OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 13, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-11-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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iM tO < i
ailg alette
Oltctof Publication Second 1st beticeen Jtoutton
and Throckmorton Kntcrtil at the fort Worth
Jottojlce at StcoMClau Mull Matter
RATES OF suBsomrrioN
to iuih svnscnintsnH
Voltage Irepald by the JublUhcrl J
Mlly W > ckl
Ono Veer JIO 001 Ono Year
II 60
BtxMnnlhJ 6 M l Monlht 1W
Tbrne Months 3 flOnhioe MOrttis SO
Huiiiny uzlarfx 1 pet Annum postpaid
itKuyuntil nr uaiuuktisi
Per Week SJconU
flub rll > tr wlshl their addrow
hanstcd torn ono pot fUca to another must
give thool I addressa welt a tbo now oi Me
euluito cannot be uid
lnll fcAa MxJfealai m n ger
rRTTt li tor al t > y all newsdrnicrs
this cu
tlonstakenat012 Rim stroit llslla
I > unl onT 11 I an manager
WneoW V jlnnn manager
WnlheriordII II w > rsey manager
larlsUH Mxoy inaoRgir
J Uirio K W Cameron manager
Marshall Itobert Kennedy manager
Alilloiio J it Water niaragcr
Olabnrn W II Byrd manager
Klli oJ A steph non minager
UalncvllleK 1 Hill and J 1 Hlckson
JloobimO K Johnson manager
Honey Hroy T K IVoithsm manager
llalrdKrank oor v manager
JroenvlUoH 8 Kill manager
Colorado W U Nawklrk manager
MlueoliJ V Mcllmel manager
Cisco A M llcdllcld manairor
WbllesbroJ 0 ilctm manager
Rile s Ailro tiling Furnlthad on Application
ItemUlancet by draft not < Jtce money order or
CumtporuUnctU nolMtml upon nil mwi nit >
Jrompt information ottenli aminwhapptn
Ings of general Interttt lOllrtleit unit tcill be imp
erii compensated
All coinmuntratloni Mewled for
mutt be aecamponltd bu the Kriteft name and ad
dreunotorl > uliHcution
but ai an tcidence of
lartitt Hitting ta TlIK AZKrrK on butineu
perianal ta Ihmihtt trill pteaie tncloie itamp for
All Ittltrt or communicationfor TllMiUruTiB
uhelher on butlnttf or for publication ihould be
atUrttitdio iiihU Krri or ikmouiutIoii
JmillM tjo Jort Worth Tex AND or TO
Ml checlt money ordert poital rata ele
ihoidd be made favorable to the DKH0CIUT IUII
LlflillMI CD
THE GAZETTE haa tho Largost
bonafldo Circulation of any Daily
Nnwapapor Published in Texas
WiivnotMardlOras for Fort Worth
KoiiT WoitTtt netds more room for
railroads to get into the city
OlxomawiaIunk doesnt go In Kort
Wortn Tiik Ga7kttk Is informed that
no onu has taken out a Hconso to deal In
the stuffy
Thk esteemed contomporarles Of tho
sttitu will hold their annual convention
hero next spring When they come they
will see the llvest city In the Southwest
Ann llory OMooio haa gono from
Texas Thero were thooo who could have
been better spared and ho will
not btjol those whom Koko had on his
list for Uory OMooro will bo missed
Tim dudes and the English you
knowV sort of humanity are excited
over the dUeovery that George Wiishlng
ton nto vtilh his kolfo He also lived ou
sweet potatoes ooco thnt such fools
might bo free
Hkniiv Giioitoisa party will go Into tho
cauv s of 1888 as tbu Progressive De
mocracy with governmental ownership
of railroads uml tolegrnphs as ono plnnk
fnltspliilvuw Hd tsxatlon o land re
gardless of liiiprovements tirentJu ay
another plank
Ik Miixs gets a ho ought to end prob
ably villi Mitt chairmanship of tho ways
ami means committee It Is quite likely
Sunset Cox will bu his llrst lieutenant
Tho two will woik together admirably in
tho light for tariff reform
This Union depot ii to bo onlargcd and
Improved For so much ttinnks George
Nobloi but what w do need Is a graud
Union depot like tliat In Columbus Ohio
or ItulbnapollH in less thunn twelve
