OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 01, 1886, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-01/ed-1/seq-4/

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Tho Hchcmcrs In Dallas Will Jny for
Jan Vodgo Willi a tlilmorlcnl
Cisco Holds n MrHlnir tatr th Irlsco
Will Come to Fort WorthHome
Home HnU
LB Thorp traveling paistngor agent
ol tho Vnndallo was In tho city yesterday
Several car loaded with Iron bridge
matetlal for the Bsnla Po Had river
bridge wore rretdwl here yimtrrday
A committee of prominent cltlMn and
a welt kno n railroad man will p obinly
pay their respect to Port Worth toelay
nnd talk n litIn railroad builntss lort
Worth Is ready to receive them
Tuts Gauttr learns that the lort
Worlh Denver Intends Irj Attrition to
other Imprnvt menu being mode to mild
a depot near It main oiJlce which will
savo delays which bava worried tho oill
clala lately
f 1 Genre tfobhj general manager of
tlte Tms 4PaoMJC who has b > en sick
for rome Wy in said uoj to he wry
oltb with ncr Improvement apparent
Col Nobles man friends In ibis city
trill receive thU down witt nor row
The gentlemen who have tiw Belt line
project lo hand will probahly rnKit In ft
few day and put tho halt In motion It
It irf that all the comnsnes now repre
sented here by roadv and others that art
cpmlfl heartily favor tbu achijme
The time can on the Ifonstoq Texan
GeetMl has been so changed that the
MtrHInK trala bow arrive at 080 oclock
nml freight from the roivh comes right
tbrougi to Jfoti Worth avoiding a delay
Of twenty lonr hour as heretofore
1b Kort Worth rltlr na who will put
down the steel on the lort Wortli Howie
i ft d Tlver road aru ready to rarrv out
tllelrpnt ol the coitrset anil Bowie
MontHjam and Burlington citizens am
wotkine o accomplish their part Tbr
plnu ii r little cities do not ex lit In Tcxa
The Houston T xas Cutral will If it
cm bay tho right of way and land huild
over tho rcaervailnn and erect a depot
omowruru on th Hat betwan Jones
street and tlm Said Ke track north of
Jront street Uulla ha location ot tlie
depot la a fair nne It la not all that the
company desires
Th lort Worth New Orleans Hill
rofld company is building nn additional
truck hi Ira yards to Accommodate tho
Oars of lumber mi i brick being received
dally which acowmutato faster than they
call be unloadod Tho oo chhna u Is
nearly finished nud tin roundhouse well
tinder way
The work of getting nut tho atone for
tho piers of tho great Oranbury brithie fur
1ho IMrt Worth 7ilo Qrando over tho
HraoM RoosHtudliy on while Cotrrnctor
JfiiXhoH lit pilluu tip tho dirt on elx o the
flrat tun mllcH of thu toad In abuslnesH wny
lly tho beginning ol next vcik Knidlnn
will bo going on ilftccn miles below thu
Tho extension of tho lfort Worth
Denver has nached a point nix mllea bo >
yond Vcruou whoro tracklaylng was
stopped owIhk to n lack of pplku but n
car load wont to tho front yesterday nnd
work will be punhed with vigor llu
Klnter UlHaull who to In chargo of tbu ex
tension hopes to lmvo tho road built to
Quanah by January 1 18B7
Thu llnltlmoro Ohio la putting In Its
llncB on tho nuw rnndH In TexaH bh rap
idly ax posslliln and wliuu tho Atchlaon
Kauta Vu Is built und Kort Worth la tho
Rroat central olllco nnd relay point for tho
ilaltlmoru Ohio pyHtcni nil thu leading
cities In thu Northount und South will bo
reached The main ofllcu hero will It la
Bald then employ thirty operators
Tho otiKluccrlnfi corpn ol tho Vort
Worth WcHtorn In out twenty miles from
lort Worth and tho cheering Intel
llfiencu comes back that n finer
routo for a llrstclnss railroad wus
