i Fpniaiw HTriwrHiiiMiliijiwtwfc
emorrhages g feKi
y rr n > cniuo Is i > ccdlly eon
ores Sprains Bruises
HI < leaiBinj and Hooting
siariHj k 1 1 iti in ui ifoa < o
ltonit iK trnfl UiiiHtmo 70r
> > meetserloimonci >
it l li il iniVjJSii utt
heunwlisnii Nouralgia
Ki I IW cniwl mors
M 1 U > J < r J B < oni > l liitstlimi
ihorstr lo u Kxlmct IMu
111 11W hi ib < > sci Uwiimf lauu
j t f m Incior skis c
iphlheria Sore Throat
i xtmct pronirtly Delay U
1 UJIixliUpilnsorllrhlns It
II6S1 fc wniedv rip
olior mctlliiituohat
UtuM > 1
f 1 IViiil nttinel Miitnuml
Kiel 1 f irfut < ilcovilien tUo ro
ji n loir 11tignlu < ouveiilcii
la Hot I on r < 50 81
jvow u < n 1 u miijtrutHl labtl
Dpfendnnt Placed on tlio Stand
nnd Ttstlllfg In Dotal Apnlnst
Ills Wife
Dnta ol Araylo ft Witness What
tctl Dill Not Sue Lndy Collni
Throat I Uur HiMOnml
doKi Deo C la the Campbell
ce case today Davis tho detective
ms on the stand when the case ad
ted1 Saturday testified to shadowing
Colin Campbell and the duko ol
borough lu Purls Ho said he was
rtnln whether the tall gentleman he
seen walking with the plalntlfl was
Stewart the American millionaire or
The duke ol Marlborough staid at
lotel Wagram V1 neas ncvor saw
Colin there Srveral spies Wert
dz trice of Lady Colin at the same
tie Brown a servant deposed to a
fcjGcn Duller to Lady Colin and to
alulng three hours Gon Buller
ii occasion when ho departed went
utalrs on tiptoo and let himself out
utront door Wltucss lound a pho
i ol Gen lJuller under Lady
i pillow and spoke to Lord Colin
pbell about her Witness was there
idlsmlsed by Lady Colin Neptune
1 threw the buxus and luggage bo
oto witness Into the street
itson a cabman testified that once
3 lie was carrying Lady Colin and a
emao ho atoned them nod saw
cueeslng like lovers Lady Colluc
resting ou the gentlemans shoulder
ess took pUlntlft and hi > r male com
ia to a bouse in Brook street Ho
A outside an hour and a bait for
Colin to take her home and then
rted without her
imphreye a solicitor tcstlu > d to an
lrw between Lady Miles nnd
Cimpbell In November IS84
Miles threatened Lord Colin
unless he withdrew proceedings
st Lady Colin sho Lady Miles
produce uWdenco ugilnst him
SolluCimpUcllsuld bo considered the
sals on behalf of plaintiff as made
h Lady Allies llshouorablu and
rtlandaccllued to accede to them
Milts thtn asserted distinctly that
ct of adultery had been committed
tdCampbutl with Mary Watson
idoSeof Argyle was then called
bject in calling blm was to have
Hie that he disapproved of tho mar
ol his eon to plaintiff Mr Hus
aonsel fur Lilly Colin produced a
iJaud August I8S3 from Lady
to irltnitB In which sho detailed
nseofthe dbagretment with Lord
described his tyruny and persls
la Insisting in maintaining relation
Ithlicr dtHdto ber opposition be
1 hU condition The dukes re
is that he considered the charges
this eon lale and believed that
Johns letter was a part ol
ea to lutlraldato her husband
declined to hold any furtber cor
l nco wlih her
1 Colin Campbell was nest sworn
nlflrd th 1 the llrst time he met his
u in Stptember 1880 at Invornaj
tf Sett of thu Argylo family and
1 of Argyle county Scotlaud The
nance soon rtsulted In nn tugnge
ol rairrlago Ho next w Miss
la London during October At
a witness was suffering
fistula aud an operation
i > erormcd upon htm but
on account of a fever ho bad and
Bwaj aggravated by anxiety respect
engigement lie was not suffer
nj ecnaa from an infectious dls
TMtsa Blood frtquontly visited him
P8 was gent awuy on a voyago Mils
Ient him a letter in every mall lu
la81 another opi ration was per
and it also was a f tllure UU
is opposition to hl engage
was at this tlmo
witness constant anxiety
Mknew before ho married that Miss
Iffts acquainted with tho duko of
reugh Sho told witness onco she
n to the theater with ber sister
i riil others Including tho duko of
trough Witness replied I dont
Ion were In good company Wlt
M1 known Chiet Shaw a long time
IQen Buller or Dr Bird Wltncs
FWed to Miss Blood In July 1881
Jwr following bis doctors released
t the pr hlbltlon he bad been
fccsuso of his malady
Colin conlluulng said bo heard
lltajlu at Argyle Lodge bis
I Lindon residence lhat tho duke
liborough had called at tho lodire
Iwld he did not know tho duko
T es remonstrated with tho plain
tiding out with Chief Shaw and
Roe violent When wlmosa was
fWrnemontb Lady Colin left blm
r signing any reason Sho
f amed out end generally spent
wy Sho ntvor complained t
I th t their relations had any 111
ion hcr health Wltnees bad a long
fta bis wife In December 1881
lseuukr oi Marlborouch and Chief
oho then primmed they should
ni her more Witness and
Kcloied thdr relations In Jnno
s The afternoon that Lady
of tho
