T W Vft tw t v 7
arthubs will
Mt Tfitmnfnt f tlio Inln IrcM
unt OftVrctl f r IrnlMttltb i
tmldiHl IUIW B Bli
Blmlnl far
rtli > < n
lir ilJ < Hlmiillcllj
YORK li ThO Will Of lllO
k jr iii nt Chctor A Arthur waa
dlorprobate today In tint court ol
tjoB iih > Pcl l tor < baton JXKB
IjisW T PCUDK vu < i oo
ol Surrogate Ilolllnit bo
I 00 c tlio txecumrs natnril In tho
J v r Dvllu Miller appeared
he pri > Miricain M < rit IIimuh H
V HrR1 I James 3
onJimi <
ino tvluii > so
r tli
liwlli made the cuatomary deposl
to tb i culloii ol tlio will TliiTo
IJppotlPit IU account of tlio n
lietY l ai It tt sptultil guardian for
I Arumi further proeuciilngs wore
arced tin H Monday
ot tho will
li fuliowl g H copy
his model of Um Mini for bretlty
II Jirtct my executors hereinafter
Ikd All my JuHttloUtu unclf unutnl
ielvo avl I Ilosti lo mv faithful
derailt pervitin llrldget Smith Ilia
Ifiyii I vise uiiil brqiiuuth all my
i > rc t Ml personal tt my still x
im or sum ltl BB RlmI < itnllly
llkO npoll theilMIVCH tilt OXiClllltin
il my will n I th Miirvlvor uf tluiii
> tr su > o It lil up In ttiu following
ami unit and for tint purposes
to Ill trilst t MllvUln Into
i lDT
niiilp rti r MmrtH uud to colltct
anrintH limes and nrolUn ot eaen
cii i ud nftr payment of nil
miliici mv IxpctistH to apply tlio
ionf fcupn hhuriit to tho use
ijdiii tK4 r Minn Arthur until ho
I lllrty uml
UiUioHi JUtrn
jtbo nn1t aiiin until ugo of thlrtt
a dgu transfer convey
I xt an l > l livi r iiiilil la t mentioned
oto tny hjiil nun If my said mm die
e imu or buforo attaining
hjjo of tit 11 ty > uars
la either of Mich ovunls
fdMie timl bequeath wild dliitro to
uas living nt till death uml In lo
ot ucti Issue tn my diughtoi Kllon
inn Arthur uml up u further trust
jiy ilii net Iticonu of tho other tialil
itQlliotiHiiif tny laughter ttilcn
Jan Arthur until sho Hindi attain tint
tivcnl tliriH jditrs When rihu
1 Ituiu much it u of thorny throu
itbin to u Ikd tinnnfur cniivoy
itrrn 1 ildlvnr huIiI lint lucnlliiiitil
Homynalil ilauuhtur If my Mid
iter tlo uiforo tno or biloru
alij nidi ku of ttvonty tliruo
hiti mill In olthiT nt
ivntH I tlw fitvino nnil In iieath
tttr to Iiit Imuo living at Iter Juutli
laddmtlt f niich Ihniiu to my moii
lot Allui Aitiiur
it luurtli ami filth clauauH lolatu to
lunntrlii vthtnti tlio iiionuys of tlio
Kjt itltlSlI lllllVlNt ll
I nuiniti ti > roiiNtltuto ami nppolnl
iter Mat 1 MiKlioy uuarilliiii of
wmoti ami ortalu of my daiijhtur
at lit r mlnorhy uml my frifiidn
liiU Mill r Danlil 1 HollliiH and
II Kriicli all ol tho city of New
CMciilorsnf this my lant wllluiid
inmt liinby pvo in all fnrini r and
wills i y mo at any tuna made
ultuciui tvliirn f I hnvu lurtiuiito not
mil mid klu thH Bh day of March
Hhnul CiiKHiiiii A AiiTiiint
tatiH Ih tHthnatuI to liu worth
tliOOOO ami Hut uri atdr portion la
jtii to Hit in HtiicltH ijontli nnil othur
nil PMpiTty Hit ttnit OhcHlcr Al
hi aitnlniiil It ih iiimI rlty liul thu
ltrN i > Id union Ih not vet III
jMMDid It In mild that Mr Fmiuli
botqyallfy an rxtcutur
UlllfUml thnODiiir llloil
Miitn Pi rmurly our alavo la now ou
ibnut t iKlitctii fiionthH ajro alio
3 iikly and had n ctmli a nit wan
M to bed mid ll wmi thought that
wconmunpilon Thu treittinunt by
n Ulltil to ulvo ruluif In lu
f 18M a node or knot iho Hlz i of a
< K formed Ju itiovo tho pit of
tomacb winch when Imiced dis
til nutter el ht or nine
One of theau ftlao funned
r arm and tbrcu on her
which iicliiiruiil mutter for it
iindtlo time Kur alx iiioiitha of
BietiMwus coiiUiied to thu houmi
oitellln Him in bed TbuHtoinaoh
0 r tn8ll food ny reuclluK what elm
Hli iiHed it reut dual of
i but fidid to bo cured 1 bought
wlonl tour II II II uiado In At
liu and Kavo It to her and hho
taut w improve I then liotiKht
wehur thrte bottloit inoru and aln
W tn Improve mid In two montha
WcouKhiiitdoiuiMid bur ouiiHiItu
KiiR ucn d appetltu mid dlKoatlvn
ll dlCtiarKi a cenrotl iioiIiik or
dlMppi ared nnil Hho went o work
tBtly healthy nud fattuBcd up
vruroan had n married winter of
If11 K who wni effected In pro
la amu way and about ho fnum
Wm had iiodo or hit it on pit ot
i hick itc Hhu did not taku any
anil tho riido hor Htonuoli ato
If lo thu cavliy Hho continued on
ao and wanted away and dually
cro two tirrldo caaea of blood
ono lined 11 ii imiUflHapeed
m thf other did not tiso It nnd
U inohtarruredly inotat ttondtr
purlll r I rider to morchaiita
rt wwn Yours truly
Va W Aa May 1 I860
AsiiKiiin iii ueai i
J lliid if hlxutitt years I have
9M o eHi with citarrhof tho head
iiIUcd tile uao of all mcdlcluu
iiKtiiendvertlatntentof II II
tt1 Ul0l l orfeviin Iwt
1 > mt uiiut I have
ii reKtilarly
SLtl11 r < nnd rocorameod It
hiool 11rin r
leritf ot HarraUuti county Oa
dculre full Information nbout
ii 1 curo ff Illnod lolon
HwellliiKH Ulcer
j inm iiHiii icidiny tVimplalntB
a fciV rai > wo by mall free it
mm wlilt tho moat
JB > i tl htartilnu proof over before
Adiir h uM > u IUui Co
Atlanta Ox
° l t Victim I ndTnKU > llr t
H Uie
Uit Jc 4 Tueronlob
In 1 > ° waa hot a low day
itA tiramor for an astauH on
tl > ht
m at n oclock from Ida
ocluf Majkbam and Wona
lB > tlr power for him but
teu2l afB a l 1 tiy w u b
mUt u h oonqueior Mr
iKihethu ma
wero placed
under 200 bond by Soniro lmbrr bo
furoKiTKMaonK death but wcr rearrcH
d thla morning and r ialjid to ulvo n
wtv bund
N ithlnft haa hern beard of tho mtiMcc
col color Aiiioa Kitkli It ta nupnoovii
