OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 30, 1886, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1886-12-30/ed-1/seq-5/

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prr Goods Xerchnnt o JalncsTllIo
jfakeaan Asslgutnetit Tho Credit
ors Northern Houses
tadim to the Amount a 1817000 Hon
an the Hry Gondii lluuot lliomaa
l > Jordan nt Wnco
Ai lBnw nt nt OalneeTllle
to Hie UMOtto
Cws svjuic Trx Dec 29W O
nstln o dry goods merchant this city
ade an assignment today His llablll
815000 assets 810000
are about
principal creditors aro as
S Louts Crow Hirgad no Co
P Itunricr cmnpany 131 04j
if U
mod O Devis Co 8512 68 Tenant
alker C 7CC90 Gnus Houlcko
K Hy Goodfcllow X Co
8519 8 ° i
87 40t Goodbar White Co 8290 3S
hwab CIthing company 81218 60
Unwater BJOgber Co 839333
Morris Newberger S
in Philadelphia
and Sralthfleld i
mi 81S4S 0 Young
The assignee Is W J Stone
A iVnoo Failure
Ctlal to tho Jaictte
Waco Tkx Pec 29 Attachments
gregallng 17000 were run tills ocnng
i the stock ot Thomas 1 Jordan dealer
dry goods Tho following comprise
ie firms who bvo attached up to this
our and their claims lhlllp Oartler
50001 Scetzer Pembroke Co 86179
iforce CUrk ol Waco 84G34 Scbuler
erMtetn S Co 9370 P W Whayne
erb 22 C C Birdwhlstcll clerk
ijti Rauffuian liungc Galveston
7u5 It Is expected that other attach
ients will bu run toulcht Joidans
toek will Involco about 830000 Tncre
IB no means of getting at the full
mount of liabilities until other attach
ients are run
pccUUo tho Uaiotte
Waco Tix Dec 29 T It Jordan
ho has eeu In tno dry goods clothing
ad gents furnishing Dunlucss In this city
ir many years was closed by altach
icata this afternoon The stock Is sup
osed to be worth 836000 Tho writs
ready served represent an aggregate of
16317 They aru as follows
George Clark Waco 81C3 00
Phil Geaitner Louisville Ky 86000
Wextzer Pcmljrook Co Now York
Soboolherr Dernstcln Co 887017
D W Whayne Waco 879128
Blrdwhls le Waco 8274 60
The SlaydenKrkseyo Woolen mills
Vaco 8201 U
Attachnnnt8 are cqpfctcd which will
usean aggregate of 880000
h Btra Savelle Cane A Card of ThnnUa
Ilnilly IIart
orropondenco ot thoUazctto
McKtNNKY Tex Pec 27 Mr and
Irs J B Hell arrived In tho city yester
ay evening to look after their daughter
Mrs Mlnnlo Savells They left taking
her with them this morning Tho fol
lowing cird was handed Thk Gazkttk
Words canuot express tho appreciation
and thanks ot tho parents and husband ot
the unlortunato Mrs Minnie Savella to
he good people of McKInncy for kind
esses to them in their aflllctlou Kspe
tUllydo wo disiro to thank 1J II Oats
nd wife T 1 Mcllenney and
Ifc J It Camming and wife Mrs
iVade proprietress of tho City
wtelj John W Hamilton Pr
ilcCirty and Pr Wiley who took spe
Ul Interest In assisting her aged and
tUlctod fathor In al things needful to
the departure of her parents with bcr to
where nbo can bo properly cared for In
he hope other speedy restoration In
the above list we desire to remember
Dixon Williams tho ablo and demoted
evangelist now holding a series of meet
ings In tho city Huv F S Lowery pas
tor Presbyterian church
A speclvl remembrance to Col K K
Stiff ana wife and to all others extending
ftvors In ell our relations with the
world wo can say that wo have never met
more humane hospitable and Christian
J D Brsri and wife of Abellne
K II Savjcixs of McKlnnoy
F P Peinareo dumonstrated to H rnp
rtiUlcdgo ot a Christmas tree Saturday
night several miles east of this place
hat It Is not sate to insult another mans
ivllo Pemareo Is in jail until It can bo
lcterniined by tho doctors vat hurt
Halledge and whether his lease of lite Is
A Judge Dlea from tho Kftecta ot tlio
pedal to the Oazcltc
Cotiua Tkx Pec 29 Judge M A
IUrmond who has resided hero for
years and was one of the best of citizens
died very suddenly at 4 oclock this af
ternoon from an overdose of morphine
He had just heard the evidenco on the
White rapecase from Twoblg and was
