OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 26, 1888, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1888-11-26/ed-1/seq-4/

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ji x < x tfrc
Judge Brewer Says Ho Was Only on a
Pleasuro Trip and Knows Nothing
of a Consolidation of Roads
lb Contract tor Betiding 110 Milts it Ite
Fort Worthand Klu Grande Satrt to
Have ileen xt t In e Vot
Boms Kotet
J D Ilnnt ot the Ttxis and Pacific was
In Fort Worth yesterday
M Tnrnerof the S Lviie Arkansas
and Texas was In Fcrv Woith yesterday
J llroad msxagora cd citizens will
Biv the stock ytTds picket consideration
ciuins the present ek
Captain J P Moot M live atcck
agent cl tho Texas and lMinc has re
turned irom a trip west
cf the Cottoi
II E Fariel chief clerk
lemwcl from i
Belt in this city
trio to the eastern part cf Ihs state
It Is rrotabie th t fce Ilcustoa ana
T < z Central Till flaallT SO cut c ttt
cceiversh < 5s en November 28 whn
the United Sttte court nillake acion
in the matter
t that thi
A rnmor was cntuw last nip
Fort worth and Rio 0 e iffl 0 11
awarded the contract to bnlM 110 rnl
ol road and tfcat President Iaddcck mi
home to complet t
now on his way
rancemmts for the iracsnr tion of Kork
Csptaic A FanlKtttTr gecersl pis3scg i
cnt cf the Houston and Texas t > mrl
vTas I Fcrt WLrth last rigst ca Ma mj
to Houston from the Ianhande Captain
Fmlteer sajsFort Wcrthis isBUteplict
for union stcckyarets biing on the divde
and f B > ao
between the enz ng edrjc
of Texas He th rks Jfjit Worth will
qaickly becoxre a live stcck Tnartet il the
yards are established
What Jadae Dicwtr tj
Sxdaha Mo N3V 2S Jadgo
Brewer cf the United States citcolt court
ad Receiver K ldy of Mlesoarl Kansas
an Texas RUlrcad xcturseJ jesterdaj
afternoon from a pleasure tr p to Galvcs
tcr Texas To a reporter JudgelBrewer
eaii he knew nothing of the reported
cousolMxtlon of the Inlcr tJcEil and
G oitX rlicrn end Missour Kansas at d
Texas under the management cf the
receivers of the latter road The trip
south was purely one of pleasure end he
nad no j jrialcticn ever the iBtcrtatioasl
and Gr at Northern
Their Populnrltr ana KxteBtlve PMronoje
In Great tttltaln
One of the features ot the government
of Greit Britain Is the postal savings
back system it is very popular and
is largely patronized by the pub
lie save the Detroit Free Preis Is use
fulness is bsyond all question United
Sates Consul Waller of Liverpool has
been investigating this euDj jet and has
given some very interesting ficts about
its noikincs Ii a repcrt to the secretary
of etate The beginning of the govern
ment psstal savlsgi bitks was In
1861 undor a bill prepared ana presented
by Mr Giadstose Is was entitled
Anact aflndiae additional facilities for
depositing email sivlngi tt interest
with tho security ot tno goverammt
Blfnco >
Arrive Leave
Dli 7GOpm 7iOpn
Czpmi 7C0am 750am
boutu bound
tti d SKlic 310am
tlVIH TC5pm S15pQ
BuCNDArrlvr Loavo
c j itllr 7 5am
c idsiij BEOpm KOpit
o scat VOOpra
Jdlii Ir 805pm
to i d > J SI5aa SfCam
lillv ljWaic
tArrt7 Leave
72 > E
KoJI MO am
Arrive Lave
Worth bousi soam
SOUIOLSC 7 lOp = >
Arrive Leava
i liiSvm llMam
> x i 10prn 910pia
soi nViam 1140am
sr0j j a 5SOpra
rxve Leave
rortWorth 00pm 900am
Leave Arrive
lcptf < tralE < 6 05pm 855 am
AU the koovfc train mn the Union Depot
O D LUSK Ticket Agent
Laave Arrive
expiBMtnJ aiil 613pm 910 am
for tni duo repayment thereof Oa the
tcchitc aiiiiar That Lai ed far Two
There ere miny curious phenomena
ever present at the rataral gas wel
E ld s member of a big natural gis com
pary In Washington county Pa to a
Naw York Times coirefpondent in giving
some reminiscences of the development
if that great industry but I have never
seen anvthicg that struck me as
beitg EO peculiar as those that
were wllressed a few ysars ago
t a well in tbe Canada oil field at
Simla The well was belnR drilled
