J sl lie Itg 1 I n sttW ilxWl aim ITinest Xiinc OK ITOVES XBC3EJ CITY JASEBURNERS For Hard Coal arlor Stoves For Wood or Coal ALSO ok StovoN and Riiukch fob covr and wood 503 Houston Street FOBT WOTtXII imi ani MlddlG Aged Men a huuk cum nrfol ctfoct of early vlco which bilngi weakness destroying both rnlnd and Kirlth all Its dlrefal Ills Ratio PKH31ANKNTLY OUHKD Ballon of the Heart Timidity Trembling j Dlsohargos so much to bo feared For mis Lack of Ideas Sadncra of Spirits Imaitlnlngs Dlsllka to Social Llfo and Mclancliolv iiid MXNor thoso ontcrlng on that hap wirc of Physical Debility Excitability Diminution Nerves Organla or othoi Miles quickly asslstod Mnkuals USKI Young pooplo lostns fiallb and spending tlraii with thoso nn kind unqnallllcd causing fatal dlsorderr Jicad throat nnso liver and lungs stom J bowels Speedily Onroil ot lalso modesty deter you from calling lion lionWASSERZUG IConsnlttng Itooms 734 Kim Street DALLAS TEXAS Private Matters Cured hid attention Is given to nil correspond State symptoms and modlcino will be 0 D cvrywhere WISIERZCO Is a regular gradaato of 1 rpractice Diploma In ofllco Ana ha Iced In Dallas for over 2 years DIP nCCCR To Intnflnce them Ulu urrcn w0 wiuqiveaway 10M BeHOpcrntIng Washing Machines It Vou wont ono send us your nnmo I I express offlco at onco I ho National UDoy street N Y CACfJCCC Its causes and a now and ZHrnCOO uecessful OOllK atyour inrn home by ono who wa deaf twenty Izbt yiars Treated b > most of tho noiod nil ultbont benefit Oared himself In lOmhj and alnuo then hundreds of oth ullpirticnlarsecnton application T H PAGE 11 Wen ThlrtyOrrt St Now York City etMpnlttl PurwlicncurHl Ilan < lBon > Qbnok PILCJWKAillUUUVKttUBasCllrMo O 8 BATON Ijtto of Galveston SMITH EATON wand Tjjxritl Ofllco fmHn Jarvls blo k Fort Worth IDLETON CHAPMAN POWELL lorneys t Law Irerriiit National bank Ft WorthTe JAMES W SWAYNE CORNKY AT I W r First National bank Kort Worth MTIS T Over Boetoillce Flno Aluminum Hates a elalty Spo UBe Nitrons Oxldo gas for pain lessextraction of teeth t Scientifically dono Telephone232 ecrvlcos In the General Vractlco of ICINE AND SURGERY raer Houton and Fourth ats rcsl South Main at OOlco hours 10 a xn and 4 to 30 p m EDUCATIONAL WAHDS SEMINARY rtlMBeTlenn thu leading reboot for young tliiWtlle Bxith and equal to any In tho Btai Its next scfslon January 10 This > too well kuown by lis giand succosa ooMe line of women It has edneatod to J comment Parents will also And It h wStcU0Dai > le In Itstnms Address Gt ipytng containing 10001 rooms Ave idrpartmcnta In five large finest KBgilehlionmaniblp short J JPf > writing state agent for steno ward about ton dollars per month It > p to the best Mend for Oollegr I ipeclmons iot penmanship Ad rr IUtturiT President Bnsiness Colese jVtctlctl and wldaawak Inslltntton iftmtTil > on scbDuls ot Us kind In ijEjM Sui < Faculty aid eoursoot study I any land Tho champion ho Sunny 8outh Is In tho The slranMed to i stud ut Is en polnt by lectures and Method ot teaching Stenograph f hand Catalogue and a eomeu UlIX il Waco p Andrcss It Tex THE GAKETTE