never loon When forty miles of this
lino Is located n contract for Rrndlnn that
dltlanco will bo let wtillu thu onKlneors
keep piiBhliiR to tho front lrcsldent
Blocura and tho other olllcers ana direc
tors will ho nbla to visit Texas in May
and rldo over their own road
Ilonham and McKlnney must keep
awake lor there Is a muvo on foot which
promlaos lo materialize vory Bonn and
which will mako Its first appearance In
tho e cities to build tho Frisco from a
toltt InLimarto Ilonham In ITannln
ihtnce to McKlnnty ana Fort Worth
kewUvIlle la Uenton county and Whltu
vrrlKht are aald to bo alito on the Una
IM Hocbam and McKlnney keep Kort
Worth and tbx other places mentioned
sdrlM Mr Lynch an old railroad en
Ktner wbo is la a portion to know says
without circumlocution that tills Is tho
Friscos route
Capt Moore tho stock agent of the
Fort Wotiu Denver In speaking of Tas
cofts says It Is a grand locatlou fur a
town tho view Is plcturcirpic the water
clearnnd pure tho cllmatu healthy tho
valleys lino for farming and tho prairies
goodforcatllu Tascosa la on tho lino
of tho preliminary surveys Ol tho Vort
Worth U < nver extension to the Cana
dian and Is also on tho lino of the South
rn Kansas uow building toward Now
Mexico and there are strong probabili
ties that Tascosa will bo tho point of
junction for the Southern Kansas of
Toxan from KnrtWorth and tho Southern
Kansas from Kiowa
In an Intervlow at Austin with Judgo
M Lynch one of tho oldest civil engin
eers in Texas who baa bcou engaged for
ten years In active ral road work was for
somu oats chief onglnferof tho QulfCoI
oradoi Santa Ve that gentleman ex
pressed tho opinion that there will bo nn
unusual amount of railroad construction
In T x s tho coming year This oplnlou
ho slates Is suggested by tho logic of
uvonts dally presented Ho cto t tho
fact that tho Atchison Topeka S 8anta
3fo which has purchased tho ClulfColora
do and 8 utti Ku Is rapidly extending a
lino through tho Indian Territory
to CoHcuvlile Kan to connect with the
general system at that point i that tho
lort Worth Itio Orando Inclaent lly to
tho tit Iouli Han Francisco Is being
pushed toward Hrownvood Tex i that
this short lluo projection Indicates that
the Frisco will aim for Paris and to
traverse Fannin and otnor northern coun
ties to Fort Worth by Way of McKlnney
and that thlstrenchlng upon thu territory
of thu Missouri Pacltlo syttetn will excite
that corporation to path througa from
McKlnney or areonvlllo Into Woirtom and
Bouthweotorn Tixas Huntington ho
thinks will press bis railroad entotprlso
Into tho Panhandle of Texas
Utiurrh Jwr
llillroad churchy are to bo attached
to tho trains In South Itussla Owing to
it wn R jnift X
> 1
tho long dlstsnces traveled and tho con
stant work the officials complain tiiat
they bavo no coanco of attending divine
services so thn cars fitted up as churches
will inn on Sunday and futo days
11 IMuemtur IS
UlNKftVlUK Tkx Nov JO Thoso
who kno say that tho Sunta Vo will be
completed hero by JJecembor IS If tho
weather Is at all favorable
From IWcnttir
Coiropon < lene of the Jarotto
prOATUti Tbx Nov 20 The right of
way commltteo for tho lulf PioIOo re
port things progressing for tho good of
th road nntfour city continues to boom
Wo look for Chief Henderiou totnorrow
lUllwny Mjlriifliin In Mi xlon
City of Mkxico Nov 80 SxMlnls
tor John W Foster hna btwn In this ol y
for too past ten days In confereneo with
President Dla > and the minister of pnhllc
works on behalf of tho Mexican Cuntral
UallroKil coinoany It Is known that ho
has succeeded In tflerting a satlsfiolnry
