OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 19, 1886, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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tflscis of tlio Coraponnda Sulistl
lutml for Whisky
jnla Letter la Now York World
icorsli a matt can scarcely bo
leader In a country fchoul oebato
i posltlou on the dry law Is mado
From hustings anil from pulpit
barkeepers have buen denounced
the language ot a prominent
tbo dogfeerlea liavo to ko
ie doggeries liavo gou from tUrco
rjftho stfto and tho judges and
draw tbolr salaries as usual
itlanta aisalnst tho votes ot bor
> pl which were outuumbered by
on the county went dry It was
litbo ranger line hadbceu passed
crrlblo tragedy In which tho Hill
lost their lives bares evidence
Id not require tho opening of
barrooms to get liquor In tho
lerc the HI fated men lay dead
jc other there was found achatn
ottlo full of whlshy and n white
no third f ill of alcohol diluted
ted liquid and flavored While
in weriHylns dead In tholr room
rmcr el ive Scott IIlll was being
the city prison where ho died
the day from tho effect ol liquor
mmeuriry upon tho blockade
Id la Atlanta It was stated that
111 had only drank ouo glass of
iiic wine Tno nest day M
Collins ouo of tho mo t prominent
thins went out driving with ti
ol ot wlncbottles in tho phaeton
Phhrawn out ot tho phaeton but
ijd only a slight bruise ou tho
tet he died In tarco hours I
Snow what caused his death said
fclio unless it was tbo wlno ho
Milch must have been heavily
I Four dead mon in two days
trlud record
hct Is that liquor may bo
Bi Atlanta for the ask
rocro aro In tho city forty
fui The wlno sold Is generally
Ulnd of compound ItlsnoUo
I It docs nut begin to affect Its
tll about twentyfour hours after
no then It doubles him up in
ler Thoro is a drink sold called
fid great Is tho exciting power
A wellknown Irohlbltlonlst
jcul to drink a glats of it tho
and when a ktd what it wus
II Ued to drink they called It rye
jsa need not resort to thoso de
jet bad liquors when he can get
l r dellvired at his door Such
S for instance as tho following
iOIt fUltK OLli 10018
ilzlDg ttiu fact that puro spirits
itcly necessary in tho treatment
iseases and believing that our
supply ihe wants of heallllcted
we have made ar
hy which tho people ot
a supply thomsolves with old
itklea and brandies which we
be pure We do not rectify Ve
J pnru goods Irom ilrst hands
rsand all necessary Informa
hail free
at oto of a dozen different es
its doing business in the citlos
Owing to the great attention
liejngtralns the liquordcaers
ed to various devices A quart
lnstanco is nicely packed in a
lshoes etc Gentlemen got
lng thought mindful of thoir
a seen with one of theso do
tes under his arm It is said
M 200 plain jugs were dellv
he frelghtotllces one day re
offset his tho Prohibitionists
the closing of all places which
a of liquid for beverage which
Offer to do and stop the lm
JJfifl which will be far more
hlle 108 counties in Georgia
twelve partially so with llq
r license from tho stato In
so there bavo been Isiued by
revmuo collector 22BS retail
iscs These licenses relieve
Ifom all fear of the United
213 illicit iJIsUUerloi havo
ihere aro today not less than