about to examine soma of tho witnesses
In the McKtnnoy murder case Informa
tion as to whether tho judge lnteudcd to
commit sulcldo or not is not at hand
No Inquest will bo held ov > r the body
Two lloiton Cllrl Take ltoogli on It all
ond Die
Boston Mass Pec 29 Tho details
° t a sensational tragedy resulting In tho
death of two young girls who will bo
bnrtcd in Mount Hopo cemetery tomor
roT were printed this morning
The matter although known to
Jhe authorities lor some time has
een securely guarded end not a breath
tho affair bas before been made public
wdlo H g low and Lizzie Hart Bged re
spectively eighteen and nlnotccn years
csme to Boston two or thrco years ago
and secured In a Urge
dry goods house here Sadie
eu in lovo with a respectable business
man of thlr city ami they were married
boon after however they separated ow
U J8 M > to e husbands
abuse The two girls went to New
lork and were employed thero tor a
6 5 a larPa KtB bouse but
jurned to no Wn where they
J00611 the acquaintance ot two young
men One Christmas nlgbt tho four wore
h st ° hoa8B on Bowden street
tL rnk wlno tt e eforo
SSImiR thcJ ho1 a e I ° ns < Jis
ih roe raeu however pat th girls
hoard a car en route to their south ond
W >
l ° D t ° Rlrls weM ln excited
State When they boarded the car and at
once discussed with each other plans
for taking their own lives Leaving tho
c V > ey obtained tw ° faoxcs ol Ilonch
on Hats at an apothecary shop and
hurrylog to their rooms mixed tho poison
L ° toothbrash tnnjs and swallowed It
Sadie took an overdose and did not
feel Itu effects as soon as did Ll le who
sank into a deep stupor Sadie reallilnc
What had been done rushed Into tho
atrfiutand hnrrlet t > ack to the Ilowden
Street house where the young met
still wore Finding them she lm
plored them to harry to tho South
End house and savo Izzlo n this time
tho poison was taking effect npon Sadie
and throwing herself upon tho
bed sbo wrlthoa In fearfat
agony Medical old was summoned
but after six hours ot suffering sho died
Tno yonng men Anally decided to go to
Llztles housd and break th6 news to her
mother They called there and upon
reaching Lizzies room she was foand
lying dead upon the bed
Yestordnj Stock Market Showed nu
Upward Tendency from tho Open
ing to tho Close
The In t Transactions were at Flcnrti
Close tntlie lint of tho Ilnj The
Oencral Uat HiKhtr
Special to tbo uatoltor
Nuw Youk Dec 29 Hallway bonds
today sold as follows Port Worth
Denver City at 88 Texas Pacific Hlos
at7 l Houston Texas Central at 73J
Gulf Colorado Santa Ko 2s at 101
Missouri Kansas A Ttxas us at 8Ci
Money at C to C percent
Governments higher
Sterling advanced Slightly
Oil closed at 681
Wheat irregular
Cottou advanced 3 points
Coffep steadr
aovenNMENrs stocks and iioni > s
Nkw Yoitic Deo 29 Government
bonds quiet and stoady
Stocks were actt o and strong almost
without reaction from the ilrst few
minutes until tho last hour Foreign
houses did very little The opening was
Irregular the changes from last evenings
tlual llgurcs ranging from 4 below to 1
above There were a fuwillcbt declines
In the early trading In which Heading
was prominent but the general
list was strong and the early
losses wero quickly recovered Iicforo
tho end of the llrst hour advances
ranging up to I had been established
This was followed up by a perlot of com
parathe quiet accompanied by a slight
recession In prices but before noon tho
activity and advance was ogaln rcuowod
and lasting until after 2 p m when con
siderable realization ot prollts caused a
sllht decline and tbo market closed
barely steadybutcloso to tho best llgurcs
of the dayNKW
Nkw 0itueAN8 La Pec 29 flour
quiet but steady choice 83 763 85
fancy 84004 10 extra faticy 4 25g
430 Minnesota winter wheat patent
64 76500 Corn meal llrruer
82 20 Hay quiet and firm
81llGc Corn steady fair de
manu mixed and white 4C47c yodow
18c Outs quiet 29 < j30i Pork strong
er 8U60 Lard refined tierce
