OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 20, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-20/ed-1/seq-5/

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fks Coal hanii on Iho Proposed Lino
Tmm Trunk
of Iho llnllnny
1romlso lift ICcanlta
L0rrt Flslilo hr which Old licottr are
f wb < Uo0mo ° Soon lnur
iionr Dutliu
Dallas Tex Deo lOTho Gvzkttk
mll CP 18 recently detailed cxten
itecoal > lscocrlus by Mr K Arnold
Lcir tbo proposed lino of tho Texas
was railroad from Us present torralnns
K mp tJ Athens three of the nnds
dag In II udcrson county and ono of
Attn reported to l > o equal In capacity to
v vein or stratum ever discovered In
13 connry It was also stated that
Ami l t Interested leading
iitUlists of Dallas In tho formation
company to tado off his bauds leases
tbeso u > w lands which he had secured
jB terra of nltietynlne years on tho
ksls ol pavmg ttio owners of tho land a
oT Hy of 10 cents per ton for every ton
from tho mines and
i coal produced that
itbucompany should ho formrd mining
j d extensive hcalo would soon begln
u negotiations for a transfer
tho rictnst of tho three
nU m Henderson county was
iapioted last night T Elllof
ad Castles E WiM two of tho wealth
men In sctlnj for them
Ernst end associates arranged with Mr
Kgold to havo their representative J
ilaCirter a wollfcnown business man
da member cf tho Dallas board of al
tocn ace mpany him tomorrow to
jadewon c unty and inako a thorough
imlnatlon of thu uuwljdlscovered coal
K Mr Cartors reoort bears out
Ke florid sUtemvnts of Mr Arnold tho
ie Is 1o bo f irmally closed mid Mossrs
3ott Bird and associates at ores pro
d to work tho coal tolns on an exten
ts scale If this result Is real
there Is no doubt bat
esbortgapln tho Texas Trunk road
an Kemp to Athens will bo at once
jsetl Dallas and In fact North Texas
Mrally will watch with deep Interest
rthecomlut conclusions of Mr Carter
fffiat promises to be two of tbo tough
t pugilistic encounters over had In
iu ore now on the tapis In Dallas
euiracsol tho principals aro withheld
the present as In both
mb tho men assert a do
mination to settle old scorga In tho
j d arena by flsbtlog to a finish and
itlng no cparrlng match affairs In
Itr o bo able to havo a real prize fight
determine who Is tho better man the
clpals and their friend propose keep
e police and sheriff forces In icno
i > o as to avoid olllcUl Interference
iol the mills Is to bo between a
cVlaver frm Galveston and a moulder
si Houston both recent arrivals In
Bs who aro harboring and nursing a
dioollong standing and bitter in
ally Tho tvo mot on Wednesday
ht last in sompiny with two or
ea rautUHl friend at tho bir In tho
George hotel Tho old trouble was
and each asserted his ability
W do np tho other Tho mutual
j mds prevented a collision or loud dis
lunce and tho ontcomo wsh that each
t eplaced In tho hands of Dickllana
iy a a 25 forfeit to meet and sign artl
m i and put up 3100 a sldo by December
tor a light to occur not later than Tin
y 1 There wlU be no effort for a
aeymaklng affair tbo principals
Jbelr frliiids only desiring
square accounts a nd settlo tho
sUon of superiority and probably not
a tha fifty selected persons will bs
ato tbo secret of tho battle ground
given a chanco to witness tho
It Tito other affair which has
progressed as far in Us
fecgement as the one mentioned
Ire will bo tho moro scientific and ln
ftlog as both men aro possessed of
Frgood ring records in California and
IE t hut havo not b ° en heard of In
lis Ono of tbem has b en in Dallas
Hi monthi past working dillgontlv at
Pffd trade > o savo up a stake of 300
A he has almost accomplished His
fit assort that ho Is tho best
who over put up his
lis for a scrap In Texas Thoy
all along offered to raako up tbo
lor him but bis answer has always
f No I dont propose fighting for
Iraane money but my own If I win
kllmlne If I lose no one Is burt but
lelf Tho other party Is Inn town
far from Dallas and cqmlly as anxious
pat as his rival Tho light It Is as
< 1 will como off In or noar this city
jln thirty days
tat Opportunity in lJumestlo H rilce
7 Shouhl tint Wom n Knter Thl
Waua obe Prepared far IIousekeei >
low will bo found tho views of