month tbe need will bo a crying ono
Ilunit TiiOKitKs foolish contest of Mr
Carlisles scat may huvo n purnos < j in it
other than that shown on tlio face of the
returjia It ought to satisfy Ilorr Thoebo
that he has Ircedom and tho tight to run
for congress aud got beuteu In this coun
Tiik lady mUher of Denmaryins suc
ceeded in providing lor her youngestsou
Waldemar providing hur soululaw tho
crar Is willing thai this prluco wear llul
garlas crown Itlsaonso of alrald of
big bud nnd tho llttlo boy waits for his
Witiiit wo aro all waitlug for congress
to meet and tho legislature to convone
why cannot that editor who was offered
7S00 to atop supporting tho candldato
and lend his Aid to another In tho guber
natorial lAco peak out Which Texas
editor a It that is worth 7s00 In tin eleo
Daujs had two candidates for con
gress at Waxahaehlo ami rt whrlo stable
ot dark horses Dallas claimed tbe
credit for nominating Jo Abbott and
yet but for tho country precincts of that
couijly Dnllas would havo recorded its
vote against tho nominee Datlaj olty
would tulo or ruin thu Sixth dlstrlot
It is nld that M tshat IUmUio li in
Madrid ctlpt > l6dtldadpovettysttIukon
Jlrokeu m spirit csUcrfrtm his loved
ia sKtmld
France batter bave perished on bo
fateful rtcld of Sedan than live to be than
forsaken In his old tigp Beliwla bog
ging bb uoolu from tbocUUuna of Home
was cot no pitiful x spectacle as this
Corhkh university will not confer any
moro honorary drreo This Is as It
should o Mwi who havo attained dls
ttWlon In other way t do not need the ln
npiroprlato degrees of colleges theso
should uC reserved for the successful as
pirant for honors In the field of literature
and then will tbey cease to bo empty titles
Hyxdhah tbo London socialist leader
has been Imprisoned lor debt Pay
that thou owest Is not an article of so
ciallst creed all things mnst be In com
mon and let tho Industrious accumulate
that tlie Improvident do not suffer It Is
stated that ho has earned nothing and
has been supported by his wifes efforts
and his relations money
Thk Cleveland family furnishes easy
material for tho parsgrnplilst but there
should be a Unlit to the use of It As tho
presidents family Is not royal but repub
lican he has a right to demand tbfct his
domestic llfo bo not Invaded and It
setiiis time that Impertinent prying cease
and that bis wife at lenst be spared tho
unwarranted comments of tho press
That tho P ngllsb will evacuato Egypt
at the request of the French is not at all
probable Tho Urltish jion does not
yield to France especially when Germany
approves ond Turkey In splto of solici
tation only strives to ally herself the
more cloaily to Great Britain John
Hull Is sorry to Inconvenience monsieur
but will stay among the pyramids as long
as It pays
llKint TiiOKiiR tho German Itcpnbllcau
who was a candidate against Speaker
Carlisle has announced bis Intention of
contesting tbe election which haB been
declared In Mr Carlisles favor Hcrr
Thoobo alleges doctored returns etc
Let tho truth come out When It docs It
Is highly probable that It Is Mr Carllslo
instead of Mr Thoobe who will bo most
benefited thereby
The Germans do not bury their nnl
moslty In tho graves of Kronen soldiers
but husband It to vent upon thoso who
decbrato tho graves whero sleep the vic
tims ot tho FrancoPrussian war Two
men were arrested for this offense com
mitted on All Saints day at Atx sur
Mosello Kvldcntly the spirit which ani
mates tho blue ond gray of this country
has never crossed the cccati
Tiik result in thu 111 nth congressional
district ought to satisfy Dr Itankin that
It is bis destiny to stay at homo and
