Orders GlTon Prompt Attention Repairing
Neatly Done
r3o exjji stokex x > axx as
fw J
for oar patrons this week 80SIK GENUINE SUIUMUSES In
jsive prepared our dross Roods department Tho assort
obraens the tlnest lino of dress goods silks Batins and velvets ever shown In 1ors Worib and bought with a view to
fine retail trade Our reputation lor correct stylcs and low prices on dress goods stands second to none
ocychcck silk velvets go this week at 125 fancy stripe silk volvcts wo offer this week at 01C0 fancy etrlpo plushes
MktJl9 week SI 7fi plain plushes all tho new colors our price this week 81S5 our extra fine ollk plush wo have
lto81 76 fancy chenlllo velvets just tho thing for trimming 7fic fancy chcnlllo plush elegant goods we only ask GSo
telling black woven silk brocaded velvots a most desirable article at 9175
SSillsLs Sillies
t bwgatns wo name for this week In silks will be found just as described and for salo all tho wcok at tho prices adver
Colorcd gros raln silks perfectly puro dye good color bright flnlsb and aro very desirable goods at 75c j colored
e llk elegant and rich at 1 our black gros grain silks rango In prices from 40c to 250
ick Dress Goods Black Dress Goods
immense of flno French
e ire showing an variety mourning dross goods In camels hair and India cloth Henriettas and
llao ot Courtiulds English crapas black cashmere all roil wool a posltvo birgaln atOOcj black surah cloth guar
U pure wool only 60cj silk warp Henrietta extra quality full width at 8125 black merino extra heavy full 40 In
Ide at 51 25
9 boe Is nsolutely without exception tho greatest bargains In really Quo goods over otTorcd lu this city by our own or
lerhonse and we can assuro you that any lady who fills at least 10 como ami look at them will mlsa an opportunity
ikely to occur again
jb135 3ESOUsrtoo fX2 < 3L 112114 RLsttia Starootss
MUTTON President G R NEWTON Cashier
nnd gentlemen who havo valuatilo papers money or Jcwoliy aro lnvllsa to examine
AprWttv railor 1 famished wncro thosa who have boxei ecu oxaaitaj s r entente
07a coavtjlence and lolsuro
Successors to TldbaU VanZandt Co Tort Worth Texas
jl banking business transaotod Collections made and promptly remitted Kxohngo
j ill tho principal cities of Europe
ariK M VanZandt Thos ATIdbaU N Uardlntr J P IJmltta J J Jarvle K J Hoall
1 0 11KNNKTT
sr Houston and Second Streets Fort Worth Texas
Cawii capital ana feittrplus sanoooo
il B Godwin M nLoyil J r > Hood ZancCcttt D 0 Dennett George Jackson
S I ISurnott K 1 Uarrold and K w Htrroid
Flno Carriages or Private collB a specialty good
rosdFttr tor plcature riding Hunting 1lshlni
< anc Drummers ontflts lwnys on
pi > eg leave to call special attention tojniy
IoS all tho finest brands of Cigars In tho market and which I ofler to the
trade at manufacturers prices
Mfls sold by mo arc guaranteed to give entire
atisfaction Sole agent for the eclcbratod
J11 genuine flno Jong Havana filler cigar In tho United States that Is sold
p1 Bend mo a trial order and bo fully convinced
JS3rThD Trade Is respect
fully notified that my stock of
is cjowing beautifully less and
those who put off buying too
long will be disappointed I
offer special drives in
FireMs Wooden Wapns
docks Hud RollBd Plata Jmraliy
Pianos and Organs
My Pianos tho Knabo and
Ivers Pond wore awarded
tho first premium at the Dallas
Fair for quality of tono and
excellence of workmanship
the only one given for these
qualities I also represent the
M son k ilJiltn base al SuOiiuar
ax Elser
KNOWN TO TUB TltADi bold by
xi ATESIAN fc nno
Tlieltobljmor thefit Louis Jewelry Btoro
St Louis Mo Dec C William Mc
Donald and Edwin Forest wore arrested
last night as tbey were abont dividing the
Jewelry stolen from K H Kortkaps jow
ilrystorc No 607 Franklin avenue on
last Thanksgiving nlcht 1orcst bad
bten suspected before ot having a band In
