OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, December 26, 1888, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1888-12-26/ed-1/seq-1/

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H II IiOYD resident D C HEXXETT VicePresident
In orderto adv
rfee5 a Vfl p V
This Weeks Offering
Corner Second and Houston Streets i > i Port Worth Tex
Cash Capital S250000 Surplus SI25000
DIRECTOItS John R Hoxic JIv STXoydu C H Hi sbee Zane Cetti D C Bennett Georgia
Jackson S 13 Burnett E B Harroia and E AV Harrold
jCsrztxusuptiCtts a GczlcioI
rt onri Soc of t Wat
JQSADIDGE President C1IAS SCIIEUBEIt VicePresident f H itifiSBlifCishier
City National Bank ofMi wVrth Tex
Capital SI50000 < Surplus 530000
Safety DepositBdxes Fire and Burglar Proof For Kent
DIUEqrOHS0 Q Sandidgc C 31 Crane T T D Andrews Chas Scheubcr Max Elscr
E TV TAYLOB President
EE CHASE ltAIcrPrrsMnt JlbE S QXEtf a VicePresident
A II SHIT1I Cashier t
The Merchants National Btf6f Fort Worth
Capital Paid in 850000D > t Surplus Fund 8557086
Cash Capital
i f
DIRECTORS J G Wright MorganTdiieSTB C Evans C J Swasey
Kash ft M AYviine B F Eninjjft
Martin A BAnnth MartB
m AV G Ncwby E AV Taylor
AV A Huffman C E
E E Chase R M Page T P
Euvans ijJTransacts a general banking business in loans discounts
and exchange foreign1 arid domestic Correspondence solicited Collections made and promptly
remitted AjffitvIJErosir Boxes fou Re > t t < ijy
< r President
1st VicePresident 2d AiccPreSident V T Cashier
Corner Main and Fourth j
j5fV i V > fc >
S30000tf Surptis Fund
DIRECTORSW M Harrison > Siaaey JTartUi H C Hieatt C Y McClellan Geo AV Baker
S D Rainey Jr AV Q J lte < nanJJ > P Cooper and Jno C Harrison toCollections receive
prompt attention and ageerif 6anWne business transacted
KH VAXZAJCjriiyPresWtEt TIIOS A TIDBILL VicePresident X IhUJDlXG Cashier
Successors to Tidball AanZandt Co I6rfVorEliJTesv
Capital Stock Paid Up 5125000 > j Surplus Fund 530000
A general banking business transact Collection s mfcHc and promptly remitted Exchange
drawn on all the prinupai cities of Eurrjpg s
DIRECTORS K JI AanZandt Thos > Tidball N Harding II B Herd JJJanis EJ
Beall v
Finest Line Gift Books Albums and Christmas Cards in the City
Booksellers and Stationer
Corner Main atfd Fotrrilt Stroots Port Worth Tex
Rates 25Per Ba GEO C HUDGINS Klang
Wholesale Scents for Anhetiscr Lemp and SchlitzBccrs Fort Worth Texas
tlor ughl weJjftvSMinCienced orA5jizing clubs
I vaddpatrulfeiiti Seventh Dollar Watch for Sixty
Dollars on payments of 1 a week This Is not an
installment plan and we guarantee to save yoa
510 on every watchr you buy in pur clubs Mem
bers arewnnpwise responsibleVtoranylossthat
may occur v j
if g him gidi Co
Eoirt Worth
of Useful Xmas Bitsents
Commencing Monday morning Ave will offer our entire stock of Ltfiiies Misses and Chil
drens Cloaks at prices that will astonish the closest buyers TherHther has been too mild
for the successful sale of cloaks We are caught Avith an immen stock of them on hand we
are determined not to carry them over Sell them we will 3na tter how cheap they must be
sold All new fresh goods and latest styles Ladies wishing to purchase Cloaks Avill find it
to their interest to look through our mammoth stock Blush Sacques Plush Jackets Plush
Short Wraps Plush Modjeskas Plush 34 Coats all wifi go this week at prices that will close
them out
We wish to state to those looking for useful Xmas presents that Ave have made some
special Ioav prices on fine grade silks W0 are shoAving the late designs in Moire Pekms in
both black and colored Handsome BlackBrocades elaborate patterns Roman Plaids and
Stripes We Avill display them Mondayfbn our counters
We shall offer about 50 French EJress Patterns in Combination Stripes and Plaids many
of them our own importation atoehdice for 10 Avhich is less than half their value
s °
3 =
Frices BqcSLot I Styles Ooisfireol
Ladies and Gents Silk Umbrellas Half Dozen Kid Gloves in Plush Boxes Half
Dozen Handkerchiefsin Plush Boxes Fine Scalloped Embroidered Handkerchiefs Initial
Handkerchiefs Corsage Handkerchiefs Silk Mittens Lace Boas Linen Table Sets
Lace Bed Sets Table and Piano CoAers Fine ToavcIs aSTapkins Lap Eobes Plush
Cases Albuihs Gents Dressing Goaviis Silk and Cashmere Mufflers Silk Hats Neck
wear Fine jSlippers No fancy prices all reasonable Call early to avoid the croAvd
CLOUHltNGt We continue our great Reduction Sale of Clothing 25 per cent reduction
on all Oasli Clothing sales
E 15 LUJE0M > Cashier
JCo drummers sjlaryi iio flroad tickets no
hotel bills Heso tS Tfrese and other expense
are taken offrif to nrice of goods wholesale and