prtlect Abrain S llewltt on tho sub
pi the treatment of working women In
Mr Hoivltt Is ono ol the mana
cl tb such
< j Cooper Institute and as
im thorough knowledge of tho question
iiUjli scasfOM Ilo B fu4ttiermore a rep
ItjiS iUuvo of all tliat Is practical both m
er B otbropy and tno means which render
njW Jtble What ho Hays In regard to
aty walch working women and lils
to tacruaelvos avenues of
by enterlug
anient that aro opon to them and
aS to receive them instead ot crow
brancfcea of industry that are
y overstocked Is ald In kindness
ouotlees lu tho hope that nls advice
a To v elgnt Mr JietUtt Is in lact
iraauy citizens who belle o that the
Jthe number of respectable girls
domesUo bervico tho higher will
nandard of tuch service lor it will
e at Udt jmt wh t they tnemselves
ft Ilo maintains that both tbo cin
nanath employed will bo bene
3J uchttccesalons Ilo regards do
C8 vlcoas thoroughly honoraole
yKf la that life la tho noosebold
sts fewer tnan those
caabociatod wlih other pursuits
ttie turrounding influences aro
Ma every way He aces In domestic
unlimited of employ
wr young girls and does not hesitate
hu regret at the manifest indl3
aon their part to render them
flul in pur ult for which thoy
fuuru spicially qualified
Tlititsd by aTrloune reporter end
Jtogvo his views on this nnbject
Wlcation Mr Uewltt chceiluhy
being particular to state In
howtver in
< that he spoke only
wily as a private citizen and not
fcttiMStts the majorelect of tho
utonably said Mr Hewitt
nen not only ol this great city
Imt of other
creat cltlss aro snfferlnit
from the want of what
seem to them ac
coptablo occupations In the pursuit of
which thoy may oa n a livelihood There
aro comparatively few avenues open to
women for employment and all but ono
of thteo Is overcrowded There la an
unlimited field for them In domestic Mr
vice To my mind there Is nothing ho
niillatlrg In that mode of earning a HvIdk
On tho contrary there Is nothing eo well
adopted to tbo fnnctlons and characteris
tic of women as occupations associated
with the household nnd tbo family I do
think howocr that socloty la somewhat
to blamo became of thu barriers It has
erected in tho borne against domestic ser
vants It would in my opinion bo a
very tortunato thing lmUcd It tho old
fastilontd relationship between employer
and employed In the family clrco conld
bo restored I refer to tho Mruos when
tho servants ot tho household really form
ed part of the famllyottentlmt > 8Bl tlnsf it
tho table Wbyat ray mothers taulewbcn
I was a boy tho servant girl alwa > s nt
tttthe same table with tho family Wo
never felt or tried to inako her fetl that
we wcro nny better than eho was and sho
never set herself up In he belief that the
was any better than we wcro Wo paid
her tho wages sho earned and sho gavo ns
In return Her Work
What Is wanted Is ah appeal to tho
employers In tbo household to make the
condition of tho domestic servant more
tolo able and moro attractlvo to respecta
ble girls Io this way both will bo bciulit
cd Abett rclass olgtrls would bo attract
oJ to this homescrvceaml tho employors
would be sure to galu an advantage
through the Inevitable Improvement In
tbo giafle of servants seeking employ
ment Ol course what is known as fash
lonablp sucloty could no undertake to
establish a basis ol equality between mas
ter and servant or i < nployer and em
ployed within tho social circle That Is
not to bo expected nhcro ordinary com
mon setio prevails In tbls country
where lndlv dual merit may win the
highest distinction and honors It is un
necessary ti arguo that point Hut
what I havo said applies to tho great mass
Ot society the country over To express
my moaning moro broadly I will say htt
1 bellevo It possible for housekeepers
wherever thoy occupy tho position of em
ployers to render tholr homes agreeable
Instead ot dUagrct able to tho girls and
women In their service Ot course tho
dual aim and I may say tho natural aim
of woman is marriage to become a wife
and mother and ns bucu the center ot In
terest in her own family But oil women
cannot or at any rate do not get married
yet even falling to do so the true mission
of woman is still within tho f unlly ad