IS to Int rvl w with defendant
Jn camo to tho witness room
> ling and threw ber arms about
i nud then 6ho burned
5 CVf tho le cr bo
n t her tirongb Lady Miles
reno mrntiun ol tho faot tbt she
tV rr > I H Witness had never
to use precautious
r tei u n In July 1883 whUo
Ib Btcoa Hoube witness asked
L P ud the mght In bis compa
r Wrtfusid her
He upbraided
t 01ctwlh othcrmenandebebo
l i21Jul nt and the Bald to hlmi
JJW me in tho dlvorco court jou
lv < rorst ol It Th ease tben
Ho Thinks The Party Should Cul
Loose from Randall and Placo
Him Beyond the Party Pale
A Kill to Oprn llio Armr nnd Navy to
ExLViiifcderntes to ho Intro
dnccd by n Sonlhcrvtr
ItcprrsentiitlvAMIIIsrnt TXiuWIll Intro
dues a Kntlnnnl lUuk Hill llnnhi
Without Moms
Special to tho UftJcUc
Wasiiinotok Dec C Tho tollowln
appeared lu the editorial columns ol
Washington 1ost today
Senator Maxey of Trxas Is reported as
declaring that tbo tariff issue should be
pushed tor all It Is worf > aud that I > rn
ocrats should formally cut looso from
ltiudall nnd his followers nnd placo him
beyond tho palo of the party Tto Tost
agree that the Democratic psrty has no
ono distinctive Issuu If the tariff is not
one and It that revenue reform should be
pushed what would It do Cut loose
from Mr Itandnll
How can be bo placed beyond tho palo
of tbo party
Supposo bo bo repudiated aud dlpn
vowtd how will that either barm him
or help tho Democratic party Would
It strengthen tho party to bar Mr Itau
< lnll and thoso who vote with blm out of
thee ucui
Special to tho Uuctlc
Washington Dec C Gen Herbert
representative from Alabama will Intro
duco a bill lu tho bouse this week which
Is of the utmost Importance to thu South
Tito measure Is ono which will at oucu
commend Itself to all XConfedcrates
Tho bill contemplates the abrogation of
the act of 18G7 which prevents exCon
federates from holdlnc positions In tho
army and navy Mr Herbert says there
aro no people In America moro loyal than
exConiedtiates II tho federal govern
ment ever engaged m a forelgu war
said Mr Herbert It would bo very glad
to avail Itself ol the services ol
tho g mlemen aud would th > u very quick
ly abrogate this law In that event such
anact would boa matter of expediency
0 do so now would be an act of justice
wnlch would go tar towards beallug tho
rankling animosities of war I shall push
the bill at tho present session and en
deavor to have It pissed It Is duo to
tbo Southern people than whom there ere
no beter on tho lice of tbU globe
Special 10 tho tiaictto
Va8iiinotox Dec C Congressman
Miller of Texas hopes to have a bill
passed at tho coming session to enable
national banks to carry business by de
positing with tbo United States treasury
uoldand silver coin Instead of buying
United Stales bonds at a high premium
lor tho purpose of depostt Now tho
banks are allowed ouy to lssuo paper
currency representing JO per
cent of the banks peposlt
and tho bonds aro purchased way
above par I would not compel them to
purchase bonds ho said I would
allow them to deposit gold or slvor coin
uud to lssuo Sl O currency for uvery
3 00 coin on depoilt I would make an
assessment upon all the banks of 1 per
cent on their currency and that assess
melt should go to mauo np a redumption
lund It a bank should fall
tho government could draw
upon that redemption fund lor 20 per
cent of the currency not secured by de
posit Thus all tho tho bnuks takeu to
gether would bo security fut every Indi
vidual bank At first sl ht my propo
sition mtebt seem a premium upon fail
ure but thcro would bo such close watch
aud examination that sharp practice
would bo impossible If by enabling
thtm to liicrtaso their currency and to
get along without Investing In bonds at
such high premium as tho t and 4i per
cent bonds carry they will not go out of
Special to tbo jiizotto
Washington Do C The conferees
on the part of the Bonate and bouse on
the interstate commerce bill bavo agreed
upon all the Iraportout particulars except
court jurisdiction aud have adjourned to
Wednesday morning An examination of
the exiting law Is belug made tor the pur
poso of ascertalntngnbetber hUtts against
Interstate roads can bo brought In stato
courts and If they can be then tho statu
curts will bo given juilsdlcllon If not
the frdoral courts will try cases arising
under the law
Washington Deo G When Mr Cox
of New York took tan oath ol oillco to
day ho louud himself in an embarrassing
position of having to occupy a scat on
the outer row upon tho llpubllcan side
but from this embarrassment bo was re
lieved by the ciurto of Keprescntatlve
J D Siyors of Texas who upou being
introduc d to M Cox congratulated
blm his party and country upon
his return to legislative labors Mr bat
