OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 24, 1886, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-24/ed-1/seq-2/

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Vndfaroclmorton 1P rtk
Poitoffic at Second Clan Mail matter
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rmesof subscfTip mTon
jo jimix svnsamnuns
Pottage Prepaid by Iht Pubtlthen
IlAlly W okly
One year JIO M Ono Year
HI Months 6 TO SIX Months
j2LiJMii > Vsrr 1 Mxt
jl so
ThrioMonth 3 wlThrco Month
Hnnday Uaxktik i per annum
MitirxnKi nr oAnnixns
IerWeck j Mcent
airJnbscrlbcM wlshl ft > clr a < Jdro
iiostolllco to another rant
haimed from ono
Jvotliool I address lis well na tho now or tho
ohango cannot ho
Ialle JO MeNralns mansgor TnK Ok
tt lafor iuImbyall newsdealers Bubscrlp
ton taken at 012 fclm slrc t Inllns
She ruian W T Itcnon manager
DonlsonKrnnk Ilakcr nnnagcr
Waco W I < > lcnn manager
WatlifrfordH II Horsey manager
Parls U II Mxey manager
Jolcno K W Cameron manager
MarshallHubert Kennedy manager
AbllenoJ It Mlntur mar ngor
OlobnrneW II llyrd manngcr
Kllato J A ste > iin onminagcr
OMneViun1 I Hill and J I irickson
llorftamO K Johnaon mnnagor
Honey Urovr T K Woitham manager
Ilnlrd Frank Honey manager
Irocnvllo Itoboy bartnln manager
OoloradoW II Nowklrk manager
JdlneolaJ r Mnljinlel managor
Maco A MIlodfleld managor
Whltesb roJ 0 Ulcnn manager
Qitts of AdfSHlilaa Famished on Application
Jlemlttancet by draft pqitofflee money order or
< j wittered letter at ritk of office
Correspondence it tollelted upon nil news rib
Prompt Information oferentt and newt happen
frini of general Interest tollelted and Kill be prop
trtv compentated
M comiunicathnt intended for publication
nmt be accompanied by the tcriter name ami ad
drttt not for publlcattonbnt at an evidence 0
V ° P TUtt writing to TUB AKTtB on butlncu
perianal to themtelret idll pleate inclate ttamp for
TtlAfl letter or communication for TlIK Uzktiio
whether on builntu or for publicationthould ie
addrettedto UlKflA MTU or HbmociiatIUH
usiimo Oh Port Worth Tex and nor to
All checlt money ordcrt potial notet etc
should be made payable to the Dkmookat PUIi
THE GAZETTE has tho Largost
bonafido Ciroulalion of any Dally
Nowspapor Published in Texas
Mit llUNtiNOTONH cntranco Into Fort
Woith meets a hearty welcome
A TvrooiuritiCAi error In a Dallas
special In yesterdays Gakttk spoke of
Gravler and his valet asgolug to Dallas
lour weeks ago It should have read
lour years ago
Tine IiIr wholesale brewers In New
York city havo lormed a pool and tho
retail dealers ot wine beer and liquor aro
making an outcry against it as an unjust
monopoly prejudicial to their Interests
Tin Gakttk Is disposed to bcllovo
that the CarrollWest echcino Irom Den
ton to Jacksboro via Decatur Is a bona
fide effort lor a railroad through Wise
and Jack counties nnd It will bo a ploas
uro to chronlclo Its success
Skhatok Maxky estimates that ho will
hao at least sixty votes on the llrst bal
lot Ho may not have tho figures down
right but Thk Qabtths lnlorraatlon Is
that Jlr Maxey will bo In tho lead on tho
llrst ballot and that Is about as much as
anybody can predict with saloty
Thk Dallas Times ot tho 18th Inst In
vited This Oazuttk to look at tho real cs
tato transfers In Dallas Wo did so Wo
also noticed an eight and a hnll column
notification Irom a Mr J F Houso
city assessor and collector ot tho city ol
Dallas In tho samo Issue onumoratlng
somo luturc tronslors to bo made by Mr
House by virtue ol tho power in him
vested by law to tho highest bidder for
mAN > will visit Ireland soon It Is
said Ho will uso the visit In I8S8 to
catch tho Irish vote ol this country
Ileforo ho Is elected bo will wish ho had
made a visit that would havo given him
tho American vote Mr Maine above
