OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, November 26, 1888, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1888-11-26/ed-1/seq-6/

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Hsmo Famous Ken Wi Hitb large Nft
B4l Or gang Tno TraKO That
Tey Infllcsle
Talk lib nn Erpeit on Character oj Ite
vealea by tte H010 Bomjn Kosti
Lili xbcie of Anlmali
Philadelphia rrese
Ive never known of a man with a big
nose who wasnt smut said a professor
In the Jsfferson Medical College
The great Napoleons nose was big
Gladstones nose Is bis but It ends In a
sharp point BismarcK has a big nose
that Irhow ver almost flit on the end
General Grants nose waB not too large
bnt It wub large enongh to be prominent
Blaines nose Is very prominent and all
his children Including his daughters are
easily distinguishable by the same large
feature Jay Gould Is possessed of
a large nose so Is Russell Sage
and CvruB W Held The late
John Kslly had a flit pug nose
General Harrisons nasal organ is quite
large but not so prominent as that of
Levi P Morton or the Old Hunan
Joseph Pulltzr and Charles A Dans
both have large noses Palizers Is very
prominent Governor Hills is an excep
tion to the rule His nose is quite small
Dr Talmage and Dr John Hall both
famous pulpit orator have large noses
So have Secretaries Bayard and Whitney
Ban Butlers nose Is quite small so Is
Henry Wattersone but Giorge W
Chllds < Austln Corbln Chauncey M De
pew Evsvrenco Barrett and scores of
others who are prominent before tne pub
lic have their fall sharo of msil oruan
Dr Jerome Allen cf Ken York City a
well known leader la educational matters
in a recent lecture on temperment
acknowledged that he had made a pretty
close study of noses In connection
with his work thongh ue wished It dis
tinctly understood that he did not appear
as a noseologist In any sense of the word
He added
It we look at the noso of a lower
animal we find that It Is always typcal
of the character of the animal possessing
it For example lot us take th3 no e of
an EagllBU bulldog A hound could
never have the chart cter ot a bulldog un
less he oorrowed the nose c a bulldog
So take the note of hs cat family the
hyena tho wildcat the common cv and
whenever that peculiarity Is found the
same nature Is observed So
we might go through with
all the animals Now we find
that the noses o all the lower animals
are repreeented in mankind Look at the
street as jou pass along and you will find
the cat nose the hound nose the bulldog
nose the apo nose and even the fish
nose and face as well as the eagle nose of
the man who is of a grasping hard dispo
sition which thia formation always Indi
cates for a person possessing an eagle
nose has an eagles character
Can you give som3 specific examples
ol nose3 wntch represent distinc and
different traits ot character ho was
Tae doctor hunted among the shelves
of his effice and Droouced a portfolio He
opened this displaying the outline
sketches ot several heads and noses They
were those ot women end all taken from
life Here is tho nose cf the first sketch
The young lady possessing this u noce
ba a
Qaakere s e
in her so
briety and
demure car
riage but
her n o b 0
says that If
she i3 sober
and demure
it Is the re
sult of study
and h r d
work and is
affected for
15 also says
the ia bright
vivacl o u s
and rather
witty that
a rosirivE nosk she llksa to
Wlk captivating nonsense that sno is
somewhat emotional and Is positive in
her likes and dislikes that she is by no
means lacking in culture that she 130
little bit Imperious and wilful end if she
cant have her own sweet wa7 will cry
and force instant capitulation from any
person who is not hopelessly and lrr
deemaoly hardened Here Is a tienevo
lont nose
It shows a desira for the acquisition
ot knowledge
without too
much hard
work and a
disposition to
laterest her
self In be
half of her
These are the
most prom >
lnent traits
as indlcited
by this nos9
It is a benev
olent sort ot
organ and
perhaps I
may say hare
more of this
type decor
ate female
faces than
any other The curve
trom eyebrow to tip la the mars of curl
oslty The sharpneBC of the point is in
dicative of mental activity Here is an
interesting nose
It is e vigorous pushing nose yet re
flaed and cul
tured to the last
degree It is
what is called a
strong nose In
the complete
censo ot tho
word There is
not the first Use
to Indicate a po
Htlc or tricky
disposition In
fact the reverse
is the case It is
beyond doubt an
Intensely consci
entious nose and
coupled with tho positive j w develop
ment evinces a rockIlk firmness In fidel
ity to principle and cjnvictlon The
oman who pctsessed uch 0 nose as
nainet Msr ine u Susan B Anthony and
Acnes Strickland has almost invariably
made herself a power in the world
whether large or small It show3 a good
