OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 25, 1888, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1888-11-25/ed-1/seq-5/

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65 Black Jand Blue Worsted Prince
Albert Suits Going at 2250 Former
Price 30
Fine fat in
cranberries for
stt Turner McCIure
AttheEllls Thomas WJacks 3alveson
in i srr Ice Chleaso rotmater
J H White Cotton Belt W Jones nbuyt4
NY O W Oallom Decatur E W Nay or iSl
ls ft C Bobert o Dundee Scotland W P
Richardson New York P J Mitchell Boston
G W Hunter Texas P W Price Weathcrford
OPCcrtie Corslcasa James ElncannonMis
Will Vitli Dallaa
Special to the Gazette
Dallss Ths Nov 21 Mes3r3 Henry
Exclland Colonel W L Hall received
dispatches to night from the secretary ot
the National Elltorlal Association now on
aa ts ursioh to the City cf Mexico that the
body had accepted the lbvi ation extended
by the citizens ot Dill 13 and would oe
hers atout December 4 Uoa their ar
rival they will ba accorded a splendid re
Wardrobes at Maldci r tjiiViiJ
Caeap for cash a fi Mj weekly or
montily payflaEWr Git prices here be
fore yqa
Njv 24 Tne president
has reappointed General Nuwerry post
maste r at Caicago his nomlnatiua hay
ing failed at the last session of congrees
A Coming Battle for a Monopoly of Al
Means of Electrical Communica
tion Jay Goulds Rival
Veil Telephone Bnaliew
Union or tbo Frocet
Boston Mass Nov 17 In March
1693 the broad patent for the art of tele
pathy which was issued to Bell in Mitch
1876 will expire by llm tation and then
tne art of transmitting speech by elec
tricity will bs open to every ono If be
fore 1S93 the government proves that
Bells patent was issued by fraud or mis
take it wlil be rescinded and then the
art of telephony will bo open to tho public
at once
The Important question to the public
who naturally desire to have the right to
use so great a convenience as the tele
phono free from exorbitant tribute to
any patent resolves itself into this in
quiry If the art were free to be used by
all at the expiration ot the rescinding of
Bths patent how could it be availed of
In a word If the art were open to the
public are there instruments nhlch
could be made and need outside of exist
ing patents Bell himself does not claim
10 have any inventions or patents for any
ins rurcent now in use in telephony
Blake has a patent tor a handy device
out it is not essential to telephony A
number ot Inventors English French
German and American have p tents tor
convenient devices In telephony bat
no one has as yet any basic patent in the
United States for an instrument essentli
10 telephony There are inventors whose
claims are now pending in the patent
cffie fdr the basic principle ot the uee of
carbon in a telephone but no one has as
yet secured this basic patent if any one
ever does get it broadly he will have
control as much as Bell has of tne use of
any and all instruments and his patent
will have seventeen years to run from the
date ot its issuance and it any one gets
control of this carbon principle before the
ojwf Aspiration ot Bells patent then he can
> ahut up every telephone instrument now
in use in the Ucited Sta es For while
Bell would central the art or process
which it will be rembered he patented In
1876 before he ever made a telephone
tne only iassrument would belong to an
other patentee
Naturally under the circumstances it
his been the policy cf the Ball Company
> o secure control of any and all claims for
inventions which would ccvar tae carbon
principle As tar back as 1679 the Bell
Company contrscted with the Western
Union Telegraph Company tne owners of
Eidsons claim to a cubon telephone to
give the latter onefltth ot all tae royal
ties which the former should earn In ei
change fjr the right to prosecute am
jftrss it obtaiaed EJlsots claim to the In
vention ot the carbon telephone instru
ment known to this day Un
der thesd circamstances tho 1m
