OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 17, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-11-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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Jig1 f
10 A
Ion of <
n ° l
Party of SnrrcjorH Kenning n Lino
Through tlio Ttfrrlloiy ullh Iorl
Worth ns Tin Ir Dcstlnntlon
Tim Alclilon Will Hur lj llulllto Chicago
Tim Southern ICiunnKurt Wiinh
lleiivtir IIiKnlncs
Jlitmn Mute
Thero nro now about 816100 freight
card in ago In ttio United States
Chantit Kan will be the general
division of thu main lino o the Kansas
Southern rpad
The TexM Pacific Is determined to
havo n lluwlug well and thoso In chareo
of tint work nay a few moie days will
urlng It
Tlio lrlsco c ljulatos that It will havo
9800 000 surplus fur the year ceding De
cember 81 16SC alter paving tho first
tprcfrred dividend
It is Bald that thu Texas laclflo will
not only build onnch homes here hut will
put up oar sheds where cam will bo re
paired which Is better still
It appear that Mr Huntington will
not got control o thu IIomton Texas
Central until the reorganlzttlon Is com
pleted In New York
In a short tune tho solid Iron bridge ol
the Onir Colorado Santa Ke over tho
Trinity river here will be completed
This will ho ono of tho beat bridges In
tho statu
Commissioner Waldo of the Texas
Trulllo association who Is now In St
IiOiiIs states positively that there Is no
foundation whatever for the rumored dis
ruption of that organization
Kvery train coming Into 1ort Worth
iva late last night Tne Missouri laclflc
due here at 820 will not nrilvo until
thh morning being twelve hours late
Bald to bo caused by ft wreck In the Terri
Work la raid to bo progressing favora
bly on the bridge mid upproaches over
Teaso river between Vernon and Quanah
on tho Tort Worth Denver This work
has been delaying thu tracklayers but
when llnihhcd tho road will soon bo bnllt
Into Quanah
Tho contract for grading tho Kurt
Worth ltlo Orando road from horu to
Oranbury has been let to J 1 Hughes of
this city un old railroad man Mr Hughes
Is gutting his forces together and will
puh tho work with a vim He will prob
ably bo ready t6 got to work tarly next
Whontho railroads now In courso of
construction are finished vast quantities
of cotton seed enn bo obtained and then
tho magnificent oil mill hero will be In
full blast As Is known this mill Is
second to nono In tho state Tho mn
chlneiy Is new and tho building of stono
Well constructed
Inglneers of tho Ifort Worth Western
railway will take tho Meld tomorrow to
Ire ito the most practical route In n west
wardly direction from this city Thu
route of thu now road can oulybu known
alter tho report of tho engineers Is madu
public Ilohlnd tho Kort Worth Western
Is it syndicate of Cistern capitalists who
evidently mean business from their
prompt Action
On tho extension of the Southern nn
sas lino through the Indian Territory
dome Hixty miles nru now graded Tho
work Is progreshlng rapidly Tho track
Is Uld frrmtho starting point at Arkansas
City Kan southward for twentylive
miles A very largo forco Is employed on
tliH work and with anything llko good
weather tho road will soon bo bearing
down Into tho Panhandle It Is under
stood that as soon as tho South rn Kan
sas strikes Oldham county work will
begin on tho Southern Kansas of Toxas
from Fort Worth Its Initial point
An engineer In comersatlon with two
olllolals ot tho Union depot snld whllu
rccontly In the Iii1liin Territory he came
across a surveying party tunning lines to
too fiouth Tho engineer In charge In
formed hln > that the lines wore being run
for thu Chicago Durllngtoti Qulnoy
people and tho lino would penotrato
Toxas and go through Young nud Jack
counties Where stockholders ot the road
had purchased thousands ot acres of conl
lands Krom Jack 0 unity tho road
would run southenHwardly to Fort
Worth Tho Koutleman is trustworthy in
every particular
Several days ago Tins Gaziciib pub
lished 11 telegram from Houston to tho