deal of Idealism coupled with a good
< < ca cf practica hard c immon sense
Xvcrj vrcraaa wU ce Irtte3
In this nose i
tlally a feminine
being a touch of
curiosity ana a
great dial o af
fection In it It
li a loving and
lovable nose a
good comforta
ble noso to get
along with o
bright and ener
getic nose withal
and one in which
high aspirations
social graces a
strong desire to
please an In
tense capability
for emotion are
all prominently
marked the
grosser lines ot
t >
J srcopiii
the msicnllce
snub are wanting and while the class to
which it belongs is no the highest jet it
Is vaotly superior to many more preten
tious coses which carry slcrg with their
marks of profundity the marks ot dlsa
greeable traits whlcn more than offset tae
alleged superiority Here Is a very good
cose and one tins means considerable
Iccertaln coy end hard to please
fond of praise
and In lers
ant of any
thing border
ing on failure
is what this
nose pro
claims a s
traits ot its
fair owner
It 13 fair
eximplo of
the compos
ite atd on
the whole is
rj to no wear
cr There is
strength and push about the lower part
of the organ and whatever the sphere of
life the proprietor cf a nose ot this sort
may be in she must be successful or be
unhsppi Social conquest and luxury
once enjoyed would be simple necessi
ties thereafter While not an intellectual
nose it is brainy enough for all practical
purposes and is preeminently a social
one Here is another very Interesting
It is a fair example of the composite
w e 1 lb a 1
anced cul
tured nose
showing the
good quali
ties cf toe
brain rather
than of the
held It is
a liter a ry
but not an
artistic nose
and tho re
flaement of
the lines is
ue question
ed It is not
an impulsive a literary hose
coce nor do the material tastes
and desires show in It to a ay great
extent It is a selfcontained even tem
pered nose but cot one willing to take a
second place Morally and mentally it is
rather strong than otherwise and is such
a one as migt be inherited from a good
long line of worthy ancestors
A COPT ct tho Original Decree ai Idued
bj Pontlai Pilate
London Tablet
A correspondent ot Notes and Queries
extracts from the KoInUcheZsltung what
is called a correct transcript ot the sen
tence ol death pronounced against Jesus
Cnrlst The following is a ccpy cf the
most memorable judicial s ctecco
which has ever oeen pronounced
ia the annals of tho world
namely that cf death sgs3t the
Saviour with the remarks that tho jour
nal Le Droit has collected the knowledge
of wnich mucp must be interesting in tne
highest degree to every Christian Until
now we arc not awsre that it his ever
been made public In the German paper
The sentence ia word for word as fol
Sentence pronounced by Pantlus Pi
late intendect cf the province of L wr
Gililep that Jssas of Nizsreth shall suf
ter death by the cross In the seven
teenth year of the relin ol the emperor
Tiberlu and on the 25th of the month cf
Marcn in the most nolycity of Jeiuia
lem during tho pontificate of Annas and
Calsphas Pontius Pilate lntendsnt of the
province ot lower Galilee sitting in judg
ment ia the presidential seat of the P 1
tors centetces Jesus Christ ct Naza
reth to death on a cros3 be
tween two robbers as the numerous and
notorious testimonicls ot the people
prove 1 Je6usis a mUleader 2 He
has excited the people to sedition He
is an enemy to the laws 4 He calls nlra
eelf the son of Gsd 5 Hh calls himself
falsely the King of Ijrael G He went
into the temple followed by a multitude
carrying palms in their hands Orders
Tne first centurion Qiintus Cornelloue
to bring him to the piaco ot executloz
Forbid all persons rich or poor to pre
vent the execution of Jesus The wit
nesses wno have signed the execution
sgainst Jesus arc 1 Daniel Robici
Patrlsee 2 J > hn Zirobabel 3 Rapnael
Boani i Capet Jesus to De taken out
ot Jeruialem through ths gate of
Tho sentence Is engraved on a pla o of
brass in the Hebrew language and on lis
sides are tae following words A similar
plate has been sent to each tribe It
was discovered in the year 1280 in the
cityol Aquil iqullla in the kingdom
of Naples by a search made for the dis
covery of Rman antiquities and re
mained there until it was found by the
commissaries of art In the French army
ot Italy Up to that time ot the campaign
In Southern ItalyJH was preserved In tae
sacristy cf the Carthusian near Naples
wnereltwas kept in a box cf ebony
Since then tho relic h s been kept in
the chapel ot Caserta The Carthusians
obtained It by their petitions that the
plate might be kept by them which was
an acknowledgement of the sacrifices
which they made for the French army
The French translation was made liter
ally by the members cf the commission ot
arts Denon had a fac simile ot the plate
engraved which was bcught by Lord