ministering duties portalnlng to thu notice
But continued Mr Uewltt so long
as there Is such a lurgo body of women
seeking occupation in other dliectlous It
Is the duty of every Intelligent citizen ucd
every benevolent Institution to do all they
can to afford facilities for their employ
ment The Cooper Institute was founded
lor that purpose among other things
Wo began with tho An school which Is
an Immense succois and It baa led to the
establishment ot Blmllar Institutions all
over tho United States Hundreds ot
women aro educated there every year who
got remunerative uud congoulal employ
ment Wo have added telegraphy and
stenography and typewriting and with
admirable results But it Is slrapy Im
possible for society to absorb In this di
rection the great surplus of women who
must earn their own livelihood For
these there remains tho unlimited ro
sourco ot domestic employment for all
who wllUceklt
But they will not seek It was sug
gested and it seonis to be attar all a
mutter of ludlvldual cholco with them
This being tho case la it not true that
owing to tho great supply they are
ground down to low wages by the stress
of competition and that in their necessi
ties being dependent upon what they cau
earn and having others dependent upon
them for support thoy aro oftentlmcs
led to ruin
Well replied Mr Howltt no law
can put conscience Into employers or Into
buyers That must be thu result ot edu
cation of training and above all ot con
stant admonition Irom the church Tho
class ol work I havo leterrcd to
Is open to them nevertheless To be sure
I havo tho greatest posalole sympathy
with tho poor girls and women who be
came exposed to temptation as a result ot
overstocking ot thu female tabor market
but on the other hand I hao neither
sympathy nor patience with th060 who
enter upon a life of bhame when tho way
Is consiaatly open to them to pursue an
honest livelihood In a manner tnat seems
lac preferable to that which many of them
choose of their own accord
It Is a melancholy sight to behold tho
great uumher of young girls I mean
glrlafrom twelve to fllteen years of age
golug around our stroets at night I seo
them otten sometimes two or three to
gether but very frequently strolling
along alone In my judgmcntltlndlcates
tha there Is something radically wrong
at the b ittora of society in tbls city
Hence anyth ng that cau be done to lm
proe tho tenementhouses nnd to make
tbo homes of people who have to cam
their da ly bread moro attractlvo Is mist
desirable It Is forthopurposo of dealing
with jusb such questions as this that I
understand ehurches exist If they will
only con cnt to deal with these practical
questions lnsiead ot abstract theological
dogmas they will command much moro
Interest on tho part of their hearors and
bettor results would be achieved
I have not been silent on this subject
in tho past In n paper read at tbochurch
conaress In Cincinnati In October 1878
I said
saidThe church and Us ministers and
above all Us Intelligent laymen engaged
Ip affairs can hasten the good time com
ing by efforts to enlighten both those who
employ and those who aro employed j to
point out that taongh theso aro evil times
yot they aro not so evil as tho times
which havo gono before that there has
been n steady Irresistible unmistakable
progress In tho amelioration of tho condi
tion of mankind and the relations of men
to oach other that the Industrial strife
which has been so conspicuous in our
day instead of being au Indication ot the
decay and disintegration ot society is tho
evidence of progress toward a hotter stato
ot things and that tho questions pre
sented although difficult at first grow
clearer and clearer day by day and are
advancing to a solution which should
comfort tho patriot consolo tho philan
thropist and enconrago tho Christian
There Is no question In my Judgment
which tho church could take hold of with
so much glory to Itself and with such
largo resulting advantage to society as
thatwhlcninrtalna to tho Improvement
ot ths condition ot tbo worklngwomen
As a citizen I am glad to see an agitation
ol the subject Tneso poor tolling girls
and women need not only onr sympathy
but our practical sustaining tfforts But