ho baa jono tor Rood althouniihlafrlinda
liopo to h o him roimn nmftxplain It
not known Junt what lilt Khoriao l
but It la duppoied to be omo Stoooo to
tho atato ilo la about oven with tho
Mr 11 Murphy of thla county baa Inn
returned from uwny up in Kansas and Il
linois whither bo went aklo alma for
tho druntil tufforera In Vio count
Mr Murphy aH ho was treated very
badly by mjhh piMipie up therr Intuited
duverul tlinoe called a Iratid uto In
ono limtanofl tho n j > ault waa eo p r oiml
that Im knocked lliolu ult < r dotvu and
went to court mid paid lilt line
A It l ht trtloular filar ll d Htar
OUHii Cure No opinteM No tiolioni
i CUIllB
yurilliim Mr l > aliurAltnlur tu CimlOrr
till Ali w r
Xow Vot k HUr
At tho Union Equant 0 oruo nieotlnRnn
Sunday ulRht llov C V McCarthy did
not have Ida own way In all renpeotit In
Ida effort to rduto Atoliblnhop CorrlRana
pastoral on tho aub cl of laud owner
rhlp An Invitation for a freo oxprewdnn
ol view on tho part ot the audience elic
ited mvm1 puitliient and poinud In
qulrloa wiiloh neoiind to bu decidedly
nioru oaaily nikod than itrlatM red
Tim Ural iiuttlo t w one lo which
The Hutrhaa bom Iouk waliltiR for a ro
plyi Ily what plan can the man who
owiih it little farm or a llttlo liouno nnd
lot bo made to turn Ida propfny over
to the Kovurniutiiit without being truatvd
uiijuiitly Jor anawur the lectuter
Hliderod n copy of ouo of Henry
liiTrfiu vaatvHt but tho itieatloDor
declined It with thu reniarlt that
allure to find a Mtinfiietorv reply In that
tiael or In nny ol tho Und npoatloit
willltiKa waa tue ocoialon of hli lniuliy
Thereiipuu thu Incidunt tiirinlniitud an
fnriia teRitrdaany further eluoldallon of
tho matter tnidur dlaouaaloii The Star
uroutiy ionr tM thla Will not Mr Ilonry
leoriio liltn elf kindly conacnt to put In
a brief ewtoinont u plain ittiHwor to thla
InteruHtttiK and piaclletil lutorroualonf
There waa it lady priauut who with tho
iifrtliiHoliy In lnttilattlviinuiN eharacttr
Istlc ot roiiie ot tho moat chitrmlni of bur
lair aex lualated on putilni anothur > msr
to thu nixtxp alter lt > v Dr Iowen It
nil tho htnl luipilrtid thin enfantterrlblo
ot inaluro yearn nut pdltlctl childhood
I to bo tIven to Uuelo Hum what Kiiur
antue li tluiu that ihut lir ii Individual
wont becomu n reat oppreaaor nnd pile
on thu laxuH an blub that uvervbody will
hnvo to uiko to thu utreitar To thla the
retorend lecturer uavo iho broad anatvur
that tho people would llrat bitvu to bo
educated up lo the doolrmo Tim In
ijulitilvu Itdy ttllll dicllncil to bu riatlnllud
with Hid proNpcctol IiuIiik educated up to
tlio point of eviction from liounu mid
home mid fallud to aeu tho portlnoncit ol
it luriher eluclduiluii of thu pioblimi
through the HtiUeuient that Mr Mc
Carhyn handkerchief which wi llu
trativuly wuvul buforo Iter face wail
property whllu land wna not iliala
ubaibaroiiH Idiu of property was tho
llnut n marl ol tho logical fumalu an Im
retired In diH UHt mid It wiih ovldenl that
bu majority of thu audience nurocd wUh
Tho happening at thla meutlnK nro
notunoitliy bueauao they rcllot thu our
lent > pillar thotiihi on Mr fluorKua
theiiinH Ieoplo are leaa concerned
abmtt what mluht occur In thu dim future
11 Henry CIuoiku ahutild mmintvhlli nahla
llrat t 9i In Huclal ami political revolu
tion micceod In reverNlnit thu provl
hIoiih of tho federal mid atato con
NilttitlniiM uud thu plnolplu fit
couttnuti law than tiny aro with
regard to thu llrnt appllcutlon of hla pro
poaud tax ajiUom Clnlmiti that thine
Ih no rlKhlful property In land ho IntendH
to reciiKuUu It for a tlmu by taxing It ao
heavily ita to effect coullaoailon In tho end
How It la to b doiiii la told In the Clnr
eiidoii hall pin form and the longer plain
peopli ponder on that denialiilion thu letiN
they like it The Unit atop la lo bo to tux
Iho vacant laud or the farm or lot
with n olienp Improvement audi an a
blackHinllh hbop na much per foot iih thu
laud Decupled hy tho grual wandioitin or
hotel ho that thu largo ctruciiirua ahall
pay no tax at nil and thoflo nimble to
erect great cdllluo ahall tju forced to
give up ttulr lutitl to thoao who will
Thla operation would concetitritto the
owiinrMhlp of all lunda and Iioi oh Iii thu
haiida ot ho veiy ileb thu mouator mo
iiopolUta nnd tint ureal corporatlona
Hut NuppoHo that when thu Aatoia and
loulda and their uiimnuiiei uu nit thu
valuable real ei < taiu through thla luturiuo
dltry operuiloii ot the Oeorge sjatin
they should turn about and any Thl
Una gone fur enough Wu hnvu obtained
all thla propur y tliMtigi your lawa Wo
decline to glvo It up Vou iiiadouud con
llruiiid our title Vou must ro pict It
Would they not perchance bo Mrong
euoughi rulnfoired by all lota rich who
would bu aggrieved lieoiueu their Hud
had been takuti away and glvun to thu
inonopolivU lo manor Mr George and
hl government u d put mi end to lib tx
Thu Qaorio llioory la obviously ono of
land cmflcalloi Why then tlliiorlmltintu
In favor nt the rich Why not Uku away
atonco tho real eatata ol tho Wtatern
Hilton tho N w Vork Central ot Cyrna
W Klitld or llttstiull Hage an well rn that
of Farmer William Smith or John Jonea
tho buttonmaker r li It bcaiioo tho
aiuatel of labor prufera to light tlio wrflk
oat ll at It thla bo nut tho motive pray
what la It And aurely thu roaaun for mi
extraordinary a procedure which would
WdiKMich Incalculable hardahlp to thu