ctfeot that tho Texni Tralllo association
would soon go to pieces Tho St Louis
Hallway Itglstor denies tho report In the
following paragraph 1 In reference to the
published rumors telegraphed from Huns
ton statlug thU tho Texas association
will soon be dissolved Mr Ilntuhlnsou
gcuoral uinuueer of thu Atlautic system of
tho Southern Vnclllo says there Is no
foundation for thu rlnors At no time
lias the association been worltlns more
harmoniously than nt present The
Toason assigned for the rumor Is
Without any basis as both tho widening
ot the gauge of th Texas i St Louis
railroad and tho approach of thu Atchi
son Topeka Santa Ku woro arranged
tor at the tnoeilug of tho nssoolatlon nt
Saratoga In July last In rcforonou to tho
St Louis railroads slashing ratea no ouo
connected with tho association know It
and it la quite likely that they would bo
tho first to hear of auy cutting In rates
° fto Indian Territory intension ot
tho Cult Colorado Santa Fo tho track
has been laid thrtjseron miles distant
from Fort Worth Thu stations of tho
Indian Territory extension are brglnui
with Fort Worth Kylte Hailet Justin
Gerald Krum Hullng Valley View
Galucsvllto nnd 11d IUvcr which
ntrcain Is 4174 miles Horn Galveston
and seventytwo miles from
Port Worth Morgan Jones who
tho contract for build
jng this exteuslon has 1000 teams at work
In tho Nation and Is pushing the work for
all It is worth As soon as tho track Is
completed to Gainesville the work ot
ironing tho 118 miles In tho Territory
will begin and by May 1 It Is thought
trains will bo running from Fort Worth
Into tho Territory a distance ot st least
eighty mill s It Is said that probably two
good towns will bo located in tho Nation
one twontyfoar nnd tho other seventy
inlloa from Ked nver
llnclng the IIouiIa on III Market
Special 11 he Giuotto
Tbxaiikana Auk Nov Hi Yonr cor
respondent Is informed by ono of tho St
Louis Arkansas Texas olllcials that tho
mooting ot thu board ot directors which
W s bold last night w a for tho purpose
of placing tho bonds on tho market In
New York oity tor tho construction of
this road from Muuut Pleasant to Sher
man It was also decided by the direc
tors that this branch road from Mount
Pleasant to Shcrmou should bo pushed
through to an early completion lart of
thn maanatos remained over last night
nnd part ot them returned to Waco
CIM > nrnn Untcliloc
fliecl I to tho CUiottc
CLKnunvis Tkx Nov 10 The psoplo
ot Clchurno aro watching with much In
terest tho dfveloTneiit oJ tho plans for
securing road irgm WonlhcrUrd to Cor
slci a
levelling it Dntlna
Special to tho Jzetta
Dallas Tkx Nov IC The purchase
on yesterday by tho Gulf Colorado A
Santa Fe Itillroad comp > ny of a largo
tract of land In tbo southern suburbs for
1 000 has revived tho rumor that tho
company contemplates tho establishment
of machlno shops at this placo
fining lli MliMunrt tnrlflc
Special to the Unzotto
IaIkstink Tkx Nov 10 Mr
Oeortjo Washington Manls filed In tho
district court today a damage suit
against the Ml tonrl Pacltlc railroad for
810000 Tho damage Is claimed because
ot the scalding of Mr Manls neck and
face tho water being thrown on him
from tho escape valve ot an engine
81 Limi1 S Hnn KriineUcu
It Ii reported that this company has
sold on advantigoons terms tho entire
Issue ot Hrst mortgage bonds on Its Km
sas Southwestern branch These bonds
uro Issued at tho rate of 816000 per
mllo on tno lino from Arkansas City to
Caldwell tho total being 8800000 The
bonds are guaranteed by tho company
which leases and operates the road
Kott Worllit OniiTnr
Tho statement for September and tho
eleven mouths of tho fiscal year from No
vember I to Scrtember 80 Is as follows
IfptcmbiT KlcvenmonlliJ
Is IMS 1885 SB 1WI M
Burnings Jli iM Wfl77 JMI710 Jinil8
Klpcntci 18 Wt S00t raMI IXJfM
Not earnings 1231113 jiiir miiK mo
For the eleven months thu grossearn
ings decreased 811 146 or 10 C per cont
and tbo expenses 811112 or 2 7 p r cent s
the result being n decrease of 837034 or
311 percent In net earnings
