H 1
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yAriiiTf v
Ha Area Ita People lis Lands and
HomttfclHK of Its Past Ircs
CHt and Future
A Vew Simple Pacts About Mia Country
to Which llin Kf > of Hllllona
ore tiooklne
Tascosa lloncer
Tbo Texas lanbanrilo In view o Its pa
tjnllar situation Its immenso wsrrtlory Its
climatic condition Its healthy altitude
wide plains convenient rivers public
lands bat barrenness ot settlement and
wild history withal Is attracting perhaps
many fold moro attention from the older
fiUUa than any section ol any other
Western stato or territory And what
cvof description may bo sent out ol tbo
good and bad > any new country should
bo trco from atl suspicion of r > n ndvor
tlslng schemoor ol an Immigration boom
The statements In these columns arc In
tended by mingling Impartially tho good
and tbo bad to convey themselves tbo
proofs that nothing Is extravagantly
drawn Wo certainly can disclaim any
lntontlon ol working up an Immigration
excitement or of discouraging Immigra
tion The cold fact Is simply this Tho
people who cannot como to see for them
eclns want a reliable published descrlp
tion of that portion of tno Southwest
designated tho Panhandle of Texas Ibis
paper has numerous roaders In distant
parts and tbo list constantly grows who
read it for tho Information thoy may get
about tho peculiarities and prospects of
this section To comply with that wish
to gratify Its present readers and to win
mora by chapters of Panhandle Ufa that
shall bo truthful and at tho samo tlmo
tolerably elaborate Is tho excuso for oc
cupying tuls space with such accounts
The Panhandle proper which Is com
posed ot tho tollowlug twcntyBoven
counties vis DallsB Sherman Hans
ford Ocblltrco Idpscomb Hartley
Moore Hutchinson Roberts Hemphill
Oldham Potter Carson Gray Wheolor
Deaf Smith Kami 11 Armstrong Donley
Collingsworth Greer Parinor Castro
Swisher llrlstoe Hall and Childress has
a total area of about 14000 square miles
Which means something near 89G0 000
acres Ot all these counties of tho Im
handlo but threw aro urgauUcd Oldham
Wheeler and Donley Tho others aro at
tached to these for land and ju
dlclal purposes In all this terri
tory there aro threo towns and one In
each ot tho orgaulzed counties Tobcosb
In Oldham county Mobccllo In Wheeler
Clarendon In Donley There is a news
paper In each of tho threo towns The
established postofllccs of the Panhandle
are Tascosa In Oldnam county Wheeler
In Potter county Zulu In Hausf ird
county Springer 11 inch in Hemphill
county M beetle besides Fort Killutt as
a government post In Wheeler county
Clarendon in Donley laloduro lu
Armstrong and one or two othtr
boxer of no rotpontdhlllly nor much con
sequence Oilier oIIIcob will bo estab
lished It Is probable during tho year
where tho needs of neighborhoodare
beglnulng to nqnlro them Thero will
bo observed by thoso who Inspect tho cur
rent maps of the Punhaudlocertulu towns
or ofllcos marked on tho Canadian river
above nnd below Tascosa which nro cal
culated to mislead In a measure Such
placos as Trjgillo Lathrt p ll > s Win
dom Adobe and ono or two more Diver
existed ony In tho Imagination of the
Star Kouto swindlers wno put them
Mtboro aud piado oath to them by that
means largely atfdlngtu their annual gov
ernment salary for mall delivery
The configuration of the country Is
most romantic and Indicates Its
hcalthtulness Tho Panhandle Is mostly
an elevatedplains country dotted by
thousands of lakeB which do not hold out
how vor through drought coursed by
the Canadian and Its numerous and small
tributaries through thu Northern part
tho Hrd river and Its tributaries across
the South and Interceded by occasional
deep canons Tho plains aro thu more
cUvatid portions and aru quite level
Water Is not ottou foUud on Uieso plains
only In wet seasons when
the lakes contain It but recent ex
periments havu supplied It In a
few placed both by digging down some
distance and by putting In tanks Tim
ber Is equally scarce with tho water sup
ply or even more ho both on thu plains
and throughout tho lanhandlo Thu
principal kinds found nro cedar cotton
wood and mciqiilto bushes lbs mefquliu
grows on thu level prairies tho cedar
among tbo brakes beside thu water
courses and thu cottouwuod In tho river
and creek valleys A good deal ot the
lirewood used by Ibu people who live