Wnu or umi Illtcf still lor
Mers m tho state Jamaica
umerous medicines ellslrs
ji etc composed for tbo
distilled Bdrltn uro sold ao
the dry cooutlo Collector
liteij instructed his depu
e the spiclal revenue tax
U who sell these decoctions
a dmult thing to draw tho
medicines and beverages
l > has been reported from
wherein Mr W II Whet
rKJ with retailing liquors
s His pi a was that his
a a few quarts of blackber
Julco out of them and
wine wblcb be
nI hbors and for church pur
wis 1 jail for It
st isy Ou
fie of Silver Loaf and five
u you do this yon will
How disastrous
jljgbrd causa troublous
i 4
FOItT WOKTU 1BX 1 > 0C 1C 1S80
Todays trado was the heaviest of tho
week aud was very large
Owing to largo offerings ot eggs tho
prico went back to 23 cents but was hold
at that llguro
A carload of oleomargarine tho first
in this market was received today It
was a novelty to tn o a revenue stamp on
anything resembling a packtga of butter
Tho course of prices of grain In the
United Kinudom within tho week has
been less Inclined to advance Import
ers too aro doln lo = s nnd tho opinion
gains ground that foreign demands on
tho Ualted SUtes prior to
Iiuinry 1 are likely to bo less
than recently anticipated It Is worthv of
noto that tho lirltlsh crop is not turning
out as well as expected and that the
Ma k Lano Kspress believes tho British
wheat crop is materially overcthnated
Franco too is sunposod to havo olll
dally overestimated Its wheat crop
from 80000000 to 40000000 bush
els The London Corn Trude 11st No
vember 0 states that in presenco of the
continued diminution of our stocks an
increaso of Amorlctn shipments will at
no very distant ttino bo absolutely requis
ite and even wore thoso shipments to be
come double ot whit they havo recently
been they would bo none too much for
European requirements Hradstrects
UUTTKtt 1530o per It croamorrAVs
COTTON Strict low mtddllnK tlngod 7VCJ
rood middling ie
OOFFKli Itlo fair 15Xo wlrao lG o
cholqo 18BlHSo loirayra 17j JavaiJo
tioldnn Itlo 17 < c Tea Hurry 21c
OIIEKSli Tlio hotter Kradesand Ohio factor
loaiOKo full cream xwlna 15o
JAIiltAUt W no ncr erato
OANNKl JOODS Irloca per doicn rino
upplos standard 1 60 unachoe etnndard i
ttaIl iJ aa J2 OIOCOODU 2 B > a Jl 13 3 Ilia
SI 0 tomatoes standard 1 ttsjl 00 nocondt
S Uhf J 3 fcsH to grocn corn 1 IU41 MJ
Ereonpcael 10U1 Mifcoosubcrrlos Jl JAj ra p
horrlosjl 85 oyrtcrs fnil wclgnt 1 JJ UV
tt0l 7J 1 V0 It wt 1 lb f t at t aunon
I a 1 M2 tta iraankciol 1 lb UOttfl00 sr
dluee American 5 60 caiioj Imported JlJWffl
II oocnoo 8trAwlM > rrlos 2 us Jl SJ blackberries
II 13 groca Kurds J rtairlo oondonecd ralllr
is S3
S3WIY HOODSlrlnts Albion solid colors
tyc Allens fancy BKo llnkn Wa Itobcs
3 > i o American tunc > 3o Anchor tXo Ar
nold fancyCo llvrnlok fancy ojUlmrtor Onk
ISu iruuuel S > io Kditrstono caUionccstcr
sllvur Kriy f > Mc Haricl 5Ho Simpsons tio
atoct ItlvfirBfo Windsor fsnoy o
llnulinms Amonlcitif 7o Union 7Ko
Oalodouln 7Ko Hcnlruw 8 ci JucnaardtVc
Nubian Bo Wcstbrook So Zephyr bc
ilruwn Cottons Cllttou O O O Co Constltn
tlon UVc Uwlght Co Oiendlo SVo New
berry OKo Empire AA AVo llcuvcr 1bqi
3Xo Argyle 0 > 4o Busy Hoc 6o Uangor K
OXc Cotton fluids Concstoga ii Cumberland