000 Hulk meats shoulders 84 60
longclear 80 80 Bacon shoulders 8C00
long clear and clear rib G87j fciuirar
qniot but steady Choice sugar and can
vassed hams 810 23010 75 Mo
lassos strong open Kettle fancy
47c strictly prime 44c Lonl
slana syrup 8040c good prime
4042c prime 3738c Sucar quiet
but steady kettle chulco 4c strictly
prime 4 1lOe prime 4c Wblky quiet
Western rectified 81 lll 13 Ctffeo
strong and hljher IUocoiumon to prlmo
13lC4c Ilice quiet but steady at 2J
4u Cottonseed products nominally un
changed Exchange New York sight 75c
Mr aioCnllaOmclal lloiulA UoldIIetuled
Umbrella for the Governor
Special to tbo Gazette
Austik Tkx Pec 29 Tbo bond of
tho Hon John P McCall was approved
Ijy Gov Ireland this morning Tho names
on tho bond show tho high estimation In
which tho gentleman Is held In Austln
Thoy are E O Christian N G Shelly
J L Prlsklll W S Carothurs John T
Allen Monroe Miller H M Swear
Ingen W McLaughlin Georgo W
Llttlelleld As Is known by
every ono who Is acquainted with
Austin capitalists the mijorlty ot tho
names given would be good on any bend
for the full amount required 875000 As
the law only requires six names tho extra
ones may bo considered as a substantial
compliment to tbo incoming comptroller
The bonds ot Albert Bodcmanncolleclor
of Kendall county and of Sam S Aahe
collector of Harris county have been np
proved by ttu comptroller
The governor was presented this morn
ing with a beautiful goldheaded Bilk um
brella by Pr It Swearlngcn
It Is stated on good authority that
thero will bo very few changes in the
personnel otthecomptrollers department
und tho policy pursued In making them
will be one ot strict conservatism
Members ot Terrys rangers rosldent In
Austin met today and determined on a
xounlon of tho survivors ot tho old regi
ment In this city January 20
Tho annual report ot tho regents of the
university is out It is quite lengty and
makes the total number ot students 220
Notf from Weatlierford
Special to the Clateitc
WKATiiKnroKD Tkx Pec 29 Mr
and Mrs It B Mlillkcn of this city last
night gave thrir second marriage anniver
sary hop to the young soeiety people
Thero wero abont twenty couples ot the
elite of tho city present who spent a de
lightful evening tho time being spent In
dancing games and conversation Abont
U80 refreshments of an excellent qaallty
wero sorved vhlch added greatly to the
evenings tntertalnment Mr and Mrs
Mllllken left nothing undone that would
have added to the enjoyment ot the party
and Tub Gazbttk correspondent is justi
fied In saying that they have tho tnanks
and best wishes ottheentire assembly and
that they may celebrate many more hspry
It Is reported that tho young society
gentlemen will give a social bop at the
Carson Lewis houso on Friday night
neBtv Father Crowley who for the past
three years has had chargo ot tho Catholic
l tetfabt < A XW
to Terrell His
people hero are terv
sorry to pari with htm as iw hU
nsany friend outsMo of his own dcnorol
L Wi ° ni l0 1C ol l de
Ptttre UeJ5 liostot warm Irlonds
o tbIs city lie left on the morning tram
thnthoyaroto bo congratulated In
ceiving lather Crawley as a teacher and
Commantcatlon romtha Cattle Oraireiato
he Two ltoiitMoC Oonr M
CntCAOo lu Pec 29 The executlvo
commlttco ot tho Cattlo Growers associ
ation ot tho United States framed a com
munication today to be forwarded to tho
senate andhousoof representatives The
communication calls attention to the let
terbyj A Oooporot Colorado in which
no pronounces against tho commis
sion feature of tho bill Introduced
for tho supyresslon ot exotic dlneascs
among tho cutloof tho United States
The communication s ys that In tho great
emergency now upon the cattlo industry
it is
Imperatively necessary that some
person or persons bo vested with extra
ordinary power It goes on to sav that
tho present bureau nnd departments are
already overwhelmed with work to pitch
an ixtent that It would bo lmpos Hile