practice his profession euro peoplo of
thoso Ills to wiilch human flesh is heir
Instead of going to congross to cure de
fects in tho guvornmeutiil systtm Ho
has been a candidate against Mr Mills
several times and always gets beaten
with a regularity that is clockwork In Its
Youno blood Infuses vigor in an old
party and thero Is llttlo doubt that much
of tho success of tho Democratic party
In tho lato election Is owing to tho en
thusiasm and active part young men have
taken In the contest There Is no ques
tion that they havo done much to prevent
the Hepublicau party from reassorting
itself and havo strengtvoucd tho hands
of tho live Democratic party which to
day in Texas lllugs hor proud banner to
the breeze
Thk National Prison 3ongrim i iff tcs
slon atAtlauts Uu tlils week npliuarsto
imvo been a body of earnest practical
men publicists as well as phllau
throplsts Many eminent personages
were present from alt pnrts of tho coun
try ami tho discussion of topics pertinent
to tho ono under consideration took a
WlJu range it h grntlfyiug to note that
what Is known as the lease system re
ceived general condemnation us it
dosurved Very few states retain it now
and becauso of Its nbusCM ami brutalities
It ought to bo abolished in all
Arkansah strange to bey was tho
banner Prohibition stnta in tho lato elec
tion In tho vote on license or uo
license the lo license men lacked only
10000 votes out of 125000 cast of poll
lug as ninny as their opponents Sunset
Cox beaten nnd defeated in Ohio twenty
odd years ego weht to New York and
achloved success In polttlcs Ifrank Hurd
disgusted with tho Toledo district Is
going to Now York to llvo and try
again Is It not possible that Alban
ian may jot prove a Held whero llrer
Crautlll may do something lu tho way of
pulvorlxhm tho rum power 1
NowiiRitn In tkts ttnto dlit tho Dark rnnlorn
lto work harder and with moro hopo of aucroia
than In Tarrant count Tho upcc b of tho
outlro Dcmoeratto ttikot therefore with iho
exception of Mr rinjortor tho legUlaturo li
onoof th mo t BrAtlfflne remit ot the lato
eloctloiUnthowhoIoatnUinnd tho credit for
Jlita Kratlfting roanlt It mmt bo admitted Is
largely l not wholly duo to tho ablo enowotlo
pjrtUlont effort In bobalt ot tho nomocracy
S lVx Woth 0 ri8 Tho clttton ot
tort worth whojo material lntero t wore
large y at tlako In tho Uiuo of the wntett Ono
aii tUisiT n debt of Btstlludo they can
never reilyVealhofota Sun
The Suns good opinion Is very grate
ful but Thr QizitTTit disclaims the
credtt given It by Us Westherford con
temporaty Tiih GAZKrrn did all It
could for tho defeat of the DatkIantern
ticket but so did tvery Democrat In the
county as well as numerous Republicans
In Iho olty Tho result was ono Jn which
every man who voted and worked against
the rinRsters of Fort Worth hasi an cqiiai
rlaht to claim equal credit Tins Qa
zkttko ca > rts would havo been futile
but for tho bard wont of tho people for
vbosii IntrrestH it contended
i ye
Wblujorss free trade preaching came
ne r comretlifhli district to BepnMlcanlrrn
ami l Abbot ad not bo a an Incidental prc
tcctlonUtl i > omotr < T would no doubt hard
louiljonLi mtcntlr ly though twj yean ago
It went Utuocratlo by 23081 Mllli U a irteat
frcctriVr and hl innjorlty tbU yearliMJT
RjinlnK 13791 two yotra ago Tho Itepubtliaca
maka nj noticeable ealna in Texas tills year
except In a ngreulonal ilocllonn A wink It
a pood ns n nod ton blind bona Oarollcon
groimen are not up with tho tltnca and the de
mand of changing condlllona fdan Anionto
The high tariff advocate who can find
comfort in tho reduced vote for Mills and