Ko Ulack Wnrrlor7o Southern7 > Jo
Kontucky Joans Kluyvcr So Marlon 10c
Antwerp 15c licohloy 18c Colnmbc V4o
Aondala 21c IrvtnRton SSc Kaiser 27o
Laurctulonn2U o AnchorStto
llloschcd Cottons Ixinsdalo SKc Iorctt
CVo losbody II 5Vo Pioneer of the Market
KOJ Clinton7Ko Congress Co Oumborland
7Hc Urcat ltopubllo 7
K1H 2Jo per ooien
KItUirs AN1 > VKiKTAIlLKSOrsnges J500
por bixi S10 60 pcrbbli lemons Jl 7 uer box
cranberries JlOOO pur bbl htfbbl M apples
por bbl Jt 00it 60 f nr apples JI 75
US CO Irish potatoes Jlul 10 per bn
onions 3a por pound navy beans SKc band
ptckud In bbls medium bbls to largo
Lima 4o beets per bushel 11W ban
anas II Mai 00 per bunch street po
tatoes rxjasoo por ba horso radish per dozen
roots II to parsnips bor bushel II79 car
rots pvrou II60 turnips per bu23 IO <
IXOUItHoitpatcnialJ wiper 100 lbs half
patents 12 S3 third grade i 40
FUKIMeAII stercnslcnr load on trackat
yard J1O0 delivmcd JH60 McAllister coalS to
lot nst yard TO S3 delivered J 73 McA lis
tercoal 2 to 3 ton nt yard 56 M dcllrcrod
5715 McAllister coall ton at yard JB73 drllf
orrd 7 60 M < Alllstcr coal i ton n yard S3 30
del erod It 00 MeAllllercoal ion ut jam
Jl 73 dollvend V le MrAIIUter coal Ion than
ion per lOa yardlc lennsylvanla hard
rout 6 tons at yard JllfiO dollvo cd 1UW
renBslvania tu d coal 1 ton nt yard Jlttw
ilcllTirat MSiOl 1ennsylvarlii hard coal W
ton at yard WOO delivered W0 b sekeinlm
cal I ton atynra JUoo delivered fW 10
Cord wood J crd dllverod JIO0 cord
wood X o rd aclncrod fJ < 4 biotb wrpodl
oorddellTerod Jiuoktuvo wood i cord de
low aru on grain irom etoro 1 carload JoU
torn and onts are no ii i Imsbui lower than
Wheat 63 90e
Corn Iluik shelled 0e saok shelodJO
Oats ttulk 43048osacked SOo
JtrnuJl 00 per hundred
Hay Loose local J7 00U8 00 Johnson and
Hill oouniyJUOOaiSOO best I1309aieCv
llarloy Oto per bu
Auibcr cane no market
Johnson grass IJ 60 per ba
HIOKS ANO SKIN No 1 lioary O F aides
lioperlbNo2beayylloXo lllgbtllo no
ifry salted lloUnlIhides Oo Klneoe greon
saltci 8HC bulohers gron Jo sheepskins
MOLA 8ES rrtme new crop SSeSSe
choice new crop isaibci fancy now crw >
Nxll 13 M per keg basis lOd Harden
norJesnoo p i > ee fl prLlnsdo J3 W Walker
6 2ie No 7 20c No 8 lc Ansalilo do No 4 43CJ
No aSlcjNo e 510 No 7 l o No 816c
NUTrJleanuw onolco 7auo P
lOolorTexaa IJrmill nnu 13a p liwrtt
15e Mt M KpglUb watnntis 1 17c almond
22S240 nsr Ht cocoa nuts J8 Pf l
rUOVlalONS Woquoioontnobaala Of T
njUinrttsalslOft klaK9MlWSt
5 hon ebold This can all
J irui of Silver Jxiaf J
nteesits parity strength
a r to tbo JTurJd
J5U t3re
Spot Cotton Fractions and Futures
from 2 to C Points Lower Moupy
Market Euaj
Whent Opened Wenk Iltilrd Ktuif nn < 1
Uluiad lit a li > rltiir Live Stack Train
nctlonii VV ro llrttli
Mo half tibia No lfj SO Ko S si 00 dried
hcrrtnK8orbox 40oi oodflnh Co
lU fcetIn tlt JU5j i bbla JS M J bbl
5 60
llcklnd trlpoInitld Jl lis
Holland lloTilnfCiKcgt M U5
llolORnnrau au tto
uckwheat flour 10 0lbacaao J3M31 3fts
Jo 13M
M at8ngarcur d hanislliio sugarcured
broaWast bacon lie short clear bacon Vo
short clear dry rait 7Uc
Lard aicrcoJosROtbcans 7J oj 20tt caus
7So 10ft cane 7 < o 59 cans 7c5E > cans
Ilomlnv anil nils ter hW Jt 00