for any of them to do as rapid or effec
tive work as could bo dono by a com
mission ot energetic aud practical busi
ness men whose sole efforts would be
devoted to tbo ono task Tho committee
believe that a commission vested with tho
necessary powers could clear this coun
try ot pltiropncumona in twolvo or
etghtcen months Tho communication
farther sas that tho losses Inflicted upon
tho cattlo Industry during tho last
two years by reason ot em
barrassing interstate and forolgn
quarantine amounts to a patlonal
calamity and though quarantine consti
tutes tho greatest existing obstacle to
Interstate and foreign commerce tho
communication says tho experience ot
other countries has proved that tho only
succcsalul way to deal with pleuropneu
monia Is by prompt resort to heroic
treatment and the quicker way Is tho
cheapest Tho suppression of pleuro
pneumonia Is not only dtmanded as a
sanitary measuro fortho protection of our
people but It Is a measure ot political
icouomy Tho communication closes
with n statement that thu cattlo Industry
represents an Investment of two thousand
millions of taxable property and asks
that protection bo extended to It
A Stcnmor Destroyed in tho Hiirbor nt
St Johns N IJ Firemen
Frtlnlly llnrned
Tlii Town ot Ureentbare Vi A lltnl > j n
Hundred Hhoutnnd Dollar Uonlta
gratlon Other lllme
A Steamer Mtirned
St Johns N IJ Pec 29 Tho two
masted Htcamor John which sailod last
night nt 1030 was two hours later burned
just outside tbo harbor Tho drst news
was brought In by a passing schooner
which saw her on Are Searching
parties started and this morn
ing found the crow of twenty men
huddled together lu tho snow on tho
rocks at Black Point Thilr clothes
wero frozen to their bodies and they wero
suffering terribly They were Jironght to
this city on a sleigh It was foand that
flvo were so badly burned including
Cart Pardy commander that they can
not live John Sinclair tho Stewart
was drowned whllo snimmlng ashore
The rest got on land by a lino carried
asboro by tho captain
A leiinajlrnntn Conllaerntlon
PtTTSiiURO Pa Dec 29 A conflagra
tion at Greonsbttrg West Moreland coun
ty this morning destroyed ono ot tbo
finest blocks In the city and for eoveral
hours threatened deitructlon to tho entire
business portion of that thriving place
Tho tiro was discovered at 2 oclock and
Is supposed to havo orlctnated in tho
Temple hardwaro store Tho Iro appa
ratus was wholly inadequate and the
flames quickly spread to adjoining build
ings The citizens worked heroically to
stay the progress ol tho ilory clo
nicnts but it was not until 0
oclock this morning that tho flames wero
under control Ten buildings wero con
sumed Including tbo Laird huso Turn
pies hardv are store tho old Press olllcc
Caleb Sturks dwelling and tour stores
Tbo Laird bouse was tbo largest and finest
hotel in Grccnsburg It was ot brick
four stories In height and finely furnished
The gncsts wero sound asleep when thu
flro started and many of them barely es
caped from tho building In their nlgbt
clothes The loss is 8100000 insurance
A Iteitdence llnrned
Special to tho Gatstto
GAINK8VHLK Tkx Pec29 Tho rest
denco of Georgo Tatum situated In tho
cross Umbers cast of here was destroyed
by Are yesterday together with all his
household goods kitchen utensils pro
visions etc The loss Is about 82000
A ClrcutBtloc library That Ai on
i fV > pjff xv
Bent Tor Cive Vearf
Special to tbo Uazolln
Dbsison Tkx Dec 29 Tho Womans
Christian Temperance nnlon ol this city
bavo decided to open and maintain a pub
lic readlrgroom and circulating library
after tho holidays
The case of the State vs John Leo In
dieted tor arson Is set for tomorrow and
about twenty witnesses will again go to
Sherman In answer to as many unmmbns
V W Uarbarlck who forged the
natno of Joseph Itoso to an order on A
U Collins on which bo drew money has
been sentenced to five years tn tbo pen
Bllver Loal Making Powder
Never tails when tho directions aro fol