Howard on the sale of his cabinet for
2S90fr > iuc3 Tnere seems to be no his
torical doubt as to tho authenticity ot
this The reaibns of the sentence corre
spond exactly wth those of the gospels
Everybody eh
Ivers Pond npri
step attachment
a eenfttios
idHjnte the improved
plant with harp
L re creiting quite
Correspondence of the Gazette
Land and Cattle
Company V3 M L
McCab et al ap
peal from Tarock
morton TnIs suit
was brought by ap
pellant to restrain
the collection ot a
l special ichool tax
> 1 assessed and levied
f ml in a school d s rict
wM Ma ia Throckmorton
HfW Legaity
MlTl > ot the said tax Is
qiestloned on two
grounds 1 Taat the county commis
sloners court txeceded thtir authority m
dividing the satd county into districts
2 That the elecilon was not ordered In
conformity witu la < v Held That sec
tion 23 ol the act ot 18S4 Is not to ba con
strueo as rt quiring the county to be
divided Into at least lour districts It is
vision ot the state into counties The
contention that it rt quires a division and
then subdivision mus nececsarily cre
ating four districts cannot be sustained
Petliass for the election prayed that the
tleciionbecrJera in said school dis
trict to determine whether or not a speciel
tax b3 levied tor the purpose of build
ing school houses and supplementing
the state echool fund apportioned to said
district Tne order of the court recites
that a petition had been presented to
them praying that an election bo held In
said school district to determine whether
or not a tax shall be levied for ch6ol
purposes in said district and proceeds
to direct that an election be hed at a
time and place named Held The stat
ute not prescribing a form In which the
question shall be eubmltted to the popu
lar vote tho language ot the proposition
is Immaterial provided it substantially
aubmiS the question which the law au
thor Z3F witn uffi3lent cartainty and
deflnlteness that the voters are not mis
led oy the difference in languige
Affirmed Gaines J
SJ Hcksvs E JOliver adminis
tratrix appeal from Busk Oa appeal
from the county to tbe district court this
suit was dismissed because cf the insuf
flclency ot the appeal bond It is shown
that the appeal was fromorders In the
county court authorizing tho sale of cer
tain property and making an
llowacce to the administratrix widow
cf deceased in lieu ot exempt
property Tae fcond described tne prop
erty as a brick Ftorehonse and lot The
band was lor S2500 and It is claimed
that it was ba t because the statute does
not contemplate an obligation for a stated
sum Held The bond was sufficient
Kversed and remanded Gaines J
Joseph H Brownv H L Wyatt et al
appeal from Ellis The evidence shows
taat by mutual consent the firm ot Wyatt
Jones was dissolved Jones took the
stock all noteB and accounts and as
sumed all liabilities In order to secure
Wyatt against the firm creditors the
notes sued on were given by Jones to
Wyatt It was agreed that if Jones paid
the creditors the t mount so paid should
be a credit on the notes When the enit
was brought neither Wyatt cor Jones
had paid any cf the debts of Wyatt
Jones Attachments were issued and
appellant ict6rvenor claimed under e
second writ Appellant contends that
the notes did not evidence a debt
that would authorizi as attachment
Held It the result cf the transaction be
tween Wyatt and Jones was euch as to
creae only a contingent liability the at
tachment wis without authority of law
But tors is not the case The notes upon
their face are unconditional promises
The fact that any pa meet made by
Jones upon the firm debts was to be
credited upon tne notes did not make
taem any the less legal and subsisting ob
ligation Aftlrmed Gaines J
W K Bender vs H G Damon et al
appeal from E lis One Johnson brought
suit against nppellant in Navarro county
and obtained a jaagmsnt against him
Execution te3 Issued and subsequently
levied upon the land In controveasy be
longing to appellant and situated In EUIb
county The land was duly sola and par
caased by appellees who were residents
0 Navarro c uaty This suit was brought
by appellant and the petition elitges sub
stantially the facts necessary to be alleged
In an action ot trespass to try title and
the petition was so endorsed Tre
petition alleges tnat the piaintlS was a
non resident of this state that ho never
was cited to appear and did not appear In
pcreor or bv attorney In tne proceeding
in wnicn the j ldgmect in favor ot Johnson
and against nimeelf was renlered and
taat aprellees claim throng3 an ex ° cu
ti3n and sale made under a judgment so
rendered Defendants In tho court below
answered by a plea to the jurisdiction
claiming that the suit should have been
brought in Navarro county end also in
terposed a general demurrer The plea
to the jurisdiction and the demurrer were