port at question to the public 1 who
will secure from the patent offlca the
patent for a circcn Mephone Dravr
baugh and Eilson are the applicants for
it and both have been in the patect cflic3
asking for it since 1E80 but the contest
has been held off by agreement between
the parties pending the suit on Ball a ad
Owtog to the extreme backwardness of the season we have realized that the season cannot be made a profitable one and rather than carry
over large quantities of goods we will beginning tomorrow morning dispose of our entire new stock of Mens Boys and Children s Clothing at
Actual Cost
750 Mens All Wool Elegant Business
Suits Going at 11 Former Price 15
400 Sack and Frock Suits Stylish New
Patterns Going at 14 Former Price 20
500 Pairs Mens AH Wool Pants Go
ing at 385 Former Price 5
400 Pairs Mens All Wool Pants Going
at 495 Former Price 650
200 Childrens Knee Pant Suitsjoing
at 385 Former Price 5f
Drawbiughs claim to the art which wis
recently decided in favor ot the former
by a close vote of the supreme csurt
Tncre cin be no doubt as to the wisdom
of this course on the part ot the litigants
for whichever won thby did no want the
carbon patent running out its term cf
life uselessly whl e the patent for the art
covered the field ot telephony
Now tne contest in the patent oilica on
the priority ot invention of the carbon
telephone 13 apprceching and the ques
tion 1 can Drasvbaugh prove that he had
a cxrbon telephone In 1878 Justices
Bradley Harlan and Field ttougnthe had
oae of tnese carbon icstrumen s In use
ii 1870 and said so in their dissenting
opinion and the m j jrity of tho court
said that they ware not convinced beyond
a doubt that he had telepSonopefore
1876 The Beli counsel conceded that
Drawbangi made his instruments and
made uam iu th erdjr In which
he chimed bui h did not
oogla work uati IS7U II this
i3 so then Drawotagj m do a
carbon telephone in 1876 and as Edison
Joes not ctsim to have mide a cirbon
telephone before 1878 ii Is possible that
D anbingh may receive a patent for the
csrbon telephone lor which he is now
miking a contest in the pitcnt cffie It
the effl a does not grant it to him he will
appeal t the supreme court and while
this may not be reached for several years
yet delay 13 not fatal as he could not
freely use it before 1893 when the Bell
patent for the art expires but at that
date It would put Drawbaugh in Bells
monopoly and the exclusive control of
all telephones the same as Bell has had
slice 1876
But there is wheel within a wheel
Walse E lison and Drawbiugh are con
testing tor thebrcid patent on the carbon
eUphone on which turns the exclusive
control of the field of telephony from
1893 for b torm if seventeen years there
is a contest going on between tho Bill
ComDiny and tae Western Uaioa Compa
ny Jie owner of Edisons claim Tae
former pays 81000000 a year to the lat
ter uader its contract of 1879 by
which the great teiegraph monopoly
placed the Eiison Inventions in trust
in the hands cf the great telephone
monopoly Taa troubles brewing be
tween these twoigreat monopolies cf
electric comnaunicition turns on this
contract ol 1879 by which each agreed to
keep out t f competlon with the other and
tils was lived up to for years but
recently by the connecting cf local
telephone exchanges and now bf
the open construction of a great
interstate long distance telepnone
service which is proving a greit sue
cess the tleDhone and the telegraph Ssr
vicenave come Into direct competition
and lt ls estimated by those limlllar with
the business that tha telephone service
oust now reduca the telegraph itcame
oy at lj83t 1000000 annually so that
under existing circumstxrces the tele
graph companys royalty from th3 Beli
company under the 1879 contract Is
about nullified and the former compmy
is doubting the expediency ct coa laulng
it aod permttt eg Us buelness to be ab
sorbed Tnsre are so many breiches os
the part ot tbe telephone company that i