iidu trloi9 and aelfMijiportlng lit favor
of t o rich and Idle muni bu ouo of un
common force and aotindnuaa
Truly all about thu practical working
of Henry OorgeH laud theory la inlnty
and parllonaly uncertain excuptlng one
thing only Tho ouo clear point la Wat It
la proponed to enforce a groat principle
through a gtoaa vtoftllon and deihnco of
tint principle to eradicate tho alleged
ovIIho land ottuerahlp by ati enforced
inouBtrou exaggeration and nuRravatlon
of tbo o evllai US prelect too people
asalnat the cruel exaotluua f great prop
ortyholdcM by va tv lncr < alim the
powur of tho nionoiwlUU of property to
If wo are wrong In all thiV will Mr
Oaorgo kindly aet u right Jty riii i ar
Ina aa n candidate for a lilth oltlca be h a
olullttiReil inqiilry Wo tru t that
will l o hla way to answer in plalu Ko
glluh tho umotlcal tiio tlon wo H vo put
to hint If hla rcvurtud tlolonder du nut
aeet lit to replv to tho partlnent uorta4
put by tha liifptlrlng voter and the dia
franchhwl but Inijulaltlvo lady nt the
meeting lu Union ajuare
lnt ln Coru
Thli well and favorably known brand ot
com la again bafore tho people of 1ort
Worth ami positively aUnda
out rival It l
nd wwi
Mora variety white
It apnroftoboa nearer the freaii
Lreoei corn than any other known jwelc
cor Co
21L1 ll iTI l FInL Kt UX AS 8W K7KMBI21U
A lrl oiirr In tlio Mount llrnannt Jnll
AUcniila to Hunt Ilia Why Out mid
Comei Nenr lYrlstlmr
lit Cnutrnl City llilr uf Whiiii wlltiKtv
tnl hmnlUr ItnllitlMKi llilrij
Iii Irf 0410H
Itnniit fitnaant all iiii llrn
Mount 1iiahant Tkx I o 4 Thla
evening abouH iSO ooloek tho jail waa
dltoovercd to bo on Ire and e > orbody
malted for the building with ladder and
buckets A denan Miiuku waa oomlng out
of uvery corner of tho rhliiRli d tool tvht n
It waa rtaUird by hum wiiu axea and
walor who atiurn hall huuralurd wotk
Kiicceeded lu ounijuortng Iho IlitneH Tim
lire waa started Iioiti tint luMde by A It
Ktlth who waa eenttnonl to tho peiiilen
tlary ut the lait turm ot thu dlntrloi ooutt
lor stealing Ha by aomo mean bad got
hold iif aonio inatcliot nud waa trjlnu to
burn out tho milting
A tmOOO fir nt Uaen
8HU1 tnthoUuiutlo
Waoo Tkx Deo l Soon altar 10
oclock thla uiurnlug n llro broke out In it
rnaltroka faotory lit Mra Hoalburlya
building i5 llrldga street There were
great piles of straw nd excelsior In the
building and the Utiqea wow llrat dis
covered In thla Iho iimltrwai iiukur
Mr riiaokett sajan match was Ignlttl
accidentally falling In n big pile of lint
cotton to thu room Tho Hi men sprind
like t flub uf powder and In no time the
Inteilor of the room una ablixn The
Mimes noon spiuod to iidjuuent bulldlnga
Tno llreineit responded pruinptly but on
account of defrctlvu servlen front the
waterwi ike thu lire got iniirly it bull
hours start ol tho ilreuien
Tho county Jail waa u t sunlit ol the
burning buildings and u strong wind waa
blowing directly townnt theprldon filling
It with smoke nud tho prisono were
imnlo sttlekuu for n little wmlo At llr t
Hhorlff Harris thought It best to remove
thiiin ami Tailor Hiophetis with aHMitatila
went Into I o eells nud ohalinil them nil
Heveral speohl guurda tturo plactd on
duty armed with UouDlebnrruInd shot
giiiia After the llro had burned illtuou
or twunty tiilotttua It was not duom d tx
pedlunt to lo novo Ihu prlHoiurn nud they
weiu teturiieil lo tho cells II id It been
ntcesiuiry they would bavo been kept lu
1110 the jail the uourthouae Is so situ
ntud that tliu iioilb wind blew tho smoke
nud 11 uues dlnctly toward It nud It
looktdforu while like tho courthouse
would bo burned County ludgo l vnna
advised Con lily CI ik linker to toiiiave
tno recordi litCHsu thu hotitu eiiugtil on
lire und u number u men vturo kept In
icsdlnuss to do this woik but It w s not
uicessary A ueuro man went out on
thu lop ot the building to watch thu
spnika that were Dying through the
air and fulling everywhere Ho put the
sputka out nr they fell Judge Williams
did nut adjourn Ida thu dlmilct couit
but tto windows went down mid the
Hinoku dltl not come Into thla loom bad
enough to drlvo thu court out
Thu people who live on llildgo street
and around the plari on tho oust side
coinuu need iiiiviug out and tho scone
hougara descriptioni duals drays and
wagonrt wore tiseil In moving goods ami
chattulaiiway Irom thu smoke mid whom
they ixpecled tho lit me to spread A
great many ot IhoH people lost connldor
nblu In removal but It Is ImpusslDlu now
lo glvo any llgurua of tho loss or Insur
ance It theru was any Whlto miu colored
commingled together uud plccnimlutos
mid white bullies wore shelteiiid ttnibr
thu samu IedipilltNnnd blankets from tho
biting blastn of thu north wind
From Mrs Ilotclierlys building thu
llro spread to thu unu n j dnlng on tho
east which belouga to Mr Hniilurd
Juhntioii and on tho west to the Waco
houso or Central City hotel tho propel ty
ot Hon K A Hturgla These buildings
were burned out nothing but thu walls
mo left Btindlig Dr W A Currys
building which Is tuxt lo tiro Wuco
house was badly damaged by llro mid
wat r
Tho llro was got under control at 11 iSO
n m
A rough estliiinto places the Iosh at bo
tw tin 60u00 and M OiO Hla honor
Mayor Hturgls Is thu nutvn at loner III
Instiraiicu li in folluwat Ilrlilah Antirl
can glJOOOt HiinMlltuil 91000 Union ol
Now Zeula d 01000 all of this
Is In J I Monro Va agency K
I lswhna 81000 on his saloon stock