Adjacent to tho large streams Is the drill
curried down during high water Tho
choice wood Is ot course tho cedar
Perhaps nobody who has heard ot onr
Panhandle at all is Ignorant that from
the days of tho Indians to thu present
cattleraising has been and Is y t the
principal indeed tho only occupation ol
tbo people Thuru are perhaps not less
than a million head ot livo stock cattle
horses and sheep lu tho twentysevtn
Panhandle counties and the taxable valu
ation of properties runs up to the neigh
borhood ot 12000000 or 150000 0
A great shnre ol thu land In this sukui Is
the TtxaB school land of the thirty mil
lion acres yet remaining of the great body
ot publlcdomiln set apart or the benefit of
tho school university and asylum funds
most ot It was and Is located In tbo Pan
handle and In thu plains counties lying
south ot It ImmuuFo trncis of tluse
laeds aru leased from tbo statu for pas
tures and under fence thu greater portion
of It being very fair grar ng lands and
much of It giving promise ut developing
into tlno farming tracts In future These
lands aro upon tbo market for purchase
by men who will settle on thorn that Is
11 but thu watered trael and are also
In the market subjort to leasu for grazing
or other purposes watered tracts and all
Owntrrblp ot tbu bind can only bo ob
tained by actual settlement and purchase
at 2 per sure In quantities to each
Individual ot not mora than a
section 010 acres Onofourth onehalf
or threefourths of n section merely may bo
taken Thu object and thu terms In put
ting this land on tho market for sale la
expressly to win settlement si declared
and tho r < qulremrtits bludlng on thu pur
chaser aru set forth lu an oath to which
bo Is compelled to 8Ub crlbo thu ho de
sires thu laud tor ahotnuste d that ho
Will move on tho land Wlthlu ninety days
and rostdo on and improve It tor three
years that ho Is hot acquiring It for any
ono but himself that ho Is twontyono
jtts of age and that tbo Interest will bo
pMd yearly and tho principal within
thirty years
Thero is bat llttlo agricultural dovclon
meutyftt In any part ot tbu lUubaudle
only In tho past two or three years hayu
thera been even experiments In mlslng
crops Such experiments have satisfac
torily proven that for vegetables fruits
and the sinrtl groins ir uo ot tbis sec
will one day bi peuullrtrly adapted
Tno drought at pfcsimt n the grcit draw
back to successful farmltig on any largo
iscslo and it will prfcbatly bo otto of tbo
greatest dliBoulitcs for ytar yet or until
populstton and tlll u ot the soil shall
work out UiepriinlMno tfaivsSispns for
thwjMdve When that is overcome
y tho Wmottlly ol the plalv
5J1 J0 Uu r H domma
jtofctUtnriaV At
FW5v F 7wtE
present September i860 tbo gradmi
Invasion of oo r plains country has act In
from the sooth the southeast and a
movement h jast threatening ilong tho
nortbon trontlcr which Is expected by
anothoryear to bring In a hundred fami
lies and perhaps to organize ono or two
morecjuntlea Such grain and produce
ot ell kinds as may bo raised and made
for many years yet Ond a valuable market
without having to seek It away from
homo As a matter of fact the man who
trays his section of land may enter a
leased pasture and make his selection bnt
as a matter ot fact they will not often do
It Tbo stockman who has pild bis
lease prlco In advanco and expended
largely In inclosing building and provid
ing water most naturally dislikes to see
bis fasturo taken away from him and cut
up Into farms To tho settlers themselves
It seems au Injustlco which they will
seldom attempt preferring to hunt other
lands or do without rather tban risk the
strife thoy would expect to inaugurate
Thero aro of course lands ontsldo of any
pasture bnt when continuous Inclosures
mquontly run lor twenty or thirty or
even fifty miles In a slnglo direction It
forces tho settlors to another neighbor
hood and even to another county Thu
present land laws are not calculated to
sotlle tbo Panhandle
The Immenso tract of 3000 000 acres
which was given to the Capitol syndicate
as It Is called ior constructing tho Texas
cspltol build ng Is situated up and down
the western counties somo of it being In
Oldham This has been and Is being In
closed for a permanent pasture and
stocked with a vast number ol cattle
Half a dozen other prominent companies
and many minor holders make tho stock