the robbery and was arrested a week atro
but the evidence against him was
not strong enough to warrant his being
held He was released and shadowed
tlnce and arrested last night jnst as bo
was dividing the plunder wltn McDon
ald Both men weto searched and jew
elry of every description found In their
pockets Tho total value Is 910000
An expressman In wboso barn tho otukn
property bad been concealed was also
arrested The men are well known to
the pollco as profoMlonal thieves
All lrlihtfl
Point Pibasint N J Dec 6 A
scSoontr oiue a chore on the H > utrr bar
of Towoseuda Inlet yottorday The life
saving crow went as near a was safe bat
could cot board her as sbe was fully a
mile out at sea V water csik which
was driven aehore was stamped with
tho name Jcully Sbepherd Mlddleton
There was a gale blowing from be north
east and a heavy sea broke on the shore
None of the crew wero to bo seen In the
rlgglnr and Saperlatendent John 0
Haven gave it oshia opinion that all on
board bad perished
The PresidentTransmils to Gon
hr Our Mm
Wo Will Novor Submit to an
ExtraTorritorial Law by
any Nation
Tariff Revision Urged Strenuous
ly nmllho Iniiinttlcs of tho
Present Lnw Sot Forth
All Patriotic Citizens aro Anxious to
do Justice to lliSoldlors lint
Favoritism Is a Shame
Chit Btrvlca Itetorm Bdut Ttve ntxt In
Now Irowlnc In la or The lu
dlnni Tlis 1abllo Inuili
To the Cot > frc i ol the United Statea
In tho discharge of a constitutional
duty and following a well ostablluhcd
precedent In tho executive olllce I here
w th transmit to the congrecs at this ro
assembling certain information concern
ing tho state of iho untou together with
such rccommendnUoca for logluiatlvooon
slduratlon es appear uccestary and txpe
oun jonuioN liisnTJoxs
Our government has eouslatoutly main
tained Its roltiious ot friendship towards
all nilier powers o t < elicbl > arly luter
est towarda those whore ikibsossIobs are
coutlguouH to our own Fow iiieaUmis
hau uilsctt during tho past > carwUli
other govoromentH tud nouo of thoao ate
bevimd tht reach ol settlement In council
Wo aro as yet without provision for the
settlement ot the claims of citUtmn nf tho
United Htitea ugmnst Chill for li juries
during the lutu u with lVru and Ilollvlu
The mixed commlssloun organised tinder
the claims convmtlon coticlnded hythu
Chlllun government with certain Kuro
pcan status have developed an amount ol
lrlctlon which wo trust can bo avoided In
thoconvititlon which our representative
at San Diego Is authorized to ncgotlato
Tho cruel treatment of luoilenslvo
Chinese has I regret to say beeu repented
In sotno of tho far western states
and territories and acts of vlo
lence ogalnet those people beyond tho
power of tho local constituted authorities
to prevent and dlfllcult to punish ait re
potted even in distant Alaska Much of
this violence cmbo traced to rnosS Swu
dice and the competition ol labor which
cannot however justify tho oprrossion of
etrangcrs where safely Is guaranteed by
our treaty with China qnuliy with the
most favored nation lit opening our
vatt domain tu alien elements the par
pose of tmr lawglvero wns to Invito as
simulation and not provide an an na for
endlesn antagonism Tho paramount
duly of maintaining public order uud do
fending tho luleresut of our own people
may u quire tho adoption of moasures of
ri Dtrlc ion but they should not tolaratn
tho oppress > n of Individuals of a special
race I urn not without iinsuranco that
the government of China wnoso friendly
disposition toward us 1 a 1 iuo t happy to
recognize wH moet us half way In de
vising a comprehensive remedy by which
an etfictlve JtmlUllon of QhlDoso emi
gration joined to tho protictlon of thesi
Chlnedo nuhjects who remain in this
country may bo secured Legislation la
needed to execute tho provisions of our
Ciilneo onvcntlon of 16S0 to check tho
opium trstllc