FORT TVOUTH TEXAS THURSDAY DECEMMfi 23 ON CHANGE Bpot Cotton Frictions and Fnlores from a to 10 Points Higher Money Mat kotKajy Wheat Opentd Active Iflnctnattd Within it Narrow linage nml Closed Illghar Lira stock Transactions llrltk OUT TCOKTII MAnKKTSDAtlT UK 1 MEW P 0 orTnRtUMTTB I KORT WOSTll Til Deo 21isis 1 Trade was on a boom today In every HnoWhllo Whllo price for country produce havo not declined thoro is n tendency toward weakness Apples and oranges aro higher TUB STAT OK TIUUK Special telegrams to Bradstrecta ro port that general trado In wbolcsalo Hues Is only seasonably actlvo The approach of tho holidays stimulates tho retail de mand bat dealers In many Instances aro purposely reducing stock prior to taking Inventories Tho volume of merchandise distributed Is however In exocss of tho total ono year ago Mercantile collec tions aro somewhat better In all direc tions oxctpt In the upper Mississippi and tho Missouri rlvor valUys where farmers Incline to hold their grata In stead of selling at rates current tbcro Asldo from the leading Eastern epeciu latlva comers bauk cltsarlngt have been Inclined to reflect tho declining naturo of thu volume ol tiade At Chicago thoro has been a decllue of 84700000 and at Pittsburg 8800000 Now Orleans and San 1ranclsco nro exceptional In report tng a brisk trado showing 81800000 and 81000000 Increased dealings reupcc tively New Yorks Increased clearings Slli000000 Is caused largely by the speculative excitement of tho week as are tie gains of 810400000 In Boston 83400000 at Philadelphia and 82400000 at Baltimore Tno total bank clearing at thlrtyiwo cltlts for tbls weik exclusively reported by wire to Brailstreeta Is 81348840176 against 81 0117514 last week and 81 121310 241 In llio third week In Decern ber 1885 a gain of 122000000 or 10 per cent on tho week qutl 8227029000 or 20 per cent on tho year Money has been closer at most other largo cities owing to tho lato manipulation of money at Now York At Kansas City funds aro returning from tho country but at Chi cago tho Interior request continues heavy Specially reported gross earning of ulghtyono railways for cloven months ag gregatn 270101000 In 188G aud 8218 851000In 1885 oi slxtyelgntrnllways lor eleven months of 1884 277378113 the gain In 1880 over 1885 is 8 810 per cent Taking advantage of tbo unwarranted advancolucomparatlvely valueless stocky tho growing stringency of money and the fears entertained by tho Interstate com mercc billa bear comblnatloncumprlsIug somo of tno biggest operators In the Now York stock market was formed and suc cessfully attacked prices breaking them down and creattug a liquidation which nearly approached a paulc Tho move ment culminated on Wednesday w en tho whole list sold off from 20 to 80 points tbo nondividend payers suffering the most and dividend payors tbo least A rally followed m which tho bears cov ered leaving tho market lit an uusettled condition In which It has remained since continued liquidation being In progress Tbo transactions ol tbo week Wednesday 1090000 shirestho largest days record In tho