all mon In America ought to bo ablo to
sco that thero Is a growing feeling In this
country that wo have had enough ot the
Irish voto tho German voto and the
negro vote and that wo should have
only a Mioronghly and truly American
Ir Is not probablo that Judgo Gresham
should ho bo the ltopubllcan candidate
will bo tendered a banquot at Delmonl
cob as ho has to signally failed by his
decision against Jay Gould to make
friends ol tho mammon of unrighteous
ness A llttlo reflection will howover
satisfy tho judgo that the routo to glory
is not always through Delmonlcos aud
should ho bo nominated ho will be spared
tho omen of ovll which cast Us sbado over
tho bright hope ol lllalno In tho last pres
idential nomination
Iautiks desiring to visit Fort Worth
during Christmas week can do ho at hall
prlco All tho railroads ccutcrlug at Fort
Worth havo advertised that they will soil
Toundtrlp tickets Irom all points for 3
cents per mllo ono faro for tho round
trip These tickets will bo sold on De
comber 21 and will bo good to roturu
until January 3 188T This will enablo
people living on any ot tho Hues coming
hero to visit Fort Worth sco tholr friends
and tho city and havo tlmo to cee tho
sights for a mcio nominal amount Fort
Worth Invites oil to come
Lords and ladles as seen In tho vordlct
ol tho Campbell case seem to bo irre
sponsible partlosi oxerybody Is tight and
nobody la to blamo This remarkable
decision has been renchod at tho cost ol
100000 the exposition ol tho ways ol
nobility and a aerlos ol lessons to tho
readers ol tho public press Tho older
YVcllor discoursed to Samlvol on matrl
mony something alter thfs fashions
Samlvcl my son married lolks know a
good many things that single lolks dont
hut tho cddcrcatlon dont pay lor the
schoolln And tho education tho pub
lic has obtained by this expose Is by no
means commensurato with tho school
In1 which would bo doar at any prico
Aftjhi Insisting that tho German army
bo put on a war looting Von Sloltko in
dulges In a llttlo recreation by attondlng
tho French ambassadors rpceptlon at
Berlin Tho papors do not stato whether
tho lauguago used on this occasion was
French or German probably tho lattor
as a lato attempt on tho part ol Kronch
olllclals to speak officially lu their native
tongue was promptly stopped and tho
excuso that they knew no other unheed
ed The lact remains that tho general
opened the ball not tho first ono with tho
French and with his unusual vlgornnd tho
lormldable array equipments ho requires
ho Is evidently willing to continue the
sorlcs ho Inaugurated In wnlch thero was
no sound ol revelry by night
Onk ol the marvels ol Christianity to
tho mind ol the Jew was that tho heathen
bad tho gospel preached to them and It
would seem after 1800 years tho wonder
ment would cease Not so Thero aro
those who still mancl that Jay Gould
goes o church and Is willing to pay lib
erally lor tho prl liege 91800 a year pew
rent In tho lrcsbytcrlan church on Forty
second street Now York II In apostolic
ages tho heathen had tho gospel preached
to them why should not this monoy
changer hear tho question ol gain and
loss dlscnsscd from a standpoint new to
him Accustomed to largo figures ho
may solvo tho problem put to men cen
turies ago
It admits of a question whothir rail
road presidents aro good senatorial tim
ber Their vision of policy Is liable to bo
bound by two parallel lines and all out
side of these regarded unfavorably Pres
ident Depew ot tho New York Central
shows his predilections when he asseits
that tbo lnterstato commerco bll will ruin
the West by a singular blindness to what
ho regards as lis best Interest Tho West
clamors most loudly lor such n bill Mr
Depew has been mentioned an an availa
ble man for tho Republican nomination
lor president As tho Democrats propose
