ot Morrison was brought
about by tho Eastern protectionists
Thoy sent an agent Into bis district to
address tho worklngmen and gavo him
an amplo supply ot monoy to buy thoso
whom his arguments did uot convince
Hut already thoso who planned this plot
and carried It to success begin to doubt
whether tholr victory will bo ot
value to them
Ifor twontytlvo years tho protectionists
havo had their own way Thoy havo boeu
able tomalntiitn a system of taxation out
of which they mado great proilts Taxes
havo been levied not for tho purpose of
meeting tbo necessities of tho govern
ment but to ralso the prices of commodi
ties so that tho manufacture of them
should bo profitable
How largo tho sum is which has been
taken from tho people In addition to tho
rovenuo which tho government needed it
is not oasv to ascertain Thoso compe
tent to judgo havo estimated It at uot less
thsn n thousand millions pov annum
This flagitious ot taxation has
been dofendod on tho ground that It was
for the benefit ot tho vorklngman Thoso
who wero tho chief snfferors from It wero
thus persuadod to bo Its chief defenders
Uut the most effective alii which tho
I vitti i v n i
pr < tcctlonlsts have had has been found In
thonopular lndlfferenco to the snbjett
Yor more than twenty years thoso who
aw tho truth bavo found It ImpoMlbloto
got the attention of thelrcoantrymcu All
parties havo avoided tho Unae the Repub
licans ffofti u desire that tbo people should
nnfoo awakened thu Democrats by rea
son of a not unnatural reluctance to meet
tho perils of a doubtful contest
The revenue reformers bavo longed for
nu opportunity to present tho question of
tho tariff to tho peoplo They havo not
misunderstood tho responsibility which
they wero eager to assume They know
well how long and how difficult and
doubtful tho strugslo must be To en
lighten the Ignorant and to overthrow
n system which 1b supported by va t
combinations of monoy and by tho prej
udices of raco as Well as ot diss Is a
task which no ono will undervalue Hut
seeing clearly tho truth of their own
opinions and also the monstrous and
cruol lujustlco which protection work1
and most of all upon thoso whom It pre
tends to benefit tho rovenuo reformers
havo long waited for tho day which has
come at last
Thero Is now no danger of further do
lays Thero will bo no dodging by con
ventions nor by congress We will not
herealtor bear much about equltoblo
tariffs and incidental protection At last
thero Is a promise that tho lssuo will bo
equarcly joined between thoto who wish
that taxes shall bo levied for tbclr profit
and those who nro determined that all
taxes shall bo fpr public purponcs only
Tbo dofcat Of Mr Morrison Is tho
greatest victory that our cause has won
It Is tho Hunker Hill of tho now war ot
Independence A defeat Indeed Our
troops havo retreated and our leader lies
upon the field But tho blow has been
struck which begins tho battle all along
tbo lino Lot no ono bo discouraged I
Tho blood ot tho martyrs Is tho seed of
the church
A Druooists VicitDicTi During 30
years drug business never have I sold an
article giving such unlveisal satisfaction
as Palmers SkluSuccoss People who
suffered for years with various skin com
plaints arc constantly returning perfectly
cured to tbank mo for recommending
Skin Success 0 It Harris J C
Heights N J Druggists Palmer Co
N Y liB and 7S cents
11i Kvldenco Iruvaa that tll Mmriiser
Wus mi Acrtaaory
Sr Louis Mo Nov 11 The evidence
lu the express robbery caso as far as mado
public goes to provo that tho messenger
David S 1otherlnghnm was nn access
ory or at least a willing victim In tho
affair Tho discrepancies in his state
ment to tho detectives Indicates that ho
ktiows more of tho manner In which tho
robbery wns planned and exicuted than
he would llko to hao them know An
expert penman who was before tho gland
jury Inst Saturday states that tho three
letters signed Jim Cnramlngs wero
written by ono nud tho simo man and
expresses hla belief that that
