OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 05, 1886, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-05/ed-1/seq-8/

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If 1
k m
< < ir lonnA
1CII 110
Absolutely Pure
TAia pOwdor noror vatici A marta tf
entity itronicth and wliolenomenCM nora
idonomlaal loan ths ordinary kind and cannot
V77 Mi nun in
< ln joomiieittion with tha mnlMurtu of
V It h ° w m alum or jihoyihuto now
il < r 0oM oni
106 Wnllfllreol
Wow Yorr
Time Curd In Jffent Juno 7 18KO
billy ArrlTAli and Onparllirriai
Arrlye Lmro
I6J Iarodo AM 1ooU 7iir a in 7ir a m
16 DaiiAntonloAltIoiilaH20 p m OilO p m
noiiTii iiouwrt
181fit Lonla A Ifirndo 7Miin HMiira
flan Antonio 7 odd m 7ii m
1 Kl Iaio ToxatkntiA and
NflwOroan 7 00 a m 7 3 a m
I UolaradoAndTnxArkAiin M p m UUfl p in
1 Now Orlenti Tatar
kAna And HI Paho Miim
S TexArkAnA AOolorado 710 a in
ITo Houston And Ualvca
I To Olotmrno Alyarado
xnd IMlIm
010 p m
810 n ii
liiM a in
tiitt p m
It Train Ilotnton And Jal
yemon 001 p in
J Krrtrn DaIIah Alvarniln
and Jluljiirnii 1111 m
Ilorttt bound Sitf m
oulli lioanu 1111 > in
0I fiUBK Ticket Agent
Lonvo Arrlvo
fF M Tr lnt J limn III Mam
tilled Train ZiSOpm llltin
l A Mimkii Tlckut Agent
A Paulknku Jam Fans rtgt
Depot near coiner I Jone atrnol nnd rintr
Mltavenua Oily orUco 4 < ri Matu Mrnet Hold
Oompoiod of llio
UouhIoii Toxiih Control Kali
wnynud ho Fort Worlli
Now OrlouiiH Hallway
ntlt RTATK HOUttlK DAtlt
Tha OentrAl Jloula la poalltvsly llio only
lintmsan rorl Uortii IIdiihIiim and Oalroiton
llila rouln Ii nlnn nilloa iliorlar Irom Knrl
w rih toOoIvoiion limn any nllirr raulo am
lldirrour mllai tlia ulinrti H mm rorl World to
II lantoiU ml mukps tho run In 1im llmo limn
ntyollidrllnfl It la the routo fortliai o > lnof
JCjrlWorlhtotravellt Hiey Iiavo Any regard
ortlmo or comfort
Jnida yon In llomtoii with tliclr inorilnn train
nut of Foil Worth at t p in ami at GnWtnton
WHO p m IniUind n At mlilnliilit a licioto
firo lly taiinK tlm evintnir irnln mmi will
nrrltn at Houston at l5J a in and at lalvonlon
nittlWa to Jlenilour
n < itpAtronlio the lino that kWo you Ida licit
ttirouidi Iullnian aloviirra hntwoan llotitlon
Bid St IxinU on Iralna S And I and bmween
Oirloann and SI Uiiilion traltia 1 nnd 3 vlu
llnlat Danlnon and HnOnlln ThroiiKli Dakota
In ill point Uulokom route In Nrn Orlonni
nnd iiolnla In UioHoulhoniit Jliolcco roiima
via Oenlgn and Ht liul or lloutton and Now
Oman Hleamtlilp tlokou to or Irom any
liolnt In Kttropn
fori Worth
< or lcnn
llrenli r
lloa tAu
Onlfom u
j so n m
It ou it in
i no p in
ft t p ui
iRll 4
1 so p m
n 13 p m
3 ou p m
a m p in
4 7 p in
n in ii iii
b Vp m
h to H in
a fo p m
h mi p in
4 4S a in
I 30 a in
a oo n m
a m a in
i 41 a in
n III a in
H 50 n in
0 f 0 a m
no p n
NOp in Id If a in
J M n in J 10 p in
u m a in a oi p in
H to A m 7 40 p m
14ii a in
ixrtinx Arrlvn
iWitT I Wo J Mcount
J a p m 0 60 a in
u a p nt 8 oi n in
U in n m II M n m o 00 p in
u ia a iii it in p in a 20 p iii
jo in p m to in It in 2 n p m
0 Jo p in U i a in II IA p m
7 0 i in U IA It lit 7 RO II 111
A Ml p nt
la n a m
0 IS p m 0 10 a in
S tO p III I 10 n 111
ft 11 i > in in n in
1 10 l III It i III
10 00 n iii N no p iii
7 m a in 8 so p m
NowOrlnao 7 BO p HI
Iieaviy lifiavn I ata
fDally Dally oxotpV KiiniUy
fleneral Iati nnd I lukut Annnl
P A MILLER Tlokol Agent
Iriilt Uiih
Wo liavo mado nrrangoinonU with tho
Inrgeet bakery In tho Bait to furulHh ua
ivlth tho llneat Irult cako ever put on the
market and will cost you leva than II
baked at hoino Onu and onuhall two
and 11 vo pound cakm
Four Wotvrit Oitoonn Co
Kvuporated vcgetabloN
Tumor McOiuron
for soup nt
O W Jloanoholder
registered nt Ilia Irnnel
Kansas City la
It O Ollroy reprisentlng Iho
UiurA company is nt thu Mannloii
III J tt
Gordon a wellknown Mocktnan
ol HiJI county wa hero yesterday
Colf W Hooth sn I J J Terrell o