lowed henco thero Is never a word of
complaint heard against it Tho inex
perienced cook is able to make as good
bread with It as the profetslonsl baker
simply because Its Ingredients are so
compounded as to make failure imposM
ble when the directions are followed A
trial Is all that is necessary to make It la
dispensable to all wellregulated house
i Ml
WAsnraaTON Dec 80 1 am Fpr
Texas i Fair weather tullowed by run
southerly winds slightly warmer
Done With trie ltnlhlin of thl iAte
Oan Lee fcrottta it the Olaerfchore
At c oclock yesterdar afternoon J L
Lbc hotter known as Cap Iec breathed
bis last Ho Was sulckuu with paralysis
Ul > in Tuesday evening aud was
taken to tho Llodolt hotel where kind
heatted friends did all tint was possible
to mako his I t botira peaceful Tno
stricken man wai unabloto speak lntcllgt
bly attcr tho blow had fallen aud so
passod tranquilly away to tho great be
But Cap Leo dreaded not death Ho
had faced it Oit with all tha galUmry and
chivalry ota knight ot old to whom fear
was an unknown wonl Ho was a North
Carolinian by birth Suing to Shrevepurt
ho Joined tho Confederate service whon
the eill war broke out as a unmoor t
tho Caddo lVnclblcs Sixteenth LoulMana
reglrntut ami made a noblo record Men
w o sorved with him bear testimony to
day taat in all tbo Southern
army thero w s no braver man than J L
Lee notto nutter loxed nouq freer from
blame So heroically did ho cvnduct
himself that hu was promoted on tho
lleldofbattlo to tho lletitcntaucj ot his
Ho was afterwards employed on tho
Caddo Gazette ot which Mr Kobcrt
Lowe now manager ot tho Gal
eston News was part owner
Drifting to Texas hu lias worked ou
numorous papers and was widely known
as a skilled compositor Kvonbody
knew him in r ort Worth as hu has lived
hero off and ou tor many jesrs and
everybody know that ho had sotn
better days and tho hearts ot
thoso who knew him best went
out In sympathy tor tho man whom they
knew hadnoerln tbo tenderness of a
chlvAlrlo mature harmed auy being sao
Ho will bo burled by tho Typographical
union of tbN city of which ho was it mum
bor at 4 oclock today in tho new cem
etery Over In tho roalms ot tho unseen
and unknowablo whlthor his spirit has
fled nny there bo pcaco for tho soul ot
Cap L0
They Make a IraiiuTlCttM on tlir Hutch
er but are lion Down
Yesterday morning moro than ono
butcher lu Fort Worth bewailed tho loss
ot a quarter of boot or a wbolohog
that had bcn feloniously made way
with The aforesaid butchers have
n way ot leaving carcattes
hanging suspended from books In front
ot their shops for the purponu ot pris
otvallon That they prtscnt a peculiarly
tempting appcaranco to a hungry man
cant bo doabtcd and it tbo h in Is not
set tn tbo firmest fashion ot Integrity
what Ukoller event than for him to ab
stract a fat juicy looking piece of lleshr
That more robberies of thl kind do
not occur Is something nt n martol un
less the restraining Influence of police
men and nightwatchmen uro tho pro
hibitory factors Hut thoicar ot neither
ot these operated to hold back a couple
ot tramps who without mentioning thu
matter to Louis Stein lifted u milium ot
excoedlng fatness from Temple Place in
tho wo sma hours
Neither did thoy consult Kemper S
Miller on Main street between Twellth
and Thirteenth as to tbo price ot a gen
erous section of a beet steer and nu en
tlroporkef which iho firm had swung to
tbo brct res early that evening The samu
Informality was displayed In their con
duct towardi M H Walters > n Hous
tonstreet butcher who later In the day
charged up it couploof bovine carcassis
to profit and loss
Tho nows of such sans soucl proceed
lugs quickly rescued the oars of Krwln
Fulford and Hea a trio ot as vigilant
cops as evor served a city lallhtully tor
8C0 a month lees a discount
of 89 for cash A hardlook
bg customer named Dougherty was
encountered near J jseph H Browns ns
he was daggering along u < der a heavy
burden ot purloined bucf He was
