f i i
i <
> a
Perty Mile of the Only Orwrt la lion
die mto Extension to bo
Unlit l y February
The CntSJe IJI4eki < Ie HrokjmTo lied Hlver
Motoro OhrUlnii Xl i lenmyl
ratlin UoM VooU
Home Note >
Abont a mllo more of grading was cotn
pletedon tho Fort Worfu fc Itlo Grande
> ycstcrdoy
WJ Sherman assistant chief cnslwor
of tho Gulf Colorado Santa Fo railway
was In town yesterday and reports that
work is favorably progressing on tho
linoMr lC Terry tbo wellknown civil
engineer in oogagod 1n platting several
cities to Uo located in tho southern part
of tho Panhandlo along tho lino of a tall
road soon to bo built
It is stated as o fact beyond tho pos
sibility ol a doubt that bcfnro Christmas
day tho AtchlsonBantn Vo will be In
running order to lied river scvontyflvo
miles north of Jort Worth
Tho Texas 4 Paclflc moved n number of
tarloads of cattle yesterday and Is dally
diminishing tho number of beeves await
ing shipment The numbor at Colorado
City and other points west is not now
large enough to consider It a cattlo block
ado Gen Dodgo president of tho Ian
handlo Construction c ropony was busy
examining bids lor grading and track
laying on tbo extension of tho Fort Worth
Denver to tho Canadian A uum
ber ol Fort Worth contractors wem
among thd blddora and It Is under
stood that a number ol them wero suc
cessful In obtaining largo contracts Hy
tho end ol February If nothing very un
usual occurs forty mllcH ol tho extension
twill ho completed trom Qnanah Gen
Dodgo expects to have hlfl affairs hew in
finch shape by Monday that ho will bo
ablo to leave lor Now York
OnlnrinlUo Notes
Special to tho OnicUfi
Iainksviuk Tkx 1cc 18 Tho
Santa Fo track Is now completed to with
lu three or lour miles ol this city and tho
first train Is expected hero by Wednesday
Three carloads ol iron lor the Santa Fo
brldgo across Ked river wero received
horo yesterday This makes twentyllvo
cars received In all
Opposition Mode to Ooolry
Toledo Ohio Dec IB Attorney
Davlcs ol Now York representing tho
Wabash bondholder mado application
to Judgo Walker ol tho United Status
court this morning for an order placing
that portion of tbo Wabash system with
in tho Unto ol Ohio In tbo hands of re
colvor Cooloy Objection wan mado by
Attorney Swayno on tho part ol tho pres
ent management who united to be heard
In opposition Tho court took tho mat
ter under advisement
Owl Nolilna Huoceenor
Special to the Maietto
Dallas Tkx Dec 18 Tun Gazkttk
correspondent tonight waited on lie
eclvor Brown ol tho Texas jlacl lie rail
road and catted his attention to tho pub
lication in tho St Louis GlobeDemocrat
ol yesterday morning assorting that John
A Grant a railroad mnn ol Georgia had
bocn appolntid to succeed tin late George
Noblo as general mauagor ol the Texas
laclflo Gov Drown eald I know noth
ing authorizing that publication No one
Ins been asslflucd to tho place
and I am discharging Its duties
nrysstf I tvo no Idea when
any announcement will bo made and no
ono la authorized to Btato who the man
wlTl oe and until an olllclal announce
ment Is mado 1 do not proposo to dlecuss
what may bo said through tbo columns of
tho press on tho subject Tho names Of
a number of parties havo been presented
by friends and a numbor havo been sug
gested In my own mind and all havo re
ceived and aro receiving propor consid
A New Wnbah Hclieme
St Louis Mo Dec 18 It Is said
that overtures bavo been made by tho
representatives of senior bondholders of
tho linen cast of the Mississippi river
looking to tho consolidation ol the Wa
baso lines cast aim west so far as tho
operating and trafllo departments aro con
cerned or in other wotds to continue tho
jurisdiction of General ManagerTalinage
us heretofore but to keep tho rovenucs ol
the Wabash lines cost and west separate
Whethbr such n plan will really bo put in
operation or not is not certainly known
rnicsnirNT itomsnTH ok tub iknnsyl
IlitLADKiriiu 1a Dec 18 Attor
neyGeneral dasldays call upon tbo
Pennsylvania lUllroad companys princi
pal executive ofllccrs to appear boforo
mm today and give information In tho