business In this extremity of our section
a most Important ono
Oldham and attached counties ore
somewhat 1 arthor west than tho other
quarters and unless the lay ot tho lauds
the naturo ol tbu soil nd tbo presence of
their river and creeks should mako It
preferable la somo ways to other sections
then tho stock Interests may prevail and
predominate In these parts yet whllo thu
advancing Immigration Is tilling upnot so
far out At least ono important ad
vantage of this portion Is tho water
courses Plowing streams within a
rcasonablo distance such as course
across tbo western and northern portion
ot the Panhandle are certainly a material
advantage Another Is thu fact that at
this town Tascosa Is soon to bo tbu only
bridge tho only perfectly safe crossing at
all tlmos on any river In tho Panhandle
country Such a crossing of such a
stnam In a sparsely settled country Is an
advantage to people who havu to travel
bick and forth moro or less which can
not bo overestimating It It will bo no
less n benefit to thu man who Is seeking
his homo or is prospi cling In thu Pan
handle especially to thosu coming from
north and west nnd It Is destined to
mako this thu highway for Immigration
and Incoming travel There will be
such railroads running ncrosi thu coun
try perhaps Intersecting hero from nil
the vomers of tbu c impms before settle
ment has fairly demanded or fully needid
them as will tend to puh rapidly the ag
ricultural Interest when It U onco under
way As for tbu soli It Is ot thu same
suhstaneu and naturo almost In all
part being decidedly sandy Tho health
Is no better anywhere tbnu In this west
ern region there being absolutely no
malarial or miasmatic diseases and the
water obtained by digging Is of tho purest
and best Tho population of thu wholu
Panhandlu being Its than G000 when
everybody Is counted tli west part has
Its pnpur portion a full eharo of thu
business ot the entire country Is trans
acted at TaMcusa and tho people aru no
way rougher nnd they aro quite as socia
ble and Intelligent as frontier countries
usually can show
Tho steady growth and stability of
Tascosa as a town Is shown purtly In tho
confidence of tho property holders and
business men and In tho figures at which
real estate Is hold Town lots command
high prices for tho Wist decidedly and
show no Judication of lowering Situated
In a country whose principal Indus ry Is
calculated to kei p money lu circulation
and so to lnauro good prices for merchan
dise produce ele and to command good
wages for such work as can bu found
Tascosa oven without a railroad In thu
Panhandle Is and will bo a substantial
progrefslvo thriving town lu a produc
tive genial healthy country
Wonderful Iliemimvnoii In Dlllloln
HtSMAitCK Daic Dec 17 A report
has ruoched hero from tho Had Lands that
nu Immenso geyser of flro wjts discovert d
In that famous region nbant
100 mllcB west at nit early
hour Wednesday morning Twobuntits
who have boon alter game In tho Hart Lands
which cover nn Immenso nrei woiu
startled by seeing a blaze if lire shoot tin
lino the air over 100 feut and for over an
hour tho llitnis which camu roaring
through tho crust ot thu earth woro ovi r
thirty feet In height Tho snow was
melted about tho placo for i dlstnnco of
over a quarter of n mllo and tho effect
tioen tbu atmosphere was qullu peroep
Uble For years there havu been burning
coal vt Ins In thu Had Lauds but never
until cow bavo they developed any ex
plosive avmptoms Scientists who
havo traveled over this region have
atcountid for tho strange formations
by thu supposition that at ouo tlmo the
entlro area wat an Immense coalbud
which became Ignited through sosie
Internal cause and a1 It burned
away tho oust ot the earth foil In This
theory has been Btrungtbouod by the
burnlug mines or veins ot cosl which
have botn burnlug cvtir stneo tho dis
covery ol tho country and tho smoko
from many of which can bo seen from tho
Northern Pad He railroad I is believed
tno cau o ot thu great geyser of flro which
burst forth today la tbu gases accumula
ted by the burning coal nud tho exploMon
was Urn natural result of tho pentup
forces When last heard from large
dimes of lire woro being cmuted
at Intervals ot from ten to Ificen minutes
and If this continues It will bu tbo great
out curlOBlty and most novel at ractlon
of tho contluont Tho flimes burnt