Kraut Halfbarrels It oa
Oatmeal icr halt bbl Jl W
OrackB < l wheat Tcr lb bo
Orackors AeodaSHo xxxsada Be cream
Uc irinirrr iaii < v lomonrreams So
bundrlcs starch 3Vo candles full boxas
llfoj halvts quarters slickoanaytfa
lo i c fanoy lqaiCo rnpo UXo do cot
ton IRo horrlnr Imporlod II per km
raisins layer J150 elder crab nolo 4uo
MissouriSua vinegar 16 2 concentrated
lyo J2 7i 00s Jugs KHieil loo per gal crocks
giisedion per gallon drlod pcachcsOc tndlgo
i3apcrR > blueingsaajl00perdotoni Uolo
mans mustard Jl Uoai 60 per doien macaroni
Imported 130 per lb Amorlcsn73o pernor
buckets two boons 1 CO per do ten brilliant
oils bbls ISC Kuplon do 230 do 53 cases
S3 10brilliant 2 8oases Ji 10 do IK cnnos
30A baking powders hulk Ho 1 and2lt cans
12 60 mioaroul small box Me vcrmloelll smtll
box05oeitsup In bulk per gillouoS Wvtccs
ter auo In bulk per gallon II23
ugarKlno powdeiod bbls 7Xc do half
bbls 7S 0 cut loaf 7Ko granulalod standard
7a I I iulslana gralinlntcd < n standard A
C o cuolco white Co Louisiana y e 03
llico Ix > nlslana 0 3J < r
lOULTUI uquotii Voung chickens IIM
160 per dor old 5125W1W turkeys to J
WHISKY Ucctlfloilfl loal 30 ns por proof
sourmash two year old II coal 70 tnrco
year old Jl 8uZ 2J fanoy extra old whisky
WOOL Fall wool sixmonths clip liilght
modlum22ci llclit flno2i > o conrso13uler
Wabasci preferred
Weils Farro
Western Union
Oalve ton
Now York
lhtlad Iphla
West lolnt
Other lorts
Last year
2 745
3 332
17 10W
egflV o W
M9 37l
9181 2
13 H50
600 701
Si 1108
147 000
8 109 B 12 V t 9 0
t 2I 6 1 0 11 4 IN
9 Mis V > 9
9 4 3 4 40 9 4 > < 0 J 41
London Dec IS Consols clotcd at ICO 316
for money
Silver 40V
Nliw Voiih Dec 18 llouds and stocks
0 osud at following prlcos bid
ailed Ktates threes 101
four and osehalfa lli
Now lours I2SS
laclllo sixes Its
tontrut Iaclflo llrsts 111
Viw f Iscllto land grants tit
roxas A Iao Itlo Umudo 73M
Unl n 1VKO llrsts UOJt
Dnlotilaclllo sinking lunil
Canlral laclll IS
Chicago Alton 141
1 hlcago 4 Alton i ro erred 100
iturllgtontQulncy lti >
Ilawa o Hudson HUH
InclaWRn 13
Denver A Itlo Oiandu 1K
rlo 3 i
Krlo prcti rred 72S
Harlem 211
Houston AToxas 38
IlluolsOntrfil 1S1
Knn > n Texas mH
Ijiio Shoro oa
I > ulllloA N < shlllo Olft
Mtchlg n Ccmrsl M1
Mia onrl Iacliln ex dividend ll T <
Now iers y Central 511
Northern Iaolllo 27
Northern laeillo preferred Mr
Northwestern 11
Nnrtbwcttern p efcrrcd 13ii
Now tok central llT
Orean Transcontinental > am
V cine Mall fJ
Heading a3
llocklsaud 1J3K
St Iaul WV
St l ul referred IWi
St raulAOmalm AW
St laul ft Omaha preferred 110 i
TcxaslailOc W
Onion Iacillo OH
71 i
cotton HAiticirrs
ItecelpU nt All United Htittoa Inrls
407 400
617 041
Saa 43
3304 u
1 207
41 Jll
Uxports fropi all United flutes pons thus far
for this week
urent lirltaln 12ll
Kranco f21
Continent 1 WI
biooknt all United States ports
This day LOWIM
Thlsday last year 0ft tt
New Orlmns
olnard qui t i > 4 S lowi r for I w pilddllng and
ttladllnir ntho s unebanpad
Ii ordinary o ordinary 7 ci rood
ordinary S > e Io mlldllsg 6Jf wlIdltut
So K < d middilnir 9X alddlln UlrlOo
fair 1 V
KuiurOi opened qiUlbot sfady ruled ijulet
cUiIbc steady 210 0 lOlnn hlghor tbau ysster
day Mrjnhs
1st cell 2tilIL