to continue to occupy the White House
his views on any subject will not count In
tho grand total
Why cannot Galveston do as Iadro
Island proposes to do go to deop water
Mr Wlllett very brlelly states this schemo
to make an harbor with thirty leot of wa
ter It is to ran an iron plor from tho
shore ol Pad re Island a distance of 250
yards to thirty feet of water and sink at
a proper dlstanco In front ol It a rock
wall Or broakwater In fortydvo feet ol
water 1000 yards long 1C0 feet at base
and fllty feet at surf ace j made by dump
ing loose rocks which will soon bo ce
mented together by tho marine Insects of
tho iult of Mexico in one solid mass
Mr Wlllott further says of this project i
This work is to bo done by private capi
tal This Is no subsidy job nor Is any
trlbuto asked ot tho government Wo
only dcslro to bo protected so that other
parties may bo provented Irom running
wharves out under shelter ol this break
water for traffic at tho plor Galveston
rates ot wbarlago aro tho basis upon
which Intorest on cost of construction
Will bo paid
Thk Gazkttk cougratnlatos Dallas on
tho number of Us northwestorn outlets
If tho press of that city is good authority
Dallas will havo In tho future viz
Tho Atchison Topoka Santa Fc from
somo point Boutb ot Gainesville
Tho Gulf Taenia
Tho Fort Worth Denver Iromllodgo
Tho West Carroll road reported In
Thk Gaktti yesterday
Tho Dallas L Northwestorn Is omitted
Irom tho list
Again congratulating Its cstocmod sis
ter city on the multiplicity ol Its outlets
to tho Northwest and recalling Fort
Worths difficulty in finding dirt lor
grading purposes Tub Gazkttk sug
gests to Dallas tho construction ol a belt
lino n low rods northwest of tbo city
Into which may run tho various lines
Irom tho country and Irom which tho In
numerablo Northwestorns may run
over ono lino Into tbo city
i i
InoMisKS to pay presonted uncx
pectedly aro not generally mlrthprovok
log documonts but Totter Palmer ol
Chicago had such an cxperlenco a lew
days slnco It seems nt tho beginning ol
tho war there bolng no Irantlonal cur
rcncyMr Totter being n morchantUsuod
bis Individual uotcs to be redeemed when
presented In sums ol St or moro A low
days slnco an old countryman niter In
quiring lor Tottors tavern presented to
tho clerk ono ot thcsopromles to pay
amounting to 25 cents well worn but
genuine It Is needless to add that Mr
Totter lolt ablo to meot it and Bent tho
old larmcr on his way rejoicing with not
only tho sura domanded on tho lace ol
tho note but tho accumulated Interest
lor twentyIour years It Is probable tho
old farmer went homo with his heart
warm to Totter wno Vopt a tavern In Chi
Nkwsiaikr men will watch tho result
of tho Uattlmoro reporters Imprisonment
with considerable Intorest aud 11 he suc
ceeds In convincing tho court that like
tho physician and tho priest confidences
> MirSf
rcpoBed In thu reporter must bo kept In
violable ho will havo no difficulty In find
lng an opening for Ahe display of his
talent In securing Items Nothing Is
dearer to a nowspaper mans heart than
a sccop and once a reporters sccro
tlvo faculties aro well procn thero will
bo no lack of material furnished to give
piquancy to tho paper he serves Scandal
mongers are abundant and a dish of
goislp Is sweet to their tasto All they
ask Is Immunity from Iho perils which
would follow tho avowal ol their agency
In circulating tho ROuuhtor tld bit
Moralists will watch tho result Irom a
different standpoint doubtful If tho pub
lication of tbo shortcomings of their fcl
lowmcn for which no ono can bo held
rcsoonBlble will add to tho sum ot human
Tun New York Sun opposes tho ro
nomination ot Cleveland and would sub
stitute Gov Hill of the Empire stato for
him as tbo Democratic candidate and
sayss New York Is a big Htate and wo