While tho good wilt of the Co
lombian government toward our country
Is manliest the sltustlon of American In
terest on thi Isthmus of Iauama has ut
times excited concern and Invited friendly
action looking t > tho pciformance of tho
engtgemen h of tho two nations concern
Ing tho territory embraced In the luter
oceaulo transit Wl h tho isthmian
disturbance and tho erection of
the stato nf Iauama into a ediral dis
trict undor tho direct government of tho
constitutional administration of Uogote
a new order of tblugs has been inaugu
rated which although as jet somewhat
< xperlnienta and eHordlug scope for the
arbitrary exercise of power by tho dele
gates ot the national authority promises
much improvement
Tho sympathy between tho people of
the United States and France born dur
ng our colonial struggle for Indepen
dence and continuing today has re
ceived a fresh Impulse In tho successful
completion and dedication of tbo coloFSal
Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World
In New York harbor Is tho glftof French
men to Armrleans
A convention between the United States
snd certain other powers for tho proteo
tertlon of submarine cables was eluued
at Paris on March li 1681 and has been
duly ratified and proclaimed by this gov
ernment Uy agretinrnt between the
hljih contracting parties this con
vention is to go Into efi > ot
tho first of January next bu tbo legisla
tion required f < > Its olectlon in the
United States has not beeu adopted I
earnestly recommend Its enactment
O scs have continued to recur In Ger
many giving rlsoto much correspondence
In relation to the privilege of soj mrn of
our naturalized citizens of German origin
visiting the land of tnelr blr b yet I am
happy to say our relations with that
country bavo lost none of their ae
ensomtd cordiality Tho claims for In
terest on the amountof tinnogo dues
Illegally tnieted from certain Cknimn
tbcamshlp linen wore favorably leported
in both boutes of conurit at tho lost
session ami I trust it will reuelve toil
and ravorabje bcUoji at an early date
The recommendation contained in my
last annual message in relation to a
mode of sottlemort of fishery rights In
the waters nf Iirltlab N < > rtb America
to long a ulilct of anxious difference
between the United States and Great
flrltaln ms met by an adveree vote of
tho fenate on April 19 last and thereupon
negotiations were Instituted to obtain An
agreement with her flrltinlo majestyp
govemnent for tbo pronmliiallomif Mich
joint Interpretation nnd ditluttlou ot the
article ot tho joint convention ot 1818
relating to tho torrllorttl waters and In
shore fisheries ot tho llrltlrtt province
as should ixecure Ibe Canadlau rlsht >
from encroachments from United States
tl hermcn uud at the samo time Insert
the etijoymeutof the lMterot tits prlvl
tedgon gtistantrod t them bv saeh run
veuton 7hoijtif tloni Involved nro of
long standing Mid ot grave consqueuco
find from time to tlaie fornmulj tltreo
quarters t f a cenlnry havo Riven tlso to
earnest International dlsniMlonc mlit tin
accomiatilcil by Irritation Tttnporary
arrangements by treaties have served to
allay tho friction which however has
revived as each treaty was tormluatcd
Tho last arrangement under tbo treaty of
IST1 was abrogated alter duo iotlco by
the United States on Juuo 30 isss hut I
was enabled to obtain for our lUhnnnen
for tho remainder of that season tho on
joymont of tbo full privileges aceonkd
oy this lerminatod treaty Tho j lut
high commission by whom tho treaty had
been negotiated although luvestod with
plenty of power toraako a permanent
settlement was content with a temporary
arrangement Alter Its termination the
question was regulated by the otlpula
tlons ot tho treaty ot 1878 as
to tho first article oi which
uo constructions satisfactory to hotb
countries bavo ever been agreed open
Tho progress ot civilization and the