locked up with tho usual He tn bis mouth
about buying got tho itioat of some other
fellow At Bill Loves a colored tough
who runs a ealoo In the Half Acre an
other lot was captured Ho bought it ho
said from fellow named Thompson
who was shortly found and sent
to keep tramp No I company Tho pair
will make good recruits to the road
working gang should tho county com
missioners seo fit to adopt thu system
Another Voice In Condemnation ot the
WnterWotk Mntmeniuim
To tlio KJItor of Iho Oatettn
Fonr WOltTlJ TKX Dee SO
Tho letters of Mr George II Chaso
and Mr Philip Hale in Thk UAznrrK
and Mall respectively called attention
to a nulsanco that is an outrage on thu
people ot Fort Wortlr That nuisance Is
the present administration ot the water
works By an accident of Political for
tune or shall I say mlsfortnntif eornu
man bas been given control ot tbo water
works who coins to lmaglno that bis
principal business is to harass thu men
who aro taxed to p y lor tho water
works and who as such taxpayers aro
the real Owners ol that property His
notion in regard to his relations to tho
texpayc s and waterusers ot this city
appears to be that ho is a high and
ralRbty boss and they but his creatures
who aro allowed to nsa tbo public water
by his gracious snffertneo
I can recall an luatunco wbero a busi
ness firm of this city was temporarily dis
abled by having he water cut off that
they used In running tbelr machinery It
was done because tbo water was allowed
to run in tho privy vault which was
necessary to keep it clean Without wait
ing to bear an explanation tbo water was
stealthily cut off and to tho appeals and
protests of tho victim answer was modo
that It might bo turned on next day when
they got time to attend to it In tbo
mcantitnotbe machinery of the establish
ment was stoppod and business brought
to a stands ill
Tho people of Fort Worth lrtvo not for
gotten that it was through the IrabeUllty
of this administration that tbo city is now
deprived ot n revenuo of 820O a month
lroin the Ttxas F i0c railroad
lost by the manager of the
waterworks having made a mistake
as ho terms it In trying to compd the
railway company to pay wore Hu after
wards made himself contemptible as
well as ridiculous by soliciting tbo Texas
Pacific company to continue using
wat r at tho Setno rate that they tvero
paying when he made bis mistake aud
cut them off Any deficit caused by soch
mismanagement will have to be made
good by tho taxpsyers 01 the city
JMUCh things as these that make tho
people of Tort Worth indignant that a
iAfwi f v s iili U
always a jny was thoie ami tho flushed
cheeks told an eloquent Into ot submis
sion to pleasures power Tbo botuty ot
blondes mines nnd brunettes Intermin
gled and lovely blushes weru traced tin
every typu of female loveliness Feces
framed with wealth othalrln colors rang
InR from tho ravens wing to llghtist
gold floated before tho garo ot llio o who
looked In upon tho dauco like tbo Inspir
ation ot a dream
Tho great social event of tho season
and tho last of tbo d > lng year had
brought together moat of tho brlghest or
naments of nodal life lu tho city nnd the
elcgvnt dining room which has been the
eceua ot numeroussoclvl triumphs never
held a hapulcr throng Hlrango does
claimed tho reporters eye nnd hn saw a
number who wero not visible In tlio ka
le ldopcopo ot last seasons social
scenes Then tho familiar fenturoe
tint brightened ininy similar
events in tho past wero recognlred and
tlmu seemed to havo added additional
charms to them Toilets marvelous In
conception color and varlty delighted
tho eyes of thoso who turned fir nu
Instant from woman ti her dress
In tho panorama ot tacos woro sceu thu
holies ot many balls ol past seasons as
lovely as ever and looking as though time
had thrown down his scytho nnd tarried
by tbo wnystdo with them in tho golden
days of joutli and so thqold knight ot
tbo hourglass nd for youth beauty and
animation wore theirs