both sustained and the euit dismissed
Held 1 The court erred in sustaining
thepioa to tns jurisdiction and in eua
tal ing the general demurrer 2 It a
judgment ba void it is not necessary that
tne person against whom It Is entered to
htve It set B3ide by a proceeding for that
purpose but In a collatteral proceeding
in any court he may show Its nuhlty
IUversed and remanded Staytoc C J
Mary Jerkin administratrix vs
W G acd S A Cain appeal
from Smith 1 A money judg
ment against a deceased defendant
is a claim to be proved up and paid in
due course cf administration 2 All
claims for money must be presented to
the administrator tor allowance In tbis
thero Is no difference in the character ot
the claims to be presented under the
present acd under the probato law ol
1S48 Uales presented no judgment
snail Ds rendered upon any money claim
whatever and the right to sue on such a
clala would only follow the rtaction in
whole or in part by the executor or ad
ministrator Reversed and remanded
Walker J
St Louis Arkansas and Texas Railwav
vs H C Crosnoe appeal from
Suit by appelleo for personal lij
leged to have been received at
May 131887 The evldecco shows
the kjuries were received while
was walking across the sldetrai
sidings ot appellants road in the
Corsicaca It is shown that an Engine
was switching cars at tne t me appellee
attempted to cross and that the engine
pushed a car io on a sidetrack with
great force and tbis car striking another
pushed it on appellee whereby ae was
greatly Irj ired It is shown that a num
ber of cars on the sidetracks obscured
appellees view of tto engine While
there wis no public road where appellee
attempted to cross tis erldence shows
that persons living In East Coralcaaa
were constantly crorilng and xecrossicg
ci Uauwn miiuuiu 0 at the point where appellant was injured
Preioct Tjur sittine so much so that a path was discernible
across the track at this place
t It dees not appear that appellant com
XLEKTEX ft3vpsny cv r elected to persons crossing at
21 Reynolds this place It is also shown that appellee
when he started across the track looked
and listened for trains 1 A railway
company owes no duty to one who mikes
a highway cf a railway track and is in
jured by a train upon it This must how
evr be sucjjet to a higher principle
protecting the life and limb even ot the
vagabond A high decree cf care Is
nece33ary on the part of the railway com
pany in operating Its trains on any part
ot Its road 2 It the fact tost parties
daily crossed at the place where appellant
was injured were equivalent to an implied
consent to the use a license may have
been assumed b7 the public to exist trom
which tho act cf crossing would not be an
invxslnn ot any right of the company and
not a trespats as long as the work of ap
pellants tmplojes waa not obstructed 3
Where the public for a series of years
had ben in the habit of crossing the rail
road the acquiescence ot the company In
the public use amounted to a license or
cUar that trie word subdivide is used permission to all pTrJons to cross at that
with reference to the isistetcs ot the di point and imposed the duy upon it as
to all persons so crossing to execute rea
sonsble care in the movement ot its
trains so as to protect them from danger
There was no error in the court below
Affirmed Walker J
f D Bjburnvs CFMoore appeal
from Ellis This was an action by ap
pellee against appellant sheriff cf Ellis
count j l for false imprisonment 1
Where an efllJavit to a plaintiffs inability
to give cost is taken by his attorney who
13 a notary public ths fact does not in
validate the 101 iavit 2 Appellant wished
to prove the general bid reputation of
appellee whlcri evidence was rejecttd by
tae court Held In civil cases evidence
Is not admissible unless the nature ot the
sctijn Involves the general character of
the party or goes directly to sffsct it
The character of a party in regard to a
particular trait is not an Issue unless It
be the trait which is Involved In the mat
ter charged against the party No error
Affirmed Walker J
Kansas and uulf Short Line Railway
vs E T Dorongh appeal from
Smith Salt by appsllee for dam
ages for ponces li juries which he
alleges he sustained tnrough the negli
gence cf appellant The evidence shows
that appelleo who was at a flsg station
on appellants read desired to take
passane on appellants train When
the trala wis opproschlrg appellee
fltLgedtho same ad his slgcslB were
observed and answered by the engineer
Tne train notvever did not stop but only
elghtly slowed up when the train arrived
at where tho appellee was standing tho
conductor got on the lower step of the
train and halloed to appellee to pitch
him nls Cappeileei coat and jump on
and at tne same time attempting to as
sist the appellee on the train In his