growth of population In thu Drills prov
luces to which tbo fisheries la question
are cuntlguutte and tho cxpauslot of
commercial interests between them and
tho United States present today a con
dltloit of s fairs tcarcely reallmnla at thu
dato of tbo negotiations of 1818 Now
and vast Interests have been brought luto
exlstencu Modcsof Intercourse between
the rcspectlvo countries have been In
vented nnd multiplied Tbo modef > ol
conducting tho tUherics havu been wholly
chnuged and all this Is noecssarlly en
tilled to candid and careful consideration
in the adjustment ot tho lUltery question
Negotiations are stilt pending with a reit
sonablo hopo that before the oloo ot the
present boss Ion of congroei tlteaunouncu
mrnt may bo mnilo that an accept khlo
couolnxlou has been rsictuit A utitn
early day there may bo laid botoro eou
gr < ss tho correspondence of tho depart
ment of stato lu relation tu Una im
portant subject so that tho history of ttie
pit8t lulling tietiRon may ho fully dliclosed
nnd thu aotlun und altitude uf tho admlu
Iftratlnn clearly comprehended a 111010
oxteUklvo rnlerence Is m > t deemed hecos
snry lu this communleitum
The recommendations submitted last
jenr that provision be made for n prelim
inaiy reoouiiolsanoe of tbo ooiivtnilunal
linundary Huh between AlasliH ami Urlttsh
Columbia it nine wed
I express my unhesitating eonvlolloii
that tbo luitmacy of our rotations with
Hawaii should be omphaslad na a result
ot tbo reciprocity treaty of 1875 TbOhO
blamts on thu highway ol Oriental and
Australian trallla aro virtually nu outpost
ol American commerce and a nteiipln
stnno to tho growing trade ot thu luoltlu
Tho Polynesian Island groups have been
ho absorbed by other nnd more powerful
governments that the llawaan Islands
aro lift almost aline In tho enjoyment of
their auouomy which It Is imp rtant for
us should bo preserved Our trade Is
now terminal 011 one years notice but
propositions to abrogate would no lit my
jiidgmeut most lit udvlscd Tho para
mount Itiliuonce wo have tbora acquired
once rullnquialml could only with ttlfllt
cutty be regained an a vaiuablb ground
ol vantage for ourselves might bu con
verted Into a stronghold for our commer
cial competitors I earnenlly rccnmtmtid
that the existing treaty stipulation bo
extended or 11 fnrihur term of seven
yeari A recently signed treaty to this
tndlirow before the senate Tho lm
portanco cf lolegwpblo communication
tjolwoeii these Islands and the Halted
States should not bo overlooked
Tho questbm of a general revision of
the treaties ot lupin is ngam uuiler dls
casston ut Tohto Slnoe the llrst opuulng
of relations with that impiru tho Uuilvd
States have Jmt no opportunity to totlfy
their coiislkUut friendship by siippottiui
the jut claims of J > iun to iiutouomy and
jtdiijiondeiicu amoig nations A treaty
of extradition between tbo United States
and Japan thu llrst conUuded by that
empire has lately been proclaimed
TI10 weakness of Libert ami the ill 111
cully of maintaining tltecllvo sovereign
Ity over tho outlying dlainots havetx <
PomhI that republlo to encroachments It
cannot bo forgotten that this distant
community is uu ofta oot ol our uwu sys
tem owing Km origin to tbo associated
benevoIerjcA of American citizens whose
praiseworthy efforts to creato u nucleus
ol clvillzttlon in the dark continent have
coiuminried tespcel nnd sympathy every
where ehptclally In this country At
thouuh a lorinil protectorato over Liberia
Is contrary to our traditional poley the
moral right and duty of the United States
ton lU lu nil proptr ways lu tho main
totnaco of Its Integrity Is obvious nnd
nas been coutdHtenlly announiid during
nearly half a century I recommend
that In the reorganization of our navy a
small vcsrol no longer found adequate
to our needs bo presented to Liberia to
be eiuptojtd y Ic la tho protection of lis