Abbott is hard pushed for consolation
Prohibitionists aro solely responsible for
the defection in tho Ninth district and
tho Express knows llttlo of the
Sixth district If It supposes Abbotts
majority was reduced because of the
tariff If Abbott had been es pronounced
for tho tariff as Pig Iron Kelly the result
wouldhavo been tho same under tho clr
A woman ono Mrs Druse Is to bo
hanged in Now York on December 20
unless Uov III11 allows sentiment to In
tervene and commutes tho penalty to im
prisonment It Is qnlto probable a
strong pressure to do this will be brought
tobtaron the governor Most people
no matter what crlmo it woman is
charged with would at llrst glance
deprecato tho extremo penalty of tho
law This woman committed a very
atrocious crime which was proven In all
Its details Sho killed her husband aud
then actually burned ond boiled his body
A creature so constituted ns to be capa
ble of committing an net Uke this Is
hardly tho ono upon whom to bestow
clemency A commutation or ircrcy In any
Bhape would bo llko casting pearls before
swine If Gov Hill does not let the law
tako Its courso It will be because ho yields
to sentimental considerations and public
A railroad oillcor is on record as de
claring that the best possible improve
ment of common stock was to cross them
with a railroad engine There Is a deal
of grim Irony In tho declaration and
world of truth Tho marvelous vetdlcts
rendered against railroad companies aro
part of tho judicial history of tbe times
Ono need not go beyond tho limits ot
Tarrant county to ilnd verdicts moro In
accord with lex tailonts than with jnslico
or reason Hallroad cases havo become
the picnic and tho proDt of lawyets and
thu real question has become tiruply how
much can bo taxed out of tho railroad
tnrough tho forms and tho farco of law
There aro not wanting instances In which
mon claimed damages to land through
which railroads were built that equaled
tho entire value of the property and tho
appreciated value ol a long horn
or Texas razorback when crossed
with tho cowcatcher has becomev a
by word and reproach to justice These
verdicts aro merely public reprisal and
It would bo well to consider the causes of
tho popular hostility aud to mike an of
fart to bring people and railroads closer
Tho primary causo for the unhealthy
feeling betivoen peoplo and railroads lies
In the roads Stock watering has antag
onized tho public who are compelled to
pay passenger and freight rates demanded
not only by tho actual cost ot tbo roads
but by the water that stock jobbing has
put Into tho stocks Tho peoplo under
stand that thu law permits this legal rob
bery and thoy use tho samo law to extort
a portion of tho Illgotten gains for tho
roads would fihd tt cheaper to boon good
terms with tho people Tito practice of
heavy verdicts will grow by what it feeds
on and there must be friendliness or a
deeperseattd and moro Intense hostility
than now prevails Tiik Gazkttk knows
somo railroad oDlciatfl who do nil In their
powerto maintain good feeling with the
people but thero arc some others who do
not and tbo people visit their wrath on
tho innocent with the guilty It ts to tho
interest of alt that a belter feeling pre
vail and tho railroads can do much to
bring about kindlier relations than now
of rach successive administration Un
der Gov Coke a now constitution
adapted to the requirements and aspira
tions of the people was secured Un
der Gov Itoberts statu credit reached tbe
highest point it had ever attained the
statu treasury overflowed with surplus
cash and taxation was reduced With
Huberts came the lease law and the new
capltol measure too Under Gov Ire