lor oil and at the depth ot 600 lent
a great volume ct gas was
found The gas was accidentally
set oi fire as it gushed from the weil A
fountain of lltnie more than fifty feet
high was the result 3 hat in itself was a
wonderful phenomenon for that district
then and would be today but the flow
cf burning gas has sti 1 gr > et peculiar
tier and such peculiarities as
no gas well in WtaSIrgton county
ever had
One of the peculiarities of the
Sarnia well was that evtry fllteen
mnutes as regularly as a deck
could mtrk the time a stream ot
Wittr three Inches in diameter spouted
from tie dtpihs and mingled with the
burning gs The force ot this water
cirrled tue llimes up more than 160
feet and separated the mats In dart
ns sprajs and sparkling showers ot
fire Tae waers chemiol composi
tion was euch tit there were cer
tain kflimniaDle qualities m it and theee
wculd make brightly iclored light U
mingle with the dull yellow fiima cf the
sis itself creating a natural pyrotechi
csl display that I never eaw equalled In
brilliant n startling < fficts by any arti
ficial combination ot explosives and com
bnstibles Streets cf bright yellow
globes d purple and fantastic shapes In
red piLk and blue leaned and aieced
ard whirled about in teat warring raei
it fire in a manner most enchanting The
ernpllon cf w ttr lasted exactly three
minutes when the Came ot gas would re
sume its normal condition Wbiie the
na cr was mingling with the flime a
strong smell ct sulphur pervaded the air
A strange thing connected with the
burning well was the way in which birds
ot illklDds were attracted to It while the
water tjs spouting They would circle
b ut the pillar of fire u tirlig hih
off jrant cries and cling n if they were
frantic Frequently the dames wonld
catch some unfortunate bird In Us flight
and It would fall dead or dying to the
ground This fire hid such an effect
on many kinds ot birds that they would
alight In tbe midst cf a crowd of spec
tators and permit themselves to be caught
by the score The owner ot the well
tried every means then known to extin
guish the burning gas but all to no pur
pose It burned without any evidence of
weakening or that it ever intended to
weaken for over two years when It
went out one dsy as suddenly as It
had appeared Another curious
thing about this well was that when the
gas took tiro there were a number rf oil
wells on the tract all yielding largely for
that region Their flow gradually de
creased as the gas Well continued to burn
and when It cesed burning not one ot tbe
wells was yielding a drop of oil snd none
was ever found on the tract afterward
although on adjoining teases the drill
tapped a liberal oil vein w
The rtneit Bji irra the tffen
At Andenoaijteus tore
L Dallas Dlrlnr the Snbj ci at Exports
of a 8cBndal ns 27atrm gicnrea
an ImcsUgatun
A Former B port by sn iBTiMlgatlcz Oc m
mtttee Oompl rely Exonerates the Min
ister IbsKatnreoI tha tiooble
Sreclal to the Gazette
Dallas Tix Nov 25
dsy of the opening ot the first bankf confidence
a iter this act 435 deposits were received
Occyear afterward the number had in
cref ed so greatly that there were 2535
olllcej open for the accommodation
ot the public In 18SC tho depositors had
Ircreased In number to 3731421 and the
imount ot money on deposit was 50
874 338 This tn American moae would
bs 32500COOCO Deposits cf 1 Shilling
or any lumber of ehiKIngr are received
op to 150 or 30 The interest
paid to 2J per cent a yeai
on every lull pound Raonld the
sum on depesit reach 200 the In
terest thereon will cstvse uutu tae amonnt
has been reduced The governmen his
made prevision for tho investment ol
lagirsumsinits securities Tae barks
wll receive deposits liora ptiects or
other relatives on behalf ef minor chil
dren Married women can also mike
deposits which are beyoid the control of
the husbands
Another feature cf the British system