nrraiiKoaient wlh the government wbero
hy wntk on the branches front the miln
line toTampIco and nadatajnm will be
cornmonemi at nn early day and rmsbed
forward rapidly to completion
it mingfl OiutipVtiiiiin
flKciHKAii Ohio Nov 80 Tomor
row the Italllmore Ohio lixvritH com
pany aii tinies control of the traifle hitherto
munaged hy the Adams und Hmtnrn
Itxprewft companies oh the Qne n Cr
ctntrontn hetwenn Cincinnati six Ne
Orleans While the Halt I more Onto
claims to be In favor of maintaining
rat en It nntrance Into 11114 wide
field hitherto monopolized hy tho two
compnnltH nnmnd introduces therein or
the rlrxt time nn element ol coatneiltlnn
and It Is piohahlu thn tilt ro may ho a
new atljuitm tit of rates The ew < nm
pany It is sild will give employment to
men who have btcn doing woric for the
old compahleu
MiHiiur Imiiiin
The contractors on this comptnys
Topekn Sallna ft Western branch r < port
tlm Rradlng complctml from Mlllnti Kyi
< ward to Utj west nilH of > i ss county
VJO miles with track laid ol 116 miles
This road runs tietweon the lcliUo t
Topeka Btntn V and tho Kan as divis
Ion ol the Union Pacific Aft r the main
lino Is finished n branch Is to be htnlt
from Qetiewit to Ilutohlnson forty miles
nud another to Great Ilend twelve mlbs
On the eastern end of this line trains arc
now running from Council Grove to
Sttllnn seventy mtles
Thu mnclt Clrovo Ougo City Otta
wa branch bas now track laid from Ot
tawa Kan westward Bittyfour miles
leaving only six miles to bo complelul to
rench CoiiuUl Orove > iero it will con
nect with tho Topeka Sallna nud West
ern Hue
Work Is progressing on the branch
from Paola to Kansas City and tho track
laying will be completed as soon ti u
legal dispute over tho right of way Is set
A mint Hoannio
Speelnl to the Uatctte
Dallas Tkx Nov no When Oon
O M Dodge arrives In Texas which It Is
expected will bu within tho nexttondays
he wl 1 bo sought afttr with much Inter
est und strictly biiBlnvHs motives by
lending spirits of Dallas Tim Gakttk
correspondent today overheard some
thing like this Thu Fort Worth Den
ver has never been bnllt Into Fort
Worth but uses by lenso about lour
miles of Missouri Piclllc track to get
into that city Dallas peoplu ought to
seo Dodgo when ho comes hero this time
his mlsulon being It Is understood to
push construction onthoFort Worth
Denver and Induce him If possible to
build to Dallas by way of Grapevine
prutrio from Decatur or some point below
that town und mako Dallas ilia terminal
point and headquarters of his road con
verting tho piece below tho Dallas dtibc
tlon Into n Fort Worth spur tor tap
From thu tenor of the conversation In
dulged In by tho party It Is evident that
a strong pull will bu mado by Dallas nt
an early day to secure thu only great
Panhandle lino at present In existence In
Texas A much larger bonus could be
ralsod It is alleged for this enturprUe
than will ever be turned over to the Gulf
Kulhrny Moatlut at Cl co
Hpoclnl to tho Jiuotto
Cisco Tkx Nov 30 Quito nn en
thusiastic railroad meeting was held by
the citizens of Cisco In the CIfco bank
this morning at halfpast 10 oclock On
motion Dr S II Stout was callid to tho
chair and explalniel the obect of thu
mooting t h Davis was elected secre
tary On Invitation LloutGov x II
Wheeler tnada a Ulk In which he net
forth and explained thu many
natural advantages Clfco should
mako koowu to the railroad olllclals
ml especially to tno manager of tho
iVransas Pass road which is already per
manently located nnd staked to Kerrvllle
und now has a corps of surveyors In the