S 01 9 M 8 Me
B SSlct 9 91
9 > W DOT
9 L 9 18
9 MW 9 II
9 44 9 41
DB7 SW 9a lit M 9Bj
9 3 9 44 9 C4
7 k tu 9 74 76
9 81 9 M V 09 9 I
Total Salts 171W
9C4 9 0
9 7 tf 9 77
9 774 9 79
QXvretwi T Uw 18 CottonBpot
olosel ilBll and nrahaagsxi
Lowr > rdiaary o f r mat 1c topi ordl
ood mUdllnfS ludHiigf tr Ul A
Orossrec liHSW f
lUseelpi til
Eaioits 47241
Solsroents eowtwlie
> en VorH
Nksv Yottrc ter 18 CottonSpot closed
eas and unchanged
Ordinary te good ordinary 8 >
low middling va middling 11 102 good mid
dling t > J o mlddlng lair 10 jo
Kutures closed itetdr 3 to 5 points loner
Sales SO 400
December I7 0 W
Jahuary 0 41 0 43
Jebruary u 3t p
March mm 6 ft
April V73 H70
May 9KW U87
Jlno mwa UIIJ
July ib 0 a
Angnst io n i 12
Niw Yoitre Deo IS Ytslblo supply of cotton
In the world according to tho Chronicle this
Total supplv today 2M07I7
Same day last yoar 287771
Dlllcrenco Incrase 3fWJ
ItVKWOOL Dec ISCottonSpot closoil
unlet an rather oasler q lOtallons nnehangod
Ordinary 4 7lHil ctml oulluarr 45dl low
mtdd lug OllOd middling uplands fctfd
middling Orleans 8 d
Toini sates SOW American 0100 Im
po t 11000 Ainrrloan 4700
Futures oJosoo stead April May and lone 1
point lower than ycte day
llicomber MU ssked
December Janunry 3 tl sskod
JannnryKtbruar A 11 asked
February March 3 IJ Kskod
March April fi 13 hid
AirllM y 5 ftbld
MayJuuo 5 IS nked
JunoJuly 6 Masked
Vrodtiea nnd rrnslsloiis
r I uu Mo Doo 18 riourMarVet
straty W h < nt oull and easier openoi weak
nil doasymoslof tho session and olosnl Q
Holuwr Hum vostonlav N 1 red cash too
Jsnuary wuvsiKri rinsing SC0 hid lVbrnary
S2Xbld Mai 8a 87c clolng < 7o J11111 vr
dull easy ami I sing shade Liver ilmti jus
t rdailNo 2mlod cssh 3JaS3sioi nnnarr
S Vo Mil February 30Ko M S9V 31 < o
rlolngSOo O its dull Mite ay mUedcash
26KO bid lebruary 29VO bid Slay 010
Ournraciil string hi J2 00at2 03 Whisky ilrm lit
Jl IS Wool quiet nnd iinelimiged Iriivitcius
dull but Urm lorx strung Jll BJOHT5 l Hl
tmity at JO 10 Hulk ininis sOsdvt looo lots
lonr clear J3 MIWMU short ribs JfifiJw 70
short clear Ji W 3 81 boxed lots Io cln r
ftOOl short r > bs JI70 short clear 33 8183 90
lUCiislosdy lougfdear JU 10 shoi t ilbs JO 7il
short crar SOW Hums linn at Ooilo
Ciiikaoo lir Deo 18 Tradlig dull ond
easy feeling lu wheat whh scar oly any out
sldolrsdlng od y Tho inorkot opened > >
< iw < r droppid off Ve nddlilonal nud clsod
Xo lower than jest rdaj Com oxceptloiiallv
duiii Ihoopunl g wasasbadeliwer than yes
turdsy and dually olosod < tinder jeslrrdav
I culslons dub lork ruled weak priors in
clining V0 Me and closl g nt InsHe
Dturns Laru and short ribs we < < tr fie
loner lheloadlnir futurexo osed as foluivs
lioar J nuory 70 io Kibruury 77 o May
BOio CornDecrm er iwsc Innuary JHSo
li Ijrusty 37o Mav 42 > a Sliis pork I < eoi ruber
J02 Jauary JOSltJ Tcbn nry f < r > 4 ay
aaiii CdSlKinutatiuiis wereasfolluns Flour
iinchnnved nn > Msi70ser < nrn 3C t8iliio pork
I130 lard 11 to sli ri ribs sides loo 1010
3M0ry suited sliunld rs box dJIS0 488
lirt cinar side b xml JU lOfrO 13 whisky
distillers llnlsbcd g ods Jl 18
Niew VriiiK Dec IS Coffoe Fair Itlo nom
Inaln 14 options anilve and lower eloslng
steady salrs 1V0Hxi Uses Diecnibcr 112 23