coal and trunk pool suits wrought out
President Hoberts Second Vice Presi
dent Thompson and their attorney
Messrs Scott McVeigh nnd Loumn
Hoberts was instructed by his attorneys
to answer all questions after which ho
took tho stand and was swon
Kendall tnen began tbo examination
Hoberts explained at length his ofllclil
rotations with tho Pennsylvania mad uud
other corporations dcfcndantain thlt > ult
Ho told where tbo lines ol tho company
run as well as those ol Its connections
Including nearly all Important lines east
ol St Louis Tho Pennsylvania llallroad
company was the largest stockholder in
many ol them Witness was chairman ol
tho present commlttco ol tho trunk lino
pool and Albert Fink was commUbloiie
ol tho pool with a salary of 10000 or
In reply to Mr Cassiday Mr Hoberts
said ho thought hit company had copies
ol tho minutes ol the proceedings of tho
Trunk lines organization nnd ho con
sented to produce them
Continuing Hoberts said When wo
como togother In New York wo generally
havo a growl over breaches of contract
committed by some party to tho ngreo
When you havo dnno your erowling
then what do you do
Wo generally go homo laushter
Some freight Is shipped over different
lines It is very seldom shipped at the
same rates
What then Is tho purposo of this or
To got thorn to do that
Do you notreqiilro that a carload of
freight from Philadelphia to Chicago
should bo n tipped at tho same rato by ull
That Is generally tho purpose Our
company Is usually required to charge
tho highest rato Wo aro looked upon as
furnishing tho best accommodations
and shortest route ana wo aro gen
erally kept up to tho highest murk
This organization does not proposo to
control tho amount ol freight nor even
tho percentage ol Irelgbt a road may carry
It endeavors to tx tho proportionate
amount which each road should carry ol
tho total amount shipped
Hoberts said ho had stttod at ono ol
these meetings that tho payments his
company was called npon to make wero
too large and bat tbo directors ol tho
company wero not satisfied Tho lines
bo said wero In unison and harmony all
tho way through IIo did not want to
say ono word against a slngio member ol
tho Trutk lino organization because In
some cases It was lmposslblo
to control other lines affil
iating with their roads In tho
transaction of their business In tbo
course ol further examination Hoborts
said tho Philadelphia Wilmington Bal
timore lUllroad company for which tho
1ennsvlvanla railroad paid somothtng
lkoSl000000 was not purchased lor
nny such purposo as controlling freights
betwoen Baltimore and New York
Answorlng Mr Cassldy ho said In
point ol fact tho combination ol railroads
had established a schedule ol rdtes which
Mr Fink was Instructed to maintain 1
Mr asaiday ilnvoyounot paid as
high as a 61000000 into he pool to make
good that agreement
Not quite I thinki but I moy nay our
company has contributed largely lor tho
purposes I have already euunclited
something like 82SO000
Cassiday pressed tho witness very
closely upon this matter of steadying
rates nnd Hoberts llnally declared that
tho course they had taken wai lorced
upon them by the governor of tho statu
countenancing by his signature the start
ing ol corporations organized by fictitious
l ues which condition of affairs being
allowed to exist rendered it necessary tu
adopt como remedy lor tho protection ol
ourselves and the public
Then you think ono rono can glvo hot
ter survlco than two competing lines
asked Cassiday
Yes I certainly do
Was It for that reason you built a
road to Atlantic City when two already
Oh dont go Into that said Mr Mc
Id llko to answer that said Hoberts
I withdraw It said Cassiday
But I wont to answer Insisted Hob
orts Cassiday very evidently did not earn to
hear and reluscd to havo tho question
put on record It was tho only evidence
of any warm feeling during tho hearing
Are not goods manufactured say for
Instanco in Pinladn phln nhpped west
through by way ol New York at cheaper
rates than when shipped direct from
Philadelphia west