his tory of tho Exchange foot up 3970 153 shares against 3115341 shares the preceding week and 3430371 shares the same week of 1885 11 udo shared lu tbo dtprcsslon of tho stoik market though Investments remain firm Transactions for the weel wero 89541500 In value against 812010600 lam week Manipula tionwith feeling of uncertainty created by tho breakput loans to very high rates Bites for call loans have varied from C per cent to that rate with a bonus of percent to 3 per cent per day added On Friday a better feeling prevailed aud the last loaus wero made at 2 per cent 1orelgn exchange was completely de moralized Drawers could not s < 11 bills and cable transfers sold below the gold point at 8481 Ilg Iron at tho West Is relatively higher than at tho East Leblch and North river furnaces are booklna 1887 orders rapid y at 820 for No 1 Higher prices aro ex pected next vear Bills aro selling at 830 and 837 Is talked of First and second hand dealers In dry goods are quiet with no chango looked for prior to January 1 Somo makes of brown and bleached sheetings havo been ad vanccd i4c Tho export demand exceeds that of lost year Tho outlook for higher Is brighter but carpets are off 24c heavy competition prices for woolens tapestry Brussels por yard dwlng to Baw wool Is qulot Holders aro llrm and manufacturers arc walling Wheat showed renewed firm ness with advancing prices alter a de > cllno on free selling early In the week Flour Is quite llrm patents and bakers leading owing to the ncreased temand for export Hog products havo ceased to take tnclr cue from grain for the moment and with declining receipts of bogs at the West and a fair speculative and export demand havo advanced Tho Louhlaua sugar crop Is now placed at between 140 000 and 150000 hogsheads Sugar Is 5lCc higher at New OrUaus within two weeks and i lower yellow at San Fran cisco At New York demand for refining Is slack on lower btet quotations from London Blq coffee Is off Jo bid on tbo week There has been excessive bull jptculatlon a reaction with steadiness following at tho cloe yesterday Stocks hero nre very low aud receipts at Bio havo decreased Tho total failures In the United States re ported to Bradstreetfl this week aro 292 acalnst 209 last week 217 In 1885 305 In 1884 and 280 in 1883 Tho total this year to data Is 9901 against 10C91 last year decline ot 790 10C80 in 1884 and 9071 iu 1883 Canada has bad 1139 this year against 1211 last Bradstreetfl 7Koj Great Republican HGOa 23o per aoten FltUUSAND VEGETABLES Oranges Id60 per b xs lemons II 73 per box cranberries J10 00 per bbl hlfbbl 50 apples per bbl 4 60 fancy apples It 7505 CO Xrlst potatoes l fl 10 per bu onions So per pot 57T beans 3 o handpicked lu bbls mediant bbls 3Mo large Lima 4o bectsperbustieil 60 ban anas 6034oo per bunch sweet po Uto a 6090a per bu horse radish per doien roots II to parsnips ber bushel II 75 car rota per ouII60 turnips per ba25 40o FLOUItHest patents U 90 per 100 lbs half patents2 65 third graded to FUKI < McAll ster coalcar load on track at yard II00 deliveiod Id 60j McAllister coal 6 to 101 ns