man was Pothcrlngham and that
ho wroto them beforo tho commission
of tho robbery It now transpires that
the luessengeis trunk was searched soon
alter tho robbery aud a number of sheets
of paper wero found covered with copies
of the signature of W J Barrett mana
ger of tho oxMosH company It is sup
posed that tbo messenger becamo ablo to
lorgo this signature so that ho might
ttfllx It to th orders which tho robber
presentedand which allowed him to mako
tho trip with the messenger Of course
It tbo messenger was lu tho conspiracy
hla accomplices could have cuterod lliu
car any way hut tho forged orders en
abled tho messenger to give tho excuso
that ho did Altogether It looks bad for
Immedloto relief and prompt cures
effected by Red Star Congh Cure No
The very latest novelties In lino blaclt
dress fabrics at Randall Chambers
Notui From the AniTT
MoNfooMKitY Ala Nov II Tno
legislature orgaulzed yesterday by tho
election of tho ofllccrs chosen by tho
Democratic caucus Gov ONeals mes
sage was devoted entirely to stato affairs
Ho called nttontlon to tho faut that Ala
bama dovotca moro than onethird ol all
tho revenuo she receives Into tho state
treasury to public schools Ho nlso re
ferred to nn lncreaso of 835000000 In tho
assessed value of the property of tho
state during the Inst few years Ho said
that tho wholo amount of tho tax for tho
past acnl year had been collected with
tho excoptlon of 860 a record perhaps
unparalleled In tha financial transac
tions of nny stato In tho union Kvery
Obligation of tho stnto Including Interest
on tho bonded debt had been promptly
met and tbo rate ot tax reduced
Tho best regulator ot tho dlgcstlvo
orgnus and tbo best appetizer known u
Anaostura Hitters Try It but bowaro of
Imitations Got from your grocer or
druggist tho genulue article manufac
tured by Dr J 011 Slegert S Sons
A New DlncoTorjr lu llamba
Ban 1rtANcisco Cal Nov it J D
MolIanolT a Itusslan resident of this city
claims ho hns invented nttroglycorlno
bombs Ho says he has discovered a
liquid with which nltroglyccrlno may ba
mixed making it nonexplosive but by
adding another chemical the nltroglycer
Ine Is transformed to Its original state
Ho uses a double shell tho Inside ono
containing tho nonoxploslvo mixture of
nltroglycerlnc nnd tbo other ono con
taining the chomlcal which liberates tho
puro nttrogijccrlno Majaon Howard
says tho Invention Is worth looking Into
Other oBlcers havo pronounced favorably
upon It Tho French minister ot war has
sent tor details to experiment on tho In
lllnolc Qooda
Handall Chnmbors Co are Maplaylng
an unusually attractive lino ot lino black
dress fabrias
A Schema to Iunloii > li
AunurtN N Y Nov 11 Dr John O
Johnson who was oxBanker Fishs phy
sician called on James D Flshyenterday
together with tho prison physlclau Dr
lloxlo Ho made a medical examination
ot his former charge Dr Johnsonstated
to a reporter that Mr Fish was In a de
plorable physical and mental condition
Dr Johnsons report will bo Incorporated
In a petition to lrcsldent Clovolautl for
Fishs pardon
Ji J lL
St L
n Cures fllicurnallim NcuralnM
nu 11 c > f at l < k w luttutiToattuli
New York and the East
In TKN HOOItawllli throuKh TJayoanParlor
cir nnd lalaro Slcoplngcoaalios No ctinnpt
of cars for any cla3 ot passcn cre
To Washington In 28 Hours
To Baltlmoro In 29 Hours
Thin la four hoara quicker than tho fastest time
by any other line
The l jr Ksprcu has Parlorcar St Louis to
Cincinnati and lftlaco Slceplnjcar from Oln
clnnatl to Washington and liultluioro nlthoni
The Mght Kiiirm has sleepers hrougb with
out ohnngo No other lino from St Ixials nuit
a through alocplngcar to tbo AMIontl Ctpltit
Palace Buffet SleepingCars
aro ran by this Lino on Night Express from
St Louis to New York
T > Axx4yr
Jacksonville Fla and Winter Resorts In ttf
Tho Dnnlilo dally Lines of Tarlorears and
Iulnco SkoiilngroaohOK by this Lino from
St Louis to Cincinnati and Louisville
Sinking direct connection at both iiolntswltri
inornliip and ovunlng Express Trains havlnp