lUd making a preliminary surrey to Ban
Saba The amended charter ol this road
permits It to extend tho main lluo
through tha state to thu lluo of tho Indian
Territory From tho direction tho road
has started from Korrvlllo it la very evi
dent that tho compuny realizes tho Im
portance of pushing this road on to
Hrownwood where it will cross
tho Gulf Colorado Santa IV
thonce to Cisco to countct with
tbo Texas Pacltlo and tho Texas
Central roads t thence north to tho Ter
ritory This lino would pasH through u
wellsottled country which would glvo a
good local traillo besldo tho great coal
field of Kistlnud and Steppens counties
Mr Wheuler Btated that he bad talked
with people almost all along tho Una and
was prepared to stato that it tho rotd
was pushed through tho right of way and
grounds for depots wotiul ba cheerfully
donated and perhaps other bonuses
On motion a commltteo of five
was appointed to correspond with tho
raanagtrsof the Aransas Puss Atchison
Topekii ISock Island and other pros
pecttvo lines through tho stato from
north to south Tno chair appointed
lIcutGov T II Wheeler as chairman
John T Crouch J K Lttso W P
Sebastian Hugn Carrlgan and John
M Moore on thu commltteo
On motion of T II Wheeler tho chair
appointed a committee consisting of Y
II Powell T II lUako O T Maxwell
J h Iuse W 1 B b stlan John F
Patterson and P Thompson to prepare a
circular letter settlug forth tho many
and superior advantages ol a north and
Booth road passing through Ct co and
tho rich coal beds along tho lino On
ntotton Dr B H Stout was added to this
commltteo and made chairman of the
same There being no further business
requiring Immediate attention thu meet
log adjoutned
Prlnco Nicholas of lllngrcllo Not Ibo
Only Choice of KusMa for tho
Ilulgarlnn Throne
IIn Uniting o tlio On n of Hie Jlrltt l >
loTfrnment AiCBlnt John Dillon rait
poind nttliei Meroiirtnurs liiit t
nusciA will nor insist
lAitis Nov 8o 5 In announced hero
that lluseli docH not Insist upon tho
selection of Prince Nicholas of Mlngrclla
as a candidate for thu Unitarian tbroue
joiIn miroN8 cum ih >
PunuN Nov 80 The ra eeil iho gov
ormnuut Bgttnst Juhu Dillon ctm no li
day for hearing befom tho court of queens
bench Mr Dliluu appenred at < omjian
led by Lord Msyor Sullivan and Messrs
llealey noel Sexton Great crowds sur
rounded the building and tho courtroom
nud corridors were packed Mr Dillon
was greeted with tremendous cheering
by Cih people when bu nrrlved and his
passage InUe court was amid enthusiastic
applause Mr llewly on behalf of Mr
Dillon apt lied for an aC tirnmetit if
thn bearing lt < 3 said lie had only heu
ItistniuUd m to tbu ii irtt of the courts
Uinplaliit last night aod ua the cunrts
nfll < lavUs mro oxucediualv vulninluous
th > dfem < e would rerjulie time to
properly Mudy thtm Thu r bblI fi i
the gvi rnment made jm uppo ltLn to
Mr Iftslys rteiaret aod tho hearing
Wm adjoorned until December 11 next
A tlteifCMSonXILIrf iiimsr i
Virnna Nov 80 ttaron Seekendorf
professor in tho Cnllege of Agrlotiltnre
ommltted suicide yettttrUay hy shooting
bltnealt In tbu moiiti hUi a revolver
xitBAry conolIudki
1aiiis Not 8 lfwnce and Mexico
have ounctided a treaty nl oomrneice
WOJlKIJttf IlltfottM fw iiirmmu
LosnoN Nov 80 SJt Michael Hicks
I teach MM secretary fur Ireland Is for
mulating a MJbemu for the reform of the
Irish administration He has offered tho
post of under secretary to Gun Duller
as a provisional expedient and the Utter
has nccepted It
Tomti > n Nov 80 Ciidlufit Manning
t < iday oielatncil mt < i the It man Cituolle
prltsthood Lord Cttarlee Ihynue ngtd