t yard 1923 delUored 18 75 IIeA lis ter coal 2 to 3 tons at yard 6 60 delivered 1715 McAllister coall ton at yard 1873 deliv ered J7 60s lloAlliotcr coal ii ton a > yard 3 60 del vtrcd It 00 UcAIlttercoal trnat yara delivered UIO UeAUUter ooal less than H 73 > ton per 100 at yard 43c Pennsylvania hard tS t lard HI 60 dctlveed 1100 W 1 0t Pennsylvania hard coal j iV T d M delivers 54W blstksmlth coal i ton at yaw lit oo delivered Jiild Oord wood 1 c rd liven 31 w oord o > if fitSs J tare wood 1 v8od W staT WW > J H eor1 a UUAlNNDFKrDSTtFr3 Qnotatloni be low anion grain from storo In carload lots corn and isls ara So i > bushw lower than quoted Wheat MBSOo LII T < 1k h Ued Vi aiV hi > lnl V SHTT 85aTOo P creamery 3J8 H TMfrm ° w mlddllngtlngoU7e good tatiiuilng svo COFFER llio fair 1JH8J prlmo lOUo J o f lfai o Lantyra ljoj Javawe OJ l o UNO Tea Horry Jlo iVf KaKTho belter grades and Ohio factory loaiOHetfnll cream twins loo OAllHAiJK 3 ro per cralo OANSKU loolS lrlcos per doten rine apples standard Jl Ms peaches standard 1 W 4 > 8 lbs Jl W seconds 5 lbs II 15s > II CO tomatoes standard J Iks II 001 seconds 1 6 > I S Iks II 30 green com II loal Mi greenpcasl Oal 60goot bcrr1oil 14 rasp berries II SSt oysters loll weight 1 auXlWiS Iks l iswi wj ltwtl ts j lasj saunon I a II Mi 1 Sis i maokirel 1 tt mil mj sar dines American WW easel Imported 111 U 4 14 oo case strawbtrrlctS IISJ blackberries II IS crcon gagos I jlSaglo twndensed milk DKV WOODSIrlnts Albion solid colors iHa Allens fancy 6Xo links BKc itobes SKo American fane 5Kc Anchor IKoj Ar nold fancy 6a llcrwlck fanoy 4a Charter Oak to nunnolSKoi Kddystone AosUioncoster silver cray JiOj llartcl 6 io Simpsons 0 s tteelUtrerD t c Windsor fancy ta Ulnghams Amnskeair 7Ko Union 7Ko CaledoniaIKo ltontrew SKei JacqnarUsro Nubian So WostUook Bo Zephyr 6 o llnwnOottonsi Olltton OOt6a Constitu tion 8Vos tiwlght 6oj Uiendalo OVoj New berry 6Xo Umulro AA Vo llearor Dam SVo Argyte 01 d Busy Bee Co Uangor F CottonTlalds Concstoga OK Cumberland a Itlack Warrior 7o Southern7KO Kentucky Jens Ktuyver So Marlon 10c Antwerp lta lleoklcy Avondalo 2lo 18o Colnmbus vie Irvlngloo 2Soj Kaiser 37as Laurel ulonnftlVo AnchorJco Illcached Cottons i Lonsdale BUc Forest Vo leabody II BJ < c 1lonoor of tho Market 6Kos Clinton7Xos Congrats r < j Cnmbeiland Oats Hulk tHutSo sacked 50a Ilrsn1100 pel bundled Hay Loose local HVOaBOO Johnson ana lllll conntviliooaisoo best lucoaicou llarley Mo per bu Kyo II Amber cane no markot Johnson grass 12 M per ba 1IIOKS AND 8KlN No 1 heavy D F hides 14c per lb No 2 heavy Ua No 1 light lloi o Ulgbt7Ko lirysaltodllabull hides Do glueKoi green salted BHo butchers green 6c sheepskins xDU COCMOIx MOIx 8F8 1rlme new crop 3S O SSoi cholco new crop MaUc fancy now crop tCuCiio NAI13 13 23 per kog basis lOd Harden horsuihoo pei keg W 1ciklnsdo 3 IK Walker doA 60 llnrden mulolO Northwesternhorso shoo uatls No 4 50oNo 6 Met No G23o No 7 21o No S 200 lakes No 4 4So No S V oNo flici No 7 20o No 810c Aueablo do No 4 45o No SloNo 0 xlo No 7190 No 818c NUTS Peanuts cholco 7atsc pecans 8KO lOolorToxas