through a very sma I aperture lu
tho earth and present u most
beautiful pyrotrchnloal display It has
been christened the Plro Oeyser It Is
hoped by thoso who bavo hoard of tbo
discovery that the phenomenon will
prove permanent as It will bo a great
attraction to travelers nnd tonrlsts and
will add o tho many wonders ot this
famous womlorlaud
A Irlm R tilt or Wit n Kv r Win
A couplo cf London gnrrotcrs soya a
Vrenoh newspaper Lea Quatrea Vents do
V Knprlt were ceutoueml to tho gallows
Ouo was a Frenchman tho other o Prus
sian Th > faMl platform was enctod a
few meter abovo tbttkvol of the Thames
Thu Frenchmans turn camu ilrst 1I
presented his neck thu uooso was placed
around It and two seconds later he was
launched Into upace Hut unexpected
uckl tho ropo snapped Thu baudtt
dropped Into tho water and w m for hla
life The crowd applauded Trio Prus
elan bad looked on moauwhUo with per
fect composure tlon turning to the exe
cutioner ho laid i ay rind mu n hot
tor quality of ropt I cant swim
IfamosqatloblM a persnn who has
sallow o Mlarf l fdver It carries upon
Us rohPkctN enough polsouous ttiattci to
MtttX tho best person it Htlegs
What II 8 J Abont l ot on A Jone Crlt
AniLasKTni Dee 13 lef I
To the KJItor ol tbo Uaiottc
I have just bad the honor to read Mr
Iverson A Jones letter to Tint OxtHTri
criticising somo remarks of mine on the
tariff which appoared In Tint Oatkttk
of thu 2Sth ult Ills letter had escaped
my attention and I would not have knowu
ot Its txistencu had not my ftlend Judge
Lowry of thu Taylor County News pre
sented mo a copy
I had stated that tho effect of protec
tive tariffs had always been to reduce
after a while the price of articles manu
factured In thli country out of raw ma
tutlals grown by ourselves This Is an
absolute fact which no man can shake
yet Mr J ints says that tho statemeut
Is lualcrous No doubt hu thinks
so but It Is because bo has taken thu wild
staements of politicians as gospel truth
without examining for himself Dy way
of trying to prove that my statement Is
ludicrous ho mentions quinine saying
it was very dear while there was a tariff
on It and that It has fallen very low sluco
the tariff wan taken off Well that Is all
true but thu Clucuona treo from which
quinine Is made does not grw In this
country and cannot bo roado to grow
here The tariff on quinine was purely
for revenuu on yaud In no sense a pro
tective tariff Does Mr Junes know a
sluglo person in thu United States
who grows a Cinchona tree
tor commercial use No not
one Likewise the tariff
on coffeo and tea when wo had such a
tariff was purely for revenue only and
In no sunsu protective because wo do not
grow tea aud coffeo lu this country and
never can It wo should put a duty of
91000 an onnco on quinine coffO and
tua It would not develop or protect
any Industry In tho United States It
would be for revenuu only nnd the
government wonld bo tbo solu beneficiary
ot thu duty except the few persons en
gaged In too manual labor of
making qulnlno If Mr Jones
will bo so good as to allow
mo to say so bis reference
to qulnlno In this connection shows his
utter Ignoranco of the tariff question So
far as that question Is coucerntd bo Is a
baby who should bu fed on mush and
milk and sugartits and not on strong
meats He has thu llrst rudiments yet to
And mark tho effect which tho putting
of qulnlno on tbo freelist has had on thu
manufacture of that article In tbu Uultud
States Powers Wolghtman of Phlla
du pliln weru perhaps tho largest manu
facturers of quinine In thu world Tnoy
still mauufacturu It largely but mo
what they havo dono flnce thu removal
of tho duty Thoy havo moved
their manufacturing cfrtsblisnmont Jruui
Philadelphia to Holland bemuse with
our higher wugus for labor thoy could not
manufacture tho articles at nil m this
coun rv and compete with thu foreign
manufacturers They had to movu out of
th citiuiry with their factory or quit thu
business This ol course tnruw several
bundled American people out of employ
ment bull It was right to tako off thu
duty on quiulno It was Imposed un itr
tuu hard necessities growing out of thu
war ami It was taken off as soon us those
hard necessities ruluxed Thus our gov
ernment Is not tbo horrid mointur wnlch
Mr Jones and others ot bis school would
teach us to believe
Ho says that tho prlco ot plateglass