women most aid ns In our efforts to help
Jri A iu4l ilMi
them by following nlso couowl rather
than by obstinately refusing to turn Into
other equally honorable portraits
I will mention as i > n lllostrattoB one
curious featuto associated with the opera
tions otthn Cooper Institute Wo take
theso jonog girls and arj gl d to take
them into our Art rcaool for the purposo
of educating thjm so that they may be
autlltUd to cam their own living Tho
result Is they aro niado ao cultivated and
so rented that they aro snapped np like
hot cakes by worthy young men Some
times they are married within tear alter
leaving tho school instead of earning
their own living as they were expected to
do What nnchanlc w nld not prefer a
girl thoroughly trained to domestic scr
vice In a good family for a wlfu to one
who works In a shop or who stands In a
store knowing nothing whatever abont
tbe duties ot tho household and being in
no position to learn
I n conclusion Mr llewltt said i Th so
atomy views upon tho subject which Is
really only ono branch ot that great quos
Capital vs Labor now agitating tho
couutry I commend what
Corrlgan has done lu this particular and I
Commend manner In which he hag
done It I tnlnk ho has pursued the pro
per conrso and that It is the duty of tho
church to tako up and deal with theso
great subjects which bear such a close
relationship to society In the papa to
which I have already retorred as having
been read by we before tho church con
gress lu 1878 I used tbo tollowlug
It during the last hundred years
there hid been no Innustrlal development
tho questions which now stir socloty to
its foundations would never havo forced
thcmselvo on public attention It Is the
marvellous Improvement In tho condition
of tho human race during the present cen
tury which has brought into promlnouco
aud created tho necessity A dealing with
tho evils which In previous ages passed
unnoticed or woro ncepted as lun liable
The very growth andabundmceot wealth
mako tho Inequalities ot its distribution
moro apparent Tho standard ot consci
ence hat been raised with the standard of
comfort Tho conflicts between labor and
capital nro moro Intense because thoro Is
moro to contend for Irlvllcgo slowly
but surely recedes beforo the advance ot
k owlodge Tho question By what
right penetrates tho ory heart ot
power and Is no louget onsworcd by tho
pica ot tradition Thus at length tbo way
Is opened for tho amelioration of human
ity by growth Instead of by revolution
und henceforth society will take no steps
Tnesa were my views eight voara ago
and I Btono reason tor modifying them
Lour Isinnilors Fast In tho Ico nil
Klglit In irent South
Slot my Wenther Mn tHamme < lleii nml
Her Chllil Urlrt Awnr In ll r
lliulinndii Hoot
Now York San
Tho oystcrmon along tho south slioro
ot Long Island aro enduring perils and
sufferings that may be compared to sorao
ot tho trials of Arctic explorers Very
severe weather and a violent storm caught
thorn unawares and upward of forty
boats with crows aboard wcro swopt out
aud frozen luto tho lco miles from shore
It tho weather had not moderated as
suddenly as It chilled thoro would
havo been appalling less of
life and property As It Is
thero aro a dozen boats yet fast In tho lco
waiting for assistance Many aro from
Sayvlile a Uahlng village about fifty
miles from this city A peculiar featnro
of the south sboru of Long island Is the
great sand bar that extonds parallel with
tho coast and several miles from It for a
dlstacco ot many miles It is a natural
breakwater and tho water between It and
the main ehoro Is railed Great South
bay There Is the home of tho oyster and
tbo clam Tho shore of the bay la dotted
wtth villages whoso sole industry Is
oyster dredging Onethird ot the men
aro captains by vlitnoof owning an oys
terboat another third aro captains by
reason ot their wealth nnd consequence
as keepers of stores and owners ot small
farms and tho other third tho
members of the oysterboats crows
aro captains by courtuy As is
also tha Btrangcr who tarries an
hour in the town Tho business of these
captains would be considered by all but
oystermona very arduous one Ico and
snow do not necessarily stop tho wo k ot