Is that the government guarantees the re
payment cf all moneys ou deposit with
interest and also aiy life lnsniacces or
annuities granted under the act creating
thece banks The results of the measure
f Mr Gladstone have been such
a to recommend It to the good
the people of Great Biitain That they
do appreciate it Is shown by their liberal
patronage The cost of maintaining it i >
very little being about live eighths ct 1
per cent The guaranty ot the govern
ment makes the system absolutely efe
It Is in every respect a well regulated
financial institution Greit Britain is
not the only ration which has thest
postal savings banks Thy are a ftainre
ot the American nd Australian British
colonies They haves bei a engruf ed upon
the political system cf France Germany
Austria Italy Belgium Holland ano
AST May reports
a scandalous
nature clr
< were
> f5j culated in this
eity charging the
XRevB T Hanks
pastor of the
First Baptist
chuicb with out
rjgeons conduct
These reports
toon gained such
a general circu
lation andbecame
the tut j sets of
treet gossips that the church officials
hid to notice them and accordingly a
committee was appointed to investigate
rids crmmitteB repotted In September to
the congregation that they ccud find no
evidences whatever Implicating Dr
Hanks in criminal action and they sub
mitted resolutions expressing perfect
in his Christianity and
virtue and pronouncing the re
PTts as wicked slanders and
furthermore lLvItlng anyone who knew
o the contrary to make specific charges
These resolutions were unarlmouslv
npepted and the matter was thought to
b settled Lately however
fresh and It has became so annoying to
R v Hanks and his wife that on last
Sunday resolutions were c Bared at bis
< q lest propositi a church trial The
tettolulions provided that the tribunal be
composed of seven Baptist ministers of
the state the chairman ot which was to
be Rev B H Csrroll of Waco Aso
that twelve leading members givine
iieii names be appointed to gather
evidence and to otherwise assist
the tribunal but not to have
my voice in the verdict also naming the
date ot tbe investigttlon as December I
ntxt These resolctons were adopted
ov the church with only two dissenting
votes During the past week hewevr
tbe Hack3 opposition became aissathllid
with tbe plan ot the tral and charged that
oth the tribunal snd the local committee
were composed ot Mr links personal
friends This ifernoon a joint com
wlll of mittee ot both sloes met at the retldetcs
of Mr John L Heniy
that would be satisfactory to both parties
The Hanks opposition asked that they be
allowed also to ntme seven mlnlsers for
the tribunal and the local committee of
twelve members ct the church to as
sist in collecting evidence and that
tee date of trial ba postponed till Decern
ber 10 so as to give them time to get up
their case This was acceded to by the
Hanks committee and to night resclu
tlom giving t fleet to the report of the
joint committee were unanimously
adopted by the church after having been
warmly suppor ed by the minister him
self The resolutions provided that the
church as a whole would accept the ver >
diet ot the tribunal whatever it migot
be The trial is awaited with much in
Kec < p ion by Powder the IeglilatlT
Oommlttoe At jiarnment
t roKsXitjFr
ELEGATES to the gen
cnl assembly tock ad
vantage of tne pleasant
woather to see the
sUhts the only busi
ness being done by
General Duster Work
man Piwderlj Daring
tne day he received
delegates in g oups
each states represeu
tatlvts calling on him
in a body He went over the ground he
wished thim to take up
Last nigit the delegaes who are here
representing the ceceral assemoly held a
meeting and elected Hugh Cavaniugb
Cincinnati president James Fttmmc
S iawnee vice president and Ms A P
Stevess Toledo secretary to cU a
meeting ot Ohio distiict assemblies early
in January probably at Cclumorslcr the