llrattl nuts 15a por a fllborts 15a per lb English walnnta 1 ul7o almonds 32Q240 per is cocoa nuts s per loo IltOlsIONS Wo quoto on tho basis of car Iota i KlshMackerol 10S > kits No 1 II 00 No 2 80a halt bbls No 115 50 No 215 00 dried herrings per box 40a oodush So lWtcolln kits 113 bbls323K bbls 3 60 llokled trlpoln kits II 15 Holland llorrlngsKcgs 1 Mai 73 Ilologna eausaiio Do ltnckwhcat dour 10 6aa caio 3 0032 3US 1515 MeatSrtgarcurcd hamsll a sugarenrod brcaktasr bacon Hot short clear baoon 6o short clear dry salt o Ijird Tlorco7o60acans Jlo 20tt cans 7 lc 10D cans 7scj6a > cans7 0i3tt cans 7yc llomlnv and crllsrcr bbl II 00 Kraut Haltbarrels It OO Oatmeal For halt hbl It CO Cracked wheat lcr lb Co Orackors A aoda5 > o xxx eodaCo cream > t c > iirer nan > lemon rroama So Sundries Starch SVo candles full boxos 12Xo halves quarters stickcandy lOHos fancy lOUICo rope UXos do cot ton 10o herring Imported II25 por kre raisins layor t50 cldor crab nolo toot Missouri soc vinegar lSitUo concentrated lyo ft 7604 00ugs glaiod loo por gali crooks fieudion per gallou dried poaches0a Indigo 75o per ft blueing SOcall 00 per uoicm Colo mans mustardil 30 < ai 50 per doien macaroni Imported 15a per a Amoi1can75o noruox bnckets twohooim tl60tfr iloich brilliant oils bbls 16o Kuplon do 2So do S5 cases 1310 brilliant 2B cases U 10 do IK cases 3 00baking powdersbulkllo1 and2beans 12 60 macaroni small box CSo vermicelli small box 65a catsup In bulk per gillonti5 Worces ter sauce In bulk per gallon It 25 HugarFlno powdered bbls 7Ko do half bbls 7Vc out loaf 7Ko granulated standard 7o Louisiana rranulated 6o sundara A 6 > c cbolco white 0Vo liulslaua y a 0B tKiSa HicoLouisiana 4V B c lOULTKY Wo quoto Young chickens II25 160 per dozj old 11250150 turkeys loe coc WHISKY Itectlflcd II10U1 50 as per proof sourmash two year old 1 coal 70 three year old 19032 20 fancy extra old whisky ft 0035 00 WOOL Fall wool sixmonths clip blight modlum21c ll < btllno20n ooarso 150UO KNOL1SII CONSUL London Dec 22 Consols closed at 100 for money Silver 46d STOCKS AND J10NDS Nkw Youk Dec 21 Honda and stocks olosod at following urlcos bids nlicd itaics threes 100 Four andonohalfo lloi Ncwtours S i Pacttlo sixes 14 Central Paclfla first il0 > Texas A Isclda land grants 60 Texas A Pao Itlu Urando 73 > i Unt nlaeio firsts 110 > j Union taclflo sinking fund Control Pacltt 42 Chicago A Alton 1 Chicago A AlWn ireiorred 100 Uurlligton A tlulncy 133 DelawH0 Hudson Jol Lackawana J5 Denver A ItloOrand 81 crlo S3 Krlo preferred 7JM Hnrlein 216 Houston Tcxas 38 lllnola Crntrol JO KansasATexas o 31 Laso Shore J NiulvllloA Nssbvllle WV Mlchlg n Central W Mb ourl Paclflc 1 A Now lersy Conual Northern Pacino J S Northern Paolflo preferred W Northwestern JJJJi Northwe torn p eferrcd jsjf New Voik Centralf JfJ Oroion Transcontinental 315 pcinoMall Jj Heading llocklsand St Paul h 8t Paul ircforrtd i stPaulAOmalia JS St Paul Omaha preferred 110 Texas Pacino Union raciflo Wabarh 2 Wabasn preferred Wc < araraa I Western Union w COrTON srAIlltLTS Kecelpta t All United States Iorls HlvESTOirTKx Dec 12 Cotton