Many of tba roasaulluo rev oilers wore
tho old familiar stagers that havo danced
season In and reason out In this city for
several years and ago bad apparently
Umbered their limbs for they wero as
spty nnd g y as youths ot sixteen Theso
jovial goodnatured inaHCiillUOorniintonts
uro tho life ot every affair that they
appear In nnd at thin ball
thoy wero an lively as though thoy had
dlscovoicd th spring ot perotmlil youth
In their advancing years It Is rather
tough on tho boy but they alas must
soon glvo way to a now generation
representatives ot which wero seen
sotttered among tbo dancers last
nlgbt Several ot them Wire sueu
making desperate efforts to lm
iross their lesplenileut delves on
thu appreciation ot Impressionable
femininity urged on no doubt by tho
ghostly memories ot wasted efforts tn thu
long long ago It Is to bo hoped that
thoy succeeded tor they nro app caching
that period In lifo when their fascination
Will bo ol that peculiar kind that belongs
to ruins that are romantic
Tho ball was tendered to the mauled
folks by tho voting society men nnd
sweethearts and wives and husbands
and beaux mingled about equally h tho
animated lioquet of human naturu that
whirled thu joyous round rtf a nights so
cial enjoyment Mlno Host Kennedy
was seen moving about looking to tho
comfort ot tils guests his Jocund facu
wreathed In an extrjt smile
It wasntalatubour when tbo guoits
disported and tho diningroom had n de
serted look when the reporter peeped Jn
at230am Thu electric lltchts hissed
a harsh mocking sound ns though they
were cynically moralizing over tbo effer
vescent folly of youth Tbosoulof muslo
and tho lnplration of beauty had fled
The greatest ball of ho year bad become
a memory and all was still
Among those present weic Mr nnd
Mrs J 41 Waller Mr and Mrs Col
Kctchurnt Mr and Mrs William Lamp
toni Mr nnd Mrs K B Fosdlckt Mr
and Mrs John P Swaynoi Mr and Mrs
T N Kdgelli Mr and Mrs Hldnoy Mar
tini Mr and Mrs PW Ball Mr and
Mrs Georgo Paehwood Mr and Mrs J
H Martlnoolei Mr and Mrs W B Ken
ncdyi Mr and Mrs Kobcrt Willing Mr
and Mrs C Guy llelllyi Mr and Mr s
Ilobert McCartt Mr and Mrs C D Ioxi
Mr nod Mrs W P Peakj Mr apd Mrs
K M YnnZandt Jr
MIsh Jessie Swayne Memphis Tcnn
Miss Fannie 1 Btcton Bulnhur Mprlngs
Tex i Miss Lena Adams Bryan Tui t
Miss Koxio Usssell Jlryan lex Mtts
Una Porter Lsnmr Mo Miss Grace
Parllog New Yevikj Miss llyan Murray
Ky Miss Grabsw Henderson T i
Mlfses BIrdte Abdlll Tommy Maloutf
Gertrude Martin Mamie Martin Ida
Chase Annlo fipeer HIauche HsrtBfleld
Lanra tteott May Scoblc Libblo Pollock
May Dcki on
K C Schneider P J Powell T P
Kanis J B Sheltou W 1 Farrl II D
Cocke O Iycb J 1 Mitchell Wra
Kislcy Irby Dunklin O AJtryer John
Glnnoculo John Lofton Jim Hwoyno
Mac Tetnpleton W It Kdrlngton J A
Thomas W O Bishop O M Kern J L
Scolt W B Klllott U
Btanficld Moran
M e xC
In nddilion to Ononis our slock o
Ts full ami complete nntl vro nro soiling hem parnlyx
Ingly low
Dahlman Bros
port woiotix rrisx
Mare xvk mac siTooaaAo
rwiwl ot men should bo put In plaes that
elemaud the exercise ot Judgmont ond
dlfcretlou Utues forolgu to tholr
knowledge Ckit
TheVronultiKNoelely Kventot tho Seaion
ixttho 1irixtlfk lnt Nljht
Could tho muso of many twinkling
feci havo looked in upon tho merry
throng of revelers at tho Pickwick hotel
last night sho would ha a realized that
her reign over voting hearts was as au
premo it was when Waltz and tho
lUttlo ot Austorlltz oponcd tho ball to
gether sho would havo vlowed Rsrone
ot beauty where music had disarmed tbo
mind ot baser things mid with
Its potent Influctico Invested youth
and pleasure in their richest colors
It way n gay sight Womans beauty
Two HravyWolRtit IronWorkers riijht
TweutyOntv Hounds WltU
Darft Kimcklesl
MlMourl urn lllltioli Mugger Plgln
rtlttrlno Itoundt tor 9300
n Side
A Miami Pill tght
PirrsBimo Pa Pec 2 A bare
knuckle prlso tight between two heavy
weight Ironworkcrs named llaker amit