land tho stato resumed control as far as
practicable of tho penitentiary convicts
and fence cttttlg was suppressed If
Hubbards administration lacked any Im
pel taut distinctive measures it may l o
said in Hubbards behalf that he came
front tHo lleutonantgovernors chair In
tho sonata chamber to tho executive
ofllec and was In a measure handi
cappedjhls predecessor hud shaped
tbo policy oLthe administration for
tho term and Hubbard could only flalOt
up thu work mapped out by Coke It
may bo fairly assumed that Gov Koss
will not If ho can help It suffer his ad
ministration to go down to history uu
cmbelllahed by somo measure of policy
calculated to advanco Texis nnd pro
mote tbe best Interests of tho peoplo at
largo Gov lloss will bo less than hu
man it ho is content to let the two years
Ot bis Incumbency be a period of Inocu
ous desuetude thus preventing a sharp
contrast with admnistratlona of his pre
decessors Tho new governor is known
to bo a man of action possessing decided
views and ho will certainly bo heard
from Ha will have tho opportunity of
making his administration fully as
notable as thoso of his predecessors He
can put on foot a measuro and Inaugu
rate n policy that will causo his civil to
tako rank with bis military record He
can if ho will bo remembered as gov
ernor as well as Gen Itoss and it Is the
opportunltyof a lifetime If as his two
years draw to a close ho can point back
and say to tho people Tho lcaso law was
In exlstcnco when ycu elpted me it Is
repealed nowthcreln will bo an achieve
ment that will place his administration
ou a higher piano than Cokes Itoberts
or Irelands Too lease law Is an Incubus
upon tbo development of Tepias Can
tho now governor suggest any measuro
likely to havo a moro direct and benefi
cent bearing upon the welfare of Texas
than tho repeal of tbo lease law Tint
Gaziotk cannot belioie that Gov Itoss
Is tho man to neglect and fling away an
opportunity llko this to confor a lasting
good upon his stato aud renown upon
A rediheadod negro Is a citizen of Mar
Bhallvlllo Ga There Is also one In Frank
lin Pa
varied volumes
A tombstouo In n cemetery at Augusta
Mo is said to contain this liiboriptton
After lifes Bonrlol foyer
Uo gleept well
A colored girl lu Laurens county South
Carollua tho Savannah Nbws says is
named Pair ltoa lit auty Spot Tempta
tion Touch Mo Not
It tho Chinese nation wero to pass be
fore an observur in singlo file tbo pro
cession would novor ceuso for a now
eration nould bo coming on tho Btagoas
fust as the procession moved
California has been of lato years u close
state nud now that tho ltepublicaus no
longer vote the navy yards tustum
houses and postulates they cauuot carry
it Bread
and butter count for some
thing in tbo battlu ot ballots
Tuero appeared brfore a court in Spar
ta Ga not long since a mgro named
tooper Lamur who was captured off tho
coast of Africa aud brought to America
on the Wanderer twentyaix years ago
and consequently was onu of the last
tegrots ever stolen nud smuggled Into
slavery Notwithstanding his twcutyslx
jbars residence here ho kuows but little
ol the English tonguennd had to oo ques
tioned by signs
Anarchy In tho current senso may be
defined to be tho right of everybody to do
bb lie or sho pleases aud to prevent other
pooblc from doing tho same When Mrs
Parlousthb fable sibyl 0f this school
washoldlnR forth In the Cooper union
rec itlytboshatply requested tho male
Auditors more than once to tako oft
theirdiats and stop cmoking The tx
Mnhn WaS ° 8lcI The dcflMteo of
clvllliod customs which offended the
spcakkr was strictly anarchical Tbe