In tho Southern of New Orleans lu thu
samuitgeiicyi also 9800 on slock and
i500 on tuniitiiru und ilxtures u the Ian
cmlershlru ol fort h Monows aguuey
Mr lew N dnmageil by llro water nud
removal of gondii Theru nro other poli
cies but thu umounts cannot bu lea tied
today lutur DoKrancIs occupied the
Ceniral City hotel Ho kept a bet r
saloon and run it boarilliigbonsu Ho
saved but very llttlo ol his elTcota nd
did not have 1 cent ol lnsiiratuo Thu
Ions falls heavy on him its hu Is a poor
mini Ills family tiro without it home
and sated very little anyol their ulolh
lug Mr Totuy Hav Key occupied tho
building with Mr DeKranola Ho Is like
his fatherlnIaw wltiiout anything Tho
Hturgla house pro urty ot Hon K A
Sturgltioxt to thu Johnson building was
also damaged by water but to what ex
ttut la not known Tho Waci Furniture
companys loss Is between 760 and 81000
on their maltreat factory outfit They
nro Insured lu tho Kurt A Morrow agency
for 8u00 A number of thoso who sus
tained loaats bavo no Insurance
full en llnririlj
OHKUNVIMK Miss Due 4 Ono bun
dred and suvoutytwobalot of cotton obd
nud ft box otr ot tlio fjOUlavllle New Or
leans Texas road burned huro yester
day The llro wna tho work ot on Incou
< ll ry
Ai luoniur
Sjioctal to tlio Uatetto
DKOATUit Tkx Dtc lMra Dr
ll ushaws hou o In west part ot tho qlty
occupied by Mr Joy burned thla morn
ln J
Twenty show oaaoa paokttd with holi
day goods at II W Williams Coa
Cheat proteotors at Wotlt drug store
COJ Houston street
i i i i
IfyourboweWdonot sot regularly do
not irrltato them with worthies and of ion
Injurious Mils and mulrumi but use
Morris Casoarlno
Special sale of Indies and childrens
woolen boao ut Handall Chambers Coa
An linkiiuwii llartonilti Alitor OH t nia
irtau N v > rl lltr In nnns r
Uauvax N 8 neo < An unknown
barkentlno la ashore lying lu a very bad
position on Clint Inland off Capo Percy it
datigsroua promontory on tho eaatcoait
of tapo Breton between Cow bay Mi
Ola bay None of the crew have been
ajio to land They occupy very peril
ooi poaltlun All mutt peruU Uuleaa res
cued toon A hcary northwesterly g lu
la blowlog and a tretueuduuaacais lirTak
lug on Iho Iflartda rocky shore rcndcilog
It ltnpos lblo for a rcoulng party to aa
close Ui tho stranded ship from hor
su It I believed she inut havo had a
ctowot ten or twelve but only tour ot
thesoare itmn inoMtig aboul and tho fato
of tho others la as yet unknown
llow Dr Tnling U Mil AKnlmt Ih
Irot Dmij m itK
That a man wiio was wholly dlacon
ncctcd from any pile ot fagota or ksro
seiiu or other coinbuitibto should Indi
rectly and alone while standing and
ulmiiK becotno tho victim ol spontaneous
combustion nud thus bo tninmiiiied from
the face ot the eanh la n proposition
found in ono t f tho nnt suriuuiis of tho
popttUr Dr lulmngo Thu aormoit pro
cinds with niKUh dlrtottieiiS nnd simplici
ty and thus relates thu history of thla
ltotstilty la worse lliatt thutt or ntson
or murder lor these oritnos aro nttaeka
on humanity That la mi uttark on o d
I his countty la prt miiuient fur bias
pheitty I hu orlniH ia iiiulilpivlmc in in
tenuity OytUary olwn uotva wlut Ilo
thinks ot It but fur tho most part Hut
fatality la hushed up J give u fact
that la proved ty MrH j wiluesios
Thla last Augtin of 18HU a nun aol
provoked at the ooiitluiiit drought ami
tho Itun of his crops uud In tho presunuo
ot hli neighbors ourmd Ood asyluu Utat
d would out HU husrt uttt it n would
emtio culling Him a ihr and coward mid
uniting tt knife Aud w ilo ho Wis sot su
ing hla lower law drouthd smoku Isattid
from his in nth and nostrils ami tho Uat
of his body win m Inictisu It drove back
thono who would onino ueitr Hcore t l
people visited the eeim and sav th
blasphuuior In ihu awful ptoceas of ex
While It U Iruelhatno niiwupjpor has
ever been guilty ol dmibtlnu thu truth 11
any Incident tehted by it tliigyman yet
tho Now York Hun was naturally muxious
to hear all It could n gliding this unnat
ural lire een to Uto ainoimi ot dm In
stirsucu thoru only poMluly btv Iiuui up
on tho luiiuniuit and in what uoiupauuisi
ntidlursiiourliigthU liifuriiiutloii It sent
a member ot it reporional atflff lo ob
tain Irom thu dlslngiiHtied ulergyiuan
Hdlltltiual facti That this vl t was not
succuasltil will bu knoiMi by on ouu who
wllieudtau following pafigraph from
atld Hun of New Vurk Said thu llrook
lyn preacheri
1 iippreuhto thedeMro for further da
tails lu this matter but I purpussly
avoldiid louatiiigtiioiivsnl and thu tea
suns that actiiuted me Hum Impel inu now
lohut1 tho tiff ilr from tlm publlo Huoh
an event Is a urnldu thing lor tho family
and friends ol tho man who waa punish
ed mid it was out of consideration for
them that I omitted to sttio where the
scene was laid That It U sltiollyinie
honuvur I bavo conclusive evidence
I torget just bnw It wui brought to in
attention 1 hi aid it reported by ouiu
body or got mv first Information Iruii a
private luttur I ottumt say which but I
um lucllnud to think It wui tlio lattor
Hut no matter I asked a trusted
itiendot tiiluu to lnvo l gale for me mi
hu did so Sumo correspundeucoeiiaiied
which ho tinned ovur to me nnd from it
I mn assurtd that tno affair did nc
inally and exactly tukn place its 1 de
scribed It I Iiumi thu correspondunoM
still but I think 1 had batur keiplt to
Now In this vow of ellnnce Dr Tul
inagti did not act wisely I mwiiih not it