gathering the bivalves from tho bay bot
tom Capt Kdwurd Kotcham captain by
right of owning his boat spoko thus of
his calllngxind tho great stormi This
has been tho very worst weather and hard
est experlcnco In my memory but the
events ot an ordinary winter wo think lit
tio of Wo work as long as tho bay Is
free ot ico aud once seven years ago
tbo bay was open all winter long Wo
kept at It all winter It Is ottcn so cold
that lco will form on the dredge handles
during the tlmo they are out of tho water
but wo dont mind that Tnls Week
as usual wo were out in tho bay
taking all tho advantage wo could
of the fair weather It began to
grow cold very rapidly and tho wind rose
some So It seemed mcesBary to get
home quickly Kvory boat in tho fleet
put for the shore but by tho time wo
came near tho temperatnro had fallen eo
Tepidly that there was thick Ice extend
ing somo distance Into tho bay Wo
couldnt break through so as to got to
our usnal landings and so the boats wcro
part ot tbem beached as near the shore as
thoy conld bo got while others had
to cast anchor further out
No one I think considered
this as alarming It happens
now and then but tho wind took a fresh
turn and blew a hurricane The waves
roiled np bigger than I ever saw thorn In
tho bay betore Tbo first we kuew the
Ice was broken up and the boats torn
from their fastenings It was impossible
to get nearer the shore tor tho wind came
from that direction and blew us off The
whole fleet was swept out Into the bay
The boats were scattered In every ulrec
tlon For a time we dillted about help
lessly and then the wind moderated
somewhat and gave the water a chance to
freeie That settled it Wo were help
less In tho wind and helpless without It
It was trlgbtfuliy cold and not every
boat bad a foil supply of provisions
Thero was nothing to do but stand It as
best we could and the night was passed
In crouching about tho fire and flogging
ourselves with our arms to keep warm
In the morning we found that the Ice was
not so thick as to btf absolutely unbreak
able but just enough to prevent us from
sailing So wo couldnt get anywhere
jieopla on shtrro gave np all other work
and csmo dowtt to the beach to
do what thoy coald to rescuo as
They tiok row boats and by bre k
ins the Ico ohead of them managed ta
pet ont to tho nearest boats Then they
towed tbo smaller oyster boats to the
beach one after another Luckily tho
weather moderated a great deal bo ihal
the lco did not grow any thckcr and it
was made salt and easy to break It was
stow work and ts you eep there are
more boats yet to get In But there Is
no longer any spclal anxiety about tboto
that uo oat In tho baT fer tho wrathcr
la warm and the Ice Is likely to melt In
day or two and mcanwhllo tbovs on
bond aro supplied with provltrons
At different points along the beach
gangs ot cantalM were at work drawing
the catbi ats upon tho beach oBt of tho
way ot Ico that is lltblo to form any
night Tho seurc experience baa con
vlnced tho oysienncu that tho season fo
drcdalng Is reall over and they will uot
vvnturo out again uulesa a long spell of
modorato weather sots In When tho
winters aro very cold tho Ico forms In tho
bay and Is cast upon tho beach In
hugo plica by winds and tides Tho
captains vlo with each other In tolling
how tho
high piles were last winter
which was an uuusnilly govern soason
None of them puts tho height of tho ice
pile at Ions than twenty foot and tho vstl
mites ruu from that up to forty Tltoj
show a bnlbllog two roda frem high wa
termark who o root was caved In bv
the Ico which htd been plied up The
buildlnc is about fifteen teot high Kverv
available man In StI1Iq turned out after
tho storm to help in rescuing the boats
and crows The Buhlatt Jotter owned
by Daniel Glllet ot llavport will bo a
total loss It was driven ashore In a
mass ot Ico and heeled over
Capt Charles Lllommedleu ot Sayvlile
was at work on a marsh several miles
from Sayvllla packing hay When marih
hay Is cut It Is Btckcd on piles driven
into lhu ground Capt LUomnudleii
was taking the hay from theso sticks and
packlug It In bales to bo shipped to this
city wheroHis used tor packing Ice lor
< > xport His boat which U named tho
