Arrests Expected for Violation of the
United States Neutrality Law
lbs Attempt to llsfce Illaz Fresldent for Life
Will Lead to Assassination or a Revolu
tion War Imminent
Special to the Gazette
lannno Tkx June 2i There seems
to bo no reasonable doubt that the Mexi
can government tears some kind o up
rising and there are various sensational
rumors ntlont in connection therewith
but none of them can be traced to a
source of sufficient authority to warrant
recitation here What Rives color to the
belief that the general government
of Mexico ifpprebends danger
is the fact that troops
are beluc massed on the Irqntier at a
pace that seems to be double quick It
will be remembered that it was on this
frontier that the resolution had birth
that made Diaz president of Mexico Of
this however those iutcrosted in Mexico
can rest assured that the Diaz govern
ment is today strong enough to nip In
the bud any revolution It is
furtbor stated that charges have been
made against some three or more
parties under the United States neutrality
laws and warrants for their arrest are
sow in tho hands of the United States
oflicials It is most reasonable to sup
pose that thoro arc to be some very sen
sational developments here in a few days
that will assume an international char
acter and the Diaz government while it
has nothing to fear is only acting on the
cafe side The enemies of Diaz say that
the recent law passed by the Mexican
congress making it possible at the
next election to elect Diaz president
for life will result in hia assassination
nnd revolution They say that some of
tho governors of the different states of
the Mexican confederation say boldly
that If congress can pass a law making it
possible to be president for life that
their legislatures ought also to make
their term of office for life There is no >
doubt that the law has occasioned con
siderable indignation in Mexico
The originators of the out
break are said to make headquarters
in Inrndo and agent of the Mexican
government so it is said have been
here for several days past securing quiet
ly tho names of parties
Since tho nbove was written it has
boen definitely learned that warrants
have been issued for Ruiso Sondenal and
about fifty othors Deputy United States
Marshal Yglesias has the papers lor the
nrrosts nnd knowing full well
that he has not forco sufficient
to arrest them he has asked for troops
from Fort Mcintosh to assist They
are said to be stationed about fifty miles
nbove here Deputy O Glesao vill leave
Fort Molntosh at 11 oclook tonight for
the polut the scout indicates as the ren
dezvous of tho revolutionists with n suffi
cient force ot United States soldiers to
kill or capture them At the same time
a force of Mexican soldiers will leave the
fort iu Now Laredo to intercept the revo
lutionists should they attempt to escape
noross the Ilio Grande Tho pennlty for
violating tho United States criminal code
cited is 1000 fine and tbrou to seven
years In the ponltcntiary
A Mexican Merchant Arrives at San Antonio
and Tells About the Alleged devolution
Special to the Gazette
San Antonio Tits Juno 2 Senor
Felipe Gonzalesa wealthy merchant and
ranchero of Tnmplco Mex arrived in
this olty today fresh from the scene of
the alleged revolutionary opera
tions in Mexico According to Senor
Gonzales tho alleged revolution Is
nothing more nor loss than a bold
attempt of a weltorganized gaug
of bandits to commit robbery Gonzales
says that on last Friday the bandits uu
der tho leadership of au exofficer of the
Mexican army attooked a train near
Monterey bearing gold nnd silver to the
United Stales The train was well
guarded by a detail ot soldiers and a
pltohed battle ensued iu which several
of tho bandits were killed and their leader
was captured and has since been
shot The bandits Gouzales declares
were Mexican refugoes who crossed from
the Texas side of the river near Laredo
Senor Gonzales spoke of the matter with
groat oarneitness and with an air of
confident truth However it Is the gen
eral belief here that a revolutionary
movement of uo Inoonsidorablo import
ance is in progress in Mexico which be
lief Is strengthened by the faot that it is
Impossible to receive answers to telo
grapbio Inquiries on tho subject seut to
tho Mexican capital and other inner
Araarlllon First Conflagrrtlon
Special to the Gazette
Amamzi0 Tex June 21 About 1
oclock this morning lire brokeout in the
furniture bouse of J U Cramer Co
nnd soon the building and contents were
consumed Olisbee Bros livery stable
near bv was Ignited by the flames nnd in
n verr short while was also destroyed
though the horses vehicles and
nearly all the harness were saved The
losses are as follows J BCramer
Co loss of stock valued at 1000 in
surance 2700
J K Turner building ocouplod by
above named 1300 no insurance
Olisbee Bros livery stable loss 51E00
no insurance