know of no law which will restrict Us
freedom of choice In 1888 and yet It may
happen that thero will bo only ono Demo
crat who can carry It In that case tho
Democratic party will nomlnato him or
get beaten That samo song was
sung at Chicago In 1881 when
tho county Democrats ol Now
York were parading the streets
jollifying over Clevelands nomi
nation Tammany Democrats stood on the
sidewalks and jeered and saldi D
you you havo nominated him now go
homo und elect him And they did nnd
so It will bo again No matter what can
didate is presented from Now York thero
will bo somo faction to cry out You
cannot elect him As tho Sun itsolf de
clares ol tho action ol tho National Dem
ocratic convention II It bo thought
that MrCleveland Is tho man ho will bo
nominated If It bo thought that some
body olso Is the man somebody clso will
bo nominated
Desiring to throw as much light as pos
sible on tho dark places ot tbo coming
senatorial contest Tub Gazkttk not
long since requested certain gentlemen
hi all tbo representative and senatorial
districts ol tho stato to ascertain as lar as
they could do so tho preferences ol tbclr
members This was done not to boom
any particular candidate or to pull down
any candidate but purely tor tho edifica
tion ol tho public tho lnlorraatlon was
printed just as it camo to Tin Gazbitk
without knowlcdgo on tho part ol this
paper at the tlmo ol making the request
ol tho predilections ol a slnglo ono ol the
gentlemen to whom application was made
for tho Information In response to
Thk Gakttkh request replies
came from about 70 per cent
ot tho districts Assuming tho
correctness of the replies and takings
them as a basis for estimating the picfer
enecs ol tho districts not reported The
Gazkttk summed up tho report ol tho
probabilities ol the first ballot to bo
Maxcy fifty votes Terrell tblrtythreo
votes lteagan twentynino votes and Ire
land twentyflvo votes as tho outlook ap
peared when tho reports were printed
At once tho organs ol various candidates
assailed tho figures as a desire on tho part
of Tun Gazkttk to boom a certain gen
tleman for tbo senate Had this been tho
purposo of Thk Gazkttk this paper cer
tainly would havo done hotter cooking
than tho figures lndlcatobut tho object
being simply to print tho best attainable
Information tho roports woro given as
they camo and were so printed lu tho
paper that cooking without detection
was impossible tho reports had refer
ence only to tho beginning ol tho struggle
as porhaps not many of tho members
themselves could say bow thoy would
voto should tbo conditions ol tho contest
bo changod
Thk Gazkttk notes tho statements that
Senator Maxey puts his strength on llrst
ballot at sixty votes that Mr lteagan
puts his at lorty that Gov Ireland puts
his at thirty to thirtyfive and that Judgo
Terrell pnta his at thirtyfive to lorty
Knch ol these gentlemen doubtlcs3basts
his expectations on information derived
from others just as Thk Ga
zkttk did except that in tho
case of Tin Gazkttks informants
thero was desire only to furnish tho In
formation lot tbo result bo as It would
Evidently soroobody Is In error tho re
ports to Thk Gazkttk and to tho candi
dates cannot all bo correct but what we
aro waiting to hear Is an assault on tho
figures ol tho candidates and an asper
sion ot tholr motives lu making such
figures should not each ol them bo ac
cused ot booming himself at tho expense
ot tho others
Ro lar as Thk Gazkttks reports are
concornod thoy were honestly mado and
wcrotruolu tho main and 11 tho con
ditions ol tho canvass aro not
changed bcloro tho first ballot Is
talcou they will bo seen by all to
havo been correct But while Thk Ga
zkttk lecls perfectly confident ol tho hon
esty ol Its Informants It recognizes the
fact that tho districts unrcporlqt may not