brute wtro simply defying law and order
Parsons woman did
utW ° lok ° xcPtl ° n to her hns
nandsjhabltnal wakefulness is credited
J V mventJ ° n ot a mechanical device
that It b promised Bhall do moro to In
duce slkp than all tho opiates chloral
hydtatci and oven raw onions have over
done Jito machine
looks like a very
long b > iid Is madoln hard rubber wltb
a pad onpno of its inner curves At one
end is n > ott leather strap at tho olnT
U outvi forms a btodle In use
Ul W rQd lmls < lown tho straivi
after tbo instrument
Is placed on the
neckamtthu right hand laid
on the
handle prtW down flrmly but uot too
flrtnly tby ad which rests on the
artery bo u to diminish the flow ot blood
to the brain During sleep the brniu Is
comparatively bloodless A rush of
blood to the brain creates Insomnia It
was not reraorso so much as an excoss of
blood In his head that kept the Thane of
Cawdor awake Tbo somnollzer keeps
back the blood and sleep ensues natu
A mathematical calculation which is
just old enough to make Interesting Son
day reading oucd more is bused on the
following passage from tho book of ltev
elatlons And ho measured tho city with
the reed 12000 furlougs Tho length
and tho breadth and tne height of it are
equal Thla pretty llttlo calculation
which is being freshly quoted Is as fol
low1 Twelve thousand furlons8
70 0000 feet which being cubed 400
793088000000000000 cubic feet Half
ol I his wo will reserve for tho throno of
God and the court of heaven ncd half
the balanco tor streets loavlng n
remainder of 121108272000000000000
cubic feet Divide this by 4000
the cubical feet in a room sixteen feet
square ond there wl 1 be 303218137B0
000 rooms We will now suppiso that the
world ahvavs did nud always will con
tain 090000000 Inhabitants and that a
generation lasts for thirty tbreo and oue J
third years making In all 2070000000
every century and that the wotld will
stand 100000 years or 1000 cetituriec
making In nil 2070000000000 Inhabi
tants Then suppose thero wero 100
worlds equal lo Ihls In number at Inhabi
tants and duratiou of years making a
total of 207000000000000 persons and
thero would oo moro than 100 rooms six
teen feet square for each person
ClljiptiiEn from Sim lSxhnrisra on Matters
of Intercut
Tholall gardens around Sau Marcos nro
unusually flue
Hon John A Peacock and family have
started for the state of Chihuahua Mexi
co to look after his interest in somo sil
ver mines thero
Mrs Sarah Warren of Longvlew who
was sent homo from Terrell not long
since as cured of lunacy has had to bo
returned to the asylum
George Dilk living uear May Brown
county had tho lumber he had haultrt for
his houso and about 160 panels of fenco
burned It Is supposed to bo tho work of
an Incendiary
M M Wilson cf Honey Grovo ex
hibited at the Dallas fair an Invention ot
his that ho calls a smokestack and spark
arrester It is deigned to avert danger
of llro from the sparks
Two prisoners named Harris and Poolo
made their escapo from tho jail In Bradey
McCulloch couuty on November 2 They
sawed through tbo bars and let them
selves down by a ropo They aro still at
A little daughter of Mr and Mrs Jack
Mtdlborn was burned to death on Mon
day last Sho was left in tho houso
alono to euro for tho bnby and In some
way her clothes caught lire and sho was
fatally burned htforo any assistance
could be given
Gazettes ltrronl of tho hlanlnges
nud Ilontlis In Tixus
fAlRr lKS
C B Land nnd Miss Annlo M Gilles
pie Williamson county November 4
M KclluR hil Miss rida Williams
WI1 lamson couuty October 31
A li Sharpo und Miss Lucy It Oakley
ban Antonio N veinber 8
T J Taylor and Miss Ella Erivln At
