A Elan to Msta them Fairsr SsCallec
tnd U PrtTsaS Allrgid
Balidtz c
A BUI Drafted by Hon Jamei B Chnmtri
ct Slliilulppi for Presentation la
too Xtxt Caugreii
To the Editor of the Globe Democrat
SEDI Miss Nov 5 1888 Article IS
ol tbe Constitution ot tbe United States
Section 1 Tha right cf cltlzfas ot the
United States to vote shall not be denied
or abridged bytie UnlteJ Slates or by
any state on ecconnt ol rase eoler or
previous condition ol servitude
Sc 2 rae Coccrses shall have power
to cDfoce thl9article by appropriate leg
Secession wd cullificatlon ihjve been
revered b7 Dsnocrsts 43 rghtfal reme
dies fcr the preservation of 133 rights ol
Oi the other hand Itipubllcins abhor
secession sad naJliflciiiou as the political
dynamite ol anarchists who weald sssss
slnste the uaticn
To preserve slavery secession was at
tempted alter We election cf the first
president ol the R publican party
Alter a biocdy war secession wr3 de
feated slavery was abolished and thB
emancipated Slavs cnfrstxhlscd by the
fllteeatb arnendmtnt to the Caastltutioa
o the United State which for a lew
years w 3 enforced
Bat nutllfloailoa cl this amendment was
accomplished snd toe Democratic psrty
mado irumphaut n 1876 In
> he otatea which had at
tempted 3ecsasion a id in 1831 washnide
triumphant is tae UaleJ States by the
counting in cl Cevelsucl an president
through electoral vote3 obtained by the
null atloncl the fifteenth amendment
and taera was darger ol It be na accom
plished again ilea in the South who
tre ever ready to right cvar what they
believe to be their rights were aston
ished when tha government wis bo
quietly turned ovax to Cleveland on such
a title and there wcro moa in the
North who this time began to think
about resistance 51 such another usur
pation ol power tm3 attempted A
nstbn which has had orlo civil war is Hi
ble to have enotaer and all good men
were relieved when Harrison wj3 elected
and this danger averted With a full
knowledge that they Sad no chance lor a
lair election in the Suth the Republi
cans made their fih < in the North alone
Alter s fearful struggle they ware suc
cessful but ths country should never
again ba sal jicted to such s terriole or
deal Bsfore he election ol Cleveland
the suppression cl negro suffrage
had been advocated by Democratic
leaders in ths South who were
careful that their utterances ehocld
not be published to ths world but the
successfulseating cl him as president by
fraudulent elestorsl votes iosoired them
with boldness and mmy Democratic
leaders openly avowed ltwlthadre < 3evil
icqair Wast are you goiajto doabout
117 Sora leaders In ths North wers be
ginning to tak about another war il this
was repeated and goo 1 man wore grow
ttg rjneasy least the issue saould be again
presented whether it was best ta submit
1 sgsjn to the insa urilia cf a president
electedby fraud or hsv another war
II OeTaland hsd carried N w Ycrk
NswJsrsjy and C32 < client and been
coasted la b flctral votes cf states
where the colarei vote w j In a majority
aad CTcfccssdly snipreue it would
hs73 eea s sevsreferaii ajoa the cjn
sexvatisa cf the Rsmlieaa people to
submit to It and there would have beea
Imminent dinner ti another civil war
TheeIfctloa ol Htrnsoa avcttdthlr aad
It thocltfnow be the aim as it 1 thecuty
ol every traj patriot to provide sgimot
Us poesiole recurrencv That the local
efinr3 of a state are beyond vhe control ol
the general govfrmsnt all parties adml
and no Republican dsdrei to inteilere
with local affairs of the South The
junior senator for Mississippi made a a
able MjSaiacnt to show that where
the c22Cta cl race pnjadicj were
codaed to local t fiir3 the genera rcv
erament aid no right to interfere II we
should grant this to be trc althouga
donbtlnl aadsr a str ct constiuctioa of
the uVeEuth amsudmea it would seen
C2rtaini7 cls r that where the txiioltion
of race FrUidico > dG s afiVct the wel
fare onbe natioS lijcrtths peeraV gov
rumen not only h sjowerrbut Js duty
tcu3Qto inta f3rs 7 lhe supprel aScn Cl
thelc ioVote in congressionar ad
presidential e ectlons directly affects the
welfare cf the nation Aad it counting
the negro vote legally ta elect a white Re
publican to Congress excites the race
prsjadlce of a Sauthera Democrat cer
tainly counting the negro vote illegally by
a Southern Democrat to elect a presi
dent Is well calculated to ex
cite the sectional prejudice ol
a Northern Rjpubtican That Con
gress has power to make rules and regu
lations for the election of its representa