Dicaturare reglitered nt Oloccbion
Mr John L VVanl lms Icon iiilto nick
for several days hut Ia nowconvuluncont
A O Cranlon ot Alaska an olil resi
dent ol this city In Linck liuru on a v t
Mr K I 0 ch the druggist who has
lictii vury nick Willi pnuumoalA In lm
irovln >
Mr JtinrleA Hborhsy of William
o ilriiK Atiiiiu will Kiionil to day vrltli
liiinu Jolkn In HIiuimiim
Col Wilitmu Hnrrlson prtAlditnt ol tio
Hluto NAtlOIIAl hank lull IttSt IllKllt OU H
bllNllRHHtrlpIll tllU KtHt
W It HnipcH nnd B J Ihrdcsty of
Hprlnalkld Ohio am In the Vott and
nto ntoppliiK nt thu Irnnd
Mr Ii V Ilennott will upend today
with rolatlvcn In tho vllUau thirtytwo
inlliH inot on thu Tex oh lacllla ruad
Mr B I MtcroAdy of lottAjoro cor
roHpondliiK ftcrctary of tho HUtu
lrarmir alllaccu called onTiiisOAKTTK
Bldor J IfMcKnlshtof JUmnr county
tlilH Htntc Im In tho Fori vIoltliiK hlxiton
II IV McKnlKht who Iian lircn wrOtllltiK
with piiuutnonla for uvor < il dayH
Mr nnd MrN W A Ilnflnmn nnd
children It ft last nl lit for Now Vork cltr
whoro MrK Huffman will apund ooinu
tlmu Mr Huffman returning Miortly to
Fort Worth
Mr 1 0 Itubortion of Kcotlnnd ccrc
tary ol thu Tiixah fand CaUIu company
p nt yuiturday In tho city Thin In hl
Kccond trip AcrneA tho Atlantic and ho Ia
unthiiHluAtlcovur tho woiulorful develop
ment ol Tlxad
A AlltaorAIIMillOKIIt
ri Ilia aeaiioK mo nniiioly ilyatvlicn naturn
la not Jolivj anon llio milnuino lirUlinun
liul olil Im IniiiKOer liiinjiiot mil
Hilowa of winter will lie nor ua nnd llio f A < on
toon v iiiorn when In manner nulla
ilucoruiUHO mum nook liounnliKOnll
Kor llio KOninrrdana are over IHi rod nro
tillllulila of clover And otoo liiurry ttnoil
Imid nivir on Ida liauma no mora tine
And Ilia ipietllnn now my dentin tlint dolli
mako mo frol i w nry I ilm ol I on
ilart nmi tlruari Unu I wenr mat wlnltro
wat 1
luuMning Irtuhcnp iititHwArtKn Cottage
galloiy Ih paying forguoAAoK
Deputy Sheriff McDiiiigat winpre ented
j imterduy with h Imndsomo gold budgu by
unknown frletida
CoiiHiablo Wilchnr arrested n mm
iminrtl Ned DavN yeatordny for nggra
vali fi HAiilt IIo pnvo bond
Suventyono right ol way iIuciIh to the
Knit Worth A Now OrlcuiiH rullroad were
ill d Willi Hi county clerk yiHterduy
i il Miller it young inu III tho Oriipi
vliiunulg liornood win put uiiilur bond
jeAterday lor earn lug italxshooter
In tho null ol Aiinlu Ilickwlth vo thu
Huiitilu road et nl njiulginmittvai ren
tlortil In tho county court In Invorol ilm
pliilutlff ngiiinat II HiiiiihOo foi 9800
Owing to the bud weather Friday even
ing thu ixerclsuii of tho Ililloiuinmiaii
nooluty were poaipoued till next Krldnj
evening when tho munu progrummo wlil
ho ruiiilered
HeaHoiiN timycomo nnd go hut tho
blnlllko noteii ol clmriuliiii Adulnldo Ittn
iIoll will over lm runnunered by our
miiklclovlng peoplo JnckMonvllIu
tfa TlniiHUnlon
Tint Hlohmond Vn Dlpitoh nnyii of
Adulnldo IUiiiUIIi Iho unclmiittiig
number In tho IlrliUI Trap Movo Coiiiuk
Mko a Summer High Ih worth thu price
ol udnihnlon nlonu tohcar
Tho peddler DeWllt who wah ntrucli
on thu liCnd with a lemiiii riiici7ar itl tin
Itceti Trco oaloon fomo tliim ngo iimler
went yeaturdiiy a treiiltiiig opentllon
hat umy puaslnly itavo hln life
That llltlo rcmaik ol Uo Jim Ilrltton
about tho iniinljer ol peoplo that get on
aiiiI oft tho c < trn ut Fort Worth Ntlll goeu
Whoever Ih lieptloiil let him lm at the
union depot Id tlm early part of thu night
Tht only I t ol opuni thU hiiihoii by
the li J ui opi m couipiny Mako your
ongngemeiitH eurly And bo rendy to gtt
good n tH Thu limhlou mid elite ol
Fort Worth will open tlo aua n by tb lr
Tlmt poAAiim nnd oyider limcli sent up
by thu oU rheutttd law oii to Tin
akiti nliifl lAHt night wbh it ttluniph
Ax it work ol giiMronnmlo nrt It n lleoii d
Inllnlto credit on IiIh clnl Mr Nlvl
llurliy mill to both iho enilto Mnlt ru
turn their grutelul nnd elnroro regards