retail nst Mecived a carload of Dandy Soap
VniolQSiAc iiiul Itutail GtoBcisT
T M JonfiOfc
iviTypeWriter Agents
Dallas Tex
A Wliitc Man Fonnil Dead in Bed at the Poor
Farm Personal Xotcs
Special to the Gazette
Dicatuk Tex Dee 25 Some time
aro a negro iiauper died at the poor farm
two miles southwest of town very Mid
denly and Tvas buried ivitliout an in
ciuest liuiiiK liad
Tliis ninining Mr AV P llussell su
pirintendent of the county farm came
to town and said that a white pauper who
was all light yesterday and who seemed
to be in good health when he entered last
night was found cold and lifeless in bed
this morning Another pauper slept
witli him and got up and went out of the
room tliis morning thinking his bedfel
low asleep and Mr Kussell sent him
back to awake the other and tell him
to get ready for breakfast and the pauper
after going to the room came running
back cr ing and said his room mate was
dead The justice has gone to hold an
inquest over the dead body There are
only three county paupers left on the
Hon John A Gordon of Trinidad
Colorado formerly of tliis place is here
spending the holidays witli his brother
Senator Gordon
Mr J 1 Fendley and family are holi
daying at Fort Worth
District Judge Patterson went to
AVeatherford today
Major T A Fuller has gone to visit his
parents at Paris Texas
The Accidental Discharge of a Pistol Causes the
Loss of a Leg A Young Man Asplijiiatcd
Special to the Gazette
Siiukmax Trx Dec 25 Ellis Kel
loy formerly a member of the polieo
force of this city met witii a serious ac
cident last night about 10 oclock which
came near resulting fatally lie
went into a yard to lire off
a pistol that had been loaded
for some time and the pistol accidentally
discharged the ball passing through the
left leg just below the knee breaking the
bone in sev ral pieces The physicians
amputated the limb this afternoon and
though lie is suffering intensely it is
thought that he will recover
2fiek Rogers colored was arrested
this afternoon on a charge of theft from
the person and placed under a bond of
Jewell Kogers a voting dry goods
salesman narrowly escaped suffocation
last night from a defective gas jet Ho
retired at midnight and not having
awakened today at noon the proprietor
of Iiis boarding house opened his room
door and found him overcome by the gas
which lilled the room It required some
time to awaken him
Kurslap at Calvert
Special to the Gazette
Calvert Tr Dec 25 The dry
goods establishment of S Polzwasser
Bro was entered last night by burglars
who forced an entrance at the back door
The loss is estimated at 300 mostly
clothing There is no clue as to who the
thief is
A Difficulty at Gonzales
Special to the Gazette
Goxzaies Tex Deo 25 Last night
about 930 oclock a difficulty occurred
between It A Houston and Richard
Harges in the Berringer saloon in which
Hargis was knocked down and cut on his
head badly by Houston Hargis was car
ried off to the Thomas house His con
dition today is very bad and the doctor
says the chances for his recovery are
against him
Hoav the Day Was Observed
Throughout Texas
Trees for the Little Ones The Earn
Kept Many People in Their Houses
A Few Disturbances
How Fftcen Thousand Poor Children Were
Given a Free Concert and Iro ideuAYItli
Presents in St Louis
K tTicksonvllle >
Special to the Gazette
JCKbOxviLLiTn x Dee 23 So far
our little city passed a very quiet Christ
mas On account of the disagreeable
weather business has been very dull
At Ariitiyton
Special to the Gazette
AiiLixo i ox Tux Dee 25 The ladies
of the Methodist Episcopal church are
giving a festival tonight at the college
building which is attended by a large
At Sulphur Springs
Special to the Gazette
Sulfiiuu SrniNRS Tix Dec 25 All
the Sundayschools enjoyed Christmas
trees last night and a large number of
presents distributed some of tliem very
At Austin
Special to the Gazette
Ausriv Tix Dee 25 After last
nights tragedies the city was quiet all
day the quiet beinr helped by a deluging
rain which fell early in the morning and
left the streets and roads muddy
At IS uco
Special to the Gazette
Waco Tex Dec 25 The streets of
AVaco have been exceedingly noisy to
day and manj street lights have been in
dulged in without serious injury to the
combatants Such extravagant displays
Jdffiyrotechnies were never seen hero be
fore Only the heavy rain which fell last
nighj prevented a feaiful conflagration
At Gritwjer
SpeotaJ toMhe Gazette
j 1 t ivxcin TixDec 25 Cnjlstmas
at this place passed off very quiet Every
one seemed to enjoy himself A heavy
rain set in tliis morning at oclock and
continued most all day The Granger