could be easily rescinded
But this is not the only lice of griev
ance cf Mx Goulds corporation It
cit lis and there is a tuit now pending
ontnis issue in the Uilted States coar
act d honestly as its tru3tef Thet o
of the telegraph company is that tbe co
200 Childrens Knee Pants Going at
35c and 50c Former Price 50c and K
The greatest opportunity to buy wearinfitpparel at Manufacturer s cost is now before you All goods during this great
sale will be sold for SPOT CASH ONLY
Tin Lafllt of Ibe WO U Sake be Mat
ter la Hind
The ladles ol tho W C T U are work
ing hard for a free reading room lor the
trvelltg public and the citizens ol Fort
Worth They have the room to furnish
and a library to provide for together with
other things Will they cull ic vain upon
our ladles of Fort Worth As the tims
is at hand for many families to renovate
their homes and supply them with new
furniture is there not a spare
piece that can be given to fur
niBh onr room ind in this way lend
a helping hand We do not seek psrsonal
benefit tnerefore we feel free in thus osk
ng tor tais cause Anyone desirous tc
do good in this nay win please send a
postal statlcg the iame or call at Mrs
John Bsraulsts president W C T U
i23 South M ln stieet Fjrt Worth Tex
Tbe Enrollment tir tbo Week and Otbsr
Intetctlrg Setters
The following is a weekly statement of
the average actnal enrollment attendance
and tardiness of the city i ubllc schools
of Fort Worth for tbe week ending
Friday November S3 1888
Building No 1 rooms 5 and 3 build
ing No 2 room 6 andbull ling No 4
room 1 had not a tardy for the week
While on account of the rain cold and
mud thero has been a foiling off from
last weeks attendance of 48 still there Is
an Increase over corresponding week cf
last session of 199
Many arc out en account of sickness
and soma becuse cf the difficulty of
reaching the buildings
I Is hoped that the return of good
weather tj11 befollowed by tte return of
these pupils to their seats
Cotton fitxjlen
Special to the Gitette
Aijllsgion Tkx N07 21 A sensa
tion was created en oar streets today
when It became tnpwu that Frank Ssun
dcr a youn cl z a f this place bad
stolen a bale cf coubn from M J W
Hammick list night and sold It In Fort
Worth this morning A man living near
Spruance ds gin heard cotton bcina
loaded about 12 oclock last night and
reported the fact this morning and on
investigation it wis found that a bale wts
missing and oa telephoning to Fort
Worth Mr Hsmstcb easily found his
cotton as It bed bean sold thero early
Ahls morning and from the description
he thief was at once identified and Mar
shal Gimage started on horseback at once
Li Il XX Gr CX 13 T fe C C5
to meet him which he did and arrested
him and placed him in the Fort Worth
APJessant Katettammant at Otptsla T A
xldbnlia Kcildecco
AnurLbjr oi the young people cf the
Firs wird have organ zed whit is known
as the Glass Slipper Club and had their
a st meeting on Friday evening at the
residence of Captain T A Tioball on
E t Bluff street There was music sen
s ble social conversation and a pyxing
time generally uch as can bo hid
by girls and boys who have been
well trained The meetings will
be held weikly Tho members ara
Misses Etta Borz Amanda Estill Sinic
Turner Kitle Vingaan Battle Jacks
Flora Anderson Anna lidball Miry St
Clair Virginia Wilson Annabel C ioper
Bessie Anderson Messrs Will Missle
Jtrry Ellif Hortce Hunter Mitleon
Jones Joe Hunt Alfrta Lucketf Qu >
Middox Will Geer Archie Martin
Charlie Wheeler
The cfllcera are Amanda Estill pres
ident Willie H ssie vicepresident
Virginia Wilson secretary Horace
Hunter tretsurer Stnle Turner and
Mattison Jones reporters
allppl J T Logan Pacific ExpreS Company
I rf Omroll Weathcrforii G H Martin New
Yotk biiuort JInrt Baltimore MIIDe Wolf
Phllaiieipbla J J Conklinir Dayton Ohio
311 M3 < dL 3X3 Houston Streets Port Wortli
43 Mlnlstcrs wishing church notices Inserted