It ih n beautiful Curly A h huwIiiu nut
chine that J II Mitchell i Co iiropope
giving away on thu Uld to thu oiihimi
gue erou the Jtr ol Iiiuiih and surely
iloHervonnpi ol l iiientlon In tho o coluiiiim
All thu Indies lu the city Ahould call ami
guoHH and hou trtl miignlilceut pkco ol
Waller Hinlthy a joung boy who wan
tho occ hIou ol Hoinn troublo nt the
llollaiiipritrMit AChool had a trial In the
recorder court yuHterday IIo was
oimrged with dliitiirhaneu ol tho pence
Iho toAtlniony wa rather voluinliiouH
but thu tipahot ol It wah that tho recorder
louml Walter not guilty
Thu IocaI political pot In Hlmmorlng In
connection with thu coming city election
I no iiiuiMlon Jnat now Agitating the iiiHiiIa
ol lutorobted purtlea Ih whether In the
oviint H Ih iluclded to nominate oandl
daten It h bvHt to havo a primary dic
tion or hold n convention to do thu mmi
imtlug woik lloth plana have plenty ol
Tlm Kill Homo lonaeil
Yesterday thu dual iirraiigumuntM were
pttrfocted by whloti Mr Kit ward Muller
of aalvtstoti loaned tho hamlaonie nnd
apasloiiH now kotol known h the Kills
homo on Throckiiioitou it ml Tnlni
Atruet Tho lerm of tho leano Ih for flm
Mr Muller l a wellknown hotel man
Imvlng for a long tlnio conducted thu
Uluirilun hoiiao lu lAlvtHton Ahsooii
HHtho hotel can bo turulihid with thu
iieceHHary appointment It will bo thrown
open to tho public perhaps within live
On account of ban weather Wrlsliyii
Alphabet procc Non wan pompom d uutll
Monday altcrnoon
lntora Alarllnir
Tho Ity Ianto n anaoclallou will nfoet
to rcorflauliM on Monday nt OiBO m
at tho fit ivulVi MelhodiAt church
Main nuil Ninth itrcetn All pajtorn in
the oily nro Invited to become native
mcmuuriiof thlHakAocliitlon
11 J Ciiiht IroAldent
rmiarnl Air Tully
This noblo lady wan luld to rest voator
day nllemooii nnild a Ittrgo minibor ol
norlowfiUIilendsand hoavtntrlckcii rel
atlvtHwIio had atianibloil to aeo her
whom thoy o fondh oherUhetJ in life
lala ajvay wheru mortal eyca would never
wore behold hoi It wm a touchlnijly
ncone and tho tlnccro and
nttlvcml 1 rlif ol thono present
told moro eloquently than wonfn how
hard vrt tho blow that took her from
anionic them Hilt from thftt bourno
acroAi tho river whllhof her Aplrlt ha
lied Alio would send Ijack word ol co n
eolation to thosn tlmt mourn blddlnx
them to follow her to that land whero Bor
row cannot enter
Invltnlluii li T neli rn <
Tho following invltntlon to tho aupcr
Inindent and tcAchcm of tho city ptiullc
Achoold Is nelf explanatory i
In Irof Iloioc AndlhuTencliorn In IIih C itr of
Kort WvrlliKrecllAK
Wo tho ixocuilvo commltteo ol tho
Hlne County KdacAtfonnl nHAoclatlon dn
inruby notify yoti that wo will hold an
lfi tMiitu nt Hbomooii Hattirday Decern
ber II I8bi uml wo extend to you an
earnedt rifpietit to 1 with m Come
river mid huip nt X < > will ncelvo a
cordial welcome W It Whuajia
Ikvi Num
I 1 HtmiKv
Through tho courtcay ol Kupcilnlend
cnt Krost of thu Denver only onu fare
will be charged for tho round trip nnd
thus at a very Mlubt Xpenm < tho teach
em limy mj ly nn exceedingly pleanant
day with tnelrcolaoorofN at lthomc
Jlrnnllrnl JSxorclnr
Tho lato memorlAl trlhulo by tho
Knlgbtfi ol 1ythlaM to tlieli dead brotham
Monro Qnlckcnsleclt and Z > lgter wero
In thu hlghe t degree ImprenAlvo Touch
ing and appropriate muHlrnl nelectlonn
were rendered In tho cplendld Hylo char
acterlatlc of Mm W IJ Koim > dy Mra
Dr Nixon MIhh Illrdlo Abdlll and
MeMm Hlgby and Volght
Mr 13 A Alvord then iniido a very feel
Inglyworded adilreM full of noble forttl
mont and replelo with fraternal nllimlotiH
to thu loved Knlghtrt that would mut
with their brothers novormoro on earth
Alter hlincamo Mr T J Iowell the
brilliant young lawyer vho more thin
KUNtalneil hl reputation for nraUiry HIh
Apetch was pronounced < a gin and ol
ItH kind one ol thu bent ever dellv < red In
Km t Worth In thus honoring tlm mem