Mr Hoberts Thats very likely but
It Is duo to tho fact that goods are
destined for other lines over which wo
havo co control
Is It not so Irom Philadelphia to
Johnstown Pennsylvania
It iberts I havo answered that ques
tion before and I say again positively no
TbU Is a thing that has been hammered
at in this community for a long tlrao nnd
I want to deny It emphatically so far as
tho administration of the Pennsylvania
road Is concerned and I Insist ray ansvcr
shall bo taken ai a denial so lar as I am
Under crossexamination by Mr Mc
Veigh Hoberts said that the pooling
arrungomont was merely on attempt at
doing what tho aw tailed to do With
out such ail arrangement tho wildest com
petition would toko place and ono ship
per would never know whether his com
petitor < vus getting hotter rates or not
Any such arrangements as would
hurt tho public would bo ten times
moro hurtful to tho railroad companies
Hoberts paid also that tno Pennsylvania
Hillroad companv has frequently been on
tho eve ol withdrawing Irom this con
tract Tho directors < l tho company have
raised the question of legality of tho con
tract nnd havo only remained In It for tho
purpose of protecting tho state in tho
Dont fail to see our
display this week
and get our prices
on Holiday Goods
We are now exhibiting the
largest stock of Furniture
in Texas and prices are
low Send us your orders
matter ol freight rates as provided by the
Trunk Lino commission
McVeigh How much percentage of
your total tariff Is In this pool
Hoberts Our cntlro through business
Is only nbout 8 per cent ol tho wholo
buslmBS of tho company and I cannot
say what percentage of our westbouna
freight Is in tho pool
McVeigh asked Hoberts with rclercnco
to the natlonalfcellng concerning pools
IIo said that Irom consultations he baa
had ho believed the United States senate
was stnngly disposed to favor tho pool
ing arrangement For himself bo believed
in tho greatest publicity ol tho rates
established by tho pool
If you ore willing to withdraw from
tho pool a ked Mr Cassiday why not
let nn toko out an < njunct < an now
Becatiso I dont think people ngreo
either with you or with me If tho
Pennsylvania lUllroad company wero to
withdraw Irom tho pool a breakup in
traffic organizations all over tho United
States would follow and that would bo
a greater responsibility than wo care to
Tho hearing then adjourned to moot at
ome day to bo set when the partlos meet
In Harrisburg next Tuesday
Wnco Alter Itnllrond
Special to tho Uazclto
Waco Tkx Dec 18 Mayor Sturgls
Wm Cameron and Ino TFlint Esq
will leave lor San Antonio next Wednes
day to confer with tho authorities of tho
San Antonio Aransas Pass railroad
relative to tho Waco extension which It
Is desired to havo hurried up A com
mlttco has also been chosen to confer
with President S rong ol the Atchison
Topeka Santa Fe road In regard to get
ting direct connection with that road
Waco Is not making much noise In this
matter but Tiik Gazkttb is authorized
to say that Waco has started out to get
more railroads and has tho money to pay
feuernl Mutineer Clnrli
St Louis Mo Dec 17 S 11 II
Clark new lirst vicepresident and gen
eral manager Mlssouu Pacific rail
way and leased lines arrived
h < ro tonight from Omabo
and will enter on his duties
at onco IIo Is authority lor tho state
ment that the reports which havo re
cently circulated that ho will make num
erous changes In the cxecutlvo ofllccrs
or the system arc untrue
Etnte Note
The Fort Worth Gazkttk In Its On
to should on to connect with tho St
Louis San Franclpco via Von Alstyne
and other places that would be on the
route A road running from Fort Worth
via Van Alstyne would take in tho best
agricultural country la Grayson and Col
lin counties which cannot be surpassed
nnywhore Van Alstyno Enterprise
The laboring men and larmers of this
section are anxiously waiting for the call
for men and teams to work on the Fort
Worth Western railroad Thero has been
several In town the last fow days making
Inquiry as to when tho work will probably
begin We hope It will soon commence