llttlo Inappropriate that ft minister of the
go pi 1 should lutvu taken sides with the
MinUy and agalnat tho Deity Tlo pub
Ilo burning up of it blasnhiiner wonlii
seem to Imlleutu that thu Inn desirtd to
express his disapproval nf tlio growing
profanity but ll Air Talinago nny lima
ooncual fruiii tho anxious publiu Ihu
deflnlto fucW lit this cimu thu tilui of
itruviduiico would suem wholly frgttrutod
by the taciturnity of Mr Talnutgr and
theru will develop upon this Providence
the necessity of setting llro lo sum
other man and to sumo nun as far uwuv
as possible ruin thu uonttuallng power ol
the llrouklyn orator
Tint iimrua of cnaulntry to long and
dark but It seoms clenr that In uonciml
lug the iiaino uud place ot this Incident
Dr Talmngu becomes in omi > manner an
nccuaiiory alter tlio fact or guilty of sup
Prussia vet guilty of what might be
culled sympathetic profanity
Nor Is this thu whuio measure of tho
doctors culpability Ilo has thus oast u
dur upon the Itible upon whl h bis
closed hand falls so ottun with the two
fold power of energy and admiration In
that oa o ol lying recorded lu the Af is
the naniea of tho offend r nro given
mid iiiendacious peroua In all Huns are
uluruiud upon thu mere mention of Anaii
Ins and Sapphlra So thu fal u inliidoiinry
was alluded to by naum and wo all know
It was Jonah lu tho lllblu theru la no
saying ll waa n torrlblu thing for a man
to bu entombed fur three days In tho b
diiiiion if ft whale mid I would lather not
pain his friends by ulviug names It
was reserved for thu nineteenth cuiittiry
nud ilroiklyn titidour own beloved Tul
inage to uccuso thu lliblu ot ntedlvas pur
suiiallty mid it dcslro lo wound Iho fold
ings of relatives
Should llrolher Talinago sro these
oomineiita bo iiiuat not iii uinii that any
person In thu whole West doubts tho in
seutlal parti of the story shout tho until
aud thu fire and thu until Wo have nil
lirard ol hot oaths and exploilvo
oaths and oalha like a niuo streak
and are willing to bellevo that where
there Imu loug been so much smoke theru
might at least come some lire but there
Is it lougluu for particulars c lime and
place and persou Homo divines nscribu
tho ivent to tho early part of our cen
tury souifl Joente the acuo In Indian
In IB87 ii tho wot season in March and
say that tho profanity came frum too
much rain and not from too little Jlo
wlhHrrd by these variations mttiy thou
studs uf thoughtful people In tho valley
ot the Mississippi persona who would
love to relate this awful tale to ptofmo
citizen as opportunity might uffr hope
that llrolher Talmago will nut ruiiinin a
pnrileao for thu relatives but villi come
out ou thu Lords side uud glvo hli sup
port to what seems thus far a tbtvatted
plan of lrovlduuou
i i i
Krrp IV Of Ml
Tltero la no exumofortbo children hav
Ing cold feet when yon can buy woolen
hosUry ao obaap at lUndsIt Chamber
The 1rohlhlllon vote oatt this year la
Mtimitol nt SiaOOO which la about
double that oast tur Nt John lu 1HV1
Nearly til ol It was tuat In strong Jiupub
lktaii autns
Handaotu mustaofao cupa at tow prises
atJIW Williams iCos
llironesa Aliuler left 1200000 to tho
city of Paris for an asylum to be named
alter her Tho iuantclMlliy has now pur
chased a park ot 275 acres aud will erect
thu tiylum therein
TJj Vlusst Uaeir In to If arid
at Andorson uon > re
Tho f moa < yellow W n iimond yam
bmw potatoes at Turner McClurors
Where Prohibition Imna nro
Hlrlc nnd Kninlon Very
Kti jr
Jlltl AW nr MhUIIi TiKtolitlsia
tMilleu hi Tnlk tint nut Alolutia
t Aft
New VorklUrsbt icel l front lroileu lt J
Tliu Startling story ol how the ntl
lltiior lawt ro evaded in tit statu of
Maine deaplto tho tjytisiltiitluual iiuund
mutt prohbltlng thu manufacture or tlm
sale ol alMihollo drinks aa wlaletl to Iho
Herald uf Sunday last la tipeatcd wllh
vatlatlnns wnau tho workings of tho code
In Vermont la oousldered
In Maine Iho problem ot how lint to
do It has been
thoroughly solved lit n
most practical manner nud thu blbu
Imupjr limlitiud aamtro all of tho spliltu
oils ootisolatlon tleslred Tho actual
rosnlts as intlloated by tho txperleim
of noaily fony jears of nroaliiitoiy
leguiullon show that pnbllo sutitlnieiit
aluno wlllenforeo tha aUlms nnil that
UM only in email rural uoiuintiultiia
that the Itw obtains rioomiltlmi In
stead of any marked deorcifo In tint
uunsiimptlon of liquor during Ihu past
tenoars theru has tieeit n omiHtttuablu
limroaso nnd Im must oimpetsiit au
thorlty hai expressed tho npiuloit lint
tho two great parties aro llkelr to onino
together lu loom aff tlm should tho rad
ical Prohibitionists attain atiy headway
tn nolltloi
Vermont like Maine baa n lUpiiblloan
govurtiiueiit and thu DomouritUit pttty
has lo bear the timolol thu responsibility
orthuiioneiiforcemeiitut thu attlngiuit
laws ogattist nun that now have it plsau
In thu stattitu book So tor na law Is
cono rued the Oreen Moturnlu nlitto
ought to bu the paradise uf tho teulo
lsttiaseoln what nianner thu le l li
tor have endeavoied lo vittiiiilsli King
Alcohol The sale of lupntr Is tiiilftwtiii
In Vermont A Mingle aalo is llulilo lo
the iieiiully of n iluu for tho first off noe
due nnd liiiirlsnnmenl lor tho second ami
mi Increased fine nnd tt longer petlud o
Inoaiat ration for tho third ifTeuco On
thu uomplsltii of iiHiiiglo ouirun a nuaruh
and ssUuiu warrant tuny be Issued nud
Him prniiilHu ol the sukiimcI may no over