Grays were out at tlio Christmas tree last
night in full uniform but they weie not
At Shermuii
Special to the Gazette
SiiiitMAX Tex Dec 25 Though
the weather has been quite inclement the
holiday is being observed generally
throughout the city Nearly all the busi
ness houses have been closed and Christ
mas tree festivities weio held at the
greater portion of the churches last
At Jo < ld City
Special to the Gazette
Dodi City Tex Dec 25 The
children of our town were madp glad last
night through the agency of the Sunday
school making a Christinas tree dis
tributing presents to all its members
The hardest rain pcrlfups this year
fell here tliis morning from C30 to 730
overllowing the streets so that the Christ
mas is not so extensively observed as
usual Church services were gained out
At Iiatlas fr
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tex Dec 25 In the police
headquarters this morning various little
gifts and mementoes were exchanged and
a good time generally enjoyed The
chief of polieo and others presented his
honor Mavor Connor with a very hand
some goldheaded silk umbrella Assis
tant City Attorney Whitehead was also
the recipient of many favors The day
has been generally observed here and the
town presents the proper holiday appear
At Terrell
Special to the Gazette
Terkeli Tex Deo 25 Terrell has
had a merry Christinas notwithstanding
the rain and wind but most of the fun
has been at home The streets have not
been crowded as in former years Every
church in the city had Christmas services
last night and the young mens prayer
meeting had religious services at 030
a m today They also had a prayer
meeting tonight at the Methodist church
The cocking main has been iu full force
At Veeatur
Special to the Gazette
Decatur Tex Dec 25 All the
business houses iu the city are closed to
day except the drug stores It rained
nearly all morning then cleared up and
the sun shone very brightly the balance
of the day
There were Christmas trees at the Bap
tist and Methodist churches last night
which were beautifully decorated with
numerous and some very valuable pres
ents The Episcopalians gave an enter
tainment tonight at their church on
AA est Main street which was largely at
tended notwithstanding the condition of
the streets
At Galveston
Special to the Gazette
GALVEStox Tex Dec 25 Tho day
has been entirely given over to merry
making The courts all business houses
the banks and the office have been closed
AAith the exception of a superabundance
of exploding firecrackers and torpedoes
in all parts of the city firedby old and
young the day passed off quietly
The only serious affray occurred early
this morning between George Chesfer
and Eugene Brown negroes in which
the former was shot twice in the left arm
one ball passing through tho forearm
near the wrist and tho other between thb
elbow and shoulder while tho latter was
shot in the right hip the bullet ranging
upward and lodging in the spinal
column near the small of the
back Chester is forty years old
and an old sport JJrovra is a young
fffjgji < s T j
tough about eighteen years old It oc
curred just after the close of a colored
ball given in the western part of the
city Brown had just got some jewelry
from a woman and at tho close of the
ball refused to give it up Chester inter
fered aud made tho rascal disgorge
Brown went back got his gun and re
turning approached Chester sayiug
Pull your gun pull your gun and
fired two shots both takiug effect in
Chesters left arm Chester then pulled
his gun and shot his assailant in tho hip
It is thought Browns wound is mortal
During tho day tiio police rounded up
eleven tramps among whom are two or
three shoplifters who have been depre
dating on the stores during the past week
Services were held in many of the
churches notably the Catholic and Epis
copal churches where beautiful Christ
mas services were impressively rendered
St XoiiN Children Pintle Hnppy
St Louis Mo Dec 25 There was
a rare scene at tho Exposition building
today the occasion being tho distribu
tion of presents to the children of the
poor from the PostDNpatcli Christmasi
tree for which a fund of nearly 810000
had been subscribed by the general pub
lie The subscriptions were started with
10ceut contributions with no idea of the
magnitude the affair was to assume and
the result lias far exceeded the most
sanguine expectations of the projectors
Fully 15000 children received presents
and for hours the streets in the vicinity
of tho Exposition building were blocked
with humanity The children began ar
riving as early as C a m and it was late
in the evening before the mites of hu
manity had disappeared A detail of