ons then in a spirit of courtesy tendered
his teat to Mr Cox This seat is promi
nent on tho Democratic side and was
occupied by Mr Cox during several con
cresses Mr Cox though lota to ells
lodge Mr Bayers was finally Induced to
accept the courtesy and taking from Ills
ecnrf a pearl pin ql the deslan ol 0 star
and crcecent ho presented It to Mr bay
crs as a memento of the occasion
Washington Dec C Thu president
has appjlnted Georgo A Allou United
States attorney for tho Western district
of Pennsylvania vice William A Stone
snspended lor offensive partisanship
The president signed Allens commission
Saturday evenlug
Vrco Irom FraudHod Star Cough
Coro Scientists ccrtlly to this fact 25
ntliry 8j tem
ltmatU on o ur
llBUfdbj air dure Milt
to tbo oaxclto
giienlal n im J
UALLA8 Tkx Dec 0Thoma3
superintendent ot the1 Texas1 enl
tcntlafles registered at the Grand Wind
sor hotel today but kept blmscl Irom
the gaie ot Dallas newspaper men and
departed quietly this evening Em rgetlc
efforts to divulge Mr Goree m ss on to
of the state so close to the time
this part
or the assembling ot tho lep >
at Austin made It ap
oVar reasonably certain that be
fs not averse to meeting with th repre
sentativeselectol that body In a mis
sionfry capacity The legislature
convicts a d
tn regard
pTnUenUurlesasU militate against
lessees Tneio ap
nirs undercurrent
to be a strong
result fens been so cmtnontly satisfactory
that other counties are agitating iho fame
policy aud sonto general legislation on
tho malt r will probably bo demanded
It Is said that Mr Goree ami certain ol
his buslne s associates would not look
wllhlavorou such n new departure and
that he Is reeling the pulso Ol new
Ifcwmskcrs Whether ho saw tho Hon
Mr 8trong and tho Hon Mr Kuglo to
day has not traneplrtd but It Is consid
ered certain that they tavor the enact
ment of laws to allow conntlcs to employ
certain convicts on public roads etc In
stead ol somlietj them to the peniten
Porcine Snttn Willi Ix > t lrtcra
Wo bought too many poods this fall
Wo bavo concluded to torco sales by ex
tremis low prices
Did you read what we wroto abont the
weather last week It catno just as we
said It would Tho weather will grow
warmer now Irom this writing Saturday
evening Tbo next low baiometer or
rain period Is abont December U nut
thero aro minor disturbing Infiucnces
which may bring It 00 several daj s earlier
Warm weather will come a day or two
before and ery cold v < eatbcr will follow
It Dear this In mind Thu warmer the
days are tbo nearer wo afo to n rain
perlodwhlch Is Kllovi d at once by a cold
snap Thomas Faiulv
Advertising Editor Chao Trading Co
Como to the Chaso Trading Co s <
look around Wo will ghe you a
gain In some good useful articles
Wo are selling striped Jersey clijth at
75ct other xtotoi tl 6 1
Selling Uttyfuur Inch all wool dress
plaid 75c other stores 81 J5
Selling thirty six inch Trustlne very
fine ut 60c other stor s 72c
Selling tlttyfour inch all wool dress
fiaiiuel EOoj other stores 61
Si Ulng black grograln Bilk at 81 worth
Sulllna black grograln silk at 125
worth 2 00
Selling colored grograln silk at 75c
worth 8125
Ladles camel hair under garments at
1 worth 1 50
Ladles scarlet Iamb9 wool under gar
ments nt 76c 1915 worth 1251 SO
and 2
Ladles wblto merino under vests at
75c 1 worth 125 and 1 60
Ladles ribbed silk underwear In colors
at 30 sold in Now York and San Fran
cisco at 10 Thomas Family
Advertising Ldttor Chaso Tiadlug Co
Wo bavo tho lamest stock of ladies
and childrens shoes In Fort Worth and
sell at cxccedinulj low prices In lndl s
shoes we bnvo tbo cclubraUd makes of
Johnson S Co KicbLSlcr N Y Frank
1rav Baltlmiiic Md and Lnos Co
New York City nnd In chlidrius shoes t
Harris 8 Co lnlladelpbla Wo sod our
lino shoo tor a good less than shoo s oru
prices because wo sell moro In a great
less space aud what they add lor show
w < deduct from their prices
Ladles please como and sou us and
bring the children Au re voir
Thomas Kaiiily
Advertising editor Chase Trading 0
V S Wo bavo all kind ot lasts ana all
widths ol too and solo T V
Wo offer 600 ladles cloaks dolmans
nnd walking juckets Ladies cloaks at
83 00 to 825 00 ladles walking jackets
82 60 to 820 00 misses and childrens
cloaks 81 00 to 760
Wo offer 1000 pair of wnlto bed blank
50 pairs at 1 0 Kxcellcnt blanket
couhlderlug tho very low prleo
75 pair at 8200 which are heavier and
better thin the 8160 goods
50 pair at 83 00 this Is an excellent
heavy blanket and has ns much warmth
In It as our 85 blankets
50 pair at 8100 these aro fine and soft
50 pair at 500 these aro still finer
and soitor
And above this wo bavo tho One Call
lornla blankets at 8700 88 00 and 80 01
