OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 23, 1886, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-23/ed-1/seq-6/

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OX OH13I >
Xot ttao c ± ncai3 aaoccl a tlxoy will
VI7cXllatooi3 oxaur GJxx ltxjaata xxxoxjy still
Tlien LooK ect Tliiss
Havo you donr friend or wife Then lioro Is soinothing to plcaso lior
Thn Olcnntlo IncliiMrlnt U v loitnentn In
tbo South DilriuKlliB Io t Tno Wneka
Tho Baltlmoro Manufacturers Iiecord
of Decombcr 18 nnder tho bead ol Tho
Gigantic IndnBtrlal Developments in tho
South During tho Last Two Weeks
says Ne > or beforo probably in tbo his
tory ot this country his thero been such
an era ot industrial development
as wo now seo In tho Sonth
For tho last few weeks tho rapidity
with which enterprises of great extent
and Importance have followed ono upon
another has been simply astounding
The click of tho telegraph aait announces
the organization of ono great oUerprlsa
has hardly ceased ere another is report
ed and each day seems to swell tho
volume of nuw business Taking the last
two weeks only and briefly ns possible
summing up Fumo ot tho most
Important enterprises reported In our
weekly list of new Industries during that
time wo may well bo amazed at what tho
South 1 doing
In Alabama thoro has been reported tho
Ensley Land Co capital stock 810 000
000 to build a manuficiurlng towu near
ISIrmlngham istabllsh water and electilc
Hunt works and manufucturo
iron and steol Fdur other
compsnlcs with capital running from
150000 to 8800000 havo been organ
lz i at lilrmlugiiam for similar work A
3 000 000 cnuptny organized at Flor
enio has arrangd to build three large
f urnacos A 600000 company has bten
organized tu purchase and refit an old
cotton mill at tho samo place At Blr
mincham there has been organized a
100000 axe and tool compauy
aud a new rolling mill Is to bo built At
Sheflleld a 810Q000 plpo and nail mill
a 125ton furnace in addition to flvo pre
viously reported and electric llcht and
gas works Twelvo thousand acres ot
mineral land in Jackson county aru to bu
developed A Memphis company has
been organized to build furnaces and ralno
coal noar Jaxper An old furnace at Hound
Mountain Is being put in shapo to go In
blast again An lco factory at Muntgom
ery carrlago iaotory at Meridian 850 000
electric light company and a 840000
waterworks company at ilorencu Ar
kansas nhows up with two smelters two
33000 000 mining companies aud ono
ot 85000000 In Florida thero havo
been reported a 8 5 000 furniture factory
electric light works and a number of
lumior mills Giorgl reported n 50
000 fertlli7or company to build small tic
tnrles at some nine or ten points a 350
000 gUss Iictory 850000 Iron and ma
chine company a pluw company and
oher enterprises In Kentucky wu have
had a 8500000 coal and iron company a
81000000 lumber and mineral land devel
opment company a 850000 carpet com
pany bids asked fur Ilessemer sn el
works etc Maryland thows a 8500000
comiiiuv to manufacture fruit carrier
a 805000 cottou nnd wooKn company a
810000 clothing factory etc North
Carolina reports a 833000 tobacco tool
factory a carriage facury 15000 elec
tric light company anil n num
berof largo saw mills and South Caro
lina n 50000 gas and water works com
pany Tennessee llko Alabama has ex
hibited grest activity It has captured tho
big 8200000 Move works to bo bnlll by
IVrry C > ot Albany N Y fir which
severs places havo been contending
a 85 0000f0 company to manufacture
wool alcohol iron and steel a 8160 000
light and hea compauy a 8100000 mar lu
quarrying company a coal and c ku com
pany to develop 11000 acres of land a
furnace comptny tu purcha o an old Iron
property bu id furnaces etc a
85000 brick ird terra cotta com
pany a 101000 clictnc light com
pauy and n number of other important
enterprise In Texas there havo been
oiganUed a llourmlll company a can
nlng factory a 810000 kaolin company
a 850000 cracker manufacturing compa
ny a 8100000 dressed hef company etc