efforts to board the train appellee struck
his knee against the car and was seri
ously and permanently iojured 1 After
plaintiff closed his evidence the defend
ant company effered in evidence a decree
ot the district court cf Smith county
dated prior to the injury which placed
the property and management ot the road
in tho hands ot a receiver This was
ruled cu and defendant then offered in
evidence a subsequent decree ot the same
court In the same case showing tho flail
discharge cf the receiver which upon
objection was also excluded Held In
the exclusion ot these decrees there was
no error 2 It was fcr the jury to say
whether the danger of boarding tne train
when in motion was so apparent as to
make it the duty ot tne passenger to de
sist from the attempt Nj error Af
firmed Gaines J
W R Bufordv3 B F Ashcraft et al
appeal from Hopkins Appellant acd
appellees were partners in the mill busi
ness on rtroporty owned by them The
firm wai indebted and unable tc mept its
liaoilltles end en November G 1S83 it
was agreed that appellees would convey
the m 11 property to appellant on tthe
consideration that he would pay on the
psruerdhip Indebtedness 5603 and as
Oetween themselves this payment was to
relieve appellant from obligation to pay
any partnership debts urptld after he had
so paid this amount It wis further
agreed that it the partnership deots did
not amount to S5CC0 that so much
of that sum es remained snould be
paid to appsllee3 Appellant alleges that
appellees promised to give an In
demnity bond agalcs paying the part
nership debts to toe excess cf the said
SoGOO which they fiilej to do As to this
However there was a cob 11 ct It ap
pears that no deed to trie mill property
had been made to appellant though ap
pellees were ready at all times to do so
Appellant paid a certain amount on the
Indebtedness but as to the amount thore
was a conflict in the testimony Tnece
apreernents were all oral It Is
also shown that appellant after the
agreement entered into possession cf the
mill property and has so contlnned 1
Appellant having promised to pay a cer
tain sum for the property and having en
tered into possession cannot defeat the
right ot appellees to enforce his agree
ment they tendering a deed on the ground
that the deed which ce mignt have had at
any time was not delivered 49 Tex
C9I 2 Having oMigated himself to sat
Isty a judgment agalmt thefirmwhich he
then neld under his cintrol which
seems to have given the pressing
necessity for the maklsz cf the
agreement cf N vambjr 61883 appellant
could not acquire as against appellee a
title to ony property covered by that
agreement or any belonging to the part
nership thouga a sale made under pro
cess issued by virtue ot that judgment
unless he had prior to his purchase
paid out on partnership debts a sum
equal to that he was bound to pay under
the agreement 3 The agreement ot No
vember G 1883 contemplated that the
sum appellant agreed to pay on partner
ship deots snould be paid at once and
for this reason appellant would not be
entitled to credit for sums paid as inter
est maturing after that agreement was
rcida i Appellant would bs entitled to
cc sts paid in an action to establish a claim
against the firm it he should retU3e to
pay it In good faith unless it wsJ made
10 sgE that he suffered sHttfto be
tigti contrary to the wlBh otmptlless
iverjtfl and remanded Stayfe C J
al of forth Capllafc p
lsg Tofecco Is rtcir sm
William Radama M croba KtUerIfov
ing more good than any medhfoe ever
brought to Fort Worthj rtrfat my pfflce
513 Main street ancVFvlll show you tes
tlnnnials Irojarome of the best people In
Fort WqrUiand can refer you to a great
manydiaers S P Tuck r
10 Oenu
Will pay for rxnt Wxxklt
lor tt ZLOitii
rYiiii p
Ae they now stand in
All in Perfect Working orderjand
Our increasing business necessitating more rapid machinery
and having ordered e Latest improved Perfecting
Press and outfit we will have our presentPress
Machinery etc for sale about No
vember 1 Thejjpress is one of
Hoes No 8 Latest Imorovect
BoxFrame Extra Heav
DoubleCylinder Presses
SflTof Bed 38x55 Canacitv 3600 per hour
Wo have worked it to 400p The presB was purchased
new from Hoe Cojjfive yearsh ago The list price was
6700 There is a
Attached to = ach end of the press that Cuts Pastes and
Folds a paper the size of THE GAZETTE or larger if
required These folders are in perfect working order
Original price 1000 each This machinery is in fiystclaRB
order and the
Except two Web Perfecting Presses and
This is an excellent opportunity for a Daily Paper oi
Large Weekly to secure a firstclass office The nachinery
can be seen running in our office any morning up to 530 of
piy Thursday corenoop For further particulars addreef Joy
Call on

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