voto proportionally with tboso reported
indeed every nonroportod voto might be
given to somo ono candidate or bo di
vided equally botweon only two candi
dates In Us summing np The Gazkttk
stated that tho unreported SO percent
was estimated upon the basis established
by the preferences ol the 70 per cent re
ported Hut tho llrst ballot will tell
whothcr Thk Gazkttks Informants wore
correct and it will also domonetrato
whether tho districts not reported vote
proportionately with thqso whoso prefer
ences wcro reported to The Gazkttk
Thk Gazette has taken occasion
moro than once to call attention to tbo
vast sums of monoy taken out of Texas
every month in tbo year by that fascinat
ing scheme known as tho Louisiana State
Lottery company It Is said that with
tho slnglo excoptlon of Louisiana where
tho lottery has Its home Texas is tho
most liberal contributor to tho revonucs
of tho Institution Thero ore no means
ot gottlng at tho amount paid by Tcxans
every year for tickets but tbo sum must
be enormous as is attested by tho Inter
est manifested In overy town in tho state
immediately nltor tho regular monthly
drawings Tho whole country works to
fill tho coffers of tho lottory company
and tho result is that It Is probably tho
richest corporation In tho South At all
events capital considered Us returns aro
undoubtedly tho largest If any ono
donbts this let them read tho dally quo
tations ol stocks and bonds In tho col
umns ol tho Now Orleans papers Wo
hae before os now a copy of tho New
Orleans TlmosDomocrat ol last Sunday
nnd of nearly a hundred classes
of securities quoted In Its com
mercial column tho lottery stock loads
tho list Tbcso aro the official quotations
from tho New Orleans stock exchange ot
tho dny previous Bank stocks rang0
from 88 to 150 savo in ono Instance Now
Orleans National bank stock was held at
C00 < ot which moro anon Insurance
flro stocks aro quoted from 86 to 120
street railway stocks from 01 to 08 gas
stocks Irom 58 to 03 stato bonds Irom
50 to 88 city bonds Irom 00 to 111 and
60 on Tho banks gas companies street
railways lnsuranco companies etc
whoso stocks appear In tho list aro all
solid reputablo Institutions doing a
legitimate business Itcadlug tho Louisi
ana lottery quotations it Is lound that
500 Is bid lor tho stock ol that corpora
tion but thero Is no selling prlco the
stock is not lor sale even at the enor
mous offer ol 5 for ono I Ono of tho
banks New Orleans National holds Its
stock at 8500 against S350 offered The
explanation Is found In tho undented
statement thai this particular bank la
largely Interested In tho lottery company
and hence tho great prlco put
on its stock Tne lottery com
pany stock Is tho king bco ol tho whole
list Its business Is so remunerative
that holders ol tho stock can afford to
refuse art offer ol five lor ono for their
shares Wo havo no war to make on tho
lottory company as nn Institution It is
chartered undor the laws ol Louisiana
and conducts a legitimate business In
that state But Its principle Is wholly
pernicious as Is that ol any lottery r
schemo that promises something lor
nothing thousands ol dollars lor one
and thus lures and demoralizes thou
sands ol people who ought not
to dream ol making a dollar
savo by carucst industrious honest
effort ot brain and hand It takes thou
sands ot dollars out of Texas every month
that nover como back and overy month
thousands ol simpletons who have
dreamed ol gottlng rich on an Investment
ol a low dollars from ono to ten realize
how hard It Is to light a game whero the
players ono chanco Is matched against
00090 In tho hand ot tho opponent the
lottery company and that is tho ratio In
favor of tho Institution whoso stock Is
quoted at 500 aud nono for salo
Iloca lis Wnnt Deep Money