receipts at United States ports Thtsoay This oay last week Thlsday aityear Toul receipts this season Total le elptslast season Kxcrastbl season Ktpoits ti > ns far this week Stock at United States ports this day Stock this day last year 460011 40603 31237 3414 033 3SI3C 10MSJ 1I7 X 10 43520 lOSI 813 Jlew Vork Nbw Yonit Dec 21 Cottonfipot cloied Arm and unchanged fclosed to 14 points higher Fuur e flrmlt Sales 149600 Pccetnb t January February Mare t April May Juno July August 9 113 9 44 9 4 < 9 47 Ilieo 9 67 9 WO 9 70 o we el osiw 10 00810 61 1019310 W 10 159 10 16 i ti win fci < > i I am just in receipt of large shipments of Oranges Lemons Cocoanuts liable ag a C3hx tr > osR3 la kegs and halt xegs and Sew OH LAYER All cholco now goods It Is llmo to lay la your stock ot thoso goods for tho holiday trado END MDE YOTJB OKDHIBS < JOSEPH H BROWi 9 810 V 10 litis VtO Total Sales 55400 Liverpool HVKitrooi Dec 22Cotton quiet and unchanscd tlrdlnary 471M it mldddng 6 1 l d uildddng jfono 0 10U 9 II 9 Wd > 9 17 9 279 9 29 V 40 U Hit 0 63 9 01 9 0 9 70 U 77 9 8I 9 Ml 0 W 9 91 uplands 8Jfdj middling Orleans 6Wd Total sales 10000 American 7W lmi > oits ritturos clo sod flrmS to 4 polnls higher Docamber 6 13 Lid Docorabcr January JJJiT JanuaryFebtuar 6 iq February March Manh April AprilMay MayJune jnuoJnly JulyAugust Spot closed good ordinary 4Vdi low B 11 bid A Masked a HIeked A ISatkud 5 20 bid 8 21 bid Onlveaton GALVKSTOH Tax Dec 42 Cotton Spot clocu steaJyl 11W higher torlowersnides IW ordlna7 Oo ordinary 7 11 good ok Inary 80 low uilrtdlW aaiea middling 8 1510o good middling96l amldling fatrOic Uros reclpts 4a l Sales 1301 Kxpoits 11 < 00 Shipments coastwise Stock 131813 OKKKKAL MAIIKBXS Produce unci Pro visions Br Louis Mo Deo rtFlpurFlrniand unchanged Wtcat a live and higher markot opened easier a d Ko lower but eoonatreiigth nod and advanced c fed oil again H fluctuated within range nod ilosert Jjo hlshor thai yesterday No t red cash k0 80ioDe tela SOos nuary 79 80 clolng atSoo February bl o lluy Jia87Xo closing ol hOKo bid Corn dull but dim and 40 hUher tnan yestereay no t mixed o sh mug 8 o Januarr 33 > o Lid Feuniary 30 bid MayWiaWV c V 393 e Oats firm osDccemler28 > fc February S9Xo May 31 corn eal rtrra at 10u 2W whisky sWMdy at II 13 Wool sttaays medium 2l 2Jo foarso braid 163210 low saidy U 19oflaellglil U 250 hcvy Itaiio Provllons uuusnaliy lower iVd easier Poik lower a III eosll 75 Laid easier at W 03as 10 llulk meats balely stcidy M7o loolo lots loa clear 13 tu short i Us short clear V > boxod lots lo g clear 1363 70 5 73 short clear 15 Si lla ribs l t libs 75 con flrmtr long clear 02 < a W short clear 7 00 Hams firm at 19 73 Mil 00 AlternoonboardWheat llrm and Jio higher Corn easy and to lower Oats weak Ciuoa ooIiJlJcc 2LTbo wheat market open d with stronger tono on the whola the market to day opeuod auuut the ssmo as last 0urei shar demand Imincai nights bo a J fly da eloped un er whUli pr csa stead ly ll optlun touching Hllfo tho advanced y nrmness altrlbuUU to a slight decline In cvnsols and partus who sold yesterday wrro dlsptaed