In Tkk G zbtte Sunday murnlng are request
ed to hand them In by S pm Saturday They
should not bo sent by telephone us errors arc
liable to oocur
South Side Baptist Church On Broadway
Services by the pastor J 3 G llesple at 11 am
and at 710 pm Sunday school at 3 p in
ana prayer servlcsa on Wednesday
Cumberland PresjyteiMn churoh HnSmaos
hall on Hrln fir et beow Fifth streotup stalre
Kav It M Tlnnon pistor Sarday school at
930 a iu W i takes superintendent
Preaching at 11 a tc and 7 3 p m by thj pat
tor Scats Sree and you an Incited to these
Mrst Baptist Church Jones between First
ant Second ttreets Services at 11 a m and
7 SO p m Sunday school at 930 a rf J
M jrxan Wells pas or
The Christian church corner Sixth and
Throckmorton strfttL Preaching morilng and
evenl g by the recular minister Subject In
tne re
W A KoKTt Delias a P Sillea Archer Jolia
I N Mo411lstcrPt Lou tlcalleher isrwY rlr
L 1 Kohaie Clilcsg Dr A Thonipso and
wife Wtxanacala Mrs Armstronf Knnls V
O i rawfora New York Cit W w Iardharn
Boston U F KurtPhiladelphia Et Latham
CblcaRo II I Hn hee Hanitoa P J Lain
New lurte DE Wa oott Clayton N M John
S Asfrewa Ualas S F Uurpny Galveton
tVm KiUff St Louis Edward Warn r Nw
Y < rKJohnN Harris Texas Exurees Com
pany W E Benton Cotton Belt
At the Tick wick T J Beall and friend El
Paso J C Mitchell Alabama K Peters Texas
L Speckkman K nsas CUv E C Dodson8t
Lums S < m Cohen New Orleans H tl Oold
sticker Elgin J P ParkerSt Lonls S Haley
Oilcasri a E Mac Morgau E 3 Jlwpcr New
Vers Sirs Mabal Day Ooleman AM frientl
NtwOrleans J D It ed and wife Dido MM
Bonner Tcxus W H Smith F B Egetlolf II
Jl Badue St Loul M i Swearlncen Chlfdress
C W Collom Decunr J 1 Phelan Texas J VT
Horner El Pa o A Lctchwonh Pnllid 1 hla
3 F IIr kly Chicago Jonh O Easton Tomb
stone John NMoilister Texas Geo 3 Daw
eon J YS zer Dallas E LCiatletou St Louis
WF HnleNw Mexico S II SoysterSt Louis
U SSpangl < r T tnaPIlv J A Hudson Lin
eon Hi V B Wells J E Wlmmer St Louis S
O Woods Sherman Wright Jones T A Toin
nlng Dal as
At the Mansion DG GMbrothFeirls 111 J
D > > Inner Henrietta KSloopson Texas J B
UuncauBDd alfc Bfll < vlllcG W arrlngton
Wheeler county E M Hogule Greer count a
D Hortln MobeetleWaUeEdwards otLculs
W CColton Wco A T uonway DalasR
Collins w GCook McKlnney Tom M Cl rk
BearCreck A Kn ht P lo Pinto Tom V
Howard Goodvear Cook bullions Minstrel
J WBnrglsn ItlueMoucdJU ALulllnt Monte
r ty Mexico EHMgrgs Graniury A H Col
well 3prIngKarnJoh0 Weddlngton Texas
You ought ndflch a codbut if you do uso
Dr Bulls Cor M Syitap PrI e 25 corns
Oats bititisvscald acd the LUca of Insects
cured by ibatlon Ol rj Only 23 cents
i l
Contrndlctorr aiftiynent
Special to the Gazette
Another party who met the negro says
moming Christ AniomT the Candle the negro stated that the officer attempted
V ine evening SoIobu n a Typo of to hold him up The negro made his es
Christ All per o g made welcome
German KTangellcal St Johns church oa
Calhoun street between Ninth and Eleventh
troets No scrvl o will bo held to dat as
Bcv Carl F Baumann pastor Is going to
preach at Coitlcaia Sundayschool as usual
at Z p m Henry C S hmldt eapcrlntendCLt
Bradway Presbyterian Church Corner of
Hro day and St Louis avenue Divine ser jpjp
vice at 11 a in and 715 pm PastorBcv
Br Mitchell wll pnach this morpl
auout The Man Wlih tie One TalChi
Ssbbath school at 9 30 a ra James G
KoeSuoerlntcndont Strangers invited to al
tkese services and made welcome
The ladles of Mt FHgah JJaptlst church tfe
slre to navi the church untshed inside by the
1st of December I sorter to 0 sa Ujey will
ra e a crand time on Monday night Nyromber
C3 Biz supper cup cutting pities given
a ay to At of iho friends are Invited to be
out to ecrvlce > t3ano 110 You know what
wo need now P W Upjba pastor
Dallas Tkx Nov 24 A number ol
shots were fired in Kis Dallas near Gta
lon avenue tonight and the circum
stances as far as cm ba learned aro as
follows Deputy Marshal Wagner met a