Tnero Is a great deal of pleasure In
dropping to sleep under good warm
blankets in thu aisuranco that you will
not wako cold about 4 a m and bo run
ning after doctors and drug stores lor tbo
next week to como
We have bed comforts at 76c 8100
81 60 8200 83 00 and 83 50
We bate colored blankets nt 8150
82 OH 82 50 83 00 8360 8400 and
85 00 per pslr
Wo have not sold as many blankets and
bed comforts as wo expected on account
of tho weather and have concluded to
force the salo ol them at very low prices
It pastes lor true without saying that
every dollar nv stcd In blankets and bed
comforts Is tqual to tho eavlugol 810 In
sickness Hent Is life cold 18 sickness
and may bo death T110MA8 Faikly
Advertising Editor Chaso Trading Co
AtVellKnown jMucnior Ueail A Turkey
Special to the Gniottc
Ukcatoii Tkx Dec 0 Mrs
Weatberred of Paris Tex and
tho mother ot John C Graham a promi
nent attorney ol the Decatur bar died at
bis home In Decatur Mrs Weatberred
aad been sick for a long tlmo and camo
to Decatur a lew days lo hopes to find
relief She was ono of tho most noted
educators la Ttxas thero being now It Is
said some 1600 young and matronly
ladles throughout Texas who wero edu
cated and trained by ber Mr Graham
will take her remains to Pans lor luter
It Is now positively known that Mr
Fallerand Mr Humphries repres nta
t > esclictlrum this county will both
vote lor Maxey lor tho United btatts
A blE turkey Bboot will take placa in
D caturthls evening Thirty Bobblers
will bo ehot lor and tbo best rifle shot
will take off tbo moit scalps Copt C lt
en ant Keach Holsel manage Dr
John Corcoran referee
Tbo jcounty attorney has bis bands lull
now with false cotton packers there being
somo fifteen or sixteen casts filed against
some parties near Chlco for mixing dirt
with the staple
A Itonnway liar For Church ll n < Ut
Special lo the aautt
CLxnunNB Tkx Dee C A twelve
yearold boy A H Corr having run
away from bis homo In Parker county
came to Mr W N Longs at this place
who la bis nncla Mr Longs brother
carat down to endeavor to perauada
vonng Corr to return to bis hom
A dinner and snpper were given hew
today ° y toe members ol Jha Episcopal
< hnrch tnorderto raise mchey to maka
sow wpaUiopoa their chuicS brUldlag
Tho Sanguinary tonlUcl at laco Del
Sorlo llftwcfn Maddened ltnll
and XiMHdors
The Amerlcntu Sjmimllili with lit Hull
lh Mrxlonh Ai > lnHit the Mora
SkvRi > aiHlniioK
Special lo the Oat ttfc
El Iaso Tkx Dec G Tho bull flgats
la Taso Del Norte bavo brn KMoR on lor
a conplo of days and nearly 2000 peoulu
aro In attendance hall ol ibein Ameri
can Tho pcrtormanco is n thrilling
on modotud after tbo ancient Spanish
bull lights At t oclock p m six bull
lighters entered the arena gorgoouily ar
rayed throo on horseback two nrmtd
with spears and one with a lariat and
thorn worn 9 > veral on toot with red Hips
Tho first bull let lu was largo brludlo
wlm charged navagely tirouud tho areua
and struck one of tho horses throwing
tho rider ten feet In the air who lighted
> u hie Icot and gut hohtml the barricade
Too bull was then l tatot and dngged
out of tho arena Throe moro bulls wtrn
brought In at lnteral and went through
the samo orJfnl as tho first one Tho
fourth bull was let In aud rushed like a
cyclone upon ono of the horsemen There
ns no opportunity to escape an I th bull
burled hl horn lu tho belly of the horse
which was ripped open tho entrails fall
ing on tbo ground and now came the last
act lu tho drm Senorl mclano Max
the noted bulltight r entered the arena
and faced the maddmed animal sword In
hand Tho bull made a terrillo rush at
ultn tbo fatal htccl was plung
ed deep behind hi shoulders
and he loll with a heavy gr < an to
tho ground It wai dono so quickly nnd
so easily that half the audience wero not
aware of It Dlar tlion calmly stood
aside and wiped his dripping sword npon
a cloth A lariat was put around thu
dead animal aud he was qui kly dracgud
liy a horseman out of tho arena A
leaturo of tbeso bull tights Is that wbon
fvcr tho matador got tho ndvautagu of
tho bull tho Mexicans cheered and when
tbo bull got tho advantage tho Americans
would rend the air with their bra > os
Tim riillmltliililn Vdiitnti Call lllm to
Lcrttl riirtu
PniLADKLiiiu Pa Deo 10 Tholtfo
ord tits morning says Following closo
upon tho heels of tho announcement that
ODonovau Kossa had been deposed from
tbo li ndcrshlp of the extremo Irishmen In
Now Yoik comes a rumor seemingly well
lounded that ho tins foiinud nn aillani
wlih tho Fenians lu Pniiadelphla who
bavo been out off from tho parent body
It has been learmd that n secret mooting
was held In this city Thatiksglelug day lor
tho purpose ot perfecting uti orgaulzatlun
of tho new body Thero wtro pres