purpose of choosing a legislative commit
tee to work at tho state capital The
plan is to organize euch committee in the
same manner as the national executive
committee Its business is to
strive to secure state lects alive
acilon on subjects ct interest 10 the
working people Two representatives
willprobcolybe present f rem each assem
bly and some effective work Is being
looked tor by the movers
A Lumber ot delegates have already
secured their milesge and started foi
home and those still here are hoping tor
an early adjournment Some thins it
impossible to complete the work ot the
corverUon before Tuesday noon The
rst llation otiuiorf the censure of
SkefiUgton snd further matters from the
law committee trill tke up the remaining
A Mother Kills Her two Danghtira snd
On Ber Owa Throat
St Louis Mo Nov 25 Advices
from O rk Mo state that news has
reached there cf a horrible tragedy which
occurred yesterday evening on Bull
Creek eighteen miles south of Ozaik
William Pruitt an old citizen ot Tone
county had left home early m the morn
ing to assist a neighbor In some wcrk and
upon his return hcrno found his
wo daughters aged eleven and twelve rt
tpectivelg laying on the floor shockingly
mutilated on the head and face A bloody
hachet lyUg on the floor near the pros
trao bodies ot the little girls showed
that it had been the instrument used In
the savage work The mother of the
girls could not be seen aoout the bouse
and after a long search she was found in
the woods with ber throat cut from ear
to ear the lifeless hand still gracolng the
razor that did tho fatal work No cause
for the unnatural actions of tbe mother
except temporary insanity can be si
gssted jP
CnUlnjcaff ijatKIctrmoiid 0f
Speclal to the Gazette
Richmond Tkx Nov 25 foc
curred on Railroad street last n gat be
tween two section men in whtc XAugust
Bernhaift was seriously cut Intthe bowels
and row lies tt the point of dtatb wltnl
1 no hope of recovery The name of the
perpetrator could not be learned
A Colored Vctttval itb Shot Gun Aecon
Correspondence of the Gazette
Blcssom Tex Nov 24 Two negroes
got into a d in ulty last night at a negro
festival about two miles east of this place
and one ot them Martin Mlnter shot and
killed the other Ante Lse Mlnter shot
at Le three times two of tho balls tak
ing effect In Lees body the third misslne
him and strlfilcg another negro Marsh
Grey bnt Greys wound is not dangerous
The particulars of the difficulty are not
known Mlnter ma3e his escape and his
not been captured up to date
That U the Advice Given Indiana Demeerati
who ars Member
solo Conl 5BP Colds
Hilars In all vByfil tna ori
ffims icpoAtDcr Utile ps
tfeMuro Try 8eotta Ei
Kbontz adju
tant general
of lodlans
e xpres se s
strong appro
val ot the ac
tico Gener
al LfiliiiBC i i
rom th Grand Atmy of the Republic
and says that Indiana Democrats who
oelong to the order bave eqial cause foi
complaint He does not coarse that the
order has been used for the promotion oi
political intere3but In the campaigns ha
says the ptrtslan ztl of toe Republicans
leads to tbe scclal ostracism of1
Democrats in ptrts where Republicans
are in mi j rlty In consequence bethinks
he will withdraw from the order himself
and will enccurage other Democrats to
do so but no attempt will be made to
organziin Independent Grand Aroy ot
the Republic composed exclueively cf
Democrats as a member of the party
has suggested He does not believe such
i movement could be mede a success
and it ccnld not be done anynon
under the Grand Army of the Republic
constitution because it does not allow
the introdcctlon of politics into the order
in any way
Appointing Delegates to tha Ootventlon at
St Lsnts
Chicago III Nov 25 About a hun
dred delegates were pressnt at s secret
meeting of the American Section cf So
cialists ttl3 afternoon The chairman
stated that the meeting was called for the
purpose of instructlns delegates who