tives is distinctly staled in the fourth
section of the first article ot the constitu
tion ot the United State as follows
The times places and manner of holding
congressional elections for senators and
representatives shall be prescribed in each
ante by the Ircislatcra thereof but tie
Congress may at any time by law make or
alter such regulations except ai to the
places of choosing senators Congress
has so far permitted the election ot its
members to be held by the state officers
nnder state laws and it is best as a gen
eral rule that this should ba continued
but whenever there is reasonable ground
to oellere that frauds will be perpe
trated special rules and regulations
should be made to guard against
it and this becomes more essential when
wholesale frauds are to jba expected from
froa what Democrats call uncontrollable
race prejudices The fifteenth amend
ment gave tho negro the right of suffrage
and gave to Congrers the power to en
force this right by appropriate legislation
The Rspublican party went before the
country and were successful upon a plat
form pledged to enforce fair elections by
appropriate legislation What then Jh
appropriate legislation in the premise
Usder this provision of the constitution
aupeivlsora of election were provided to
watch and repot on it3flrnes3 but in
the South this has proved a failure and be
come a farce It becomes necessary there
fore now that in districts where a rca
lonable showing is made that there will
be a violation ol the fifteenth amendment
Congress should luveits memsers elected
under its own laws and b7 its own of
ficers Each tadidate should have fair
and equal representation in the officers of
election Each voter should announce
openly who he votes tor and his name
should bo written on a list nnder the
name of the candidate for whom he votes
Secrecy ot the ballot should as a general
rule be preseivedbnt whore it is charged
on affidavit that there is daagerthat Iraud
will bo perpetrated the surest mode to voters ol said state will make and die an 1
ascertain the truth is by a vivsjtffiiavlt with the secretary of the United
voce vots And while Cougress has > Stated Senate stating that they believe J
naae bat ne ehall be
to vote without delay
the election returns mado
efflcero it shall appear that
chosen under the state electic
gress must decide ia case of
no power to provide lor the election ol
presendentlsl electors and United States
senators it has unquestioned power to
make all necessary laws to ascertain
whether their election has been fraudu
lent or not and to refuse to recoguizs
any election procured by Iraua In ac
cordance with these views I have pre
pared the following bill to be Introduced
into the next Congress and I herety sub
mit it throazh ycur columns for the ma
lure consideration ted deliberate judg
ment of ail peace loving citizens who de
slro to avert all possibility of another civil
war John B Chaxmees
An act to enforce the fifteenth rmecd
msnt to the constitution ol the United
Be it enacted thit whenever ICO voters
In any congressional district waere an
election Is to be held will makp snd file
with tho clerk ol tho House cl Rjpreeen
taltveo ol the United States an tffiJavlt
stating that they believe that on account
cl rsce piejudlco the election will not be
fairly held by the state cfScerE it shall bs
held by United States cflhers as hereto
fore provided The clerk of the
H0U33 of Representatives shall appoint as
many commissioners cf election tor each
county In the district as there are candi
dates for Congress cs follows Oae
sapporter ct each candidate to be nomi
nated by himself or by the txecntlvocom
mittse ofhs party ocd appointed by the
clerk But If any candidate or psrty fails
or Tetuses to ask for a commissioner the
clerk ehall appoint some suitable person
to represent such candidate and it ho re
fuses to set th3 commissioner or commls
siou Tho accept shall go forward and
perform all the duties corelnalter pre
The commissioners shall establish their
headquarters at the county seat or if
there be two then at tho county seat ol
tse first court district of the county and
snsll mske publication ot tho Urns and
places ot holding such election conform
ing as near as possible to the state laws
and shall prcvlda enltable stationery and
houses and everything necessary tor hold
ing an election aad Bhsll furnish each in
spector with a printed copy ot this act
And at least ten days before hold
ing an eec Ion the commissioners
ehall meet and each one shall