haiiled Tho owner of tho iitilldlng in
ivhluh tho sale la made bioouies re
spnuslble fur tho autlon ot hlsluiiuul und
lnttnr in prinusi of iransporatlon
uiny bo silaed wliliuiit n warrant Kurlh
ermoru the tlrunkaM who will nut tell
the oiiur whom bu old allied bis Uijiior It
Miibjut to sivete punishment Cartalnly
a pwtiy sua law mid ouu which It
might In auppos tl would nnku Ihu tx
Istenco ot it tiouaer of thu anient it
burden and tt snure
No iiiotintit to ottr iiitiiii
When jour ciirr mndeiit oiiniienced
to investigate tlio nutiial londllloii ol
alftirs npracllotl lost waa tiitdo and n
number ut publlo dauun whittii Hipior In
sold were visited in ono of tho Inrgo
There la generally a sign at the door
announcing thai oyatois or lunch may
bu obtained within There Is u trout
room which runtalna soma cheap furni
ture with a labu or two dicontleil with
a bottle ol catsup or puppursiuuii lu
another room lo thu roar or on unu side
there la it bar Nothing ot the gorgeous
Paraphernalia ol a conventional barroom
ii to no scent It Is innruly a place lor the
dispensing ot hard and suit muff lo
iliosu who buy ll tor Us own sweet self
n gurdloss ol surrounding A MiUurn of
tliu bar Ilxtures would not have reunited lu
a serious loss lo the proprietor of any ono
ol thu places vl lti d by jour correspond
ent and tho iiulity of tho buwiragn
would cutiHj thu miir ol it bun vlvant to
stand stiff from I ho burror his palaln
would suffer Something like it dnfeui
barrooms weru seen in full Mint in u
clvlo community ol Intenselosportahlhty
backed ny a code ot repiesslvu laws un
known In point ot ueveilly Iniiiiy oilier
potlloiiot thu globu In no one of the
piohlbltloii sintes Is thi codu so urblliaiy
us lu Vermont
Tliu modus oi raudl ol uvmiuu la us
followsi The uidliiury method Is devel
oped In tho defiiiHii o n seller against u
cliurgo iiiudo by a drunken mun Occa
sionally an ItiibrUtii U hauled In foru the
couri mid Is told that ho will ho Inuk d
upmic knpllii duiuuci vile itiitll bo rn
venls where ho got his Intoxluunt Ordi
narily tiudttr thu clreiimsiauufs he wilt
swear mat he got It from it luliow who
gttTu iilmatuwsivallowsoutof aiiollle
time iiatiio unit looilhy solndullnilo us to
buUI lniiilry Oraasloiially hu will tell
thu ruth ii < peeluy If bu has u grievance
iigiluHtMuiiiu lupiordtalir and will us
clone thu mime ol tlio vendor wiio tut
nlilied thu Uiiglefiot J hu latter In
dividual Is ijttliti iiut to the emergency
Said n illNttngiilniimt outitisulloritluw
to tliu llurald correspondentt Thero Is
mi nalonlshlng degteu of boldness nud
system In the perjury that Is committed
on thu siiitiotot liiiiur nulling lu Hit
state peijiiry widen in nine oases uitt of
ten defuats thu liiteutl n of Ihu law aud
wiiloucaunDsgiovo doiibiH In the inludn
of IntolllgLiit ptohiiiltlonints
iiiuiiiv iiiii hum
The denl r nlMtyihrtH a iiumlHirof lett
ers whom ho supplies with their dally Up
plowooam Inreudlnesi logo Into court
and testily that nt tho tlmu tho allvged
miIu ws tiiadu the persou charging that
ho obtained hli liquor was refused a
drink and that bu was too much Intoxi
cated to know what he was about or
wliuro hu was Almost Invurlably In such
oases tbor are two or tino or lour lo
testily contrary to tliu single tea Imouy of
tho ouo who wits foroed by tno court to
tiiaku u disclosure ol tho plaoe whero ho
bought the ruin and sueh testimony Is
su iusslul In oluarliig thu skins ol tho
The search and seizure clauao ol the
law ia met very easily It Is nut utien
that this portion ol tho codu Is called up
lor litest for tno h annua that will bu
stated but when n seUitre Is uuttiilly
mulu uud theru la no auuterfugo by whlcii
woapu oun tie nad the dealer psys hla
Hut and teltlaa imts The duo for n
first sale Is only 910 nnd as a Hurling
toil barkocper stated Wo dont have to
pay any Itosniv end wo could iffold to
pay a jcIi a lino every mouth through
tno ytur llul it stcond dKhdmj
oills lor lmprisoiiuisiit aud a
iuuiiUih oonflnuiiiiut ia not a tttlug tu
boooiirtvU Thurelore the deuUr who
has lnun ouoo oonvioled proinptly kuIis
out to Ids wlmi elerk or to Tom
Dick or Harry who will stand byblui
Wotil thu lauur 1 ooiivitUd for tlm llrst
tlm an thcr iuk of the bu lee sls
uiado and ao th good work mm on
1neru Is all Ingmilous system ot tr p and
hldlt > K ptaoes usul by yuitalu dsoleis who
are especially under tia mn ol tho on
thomiiH whureby tbu Ktoek In trade I
eeeruted Others loop tho main supply
in ouu place and ruinoro to tho pises o >
sale dally Inatiltinonta sulQ ent to jf
ply the celUol oonsumma
We havo some uuunle but wo cot a
good living Jumbo same quoli a Jit
bernlao who brings down his sv > ck uvety
morning tn sivnraljuu
In Ilutliugum tho largest city It fu
stutu and tba homo ol MlulsUj Phofpft
and of prcsldenllil candidate Uoorgo
V JCdmuuds Uiero 13 t jKjcullar wtn
tint law lie bar wrestled with Iho pro
lem ol enforcement for joint and with
thu powerful legal inuolilhery at bis dis
posal coupled witlt thu tamest real and
honest intention of the man It might bn
stippoffod Hint If prohibition will prohibit
theru might to bu a deal of dryness Ju thu
n etty oily on thu bluffs overhanging
iViko Cliauiphilti
Mr lliintiiigiin Is absent from town
but n personal Irb ml who represent d Ins
views staled nt lingth the worthy moral
ist hud becomu Hied of tlio unequal oun
test Said tho gentleman In question vyhn