Virginia reports 850000 carseal com
pany flour mill carrlago Nctory
etc and West Virclnla a 8300000 oil
and gas company 850000 electric llant
company several coal mining companies
As a summary of some of the leading
enterprises only repirted in two weeks
tho foregoing facts glvo some light con
ception of tho wonderful rapidity with
which tho South Israarchlng in to pros
No morphia no oplnm In Dr J II Mc
Leans Tar Wlnu Lung Bilm It Is
prouiptsafe and sure and will euro a bad
cough or throat trouble quicker than any
other medlclno 0 lv 25cents a bottle
Joat Ttj Odd
Buy a package ot Silver Loal and give
it a fair trial If yon do this you will
never regret it How many disastrous
failures In making bread cause troublous
vexation in tho household Tnls can all
be obviated by a trial ot Silver Loaf J
ndXeTyT PnrUy flUcnBUl
stxxoy Twist X gr Tables v
In nntiquo onk mnhognny nml walnut
FANCY ROCKERS inpusta mahogany and illuminated leathers
J 1 BM1TU Iloeiaent
Other selections can be made from IADIES DESKS in oak mahogany and walnut Also an attractive line of SECRETARY
styles handpainted do you think our in crush mohair and
leather All the above Goods sold on the INSTALLMENT PLAN
Synopses ot Drclilona lteiiclered nt Ilia
TTlrr Hitting
J Wlllmgham vs ttiu Stato appeal
Irom Erath county Tho chargo In this
caso though objected to taken bh a
whole la lull lair and correct There
was no such urror in tho court below A3
tonded to prejudice tho rights o thu do
fondant tho record showing that ha was
accorded a air and Impartial trial Al
llnnod Wlllson J
Allen Honors va tho Slato From La
mar comity This was au nppoal irom n
conviction ot burglary Tho overruling
ot motion tor coutlnuauco la nltud bv
counsel lor defense as error Tho con
tinuance was propcrli rclu ed hecauso
that dlllgenca was rrot shown which tho J
statute requites Tho motion for n new
trial was properly overruled as to coutln
uauco because thu ovldeiieo wai not
probably tiuo In view ot other facts
proved Alllrmcd Wlllson iT
J S Clark vs tho Statu Appeal from
Hrath county This appeal Is from a con
viction lor theft of horse Possession
ot tho alleged stolen norm ucmtly utter
tho tlielt thereof Is tho only Inculpatory
clrcttmstunuuot defendants guilt ot iity
weight This clrcutnstaico liu explained
beforo called upon to do so Ills ex
planation was that ho traded a nmro and
colt to a man named Huynes who repre
sented that ho lived en Armstrong crick
In Krnth county Whllu thu defendant
did not prova by direct tivldenco thu truth
of this explanation ot his possession of
tho horse ho proved It clicumstantlally
and almost conclusively It his
witness tcstllled truly It was
proven by tho state that defondant
did not get said horse from Ilaynes living
on Armstrong crock thero being but ouo
man of that name living on suld creek
and ho Mvoro that defendant uever got
tho borso In question from blm When
defendant was nailed upon to account for
his possession of tho horse ho claimed
that hu got him from a man named
Ilaynes but did not say It was the Ilaynes
who lived on Armstrong creek Defen
dant also proved that th man ho got tbo
borso from told another party he lived In
Mason county It was also shown that
defendant did not attempt to concoal
his possession of tho horse but
claimed him boldlr upon all occa
sions and nuver accounted for
his possession in any other way than that
ho swapped with ouo llaynos Wo are ot
the opinion that defendants explanation
of his possession ot thu horse la a rear on
able natural and probablo one aud re
butted and destioyed tho Inculpatory
forco ot tbo cltcumstances of Ida posses
sion ot tho stolen horse and It devolved
upon tho state to show tho falsity ot such
explanation othorwlso tho defendant
should have been acquitted Tho evidence
docs not show tho iaUlty of detendints
explanation tho conviction Is unsupport
ed by thu evidence and thu catmu will bo
reversed and remanded Wlllson J
Joy Hawkins vs tho Slato Appeal
from Somervull county Whero thu rec
ord lalli to show that notice ot appeal