Waco Day
Gen John M Claiborne Is tho latest
edition ol oxcaitlsm in Texas Ho has
written a letter to tho peoplo ol Bastrop
warning them that In permitting a rail
road to bo built into tbelr town they give
up the halcyon days when merchant and
tarmor paid Irclght charges to their neigh
bors who In turn spent tho money at
home and this money will now go to
swell the exchequer of My Lord Jay
Gould his fatted and trusted cormorants
and leeches of plunder Gen Claiborne
Is a stato senator by tho voto of tho peo
plo ol Galveston II ho had had his way
thero wou < d not today bo a mllo ol rail
road In Texas thero would bo nothing
ol what wo delusively call progress but
only tho dead quiet ol tho Arcadian slm
pllclty and tho primitive happiness ol a
negative cxlstenco
KnndiiH nnd lteform
Ioulsvlllo Conrlcr Journal
Word comes Irom Washington that Mr
Ilandall who by an alliance with tho lte
publtcans has thrco times defeated any
consideration of tariff reform has a plan
of his own for pushing his reform bill
through alter tho holidays
Mr IUndalls Idea Is to greatly reduco
tho tax on whisky nnd tho tax on tobacco
and to reluco the revenue on imports by
Increasing tho rate IIo is especially
anxious to have the duty on tinplate ad
vanced to 2 conts
Tho duty on tluplato Is now 1 cont a
pound which Is 80 per cont ad valorem
Tho rovonuo dorlved from tho Importa
tion Is 65055691 Tho quantity Imported
Is 505550076 pounds <
This Is a compound of Iron and tin It
enters largely into the manulacturo of
kitchen and household unttnsils gutter
ing and numerous other articles ol com
mon use It is tho raw material lor a
number ol manulactnrers and an increase
in tbo tax of ono and a half cents would
bo almost prohibitory Tho five mUtlons
now going Into tho treasury would still
bo taken from tho people and about five
millions moro but Instead of swclllncthe
revenues of tho government Uils sum
would swell the profits ol a ring that sent
Mr Jnrrett to Illinois to deleat Mr Mor
rison whom they could not uso
Tho same proposition was beforo con
gress last session It was defeated by the
opposition ol Mr Morrison and tho ring
mastois thou threatened him with their
powor It seoms that Mr Kandall is
their peculiar and persistent representa
tive The amount involved Is large An
lncreaso lu tho prlco ol tinplate 11
cents and tho purchase ol 500000000
pounds ot tho American manufacturer
gives this ring a prospective revenue of
87500000 on this quantity alone It is
not surprising that these manufacturers
iiVlKJl Wsi >
had money to spend to deloat Mr Morrl
son It Is surprising that Democrats
should consent to bo their agents
The Ilindall plan Ot reform Is freo
whisky freo tobacco but higher prices
for clothing for shelter lor tools ma
chinery and kitchen utensils
Two IMnna
rblladclphla Itocord
Whether wo shall reduco the revenno
by reducing tho taxes on necessaries ol
living or by Increasing the duties on
necessary articles now Imported so large
ly as to prohibit Importation Is the ques
tion to bo determined by congress
The first plan would give tbo people tho
benefit of reduction thx other planwhllo
cutilng off tho flow of money from tho
pockets ot tho taxpayers Into tho treasu
ry would dlvort tho stream into tho
pickets ol protected monopolists and
give taxpayers no relict
Tbo llrst plan Is tho plan ol tho revenue
rclormcrs Tho other plan Is tho plan ol
tho protectionists
lly thin Sign Conquer
San Antonio Light
Hero and thero lu spots and in a good
many ol them Texas Is striking fresh
water and an abundant flow through her
artesian wells Wherever they aro sunk
and tho desired water How obtained tbo
question ol water for stock Is settled
Irrigation In many places will follow
very closely In tho rear
MnrllioroiigliK lroc aMon
Xow York World