for the time Is fast approaching when tho
men who can and want to work will
havo to get ready for another crop They
want to earn a little money to help them
through tho coming crop sea
son Sprlngtown Pilot
Tho extension of tho International
Great Northern road from Longvlow to
Texorkana which Is now a certainty will
place Greenville on the main through
lino of tho Missouri Pacific in tbo state
The road will cross the cast lino at Daln
gerlleld Tho connection of tho road at
this point with tho Eist lino tho widen
f A > yrtOtw w vKftv
X I lj3b I
< l
ing of tho gauge Irom Jefferson to Green
vlllc and the completion ol tho Green
v lie Dallas will glvo the Missouri Pa
cific an outlet from Tcxsrkana to Dallas
nnd the west Independent of tho TVxaa
Pacific Greenville will bo benoOted by
tho extension Grecnvlllo Herald
Tho business men of Itasca in Hill
take actlvo
county aro preparing to
oteps to Induce tho Weatherford Corsl
cana road to build by way of that pro
gressive town Dallas Mercury
II ever this road is built and we be
lieve that it will be Itasca will get It if
money will procure 11 Wo cannot afford
to miss it or rather for It to miss us and
our citizens fully rcallzo this fact With
this road furnishing an additional outlet
for our abundant and Increasing products
Itasca will bccouio tho leading commer
cial city in all this country Itasca
Scientists endorse Hed Star Cough
Curo because it is Ireo Irom noxious op
How They Work nnd Vote In Dakota nnd
Fort Keogh Loiter in Philadelphia Itccord
In all political canvasses out tnls way
when estimating tho number of votes
which may bo counted upon at tbo polls
tho votes of women are noted recognized
and sought in every way Tho polltax
which every voter between twentyone
and fllty is obliged to pay whether malo
or iemalcts specially for school purposes
As ono of tho girls puts It Ono of tho
principles for which tho revolutionary
war was fought was that taxation should
havo representation and tho justlco of
tho principle is as unquestioned today as
As larmers the ladles aro also entitled
to the cake Woman has been typified as
a tender vine clinging to tho sturdy oak
which is supposed to be emblematic of a
strongman Out hero in tho lreo North
west It Is quite tho rcvorse and every day
ono can seo or hear examples whero tho
gentler sex provo a supporting oak to tho
weak tendril man A wellknown mar
ried woman a little west ol here whoso
husband has been absent nine months
out ol tho twelve looking alter horses
and roundingup cattle during tho last
spring and summer did all alone nnd un
aided her own plowing When plowing
tlmo came this enterprising mother con
structed a box on tho plowiu which to carry
her baby and thus sho plowed tho lur
rows Sho then proceeded to harrow
plant and cultivate and In this way pro
duced a fine crop which she haivested
and packed away by tho time tho old man
catne homo This Is only ono example
out of a hundred Some of the girls In
Dakota and Montana havo taken to edit
ing newspapers As a rule tho papers
edited by territorial girls aro a credit to
journalism Miss M S Mills has be
sides getting out on time tho weekly edi
tion of tho llawloy Star proved up a pre
emption planted five acres on a tree
claim built a sawmill and raised the
largest cabbage In tho county Her tur
nips look like veritable cartwheels and
took the first prize at the agricultural
lair This damsel uow has the modest
lump of 480 acres lu hor own right
Tho solution of the women problem
seems to be that a woman may do what
evei she can Girls on the prairies of
Dakota nnd Montana aro now living
aluno In Isolated cabins miles Irom hu
manity and yet aro they safer in all re
spects than in largo Eastern cities These
plucky homesteaders spend wholo sum
mers alone on their claims and
neither fear nor havo cause to fear
tho least intrusion Such absolute
freedom from all restraint li rarely
enjoyed by anybody bnt hero It Is a fact
and no mistake True It Is n llttlo lone
some at times but then when tho girls