was given and entered In tho mlnutus ot
tho court below this court has no juris
diction Appeal dismissed Wlllson 1
John May vs tho State Appeal from
limar county Iu a motion for a new
trial tin thu ground of newly discovered
testimony which Is only cumulative
thero belug other testimony of tua saino
kind In tho trial aud thu same was not
controverted by tho Btale tbo motion
should bo overruled When tho evidence
totally falls to lalso an Issuo of a 1iwor
degree ot hnmlaldo than murder Iu thu
first denree thu court need not and should
not chargo upon any lower grodo of hom
Icldo Wo find no error whatever In tho
conviction Wlllson J
W It Ortnan va tho State Appeal
from McLennan county Appellant was
convicted of murder of tho second degree
and sentenced to tho penitentiary for
fourteen years for tho klllli g ot W V
Houston in tho city ot Waco It was
shown that appellant went and consulted
his attorney as to what pnnlsbmont ho
should receive if ho were to ill deceased
Ills attorney was placed on the stand and
over objections ol appellant his evidence
was admitted Held that In a civil ca u
this testimony should havu been excluded
tbu rule however Iu criminal cases la
different In thu Qieot vs Cox decldod
December 20 18SI 8 Am Crlru Hep
JUO thu following wcro announced to bo
tho correct rules and In which wu coiv
curt 1 To bo privileged tho commnol
cations must pass between the cllt nt and
his attorney in professional coqil ouco
and In thu legitimate course ot pro
fesuloal employment ot tho attorney
If tho communications are mado by
the client to the attornoy beforo thu com
mission ot tho crime and for tho purposo
of being guided or helped n ita con
mission tuuy aro not privileged 3
Nor does tbo fact that tho attorney
was wholly without blame In any partlcu
lar whatever affect the sicund rule Tho
third mlo Is lu conflict with soma deel
slous but In our opinion is sustained by
the weight of authority The evidence
waa admissible Tho judge below sub
mitted tho following chargo It you be
lieve from tho evidence boyoud a rca
sonable donbt that tho defendant
did unlawfully kill William Hous
ton by shooting blm with a certain
pistol and that tno samo was done under
the Immediate Influence of sudden pas
sion as herein before defined arising
from an adequate cause such as insult
ing words or conduct of tho said Houston
toward female rolatlvcs ot defondant
you will llnd tho defendant guilty ot
manslaughter This was objected to by
appellant because it requires tho killing
to take place under the immediate Influ
ence ot sudden passion In tho opinion
ot tho writer thero Is roverslhlo error lu
this chargo Ills rethren however dU
agreo with him On tho subject of self
defense tho court gave the following
charge II imlcldo Is justifiable lu
tho protection of tho porson
against any unlawful and violent
attack but lu such case all other means
must bo resorted to for tho prevention of
tho Injury and tho killing must tako place
whllu tho person killed Is In tho very act
of making such unlawful and violent at
tacK Held erroneous This court
holds that If on attack ot less magnitude
than murder was mado ou appellant thu
court should haw Instructed tho jury that
If tno attack produced In tho mind of de
fendant a rca9onaolo expectation or fear
ot death or somu serious bodily Injury
thu defendant would not be required to
resort to other means to prevent the
threatened injury n r kill while his ad
versary was > u tno very act of making an
nttuck but may kill instantly Hevorsed
mid remanded Hurt J
John Vanvlckle vs tho State Appeal
from Mains county Tho Indictment In
this case nads as follows In tho name
and by tho authority ot tho state of Texas
tho grand jurors ot tho state ot Texas
charged empanelled and sworn to dili
gently Inquire Into and true presentment
niako of all crimes and offenses egalnst
tho law committed within tho body of
thocounty of Ilalns and state ot Texas
that ouo Tonn Vanvlckle of tho county of
Hiins and stalo of Texas with forco and
arms in tho county of JUIns otc