has not been reduced oy tho high tariff
on that Httlcle which H a out 50 pur
ceut ud valorem Herein Mr Jones Is
it vast Ignorance I notice that in tho
rt port ot tho lato tariff commission Mr
i A Hitchcock ot St Louis who Is u
largo dealer In that article stated before
tbo commissioner that thu prlco had
fallen since tbu adoption of tbo tariff
from 2 50 per squuru foot to 81 par
tquaro foot Naoody contradicted tho
statemeut because It was tho truth
Previous to tbo Morrill tariff hII
our plateglass came from Ku
ropo nud wo woro paving thuso
European monopolists whaiever they
chosu to demand ot i or 2 GO pur
tqu iro foot Under thu protectlou of tne
Morrill tariff Americans went to innnu
ficturlng plateglass and behold tbo re
sult Iteloro tho Jlorrlll intlff wo made
none now wo maku about threefourths
ot all that Is used In thlscuuntry aud will
boon maku all that Is Used and somo to
ship abroad Thus wu havo built up a
splendid American Industry thereby sav
ing to us u vastdtalof money Now
Mr Jonos was nut that a goud thing
Tnesu aro thu only Instances Mr Jones
can glvo to upset tho statement that I had
mailu namely that prottctlvu tariffj have
alvwiys attur n llttlu whllo greatly i
dueeil tho prlco ot articles manufactured
lu our couuiry < rut of raw raaturlal grown
In the country Well Mr Joues has upset
that statoment with n > vongeauco Thero
aro vory many huudrods of things on our
tariff Hot I hopu Mr Jones will
bo so good as to try ogam
Porhops ho can go somo notes to
help him out from somo ot our Texas
congressmen PIdsbo lot him try
Treasurer Lubbock who Is a tremendous
trotrader may also bo ablu to glvo hliu
sorau notes Ily all means let him apply
to him
Mr Jones says that protective tariffs
havo nothing to do with higher wages for
tbu laboring man Hu admits that wages
aro very much hijiher In the United Slates
than thoy are In Purupe aud Ood gram
that thoy may always o miluuu to bu so
but hu Is poltlvuthat protection bus noth
ing to do with this because sa > s he
wages are very much higher In California
than thoy oro lu Maine and says he
proudly Is there any protoetlvo tariff In
California as against Maine
I am really startled by Mr Jonos fresh
ness as disclost d by this grand argu
ment Ho Is so fresh that It would real
ly tako tons ot salt to salt him up just a
llttlu Wages aro so much hlgner In
California than they aro In Maine becauso
lands ore cheaper and moru prodnctivu In
Caillornta thou ihey aro lu Maine In
California If a man Is not satisfied with
the wanes offered him hu goes to tho suit
aud makes better wages Lauds are
ahundant and cheap aud he goes to work
on his own hook becoming ua Indepen
dent sb a woodchopper On tho con
Uryl J Mtt ° hll8 lauds
which will produce anything are hlgh
nrlcud Thu common ovoiy day man
ennuot buy there and ho Is forced to
woik for others or utarvo This Is a tule
as regards the value of land nud wages
Which applies U > nil countries I U as
old as tho mural law and well understood
by everybody as l thought Hut Air
Jones appears never to havo dreamed of
it before Tims I hsvo th honor to have
mule him acquit mod with something
Which though ury old Is entirely now to
him I hope ho will bo duly thankful to
Let inn throw out a llttlo thought aud a
llttlo piece of Information to Mr Jones
and to all who uro in Hku darkne s with
himself Iho manufactures ot tuo
Uulted States for this year now ab Ut to
close will nccordlug to tho iluhts now
before me amount to fully G000000
000 Now upposo that tho grinning
idiots In congiew who t rotrying u bru k
down our protective tariff eysUm should
8utc < odlidploKota tho extent of re
ducing tbo volume of our domestlo man
ulsotures only is por cent Wht
would ba tbo re6 H Wo woind
haVo to go abroad to Europe
forks least 1400000000 < at wanUc
tares annually to mako up tho deficit In
oar own manufactures How long could
this terrible drain upon the resources ot
the country bo borne 1 In less tban one
presidential term the whole country
would bo tumbling Into ono common
bankruptcy and ruin And that Is tbu
feast to which these grinning Idiots invite
tho American people N A T
A lUmlmler of Iho I nj When J llncUney
Mmidrrmn W lorernor ot ths Iono
fitnr State
We wero shown a letter from Gov J
PIncknoy Henderson now In tho posses
sion ot Mr E M Turner son of Mr
Charles Turner mentioned In tho same