ories of tho dead iho good Knight ol
Unl Croud nnd Queen City lodged conltr
tho highest honor on thiiimulveo
Hiipcrlntriidxiita Itnpnrt
Tho following M a weekly utatemcnt
of tho nvoragi itctiial enrollment nttend
nnco and turilliieHii in tho city public
Achools of Kort Worth for llio week end
log Friday Ii cumber I 188fii
WiHin Hifio u nllciit Inllliii ft tin
Week In Denial uiirolliiient ynt thuiu hni
been nn iitiyiidAiico ol over 00 p r cent
In nil the blllldliigH Ixcipt No 111
NliKtyIntir percent Ih very grind The
tardy lint h Mill too ureal Building No
II loom 8 bullnlnif No III riioniH N i
< mid I nnd boyH High nohool had not n
tardy during tho week
Tl Oiirrn Iiial Nlglil
Atlantatoballluiloii Octohir Ulwa
Thu IIIJiiu Opera company pluyed Thu
Ilrldul Trnp to it Inrmi housu hint night
mid to way that tho nudlenco wah plcnaed
won ii by it wenkway to expicns It When
all thu OAHt did ao well It HueuiH nlnn nt
iiiilalr to bo InvldloiiH by dlHtlctlou Unt
Mr Hurmaii Waldo oh tho Count Ar hur
W TaniH mi Involln mid Harry F Dixlu
ah Puwtolmd thu Btoward aiu e pe
clally deHorvliig ol commtmlatlon
MIhh Clara Ilnndnll ui Ma
rlon wai vory good In aong mid
ilnnco both line above them nil wah the
only mid inlmlUblu Adelitlu liundill
Such n voice na herH can bo heard but
u or liiiflglniil or kocrlbeil mid her
dancing Ih nimply tho eloiiiencu of panto
mine Huch n voice mid Hiich it pair ol
dancing tiet may have been heard mid
teen oo our Btago beloie but Diey belong
two illflortnt peiforiuerH II they n iu
Aili I tide Ittnilnll alnno Iihh both mid Aim
h artlHtenougli to iiialo herglltH it ltj
lo otliern Hit vole Ih aliniiHt Indnlte In
ItHACope mid It remliiilH ono ol am ilea
lion ol thu muiilu ol u lutoniida lyio Tho
prlmoiuallty ol MKh Adelnltlu Ittiiifall
dnnilug U IU gnice which Ih the prluio
MUtllly of nil ilaneliig but llio iiextfia
into Ih her qutckiieAa Her dancing may
well ho coiiLiand to Unit ol the older
Fmiiilu BIlHler tho funimm Bngllalt dancor
of llfty j earn ugo ol whom mi old man
alter lng nt her
g exclaimed Mn h iih
much quicker than lightning iih lightning
Ih quicKur than a aoiiu wall
Thin company Is glvlug the public their
iiioiiuyH worth anil will doiiblleHa bo
heavily patronized
TIih fitmoiiH company will be nt tlm
Iort Worth opera limine tomorrow night
I ueaday and WeducMlay mid Wedneaday
To tlm Oily o uiudl of Tort Worth
Thu undersigned ha been requested by
many cIUkciih living In thu vicinity ol the
cecilon ol tho city hnig north mid canto
illutt ntroet to wpectltilly auk you to
dlflsolvu our corpomto relations nn far na
thu pajmont ol inkea atu concerned for
the following rcAioimi
WoreooUo no beneilt whatever from the
Incorporation Cattle run at largo un
disturbed lu thla
region Bower am mi
known Oraded Htreuts aru n thing wo
have despaired ol In fact wu havu no
AtreetN at all worthy ol iho name Thort
Ih ono ntroet that attempted to get out ol
tho city with a Hlruugllng degree of uc
ccmi till the Htnta Fo railroad cumu on
and nodlallguted tho north mil ol town
that you cant guo where that part ol the
town or airtotH nro lur tho out made by
tali apluniild road
Wo cant gtt a Atrect opvned alter
illviiraoltiieinha > ubuen oloMtd though
before they weru eloael tho otvuera ol the
otHMildtiiu hint adjoining thu struct
nto eloami and calling lor tlioui torn
but now that It la nu longer an Induci
iiiunt to am > < thai thoio la it ntroet they
clone It mid Mil thu land no dedicated
In fact wo nro In thu uonmry lu nil
thing except too payment of Uka I i
u go to the o miitry for that aim whore
wo dont have to Wo did have one
ent rprlHing olilxen who thought hn
would dueolve tho hugo mimotuny that
> v rhung mo lotuneatlng ultUeiii of thla
part ol tio burg by Jnylug tlown noiu
rook to ward tut tho exceanlvu mud that
norvsradud ntreota had accumulated
but he wag told bofom ho got throuul