Tbo eight Logllsh husbands who bavo
detectives employed to watch tho duko of
Marlborough ought to form a cooperative
society and sava money Ono set ol de
tectives properly supplied with photo
grspus could do all that was necessary a
well as eljht Tho duko must head somo
tnlng like a procession whonevcr ho goes
What Will Dullnn fcrt
Ubtcago llerjld
Most ol tho ambitious Western towns
which had an opportunity to hearlatti
In a couple ol songs on guaranteeing her
6000 lor a single concert concluded to
build a city hall a library or an orphan
asylum Instead and no ono will question
their wisdom
A Hrlolcfor tno Lulnlt
Philadelphia 1rcBs
As lotgas men llko Dons of Boston
aro permitted to occupy Christian pulpits
wo do not believe tho ballet will bo driven
from tho operatic stago
Whrtt nn Urban EdltorSnya
Tails Xcwb
Tho average rural editor has already
begun to proclaim tho advent of Christ
mas and to urge delinquent subscribers
to pay up In ttirkoys and wood
Ilio irnp < iYltie buhool
To tho IMItor of tho Gazette
Gratkvink Trx Dec 21 1886
Knowing that you have a local corre
spondent at this place wo aro somewhat
disappointed at tho absence of any notice
whatever In your popular and enterpris
ing paper of tho flourishing school now
In successful progress at this placo
Never in tho history of our little citys
schools have thoy been so popular or
elvcu more universal satisfaction Trot
Brown tbo present principal of tho
Grapevine Masonic Institute Is a native
of Texas and in tho tender years of his
boyhood at a period when parental care
and oversight of the moral and Intellec
tual training of youth Is mostly required
his father was doing battle in tho Confed
erate ranRS and hence ho had
many struggles to make his way
up to that proficiency and honorable
position bo now so justly occupies
among his compeers In the great work of
educating our youth The professors
first training was in tho common schools
ol his bounty In 1879 ho received by
competitive examination an appointment
to the Houston normal where he entered
tho senior class and graduated tho fol
lowlne year During the scholastic years
ol 18S1 and 1882 ho taught tho public
school at Schulenburg Ttx In July of
1881 ho attended the noimal university
in tho stato of Indiana whero ho again
entered tho graduating scientific class
and graduated tho following year when
ho returned to Texas and occupied the
chair of mathematics at Tllot Tolnt sem
inary from September 1882 till tho pros
ent year when ho assumed charge ol tbo
school at this placo Trot Brown has
purchased the collego buildings with lour
acres ol ground attached all ol
which ho contomplatcs Improving
beautifying and embellishing and with
Its present beautllul slto and nntursl ad
vantages It will then bo unsurpassed by
any other locality for educational pur
pa es In tho state We have a high
healthy rolling prairie rich in all the
elements ol successful husbandry dotted
with comfortable farm houses owned
and opcupled by an intelligent farming
community and when tho Dallas Gulf
Taclllc and Fort Worth McKinney give
us railroad connection with thoso pro
grcssivo cities and tho outside world wo
will then havo ono ol the most attractive
little cities and best appointed schools In
essential andattractivofeatnresln
tho bright circuit of tho Lone Star
Trol Brown having established his well
earned and superior powers as an organ
izer disciplinarian and educator sup
ported by intelligent practical co
workers in the several departments
ol his school deserves tho confidence
and pationago everywhere ol parents
who seek Instruction lor their children at
tho hands ol responsible faithful and con
scientious teachers
Mrs Dr Lewis of this placo and Miss
Mattlo Warron of Fort Worth tho pres
ent auxiliaries In tho literary depart