coastwise revenue
Tho encouraging of tho develop
ment of bent llclul and Intimate relatlo < s
between tbo United Stat s and Mexico
which has been so marked within thu
past few years Is at ouce the Oceanian of
congratulation and of friendly aollcltude
I urgently renew my former representa
tion of the need of speedy legislation
by congress to carry into eflet the reci
procity coiumercUl convention of Jautia
ry 2J 1888 Our commercial treaty ot
1861 with Mexico was terminated ac
cording to Its provisions In 1881 upon
notification glvun by Mexico In pursuance
of hor announced policy of recasting all
tier commercial treaties Mexico has
flnce concluded with several foreign gov
eminent new treaties of commerce and
navigation dellulng alien rlghta of traJe
property and residence treatment ni
ehlppinr consular privileges and the
l < ke Our yet unexecuted reciprocity
couTostlno of 16811 covers nutioof tbeio
points the settlement of which l so ne
cessary to gO d relationship I jiropojo
to Initiate with ilexleo nrgotlatluns for
a new end enlarged treaty ot commerce
uml navigation
In compliance with a resolution ot tbo
fesau I communicated to that body 00
August 2 lau and also to th houso of
rcpies vitativo the oorr ponl nco lu
the caio ot A K Oattlog an American
tltlzin then lmprlsontd In Memo
caargud with tho commlaslon of a penal
olt js in Tens ol Which a Mixlrau clt
Izon wjh the o < j ct Aler a demand bid
been made ior his relea th elurge
against him was toamenddas to include
a violation of Mexican law wlthm Mexi
can territory Tflls joiner o alleged
offences one with the other exterior of j
Mexico indocetf ne to order a special Jo
vvStluatlon of tho case periling which
Mr Ctitttng was nleand Tne incident
has howuvr disclosed a alm of History
whereby an offense cvmmlUtl anywhor >
uy ft foreigner penal in th placo nf its
ontttmlsMoo and of which a Mtxioats Is its
o < ject may if be offender be found In
Mexleo ix tried ntl punished In uoti
i rmlty with Mslcan ling This Juris
diction was sustained by the oourtnof
Mvvlca in tho Cutting osbis and was p
prood by tho tvteoutlvo branch of that
government Upon the authority ot
Aimnenu statuto Their appellate
couitlureleiiug Mr Outttug dtclded
that tho abandonment of tint complaint
by tho mere cttUeit aggrieved by tho al
leged enmo a libelous publication re
moved thu basis ot further prosecution
and also declared justice to have boon
satlsniul by tho cnturcemont of a small
part tit U10 original penteico Tim ad
mission of such a pretention would bo
attended with serious results and ovaMvo
ol the jurisdiction of this govonmout
and highly dangerous to our cttlrous In
forelgu land Thonforo I ha u douled
It and protested against Us atlomnttd ex
ercise as unwarranted by tho ptinelpKH
Ol law and International usage V Sever
elgu has jurisdiction of offences whinh
take effect within tiia territory although
concerted nr commeticed ousldu of It
but thu right tu denied of any foreign sov
ereign to nuuish tt citizen o the uulted
States for u ofteusa consummated on
our soil In tlolaUou of our law oven
though tho ofTonso bu against a cltUen or
subject oi such soveiulgu The Mexlom
statute makes the claim broadly and the
principle t couceded would creato a
dual responsibility lu tho oil lieu aUrt lead
to Inextricable contusion desructlvo ol
that certainty lu law which Is on
essential ot liberty When cltUans
ol thu United Sta es voluntarily go Into a
foreign ciuu ry they must abdo by tho
laws thoro tu force and they will not bo
protected by thoir own government from
tho const quencos of an uftuiiso vermin
those laws cmmlttcd In such foreign
country but thu w tahfiit otru ami in
torvst ot this government over HsoliUens
aro not relinquish d luoatiso they have
gone abroad ami It churned with n ortmo
committed In tha orelan land fair uud