that ho would Do Indicted and no ho quit
What are wo to do but get out ol towur
K i I
flllOl HOt I
There l to bo prenonted to thu county
comnilaslouers at their next mooting
potltloa for tho uttAlgUtonlng of ono ol
rcpnrtvl wllh lri < l rc rd In IurllrCUrnalh am
Irallliruliim Or 1rlri IlaHna Iowiltr mnlaii
li Ammonia Minn or Alum Itr Jrlro limal >
Vbiiiiii lAimoa Oiaime otc navor dollclouilr
peter ntxitts ptuvore en n ct > o Xr fnxx
beaming rotiiitunaroeH will ridlatu mid
uladd ii tunny a Home Sneet Home
Iho tiioiilfiiHhlonabiuntid populnrnrtlclin
liirlhln purpiiHo tlm ciimlng miuhoii will
Urttmlnt ol tomblimtlon plti li drcralng
unHUHcontuliilngn eomploto nmiilcuro set
lothi articled of numeroun pltcen per
Iiiniory bottlcH hmidkechkf and Jewel
Iliinh novelties will tnko tho phicc of
nnythlim hiietoloru brought out 01
ciiiirne ChrlAtmanriirdH of unique deidgiiH
piiliitnl In lanilncapt winier hciuih
lilrdn II worn etc will itlno bo Intro
iliicml thin mason anil a great many other
attriictloiiM new and tn ty that II Ih not
iioeoAHary to name for K M Welln tho
druggltt at COU HiiHton ntriet hni tir
rnngi d to 8how them all nnd ho will
place oipMcu on them too to Insuro it
ready mid rabid nnlo
Tlm Inper IIo rnrlnry
No one 1iah any Iden whitt tho Fort
Win tit 1rlntlng Houno Ih dolog In thin In
duHtry unluw a Uit hits been uiiido
thiougb thin dopnrtment They employ
about lift en pernonn who aru cuii tantly
at work putting up paper and pantdmnrd
boxen Tney luivo it dally Handing ordur
of 1000 boxen from one ilrm hem In the
cltv which Is iiohlng c inpand to the
ordurn they riculvo tlin iighout ilm whole
ult mid Irom tho ocuniry ihilr book
binding tHtiiiilnhineiit Ih it ninmmolh
concern nnd tho machinery A kept itl
most pu netunliy In motion Port Worth
can well bu pioud of thin institution
lint imlirn Innt Hull Kiitrr
Mr John C porn stated yenlorilay thtt
he had never known n briind of caudy to
sell us the V OakcH brand In doing 01
course It rati easily bo attributed to the
super or quality of thu goodn They
nvu hmidled other w It known brnndn
bill thin onu In a great deal iho most
ntpld suller An ununnul largo arrival ol
ojAiem jenturday proven that thu ovnter
trade In nNo booming with Iheiii ihel
ehel du culslno Is
the lluent outsldu of
No Tmo fop Nnvtupnpitr Dim
An effort to obtain an advortlsomont
from K J white lor todays Insiui of the
paper was a folium Ho nlniply had no
tlmo to prepuo mi ad for ovory per
urn In thu establishment was busy selling
nnd waiting on their customers Thin Is
not iho largest dry goods houno In tho
city but It certainly does a handsome
fim u fkvkk diamonhs
A ainioillenrtt Oinlny will 1 Hiultl
IliUUIly rorn IVw llii
Visitors tho past wiokbiivo found many
Ihlims ol raoro than ordinary Interest In
the exposition and among tho commend
able shown of nit and nclenco none prob
ably command moro attention from tho
manned thmi tho exhibit ol Lo Fevro dia
monds hy C W Field ol Liulnvllle Ky
Iheso Atoica aro cut by a eompany in
Loulnvllle ot which Mr Field ut
dent and they bear a meritorious
t an fiom tknt city mid other places whom
1 ivo llulul Jewelry net
with theau Mones In worn everyvMiero lu
thu South aid Kant mid thoy present to
hu cannal 03ervtr every nppiariioa of
bent diamonds Their IiihIui and
brilliancy U nomethlug marvelous and
they rival tlu most costly btoouh
a ntiongly that the bonton have
ltiAtenit of tho othern Thu
goods are not exaggerated to anyone but
am nptostMod for Just what tiuy nVo
Aionen that Uv unt and nettings equal t
1Vw1i 1 n or Particular Ttieybear
lw v > Ml1ri th0 IoaUvnii and
Nutv OrtnauA exposition unit to intm
duce thorn In tho SouthWoat the comiuiiy
have ileolded to noil then nero at very
moderate figure lVnplo who love
bright sparkling tllamootlH niter vlowlna
HM will bco the fallacy of buying loweli
which cost
fahuioun numn This exhibit