wculd represent tie trades and labor as
sembly ot this city at the Amsilan Fed
eration of Labor whose convention be
gins at St Louis on December 11 next
Altera lengthy discussion delegate weie
Instructed to vote for the eight honr
movement to take place in 1890 already
outlined by the Amer can Federation ot
ouiecT of the convention
St Louis Mo Nov 25 Information
was received trcm Chicago yesterday
that a new eighthour movemmt has
been begun among the work agmen ol
socialistic tendencies and that the con
vention of the American Federation ol
Libor w h to be held in St Louis on De
cember 11 next It is said that the pur
pose ot the convention will be to con
sider the advisability ot organizing a
m mmothstrike to go Into eflect Jure
1800 by which to gain s setlement cf the
eight hour qiestion Mr J Znck sec
retary ot trie Jourceymen Tailors Uaiot
ot St Louis was seen last cicht Ques
tioned Mr Z ncksaid I have received
a circular from Caicsgo relating to tbe
convention cf tbe federation ol Tabor but
there wis nothing In it of special charac
ter nor anything about an eighthear
movemont or contemplated strike If
anything hid been sent to our union cf
nncb a nature it would have come to me
We know nothing cf it
Co Usve a Fair Next Yitr tt Koercr
Honey Cnn Bilns It Atom
Special to the Gazette
Wichita Falls Tkx Nov 25 The
S ate Fair Association divided the state
cf Texts into five districts and recom
mended the establishment ot a fair asso
ciation is each district Wichita count
is located la the fourth distiiot Bnd a
meeting cf her cltiasns was held yester
day afternoon to consider the eubiact of
getting tbe fourth district fsIr established
at Wichita Falls Afer considerable
discus ion a committee cf five was ap
pointed v z Mjir J A Fore
man J a Kemp W E Brothers
Cnarlet A Horn and A Newby
The ccmmlttse were Instructed to open a
setot s cck oooks and prncurn subscrip
tlons to tho amount ot 10000 After
that a meeting cf stockholders will be
called and a beard of directors and offi
cers will be elected who will take hold
and mtnsgs the business Oar citizens
are ic earnest about this matter and in
tend to make a success of it
Another committee was also appointed
to Immediately raise enough money tc
tqilp a sigaal eervice station as Wicnlta
Freight Train Derailed
Special to the Gazette
Whitzwright Tex Nov 25 A
freight train on the Missouri Kansas aid
Texss Rtilway was wrecked near here
to day by a misplaced switch The en
elne and one car were derailed Ptssen
ger train 605 was delayed here an rour
Iidorsed tcr Pobllc Printer
Chicugo III Nov 25 Typograplcal
Union No 16 at Its regular meeting this
afternoon unanimously indorsed Captain
WiUilam M Meredith ot Chicago for
the position ct public printer
Samuel Wood of Cooleyvllle lad has
a dog that beats anything on record A
hawK caught one ot the hens and flew
away with it It got eight feet In the air
when tbe dog gave a jump and tbe hen
got away all right bnt the hawk Is en ex
Many People B f at to Take Cod
i M tverOUon account of lta unpleasant tasto
jThla difficulty has been overcome la Soottj
Kmnlalcn of Cod Liver Oil with HvnoMis
It beingts lulltablo asmtuihafi the
oslRalQabe remedy krown for l > oSMlment
of Cpsnmptlon SflrafWa and Bipvilt Gee
craltDEbllty SWtre Dlsesrs oJphlldren
Who Bai Oos Xhouaacd Five Hundred
OTlver Fits ct Whom He Kills Dally
Jnjt tot Amunment
London Telegraph
A Frpnch missionary who has ja3t re
turned from Uganda shares the opnion
held by eo many authorities that Stanley
is safe He declares It la abnolutely im
possible tntt if Stanley had succumbed to
an > > ttack the news tbraid not have
resched the missions It seems that
when the intrepid traveler started from
the falls a npjrt wis spresi that he wts
2olcg to eat up Uranos icordlng to
the expression in fashion In those be
nizhted regions Tne missionary thinks
that Stanley Is keeping qilet tor the