ent at the ineollng about
tuentyflvo delegates each o whom
claimed to represent a division
Au exciting ecrslon resulted aud alter a
lengthy debato It was found practically
Impossible to unite upon a chief who
should bo tbo tilling spirit and finally It
was decided to take up a mail Irom the
outddc whom It was shown could nulla
the tactions and who would at thu same
time fully represent thu idtns of tho new
govi rtiment It was stated that ODono
van Hjhhii bad severed bis connection ns
chief ot tbo extremists In New York aud
the expediency o calling til 111 to the post
tlou was received favorably by about
thr < oIourtbs ol tho delegates A portion
of the revised programme Includes se
cretlntrlgui s lu tho Canadian gov tironient
to the end that thu perptu of Causds may
become dlscontonud uud throw off Eng
lands authority altogether If It Is
shown that this has a probability ot sue
cers emissaries nro to bo sent to Aus
tralia with tho samo pnrposo In vluw
Tbo doctrlno of H issa Is not however to
bo abandoned by any means In order to
satisfy the Philadelphia chiefs plncox
buvu been given them in thu cxrcutlvu
bidy It Is reported that Harry OConnor
has been made treasurer AJ liyan tcc <
rotary and Luke Dillon has joen put at
tho head of the organizing staff Jumes
McDurmott Kyan and Dillon with ltossa
as ex ofllclo chnlriiau aro to constltulo
tho revolutionary directory
Two Arrf l 111 into for Outline tho Mull
louclirit Clltlln Nutrg
Special lo tho tiazattc
WitATiiKni01111 Tkx Deo fi 8am
Jones colored a tiusted employe of tho
rullroad company and M J Scogglus
pumpman bavo been arrested and aro
both in jail charged with robbing thu
mall at the depot on tho night of thu 2d
or rather cutting tho mall pnucbca while
they wero In tho depot awaiting tho com
ing of tho trains of which a report was
given In This Gazuttk ol Suuday Your
reporter hearu that tho evidence agsli st
tho portlss arrested Is that 8 m Jonts
as scared Into telling tbo wholo thing
and said that Bcogirlns stood guard at
tho door of tbo baggageroom with
a Winchester whUo thu mall pouches
wero cut This report was not
obtained from tbo olllcers but can
bo relied on as being pietty straight Tho
olllcers refuse to say anything about tbo
care nnd It Is thought that they sufpect
others as bolng Implicated In tho at
tempted mall robbery Tb y did not get
anything at all Irom thu pouches
Mr D O Hayhes ono ol Weather
fords old stand most substanUI citl
7ons who has lor somo time been retired
Irom business began tn open bis grocery
store of wblcn our cUIens and tho coun
try people nro very proud to learn
ol Kit Cirter prnsldcnt of the North
wst Txss Cattle Kaisers association Is
lu tbo city and Soys that the cattle winter
much better than baa been thought lot
some time E Jim Simpson a largo cat
tle raiser with bis Interest principally In
Arlaona la here and says that cattle are In
lino condition In that part
Situation Oinm More S rlouJJo
VroMMctof I uiii clliit IttlUf
Special to Uie domic
CoLOiiAUO Tjcx Dec C The attna
tloa as regaids shipments ol cattle Irom
his point remains unchanged We have
been visited by more than ono railroad
olllslal that has promised relbl to the
stockmco but all has vanished Into noth
ingness Somo small shipping fcUtlona
aro receiving moro Incllitltm than tbl
place although there aro now fully 10000
cattle waiting shipment at a serious loss to
boldors and winter Is advanclnc so that
there seems lo be no prospect for getting
through at ll It stems that these prom
ises are made day alter day lor tbe pur
and preventing
poeu ol deluding stockmen
ing theui Irom driving lo olbirpolut
The Texas Iaclfio bavo promise to
euro cars from othir lines but none ere
In mbt Somo one rouit be
responsible lor taeto losses nnct tho
holders of tock aie de e J
s e who It is Tbsro aro tonlgbt V3Q0
tsattlo la thu toclc pen aeven ttucfc car
on band nnd no Indication ot roora lor
twQd ystocom rlBthn FMt ten
days there bavo been only abont filly cm
ol cattle shipped from this station The
liuatlon Is growing ialolerablo It Is h
ecriou matter when phlpprrs aro
mado to bear tho brunt ut potty dls
agreemtnts between different lines of
railroads and tho p ronol dUsgreements
between officials which whn ttuiroughly
silted seem to lit the causo ot tbo present
blockade Tho stock x 11 ltvor no par
ticular lino of road and are willing n no
commodate nuy ot them th t will ftont
rcllil Tbo agent hero has worked bard
to stonro cars for dblpraents and is grow
ing thin and gray unuer tbo trying ordeal
bo has to undergo
ruin Ilrport ot n FnUursCmUluntil Ml
Crrttloii In llntltncvr
Special to tlio itatotte
Hunnklii Tkx Deo O H was seen
tn tbo Toronto Dally Beo of November 80