sevontythreii year Xurmmly cauon ol
the established ehutolt
Au Atnoiiiplttluil Jllnn Ifnmcil g < hinder
ItuvH ilia City In Dldcruto
Speclnl to tlio Uarettu
Paihs Tbx Nov 30 Several weeks
bko a nicely dressed man of polished
manners mado his appearance In this city
nnd represented himself ns wishing to
embark In business Ho boarded at one
of tho leading hotels ami appeared to
have what money ho wanted llo unve
hlsuamoas ShatHer and was a man ol
liberal educatlou nml great polloli He
spoke French and Guimnn and was a
brilliant musician Ills marniers and
many accomplishments soon found
him acquaintances among protnlhcnt
guntloineu of tho city Ho got along
smoothly until n few days ago when the
landlord began loshow uneasiness about
his board bill and several gentlemen who
had loaned small amounts began to kick
against a repetition of loans A gentle
man nt whoHohoiiisu Stmeffor had been In
vited to spend thu evening indeed an ele
LanKJIiO meerschaum clgarholdur nltor
thodepurturo of his guest and a roward
was ottered through tha local papers for
tho return of tho urtlcle Last night
Bhucfier skipped town leaving u
Hmull satchel in bis room at tho
hotol Upon opening1 this tho lost
mcurscheum cigarholder was found nlso
soveiat chisels scrcwdrlvcrs nnd gimlets
Ho left behind him us mementoes of his
stay In Parlj about 8U5 Id debts bor
rowed from a few goutlcmon In tha city
It is understood that beforu ho skipped
ho bad his moustache shaved off nnd
seemed trying to disguise himself It Is
paid that a Plnkerton detective was on
his trail ami hence his hasty flight It Is
ulso understood that county olllcers nro
now looking for him Ho must bo
wanted for some crime somewhere else
bun tho officers refuse tot elk nbojt It
He represented blnuelf as tho owner of a
sugar plantation In Louisiana He Is a
man ol slender build about tlva feet ten
luehos tall and woro n long black
moustachu when ho first arrived hero
His eyes wcro black and always betrayed
groat nervousness Tho thing Is certain
he Is ono of tho slickest men who ever
beat u hotel bill In Paris or any other
noraaThtar Arrmtnl Judgo tlnnr ltceov
emit An UiiCniiiuteil ltrport
Special to the Untcttn
Gainkhvillk Tkx Nov 80 A horac
thlof was arrested hero tom by Deputy
Sheriff Porter Young Ho hulls Irom tho
II I T Ills going to tho pen Is suro as
ho has confessed to tha crlmo
Judgo Plner came In on tho noqn train
yesterday and resumed his neat on tho
bench ytetertlay nftcrnoon Judgo liar
rutt has won golden opinions from all for
hlit fairness and Impartiality shown while
ha acted as special Judgo
Tho colored school building has just
been completed nnd has been accepted
by tho echool board
The county commissioners court was
In sosslon again yesterday and transact
inl quite a largo amount ol Important
bnslnoss Tho finishing formalities at
tending tho extension ot the time of
payment on tho Cooke county school
lands situated In Wise county were
gono through with
The grann jury today returned an In
dlctment agalnut tho man Thomas who was
arrosted for the murder of J W Thomp
son on Saturday last Tho evidence
against Thomas is nearly all circumstan
The cotton receplts hero for the season
will probahly amount to 20100 bales
It was reported hero yesterday that tho
men under arrest at Simon I T for the
robbory of 0 erstreets storo two weeks
ago had been rescued nnd that their
rescuers had killed tho cuards Investl
cation however rovealed tho fact that
the report was unfounded
As daw > s absorbed by tho sun so
vanUhes pain at the touch of St Jacobs
Iuili Aleins ICacp Moving