to dot advanced May After lue backto 81 Ve but ralled agalu In final dealings Knd cised for tho day at neary op flxores Tno corn market was a runner Jn sympathy and there was good W ° I wltli wnea uulry but ma tly for lower S dSi lirliis aavanccd U ie and closed H Lfghcr yesurday Povlslons ruled than Wrikar uadlag In mess pork llghtl f price dropped tf 18 17 > c sod clos < foil prl s Urd and snort rib slightly leadlna futurescloselM11 > h easier Toe UVfCia Wv Jnnary IWjU n n > tr Sry 111 59 uy til s7X short ooter sett ed December TBT JD IAETINBR0WN CO Oomox 3MCc l3a and JFoxvrtJcx J3txoot3 Tlie My Exclusively Wholesale Dry foods House ii Foil ffoi AV33 ll3 rOM > n2NT > Nw Orlenns Nkw OitMtANS U Deo Si CottonSpot closed Btm and 1 lltn higher I < i ordinary BJo ordinary Tet good ordinary SVo Ji w middling fiuei midd Ing OoreJmiudllnV Oo wlddlln fair ob fair inVo Futures opened strong ruled steady and closing steady 17 to ill points hUherlUan yes terday lon fu December January Fcbiuary March April May Jnne Julv August September October November strniT Mw I 8 M bid 0 Oiia I Ci 0OJ4J 0 01 U ll < a V 12 U 17 U 19 J S 23 0 SlU H 31 0 ou 0 31 V II 1 45 S 47 t 40 0 67a 0 Mil 0 60 r 9 Ki i 9 70 9 71 7 9 7BS 9 81 0 wt ° K4 a ri7X crHi rrvswr or Uepoatod choreic al tests have placet first ova brand ol baking powders the another at the heat ot tho list out th < most satisfactory tesl ot all Is that ot tht practical housowli who uses Silver Loal and never tails U mako tight anil wholosomo Or sad ho cannot bo Im posed upon and thi powder poddlar who attempts to palm ol something ose as her as a better gradi ot goods will havs reaiontobellavothat ho has rulsssa hit ificaUlngi MANUFAOTUUED BT 3BC EtDE50S7 r3M Kort Worth rriccnc k UAiCian CONTRACTORS and BUILDERS Will furnish estimates of cost on all kinds ol tmlldlng sholvlng counters olo JSorC tVorUi Toxtwe Henry Pollack Co TRUNK FACTORY 722 Elm Street Dallas Trunks Travollng lag Samiln Trunks and Casos llopalrlnr and Covering neatlv done 6 20 January 10 23 February I MK May liui Cash unvlatlons wero as follows Floor steady and uucbenscdt wliea 76l oi corn M Mo cats 26c pork III 40 < ll 60 lard IH l > r ti IflSa shoit rib ald loose 63a37o dry altud shonld rs box d4 80 4Slj short clnar sides b aedtfl 13V620 whisky t > IB sugars cutloifUa0 o granulated caoiio Nbw Yoiik Doo 22Oonea ralfj lllo steady atl4 o options hlghn and active saleslU750 bsgsl D ceinbor 112 Mi Jsnuarr Il2 10al2 25 sebrnarv 112 10I2 80 March 112 I3 ll 31 At II 112 1511 m J ay I J xOjf 12 40 June IllWdiISS JmyIll 28 fl3 35 sugar cailnr closlrg uull and weak cutHmt crushed0 3 lC 0Uc IU Stuck sinrket ht I mia lo Dee SJ Cattle llcefliils 800 thlpmonte sooi marlut nrongi choice heavy native steers Jl 3J t 111 fair in go d shipping t ooat 20 butooers stcrs fair to clilat 3 boat 10 f < dtrs fsir to good II50 os 20 stockors fair t goodw ooa2 it T xani tominon toch lc ll 0iStlS Hogs Kccclpts OjO thlpments J00 market easy cl srti weak t II 7 tt U rilieepKccclpis It ihipmcnu 150 market Orm com nn to fair l 73B4 to incdloin lo ptlms l U t KAN A