Iahito lfotol and Sleeping cars to Chattanooga
Atlanta Mncon Una Jacksonville without
change No Kcrrloa or Transfers by thin llouto
All connections mndo In Union 1 pots
For tlrkota ratoa or any particular Informn
ttnn call on ttckot ngents ot connecting linen
West Northwest nnd Sonthwcstor In St IUl <
at 101 and 103 North fourth street
lros and Hon Manager Gen Iass A
Cincinnati Ohln
II I 1IACON leu flMtern IM Afrt
St Inula Mo
Standard Bange oy Sept 11886
The New Through Line
trom Arkansas
StLouis and Chicago
Oonncctlnir lu Union Dopota with
ThrotiKh Tratna for all polata In
And all Points
3XToxtl3 oac3L 33xst
And Via Memphis for All lolnta In tho
kansaaVlexaa Hallway
lrcsldent Oonl lass Aii
Toxarkana Tex and 8t LoVlsSlo
lloodls Aldermen Ilsad Not Oullly
Nkw YoitK Nov 11 Jako Sharp Jim
Itlchmond James W Forshay nnd Thomas
D Kerr tho boodle aldermen In obedi
ence to tho summons servod on them yes
tordny appeared lu tho court of general
sessionsi today and after obtaining leavo
to withdraw their plea If thoy so desired
iStCj ° t BW Jy to tho charges In tho
indictments found against them
Alabama splint
It you wish to seo an elegant stock of
black drees goods call at Handall
Chambers Cos
You can buy Alabama splint coal only
from Fort Worth Ice Co
BIWer lUint linking Powder
Novor falls when tho directions aro fol
lowed henco there Is nover a word ol
complaint hoard against it Tno inex
nerlenced bread cook Is ablo to mako as cood
with It us tho professional bfker
simply because Its
Ingredients are so
compounded as to mako failure mpossl
trialla all that la
necessary to
It in
dUp nsablo to all wellregulurcd hoVso
Oil tlio CUi JJayol April 3 87
is Second SemiAnnual
Distribution of
Ammnnition nd Spovting Goods
mr Send for Illustrated CntnlOKno e
will bo marleandno tickets will bo issued for tliit
latcrthnn March 81 A now premium list is iiowbeiS
tho distribution and
for April when completer
brace in addition lo Avagons windmills C
sewing machines cooking stoves furniture torjL
Watcrbury watches Waukesha water Silver w
musio anl
A full list of tho premiums will bo published a iJ
bo made
satisfactory selection can and every persA
ing cr renewing their subscription to the SunbayI
Gazette for before tho
ly one year 81st day of iW
Avill receive a ticket
The Gazette is
unquestionably the liveliest
newsiest paper in the state and will bo made m
tercsting for 188G7
XJjVI > AY OAZETrcia Ono Your
All subscriptions must be paid in advance Adit
ITaxt Worlh Tox
Ciias SciiKunuK
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HolcaAgenls In North Toms for tho C6lcbr tt4vp J
404 Houston St Fort Worth To Mutt Office 95 jm
J V bMlIll rrcaiclonl
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TJI03 D MlbMCn ilansger
Office 51 Houston Street Fort Worth Tmsj
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings Etc
WSieclalu tcnlon imld to orrtcn tor toU which wo rccommtndutittyi
moro convtnlont tuan Anthracite CjiiI t > f
r thi corfur < ia are remxeicO io ifport i liiegiJorltlto lu tho tnrfjiipnl
U Miller who will Klvo tho mauor prompt ntcntlon
Wholesale Dealer cjgj w and JHoustaPusFortJNy
t R LOYl r
tffi Hi dent
lludortaJcors and EmbnlmoiS
MnBJl infA 0 a n F tron ItoonnB Patent 8hcotlron WoalhOTbonrdliKtIrMWS
swrf8 ftvA s t tf nWitinu Us Jrattcho8 jnanuictOT < ia M
H W HARRY Street
BRO 707 Main
ISf ° k V B Ir1n Tln ri ° < Soldor and Galvanlicd Ironwild
at lqwoot market prleoa Wholcaalo agenta for tho atato ot Toitilor
ITlno Carriages lor Trlvate ealln
roadeterf lor pleature riding H
ontl Drtlmmer8 outfits alwajs on M
JToi nil Kiiulw ofllura Wood 3oplnr u l Q
k L O 3bE 33 3E3 1BL
AUo Houao ralnta Root Btlck and Ilarn lalnteby thebmel Flre Brltii
A Lumber and Untieing Mttcrlals nndor Shcdl
IUare and CarrUgca rurnlhed w jut ASenta for WnltaBrow
k d
Established 1805
Hos 121416 anil 10 West Second Street toner lr
Fort Worth Texas
hotel raOTcvri <
Oornop 3ToTu tli taac3 mkaiz
Rates 250 per day W E KEHWW