dated Marshall Tex May 29 1817 and
addressed to Mj Isaac Ferguson K M
Daggett and Cnarles Turner who weru
then residents ot Shclbv county but
wellknown residents of Tarrant county
since then except Mj Ferguson who
died In Mexico durlug its occupation by
thu American army and Is tbu father of
our worthy treasurer Uncjo Hilly Fer
guson Tho letter commands ibem to
move on to Austin with tbo company
of mounted meu and reads as fol
iUnsilILL lUltniflON CO Slay 231817
To Mat laaao fcrguson K M Daggett and
Chsrloa Turner
Silts you will as soon as pos
sible raovo on to Austin with tho com
pany of mounted men yon bavo enrolled
tor tho frontior protection and theru re
port your command to Col Win G
Cook adjutantgeneral of the state who
will bo Instructed to muster your com
pany Into tbu service ot thu United States
for tbo period ot twelve months unless
sooner discharged Bach company will
In pursuancoof the Instructions ot the
secretary of war consist of uot less than
sixtyfour nor more than otghty privates
eacn private must bo mounted on a
good serviceable horse with his own
ride If hu can possibly procure one the
men must bu stout and ablebodied not
apparently over ortyllvo nor under suv
enteen years of age They with their
horses and arms will bo Inspected by tho
mustering olllcer a slated by a surgetn
On your way to Austin you will pur
chase provisions etc from those who
are willing to sell and glvo a receipt
for tho same which will bo paid at Austin
by tho qnartermuBter or paymaster as
soon as prosented sftor the regiment to
which your c mpauy will be attached
shall bo organized After your arrival at
Austin Col Cook will sou that your com
pany Is provided for until you are mus
tered Into service Immediately after
you are mustered into thu service it will
bo your duty to report your command to
thu United States fllcor commanding tho
post at San Antonio under whobo orders
you will bo acting until tho regiment Is
fully orgaulzed In your expenditures
on your route to Austin yon will couilno
yourself within thu limit allowed by thu
United States laws which Is understood
to bo 7fl cents to each man for every
twenty miles tiavui
Governor of Texas
This command did proeeed to Au < tin
nnd became fumcus under Col Jacis
HajH whose sign raauuel appears under
orders to the company frtquently In tho
pipers accompanying thu letters referred
to giving orders tor stores and other
commands relating to th Invasion of thu
halU of tbo Montezumas Tho ofllcers
aro noted on the back oi this letter and
apparently lu thu bund writu of C pt K
M Daggett aud aru ns follows Is ac
Ferguson captain afterwards major
K M Dagmtt llrst liouteoant aiter
wards captaint Charles Tuner second
lieutenant J Wills third lieutenant Jo
Hurnes ilr t sergeant Hardy Jones
second sergoint S 8 liunnells third
sergeant L L Smith fourth sergeont
Tho corporals were First W W Allen
second J 15 Martin third W B
Martin and fourth J P McDonald
Theso subalterns wero all residents of
Shelby county This company did active
and famous Bervlcu In manufacturing tbo
most glorious history ever accomplished
bv American arms and lu being instru
mental with that illustrious army In add
lug moro territory to our Union than any
s < condrato power In Kurope can boast
uud It Is Indeed a treasure to be presctvo >
by tho relatives of theso heroes from
whom the Turners the Fergusons und
Dnggetts hero uro directly descended
J L Martin tbero mentlonid was tho
father of our Judge J K Martin a well
known attorney ot < Jur city
AH tlOUl
Vot as Id mlno baby vaa trylnit to say
VenlRnes tohecscrl a derpreai ut ilcrday
una omtt vrom Utr lilankot do ioena ton loodlu
So pink nnd o ahvoct a dcr Inth rdoomltiK
Und twuilnR und curling dliemeolvca all
Shust llkcidhoy vast eajlng Vo vant to not
Vlillo dot bahy looks oui > rait dlio o bright ojc
HI iluo
Und donil could say nodlnga ahnat only
Vpt vas la mlno baby vas dialing nhinflt
Vlien dot Ibuiub gucaeo quick i10t9 BhTect
lotillo inout
Und ho lo U light avay lllro ho no undor
Dor rraeun ho dond conW qnlto ihvallow heca
Und ho dlga mltdhoiio linger ilghdt Indo hoca
Which nils hla oldt fador mlt tear und sura
und vhon mlt dhoso tblranaadle drtoks ho vaa
Ho lay back und crow nud y nix built
Vot makes dot ahmall baby thnillo vhen hes
ath oep
Does ho dink ho vat hlaylng mltsomovon
po ecu
Dorunso ay dhoeo ahrullcn vai dor ilgnbo