AIilino A < iul ltloii
IaiusJTkx Nov 13 Chlct Knalnccr
Hinckley and Vlco1resideut 8 J Wright
of tho St Louis San Francisco railroad
have gone to Marshall to complete tie
purchase ot tho Marshall Pans North
western by tho Frlcco Tho Mar
shall road Is about halt finished
but will bo completed by the
Frisco forming a throagh lino from St
Louis to tho Sabine pass on thu gulf
The Marshall road Is expected to be com
pleted tothlsplacu by tho time thu Frbco
has Its trains runulim here June 1887
In view of this thu city council has voted
for thu erection ot wuterworks costing
The Tdin A 1nrlllo lllo
Maiisiiall Tkx Nov 13 Tho attor
neys for tho Texas A Tactile railway and
counsel tor thu city of Marshall hitvo
each tiled bond for nppoal to tho supreme
court of thu United Status In the case of
the people ot this city and county
against thu railroad company
recently decided In tho United
States district onurt at Jefferson Tho
peoples attorneys will wait for tho ac
tion of tho railways attorneys and will
only tako such uUlon ns is necessary to
protect thu people Tho decision render
ed is In effect that tho Texas Paclllc
olllces shall remain nt Marshall
IIkiiiiIIu H lixnio
If the Haltlmoro Ohio Jhllroadcom
pany makes nil thu extensions and con
nections with which It Is crodlted by ru
mor and report It will come In course of
time to bu a tolerably largesled rail
road Within thu past few days It
has reached out to tho Oulf of Mex
ico on paper by three dltlerent
routes nnd now comes a report of a con
tract with tho Canadian l iello railway
which itself extends from Montreal to tho
laclflc mid Is said to contemplato con
nections with lloston and Nuw York by
rail and steamship lines to China uml
India and to Kiigland This Is n day of
great enterprises but they do not always
mature llaltlmoru American
MlMotirt laotllo
Tho grading Is now well advanced on
tho brunch from Paola Mo to Kansas
City oud track Is reported laid from
Paola northward fifteen miles
Tho nuw Council Grovu Osage City
Ottawa branch Is now completed to Ad
mire Kus vlghtcou miles beyond the
lato terminus and fortyeight miles from
tho junction with tho main Hnn
Ttio Dallas Greenville branch of tho
Missouri Kansas A Texas division has
boon completed from Greenville Tex
southwest to Itockwnll thirtyono tulks
and regular trains hnvo been put ou this
section Tracklaylug has been sus
pended for tho present as thero Is a good
deal of brid lug nnd trestluwork to bu
dono throunh tho bottoms ot the Hast
Fork ot tho Trinity
Atciiunn Tuptkn Hnittn lo
Now extensions of this companys
branch lines In Kansas nro reported as
followst On tho Larncd branch from
Lamed west to llurdott twentythreo
rnllosi onthoLlttlo HIVor branoii from
Uttio Uhcr northwest to Hollywood
twentyllvo miles i on tho Mul
vauo extension from Muhuno to
Norwich twontyfourmllcst on tho Inde
pendonco branch from Independence
southwest fortyono miles on tho Cha
nuto branch from Chanuto west to Fro
donla twontytlvo miles on tho Walnut
Valley branch from Douglass south to
Wlntleld eighteen miles A portion ol
this track has been reported before tho
distances aboio giving tho total amount
ot track laid up to data of tho latest rv
Tho Olorlotu AtohUan Comr > m > T
Ciihjaqo Iu Nov 16 MossrsCW
Smith vicopresldent J K Goddard
traffic raanagor and other olllcials ot tho
Santa Fo road arrived boro yesterday
from Topeka to attend certain meetings
here In nn Interview with Smith In re
gard tj tho companys proposed oxtcnslon
to Chicago trom Kansas City Smith said
he know that in cortaln circles It was
claimed that the company was playing a
big game ot bluff to deceive other roads
ruuulng between Chicago and Kansas
City He stated officially that thero was no
bluff about tb6 transaction that the com
pany was thoroughly In earnest and was
already at work preparing lor tho con
struction ot tho low Hue Tho report
that bonds woro already Issued Smith
bald was Inconcot although tbo matter
was being attended to In Boston As re