open trial conducted with a deoeut re
gard lor justice uud Immunity will ho de
manded tor th < m With less than Hint
tnm government will not be oontuel while
the ilfo or liboity ot its oltiituns Is nt
nUIie Wbati vor tho degree to whio1
eytia territorial eilm jmw Iciiun uuy
havetneuforimtly nllowtd Ity consent
nud reciprocal agivuiuviut among eeriam
ol tho Kurupeun stales no siien doutrlnu
yr praolu o was uver known to tbo laws
of tultTbuuntry or tftnt from wnieli our
losltlutloiiD have mainly been derived
In the otsu oi Mex 01 thise reasons aro
enpeclilly strong lor perfect harmony in
the mutual ex tciso of tbo jurUdlctlon of
nuttiro has made us lrr vocable neigh
bors and wldoui and kind Joel
Ing should maku us friends Tne
overilow ol capital aud enlerprlsu from tho
United States niu a potent factor In as
Hinting tho development of the resourcen
of Mtxlconnd lu bulldlug up tho irospar
Ity ol both countries To nsnlst ttiU good
work all grounds ot npprohoiia011 for tho
security of person aud property should y
removed and 1 trust that lu thu Interest
ol good neighborhood tho Htntnto referred
to will bo so modified as to eliminate tha
present possibilities of danger to thu
peace of thu two countries
Tho government ot the Netherlands his
exhibited concern lu relation to certain
features uf our tanftlawnr wbWwxJtaitupv
pond by them to bo ulmed nt n class ot
tobacco pradncod lu thu Dutch Kast In
dies Comment miiiHI ieoin unuecemiry
upon tbo unwisdom of legislation appear
ing to havu a srueinl national discrimin
ation or Us onjoet which although 11 u
liuoiilonnl may give rlsu to injurious re
Ttio establishment 1 > hs than four years
ago of a legalou at Teheran Is bearing
fruit lu tho Interest exhibited by tho
hhithii government lu tho Industrial ac
tivity of tho Uulted States and the oppor
tunities ol iKUellelal intoraUnugos
A stable government ih now ha plly re
stored lu luiu by laooleailoti of a eousti
tlonul piesldeur and a period ot re
habilitation is entered upon but
recovery ia neceisurlly slow from thu
exhaustion cmsa by thu lato war nud
civil disturbance 1 A convention to ad
just by arbltiatlun the claims ot our
citizens lias been proilihed mid Is under
Tno naval olllser who bora to Siberia
the tvstfmnnlUs bcstoned by congress In
recognition of the aid given tu Hie
Joaimotte survivors has successfully
nccoiniUhedliisml sloii IDs Interest
ing tepott will > o submitted It 1
pleasant to know that tnis maik ot np
prcclatloii has been welcomed by tbo
ItutiiUu govornuifant and people as nellt
thu traditional friendship ot tbu two
Civil perlorbatlons In tho Samoau
Islands have during tho past fow years
been a source of considerable cmbar
russmeut to thu tlueu governments Our
many Oreat llrllUn and the Iultvd
States wnoso relations and txtra to rl
tonal rights in thatlmpsrtaut group are
guaranteed by trestles Tno wuaknesi
ot tho native administration and thu
conilict of opposng Inturcsti lit thu
ItUuds bavo led King Malletoa to tctU
alllanccH oi protectlou in same quarter
rtgardlesst tbo distinct ungarfomtUt
whereby nu onu ot tbo tbieu treaty
towers may acquire any peramouut or
exclusive Interest In May last Malletoa
off red to place Samoa uuder tho pro
tection of the United States and tho late
consul wlih ut authority assumed to
grant It Tno proceedings wero promptly
disavowed and tho orerisalous olllclil
recalled Special agents of thu ttiuu
governments have been deputize to ex
amino the situation In the islands With
a change In representatives of all three
powers and a harmonious understanding
that will win them peace prosperity and
au autonomous administration aud nat
urally tbo peaco if Hiiuos can hardly fall
tu bo secure it appears that tho govern
ment of Spain did not txtend to tho Hag
of tho United State In the Antilles the
full moaturu of reciprocity lequlsltn un