by tho way Is a sympathizer with thu
tiprosstvo law i The solu ilifllanlty Is
beuaiimiot thu inuk ot public Interest
Mr Hilullimtoii la disgusted Hu ns
stood tliu biiint of abuse uud enmity for
years uud tho prohibitionist who form
Um Milcalled Piohibiiiry inrty will do
nothing to help him Tboy will talk
until tho orai U ot doom but not u practl
out iiiovu will they iiinku It 11 ulinunt
liuposlblu to liidiico them to maku a
oiiiipiitliit nuitluat n liquor dealer hut
thnv will uriilolsu and uotideniu tho Hit
piiblloan party became It does lint iilip
iiiusseof I qtiur Mr Ilumlngtoii now
feels tliatsutiiu of tho professional pro
hlbltlonlhiN ought to take a timid in tho
wotk hu hss catried on so long mid ho la
resting on his ours no to spoHk
J lilt LAW OAN 00 NO VDItllllll
Mr David Poster tho prosecuting nt
toriiuy of lliirllngloii Is qui to powltivn
that legislation h a gouu ns far us prat
tlcnile Tiiodlllloulty Is not In tinlaw
Liiln thu kck of iiiianlmlty ot pithlio
sentiment Mr Pusti r slated Ihut plenty
of rum Is sold and will be sold regutdluss
of taw mid those who clamor thu loudest
for uiiloieiuuiit are thu least willing to
taku nil p to aid him Tho Prohibitory
party ol Vermont comprise about itooo
voters moit ot whom aro vlslonntles or
Inconsistent unlets who nru not willing
to do inoru than talk
Tho practical working of Hid law
said Mr Poiiter Is Unit It control but
due not prohibit tho sidu of liquor We
do not havo much drmilteuiiita In the
streets mid tho i eider aro careful
not to sell to chrontu drunkard In this
aspect ihu jaw work well and la a bene
fit Hut It does not prohibit and With
luo protein condition of tho popular mind
It cannot bu rondo to prohibit
Thu Jtpulillean party la plrdgad to
t > robihliton uml I always ready to add
any new law to tliu stalulu book that will
tttqiarently wntrlbuto to tho strength of
cast iron euaoimuiits already pas d
Tho Demoeratlu ptity of Uto stale la lu
ftvor ol high license It may bu said
that lit the country district thero Is
quite aa iniioli It nut nioru runpect paid
to tbu l w than lu Maine but on tho
whole liquor Is Hold with about tho
same freedom a lit Mr lllaluoa uoui
iiiuuwealth 7ho prohibition movement
cxotpi ai tv theory Ii diminishing In
stnJuxlli nnd he bunion of opinion np
Items to bo that about all has tiioit done
that 1 possible to enlorco the dogm
MoAuwmle All sticit a deslru liquor In
Vennuiit may obtain it some howew
Imuuij put to more trottblu than others
dtpuuilvut on tho lucillly of their place
ot residence
IlKlntU TilnatOM
In canning these goods the ptckorfl aa
cept only lbs fullgrown puittctly tlpu
tumalju Tuoy am pared uml can nud by
n proeetM entirely uew All tho rich dell
cite ilavorot the freth tumalo is retaliied
Try thorn and be convfrrnl Vot rale
only by nm Von Worth Oidcei Co
youc uuotgotildolm Utla wllfj rn
ItlactltD liver Morrh C c rtJo Cife
affections of theilr r add Hlmulsteni U to
healthy uctltui
ft iwft jiMiiinaia
III alili to Mum our stt of
IsiiiU unit roiiiilo uml uonronollhiK llicmpftrnlyz
InKly low
Dahlman Bros
Invotie whieliH chtracterinio of that
nrlittteratlo llttlo tiitiuiclpallly There
la n privileged olniaoi liquor dealers
who sell to it comptratlvi ly neleol sot
ol oustomcrs May of tho lalter class
iro not drunkards only moderate
drinkr who neter or rarely becotno
Intoxicated Tim piico let thono places
merely alone ita n rule itlthoiiuh oocrt
sinuaily n raid is nudo and the dealer
pays Ids 630 r 880 ilm m coats like n
llttlo man Tliuseiiiiiuent ot tho bind
iiess im ti of bu lown is that thero should
be no violent means resorted to nnd by
itasimoliheprevatlliigeondlllon of the
puMiii mind tho nalo of liquor goes on
pMctiottlly tinliiurrupiedly A mninbur
t ih board ot alitsnuin ot lturllngtoitla
it wbolesaln dealer In spirits nnd ho sup
plus his oiiiioniers lu the night tlmu
without molestation
Jititlaiid Is thu least disunited by tho
grating ot the machinery of Iho law ot
ant of Hie oil b ol Vermont Hum lu
stud In mt open maimer without Iniefter
mice other than sporadic raids Middle
bury St Albans Moutpellor mid ltdt
lilngloii togelner with IliUllugloii uru
liu latgo lowiia of thu slain and tlio
liquor Undo la utmost uninterrupted In
llmiit in Ihu stnnll farming hamlets
which ooiiipilsu the larger portion of the
village tno law has a bnttt t showing as
rvgatds enforcement Hut uveii lit litest
Illtlo collection of hmmoH Iho tomtits nro
nntuonusponiiliig to thu posstnilitles ol
tlio repressive codu Tho principal dllll
oiilly whlih pn vents ruforvniuunt Is tho
ftpatny ut tliosn who In theory nro ttucolii
ptoiul lui iiroiilbltl ii realuta
AN KAIINltsr fllOlllllttlllNIST
Thu Noal Dow ol Vermont us nearly
mi any ouu uliuenot thu statu resumblea
lite ilury old militant tuitotaior of Maine
Is Mr nniuiinl Huntington of llttilliigtiiu
Mr Huntington Is n bouksuller by ocnii
pitlon mid its tho liquor tradu la mil apt
to bun ihera patron ot n bonk shop thu
worthy gentleman is nut deterred by thu
fear oi loss ot business irom his practical
display ot ardor Kor many jears Mr
Huntington bus noted its an mmitutir
priisieiiiur and ho baa held the illicit ol
shutlffua well It unv ouu wished to
iu Ku it complaint against mi alleged
rttmsellur Mi lliiiulugiuit hits been
ready to put Ills iiniuo nt thu
boiiom ot tho allegation mid bin worst
enemies admit that thu old malt linn been
consistent lu bis endeavors lo eiioion