gards tho purpose of the extension Smith
< j out the company tvhlch by May
I8fc7 would control nnd operate 6000
miles of railway west of tho Missouri
rlviT they ha 1 not enough ot the
traffle Present arrangements were totally
iineatlsfaotorv nj to a company of tho
SantaFes gth and enterprise meant
aothlru 1 < companys capital tor tbo
construe ira of the new lino was placed
at 810000000 although the new roid
could be built for less It wilt be thirty
mile s shorter than the prosunt short line
between Chicago end Kansas City and
will pass through Jollet Streator Gales
burg His Chlllicothe Mo and other
lef s Important points
llHllroml Htrtli > K
flpeelal to tbo Uazctto
WkatiikiiioiiI Tkx Nov 10 At ft
meeting this evening of tho committee
appointed some time ago Jo raise the
subsidy to offer to somo railroad compa
ny to build another road to this place
which project was fully explained In to
days GAZKrTK a public meeting of the
citizens of Weatherford was called to
meet Thursday evening tho 18tb at 7
oclock at the court beUso The ohject
ot tho meeting Thursday evening la for
tho purposo of appointing a committee to
Cnlcr with tio citizens of Cleburne
Alrarado Corslcana and other towns
along the proposed Jlno and to confer
with rdllroad officials and to attend to
such other business as may come beforo
thu meeting Tho bonus has already
been raised by our citizens and they are
now ready to work in earnest The citi
zens of this plico are determined to have
another road and mean business A very
large and Interesting meeting la antici
pated Thursday It is desired by the
committee tint every cltlon in Weather
ford will be present at tho nicutln
An Amlittlon Srhnmo
Tho International Construction com
pany Is operating tblrtyono miles of the
Parsons riclcextending from Parsons
to Coffeyville Kan Ot courso this llttlo
leeu of track Is just now of no particu
lar consequence to tho world or otter
railways but thu projectors claim that Is
the beginning of a great railway system
From Parsons the roadis to extend to
Kansas City but this part is not to bo
built at prosent At Coffeyville three
branches radiate The ilrst extends just
north of the state lino to tbo Colorado
border nnd then deflects to tho south
through tho public land strip and Now
Mexico to Albuquerque Tho second
lino takes a southwesterly couriu to Kl
Paso and the third crosses the Indian
Territory and Texas to Kaglo Pass
It will hardly do to assume cither that
this aiubltluut scheme will or will cot be
carried out If thu company Is relying
ou Its own resources a chilling frost may
nip tho promising flower In tho bud al
though tho support of a powerful back
ing may bo enlisted
Uut possibly somo ono of tho strong
companies of tno West Is now behiud the
now orgnnlation and while not publish
ing Its connection Intends to carry out tho
plan It the Missouri FaclUc thollur
llngton or tho ltock Island Is the secret
controlling spirit ot tho now enterprise
wo may see Its completion bctore niuny
ft It is really built what n great railway
It will bei St Louis Hallway Hcglster
To thosu who suffer from nervous
headache St Jacobs OU hns proved a
reul blessing
Score o HwpftrclnnilOlrlB Who Cult Sly
Gliiiorr u rhey LnitM lly
One of the most piquant phast s ot fash
ionable New York life uptown Is tho daily
morning and eveulng parade of tho
schoolgirls on Fifth Aicnue These
maidens nro tho boarding scholars In tho
fnshtouablo schools for misses in tho
neighborhood of Central Park It Is the
custom for each teacher to take her class
out lor an horns promenade twice a diy
Tho route Is always mainly ou Filth
Avenue and variety is gained by turning
off at thu broad streets or at tlio parks
Tho girls are all thu daughters of rich
Haatern Western or Southern folks and
aro diesscd In thu holght of futhloti They
walk two by Ho In long lines tho
leaches usually walking In the last rank
It Is the rulo ttmt they shall talk notulng
but French while they uro walking but as
some understand that lauguage tar less