zegro whom he declared commanded him
to throw up hi bands at tbe same time
drawing a pistol The efflaer drew his
pistol and began firing upon the negro
who returned the dra with vigor as he re
treated Nose of the shots took effect
Oil PatottsK t JCBd
Suitable for hCjfllay presents See
hem at thls popuur and low prices
tract of 1679 makes the Bell Company t
trustee for it tu nold the title to the Edli
son invention and to protect end push It
to final issue in the patent cSce so ss to
perfect its value and also to collect ts
much royalty ss it can end
pay onefifth of it to the tele
graph company The Western Union
Telegraph Compiny claims that instead
of doing this the Bell Company in lieu ot
royalty mide bargains with its sub com
panies by which is took block of con
trolling stock in each and hence the
telegraph company demands ite one flith
cf this stock the result of which would
ba to break the Bell Companys control
of its sab companies The Western
Uaion Company lurther Insists that the
Bell Company has net handled and is not
handling tne E lison c aitc In the patent
ciUce so as to win but so nt to lose
the pitest to all contestant Eiison In
eluded by proving that Edison rnidu
puollc use cf It in 167S and therefore
dedicated it to tbe public The reason
why the Bell Company doe3 this Is to
deitrcy tie vtla2 of tae Eii on invsn
tions becinsc It tears taat it Eiison
should get s patent and the 1S79 contract
should be broksn it would result in tie
return ot the Eiison patent to the
Western Uaion Compiny and this might
siye it control of the telephone tlld and
rork to lha Bell Companys exclusion
altogether from tut business
This then is the meat In thecocoaaut
and taat s great contest Is pending be
tween two giant corporations and cannot
long be put off Is evident That Mr
Gould wlil not permit his interests much
longer to be jeopordlzed is well under
stood and leading Bell officials also rec
ognize the Inevltible contest that is at
band and prole s that they are rcsdy f3r
the war that by merely attaching tele
graph Instruments to thi Interstate sys
tem they could Inside of a month have
the moat formidable telegraph system in
the Held that tbe Western Uaion had ever
hid to compete with aart all this without
the expenditure cf 8100000 The strength
ot this opposition would be that it i3 sup
ported on a business which is now estab
lished and paying 20 per certt oa Its cap
ital A leading telephone t Hi iw re cntly
said that the interstate through telephone
lines ought to be pushed and he should
advise that next year 52000030 of bonds
be piacea and the mosey put into con
struction so as to be reidy tor war
That a great contest is pending is evl
dent to all Insiders and that Mr Gould
can make war interesting and expensive
has been evident to the Mutual Union and
Baltimore and Ohio Telegraph comranies
and Bostons experience in Atchison will
make sny other Boston corporation dis
like to enter Into a long and derce con
test with Jay Gould
Bat scch a contest would not last long
It rtculd bo only a battle to sea which
wis to ewiliow the other The result ot
cinne cin only bo guessed ai Bat ths
Western Uaion is controlled by a rasa
win ha3 mide tbo business cf jwallow
ing corporations a study BeJI telephone
haa so master financial mini 3aly
salaried ctfhars with comparatively small
holdings cf stock who would rathe be
eaten than fight
Tot xtckcti BXaraimni asd waitlayj
order ot OhlldrpB gf f
Scotts Emrtliton ctFaxiiJj 1lSr OU wlta
nyophOBphlttsJa jSfjaaJecl The rapidity
with whlctiA
gals esa and stienjtrt
tponufifawwonderlnl Head the following
a Bistort cilllng for an accountiog jb fcute < i scotfs EmnJloa In cases ot
llegiazthit the Ball Company hes not WKfcetsana Marasmus of lens stindln and
have been than pleases with the results
a la ever caia tht laaproTt meat was maikea
J J a iurs 11 i > New loik

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