fifty police took charge of the entrance of
the building Soon after the citizens
committee put in an appearance the
doors were opened and the great crowd
of children began to pour into the
hall It was a difficult job
to control the eager ones but
no accidents occuricd Xo adults
were admitted owing to a lack of room
but hundreds of parents waited on the
outside iu the drizzling raiti until their
childien came out loaded with presents
from the great tree Tho Cavalry De
partment Baud by permission of the
secictary of war furnished music for a
two hours entertainment given by ar
rangement of the citizens committee
The tree which was placed on the stage
was an immense affair towering away iu
the skies and loaded with presents
The morning scene was lepeated in the
afternoon and tonight the public were
admitted There will be found several
thousand dollars remaining from todays
entertainment and it will be utilized for
purchasing clothing shoes etc for
children of the poor After the enter
tainment John J Jennings of the Post
Dispatch the originator of the Christmas
tree project aud by whose efforts it was
cliieliy cat lied out was presented with
an elegant gold watch by the citizens
Married Another 3Inn
Special to the Gazette
Bichaudsox Tex Dec 23 For sev
eral days during the past week it lias
been reported that Mr AVill Huffliines
and Miss Mattie Jaster both of this city
were to be married today aud notice of
the license having been issued was pub
lished by Tin Gazette a few days ago
Tho preparations for the wedding had
been about completed and Mr IIuiT
hines retired last night doubtless to dream
of the happy future before him with the
girl of Iiis choice as a partner But alas
fate was against him A few days ago
Mr Robert Chick a former aspirant for
the fair damsels hand appeared on the
scene and after having an interview
with Miss Jaster yesterday evening diovo
to Dallas in hot haste and procured a
marriage license Returning lio aud the
brideelect and a party of friends drove
to Piano and weie duly made man and
wife Mr Chick upon returning stopped
at his fathers to inform him of his mar
riage who had been kept in total igno
rance of the proceedings Mr Hoflhiues
appeared upon the street this morning
after having been informed of what had
occurred smiling although somewhat
humiliated at his defeat but disposed to
look upon the matter in a very sensible
manner and remarked that if the girl
loved Mr Chick better than she did him
self she bud ticted wis0y in taking tho
Killed Ircsumably by ATIiito Caps
nuxTixGsnuitG Ixd Deo 25 Se
bastian Ilobbs a farmer living three
miles south of Dubois county was called
out of his house Saturday night and two
shots were fired at him One shot struck
him in the abdomen producing a fatal
wound One Smith was arrested on sus
picion of having done the shooting
Ilobbs has made himself obnoxious to tho
AVhite Caps by procuring evidence against
them and urging prosecution He had a
wire stretched around his yard as a pro
tection against the AVhito Caps
Wanted at Troupe
Special to the Gazette
TEMrLE Tex Dec 25 AV E
Fitze claiming to be a United States de
tective was arrested here this morning
for carrying a pistol and disturbing the
peace lie told Citv Marshal Tarbutton
that he was from Sherman Tex He
told other parties that he hailed from
Jacksboto Tex He may be under an
assumed name He is wanted by the
city authorities of Troupe He is a tall
slender man of nice appearance
Kscnpeil Com let Captured
Special to the Gazette
Jacksonville Tex Dec 25 Our
city marshal J C Broddy with his
pack of bloodhounds deserves great
credit for running down and capturing
late last night a very desperate convict
who had escaped from the Rusk peniten
tiary yesterday morning Broddy and
his dogs are a terror to transgressors of
the law in this section
A Iimnor at Terrell
Special totl e Gazette
TeurellTex Dec 25 The report
came in the city yesterdayaf ternoon that
obstructions were being placed on the
Texas and Pacific Railway track near the
city cemetery Marshal Jim Keller waJ
on the sceW in a few minutes but failed
to make a case The supposition was
that a job was being fixed up for the
west bound passenger train
wa j jf fc TT
Fearful Loss of Human life from
the Burning of a Steamboat
The IllFated Vessel Carried a
Load of Passengers ilost
Whom Met their Death
Never a
c EANsae ai
grery lanl
Scenes of Heroism Keign of Consternation
Cause of the CalamityDiscovery of
the Flames Other Fires
Another Steamer Disaster
New Okleaxs La Dec 25 Tho
steamboat John n Hauna from tho
Ouachita river with a large number of
passengers and a cargo of 3500 bales of