Todd scrod him tor a lodglug lo
sailed about trom stak to stack
when the tide was high A few days
ago his wife went down to tho marsh
whore tho captain wh at work Intruding
to remain n week with him > he took her
little child along No Idea of daugerfrom
cruising about on a salt march oon lu
winter occurred to anybody Just before
tho storm camo up tho captain mido his
way in a small boat to tho shore to get a
tresh supply ot pr Mslons Ho had
hardly got homo when tho tomperattuo
began to fall Mrs LMIommedlen
felt no uneasiness hinverer un
til sho obeorvod that tho tldo was
rising ui usually high Still aho thouuht
tho yacht was moored firmly iiul con
tented herself with putting moro fuel on
the fire In tho lit tin cabin Bat tho wind
Increased and tho yacht Was roughly
swajod by tho waei Sho wont on deck
to see If horhusbaud mLht bo in sight
What wai her terror to dUcovcr that tho
yacht had slipped her nioorlugs and was
floating ont Into tho bay The boat
was yet on tho marsh au nearly as shu
could 1udge but was rapidly guttlug
away from it It was bitter cold and na
the yacht got furtbor out luto the
bay tliu waves broko over nor boiy and
dashed Iced spray over tho decks At a
distance sha could discern tbo fleet of
oyster boats but sho could not tell that
thoy too were being driven out into tho
bay To her osn distress was added that
of thollltlaonc As night came on mi
other feature ot the situation appeared
to her Barring a small scrap of bread
there were no provisions ot any kind
onboard Tho bread Sho gave totho
hungry child She was familiar With
the accidents that besot Usher men hnd
oystermen and could not help feeling a
hope that a rescue would bo made in tho
morning Tho real fear wna that the
boat mightbe capsized by tho storm Tho
one redeeming featuro of the situation
seemed to bo that thero was plenty of
foci Sho used it liberally through tbu
ulght but beforo tbo storm bad entirely
died away sbe felt the boat touch bot <
torn and presently sho was aware that
it bad grounded though wb re
Bho could not by nny means dis
cover When morning camo tliu found
that tho yacht was stuck fast In both lco
and sand on a beach off Water Island a
Ions distance out In the bay Tho fleet ol
oyster boats was visible In tho distance
but there was no sign of a rescuo party
for tho Todd All day long Mts Lllom
medleu kept walch for a sign ot relief
N gbt closed in again with nothing to
lIvo her hope Then sho oogan to fear
that tho fuel would not last Famished
as they were they moro than ever needed
warmth The second night was passed
In anguish
Meantime Capt LHommcdlou was
doing bis best to rescuo bis wlfu
and child It was long before ho could
discover tho whereabouts ot the Todd
and when at last ha sighted her It was a
very dlllkult task to get to her There
wcro plenty of volunteers to assist him
and on tho morning of tho second
day they wero on Water iiland
prepared to go ont to the stunded
yacht Breaking tbo lco In front of
thero tho worked along In a small boat
and soon wcro aboard the icclound cralt
Mrs Lllommedleu and her child wore
taken off In a small boat and carried to
tho shore where a place was provided
lor them in a fishermans cottage Then
tho men returned to tho work ol saving
tho Todd
Ttrrlblo Kncouulor with u Llou
IODdon Standard
A fcarfnl affair la reported from Vcr
vlers In Belgium An untrained Hon
called Brutus on being let Into a cage
which an attendant named Gremlor had
not had time to l avc showed elgqa
of great excitement taking pro
digious leaps all abont the cage
aud uttering appalling roars Seeing
the man In danger too lion queen a
Mine Soumet entered the cage to en
able Grcmki to withdraw wb n tbo lion
ruihed at her and fastened bis teeth lu
the lower part of her face A prottsulonal
tamer Aognsto BonvJIlaot went to
the rescue and by main forco
opened the lions Jaws tbui enabling tho
unfortunate woman to totter utol the
cago A portion other lower jaw with
somo of the teeth had been bitten awny
The eavago beast turn d his fury upon
Bonvlllant and ho and the lion
actually wrestled together for two or
three minutes the Hon savagely biting
the man about tbo che t and should
dcrs Finally one of the attendants by