aro in pairs ono can ride walk rnn
saunter wear old clothes a sunbonnot
or bat can sing shout carol trill cbant
In seven octaves and nobody to complain
about It They are frco and lighthearted
of courso and tho very ptcturo of rosy
health Most all of them can shoot and
when they do It necessary they shoot to
Last week Mr and Mrs Evans were
out to their stock ranch near the mouth
ol Belt creek to look alter their cattlo
They wero on horseback nnd alter
gathering the animals togother and count
Inn them lound that a dozen or so were
mlping Mr EvanS thou started across
Belt creek whero ho had seen a number
of head the day before Instructing Mrs
Evans to go back about a mllo and take a
trail up to tho ranch on tho lookout for
auy missing cattle deciding on a place
whero they would meet Sho had
not proceeded fir however when
she saw In a llttlo basin before
her three of tholr culves and
two enormous gray wolves with them tho
latter engaged in tho pleasant pastlmo of
eating ho calves alive On tho impulso
of the moment never thinking of danger
Mrs Evaus lashed up tho pony and was
soon In tho midst of tbo wolves and their
prey Then she Industriously laid about
her with her ridingwhip driving tjo
wolves back although they were snarling
mad and exceedingly savage about leav
ing Tho wolves mado a dash at her
whereupon tho puny shied and nearly
unseated the fair equestrienne but
sho quickly recovered tier balance and
dashed back at tho br tcs with such en
ergy and determination that they lied
from the field and lelt tbo brave woman
In absolute possession Two of tho calves
died from their injuries that night and
tho othcrono was literally to u to pieces
Wbcn It Is considered that hunters and
cowboys well armed sometimes hesitate
to atacktho f roclous gray wolf on tho
prairie It Is all the moro astonishing to
think that ono woman alono and un
armed would dare to uttack and do up
two such monstora in such a brilliant
style as Mrs Evans handled her brace of
gray customers
New Orlruns Mnrltet
Nrew Oklkans La Doc 18 Klour
strong and higher choice 87fi3 85
fancy I004 10 extra fancy 81 2G
430 Oats firmer No 2 white Western
8010c Sugar higher grades have
advanced kettle choice 4c strictly
prime 41lCc prime 4c Molasses
open kettle choice higher at 4Gc
Minnesota winter wheat pctcnts
S4 755 Corn firmer mixed and
wnlte 4G47c yclow 48c Lorn meal
quiet 2 15 Ilay steady 8131G
llo products dull Pork 1125
Lard lMlned tierce 8U00 Bulk
meats Shoulders 8450 long clear
lid clear ribs 85 874 B9con should
ers 8fi long clear and clear rib 87
Choice sugar nnd canvassed hams 10 50
a > 10 75 Whisky snady Western rec
tified 81 11I 13 C iffee demand light
but holders tinner Hlo 134163c Elce
quiet but steady at 2i4c Cuttonseed
products nominally unchanged Ex
change New York sight nominal
Slnrlno Intelligence
Special to tha Uazcitc
Galvkstox Tkx Dec 18 Arrived
Steamships Now York und ltlo Grando
Irom New York Harlan from Morgan
What wo want Is not to eeo ourselves
as others seo us Wo want to have others
see us as we seo ourselves Somerville
yonr life IsmtZj T
slnusoMonUc catto
certain and n e dy
Kxtrn Fancy mert
lu klt
new flsb TrttViv
A Santa Barbara Cil i
fi In love with
with him and ifiW
They got away ufcgj gg
tain rauthsvesselouwiC
limit so that tho mmS
without a liceaV
all over it was learned
just as welt nave been
because no one in tbottoildfe
Easy chairs and fancy rock
ers Call and see them and
examine the celebrated
New stock Bedroom Suits
latest designsand our prices
are low Goods sold on the
And 8 ° PleWes cao fS
mixed pickles la bulk at teu
Cluros si
> Jjj
Selected Shoal lluj
New lot Just In
Worth Grocer Co a
i J
Any one baying 3 tvoilSfi
goods of O 11 waternw
nnd Main will cecsrn a fhj
on an easel
This celebrated bwJdaS
havo arrived at last Tot hi
Fort Worth Grocer Cos
My holiday stock luoir cob
every detail you cu tti teritli
o nickel toy to tha not u
dressingcase and pitetHwpi
tho lowest 0 Mittftoiwr
and Main streets
They wore at the drc 1ri
ever seen Mile la Kaai pj
No sho replied Is rttii
or n St Louis womacM