Jru r > Jil 8V41210 ribruary 112 0 B12 10
Msreh JI2 1WU 20 Aill JU 0014 20 May
112 23UI2 3 Jnuo JI2 304112 3 July JiJ lea
j2 15 ugarduil snit npirooness nominalre
ilniddulln draslvr standard A 87 lUaSHn
P wdoed oOSc Molnrscs quiet and steady
t0tcsfWJ 2IC IIIell in
Lire stock Slnrket
St I iuis Mo Dro 18 Cattle Iteeelpts
381 shipments loot rna ket strong on all kind
t hrtstinas breves Jl Mtt3 21 cholco heavy
natlto Jl 2503 70 butchers storrs fair to
clider J3 ooa4 20 feeders fair to good II60
13 13 stockcrs fair ti good 12 OOflS 73
T inns lomnion to cholco Ji t0 i3 03 Hogs
llccclpts 2IC8 shloments none scilie
s ado rsslr at J2 M 4 lJ Shccpllccclpts
130 shipments none strong on cho co dull
on rm uon com Ton to cholte IhOaflOO
Christmas Umbs and muttons 14 1094 00
Kaksa Citt Mo DeclBCatilo Ue
crHits 717 shl mants none market strong
and active gKid Io choice 13Ma4 33 rom
mon to meiilum IS i 70 st ckcrs J2V3U2 73
feeding steers J2 W 3 k cows II 6083 00
Hogs HerrlplsHCW shipments WO market
weak and Oaioo lower f10U4 23 hheeplle
clpls42l shipment none msrkot steady
good to cholco 12 0OU3 23 common U luodlum
Jl 60Q2 40
Cllickoo III Dee 1R The Drovers Journal
reports Catt ltccrlpls2uoo shipments luoo
market steady shipping steers 9A0 to Ud
pounds J3M1S3 stockers nd fo drrs It 00
3 CO rows bulls and m cd Jl 40M316 Texas
12 0u 3 16 Hog Kcelpts J3U i market slow
niostng 6910c l4 er IS W 4 60 Sliecnlto
o lts 1000 shipments 10 41 markn steads
onmmon l god natives Ji 604 73 Western
52HKr330 Ian bs 14 0KtSWl Tenons ft 001330
NoslivlUeTenn lha isisdlng school ror young
ladles In Ilia Booth and equal to aavfn tba
Nurtli opens Its nsit session January 10 This
schoil is too well known by Its srand saeeest
and tho uottle line I woman it DM educated to
nc d snycoromsmt larrois will also And II
thcrnosl roasonaJo In ts tftins Arldrtsvs
ll W K AHI
Now occopylait rooms conulalng 10006
square feet firo departments la live large
rooms business Kng lib penmanship short
band and typo writing Huta z nt for steoo
graph Itoard about ten dollars per month It
pnisto go to tin b l nond for Collegt
Journal and I I 6fwi i u slilp Atl
dress r 11 KKul it
KM BiJfOpwaWrg WMhlu ifajikmr
IMou want nBsend us yunr oame
SO and express oniw as ence ho National
t Ipt
t make your selections of HOLIDAY PRESENTS from articles of intrinsic value such as will be Useful as well as Ornamental and that
will be appreciated by your Friends
Gentlemens dressing robes gentlemens smoking jackets gentlemens silk mufflovB
ladies seal plush wraps ladies English walking jackets ladies opera shawls nt MA2f
Ladies silk hosiery ladies kid gloves ladies hand satchels gentlemens embroid
ered slippers gentlemens silk handkerchiefs gentlemens driving gloves at MA GUM
Gentlemens silk umbrellas gentlemens seal plush caps gentlemens gold cuff but
tons ladies silk jerseys ladies satin corsets ladies holiday fans at MANGUM
Gentlemens fine underwear gentlemens fine dress shirts gentlemens Bilk scarfs la
dies oustommndo shoes ladies felt slippers Indies collars and cuffs at MANG17M
Oluldrons velvet caps childrens kilt suits childrens onshmoro drosses childrens
mittens and gloves childrens silk hosiery childrens cloaks and jaokots g sf Special