that Howard Bros grocers at BalHnaer
this county were cl scd out byatttch
mont Tho statemtnl was utterly false
and without any foundation Whatever
Wo can not Imagine who would be mean
enough to start such a tilsuhomt How
ever no Ineouvcnliucu has resulted from
tho report as the firm do bnslm ss Upon a
solid basis and haw 1 or 3 with which
to pay evtry dollar that they owe
littnnels la eiug rapidly absorbed by
ber M > ur city llalllugcr and it tho migra
tion continue for thu next six month as
It hi lor tho last lour months thero will
bo little or nothing lttt
Notwithstanding the scvero drought last
ummcr n number ot laudbuyirs and
farmers nro coming Into thu county dally
A great deal ol wheal was sown lattt fall
and from present prospects nn nbuudant
yield will bo harvest d nixt summer
IiulKo WhuMtr Iro Trm still Slubtoir the
Arlrtlnn Wtlt
Special to tho Qatetto
Cisco Tkx Deo C District court
convtned this morning nt Eastland city
with Lieut dovT II Wheeler as special
Tho artesian woil nt this placo Is now
abont 1625 lent deep and tho drill In still
goluu down Tho stockholders Intend to
gut lUwing water unless tiny strike
such hot regions that It will melt tho
drill Nothing short of somo caltstto tin
ot thlx kind will imtllo tho pluck and
energy ot our people
II W Noell who has been appointed
postmaster at this place received his
commission Saturday though bo desired
not to take possession until nbnut the
llrst lu order to glvo Mr Hedlluld au
opportunity to make his yearly report
AH Ktiropo Excl ed Over tho Hnnrrh ot
You Multko nnd War Deemed
Tim Opiiotlllmi lnrtlci In lrrnnc litter
lutiin lu jtiiiart lit tliivcrtiiilnnt Tur >
key Will Acosnt Nlrliolni
London Deo Couut Von Moltkos
speech In tho rulcbstng mado n deep Im
pression In Europe overshadowing all
other topics nnd tho Vienna Allegv rmlno
snyitt Von Moltko drow a picture so
dark that tho Idea ol war Is almost a do
llveianco Poacu between Franco aud
Germany Is now almost Impassible nnd a
tentblo gull yawns In Central Kuropu
Coiik Decrt At a meeting addressed
by William OBrien lu one ul thu public
streets ot this city yesterday a number ol
policemen wero present and wero stoned
The latter retaliated by drawing their
swords nnd charging Upon thu crowdand
tnu otllcurs II ml lug thulr numbers unequal
to tho task ot subduing their ussallauts
ran to tbo barracks for assistance Tho
mayor appeared upou the scene and said
ho was responsible lor the peaco ot thu
city and would not allow tbu pollco to
charge upon tbo people Pollco In
spector Cotton who had also ar
rived placed his men In lino and
tbo a onu throwing was runewed
In the presence of tho mayor somo ol tbu
olllcerH being struck bymlssiis Inspec
tor Shannon iirrlvid with further jsbI
t ncu and told tho mayor that lui would
not see his men made targets ol nor
would ho obey his orders The mayor
then retired Divisional nmglstrato
Capt Plunkoy had commanded tho
pollco to bo present at thu meeting
Thero was serious rioting after that and
a number of policemen pud citizens were
Injured tho latter by bayonut thrusts
Tno city Is now quiet Twontythreo
persons bavo been United nt tbu hospital
for scalp wounds Ono polctmau bai his
skull fractured
this KiirNOir umsifl
Paws Deo fi M le Frejclnot la In
cllned to insist upon retiring from the
premiership It Is expected Grovy will
summon Fioqitut who Is willing to lorin a
cabinet Thu crisis caused 11 senratlon in
llurlln and St Petersburg It Is rumored
that M Heroetto French ambassador lo
Berlin has sent In bis resignation The
llkeltho d oi Floquut becoming premier
Is much discussed In It Petersburg
whero bis lamous vivo la pnlaguo mar
idem to tho czar when tho latter visited
Pauls Is remembered Tho Hussion press
hope lor tbo formation ol a llulgarlan
cabinet and that o Germany desires tbu
retentiou ot Frcyclbet
Vknha Dto Advertisements
recently appeared In tho Gorman papers
offurlng to sell Austrian government ap
pointments by prlvato coutraot Tho
pollco inquired Into tho matter and found
tho advertiser who declared that bo had
acted for Herr Dorutky director ol tbo
Postal Savings bank Boruizky denied
tho charges and Instituted proceedings
against hw accuser BorutsAy has aluco
bten pciiMlouei Tbo prosecution lias
been dropped and tho matter hiwbed up
a tatbiotic s vis
Paiiih Dec 6 A cuniinlitce appointed
Irom tho ttu o gr < tips forming tho party
of tho lelt la tbo chamber of deputies to
fornulate a programme lor tno whole
party has decided in favor ol tbo party
giving a common supnort In future to tbo
cabinet and to abandon making furtber
opposition to lresldoat Orcvy and Prime
Minister de Kroyctnet
CoNSTAMTiNoiLi Dec < rie porto
ban tsinod u clrctilair to thu power tq the