This is the first fire Amarillo has had
It is suppo ed to have originated by the
explosion of a lamp In the rear end of J
B Cramer k Coi store as one had
been left burning though turned down
quite low Mr Cramer had gone out
with a serenading party and had not re
turned when tho fire broko out Clisbee
Bros will rebuild immediately on a
larger scale Their building was n two
story corrugated iron structure
Large crowds are attending the camp
Mfsto Christian SundaySchool Convention
Special to ttt Gazette
Taylor Tex June 24 The state
Sundayschool convention of the Chris
tian church is now in session in this city
About 200 delegates nro present and
more are arriving on every train The
opening address was made by President
B B Sanders of Bastroplast night
This morning the convention was called
id order and the enrollment of delegates
made William Pedlgo a young lawyer
ot Taylor made the address ot welcome
The first buslpes3 tranBaotod was the ap
pointment ot the various committees
which the ohalr announced as follows i
On future work O McPherson IT H
Bogley J P Pinkerton H B Davis
nnd A J Bush On finance D H
Walsh W V McArdy W T Cox C
ILStrawn and S D Parkinson On
time and place W P Duke R C
Horn W H Wright T C Free
man and E B Chaltener
On resolutions J T Toof
B C Joy Charles Carlton
On nominations W K Homan 0 F
Colra A O RIalt J W Lowber and
George Hall On programme J H
Rosencrans B W Pritcbett and J C
The reports of the executive commit
tee and state evancelist W J Huds
peth were read and referred to the
proper committee The lirst important
address was made by C H Strawn on
the Sundayschool and was followed by
one on the Sundayschool library by
Mrs A B Lewis both of which elicited
praise and some discussion
In the afternoon tho model Sunday
sohool teacher by D H Walsh and how
to get the older members ot the church
to attend the Sundayschool by II H
Tife werelbe topics of dlsousslon A
short talk was made by Elder R Mof
fatt of Cleveland Ohio
A Verdict of Not GulltyLodzed in Jail
Cross Caso Ibe Census
Special to the Gazette
Paris Tex Juno 21 The trial of
Jim McDowell charged with the murder
of Sbeperd Thompson in the Chickasaw
Nation was concluded this evening the
jury after a short deliberation returning
a verdict of not guilty
Deputy Marshal G M Stewart lodged
in jail here Nowton Gannwho is charged
with the killing of W E Ellis in Pick
ens county Chickasaw Nation The
killing occurred about two years ago
but only recently has evidence been ob
tained to justify any arrests The
particulars are not obtainable
The Cross case may be taken up in the
morning The air is full of rumors as to
tho sensational developments which the
trial has in store
The board of trade today created
a census committee and provided
funds for retaking tho census
Estimates of the government census ap
proximate about 7800 while there nre
2700 children between six and sixteen
enrolled in the city publio schools and a
sworn olty census two years ago gave
over 10000
List of Charters FlledAddltlonal Arrivals of
the Scholastic Census
Special to the Gazette
Austin Tex June 21 Among the
charters filed today were the following
Main street railway of Seymour Baylor
county incoporntors J L Glasgow J
G Houston San Mnroos opera bouse
capital 3000 incorporators T H
Glover Ed It Kone and others The
Southwestern building and loan associa
tion of Louisiaua authorized capital
S20000 It is licensed to do business in
Texas for ten years
The so olastio census continues to come
in Waller county today reported a
total of 3092 children of whom 2223 are
colored San Antonio total 10575 col
ored I5p0 Sherman total 1730 col
ored 315 The reports from Fayette
county have been duplicated owing to
the faot the county judgo Insists on re
porting the entire countywhile the cities
uhd towns that have assumed control of
their schools have also reported the num
ber of their children
The house will vole today on the concurrence
or nonconcurrence in the senato amendments
to the silver bill
The senato esterday passed tho postoQce and
the diplomatic and consular appropri atlon bills
also the bills to adopt regulations and in re
Ration to collisions at sea The conterence
report on the pension appropriation bill WAS
adopted and the bill goes to the president
Three men were terribly mangled by the pre
mature discharge ot a cannon firing at a Demo
catlc meeting at Columbia S C yesterday
Illinois licpubltcans nominated a state ticket
yesterday This is an oil year for governor
lhe Turncrbund convention yesterday adopted
resolutions disapproving any change in the
present immigration laws
Forest fires are raging in Boulder county
Affairs are reported quiet at Samoa The new
treaty is now in force
The entombed miners at Dnnbar Pa had not
been reached at midnight
Victoria Briefs
Special to the Gazette
Victoria TexJuno 21 The follow
ing persons left here today to attend