bargains in silks satins and velvets this week Ueat stock of lino dress trimmings in the
state and our prices aro exactly right Vassamentories epaulets drees loops clasps but
tons Astraohan moss trimmings and braids in all the loading stylos at cornet prices
Special bargains in ladies misses and childrens lino shoes this week at
3Kt3DKSgaKI rE
ills il Jewelry Hi I Ere
8 BtowEi3rdl Tally
Welcomes tho whole world to wilnens this Beatons EXPOSITION AND DISPLAY ol Kcnulno Diamonds flolltt gold
end plated Watcbcs handaome and now novoltlus In Talilo Ollvorwarc and such things tbat make aipicj > rl to ZOIoll
< ZLuy Xxoi303atiHt Two liours of Interesting study and pleasant pnstlmo vlowlntt tho Krand liollday assort
meiHB in this Tewelry Eatabltshmflnt
rf iarmmtmmmmimrt aai 11wutanxmaMmmuiisxBisxxu
Business Cite
This prustlett and vld awak i instltutlun
rn ks among the host serials or lu kind In
IheUnltxdatstvs fa uliysideonr at study
unsur sued Id any Had The champion
ixnnisn of lh Hunny Sooth Is In the
fsculiy tbo stud ni Is s luul led tu
t o highest Hilnt 1y loeiures asI
pr cileal methods of teacnlnf steuorraph
meablne lion band Cauloguoands ocjbvh
of penmsnshlp fre Andr ss L If 1UJ
president UscoTex
ioro xtmiatia
The Dreol French Skin Remsd
for the total tradlosltor of liloipHs frooalus
blotches < aranjsrrl jrn A oeruIn ourst <
tetter Ssi nsa ttuymtm 4aJ all Jl a i
of tbe skis Will bleach tho hands w s o
whiteness l > tlo Dermic prlcy too p r lotus
Jl tV W1LLIAMK k 4f
tVholesala ort Worth tot
lifters bis services In ihe Users rrmtlM f
QfSoa eoreer Houston ud Fpiirlt sis 1 rrst
dertcosouttoutb Main st Ofliee twursi 10 u
astol w na s toe30p
To Yoang ni Middle Agei Men
Tb ftwftl tf t of early vice vrhleh brlairs
orenla Waakness destrorlna both mind avi
oody wltii aU Its dlrHul Lis
v nan a witwriA nuititD
ialplMtlop of the Heart Timidity TrnmbllM
Nefvous Illschareos no much to ba eared Kor
< elfnloos latk of Iduss tladnca ot fplrlls
Ugly Iffiiflnlnicc Dislike to Social llfu en
llroodlnir Vteisnthoiv
ViKmwi llnso ihoso entering on thathap
py llle award of lliytA l Ksbllllr soltslnlllj
of the Nerves Orgsuld lilmlnutlon or other
Irrecalsrltles ijul kir assisted
NO HmKruui Ukk > Voucif pvopls losln
their health and spending time with thosa no
skilled and iinioallfled r n ioar raiKl ilisorders
to the asod tnrunt tiuss liver aud luncssuui
sch and boarels Hpeedlly Oared
L t not falsa modesty deter yon from calllnj
Oonialtlns Itooma 724 Kirn Hired
All Private Matters Cured
Prompt attention 1j siren to all corretposd
enoti Htais nyinpHris and iioillang will be
sent OO O ovrrytvboru
On WasaKRtna Is a regular Krafidato of 1
ye rpracllci lOlpioaaln offics AUH b
pracllcsvd Is Dallas for over t years
v Q
t Fe te < lcb rlft
s I tMtrh Ta placid
rrst ro trrnd e
Lalilocpowdtro then
cnothfrat lbs bead
of XU let but tfco
of ell Is that of lbs
piuuiu teoscwlta
whonssi OliverIat
ua never falls to
mitt Uffrji an
boicsCSi bread
4bs ciment bo lu
> otti upon and tba
powder paildter irtso
stietrpts to palm oK
Mimvtalns to
iietrata betterKrada
ot gooda trill hov
to has plsss l
iiAMVrxoTvutn iv
P r >
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