In tho llrnt ono In Ifont of the north dSor
ot the buildljjg Oihera aro neltlng white
Atones lu tho building but only Mr Field
tho principal roadH In Tarrant county
and which will II CHlablltihcd ahorien
tho dlatance between terminal polnta hy
coven mlliH or nearly onothlrd of the
prenent dlatance Mr A C Drown of
Hmlthrield han tho mnttar In cfiaruo and
will appear l foru tho commlHioncrH at
their next nlttlng IIo nhould have in < l
douhtkAH will have Iho cordial Mipport
ot Fort Worth people In IiIh laudable on
deavori but tlnro nhould bo Home ap
pointed commlttio to appear with him
before tho ci inmlAHlonerii nn on earu
e t of tho deep Interest the city IcelH
In nil ruch movimvntH And II thin
new roid which will bu nluetien mllea
In length could bo grsoed It would be
Iho bent luviHimont our ruullirH could
tuukii Mr Ilron liifgrinnTtiK Oa7kiik
tint for a dlAtnnceof nliotit eight inllen
from town tho gravel could be supplied
within ono mllii nrd a half of tho mini
Tins O zkttk aIIiiiIiih to thla miblict In
thu lu po ol attracting tho ittti ntlou to
tho linportaiico of IiMernig tho retail
tiado of tho rnty Itillr ndn nro carrylt g
Kurt Worth wuren Into fluid never peno
trncd before but thoio Iwi been no cor
circnpondlng advancement in our
retail IntereNtH Omul roadn
nro needed to give to tho city tint wh cli
rightly belongs to It nnd they nro needed
by tlm country iih well with payable
highwayH the farmer could come lo town
when iho wi other prevented woik at
homo and Hiiih eiinblo tiltn to mtllisu the
tlinu now lout btcuiiHo of Infirlor road
wavA Thin Ih a matter tlmt niilts the
hi rlnut ciiiicldertttloii ol Fort Worth mid
Tim Iaxkiik believed an active tlTort on
Hie pirt i I iho city will rriuct thu hearty
coojieratlon ol tho country
tllml Will tloniprlanllin IMulltisniiiUop
iilnr ITr nU DiIh rtiimiin
Two wotkn from mxt Hiturdny ih
ChrlHtniaii day win u tho old ciiatoin ol
giving mid rtcelvlng prenentu will nn
uu il bu olui rvtd Tho tiny of nil others
when you g heartn will limp with Joy nnd
9 3 C E N f
hamllm tho Jo Fcvro diamond Tho
iiitno In ntamped on ovory card Dallas
Dully Herald
Mr Field will exhibit and noil those
laniinidH conimenoliig tomorrow night
ul II Schwurtncorner of Main and Hoc
nnd strcetH thin city
Iltrllnl 111
The following hnvr Just arrived nt tho
Fort Worth Grocer Coni
Ilgn feet
Jlitnvla tomatoes
linuiia corn
Ilitavla pumpklnn
llitlitvlt itiiiiugun
ilntiivla pun
IlAinvtn wliltewax beans
llttitvin ptuehen
HaiHtin gritted plro apple
I1 k < tapioca
It lift chicken
linkers breakfast cocoa
Hup snoot
Hrotch jtunn
I homier and Lightning
HtMwcll hamn
Maple cyrup
Maplo Hllgtr
Hun tliloil kaches
Hpleed pickled hurrlng
IVitl bnrloy
California raisins
Knj dors rntnup
Ildlliiud herring
MvapuraHl ranpberrloH
Uvapornted peeled peaches
Kvaporalu blackberries
Kvupornted pitted cherrlen
It cu flour
Fluent Dehcnla layer ralslnn
Finest Imporlnl Cabinet riilnliis
luro upple vinegar
dumbo lifer
licet noiip 2 lb cans
llirkern niuplo syrup
Dandy cgatn
And mi itlmont endlesa varloty ot many
other tlilngi too numurnuH to mention
iOIlT Woiun Qhockii Co
fimll rtloiie K up Alnvluir
Should jou havu iinythlng In tho way
ol piopertj mid wish homethlng olno for
It call or io ii wo will nullnfy both
partlts our Mr Trultt Ih it trader
Como mid neo us A F Tuun r Co
Knrp tVnrnt
Thuro In noexcuno for tho children
having cold lent when jon can buy wool
n hiiHltry no cheap at lUnUill Cham
bers Coh
lliimporn at the Fort Worth China Con
n Afl r H wn llml l0 tHlr Interest to
II fitwk Jbninhen of all kinds
600 Houston stmct
So far the following grocers havo
Wrlsleys UiiMirpiiHied Alphabet soap
Ilunentviurnoap ticket which entitles
1 ° V T IWH HariOH j W
Wllllaiun 0 8 Hiiiidegaiil Livy llron
t M Liittrell William ltlchniuml > IT
lallup gBKs ro
f Ht lroUct f at Wells drug store
5QU Houston street
Special nolo of ladlen and childrens