well than others and as thu majority do
test It and strlvo to devotu tho walking
tlmu to commences about their teachers
their clothes and their sweethearts at
home thero Is very llttlo French except
for tho last couple or two who havo tho
teacher closo at hand
Hut the lunulest thing about these girl
prrjuiennders Is tho difficulty thoy have in
lllrtlug nnd tho persistency with which
tnuy indulge In It against tho heaviest
odds Perhaps they nro not so much to
blamo ns tho giddy Fifth avenue you hs
who havo for years nutdu it a point to
beguile these innidena into this inisbe
haIor Tbo young men ride on tho tops
ot tho stages staud uu the stoops or halt
acrosi tho way and endeavor to catch the
ey 0 ol somo roundpluuipniul matronly llt
tlo dudlnu If she looks she Is lost torat
that ago It seems Impossible for ouo of
these homeless and lonely llttlo beluga to
resist tho temptation to ty and capttvnto
a welldressed shapely youth So tho
maiden who Is tempted rolls heroyos over
to his direction then takes alarm at his
raising his hat lest thu teacher shall bo
luoklig then turns her orbs at him again
and grows red and nervous and happy
all at onco Her companions all nudge
ono another nud fall to talking French
volubly so as to bo sure ot completely
hoodwinking tho teacher who ten to ono
has eyes ot nor own and Is drcatnlug ol
orange blosioms and tullu at the expense
ot a corpulent banker who looked at hor
a moment beforo
Kattng Is often turned Into agony by
disorders ot tho dlgcstlvo organs Uhu
Morris Cascarlno and restore tholr
healthy action
OfnuilTl > r HtiootluB Affcnr
Speclaltotlio miotic
Giundvikw Tkx Not 16 a did
culty occurred at a hotel In this town to
day between Joo Pain and Mr Maim In
which Mr Maun recehed a pistolshot
tho ball striking his thtgband extend
ing downward lodging somownero in the
Holland Ilnrrlnir
The very Onest prepared In auy market
Try It at the Fort Worth Orocer Gos
Will won bo here and It you want to
have something to be thankful for buy a
pair ot nlcu white blankets at lUndall A
Chambers Co
A ViltoKo Dttlrojed
llKitNK Nov 10 Tho village ot Frlm
Hon in the canton of Heme Switzerland
has bee destroyed by Cro A number ot
Inhabitants perished In tho flames
At Dnrhntn M O
Illusion N O Nov 10 A fire orig
inated at Durham at 8 a in In tho gro
cery store of II It Atwater and burned a
large part of the business portion of thu
town Tho loss Is 8600000
Tho Durham Ire orlglnnted at 3 n m
from somo unknown cause In a grocery
storo It soon caught tbo great tobacco
warehouse of II Parish In tbo rear nnd
consumed that < ntlru square comprising
tblrteeu buildings allot btlck It then
crossed to tne next square on tho north and
destroyed prize houses of Uaistead Co
and 1urlsh Co and the Durham bank
The lino Methodist church was in Im
minent danger when the wind suddenly
changed und tho tiro turned eastward
and on the third block
consumed tho resldcnco of Kd Lyon
Alter burning about four hours the Are
died out rather from lack of moro material
to consume than from any effective con
trol slncethcro was no adequate supply
of water with which to check its
progress No ono was Injured Tho loss
In tobacco amounts to 1600000 pounds
Thero were 700 hog heads In Parishes
warehouse alone besides that in Urn
steads und In various prize houses Im
mense quantities were rumoved Into
adjacent streets but could not be saved
The time lock of the vault in the bank of
Durham was set tor 0 oclock a m und
tho bank valuables therefore could not be
reached All tho mall matter In
tho postcfllce was saved Tho Tobacco
Plant nowspaper ollleo was destroyed
Contracts for rebuilding havo already
been made
lire on tlio IJlno Mountains
IIamiioho Pa Nov 10 A great flro Is
raging ou the Blue mountains near this
borough and the dry leaves aro causing
the Humes to spread with reiuarkablo lap
ldity It Is feu red the present Uro may
provo as destructive ns that several weeks
a o when 6000 a > res of timber were
burned resulting In a loss of over 830