Moro lik doi ho dhroama bo vaa bavins aomo
I fonts Uot cMt nnrso mlt crccn apples torno
ymldhen oft sho shmllot I pcrltei vot sho say
Mien dot baby gut cram a ho Und sonudlngio
Oxeopt thmlto und b ay and keen ont his
Ah Oool
I V mo sometimes yeon I looks In dot crib
Mil dor ahlrt irondlvonday dako dernaeo
oil Oct Ullil
Ylll do bluoeyed baby dots pooling mlno
Know till ot I knows abondt droublo and
Dhon I alnk of dir vorlrtt rait Its nrldo and Its
Und I visa dot mtacstlt and dot baby vas
Und all der day long I haf rodlnts to do
lludt alms laugh nnd cruw nnd keen saying
Jlbatles rollon Adams
Tho toboggan erazo U going to bo
wilder than tyer this year aystho Phila
delphia Times and ladles ore preparing
for their llghtulng like riding Tho knit
Normandy cap ot worsted which was
brought out last wluter will bo seen
agalu this wlutor It is either white bluu
or red square at tho top and has a big
satin bow at tho Irout When It fiemes a
dlmplul face allowing a cloud
of frlztled hair to escape over
the face it is lrreMstlble
In Albany last winter an attempt
was made to Introduce breueh pauta
trous or whatever name may be applied
to a bifurcated garment ot cloth for tern
tnluowear It does uot itach to tho
feet like the trousers that form part of
tho riding habits worn by Udlo but fits
tight to tho uppor limb and buttons at
tho knoes Tnls now departure Is re
commended a < a goad thing In case ot an
upset or a slldo when the fair Tldor Is
apt to make a descent quickly and with
out regard to conventionalities or p
> eaiaces
I am just in receipt of large shipments
Oranges Lemons CocoaniilJ
la kegs and half kegs and Now
All cholco new goods It Is tlmo to lay In your stock of theso goods for tho holiday trad
Orillnnnon No 108
An ordlnanco regulating thu moving ot
dead bodies and tbo issuance of burial
Be It ordained by the city council of
tho city of Fort Worth
Section 1 It shall be the duty
of every undertaker or other
person acting as such having In
charge tho Interment of any deceased
person to deposit with tho city sexton
sextons or superintendent of tho ceme
tery wherein said Interment Is to take
placo tho proper burial permit from Uih
board of health and It shall bo the duty
of tho city sexton sextons or superin
tendents ot cemotcrics In the city of Vort
Worth to keep a register to bo provided
by tho city of nil persons burled In said
cemotcr es giving In alphabetical order
the name ot the deceased the number ot
tho lot In which tho body was burled A
trim copy 01 which register shall bo kept
on lllo by such sextons or superintend
ents subject at all times to inspection by
tho board of health and the general pub
Sec 2 No body or remains of any de
ceased person shall bo burled or interred
In any cemetery burlsl ground or other
place within the city limits no shall the
body of any deceased peron bo removed
from tho placo of death nor shall tho
body ot any deceased person bo disin
terred from any placo wltblu the city
limits unless thu proper permit therefor
has been Issued bv tho board of health
Sec 3 In case of tho death of any per
son In thu city every physician or person
acting as sucn who had charge of or was
In attendance upon such person at tha
tlmo of death shall forthwith fill out a
blank certtfl ate furnished by tho health
departnunt statin nil partcular as
called forlnsaldcertlllcatoof death blank
and shall deliver or causu to be deliv
ered to tho undertaker having In charge
tho burial of deciasid and said under
taker by presenting tho said ccrtMVato to
the chairman of thu board of health shall
bo given and furnished freo of charge
with a burial permit for tho Interment
of deceased
Burial permits shall also be Issued
when properly tilled out by a coroners
jury actlnrr in any easo
Sec 4 That any person or persons
violating any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall upon conviction be fined
In any sum from 25 to 9100 for each of
Sec S That all ordinances and parts
of ordinances In conflict with this ordin
ance bo and tho samo are hereby re
Sec C That this ordlnanco tako effect
and bo In force from and a tor its publi
cation according to law
This ordlnanco not having been ap
provid nor disapproved within threo days
as prescribed by the charter ot said city
takes effect the samo at if approved
nn lmY City Secretary
Hied Dec mber 6 I860