woolen hoso at Itandall Chmnbern Con
Dinner tetn thu chenpent plnco to buy
lit the town h the Fort Worth Chliii
t o fl
lmli Alnnir Karp Moving
Our team In itlwayn rody to show par
Hen wlnhlng to Invest In city and wo can
can show tanin of thu bent bnrgalnn ever
INred Wo invito all to call at ur of
A V Tn T Co
llman lllnnltvlit iioO Mloriu Oov i
prI Clab y A bls stock at vy
Hlorm Uuvra
Mro of yor oidclludh
t and save
ivL y rUollK > 0 r Iwrso with a
° r > l at VTaclR
Kxour lon tickets will bo ou sale Dom
m rr 9i22lyA ° Sa Vtmtltm and re
in ir ° S 0MKlMx 1 tl tarn
and good thirty this inch way
0 D Lusk
Ticket Agent Union Depot
r l orii1 of woo
n drain goods
h WK
at lUuiiali Onainhom Con
Mntuly tlKBi
Positively tho ba t nickel cigar over In
market For nalo only by
Worth Grocer Co
Ituvcrii will find It to their Interest m
BOO Houatori ma
Sty I tictom ot Wolladrnc
60J Houatoa etrvct s s or
numi Anur
At 1 IJ Mitchell Con corner First and
Thiockmorton streets an elegant nnh
tied at 7f to tho pernon who comes ucur
jiBt guchhlng the number of gralnnof corn
beiinniind wheat In tho Jir at our ofllco
Como and register your guess Iteglnter
open until lu oclock m Hattirday 11th
IfiHt J 11 MnciiiUiCo
Wo cor < l y Invito VVKHY
IIODl to come out anil fee our eleg nt
display of fmcy woilc excuted on thn
1 0MK8 r hBWINO
MAOHINL A ho riy welconio to all
llrlilil Urrnrn nn ICxlill1 tliti
Ladles wihlng to pco an i leamit bridal
outllt are Invited to coll nt 1111 Houston
street Tills trniisemi will lm on exhibi
tion Monduy ulternonii mid Ttunday
Muh C D IlitowN
The plncu to buy a real Inrgnln In wool
dresH goods Is at Ituudull Chambers
For Chrlntiins pronentH see thu quaorii
jilo jilated nllverwaro at tho iort Worth
China Coh
IllIt Ainu Koi p Movlnc
Wo will sell city property on tho In
fllnllmont pi in or time or lor cash Kx
changing property a Hiulalliy t
A F Tituu r Co
Our Hprnliil llnlliliiy lirut
Vnnos toilet nets cupa and saucora sold
at hallregular priced
nunketn hand unit work reduced one
third price
Iootd K d Lino gilt to 81
Standard 7fi cent bookn to CO cents
Voiron 81 JO fringed to 81
lllblen Oxfouli spiclnl low price
man cardn Ilm nt nnd cheapi st
llookH legiilar L5 ceiita to 16 conti
DoJInaro lean rs Frlces way down
J oynuheupi r than ever
8i 60 Webjterillutlounry given away
8 0 ureHiliig cafe given away
66 dull glviii away
Ticket to uery curb buyer 25 cents or
Ailnlliiii IMttt ilxrumloti
Tlo IIiiiAtmiTtxai Central Hallway
company will hui ootid trip tlcketn to
Oulvinton for onu faro Di comber 2a and
21 Olll e I03 Main ntreet
L K FosiiicK i a Miiiicii
Anaintuiit Agent
Lvnpnnted vcgitablen
Turner McClun n
for rioup at
Htiirni Ilitiirmu il IIr n IlinuitaU
A splendid lot Junt received at It
IlUll Alllim Kr i IHiii
Ouroiilcu In kept comfortable for par
Hen w nhlng to buy m llorknniviinylhltiu
ol rent entitle A FTnunr t Co
Hen the Imperial lamp nt the Fort
orth una Con It wlndn llko a lamp
and In n brand nuw thing
The weather being so dlniigrceablo Fri
day Wrlsloyn Alphabet street parade
was postponed until Monday alteruooti
December 0 nt 2 oclock
m II
Mortroso restaurant From i30 to
ojJO u in and Irom
CtllO to 8iH0 p rn 1
wl nerve tho llnost Iluckwheat Cak n
with golden syrup mid good ccttco for 10
cat < F F MoNTitonia
The famotin yellow Nansemond yam
sweet potato s nt Turner 4 McCluros
For prenoiitn ixamlnn the quadruple
plated sllvtrwaru at thu Fort Worth China
ut n
To Ilm lnllr at rt Worth
13yory lady In Fort Worth will bo thin
wee c given a cud
entitling them to a
twalvoouncu bar ot Wrlsleyn Aiphabit
l00 ° 1chBW
y Presenting tho
card to their
grocer Jf your itrocer
grocurtlmt < H rvo Present It to any oher
keipi it
Wo hChln k 1XUanmrltUtRttha Vo
N w Vrntr finrtii
At tho Vort Worth Printing Houno nil the
lightCon rll0UngntlfOrt Worth ° M
Iuah AIimik K ainvliic
JM AVjtffjgl Co 0
orth China Con