effect fat the sultan assents lotbo candi
dacy ol Prince Nicholas of Mlngrelia tor
the Bulgarian throar
ILLttKADK Dee GKiog Milan yw
terday received a dputatlon of Balgor
Ian notables who are on a tourot vv
piaottion to tbo powers
Adrlc to Molhars
Mrs WInslows Soothing Syrnp should
always bo u d for children tceialng It
soothes the child softens th i gunis at
Jays all pain cares wind colls and Is the
best resaedy tor dlHrrheBj s cents a
KaberWHb lmhM given 814800 to
ward erecting ths Lvticr monuiaent la
> >
< rs
MMu iauitah
Spcotal lo thoUntetlo
Nkw Yokk Duo 0 Hallway bonds
today solelns follows t Texas Paclilo
Income nV CO lllos at 70t Houston 4
Texas Central tit 111 Kansas tTexas Gs
nt 101 Galveston llarrlsburg Ban
Antonio nt 100
Mouoy G to 7 per cent
Sterling dull
Governments firm
Wheat weak
Cotton 8 points higher
Oil Closed at 0
Cofteo stronger
Ditv noons
Nkw Yoiuc Deo Dry goods Tho
now deumbd was modoratn in character
and mostly tor colored and fancy cotton
goods Prices wero firm but tho market
was quiet Cotton was higher and
Nkw YtiitK Deo 0 Government
bonds dull and steady to llrni
Tbo stock market while again extreme
ly active was som wbat erratic In ls
ttiovoinnnts nnd somu halfdozen slocks
monopollrod tbo majoi portion ot tlio In
terest London was n iitoderato buyer
especlallv In the early hours Its favorites
hointi tho PacJllB roads St Paul and
Wnbasli tlio market exhibiting Its usual
strong undertone until tho last hour
Thero was heavy insldo buying though
tho movement was somewhat of a mys
tery to tho street Tlio opening was very
notlvo and strong the advances over Hat
urdays Html prices ranging from 1 lo 3
per cent generally whUo Canada South
ern was up 1 Tho general market In
tho cany trading wnB some
what fovorlsb although thero was
llttlo movement lu prices except In tuua
< la Southern Union lsclllc Hi Paul and
East Tennessii which were joined later
by Norfolk > Weseru Tho upward
movement In a few stocks which wi ru
strong continued until about liSOp m
tn thu last hour however a drtvo at tbu
general market carried prices down
Hhmplv and after a fractional rally 11
closed weak In many cases at tbo lowest
llgnres reached Tbu final changes aro
with nut lew exceptions lu favor ot lower
Nkw Youk I o 0 C L Grceno
Co s report on cotton futures savst At
tho opening thu dl p06itlan to roaliru was
quite pronounced but met a covering do
maud that absorbed these offerings
quickly changing the whole tono of tho
market Early sellers competed with
now buyers resnltlug In ft rharp advance
ot nearly 10 points As tho day advanced
reports of a phenomenal snow storm
throughout the South camo lu and thlw
stimulated hesitating buyers who look all
offerings prices nualn rallying and clos
ing strong some 23 points nbovo Satur
days closes
Iiia UnlBliU vt lvliur i > r Morton Ollyllit
out Ik Tltrktt
special to tlio Untctlo
Moiigan City La Dec 0 The
Knights ot Labor made their llrst polit
ical nomination in tbo state yesterday by
putting in tin field In Morgan Iliy for tho
coming muulclpsl election a full ticket
for mayor couiicllmen and other town
li iirs All but onu of tho nominees are
members of Uio order Then Is llttlii
doubt of success of tbls ticket as thu
Knights aro In majority In tho town
itu it ia moreover supported by many
other cltlrens The order is very strong
In St Maryt whero It has taken In tho
negro fieldbands as well as mechanics
It was by order ol tho Morgan City lodge
that thu strike on tho Falrcblld plantation
was Inaugurated somo days ego which
caused somutfhat ol a Hurry among tbo
Uloilnc Urmloii of llioM JS Ooliterime
Full Ll t ot A > M > tutitii > ul
Special to the Uazttto
jliiKNJUM Ticx Deo C Tho lorty
slxib annual session ol thu Tcxss cooler
enco closed Its labors Jato tonlgbt at
this placo A great deal of btitlneis wos
crowltoJ Into tbo latter part ot tVo ses
sion Houston was selected us tbo place
lor holding tho next annual
meeting Tho statistical cloii
read bl report showing grand
totals a follows lor tbls conference
dlstrlcti Number of local sieacbsrs
Itfi number ol members 18JGj net lu
create ol members for tho year 1225
number ot Infants bspt Kcd 5iOj nnmber
of adults baplned Hill amount coliccted
lor tducailon 827726 nurutier Ol
churches 11K > worth 8281208 number
ol parsoaagh 61 value e3S9 < 0
A resolution was pussed In favor ol
urging the legal prohibition ol tho inann
and sale ol alcoholic liquors
Aresolntlou was adopted looking to
tbo organization ot n blstorlcat society ol
Methodists ot Texas
A number ol fvppolntroects wero
made as followsi Frank ff Mitchell
translerrcd to tho Noitnwesi
confereoco us agent of the
Weeo female college i T W H < gors