Havo you pains in tho small of tho
back Morris Catcarlnu will speedily
and effectually euro them
Ths Curious ami Now Dfvico In U o In a
New York Ilntnl
Nkw Yonic Nov 8 Thero Is one hotel
In New York at whose office one hears a
wide departure from the old and unvaried
cry ot Front Tako this to No 217
or Seo what No 00 wants At this ho
ld tho clerk hears tho click ot a muffled
bell behind him turns from tho counter
glances at a dial about twico tho size of
tho toco ot an ordinary nickel clock
and Immediately behaves as If he could
seo through all tho walls between hlin
and tho guests rooms and could lead tho
mind of any guest in thobaigalu Click
goes tho bell James tako up u Man
hattan cocktail to No 47 nays iho clerk
Click goes tho bell Boy Buys
clerk tako up two soft
boiled eggs to Mr Thompkmo or
Johnny run up nud say to No 80S that
It is ten minutes after 10 oclock Anv
visitor who spends an hour near tbo
clerks desk will bo nmaz d at tho variety
of orders that will bo glveutho hall boys
without tho clerks hearing 11 word from
any room by telephoue telegraph speak
ing tube or any othor means
Tho explanation la nt onco simple and
peculiar Somo genius has Invented a
device that he calls by a Greek narau and
which Is oporated automatically by an
electrlo battery exactly as tho old fash
loncd hotel annunciators arc In each
room lq tho hotel Is n dial with
a movable arrow llko a clock
haod On the dial nro printed the
names ol everything a guest would
bo at alt likely to want all tho drinks that
ever wore heard of paper onvelopes tel
egraph blanks help a doctor police
chambermaid messenger bov egg toast
milk soup oysters breakfast dinuer
tea in fact every eatable In commoo
demand a city directory the dally
papers playing catds cigars cgar
ottes chowlig tobacco a barber In short
everything In a list ot 100 or 150 necessa
ries Tho guest pulls tho arrow to tho
name of whatever ho wants nnd by
pressing a button reglstors his demand on
tho dial behind thu clerks desk Tho
only purposo It senes is to save tlmu In
thu execution ot orders
ltopreiietitnttvea nt Tho SootnlUtlo Ito
rmbltu ot the ltlo Oramln Itench Ht
St Louis Mo Nov IS a party ot
gcntlomen consisting ot Col Watts Sau
fordot Tom Green county Tos Msj
WillUm Davis ot Maria Tex Heed
Ilumo ot Doming N M Dcra and
Charles OConnor ot Sauslmon Arizona
accompanied by two othor gentlemen who
aro somewhat noted In Texas polltlcsbut
who do not wish tholr names moutloutd
arrived hero today and aro heavily laden
with a grand hchorao to organize a new
republic They aro commissioners from tho
Socialistic Hepubllc ot thoKlo Grande
about which there has been much com
ment in the newspapers ot lato They
state that tholr object is to tako advan
tage ot the excitement on the Mexican
bordor by tho Cutting Incident and to
Invade tho three northern states
of Mexico and Lower California
conquer nnd establish what they call a
socialistic republic They will leave for
Chicago tomorrow to submit their
scheme to prominent and leading cattlo
rnon In attendance ou the conven
tion there It docs not seem
likely that tno subject will
bo brought directly boforo tho conven
tion but one ot tho commissioners said
somo6trong lobbying would bo done
Col Sanford Is a wealthy cayman j
Davis la a large sheep raiser
ls Uch freighter and stagb armrr
Mr OConnor has been promlue
In ailnlng enterprises in Arlzoua and t
two other Texas men aro respectively an
exuato senator and an exdistrlct judge
All at them declare they aro In dead
mtwsuud teem to hao great faith In
their project
f gwRiviw1M9Bs wwwf
conflagrates mmmrxWMWwmimM
A Vlllairo In Snllierittiul Is nrstrnTcd
and SoTcrnl icoplo nro llurneil
to Heuth
Iltr nandred Tliou nnrt Dollar nt
Durlirni N O Koimt tt Jlnclnu
on tho lllao aloiintnlnl
Ibvtlclant ricicrlptlons componndol with pains talln care
outs The lorgctt and Ijont Kotall limy Btore la Fort Worth
of overy kind Toilet Attclcs In endless variety Tho only
Onr Cent Cigars is thoy have cuttatlf d tho alo of Onr 3Kor