appoint an inspector and each In
spector ehall appoint one clerk and oae
peace officer for each voting precinct ia
the couaty and in case ol tho death or
removal ot aay commissioner inspector
clerk or peace officer others may be ap
pointed la the same manner as the
originals except that in esse
any inspector appointed refuses
to serve tho inspector who ac
cepts may appoint another to represent
the other pirty e r p 11 tiep at d If ni one will
accept may proceed to appoint all the
necessary clerk and witn them hold the
election When the polls are opened
proclamation thereof shall be made oy
onect tnepetce c Ulcers The clerks shall
bo provided with p per sufficient to con
tain the names of nil the voters end shall
write the names ot etch candidate at the
head ol each voting list A3 each voter
comes up he ahall be asked and answer
distinctly for whom he votes and the
clerks Ghall write his name on tho list
under the n me ct the candidate for
whom he vote snd each clerk shall nam
her and call oat distinctly tow many
vote the last vote makes for hlscandi
te3t waesberthe vote was legal cij bt
kdi ho p Jls must be kept open JfKout
scjmrnmjnt uatii alh vo votedho ara
prtssnt = cd desiring to vote When the
polls are cloeed ths Inspectors and clerks
shall in writirg sum tip the number of
votes for eachcsridldatc and ot once pub
licly proclaim the sirae The clerks and
Isspectors shall ti3n aad certify oaeh vot
ir3 lst kept cy the clerks and the
bummicg up cf the result made
by tneicsoives and shall put the
sarro Into a b x prepared for that par
pojo aud securely lock and sssl it up cud
two cf ne iaspectcrsor clerks of opposite
pirtlts shall take and deliver the box to
thJ commissioners of election as soon as
practicable As soon as tho boxes are
received the commissioners ot elrctlon
shall canvass the returns snd make o
statement ia writing ol the number ol
votes lor each candidate in that county
and publicly proclaim tho same and hall
then transmit by mall to the clerk
ol the Houso of Rjsresentstivos
oae copy of the list of voters
and the returns from each voting place
In the county stcurely wrapped and
sealed and the Indorsement of one of the
commissioners that they are election re
turns shall be sufficient to transmit the
same by mail tree ct postage The other
lists ot voters and ell other papers re
ceived from each precinct shall ba kept
by the commissioners for two years
securely locked in the box unless they
are ordered to produce the same as evi
dence in case of a contest over the elec
tion As soon as all returns from
such congressional district are re
ceived by the clerk of tat
House cf Representatiras he shall make
a tabulated statement ot the total votes
cast for each candidate for Congress and
shall Issue a certificate ot election to the
one having the highest number cf votes
and place his name on the roll ot
the House snd shall preserve jfalt
rapers acd returns concerning tthe
election in his cfliee But
name ot no3 man shall be rlsa
the roll of the House if ifilavltsi
made that his election was procured
any intimidation of voters until Co
shall decide that
question >
8ec 2 Be it further enactedrthat
whenever presidential electors arefto be
voted for in any Congressional dlstrlet
where the election 13 to be held as herein
provided for there shall be one addi
tional clerk appointed oy each Inspector
to keep the list of voters tor presidential
electors Thetlckstot each party shall
be pasted st the head of etch list and the
voters shall be asked for whom thoy vote
for president and the name cl the voter
shall be written nader the name repre
senting such a candidate The list shall
be signed certified snd returned to
the csmmissioners ot election and by
them summed up signed snd certified
and returned to the clerk of the House of
Representatives as herein provided for
congressional elections to be preserved
as a record in his cfliee snd It from a
comparison ot the returns so made with
In truth receive the mrjority ofj
la ssid states at such clectiojT
electoral vote of said statej presjj
and vicepresident shall naPbe co
Sec 3 Be It further enacted
whenever a legislature is to be elected
which is to choose an United 8tates sen
ator or presidential electors it 100
thaton account ct race pnjudlce the
state senators and members ct the Legis
lature will not be fairly elected at tho
election to be held by the state officers
then the secretary ot the United States
Ssnate shall appoint one commissioner of