cotton was burned last night at Plaque
mine It is stated that of 100 persons on
board only fourteen aro known to be
The John II Hauna was built in Madi
son hid in 1SS7 aud hailed from Lou
isville Ky She was of 377 tonnage
owned by the Ouachita River Consolidated
line valued at SlS000 and was insured
forSl 000 in local and foreign com
Captain J A Blanks president of tho
company says the latest advices lie has
are to the efleet that the steamboat left
Monroe lauding Sunday morning at J
oclock with PJ0O bales of cotton The
captain estimated that enough additional
cotton had been picked up on tho way
down to make the total number of bales
3500 Being questioned as to the number
of passengers on the Hanna Captain
Blanks said he thought it was small as
there was little travel in that section at
The officers of the boat aro as follows
Captain J S Holmes master S R
Powell first clerk James A Jordan
second clerk Henry Jones pilot Louis
Rawlings lirst engineer AVilliam Han
ley steward James Carroll
a teukiiili i > issiik
Xew Orlevxs La Dec 25 A
special dispatch from Pluquemiuo to the
States says tho burning of tho steamer
John II Ilanua hist night near this place
was one of tho most terrible river disas
ters that has ever happened in tho south
ern waters The loss of life is very
heavy About thirty persons perished
in tho Humes and a largo num
ber jumped overboard
drowned Among tho
Captain J S Holmes and
Samuel It Powell Their
and were
lost are
First Clerk
bodies have
been lccovered Captain Holmesbody
was terribly burned Bob Smith the
old pilot of the J M AVhito at tho time
she burned was a passenger on tho
Hauna and was burned to death His
body has also been recovered The en
gineer and pilot were saved
It was just before Christinas was being
ushered in that the lino steamer was
coming down the river Several of tho
passengers were seated in the cabin hav
ing a merry time witli no thought of the
impending catastrophe Many of the
crew and passengers wero asleep when
tho fire broke out and it spread with in
describable rapidity
and death ofsome of the passengers are
harrowing in tho extreme Tho boat
had reached a point which was but a
short distance above town when a negro
roustabout near tho boiler room
ran out to tho deck and
shouted that the boat was on fire
John Culler a stoker was near tho
place at the time and seeing tho names
bursting fortli from the big tiers of cotton
near tho boiler ran hastily to tho engine
room and gavo the alarm Engineer
Men iam took in the situation at a glance
and at once sounded the alarm by blow
ing the whistle and ringing the bells In
an instant certainly iu a much shorter
time than it takes to explain it the
llamcs shot throush tho cabins and over
the sides of the cotton enveloping the
entire boat in fire Clerk Powell was up
stairs at the time and when ho
saw the llamcs he heroically ran through
the smoke which filled tho cabin and tried
to arouse tho sleeping peeplo lie kicked
at tho doors and in a short time almost
everybody was awake Then confusion
worse confounded appeared and tho
frantic people on the boat ran to different
exits to mako their escape but the boat
was piled high with cotton and tho pas
sage ways were filled with smoke Many
dronped befoie they were able to get to
the forward part of tho boat aud were
dead when
As soon as tho lire was discovered Engi
neer Merriam set the steam pumps work
ing and tried to battle with the Humes
but the fire swept through tho boat like a
blazo on the prairie and the engine
room was soon on tiro Then to add
further to the consternation the steam
pipe burst and filled tho place with
scalding steam Engineer Merriam was
forced to abandon his post and
ho aud tho stokers and others ran
to the side of the boat and rushed
through pell mell in order to save their
lives As soon as the smoke and flames
began to start up tho sides of tho boat
Captain nolmespilot swung the wheel
around and headed the boat for shore
A full head of steam was on at the time
and tho boat was soon run into tho bank
Before she did so however sho was
doomed All of her timber was then fu
X3 > A jR 3S T s
It neveS ailflo relieva
JJumirff calds
omicLri t any
ents In ji
and snppurt
rapidly heals
no scar
the Fluid la used
used Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in
1 private practice for ten years and
te Ulcers Bolls Carbnn
sipelas and ronninf Sores
kind It destroys the dis
hing better ploughing contused
1 wounds fonl and indolent ulcers
effluvia arising from
bscesses Ulcers and
purulent discharge
nfectant fj F Hzcstis Prof

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