Fort Worth Pharmacy
Cor Ctli and Main Stroot
Established 18CB
Nntluunl TrotUnK Ansaclntlou Cornets
Cibvkland 5 Ohio Nov IC The
Eleventh congress of the National Trot
ting association began its session here
this afternoon Many horselovers
breeders nud trackowners wore In atten
danceTho chief question to come be
foro tho association is action on the re
port of tho Vail invet > tlRutlng committee
Tho ncccptanco ot the committees report
will be a virtual vote of guilty and
will horald thu official decapitation ot
Secretary Vail who has many friends
among tho delegates
A Thu ltnnclnu u Troubles with a
llaardlreIlonto Ktouer
Chicago lrlbnn a
About a week ago a wealthy Texas ranch
man named William A Scott bis wife
two small children and two colored serv
ants took up quarters at the fsshionablo
boardlnghdnso of Mrs Beaman No 181
Michigan avenue The rnto per week for
tho entire family was fixed at 9C0 Yes
terday Mr Scott purchased tickets for
himself and family to New Orleans When
he tendered the landlady 840 for his
paid 520 It was refused Tbo lull 860
wasdemaudrd Ills trunks and valise
valued at S SOO were also ulused him
ndhU wle
ndl children and ser
na heto d8tory room
Mr Scott applied to Justlco 1cfoto and
Sn ° a Wf lofiepOTn but MrsBea
Km n th 860 beoro sno wou d let
lnggagoT ChlWren 6emnt3
Bii < fvlted anot1 r Jnstlco and then
procured a searca warrunt and the
services ot Constahlo Joseph Ives To
Bcther tho twain trudged through the
rain tinfmn and wind to tho Beaman hSstlery
It was
The officer tendered the lady 80
S u was refused Ad
mlttanco to the nrcsence nf
Mrs Scott and tho little Scotts and the
tenants ot Scott was also refused Then
mww m MmAtM fu jj
w1 Httju
Nos 121416 and 18 West Second Street corner Tlnttnoitoi
Uovt Woith Toxah
Important GlinDRen In Unco Dull Itnlca
Made nt the Chicago Council
Chicaoo III Nov 10 Tho joint
rules committee of tbo National leaguo
and American Base Hall associations has
decided upon various changes In place
of tho stone at homo a baso similar In
size but made of whlto rubber was re
commended Tho position of tho llrstWl
third bases was moved seven and a half
inches so that tho bags would bo lnsldo
the foul lines thereby helping the um
pire in deciding whether a hit
tell In fair or foul nround The now rules
of tha American association concerning
the positions of coachers were favorably
received They requlto that a coacher shall
not be nearer than sixty live feet to tho
homeplate thorcby pievcntlug a coacher
from running along tho lino from tho
third base to tho homeplate to discon
cert nn opposing player Tho league
rulo concerning tho position ol
thj benches und bat rack was
incorporated In thu rules of tho American
association It was unanimously agreed
that In future all clubs playing under na
tional agreement shall use either the
Spalding or Bench ball This was dode
to prevent the using of dead balls soft
balls or lively balls by other assocla
tlons in their exhibitions with a league or
association club and to tnuko a
standard ball It was also required of
tho American association that each ball
must bu weighed measured and sealed
with tho namo ot the secretary upon the
box containing the ball the samo ns In
voguo In the leaguo In tho using ot two
balls tho committco suggests that when a
ball Is batted out ot sight of tho players
another must bo substituted instead
ot waiting until tho batted ball
is returned Whenever a ball is dam
aged another niust be at oncu brought
Into play The Ameilcnn association Is
allowed to use tho flat if it so desires
tho same us thu leaguo Tho league
Held rules with slight modifications wuio
also extended to the association leagues
Chicago III Nov 10 The follow
ing changes in baso ball rules wero rnado
today The high nud low ball system of
delivery has been abolished auy bull
being considered fair that passes tbo
player between his shoulder and kneo
and that pasees over tho plate Hunting
will In future not bo allowed Any