mont aro accomplished ladles complete
In all tho requirements ot their respon
stole positions
Mrs Brown tho charming wife of tho
professor has charge ot tho musical de
partment Mrs Brown is highly versed
in tho science ot music and combination
ol sounds and Is thoroughly qualified as
a teacher In tho highest art ol tho proles
< K
1 up
The Linden School
Correspondence of tho Uazotto
Lindkn Tkx Dec 21 Tho first ses
sion o tho 6chool at this place under
tho management ol Trol M V Looney
and wife closed last night with a varied
and exceedingly pleasant entertainment
lno weather bolng pleasant tho attend
ance was large the house being filled to
ifi j11 caPaclty Teachers and
children all seem to bo pleased and with
teachers at tho front as these havo
proved themselves to be aided by Miss
Anna Jordan who has chargo of tho mu
sical department Linden can not fall to
havo a good school
urPain S
iontjrec of charge mu l Ww
traetoia and pri auS d
reliable help beth m W 3
deiipromptlyattended tS
O W Onynn Proprietor t
lila lcu
m t
Wo aro now prepared
to lot
ranches WU a bayM
land notoVirim > Mwi
loana mado all over North TillJW
sj K St
vauint hits Nowion 11 iT fMw B
OIUco Peers building conii 5l <
Kort Worth Tox rml Hill
husinkss ciuncmTT
I Jtaurnntand 8ALElho WllknowTituij
tho famon iii
square Has a big trade oVS
builnoss Addrofs or e a ViSH1
1 wit Paris Tex 4 Jl
yy Ulollans Own story TtioWvrJS
II 8 rant and WitrffifeS
of tho Wnolo World For
W ASni bsitnstiou bj MSriM
travutngsslciman JorsoS
business licet of reference m W
Strictly sober Some
cxpcrlentt iuai
salesman AddressSaienun vniMj
ANTKDFlfly waaplagTSSSCT
on rortffrla
rut road ilx milts on i
Worh Apply nt once to J p Btk
t actor on vork
AM1BU Uhalr canon lo itirHj
chairs Apply toratUfa
AXTJ5DA first ca s wd tonstM
H Kellers carriage otliifc l
WANTKDTwo reaw diTsrliSiiB
vantroom and kitchen inlr lotfl
man Scl era A o < < m
itooMb run aem
ITIOU HENT TheGcras i HIUj i
orVnontli InquireaiSialaetatwtcl
Ol rKNr 1argo front toon Ik
JT Hultablo for tno geallctnii l
Taylor street y
03T A Wilto and bias Scowtsai
li scrlptlonon colUr Jut WW
A Hooves Uboral retrsrd for lu
Tnrner A McClura
jHiauEia meou
CTI TD yonr game to Cotton
OLLxJL lOOGMalnitroeiTortWa
pie utnlcrs In cattle fresh ne tKgfe
water eighty gallons pcrnM
rainwater wbltOBUlphorni n i i
the boat bathing water In the WW
used as at Hot Springs drank t ina
tickets M conti MW
lng Slnglo
Mnrklo Haymaker proprletcn M >
corner publlo square
XJ romovodhl8oracoanareiltoM
fourth and Taylor streetsDr VM
> wniB
residence Olllco hours
m Telephone rnnnectloni J
V lection ngonts for tat rusa
Toxaa TaecosaTox
wms A
TT jD Qfc8 fgi
H Montaguo Texas P i
to land nnd cnmmcrela Itlgation
l B n Marcos Texll
Counselors at Law Mr
tlonal bank Main street Tort 1f a
ten tMI a tit
Notice Is hereby gI
muetlng of tho stockholder M fi
Kansas Hallway Company
of Tort Worth ln hoi l of Tsjm
day February 11667 V lo ol
purposeof authorlrlngtho y
mortgage o tno Horate pr
ohlscs ot said company to 755
of bonds to b isseod by w ° KS
from their >
forty years
6 per cent per annnm pay MJ
both principal ni l W MW
gold coin and m which s uiSlM
mllo of 114
necessary for eutr8fffiSf
proving and operating jc
As Directors of tho Southern
Never falls when the dtagf
lowed hence there 1 WF j >
heard M
complaint l
perlenced cook Is ttk gjil
bead with It as the h f
simply because Us 8g
compounded as to wto j ugU
bio when the dlrteUoMjJ jiJ
trial is all that li
disposable to all wellre
fore January 15
WO Hard 0 l > ° 7j ffi
neadStertsadvertUeme fl
I 8
delay bat V <
onco and secure arean
goois before they
Ior wines ffijgt
t > cJg
kind or quality
Schenber Co e y
Michigan Irish
Turner iMcClures

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