Wo wish nix nice Improved lots on
south fide a few In cast part ol city for
customers wishing to buy WoideMro
alBo nice
a few Improved properties tor
customers We dcMro to o ur all pf the
dcalrablu city property that Js offered In
this market A F Truitt Co
Nonto Ile rlnllon e r Icnrfill Import
Kcgurdllig Alllerlutli Atlvcn
mid timber
If a pitrsou eould traved throughout lids
entire land and vlilt every reeldenca sepa
rately ho would probably find fhnt in fully
fdnrflfthe of the heinis Urn wlfo or mother
would bo wenk nnd nding m mine form or
olber It would not in all e av h b any M > t
tleel fnrtuiiily or dime but tbero would 1 >
U laek < f life anil i m r y nillowni an of Jho
complexion n tired f > elmg it greater portion
of ihethiK nfloklrt appetite and many otlpr
familiar nytnptom which mdlonto weak
noae J KW hentlh nnd eomliig ou of dia we
lliwa ee > K tphntiiint faflt to eonlemplate
butllin i i orlotta ones and hlionUl bo look
ed fairly in tin fuen
If tho Aineriean people ate to become
u jtroug aid vi crons nation they must
find lis with Hie wives and
motluTH of tlm land Ttieto nmst be a
grint phjMi iil and montel ignr that will
ptrj < liiati itIf Tho only way tn
thin i in b don < hIij Hmirllng nnluro when
it Injf in d pnltn u it in tondiiou to help it
self A tij jrtpjtterfttl pnpnlatiew that
will ar m e thii ulood l bi ter netiou lhit
will Ktiiit the foinsof vitabtv tind awnleu
tlio enirgUe of If it ft < < < el wild lo iiuy
CiKfitiiunlt and tlts pv pirti < m has bet
eonititi ti ly found Ui the wemdelul Volnift
Ciirdml wldell is nttmetin > o > iuh nlti u
tion throi holtt the length und bieullli of
the land It is iit prmiviilj it tmmhit
iriire ui thn form of nu ii < pnni on and fool
fur the 1 > I mil erivi s nitui le end bialn It
wdlr eloie ml di embrs rf tlii stomah re
i ilati dl lini iions of Hi1 body nud plwo
tin i ii ir tvnttni pi n pimitlon todoilswoik
thvniifhh ami i 11
A i ouim tit Iily of tliaih tem H O
sale I Ibinh I bi n hid n urly sell
Iho diseane i tint h moiin n inn have
My house hold bdii i lice utim w nry dnid
fery My npiits > n mid nnd Jiuojnug
bail jams in my Imik uitli guntettproe
slon Three phjsiLiiM d up but willt
out eloliig mo iiiij od I am i mrnlly
lnoke ilovn Nil in 1 i n n > mi I In
gun taMii > Vi hnn o > i 1 I i i u In khu
to jiwi t i nth M > t inns nd im niihul
tioM nr ioui und I hall nufi > s I jliid
that I n > el Vohnu Ooidinl Sue h ti Ktuiiony
could bo repimlid imb llnitily lull we me
tlmroiH hly colliitieid tfant this in I rii me
dKnl diiiok ij i e d mig more to bum vipor
ami I op to the v m mid itith if th
tmd liuii iii Inn i f rctjnt U ii h nud as
uuoh we uieist oonlnely e udoW it
A Slan Arrr t > it on it CJIihIi h < it ttnutlujc Itl
Wll m IlaHth Selillni Up
Special to tlio Onzetlo
Dknton Tkx Nov 10 obn Chtrf
the husband of the lady who was killed by
belug thrown from a horso upon a bathed
wlro fence near Lewlsville ns mentioned
In Tub Oaritk a fuw dnyn ago was ar
rested and brought hero today and placed
In Jul charged with placing tho c bstruc
tlons tindet tlio saddle which caused thu
homo to throw her off Clutk nnd his
wlfo had been sopuruted sorau time but
thu facts that led to his urrest have not
yet been mndo public
Thu commissioners court has boen In
session hero since yostciday examining
tho nccounts of ex Collector WJ McNeil
With n view to uiHklug a final tettlemint
with him They bavo not yet complotcd
their laborB
One of tlio Inrseiit Dry Uonda llririi In Otn
oliimttl Hiicciinilin
Cincinnati Ohio Nov 80 Shipley
Co wholesalo dry goods dealers at
Pourth and Kim who recently obtained