Ofxr MO Deo 22 Tb Ilvi stock Indleabirrcpo t Oaitlo iwc iitijlis > ili mo ts 700 market si w and weak 6 l0o low Kuoiio rholco H9044 common l mo diuu IS23 < 0 st ek r I25J7 feeding ateers 12 i 40 w < w U MWi B IIoks llccl ts 1370 siiliiiueiiis 1600 uitrkl slow ud63100 ower Vitott 13 Mhtrp l c l ts JO0 ah pmeuto 100 ra rkit steadi go d In ciulu i60tf3t3 cimmou to mudluiu 1150 2 40 40Cuicaoo Cuicaoo Itu Deo 22 The Drovers Joareal rciKirta Caitie KectpusJ00ahlpmsn > a8000 stiad fancy Ii li 5 23 slilppliir U25fei4 23 slockr no fesdrs III6 < 4360i bulls and mixed I160U3 40 buU i2 > 60 Texas cattle II 7Srfl CO lfog K c lpU 37XWl abliimeatseiooslow and coils weak itliusat W shtepIUc Uts 6000 shipments 201 aiow snd slesu J naUves ti omt 60 w > era l460w3 6OToxiins ft WaSJO laubsft 00 as w A Fuil Stock In All Numbors for Salo by tho MAETINBEOWN CO CHICHCSTEIVS ENGLISH Tint OrlKliml nml Only Clrniilur lnrfl b > V1iiSJlr fHl lolullM I LAnlKB Ai l i Ilrnlil r 1 SStM ik I V < lb N b sa BiVi < i kMi ti mi1 r < ir Mlll It AUdlMM Nuar 1lllidi S Mlir llnca1l rrr7whrpK 4tS KklVM THU k Pennsvlvaii IS TIIK j ma oii srj Xj I N E3 yjtOM St Louis Now Yorlc AND TIIK E A 63 T lly schedule In elteet December I Hv train run east bound as follows Fits I Lino leaves SI lAUls It 9 a at Chicago 8 p in Cincinnati 1103 mj nidvcs Columbus 1120 m j p arriving Iltts mrg 030 a m nust day Hal Iniorn U A3 p m a hlngton7i4A ti rn Ilillaiflliihla 050pm mil tttNrnr VoikJ35 i in Willi throuililinl man bulfet sltoiilng oirsfor Now loik parlor cars lor Indianapolis and elegant day coaches for Chicago IliRBoneorB liy Fast Jiifio Can ennnoot at Columbus wild lbs Limited Kjprsi andaillre atNeW Vork nl0Mp in ofnextdy Kiisicni Fast jlnll tuul Inillninii oIIh KxprchH Uavea Ht Lords at 720 pm arrives Indian apellsS 43 a m Noiv York ExprcsB JxsavcsHt lonlsSOOp m arrivesChicago 720 a til arrlvea Columbus 11 10 nnit morning Ill sbnrg6 ii in luiiluiorv803amWash Ington 0 09 a m Philadelphia a oo a pi and Now York 7 3o second morning lour hoars ear lier than foruur y with Pullman bJllet sleeper ro New York llaltlm i and tvsihlnitouj also Pullman sloci ra toClncsgoand Iiidltnapolla Iaiseiigets In tbo latter are not disturbed unlit lireMail time MojnlOrrit new reclining chair csrs from Ht Louis to Columbus via In dl iiapoll ClneiiumU Ntglil ExprcKH f avea t Louis at i 00 p maidl a solid iran btlog conipo d ol Pullman bulfet sleep log narsreo lug cbslrcr rh > iand aerondclMs coaches and bsggagactr This tralarrlvos at Clhclnnail at JiWa m rnak ug all Houlkeru and Soulheutern connwilons in addlllon to above trains the IuiiInnrmtllH Aconuuoilatton nml liiclnnntl KxureHH Wit learo st Lul ai7il3a mdally except Aitndsy arriving at Iodianspilsat 335 p in and Cm Inuatl at 7 15 p tn wllk parlor csrs to Indianapolis and Iruni Jnulsnapoili to Cincin nati TleketsoverVandalla lino and full Inlorma Hon caa beseemed on amplication to E A Ford General PaMcnjcr Agent St Iiuls or to Thouiuu II Thorp Boutliwesternilaeseoger Agent Dillsn TeJi 1 cllhtr of whom Is alwa > glad to answer uuestlons and to send maps ta ffJ ft i