proceeding then to sot out certain
facts given to constitute tho offensa of
talso awoarlng in order to procure tho
Issuance of a marrisgo license by tbo
couuty clerk Held that in our opinion
it Is only lDferentlally stated that thu
grand jury was tho graud jury of Uilni
county Thero is a total want ot connec
tion between tho allegations with refer
ence to tho Impanelling of to grttnd jury
und tho facts natt d with regard to thu
subsiquont acts of John Vanvlckle Tho
usual ordinary words of accusation to
wit ou their oaths present It will bo
seen are entirely omitted und no similar
or equivalent words aro used or
substituted In short while this
paper shows a grand jury for Kilns
county wcro Impanelled to Inqulro into
crimes committed in said county and
while it shows tint John Vanvlcklo did
certain acts therein s t out It la not
shown nor Is it anywhere alleged that
tho said graud jury chargo aver allege
or accuse tho said Vauvicklo with doing
those acts It Is certainly not stated
that tho grand jury charged or accused
him with the commission ot those acts
and deeds Then who did Wo aro no
whero informed Reversed aud dis
missed White 1 J
Kiton Oulcau Co vs toon Caporon
Appeal Irom Taylor county This is a
suit for damages actual and consequen
tial by appellee against appellants fur
the nondelivery of HO barrels ol apples
to ho delivered hoiwoun the 18th and UOih
of Decouibor 1884 Appellants coututul
that tho court below hod no jurisdiction
because they only claimed 9175 damages
and they weie not entltlrdto consequen
tial damages Wo cannot agree to this
Appellants know that tho apples wuro
umered specially for tho holidays and
that tho dmiand for apples during tho
holidays would bo very great and
that tho great probab Illy was that ap
pellee had not supplied hlnuolf with ap
ples Irom other parilesand we aro clearly
ot tho opinion that appellee was entitled
to consequential dtmages thus giving
the court below jurisdiction rialntiK
In thu court below win permitted over
objections of defondant to Introduce In
evidence that the apples were tor tho
holiday trade Held that thero was no
error In admitting this testlmouy
Atlltmcd HuttJ
William ljipps vs tho State Apptal
from lloeqno county Tho judgment of
conviction Iter tin It rendered in this case
in tho court below Is wholly unsupported
by ajid is contrary to tho ovldonco sont
up in tho record Unversed and ro
mandod White 1 J
Hen Hart vs tho Bute Appeal from
Hopkins county Tno slato was permit
ted over objections ot apuellant to prove
that defendant fo felted his ball bond
Held not otror Flight by a d < fuqdant la
admissible In all cases whether the evi
dence bo circumstantial or direct Tho
Hawing charge was objected to by
defendant because it did not in
struct tho jury to acquit if the
state tailed to show that the
explanation of defendant wis false
When a person found in possession ot
property recently stolen when first found
In possesson of it or when his title
thereto Is first called in question gives a
reasonable and probablo explanation con
sistent with his tnnocenco suca explana
tion rebuts thu presumption of guilt aris
ing from Buch recent possession a d it
devolves upon the prosecution to nrove
that such explanation Is falsa It Is In
slsted that the court should have mado
direct application ot this rule to thu
facts bea Ing upon tho matter Held
that tho chareo abovo was full fair and
sulllctent Alllrmcd Hurt J
Texas Kvpress Company vs J 1 Heff
ncr Appeal from Tarrant county The
son of nppelleo had been employed by an
agent ot appellant Said son ot appellee
deposited 6100 with raid agent to Indem
nify appellant against any loss hat might
occur through his dishonesty or negli
gence Tho contract wns repudiated ap
pellees son discharged and tho agent of
appullant falls and refuses to repay said
deposit This suit Is brought to recover
enld deposit Thero was a verdict for
plaintiff In tho court below App > llant in
ulsts that the1 ngent acted beyond the
scopo of his authority that ail pirsons