obvious attempt to msko a foul hit will
bo scored as a strike Tie clubs will not
toss choice of positions In tho future
tho right of choice Invariably
resting with th homo club Five balls
and four strikes will bu allowed Instead
ot six balls and three stilkes us hereto
fore When a batsman takes his baso on
balls he shall bs cudlled with n baso hit
A batsman shall tako his baBO when
struck by a pitched ball Any motion
what < verou tho part ot tho pltchor made
to deceive tho batter shall bo considered
a ball Many of tho moro Important
changes incorporated thus far havo been
at the buagestlon of tho advisory board
composed of Captains Anson Ward Co
mleky nud Swaltwood who It Is believed
are cuuying out tile vlowa and wishes cf
the great majority of tho players In both
of thu greater organizitlons Perfect
harmony seems to exist between the com
mittee nnd this board and the work has
leen greatly simplified and rendered far
moro ctfeetlio by the admlslon of tho
players as representatives to tho council
tho strong arm of tho law 77
Tho Scott family Wog leunTitL11
nago secured and the enSr l
driven to tho Continental h °
which the ranchman sworolnu im
for Mrs Hoamaii charcC H
disorderly condn ct siw Z I
rested and gave bonds for herTn
onco todvy before Ju tice Pon i5
say that tho boardlnghousH
angry gives no Idea ol her t S3V
says Mr Scott owes her 6C0 a Jrl
pay It or shell Uzht him Ubo cotf
winter Mr Scott still hashish
for Now Orleans
Those of tho gentler sex
arc the
est advocates ot Cascarine ThesV
Is Just What is
wanted by all wornes
A Hnn Antonio Miu Sny u CobthJ
With the
Mining jinn
Special to tho Gazette
San Antonio Tux Nor M
Thomas a San Antonio business mat
positive that ho saw Burke the Mtid
Ing Galveston treasurer hero Sundwttf
7th Inst and spoke to him while BUndiu
lu front of thej operahouse Thonuj
says he knows Burke well and could urt
havo been mistaken At that time Bnrki
appeared to bo very nervous with wild
look in his
eyes and Tlomj
suspected that ho had come to Stu Anto
nio for the purposo of cither eiifailoffi
blgspreo orgctting over onti Since tho
defalcation at Galveston wasnwJermMIe
Burke has not been seen here U is lap
pobf d that ho has either cogo to Mexleo
or Is in hiding whoro he is notknema
Fivo hundred pair white and colored
blankets offered today by RinajU i
Chambers Co ut prices that are gniru
teed below any prices ever seen In Tens
A fold Wnv Uumtuc
Chicao0 III Nov 10 A cold mn
Is predicted by the signal service here
Tho temperaturo will fall 16 to 20 dceteei
In tho next 24 or 30 hours tji
Tho most obstinato cases ol constlpil
tlon give way beforo Morris gueirlaefl
ILju It and be restored to health
Xh iriurst Itazor in tha World
at Andorsoufl euo storo
Montreal wool blankets for 150 itl
Randall Chambers Co j
tiik miiKCT ani > rut Linn ro
New York and the Eastl
JC iimiwiti iv
< jj
ItfTEN l i7
HOtmswlth tironirhTaycarsr
car and lnliico hlceiiltiKcoacbee tf >
of curs lor class
any of pasecnKore
To Washinqton In 28 Hours
To Baltimore In 29 Hour
Ibis Is four hours quicker than the f teitU i
byanyothcr lino A
The n r Express has larIorosr fit Leah
Cincinnati and lalaco 81cei > lngcar froraCl
elnnatl to Washington and Baltimore wlttwa
ehnngo 1
The Mght Kxpre i hae sleepers through wW
oat change No other line from 8t LonrJJ
ajthrouRh looplngcar to tho MtloiilOrn
Palace Buffet SleepingCarj
aro ruu by this Line on Night KipreMtroa
St Louis lew Yorfj
MsoiiYllle Pit ui Winter Besorts Ii ft
lalaco Sleoplngcoachct yia yneJJi u
St Louis to OfnelnnatiMd tajgwg
oonnoctlon writl
Making direct at holh Fnwritl v
morning and evening KxprewTralj ig
Ialce tlolcl an
Atlanta Macon an
cliango Norerrlcsor
All connectlone mado lu Union dPOJ WB
Iortlckourntoaorany l rU alHti M i i
indBleeping eanML Mjl
VTcit Norihweit ni
i Jaoksontllle 7W
itf Southwell or
at 101 and 103 North Kourtn 4rnia S
lree and Uon Managor 1 j
Cincinnati Ohio I
Q D UACOS Cm We > tra ran i jj p i
< i
4 < r

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