present either because be has some pollti
cal pre j > ct in view which is not yet ripe
or because he fears his appearance might
Wad to the mass > ca ot tne English and
French missionaries particularly cfthe
former w io are now at the
court ot Monargt the soveiegn ot
Uzanda This same Monanga
seized as a DUlssut negro king
ruling over 10 000000 Ssubjects and
as ferocious as he is powerful He is ac
credited with being the happy pcB3essor
of 1500 wives five ol whom he dally kills
off for bis own amusement Some time
ago Monanga received from Asia Minor
through the medium cf the slave
dealers in Egypt Intelligence of
the ecqnlsitions made by England
and Germaoy on the Zttzlbar
coast He at occe assembled all his
courtiers and made them swear that they
would exterminate all the whites who
might seek to eat up Uganda The
first result ot the ceremony was the Im
prisonment of Mr Gordon an English
missionary who had unluckily selected
that very dav to read out to Monanga a
letter from Mr Parker a fellowmlsslon
ry reproscoiog that monarch with his
enormities and exhorting him to turn
over a new leat Mr Gordon is or
was in durancs as a host
age Monangas very unpleasant
oehavior toward him warned the
French missionaries to withdraw from
bis dominions the only one who has
remained oenlnd being Mr Sourdel
whos3 medical skll is highly appreciated
ov tbe tyrant who has a decided horror
rfdesth Monanga is the l rge3t slave
trader in Central Africa He supplies
tne Mohammedan dealers annually wi b
aboot one hundred and fifty thousand
ve which are transported frrm tbe
Zanzibar coast to the Persian
Gun aud tbe Euphrates Landed on the
aores of Arabia the victims are sesj
on to Asiatic Turkey where they ate sow
oi the sly through the medium of the
p 5 s who receive about 10 francs per
bftsd for ihelr trouble Many however
dlo on tbe road end sometimes a wholt
csrgo ot these poor people are carried eft
bv sickness In short too story related
by this missionary is simply heartrtnd
mg and he tvlcontly Inclines to the view
that Stanley has be n fecplng darh
through the fear that the whites whom
Menace c ij in his power raleht be sum
nriiy put to death with insult and tor
Katls on an Arkanaa Homo Bobba rive
tlmti Wltbtn ren Days
Little Rock Aicc Nov 25 The
agena cf the postal sei cs la this city
are greatly worked up over a systematic
series of robberies on the Star route be
tween Plummerville on tho line of the
LUIIe Rock and Fort Smith Rtilway and
Loblcntz in the Interior of Conway coun
V The matter has been kept very qntet
and the secret service department has been
at work on the case several days It i
known however that tne mails on this
route have been robbed five times witrafi
the last ten days and the amounts se
curred altogether will aggregate about
1500 taken on various occasions from
regietered packages The mail on the
route is carried on horseback by amiddle
aged man and passes through several
foarthclRSs cSices Tbe department has
men at work ferreting out the crooked
ness and it is safe to sav that the robber
will be located Some ot the letters con
taining money were directed to Wolf
Bros of this city
Ottawa Ont Nov 25 The unpre
cedented number cl 240 Chinese persons
landed at Vancouver B C during Octo
ber and as it is ntterly Impossible for
Canada to absorb the Mongolian element
at this rate the Inference is that thetr oo
jsctive point is the United States That
twothirds ct them will reach the States
is owing to the unprotectad state of tie
boundary line believed to be a certainty
It is bolleved that during the coming ses
sion of parliament tbe government will
enict legislation restricting Cmuesa im
Wardroberfst fllajjrloi A E Bases
Cheap tor cashfeQ Ton easy weekly or
monthly payments Get prices here be
fore you buy fcn
n > +
110 Oents
Will pay for Tbss Webklt Gazxt
oy the Rlncle month < 8100 ry tnevflar