were required lo glvo bond to secure the
company etc that said agent bad no
authority to accept raonlod security In
stead ot a bond It was enor fo thu
court to exclude ovldonco of Witness
Smith that appellees son presented to
witness lor payment several of Hefiners
porsonal dtiu bills which witness refused
to pay but spoko to Thomas tho agent
ab iut It when ThnmaJ told witness to
ca < n duo bills of Hudnur as he was well
secured against loss by Heffner
This should havo Ijetu admitted In
view of thu defenso set out
It was error for the court
to excludo tho ovldonco of the superinten
dent i f appellant company to tno effect
that the agent had no authority to ac
cept money security In lieu ot n bond
Appellants claim tbo deposit was a per
sonal matter between Thorna and Heff
ner and this evidence should havo been
admitted Appelleo can not recover
Interest on deposit untl January 1 it be
ing an open account lluveised and re
manded Hurt J
ileorge McCormlclc vs the State Ap
pealed from Uexar county Wnen a con
tinuance is aMtud for tho ptuposu of pro
curing testlmouy which Is Improbable
and In direct conflict with tho weight of
evidence the contlnuanco is properly re
fused Tho special chargu asked by de
fense that It tho jury believed defendant
obtained tbo money by peronatlng an
ofllcer and Adams believing him to be an
ottlcer Buffered blm to take his money
was p opurly refused by tho court There
Is no reversible urror Affirmed Ilurt J
0 W lioyult va thu State Appeal
from Tayl > r county Iu this ciso thero
wasachnugaof ventio on tho motion of
the disttlctattorney from Nolan county to
Taylor couuty H is con ended that ho
should havo removed the courso to tho
nearest county seat to Nolan county
Held that the district jurigo had tho right
to send tho case t > any county within bis
district Whin tho jurv scparatu by con
sent ot parties and of tho court some
misconduct must bo shown or
this court will not reverse
on that ground alone A state
ment mado by a witness under the rule
who had uot been arrested was admls
slblc Whon tho jury delivered their ver
dict they wcro discharged Within half a
minute utter this while somo wero still
iu rank it wos discovered that the ver
dict was informal aud they wero Immedi
ately recalled and tho orror cured to
which defendant raises objection Thero
was ovldontly no injury to tho rights of
defohdant hence no roverslhlo error
Alllrmed Hurt J
Salvation Oil l apoody anl permanent enro
for all pain It extirpates tho caueo
New YoUoty i Ainorl < a raotroDOlUihcr
prldo Is lr llulVa Cough Sjruji at 25 cts
Iocniia Iecnna
Call to sco our stock ot pecans They
aro elegant just received
Koht Worth Gnocsn Co
Try our butttrlne
Clocks aud jewelry at halt prlco at Max
Silver Lout liking 1owUer
Nover falls whon the directions are fol
lowed hence thero Is never a word of
complaint beard against it Tho mex
porlenced cook is able to mabo as good
bread with it as tho professional baker
Simply because its Ingredients are so
compounded as to make failure lmpossl
bid when tho directions aro followed A
trial Is all that Is necessary to raako It in
dispensable to all wellrcguiutcd house
Marlilecrls sacrificing everything re
gardless of costs as ho must close ont bo
tore January 15
Oaps Coil
Is the choicest cranberry
to bo had
1BNDKnV 11 aos
MI08 I > hULSnVo 01
OfTlco 511 Houston Street Fort Worth Tok
Gas Fixtures Pipe Fittings Etc Etc
Spocial attention paid to orders for Coke whioh we rocomaendUMiMi
moro convonlont than Antliraclto Goal uwulJ > tti MijaKt
T 1 conanne8 aro icqncatetl to report all liregnlarltlta lo tho anDnlr ot
D Millnr who will kIto tho mattor promut attimtlon PPiJOitutos
i i i it
Btandlnpfsoain Flatiron noonnjr patont Shcotlron WoathcrboardlnjrIroBCtiiuK
hln Rl 0t 6a lvan 1 101lron Ooru1 00 wort in all Its bianchee manufactures la rSnr S
tho Bat ahoot as It comos from tho mill by lu m 1h
11 W HARRY BRO 707 Main Street Jl
Wo also carry In Btock 27 B Ixon Tin Ilato Solder and Galvanlicd Ironwhich m
trado at lowost market prlcoe Wbolooalo agents for tbo etato ot Tern tor