election for each Darty having candidates
or expecting to have csndldits at such
election oa the written nomination of tho
exBcntive committee cf sach parties aad
In case any party should fill cr reluse to
nominate a commicsiortr th n the secre
tary shall select a suitable commissioner
to represent such party That said com
missioners shill make their headquarters
at the cspltal of tha state and wnenever
petitioned eo to do by ten voters ct any
county aad senatorial district they shall
each sppolnt one commissioner ot elec
tion for such county cr district who snail
each appoint one Inspector lor each
voting precinct In auoa county or
district who shall each appoint one
clerk and one peace cfiicer to hold a
special election lor members ol the Leg
islature and senators nt the same time
end places that such election is to be
cold by the state aatboritiesbut the polls
ot the one to be eo listaat from the
other as not to interfere in any way with
the state election Esch voter 3hsll tste
publicly tor what ticket or if he wishes
o vo > e a raxtd ticket lor what persons
ho votes etd his came shall be wrltter
oy the clerks under the ticket or persor
for whom he votes The list ot vote
hsllba signed and csrtflid to by the
inrpcc ors and clerks and returned to
the county commissioners nod D
them summed up signed certfld
snd returned to tho commissioners lor
the state who shall sign certify end re
turn them to tho secretary ot tha United
States Senate to be preserved as a record
In his offie aud if it shall appear from s
comparison ot the re urns so made with
the election returns made by the stst
esHars thatamsjorlly of the members cl
the Legislature snd state Senate were not
honestly aud fairly elected no perron
chosen as United States senator by sach
Legislature chill be admitted to a scat in
tha United States Sssate snd no vote
cast by oresldeutlel electors appointed
by such L ° glsiature shall be counted
Ssc 4 Be it further enacted that the
elccions provided for in tti act shsll
not fall by reason of the lvllure or refu
sal of any candidate or p rty to EominaK
commissioners and Inspectors ot elec
tion and that the election shall be valid
it held by one commiBlocrr tor a state
or county snd one Inspector with the
clerks appointed by him at any precinct
It those appointed x tho other parties
fail or refuse to serve
Sec 5 Be It further enacted that any
crlicer of said election who ahall make
any falEe or fraudulent return thereof
any person who ehsll be guilty ot fraudu
lent voting and any person who shall bv
threats violence or intimidation obstruct
or attempt to obstruct any efflcer of said
election Iron a discharge of his duty cr
obstruct or attempt to obstruct or pre
vent any voter from voting at said elec
tion shall do guilty of a felony snd on
conviction in the United States District
court ehsll be fined not les3 than 500
and be imprisoned not le s than oae year
Sec d Bs it further enact d that the
commissioners of election chol receive S3
per day ccd the inspector clerks snd
peace e Hirers S2 50 per day while in dis
charge ol their duty That all accounts
for txpsases of holdirg such election
date If Is the shall fiad to the commlesitnors
3 absoffitely ptfr
Tea tiHtnrsiej Iattromaatal la Itrlsclsc
ths nail Koctbsr Leader t tlh3 Qaliowa
St Louis Mo Nov 15 A special
Irom SprlDfifleld Mo say3 a rumor
reached that city this morning from
Christian county tho home cf the famous
Bald Koobber king Dive Walker to the
eflct that five of the wltuesses who tea
tided against him on bia trlil for inurdc
have oeun lynched by Bald Kaoboe rs It
is btld tint ths friend3 cf Walker waited
until tho Supreme court hsd passed upon
the case cl Walker and when it was an
nounce I that the exchie ot the Bald
Knobhcr regulators must hatg they
wr3iked vengeance on the 1170 leadingJ <
witnesses who brought him within Jtff
shadow ol the gallows
2 >
Court of Arpiols
Srccal to the 6aetto
thejjpurthjjgslgr nt 1
Tyler Tkx Nov 15 Tha Cour
Appeals made the first call ol the
assignment today The cout
transacted tho following business
Affirmed Johnson vs the State
Houston Crump vs the State
Kilns Powell vs the State from Palo
Pinto Heagacothe vs the 8tate frem
Rains Montgomery vs the State from
Certificate ta t JSira Dismisesd Ferry
vs Parker from Hunt
Motion for Rshearlng Overruled Test
ard V3 the State from Gorztles Robin Jfr
son va the State from Colorado Stone
vs the State from Hunt Blankenship
vs the State from Navarro
Appeal Dismissed Bailey vs the State