attacking the lion with a pitchfork from
outside the cage made tolin let go his
bold and Banvlllaot rushed out of tho
cage and fainted ntvay Mmc Houmeta
Ufa ts despaired ol but Bonvlllant Is
expected to recover
50 H r < l Oiub Ultra Avar
Head Stertsadvertlsementhollday goods
111 addition fo Overcoats onr slick of
aud an asatduouH performance nt every
duty ntccssnsyto mako the company a
success together with Its membtiri > nlp
can cause an oltlrmatlro ansuor tbon we
say yes It does deseno both attention
and support from tho uttUens Then
why does It becomo necessary for Tim
fiviHTTK as a representative of tho 1ort
to treat w th svomlng contempt and
neglect her own volunteer company that
with tho proper rnpport would rival any
militia organization In the state and nt
the sane Kino boasting what Vort Worth
Wulil do with a crack compauy elevated
to lis prctcnt standing by and through
tho financial euppoit of the
geucrons and publicspirited men
ot Houston With a tow hoiorable ex
ceptions tho only a sIstancoKort Worths
company has received came from tho
pockets lis
prosperous city propose for this statu of
affairs toco titlnuo
It Is high tlmo that tho citizens should
cither come forward and glvo the boys
HjiBtantiit encouragement or openly say
they do not tfmlro the present military
company to exist
Tho company lias ample material to
makoallrritclassorganlistllon and why
not lot those ready ducats come forth to
mako It such Thk Kisxoiiilks
turn Uiulimits ClirUlmna Tr e
FniiT WoimiTxx Deo IS ISM
To tbo Kdlloi ef tbo flniotfe
Durltg a visit to Mrs Gormans reading
room the other day I heard several ot tho
young peoplo express a wish that tho
room had a musical Instrument of some
kind aIt would add greatly to tbo room
In many respectst then another started
tho Idea of Christmas presents and saldt
How pleasant It would Do If each ono ot
Mrs Gormans subscribers would
briog In tho name and money
for a yearly subscriber as a
Christmas present to her And at
this lemark Mrs 1 said I will tell
you what Ill doi I will put up u Christ
mas tree and it each one of my sob
scrlbers will bring tho narao and money
for a yearly Bubscrlber and hang It upon
the tree I will buy a piano int the read
lug room Now tnat remark caused
me to put on my thinking cap and I
asked our librarian how many subscriber
she had One hundred and twtniyflvc
was tho answer What help that would
bo to ths lady who has under
taken this venture It would enable
her to get a piano for her
room Whycintwe aU come forward
and contribute our mite In the simple and
tafy way ot buying a yearly ticket We
give willingly end liberally io every n w
enteiprlso end often contribute mors for
one nights pl anre nt a ball and bate
nothing to show next day 1c tbls case
you wllUojoy all tho privileges of the
reading room for twelve mouths and the
ute of the COO tolumes In tbo library now
besides 200 mora partly paid for and coon
to arrive Iort Worth needs tbls Institu
tion for it will provo a blessing to our
rilrls and boys Several Son
days rast I have noticed a
Is Jull ami comiilcto nnd ivo nro soiling thorn pnrrtljZ
Ingly low
Dahlman Bros
mm ira mi sivooauAO
lh < tM mbit Vr Ti t All tin Not ll > n
Don fur Ttttm TlKit bhuuUt b llouti
Voht Wtinrn
Tk Dec 10 im
J lb Kdlttrt ol thoe ai5tta
Will you ktudly llow tho Itfncibles
space In tbo columns ot yoiir paper to
nialxo a reply to tbu lolloping that ap
peared In tho Issue ol Tim Qakkttk on
tho 7th Inst
Tho Iloaston LIrM Guard Will hva to
look to their laurels Tho Oato City
Guards the crack Infautry company ol At
lantn la ar going to Kuropo noxtytnr
ninety strong on a steamur chartered for
tho excursion accompnuiid by ttu < n
etiior ot Georgia and other distinguished
Georgians Tno Alia ta company will
undoubtedly attract attention In liuropu
and posu as tho crack company tit Yati
kecdom while as a matter ot fact that
distinction justly b long to tho Houston
Light Guard Tho latter company has
won all the prestige at home It can onioy
To keep up with tho procession I will
havo to go to Kuropo too If lta domicile
woro fort Wuith tho lft > rt would put up
tbo necessary ducats to vunbto It to equal
anything accomplished ot attempted by