located at La pai C It Bhepird t
Palo Pinto J 11 AiUtr North Ttxisojn
lurencot I G Jobnml loosrf seowtaryi
Q W Ilrlggi Editor Texas CbrlsttacAd
aavmox iiistKicr
X 1 Frtilln presiding Oldert St Jotajt
J Ki Bwttf W JW i WK t W
wain n TiWrlTWkttai
t Clotliing
BEITS mmm goods
xfl I Is Jull ixntl comploto ntirt wo nro soiling tliont pftraljjj
+ Ingly low
Dahlman Bros
fcr <
Maie area gpj sif Km aiO
Tin Jfnrkot was Erratic In Its More
incuts Ihilf n Dnitiit Slorkg
Mtfiiopolixcd tho liny
Tlio VIoMiir IrtcM wr nt or Woar til
LiiMMt flgur ICtnclird Ootton
ViHur Isnp Upnnrdi
end G Ciotblcrt ShcarathurchHouB
tou 1 P 0 Tluimonst Waahlngton
str otJ L Hundry C dar lliyou J L
MurrayHlchmoiid WWootcnV Usco
T 15 Savagoi Han JVHpc t A Evftnst
Columbia G H Phalri MftUsgorda G H
AU8TIN lutrrniCT
1515 Armstrong presiding eldori Aus
tin station W W Pensin Austin mis
sion John Stovalli Merrllltown H n
Wnttsj Webbutvllle W V Potion Cedar
Creek 15 G Hocut Elgin H HKIIIott
Bastrop W W Graham Winchester H
P Drown La Grange 0 H lluohananj
Vlntouls J W Armstrong Columbus
8 Mttlepage Weimar st B Hotch
Ulsat Eogo Lake 0 WThomas
HV Phllpot pnudliigeldet Clmpet
ntll it II BrooksiIhdopendcnee D D
Warltck Bronham A Goodwlnt Bella
vlllo J P CMIiirsi HtimpstcAtl C
Htovallt GlddIui nnd Burton T 11
Graves Deauvllu JH Duntit aldwell
OT Ilutchkls Davllla J A Duncan
HoclKtalo NF Law MiUno S II
llrown Camron O 11 Wilght Camotw
ou circuit U H > Sandel Mayslliild J H
3 7 Thomas pioaldlng ldcr lluutl
vllle K > S Smith Dodge l B Bliums
Wlllisr P Hammond Wavcrly mis
woiiifl N llarknr Navasota J It Mor
ris Mllllcnu V O Favor Brjanl A
Mlsoll Hryao circuit J Lemons Mndl
sonvtlle A I Ireuttj Plivntersvdle J
II Cootiran Anderson J WKelly
J B Sears presiding elderCalvertiT
F Deminiitillearno JO Allcklett Drnm
nrd V L Allen Marlln It M Sears
Kisso W K Tiirnnrt Jutyell 0 II
llrlcujCeiiiorvlllo J 0 Vaughant Buffalo
11 M Vinson Faltlluld C M Keltti
Franklin W G Nelnis Duraimo HT
Hartt Wlldorsvillo W 1 lrw on
Tho ooiforonoo ndjotitntd until tho
uoxt niinual session
A Luiullorit with Ills Oonp Jurnr U
Hprclal to tlio Oatotta
Gainuuviliu T x Deo tl Yesterday
near Em about sixteen miles southwest
ol this olty a man muted Holder and
Huvornl of bN sons bocamo Involved In n
quarrel wlttva tunaut ol IloUors nameid
lliitberford ltutbetford was armed with
two pistols and with tlmo bo st iltal
kopt thu Holders at bay and finally be
gan shooting IIu emptied ovury cham
ber ot both luvolver nt bis opnonehts
and then turned nnd fled Old man
Holdnr was grazed by a bullet and
ono ot tbo Holder boys wan
very dnuporotisly shot In tho
stomach Young Holders death
was looked lor momoutarllr according to
I st accounts After the flight ol Until
ei ford thu Holders who eenped unhurt
returned homo and armed themselves and
started In pursuit of ItaUierford who
when last beard fro i > was making tor tho
brush In Spring Creek bottom H they
overtook him ho no doubt tared badly
A deputy sheriff just returned Irom Era
this afternoon reports that Ituthvrlord
bss not yet ooon caught and lliat It Is tlio
thought bo lias gone Into Wise county
A Little lloy llnitly InJirrt t 7 Trnln
Uscnilin fur in Army
Hpeclaltotho Ostctte
Dknison Tkr Deo 0 A tenyear
old sou ol Mr Simon Oveturf w s run
over by an ontgolog freight trnlu on tbo
Taylor division of thu Missouri IselHc
lailroad last night and lout one leg slut
ono band Tno boywith others was
playing around tbo track and ts Is cus
tomary with many ot them climbed upon
tbu curs to throw off coal for others to
plik up In some manner not clear to
tho boy himself bo fell off with the above
It Is rumored that somo partes In that
part ol town sro In tho Imblt ot hiring
small boys lor a small amount tn climb
on tbo trains and toibrow oft the coal
anit then to jump ft belore the speed ol
tbo tralu was too groat
A detachment ot thirty recruits lor tho
United States urmy pssscd through hero
toda en routo to Concho Tex They
aro from Columbus OMu
> off
Bh rlrt BlclaJii iiml Ills Companion Am
Now Vtf Sis
Special to IbeUarHU
Koitr Smatii Aiik Dec tSlnce tho
2Jth > November L L MpLsln ex
sheriff ot Montagus county Toxond
seventeen otbor cttWns ol his county
bavo been on trlsl In the federal < i < nrt
here lor assault with lnttnt to kill Iho
case went to th Jury abottt II18O to day
aud In flltcon mlnntes they tur d a
verdict ol not guilty same
wero ai o IndttUd tor Ureny and
Introducing whisky m the Indian Terrl
d strict at
tory but tho United Status
torney entered a Lolls pros In bota cases
this afternoon and tils sheriff snd hi
seventeen companions arfl uoW I o roen
and will leave lor Ibolrbnm tomorrow
Red Star
Prca mm t > i > aM JBwfrtfes o I XYttoit
fi 4 >
n M