from Hopkins
v t Tho Su jreme court alsctgiade the first
tagriS cJloI today
nilltbsTO C3ii Notts
Specie to tbe Gazette
Hillsboko Txx Ncv 15 The fol
lowing murder cases which end the
criminal docket hava beea disposed of
State va John D Pl ts continue Uy
the state snd case set for Tnarsday ot the
sixth week of the next term ol court
State vs J M Drake on a change of
venue Irom McLennan cauntv continued
by the defendant State vs L P Garri
son continue by the state sad case set
for Tuesday cf the seventh week ol the
next term cf court State vs Hearj
Penrod murder not guilty
Tae following case htn al3D been di3
posed of Henry Herrlcg theft guilty
andtwayeira in tho pealteatUry Tom
English robbery continued Dan Dyer
Bwlndllcg gailty and giv3a two years
AlexRagland guilty snd given six years
Wiley Black robber guilty and gives
es m
moke JKlclNorth rolfna PI
10 Oenti
Will pay for Thk Wexklt Gak 3 a
month The best newspaper In Te7S3i
is E Anderson
Ot Indians
Whero Scgfnbe co
lors fj 52C3a ln ur
SCcesj > jaBv tbc treat
1 Sunday Gazette
Cressy hs3 all th chsracterlstlc
qualities of Bret Hartes cary work
touching pathos qua < nt humor fresh
charming descripton and sympathetic
any voter cnallecgod bo cert oy commlesitnorsr in
cletk3 shall write hallenged sfer af fo eKction and paid oac any money io 1
tt tsux7
rrtWCsroliffl PiaspJut
ad 1 tow at tbe
remain until
lied at bit rrlvatojar
3 P in rseromcnl
of Clseascs of the
LnnesS art Throat JUOnejj Stomtch and
LWerSgrvous TroabUsijfcectnmsrd Bladder
Catarrfpall dcfomliM SftplIepsy Paialjsls
rcmildfbisfaea tic yi
Those mffeilEK frum snyrif tho many dts
trcsslngsymptoms that minlfcM thtm elvtf ts
a remit of lndlsorctlc m st any time of life will
And Id theDootoit treatment a positive speedy
and pormai em care
Sneodlly cared wlthoat tho use of deleterious
mineral itraKs
With any trcube pecalar to their sex wit find
relief at onco and a permanent curs by a new
and scientific method cf treatlnKihcectrcublee
Your troubles will be stated to yon candidly
and no Incurable r ses taken
All sTUlcted Invited to call
Byjthe Author The Luck cf Roarlnt
Camp Tales of the Ar
gonauts etc
m inns hbw
Of Mining Lifo In CalifonUJ
Begins In
cf tree manliness aad
s even ccder the roughesi
iSf and most unicvitlcg exterior
It iS a love story ot dramatic situation
and exciting incidents
Appear in
Artrslsa bayipratfl head of Hocitoi
itreet nart Jit corner of squire Ho
rrctw tfi lf fioars We havo made rpicla
AxpBWSmeritg for the aacommodatloa o
TCdlaSsnUcmen tnd their families naia
wstfirij tho state Marble 4 navraaier
V Postal 1 ml sent to
fl isutll brin > ou an
ant Uoigfis
koM or
ibronze f Single lamp boxed and wnt tii express to
your house on receipt of wholesale prloe
OUDaiONE Liar Co 10 East am St 2sew Yobi
V hlktcy Haw
red nt home wtti
fcolc Bookotpar
JJLBJVPXTrYww Original
Iip fiiirs ana Machinists
Maanfaaturers ol too Celjbratfld To
Tforth Tfoil Drtlllns Machinery
Architectural Iron fort a Specialty
is Lie gnat men who waste tfimitelTea to mitketbi
vrorlJ brighter Sapotio is atrW cato of Scons
lag Soap tised for all cleaning purposes
> t to shame ia that wonan who talc3 no pride
T3Mier nputatioc who does not care to own a good
Siame for thrift and cleanliness If love for others
did not prompt a wife and mother to fceep a tidy
house and a bright clean kitchen a regard for her
social standing ju society ought to teach her to use
Sapolio in all her housecleaning work At all
grocers X08 Copyright JTarcb 1S37I
All in Perfect Working order and
As they now stand in
Ourt increasingbusiness necessitating more rapid machine
And having ordered tthe Latest improved Perfecting
Press and outfit we will have our presentPress
Machinery etc for sale about ISTo
member 1 Thejpress is one of fc
oes JNo 8 Latest Smoroved
BoxFrame Extra Heavy
DoubleCylinder Presses
Size of Bed 38x551 Ganacitv 3BQ0 per te
Wo have worked it to 4C0O The
new from Hoe Co five years ago
567Q0 There is a
Attached to each end of the press that ICutg Pastes and
Folds a paper the size of THB GAZETTE or larger if
T1W 1 0KMfi tHuired These folders are in perfect worJdag order
order and the
press was purchased
The list price wai
1000 each This machinery is in firstclasa
Except two Web Perfecting Presseefand
This is an excellent opportunity for a Daily Paper or
Large Weekly to secure a firstclass office The nachinery
can be seen running in our office any morning up to 530 of
any Thursdayorenoop For further particulars address or
call on