Oi Proof Press
Size x31 isefces Good as New
Frame 1 and riidy f > i use In fiir
emocrat PnlbiIiiig Co
Fort Worth Texas
5l n
950 pm
310 am
920 am
llb rm
455 am
Sits am
7 20 am
815 am
850 cm
It Worth
Oortl oaaa
9B0am Waso
1245 pnvEeans
10 lfi amJ Austin
E 00 p jiiHoustott
7 E0 pmJGtJTes ton
6 65 amNOrl aii
Arrlva I
1040 pjn
B ffipn
Debw leMport Wirt BB
Shortost line quickest time from Gulf of Me
Jco Fort Worm and all principal polntiTla
coast Including Trinidad Pnebto Utnttrn
Colorado Springs Donvo andsln Lak2
Utah Daily trains
leaving Fort Worth 8M a
m0ompietng new and eglnUy eqlrTrUi
Pullman palace sleeping car and dlX
service throngh to Denver connecting
oradolnncil n points with A T S Ftf
gnlln ctlo Swa
Rates of Fare Fromjirivorth
To Trinidad 17 79 t J MtVl < 2200 to Call
orado Spring 23 jtfjftnTtr Oo
From Fort WprtJtto Trlnldsd and rttttraSiSjai
to PnebloXSf do hrriiurs and return 827 t
ffijSIflOtBnl m ° ° ° 81 lake an r
OWSts ood for SO days going and SO days n a
tugrlEg with lay over privileges both v
is de or ticket until OotoberSliasS
Made by all railroads In Colorado to person
holding our ea caraion tickets
The summer resorts of Colorado are noted tn
wcrld over and the eoenery over theiDenvei
and Bio Grande Is tho grandest on earth
Tickets on sale via Texas Panhandle Bout
at ail coupon ticket stations In Tetaa act
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Tb itut Foimlu EozJt fititttta
the east mm WIST
Short Line to New Orleans en
All Points In Loulsajgf
New Mexico ArlzoW
and CallfMiiBf
FaTorlte Lin the North a
i p
DouMf ilal7 line of Pullman Falaaa ait
CareSeouch to St Lculs via ihs
See that your tickets read Tla Texas ac < rat
cine Ballwav For maps time tables tick
rates and all required information call ca
O D LU3KTicket Agent Union Dpot
JAKS ZUBNTioketA exj city oaaa <
ner Main and Third sixeeii
H O ABOHKB Traveling PauanguAjga
B W HoOULLOUGH Gondii Passant
and Ticket Agent Dallas Tex
Is tha Thcracjhtira pt BprVtTtattMaa
JNO A GRANT General Uanaear
X2oes Oroot
Bomi ani Set Trifel
North East and West
Double dally terries of altgsat Ptanaiaa
BaSet and Sloeplng Cars bctrtci a Aatoi
end BAnsas Glij and at Locls
Dont ba deceived bnt call fo your iisko
via tho Missouri Paciac Ballway
For any desired information Utketi st >
folders eta can on o D LUaE
Ticket Agent Union depotFort Wortt
JAKE ZUBXVTleket Ag9St Ctlr OtEoa oai
scr Mnln aad Third treats
TaxaaPassAent Faswotn ex
Genaral Pass and Tlcaei ak it
Houston and Texas Cantral S >
inu AixsranL sail lhh
No 2fa3t mall DGnlsoa to Honstoa la u
letn hczrs Throswh BsSat sauori U V
twtan Galveston and St Louis aac Carals Sr
and 8t Louis via DaUaa Denl rd aw
SadaJla Pullman sletpota aad dnwttir o
cars batwoen Houston and Aujtta rt
Steamship tlokets to orfttsMsay pol
Going South
No i ITo4 <
VASTeolix lien
V 1 He
mo a
VM a
ffipt B60w
4SC pn 85Csi
415 p a
12 oapjE
710 M
720 pm
310 avai
700 ao
1240 xr
8or a
AFAULKNKB Gen Pass Agent Uourur
C D LUSE Depot Ticket Airent
Santa Fe HRoute
No 7
330 pra
720 pm
910 pm
9 10
M < t
1020 pm
1920 pm
920 am
10 CO am
12 35 pm
5 40
5 20 aolArrT Temple
10 WKS O Olsbrne D
nlgir AEiWorthD
D Ft Worth A
Kan City
A St LoulsD
No S
5 00 pm H 10 pa
110 700
15 40 am 5J0r
835 250
4 05
1120 I
12 60 pm
1015 am
5 00
4 00
i 900am
Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Oars be
tween Galveston and Kansas City on traraa
Kos 1 2 and between Temple and St Loula
on trains Kos 18 Jjliies s Cass
G P A T A Galveston
J E Smith Oity P T A i S >
O D Lcsk Depot TA J i >
Fcai oirtn
KansasCv l tfftiiiis18
When you tala Bjtrft call on ns we can sava
you all toe wAyttOm to Jio U O Paulsen 4
Co 603 JfAfiftBrownlng A Nicks drug store
memhgteTAmerlcanTicket Brokers Association
10 Cants
Will pay for Thoi Wkekly Gaz 33 a
month The best newspaper In Tes3 >
The Sunday Gazette 150 a y ti

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