lanta November 7
Q W Bolt and Mfs > s Catrio Davis Cass
county November 1
T C Bruuton and Miss Lena Gorman
Temple November 9
B E Proctor and Miss W B Chambers
Kosse Novembe r 4
Thomas Peay and Miss Abbey John
ston Ditllac November 4
James Miller and Miss Elizabeth Brown
Helton November C
° N Itrnbhfl aud Miss Helen McWhor
ter Hubbard Cilv November 7
W E Yarhorough nnd Mies A V
Grimes near Matshall November 3
A A Cloud and Miss Anna Harris
Palo Pinto October 28
W P Harper and Miss J C Cace
Caruoron November 2
J H KUilnghviorth and Mrs Mlssle
toniflt oven U nl uutal tta
backs aud longhorn stock on certain
curves in tho track As with all in
f ttrlAtcd masses tho people make no dis
tinctions a railroad Is a railroad and
fho verdict for plnlntlff Is only a ques
tion ot time and the amount ol dnninges
a matter of nrntngemont botweon plaintiff
and his attorney
Tho arlbtriiry rules of railroads havo
much to do with the promotion of this
feellugi so also docs tbo foreign owner
ship of many rond and to also does tho
conduct of railroad ofllcials Tho people
feel In mauy cares that they are dealing
1th tillciis whone only use for tho conn
try is to grind nut ot it rates to make In
terest on water Too oiten a modest de
mand for damages Is mot by somo sub
ordinate autocrat with a snub of tho petl
Honor Unless something is douo to allay
tho hostility between ronds and people
tho consequence In tlmo will bu to divide
tho public Into a railroad and an nntl
railroad party Tho tomlency ot thoso
exctsslvu verdicts lit damage suits is to
drive somo mon inconsiderately Into tho
ranks of tho railroad party and tho breach
must widen unless healed until tho war
btcomt s Irrepressible
It li not too late to brldgo tho over
wldonlng chasm but the roads must
take tho first step IJ they would
calmly hear all complaints and
not force men to resort to tho law for
honestlyclaimed damages but seek by
every means to avoid litigation with their
people a long step would havo been
takon towards thu restoration of good
feeling Corporations are soulless but
if their ofllcials would ever bear In mind
that mon havo souIh and rights and uot
deport themselves as petty tyrants whoso
exactions and disregard or the pcoplu
wcro passports to the favor < f their lord
high maguate n kindler feeling might bo
built up in tho jury box
Itallroads aro u necessity to tho people
nnd iho people are necessary to railroads
Tun QAitKTTK would see each Juh to the
other ami the present hostility converted
into anilcablo relations Certainly tho
Gen Itoss is the fourth governor
elected by tho people ot Texas since the
overthrow of tho Hcpnbllcan irgiinc
Hubbard occupied the executive chair
a while bnt hewan not elected coventor
Somo distinctive achievement in tho Hue
of public policy has marked tho history
Mrs Mary
venibur C
Henry Brlgham and Mlsc Ella Cle
ments Campbell Novcmbor 7
J M Mitchell and Miss Ida Sellers
near GreMivllie November 4
D J Jones aud MUs AustU Mslonc
Hum count
November 7
Boboit Ntsbltt Marshall Novemhor7
b Mft Lolli1 B Chilton Marlln bcto
OetohorTd W WrlSht NCCCS C0Unty
J It Blumlell Panhln county Novem
Kexrode McKmnoy No
berV 8 ArnistrouS McKInuoy November
A U Attaway laboro Novem
ber s
MvS Blgham Nolauville November C
Tnrlff ItDform in rennsrlvanln
lhlladolphla Hooord
Tariff reform molts no fea > her In Penn
sylvania Tho tbreo Democratic con
grcssmen who voted for tho reduction of
taxation and refused to follow Mr Ban
dall into tho Ttopubllcan
camp aro vlndl
catcd by their constituencies Messrs
Bwope and Storm aro succeeded by
Messrs Malsh and Buekaluw and Mr
Scott succeeds himself by at increased