Wo offor 25 stylos of 52 and 54inch allwool dross goods at tho astonl 8 hi
per yard ovory ploco in tho lot i3 worth 135 por yard Also 25 n °
goods samd width at 75 conts ovory pioco in tho lot is worth 125 ur 3 a
uino bargains in Inwh
Of every description Our stock of HLANKETS and FLANNELS
far tho largest in North Toxas and our prices on those goods ar o though simply nr un ° aty 1 1
Clothing and FurnishingGoods
Heavy wool suits
Heavy wool suits
Nice wool suits
Undershirts as low as
Scotch wool undershirts
Sold everywhere at
Splendid wool undershirts
Fino wool undershirts
125 to 150
Hosiery and Gloves
iiifluccincnls in these
Childrens allwool hoso T b
Usually sold at
Ladios allwool hoso 30c worth
Ladies wool hoso 25c worth
Ladles cashmoro gloves
Ladies mitts
Childrens mitts
25tl li
Three Nlibls
conne ctic i
O0nlifoftlonu vei0a aJKt
Adelaide RaurlaHBi
n OpsraCt
Monday orot hiB OiriiiJ i17 jk
Notv unit Rerun
rirla ni il m
nliJtu opera
ni cortam tenmifi
nloliy WoIIim
TiieAiltyevmlnR And u nVUMi
on mi itjriuitiwm
neat nt lnw W tut Attre
Ha Into tlj j tlir d
1J 1
Himilny pervlco at
Fourth Strtttfaw
Kplouinl Viir tlzh
Oliiinh omn yvrner fiiriiu
incaAtroil jlv A tutfh
A Alltw
ilayAi hool nt nm m ow iito
porlnteiiilont IroaclilaxA Ilia Sli
run paaior will 0 autited byft
cats rrte ou nrumvlloa
Mllcholl oalijtorlAO ehuicliEe I
at r eorvluit omtUS >
nt II0
n ni Jahii > ii Ito oMtlila
Rt 7S0
li Ki
mill l 1r0lllv i > rllln chttreh imr U
Ualhoiiii tiroolA Itnv liobt UKit
tor MtUhntl reliol at 0to4mAlt
Aiiporlniendent Jtiacliloi a < 11 ab
r Jor < tlnjc on rtfdmUiitifj
lit 7 JO oeloolc A cordial Intlliilon li a
llioau avrvluea la Ivon to a I
ntiil Tjjlor Uiiv it ii n non puw
iny ao ool nt o Jo n in W T fttaMxt
1 lB At 11 ill WITH
ciirulul Intlnllonn titcndLiWiltl
loml Ukbo nervlcea
Hptitli fiiiio llnptlnt rhorch corr ll M
ami HI Loula ntenuo Baniliy tiMiltt
a in Juilgn J A Ilnjljtiil cKfltirJsl
IrenehliiB He paaioif J 8 oilteph l
a in anil feorio ICohcrt toon ailJIPt
A clilelr iih in in iiiittingwIHia jaWl
> p in by tlin ovungo I t
Mt Intil Mi tlin l t Jplacopal charci
ner n Main hint Ninth MrorWoiiilirto
ntU30n in Prof 1 M Uliltf mHw
iluit Hirvlros et II a ra iD4t i
Itev It 1 Uriel iiantor luoutlMpYls
lintn ji in
Olirlallnn cliurclicornijrof fillthaalTW
morion ttrnoia MinilajMh l S
rruiiLlilne 11 u m nnd 7 i m AIW
ilially livleil tontlemllli entfliA
II > TKI tllltlVAU
At llio Irnnd ill oljnon bOWeUW
Inn 111 11 HdliM N w Y rk IJ I I flj
lleMi John l lluiiinnHlVuiioiiOOli
mill iv lloiifti nldor Kan Ill iJf
lliilnlltnii W Uhiln AAprlaxa 1J0b
llorilcs y Indl iiaioiU Mil V li
Olitrwoi II
At Hie Ilektrlek l aHNdlmerToJi
WVanoiillnliiiHtl l i ll i I TVSif
itlouMj li inkliniii Noir Orb f
Oiuter hhrevrpri W J Jifl ry >
Jojn V > w Orl n8 W II Oarniwui l A
lloiuoiii tpnJ
V fLnnKton n rniiy I A HolVii < J
wltinr liilliti 1 K Jllllcr8 nlUJ <
HtlCf Willi Kon K n > V 0 HlM
itnr tohiiiu lhom JJ
JcWiotoff i lWlLa
lllKK > Ulil0 > RO
At iilnoeclno a
Drown Ail Mil T
WlllutiKhUjllowl Jlv J > 1
It Orenilioiian Iliotiur II
T Uninplioii IIo a oni 11 r l 6uijirH JglJ
W Willi till Iolniili N MT IJS JS
WaooiJ II Al < clc A SmI
WJnlionnanU Iveatm II 0Mffij
lmla J li
JO iliuilcrucoHoTCiandJ 0 JM
Am io Mnnlon A1 II f7JttlSii W
A Jaehaiin lloo ram In J cr l lUHB
KiiiiUI Sliieready Iut iM MJJfB
New lurk W M Lodford top
OA Uarro SlI J
it el
tn w v ell 2yTl
Tho phco to buy fLffiV
wool drenn good D at IttBd
Dont fall to ace WrlilJ g
Alphabet ntret parado Tjuh < J
br l > t
noon Irof Wises
tho pnrmlo
Ilityern wll flod It to WttJ k
sen Wfilln stock of brunhea o
60U llountonsiruit
Coko for heatinglA Cl
it Ior sale bv Fort
Milled by P > r onnu < V
llHtuln etc ot mo Mn
Deceniborc TreMtaeaip
IluyorVwIlI find It to tojjW6i
brusacJ j
nee Wells stock of
COO IIous on strict
or soup at I Great rACfiflceo
< <
V f 1 V iikf

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