Pacific k
Itccanno It Is tho eroat thoroughfare between Central Totaa and all poind SorftIuiaK
X ttJ t ih9 ° n 1 i0 Ea MllK hr nKh > o lloaattful Indian Territory ItnuiEaX
runs donblo dally tralna makingcloae a4i i
tlona in Union
depots at City St Louis and Hannibal lor aU polnla MM
Antonio to St Louis via Fort Worth Dallas and Donlaon i
PaBaongcrs booked to and from all points In Knroiio via American SteamihlpLtoH
Philadelphia and Liverpool and tho Kod Star Steamship Line botwocn New Toil F
and Antwerp For fall Information or tickets call on
Tlckot ARcnt Fort Worth Tox Passenger Agent Hoe
MoCULLOUGH Gonoral PaasonKcr and Ticket Agent Dallai Tn
Short lino to New Orleaks and all points tn Louisiana Now Mexico AdM
rornla Favorite linq to tho North East Pullman BaertBM
and Southeast Elegant
cars through between St Louis via Totarkana and Doming Now Mexico ilJoPuIUtaW
Sleepingcars between
Fort Worth and Now Orleans without change Only ono
Chicago Cincinnati Washington Baltimore
dolnhia Now York and Other Principal Oities
T nk l10 74 ° m or 9 05 p m trains for Ponthoast via Little Uoek anil for Sjl
points cast of s t Louis Tako 740 m train for Now Orleans and points btjons
p m t > a n for El Paso and all points West
f iwV8 8c nK0 h nl llc d t < J nnd trom Rl1 Polo In Europe via tho AMKIUOAN TV M
wiiLEbet wS2r Ialolplilannd Liverpool and the STAIt BTEAJialll
nndolpala and Antwerp For full Information or tlckota call on
Pass Agt Houston Tex
Ticket Agt Fort WA
Gen Pass andTlokof Ao > Dallsu T
OrillnuncB No 408
An ortllnanco regulating tho moving ol
dead bodies and tho lssuanoo ol bnrlal
Bo It ordained l > y tho city council ol
tho city ol Fort Worth
Section l It shall be tho duty
ol every undertaker or other
porson acting os such having In
chargo tho Interment ol any deceased
person to deposit with the city sexton
sextons or superintendent ol the ceme
tery wherein said interment Is to tako
Place tho proper burial permit Irora the
board ot health and It shall be tho duty
of tho city sexton sextons or sunerln
tjMidtnts ol ceraeienea In tho city ot Fort
Worth to keep a register to bo provided
by tho city of all persons bnrled in said
ceraoter es giving in alphabetical order
tho name ol the deceased the number ol
tho lot In which tho body was burled A
true copy oi which register shall ho kept
onfllo by such sextons or superintend
entssnbjoct at all times to inspection by
tho board ol health and tho general pub
Sec 3 No body or remains ol nny dc
ceaied person shall bo buried or interred
laco within tho city llmlw nor shall tho
oouy of any deceased person bo removed
from the place ol death nor shall tho
pooyol any deceased porson be disin
terred Irom any placo within tho city
limits nnlesj tho
proper permit tberelor
has been issued bv tha board ol health
e 0 lQ case ot tD0 dBatn ol > y per
son in tho city
every physician or person
acting as aucn who bad chargo of or was
in attendance upon such person at tho
tlmo of death thali forthwith fill ont a
blank certlfl ato famished by th health
department atatlng all particular as
called for In said certificate ol dwttV
and shall deliver or cawe
ered to tho undertaker harjag M
the bnrlal of debased aud mm
taker by prescntlpg tto mWW1
tho chairman ol tho board ol betlM
furnished free
bo and
given l te
for the
with a burial permit
ol deceased v iM
Burial pormits
wheti properly filled out bf s cow
jury acting in any caso
Sec 4 That MJP lS
violating any of tho Jfifj
shall npon
In any sum from 825 to 8100 lot e
TcBTbatall ordinances
ol ordinances in conflict wlO
nnco bo and tho same
c That this ordinancelUg
t lut
from and <
and bo In lorce
cation according to i
This ordinance not TJf W
provid uor disapproved wltaia A
as prescribed by thecharurcl
Filed December 6 lB6GdiySeCI
Passed December 11
liecorded Kcemb g
contemplatobnjlPg J
II jou
groceries call around H
butttrlne JB
Try our
of cig t
kind or quality
Seheuber i Cos
fe t iliaiiis fi V

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