majority lu
a district wrested from Be
publican control Neither of thcTg0n
Umienavlllsorvoasa part of thetafuo
tho Uandall kite On tha contrirl
0 i0 flV ° P tl0lStDtS
ocrats Messrs
Boyle and rwiT
aro succeede < r by Bepublcans ti
no Bpubllcan
opposition und Mr Er
mentruut goes i9rk a markett limn for
Slbl TrVTl honors aroZpos
> i W ho BCoeeds Mr Plecirer
Bop have yot their records to make
Mr Lynch is elected
over a pronounri
sSntl0St lnftcIoI dtot SS2S
DdnK m
opponent had the powerful
aid of Mr Blaines Intorestlnc
speeches Apparently there is ipdlscour tariff
KugV WVenue to e Stt
AiUlrci to 31itlirr
Mrs Wlnslows Soothing Symp
ti KtAJ ft
ilmiuiii Jim
Piles W s
Idly >
Now Is tho tlmo t plait oil
blooms next scaion choirS
be had at tho 8T OU
both for
Cut Flowers a
1 onteo np stairs over tSjvJ
ltallroada hotels
lumen n
tractos and irlvat i Siul
reliable help JothmMftfiS
dor JWt
Wo aro now prepared to low aw J
sum doalrod on
pa tnro ImproTeTaJr
ranches will also buy vendor M
6MMaln tieetfw i
Insnms of 1500 anaapwrtiSS
rates Interest
Huraphroys Ilmntly
over wnal
streets fort WorthTat
onkv ro iAiau iwiuUiTS
land notes In nn of tujul
loans mado all
over North ttuta
realnetato on long time atlo < utvi
Simpson 731 Kim street Iiallai J
XrANtKDl < adlc foul efSS
VT womlerlm on S
Irely new
ladles only U dally casllyttMeXsi
painting pnrtknlars frco JaVfiT
WhiteEl hiJmSr
X1 turnlshod lu eloiiaot tijis sal
splendid rhanco to make mmtiittii
Apply to John L ll id il Kim
X7AN1J5u louiij rosVtwnlj wJ
TV lsdcslrona r a position li ratal
work ami U willing to do aajll JiM
from rogn nr oflleu KOrkdowiirijaeKil
E naro uazette
WANTKDFirtccn good not till
now brldco over Trltlir rlt
waitos paid to good men Applyoj
H Ileal 3npnitntpndentEtfi1oa
IUH ltlNlUlVKLUjai
KEN1 House of ilxrow imi
V lot on fst 8 dmd strett ffRl
ttoosta foiT UttkT
I 0lt ItKNfTiro lurniBoeil rjosiri
wlttio t board nortb i t cot i
andOalhnun MmJ II Fakfi
Kurnl hcdr iiml < r
Apply lit lISciirtMftts
Urovo sreots IV Korrltt
FOlt UK VI urnlsfieo x om
Kait Wentherford siicet J U
M U Socond IrSnd slnrSfM
1UP aAlli LTirgo notul n11 Si
X ruorns well ventilate tinltalji >
countv slto Iopulatlon 4e00 t0
ferine easy Apply tolloiio 4 OUrt
ITinrSAnrc iSigood ftoamgiiw
X1 oroki ho s s s llatcwrvraj
ASTI3DT o nty yonns feiffiji
Cloburno want a d nclniiiiiM l
charge of n dass and cad rtile WW
noccasnry Kur luttlur UMauMtf
W II Ityrd OU buriu Ttx
water cUhty canons pcrowJa
rainwater n > > J3
tho host bathing water in tbetute S 5
used as nt Hot Springs drank bsttrt1
lnrf ainglo tickets sU ceaUs MJ
Jlarklc A IIaymnler proprtHWM
corniir pnbUi sonar
JU wlih
n J5 billISd sora ln rWR
lh T ip el l1
papers nod half thui 0 t B
Houston elrnot It If iHUBn
K r No o and T ro
En to special diseases it
clUooover rred 1 Kln sdrogJ
Dlt roinnvod his oUc and r l MT
Fourth and Taylor itrreli pf iWiH
U I0 n
rosldence hours
m Toicphouo cunngctlon
1VIA a UiLAHU gw uJSj
lection agents for t IMtK
Toias Taoooea Tox
TYir Wr v7TtOUXH BoBMMg j
JJ SOS Mains reatoppoilWPj j5
a to 10a rn 2S0 to 4 and IM
11 to 1 Itesltlonce Third st
Telephone conntotlons z
oin3 r wicTasTAt SiSi
MontagueTetas B t
mil Mill eoronifTCi y Si
lOn Klolllut a tutii Aif
l ivvHtin Mar J > Hl
SM5 Sw
ra7ilfcATji A
tlonal hank laln utrret FoH
Tho regular nnnnal jeJttti
holder of tho Koit Wot h MTai
way company will o hld Jflnj t
coripany In tho city f iS
ToeWDeccmJor HatlOpJfA
ttansforWks Hid <
nortt215p mnndr oi > nK
ot Dccembtr at 10 m
Ban D > 1 s
frrsli utt r <
Onions squashes W
ptwnlpii J
potatoes ito altiaysoa ws > j

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