tOtTIHI3 IIAblffi
A atllONtl KMOTIONAtA01ltlfSI tttUOHTW
rho excellent PtencnUtlon of tho nctf
onmody drama Dtigmar at the opera
houso laat night Was wltnehsil by a small
audience and could It havo had tho paU
tonngo It deserved tho iotjtt would havo
been packed
lingular n play has nomo fault
rhero la but llttlo comedy In u and Hits
sot an ludifferetitorder Tho prolnguo
Httt l lt l R t but weak
1tull ° i i wnllo thu aecond
and third acts ciiild be much Imnruved
Hit alar has too much heavy otnoVlonal
wotk o perform lu ono play with Innro
oommly and thu outtliig out of some ti
poillitous wotk by reducing tho play ono
aotlt would bo much Improved The
conception of the plot ia adiuirabln nnd
suiuowliftt tit n novelty Thu lines aro
finely drawn and Interest In thu nana
tlvn never lags Su lunch f r tho play
Mlsa Loinse llnlfe na Dsgmar assiitnt
it very dll ljult role whlct she sualaln
wlUi much credit mid In tlm first ami
fuiirtliiiuiNUIspiaiaa Versatile gotiua of
thu emotional nature Thitto aro also
sconoa In tho olbor two acta whom alio
appears lo linn ndvant gu At tlniea
thuto sennicd a lark of funlliiu Inhtir act
Ing but thla was nut vlnlblu In tho
siiongur situations ol Umpires and lit
thoso she exhibited iinqucsllonablo
giinlun At time In tlio llghtor shaded
ot tho charsular thuro was n
touch ol coquetry aboul her that
strongly displayed her versatility
Her conception of thin etronu
elmmotcr Is masterly fur sho uses much
art lu Its delineation and with her heart
Jn bur woik nnd a largo synipathotln
autlliincn to Inspire her alio could preaent
It wlilt iluu effect Her beat acting waa
in tho last not whrro sho extoru a con
feimlon from thu villain thronuii tno art
tul dissembling of an liiginilous woman
Considered puroly as an aotror Mis
Hallo la entitled to high praise and tlio
harshest uriiloisut upon her acting laat
nlulit ontild only bu that nt llnifs sho
si ulna lo bu scarcely In sympathy wllh
thu rolu shu assumed ami this may Imvu
been dun to tho empty seata
Her prlnrlnal Hitpport Mr Lew dlovor
ai Col Stanley and Mr Wm Haroourl art
Hugh IVrclval was all that could bu
desired Ilolh nro line actorand possfsn
splundldly trained voices Ml Ida
Thayer ns Itlaliards mado tho part all
hat It wua wm Hi and altogether Daguinr
Is n strong mil action
Mjrn liimlwlii1 1Ui lsuen
Myrn loodwln waa born In Huston
Masa Juno 11 HMO Wbrit but n child
Hhu mado her nppcurancu on tho atago of
tho Huston Museum in tlm Jitvcnllo iina
font coinjmuy sho took tho part of a
iunkerens especlnlly introduced to show
mo public her gracdul riauolug At tho
ulosu ol hor lluslon eiigtgtinuut situ ru
urnetl to schoul at thu convent on tho
Almost S IHHfi rlio mada her debut In
New Vork City ut Colvlllo Pourleontli
sinot theniur In His play wrl ten
ixnrtauly for her by liilward 15 Kidder
That Ihu wuy of the star aoiibrettu In
prelty hard mid erf poorly paved at
times Is shown In ho case of Myio Oood
win who ha had more than her abaro ot
dlitlctiltles slnoo alio iftilenulned to bravo
fort inn and becomu a liiuilnaty In tho
starry Held Her manager James V Ma
gtilru icoltcH lit corroboratlun this InclV
lent i
iOun Saturday muttneo at Dallas Tex
the sllda on which Mlts loodwln
lunkcfi her tntranca In His
broke In two she l H to tho
stage ami nil of Iho cniorxuiy thought
that shu was killed A physician was
called Iii nnd after half an hours hard
work shu was brought to her flret words
were i What will beoome of tho play
That evening lit tho same town thu
wooden horse on which alio floia h6r
circus act bloke and olio Vm badly
hurt Wuthen moved on Inwards OaU
yeston When wo reached Crookett Mlsa
loodwln with three oilier unmoors ot
ttiocomptuy wan taken with tho Texan
fever nud lay sick lu Oalvemton tor tun
ilujs wliero 1 had tbu compiny to get thu
beat ot medical aid From ttalveaton wo
went to N w Orleans And then Huvd
North Kvorythlug went well until WO
nachtd lllchmoini Va There on tho
llrat night lu tho middle of the first long
and dance ehu sprained Hor auklj but
sho never uttered a word allhougi nut
ferlng great pain until the curtain
dropped ou thu list act wlita shu
fainted Tho phyilclan that wa called
In ordemd hor lo lay offwhich wo d d for
ono week ami a hall Wn then started
again and readied NeV Kugland In tlmo
only to bo caught In Ike floods
Illla year ovcrytUloK I hzlght audi
thora have beeu no auiVJcnta thus far
Wu opened our aeaiou October it and mw
doing a splendid busuiuss Wu play
tbrotuih New Kuuland tiuill Nxtvombor 27
th < n to New Volk for Uju two wi ka ot No
vonilxr J9and Ijvjcinrber C then to Phil
adtlohlafortho wtt 4 of December
Wo itieu play iJoitlh where oil January
iff Manager Uufi Orcunwall Inkea
chew of the coin any atul playa utt ovar
his circuit f jr four wnko where wu hope
lo meet nnd thank In person the many
friends whet ho kindly sympathised with
us ut our hour of truudu
Aioiia Kf i > ai i < i
Wo dealro to have every ono know that
wo nro making a big run on city nnlea
tale iisul u runs withliig to buy or sell
sliitiacsH atutseous Our Mr Truitt
U n wiVonuako ical estato msu antl
pari tho btttluM for all thure la lo 11
AP TiumTOo
sa isui in siiiil iiMOn i i i > i I
An unhealthy condition tit thupuwull
cause indigestion and dysjietttla Ator
rlACowailfiaJit the cure
I m i i
Tho bett ctear lu tha ety WiM
dr x tors W JloutWoWHti
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