an extension from their creditors today
mado an assignment to H C Tatum
whoso bond was fixed at 340000 Mur
ray Shlploy senior member of the Irm
also made an Individual assignment giv
ing up all his properly Tho bond of tho
assignee Is SGOOtO A statement of assets
ana liabilities has not boon mado but
rumors are cttrreut that tho assets will
pay from 25 to 81 per cent of the debt
Tho firm lsono of tho largest in the city
and hitherto has boen regarded as ono of
tho strongest
Iifntliar Hauler Amicus
Nkw Yoitic Nov 80 Louis A Davis
dealer In leather goods mado an align
ment today with preferences amounting
to 92500
nillllllR 11 Oil HO AlUII
Miiavaukkic Wis Nov 80 Tho
wholesalo milling house of William Small
Co tho oldest In tho city made an
assignment this nftcrnoon to Thomas
Ileether Tho nsseU aro estimated at
850000 liabilities unknown
A CIiIchro Illturn
Chicago III Nov 30 F A Hill
Co who for somo tlmo have cut qulto a
figure In the board of trade have fatled
Troulila ltrawlng llalwaen thn Southern
Invlflo rinplujm nnd Ibo Ooinpnnr
Special to the Oaictlo
San Antonio Tev Nov 30 Thoro
Is trouble brewing between tho Southern
Pacific employes and tho company
Doth olllclals nnd men refuse to give the
particulars A commltteo composed of
IlenA Pickering and John Hell of San
Antonio Col Ellis of El Paso uud Itobort
Jsnkes W Holmes and W C Campbell
are Interviewing tho olllclals nnd It is
said thoy have received no satisfaction
Tho llrotherhood of Hallway Brakomcn
are moving In tho matter and Chief
Arthur of tho Locomotive Engineers Is
dally expectcet In Houston Tho men
hero bollevo that a strike will bo tho re
Wankaiiad at Ilia Inat Moment
London Nov 80 Knlfton who was
to havo fought a prlzo light with bare
knuckles to the finish with Jem Smith In
Paris today for tho heavy weight cham
pionship of England nnd hoavy stakes
has backed out At tho last moment ho
refused to go to tho battle ground Tho
men had been In active closu training for
the encounter lor several weeks and tho
Interest taken In thu event was wide
spread and intense
Jiut Try Out
Buy a packago ol Silver Loaf and give
It a fair trial If you do this you will
never regret It How many disastrous
failures In making bread causo troublous
vexation In tho household
This can all
be obviated by a trial ol 8llvcr Loaf J
II Brown
guarantees Its purity strcni > tb
wifl Ihy lclnn lrc cllptlODicomponndci1wUtipaliiit k i1
3J elnts Tho larjt tt and bet Uotntl Urn Htor Mf b UfoiJ
K ot every kind Toilet ArlrJr In endloae variety Thn I MlU
Hour BCont CIsara Is they hnve onrtallid tho m J o Lr r ai3
ilntlonlcM rcoMvo prompt attention Iw
as Wo Veep iho purcut hranrtlen whlkloi ami tnf
Ineiuiintllleainy in compllancowllli
retail UfUtt t M
Fort Worth
Pharmacy fk
Cor nUi nml Mill Ntrrot
ropposm post office > foiitw
Corner Wonthi
rfonl nml Tiiroc
llnrciirrlanororprlvi c tin T
pienaiiietlillnKhiimini j o if ouai W
Wholrsalu lx ut n
alere In All Ktrulnof
Sole Afienta In North Toan < nj n h
4oV HILliBIAN 8NUNQK 1 AI hhhll VATiqj
40i Hont St lort woium ctrcm n oistj M
fyT Tr jf v in ii 1 1 I s
Kino Cerrlagis fir PrivatecmiMin
loudnrre for plianin tldlog Ifo tl
nnd Drumiiien ouiPU > M y enUtra
XTox fill Kinds < > Iltirtl Wood Pox nnel c
X TD ML 3S 33 3Fi
Alto lroneo 1alntn Hoof Ilrlck nml lliirn Intntsliy thr litrrcl KtriMiuie
wMIIuiiiboranil lluiloliig Muteilnlnunelor siicdi
via xnia
llccamo It Is the Krcat thorough fare hotwoon Central Toxan and all politi XtlJ
Went It In the only lino pnanlnf thrniuli tlio Ilcaulltnl luUlan Tenltoir IirwitJ