i1 n r utLVi Cy Secretary
la sfd Decembor 111S8G
Kecorded Drcembor 16 188G
11 H M ntr City Secretary
Ortllnnnca Ko 407
An ordlnanco licensing aud regulalnc
butchers meat shops and meat peddlers
It ordained by tho
tho city ot Fort Worth
city council of
Stctlon 1 No
person Arm or corpora
tion or agent or
employe ot
any person
firm or corporation Bbail onen k m n
uslutain ony butVhor S or L
Uavi uinff tl l Jy 0 ° rt Wofthwfio
having first obtilned from
tho city coliec
an LorC n lcenso K anil
SSKKTirSS aC n > rio ° D TrthU
nD Tr
SS n flu ° r
corporation doing J
nkeeper oiKrwthins VcjtV
and all kinds of vegetables in any quan
tity providedthat tho owners of meat or
butcher shops who bavo paid their li
cense cay bo permitted to peddlo or
hawk meat In said cltv
Src 2 No person firm or corporation
or the agent or employo of such person
tlrm or corporation shall peddle or hawk
meat from a wagon or otherwise In quan
tities less than a whole carcass wltbont
having first obtained from tho city asses
sor nnd collector a license therefor and
any person firm or corporation doing
business as a peddler or hawker of meat
as above set forth shall pay an annual li
cense thereftir of 320 m advance provid
ed that nothing herein shall bo so con
strued as to Include grocers who sell any
salt or cured meats
Sec 3 Every such llccnso shall
bo numbered and contain the
name of thu person to whom Issued nnd
shall designate the location of his mentor
butcher shop and tho license Issued to
peddlers or hawkers of meat shall bo
numbered In a different scries of numbers
from the shops Tho city collector and
assessor shall keep a register of all of such
license and such license shall only be
transferred upon such register and to tho
bona fide purchusur of and successor to
such persou Urm or corporation and their
said bulncss
Sec 4 Kvory person who Is duly 11
ceused as herein required shall keep his
meat shop or stand pr < perly cleaned and
free from ull foul smells and nuisances of
every de6crpton and on falluro thereof
shall bu deimed guilty of a mlbdoineanor
aud on conviction tbcr < of be lined uot
less than 85 nor more than 60
Sec 5 All meat shops shall bo under
the control of the board of
health who shall have power by major
ity of the board to declare any one of tho
sirao a nuisance for good and sufficient
cau c which Undlng and o copy thereof
served upon tho party licensed by tho city
marshal and shall operate as a cancelling
of his licen o and a prohibition of all sales
S c C Any kcopcr of a meat shop of
butcher or any hawker or peddler of
meats who shall knowingly sell or offer
for sale any diseased or Impure meats
shall forfeit his license and be fined In
any sura not exceeding 850 and when
convicted beforo tho mayor or recorders
court for violation ot this article his
license thblt be deemed forfeited
Sec 7 Any person Arm or corpora
tlonor the agent or employe of any person
agent or corporation violating sections
l and 2 of this ordinance shall upou con
vlctlon thereof In tho recorder or mayors
CUrt of this city bo punished by
a lino in tho amonnt of such
llcemo as set forth In said articles 1 and
txcept where a different punishment is
herein prescribed and each day such vio
lation continues shall constitute a sepa
rate and distinct tffonse
Sec 8 Any perton prosecuted under
sections 1 or 2 shall havu such prosecu
tlou dismissed upon paymeut of said ll
ccnso and all costs of prosecution
See 9 Thlt ordinance Is not Intended
to Include parties who sell tho product
ot their own farm
S o 10 AlioidluanceBorpirtj of or
dlnances In conflict with this aro hereby
Sec 11 That this ordinance tako ef
fect from and after Its publication ac
cording to law
This ordinance not having been ap
proved nor disapproved within three days
as Is prescribed by tho charter of said
city takes effent the same as it approved
H It Kaklv City Secretary
Filed Octob r 12 A 18S6
H K EIKLY City Secretary
lasaod December 7 A D 188C
Itecoided December U 1880
H Jl EiiiLr City Secretary
fimtth A Jatyu Mo k t W
Ooriaor 3MTCUXX aotacSL lE oxairfcia SHnroots
The Only Exclusively ffluMo Dry Goods Hotse in Fort 1
WI3 ItI3rOMjrjGNI >
Tlie I iiiest
For Hard Coal
Parlor Sttf
For Wood or C
Coolc Stoves nud1
503 Houston StrOt
Henry Pollack
Ta it s pr
ForlJ > M t T
Bet TbM dj
A Full Stock in All Numbers for Salo bylte