White took placo on the banks ot tho
Allegheny river la thu Tenth ward at an
early hour this morning T enly ono >
rouuds wero fought resulting in tho do
feat ot Whllo Tho mill listed fortyfives
inlnntes nud was prouotinood ouo ot tho
bloodiest battles over fought In this vi
Omitfe tletweelt Middle VV lglil
llumviiNtvrON lu Pcu 29 Mover
and Paly two mlddlow eights from St
Lttils had a fight near lllomnlogton last
night Daly was knocked out No do
tills havo been obtained
HimtAToit lu Pee 29 A Marco itrlro
Agin occurred between Charles Daly of
St Lmilsand Hilly M yor of Ktreator
HI at Woodlord a small station ou tho
Illinois Central railroad at a lato hour
last night Tbo ilubt wss for 500 a side
and gait receipts to tbo finish
From thu first to tho tenth round
Daly tried to wind Meyer hardly attempt
ing to strike him lu tho f tee but finding
this ot no avail ho changed his tactics
and tried to got in ft knockout block In
tbo lllteenth round Daly hit Meyer a ttr
rlilo blow between thy ces but Mujor
camn to tho scratch on time Both wero
covered with blond and their oyes wero
almost swelled shut but they came to
time at the rail aud hard Muhtlng was tho
rule until tho thirtysecond round whon
Meyer struck Daly a powerful blow on
tho neck which spun him around like n
top and hp ell with on stretched arms
an tho floor from whleli hu was unable to
rise at tho call ot tltno Tho fight was
given to Meyer Daly had thu advantngo
both In weight apd height weighing 140
and Meier 140 pounds A forfeit lias
been ploced for a fight butweon Meyer and
Tommy Warren
ltd I in r Orndr llouUed tor the HpMoli nt
llin New ICnizinud Dinner
Nkw Yoiik Deo 24 Bver slnco Mr
Grady editor of tho Atlanta Constitution
niado bis ppeech at tho Now Ungland so
cietys dinner at Dolmonlcos Wednesday
night he has been tbo lion ot tlio hour
Ou tho morning following tho speech Itu
locelved au ovation at tho Flflh Aventlu
Milts StandUb lineal descendant of tho
BtaudUh celobiattd by tint pu t Long
fellow was among thu first to shako Mr
Grady by tbo baud nud expressed mu ad
miration both for tho sentiment nnd the
spirit ol bis speech
lo nreporter Mr Grady said I was
totally uuprepareil lor tho warm recep
lion thai greeted mo when 1 nro < > lo
speak Wbvu I saw members stand
ing in their chairs and waving their nap
kins I could scarcely find my voice to
speak Tbo cntliualuMii wanned ma up
and I caught tho spirit ot tho occasion I
changed some parts ot my speech or
rather interpolated freely Mr Talmago
ilettorltiod tho Northern troops return
ing homo so I concluded to dtaw
tho other picture Ho said wo hid
no typical Americans und I do
acilbed President Lincoln as uucli for In
my opinion ho was tbo best and rurrat
typo In these two instances my speech
was entirely different from what 1 ex
pected to deliver Thu Now Bnglander
iiavo as much cnthuslium ns the South
erners A Southern audience could nob
bavo been as demonstrative Then thoy
say Hear bear and Good good during
a speech which you ncyer beard from n
Southern audience I shall not accusom
the New Hollanders hereafter ot bclnc
cold anil phlegmatic
Hrhool Truttee KlrtrdA Lady lluue
SjjtcUlto tliolJanottu
Ki 1abo Tkx Dec 29 An eUctlon
tor school trustees was held today aud
rcsaltod Jn tbosocwss of L B Frouden
thai W B Brock slid J B McKlnoey
Mrs J P Dlotar tho wlfo of tbo
sgent of a St Louis brewery nnd a most
woitby lady was voted for and ran well
siamlJng iourth In u list of ulno candi
Clearing Male
From and after this dsto wo make our
nsual nductlcn In all kinds of fall ami
winter dry goods clothing shoes and
hats mens and ladles furnishing goods
for tbo purpose of clotting out to maku
ready for prl g goods and yet tho Texas
winter Is all ahead Ot us
Thomas Faiiilv
AdvertUlug BdltofChoioTrading Qo
Dont fall to call t tbo Fort Worth
Printing Ifouto It you want auylttng lu
tbo way ot Nerr Year cardi r
X >

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