auy other military ompatiy In thu
Tho 1ott is not tho domlclloot tho
Houston Light Guard but Is thu doiuU
o Io of tho tanther Oily 1enclbleg a
military company organised Juno 10
lb80 and having upon Its roster tho
names ot youug men that In every
capacity aro suited for members
In buch an organization How
it tho necessary ducts are slumbering
In tho pockets of Fort Worth etlrcn
with which to mako a military company
tqual to anything aconnipllsUod or at
tempted by any other mllliaty company In
this country why In tho uaiup ot com
mon falrurs and juntlcei cannot thu peo
ple with those ready ducats asnlst a mili
tary company of their city by giving somo
assistance towntds ttfl luilntunanao Mid
especially In aiding the company to t ay
nt an lndubtndneuH ot a tew hundred dol
lars which Indebtedness waa contracted
with thu distinct miderstnndlngfronilead
n cltlrens that it would lie paid by suV
etirlptluiiN from tho people of Kort Worth
Do tho Keiiclbles do ervo any suppoit
from the city and Is it nn organliatton
worthy of attention If constant drilling
number of boy a at the rooms encaged In
rending Instructive book and tnls Is
bolter than roaming tho streets Mrs
Gorman has Jhed Irarawnyearsamlls
tho educator of nvwy ot our ulrH and
boys nnd wo fool that wo can trim our
voung pcoplo to liar ciro OaroltlMna
should by their aid nuke tnU library
something tnat Jort Worth will be proud
In thofntnro Wo ltd tho norklsln
tho right hands but the room
must have patronage It we wish It to suc
ceed tint Ba fome ono I ssldom
read ntid havo no time to read Hnylhlng
bnt the newspapers Granted but you <
havo wire children It not mother Bis
ters aunts cousins tcleiuls aud last
out novor loa t myih theart What moro
approprt ta Christmas gilt than ntlckof
to tho room Mrs Gotinau will dvu us
the full worth otour money and 6J la
not such n great sum for inch one to Hot
uildofor tho client ot mental culture
during tho year 1887
Wo encourage nml build up everything
t l o that is brought to onr notice so lot
now add tho culture and elevation of our
mental poweis to tbo rest otour good
works and If art Worth will then In truth
rightly merit tho uamo ot tho Queen City
ot tho South
Hoping to seo many names with tho
right amount accompanying th m hnng
Ing from tho boughs of Mrs Gormans
Christmas tree 1 subscribe myclt
A KunsoiitiKn
ot Mrs Gs lladliiglloom
a i
rim huookd
At MMiltnKHllii
Bneolal to tho flaiotto
WlOIUTA fAtl4 Tkx Deo lL r At P >
oclock last night n llro broke out In tho
back end ot tlullen Bona drug Htoru In
Collins brick block doing nbont 92000
damage Origin of the lire unknown
Tho loss In oovwrod by Insuritncu
Cures nhcumnlltm Neuralgia
t Uh ll4 rlift TiMlbBtb
tiiUi ir i ftl f If
Willi Ml iffl
I Ar i > nli iiiii > ami imAUutS
thi i iiiiiiiJi a wt uii iv n iTiaoita hu
Now York and the East
in TKK llOUIWvrltli tbronirh ll rC r l ilor
oitrtanillalaraHioopltiK couctio N < Ckaug
of can for any cUm ot pauiingon
To Wnshlnalon In 28 Hours
To Baltimore In 20 Hours
Ttili It fonr hoar qalcaer than tho at t tlinc
tijr nny other Una
The Itur l prn ti Pallorcan flt Loul to
Ulncldnall ud lolaco ttleeiiltiKcar from Jln
clnnatl to Watlilngtou aud llaltlmoro without
eft an ir
Tho M ht Kiprtii hat alccners thrAUgli with
out chniiKO Ko other lino from Rl Jouli rnp
a tbrottKb alacnlng oar to tho national C plUU
Palaco Buffet SlcopjngCars
are ran by tbta Tlno on Nlirtit iE < i > r > from
St Louis to ISIew York
IitkniTllle Fit l Winer Resorts ia Ue
Tho Pontile dally lluet of 1ailorcart tnt
lilitco l pin coch8 by tin Map fromi t
Bt Louis to Cincinnati and Lousvi
AlAklnirdlieu connection ui hulls i > olui wuh
inorl K nml iv < imdx h ue mliu having
tclnco liotfl auJHIccplnxMit toUhattanoojr
Atlanta Macon and Jaclionvlllo rilihoni
chance No rerrtc or Tramlera or thin Uoula
Alt connection made In union < 1 riou
For tlckoti rntei or any particular Informa
tlon Will on UcVct upeiii of covnoetlnK llnui
W at Mnrlhwetl and Boulhwoitor In bt 1x > o1a
t 101 and 103 North ronitti etreu
lrsi and Ian Manarer lion f j gt
Cilnclunail Obl3
0DtUCOXtitVftiters rawArt
rawArtmu ii yo
4 1

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