der our statute for tne contluunuue of tint
suspension of dlsarlmliHtlms u atnst tbo
Spanish dig In oor port I was con
strained In OJiobr ins to rescind my
pr d ciS < ors procUmaiiof ol Poiruiry
14 i8t > > petmittlogsucli aupuniilou As
arra f merjt was fuiwiver speedily
reached aid upon notldcaiiun from the
glvernmen ol Spaluttiat all differential
treatment of nor vessels aud their ear
goes from the Uulted State or Irom any
foreign country bat bnen ootiiploteiy and
ttbsoluuly rellnqulsliod I avail tl myself
of tho dWcretlou cnnf md by law aud 1
suod on Ottobcr J7 tny proclamation de
claring xeelpriicfil ouepeuslou In the
United States It Is moat gratifying to
Mr testimony to tho earnest spirit in
which tho government ot tho qtioeq
regent uajmd our tffoiris to avert the
Initiation oi commercial discriminations
and r prUala which aro evi r dtsastroitRtrf
tho material Interest and tho political
good will ol thu countries thoymay effect
l > profitable development ot thn large
commercial exchange betw on tho Uuitetl
Stacs and tho Rpanlnh Atitiiks U natur
ally an object ot illcltUog ijing olosoat
our doors and nndlng here tho main mar
kers ol siijm and demand tho welfare of
run anil lorto Hlto and thslr proeuciioa
nndtradoareccaroUy lr Important to
us than Spain Their coutmerrlal ond
financial juovamonts aro so mtttirally n
part ot our system that no obataelo ta a
fuller and freer luterooutso should bo per
tnl tod to exist Tho standing Insttnc
tlons of our representatives at Madrid and
Havana havu far years b cn to lraye no
tffort unessayed to further these ends
aud at no time hits tho iqual good deslro
ol Spain bsun more hopi lolly mauitestctl
than now Tho government ct Spain by
removing tho consular tonnage tees on
carjoes shipped to tho Antilles and by
teduclng passport foes has shown ltd
recognition oi the need ol a 1cm tram
meled Intercourse
Ouo iftort has been tnado dnrlng tho
past year to rctnuvo tho hindrances to thu
proclamation of tho treaty ot nntnrallna
tlou which tho Bttbliran parte sicnod
In 1871 which l 8 remained Inynor
atlvo owing to a disagreement ot
Interpretation ot tho clauses rel
ative to tho offcots ol tho re
turn to and solonrn oi a naturalized
citizen In tbo land ol orlgn 1 uusi soon
to bu able to nnnotinca a favorablo set
tlement ot tho differences ns to this In
terpretation It has been highly ttl
factory to nato tho Improved treatment
ol American mistlunArios in Turkey an
has been attested by their acknowledge
ments to our Mate minister to that gov
ernment ot his successful exertions In
their behalf
Tno exchange of a ratification of tha
eouvontloii ot December 0 1885 with
Venezuela tor tho rooponlng ot tho
awards ol the Caracas commUslon under
the claims of tho convention of 1880 has
not yet been t footed owing to the de
lay nf thu txocuilvo ol that republic In
ratifying tho measure Imutthat this
postponement will bo brief but should It
muoli longer continue the delay may
well be regarded ns a revision ol the
compact by n latlurc on tho putt ol Vene
zuela to uomplato an nnangt mnnl so per
slutiy brought by bur during many years
nud nasentod to by this goveinmont lu a
tptnt ot in ontitiotisl ialrniss although
tu tho detriment ot holdors of bona lido
uvarda nf thu Impugned rommbsloo
I renew the ruwommendnllim ol my lost
animal mmagn tint existing Kgl iatlon
concerning ottlren hlp and natarallsitlon
lie rtVNM < d We have tr atles with msry
stnus provlrlng for tho reunnclatlon of
eluzoihlp by naturalized allons but 110
sUttito l found to give uifeut to such uu
tagementti nor any which piavilon a
needed uoutral bureau for tho regUm
tloti ot naturalized citizens
Kxpeiuiicu eiiggosia that our atatuted
tegulnthig etrnditlon might bo advanta
geously amended uy a provision for tho
irainltaoross our territory now a con
venient IhTiughfiro ff traud irom ono
foreign countiy to another of fugU