and fort Worth and Bun Antonio It runs double dally tralnn inaklsechit ulctn
tlons In Union dopotn at Kannaa City St bonis anil Hannibal for all politi Mica
Antonio to St IiuIh via Fort Wortli Dallas nml Denlson
Iaasongcrs booked to and from all points In Rurbpo via American tBiUjlia
Philadelphia nnd Ilvorpool and tho ltcd Star Steamship Lino bctwocn NevtToitW
and Antwerp For full Information or tlckota call on
Ticket AKont Kort Worth Tex lanoitfr At >
B V MoCULLOUGH tloneral lnssoniror and Tlckol AnontUUlu la
The East and thefi
Short lino to Nkw OiilkAN and all points In Louisiana New III A
fornla Knvutlto lino to tlio North Kaitnnd Bouthonot Klcgant rnllmin li
cars thruiiRh totweon St LonU via Toxarkana and DomliiK Now MoilMi
Slooplngcara botweon Fort Worth and Now Orleans wltliontchanifo Oajotettnr
Chicago Cincinnati Washington Baltimore
dolphin Now York and Other Principal OP
Taleo tho 740 a m or 0 05 p m trains or Southeast via Ilttlo Hock aaiWj1
points oast of Ht touts Tako 740 in train for Now Orleans and jioleli WW
p in team tor Kl laso and all points West ni < m
laesennors liookod to nnd from all points In Knrono via ll0 AJiiiirinj
LINK between hlladolphla and Ilvorpool nnd tlio KK1S 8TA11 8TEAA1SII1I up
New York PhlUlolphta and Antwerp For lull Information or tickets call on
raesAttnoustonTox Ticket Ati
B W McCULLOHGH Gon Pais nnd Ticket Aoe DallM
AAVall Known Uarmnn Oltften ot Uonston
llrups Dcndln nHuloon
Special to tho Uaictto
Houston Tkx Nov R0 This morn
ing about 10 oclock Mr Henry Kall
mann an aged cltlron of Houston
dropped doad in Angcrhoclers saloon on
Preston street Mr Kallmann walked in
tho saloon about 8 oclock and remained
until lunch time Ho bad obtained his
lunch and was In tho act of taking it
When several persons sitting near him
noticed that his faco turned very palo and
his head dropped upon his breast Tho
nttentlon of Mr William Amrerhocfcr
was called to Mr Kattmann
and an examination showed that ho was
dead Justice Halley summoned a Jury
and held an Inquest over the remains and
a verdict was rendered In accordance with
the facts Just stated The deceased was
a brother ol tho l o Dr Katmsnn and
Is highly connected In this city Hu was
a member of all tho prominent German
soclotles of Houston und was highly edu
cated He came originally from New Or
leans and settled In Texas about tho year
Modal PiilncB
St Louis Mo Nov 80 A special
train was run from St Louis to Stanton
III this aitornoon carrying 100 reprc
acntatlve business railroad nnd newspa
per men of St Louis to luspect tho new
buffet boudoir car just completed by the
Pullman Car
company for use ou tho
Wabash road between St Loals and
Chicago Tho cars nro a combination of
tho best features ot the Mann boudoir and
the Pullman cars and woro pronounced
by all tho best ever built W W
ladles tollot room
sections of two Urtto
Boudoir staterooms
each two boudoir ow
each a bnttct t3l
lunches and liquors aru
mans toilet room w
lugroom The r
seven feet Jew J
This gives the VffiJSh
car service between 8 M
go and furnishes that K U
comoln ltt
a longneeded
a Hieeplnircnr
n 0 >
Special to tho Oazettf
Fnlton today wffl
Alex D Andereon cl w 5
rotary of tho natlowU
tlon asking wh lh
bo represented v
tao mayors fl
cities in tho UollodbUW
7 for M 5
on December
ganlrdng orthecenteffl W
the adoption of the t >
PlndlDg H TOttP
present In Ps ° LnaM
u reported oayg
that tho late tre a
county WJR V
San Francisco J
tors bavo been j
posttnarked bin j0 1X
> > <
seems to bo no
his bondsmen to fetch J
and W >
llclal back rt
crcato much comm

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