surrendered by a foreign government to a
third Rtatu Such provisions aro not un <
usual in thu legislation ot other couutrlort
and tend to prevent tho m carrlngo ot
justice It Is also desirable In order to
Miuovo present uncertainties that author
ity should 00 conferred on tho secretary
01 statu to Issua a certificate in case ol au
arrest for tho purposu of exiradltlun to
tho01UWb iro whuuj JhoprowwMe l
tuiulliig showing time a requisition tor
tbo surrender for the period charged liny
been duly tnndo Such a certificate If re
quired to bo received before IhoprfAOnoirf
exumlnatlnii would piuvnLt a long nnd
expenjlve judicial Inquiry Into a chargo
which tho foreign government might not
desire to press I aUj roeommttid that
express provision bo imtdo for tho
Imiiudiate disohargo from onstotly of per
sons committed for oxtrrulUlun where tho
piesldunt Is of opiouioa that mirreuder
could not be made
The dillt ol sentiment In olviilrit cim
munitbs toward a 111 recognition of tho
rtgrhtB of uroierty In tha creations ot the
human Intellect has brought about the
adoption by many Important nations of
an International copyright convoittlon
which was signed at Heme on tho iHth of
September 18RS InaHiniiCh as thu con <
stlttitlon glvoa to congress tho power to
promote tho progress of science nnd uto
fill arts by securing for limited times to
iiutlintx and Inventors tliu exclusive right
to their respective writings and discov
eries this government did not feci war
ranted In becoming a slguitory pending
thu notion oi congress upuii measures of
luternatlannl ejpyilght now buforo it
bat thu light of udliutlon to tho Unno
convinluin bo eilter lianbieu rtsorfed
I trust that tbo subjtot will receive at
your hands tho attention it deserves aud
that the juitclulm of auihOM so urgently
pressed will bo duly heeded
llepresontations continue to be madctn
mil oi the Injurious tit eta upon American
artlsU studying njroad and having freo
access to tho art collection of foreign
countries of maintaining a discriminating
duty sgslnat tho lulrotlnctlon of thu
works ot tbolr brother artist of other
countries and I am Induced to repeat my
recommendatlou for the abolition oi hat
Pursuant to a provision oi Iho diplo
matic and consular npptoprlatlon act ap
proved July 1 188C tbo estlrnatca sub
mitted against the secretary of aioto for
tho rnnlutenonco of the coniular service
have been recast on tho had of ealarlcs
for nil oillccru to whom sueh ocenrrenco
is deemed udvliablo Advantage baa
been taken ol this to redistribute tha ml
artca of the olllcers now appropriated for
In accordance with tbo work pormincd
tho Importance of tho representative du
tlea ot tho incumbent ami tho cost ol liv
ing at each post Tho l st oounJcIerailon
has been too often lo t eight ol lu thu al
lowrnco huetoloro made lhocompen
eatlou whiph miy tuflloofortha dectnt
malntalneoco of a worthy and capoblo
ufllcer la a position of oauoui and rep
resentative trunt at n pest readily acces
sible and where the necessities of Ufa
ar abunilmitaad chuap may prove ita in
adequate pltttneo ir distant Innds where
tno butter part of a year pjy Is con
sumed la ruaohfng tho pott ol duty
uud wbero the cumforui of outlnary
clrilked otlsieeci eau only be obtained
wits olflluulty aud at x lib taut coat I
tru t that In cn tdrlog tso > ouiutco
schedule no mi aire ttieory ol tcanomt
will jierpiMiute a syntum which In tho past
bas vlnmly elonsd to Hneivloi Wlejit
miny oillcta whue otptclty nod attain
oitot f n high old it a 0 Jndlepeuslbte
aud lq not a f w instances fcas bropgUt
diecrodlt ou tinr cajonsl charncei una
entailed emoarra ament any oven uifcr
lDgon thoio deputed to uphold our dig
nity and intl rests abroad la rioaoeetknt
will this rihjoGtt I tarnestly reltjitattj
thi prKtleiilAec U JiMPjrfyj jtw
Ca niiiMvi on bt m < l htsiT
< t 1 > 11
j f