the convention of musioians and school
teaohers in Galveston Mrs J E Cnr
peuter Misses Moisie Allen Katie Car
roll Tommie Stall Bettie Thompson
Emma MoFudden and Agnes Mitchell
Mr and Mrs Melvln Hlx and Mrs
Mr W A Wood and Miss Nellie Bor
land a popular young oouplo of this city
were married and left for a Short bridal
tour yesterday
An entertainment known as the God
dess bf Fame will bo given at the Casino
Thursday night for the benefit of tho
Confederate home
Leslie Party at Itockport
Gpecial to the Gazette
ROCkport Tex June21 The Leslie
party arrived on the 22nd Inst and
were taken in charge by John H Taylor
J W Fulton and Gen Stoddard They
have been sailing driving bathing and
fishing Yesterday they were busy gath
ering data and photographing Among
other photographs was one of ninetyfive
turtles averlng 380 pounds which wero
brougtHn by schooner from Point Isabel
for the Turtle canning and packing com
pany Russell Harrison Is said to be tho
active business man ot the party Sev
eral of the party accotnpanled by Gov
ernor Wheeler nnd others have gone to
the Pass today on the steamer Stead
Washington June 23 1 a m For
Eastern Texas Fair stationary tem
perature stationary winds
Fort Worth Ttopte to J > erlc tho Bene
fit from It
STesterduy Darnell Co took pos
session ot the immeaso took of dry
goods clothing boots and shoes bats
caps gents furnishing goods etc for
merly oned by JohngjC Ryan Tho
stock Is rge wslljjfsorted and well
selected Menell Ufv bought the stook
ot goods In ll > biaJfend deal and Judge
Darnell being tyWfckman says lie pro
poses to cloao oflrthe stock at once and
will throw l B Joors open to the
people ot F ° rflp ° and surrounding
country todjMprepsfld to sell them
what they mf want net bargain prices
Judge Darn ff told a GSkttk man yes
terday that fc stock musbo sold and
If the people St Fort Worth had never
found bargains bofore they could find
tbom now Tho reporter was surprised
to find suoh a large and wellassorted
Decision Rendered in the Sugar Trust
Litijration Unfavorable to the
The Gains and Lcsses on the Days Dealings
About rqnal Iieinme of the Host
important Changes
Special to the Gazette
New York Juno 21 The longdeferred de
cision in tho sugar trust case was handed down
this morning and was unfavorable to the trust
Contrary to the expectations of many of the
Wall street fraternity with bearish proclivities
the price of certificates did not drop out of
sight In fact after a slight depression the
price advanced with remarkable rapidity The
decision fully affirms tho judgments of the
lower courts and will result in the dissolution
of the trnst It is probable now that the trust
will be reorganized into corporation subject to
same lairs governing other corporations in
which case it may be possible for the public to
deal in securities of the new com
pany on their merits When the decision was
first announced it was not generally understood
that the main question as to the legality of the
trust had been decided As soon as the full
force of the decision was understood there was
areaction In the price of certificates which had
advanced to i but on the decline the pries
went only a Utile below last nights closing
The general market was very strong Chicago
gas was active and advanced sharply on reports
that trustees had signed an order directing the
Fidelity trnst company to pay all money to Re
ceiver Daviea and that he will distribute It to
the stockholers a3 soon as checks can bo drawn
Atchison and Missouri Pacific were strong and
higher on the belief that Important develop
ments will soon be made public
Europeans are very bullish on At chison Tho
earnings of the road are said to show handsome
Increases in both gross and net earnings
Grangers were all strong on the expectation that
the meeting of the trunk line people to be held
in this city on Friday will result in the settle
ment of the rite difficulties
New England was in the ail van ce During
the afternoon trading was very qniet and prices
reteded throughout the list Cleveland Cin
cinnati Chicago and St Louis was exceptionally
weak and some other stocks of the general list
declined below last nights figures In many
cases however material advances over last
nights finals were recorded The market for
sterling exchange was dull and rather heavy for
sixtyday bills Demand and cables were in
moderate request at concessions from bankers
posted rates
Important net changes for tho day were
Advanced Chicago and Eastern Illinois
Hreferred l ic Chicago gosl c New England
and Pullman and Mexican Central c Dela
ware and Hudson and Northwest4c Atchison
Canadian Southern Rock Island and Louis
ville jc sugar trust e Declined Man
hattan and Chicago Cincinnati and Cleveland
and St Louis c Korthern Facifio prefer
red Jc
Northern Baseball
Special to the Gazette
PrrrsBuno Pa Juno21 Pittsburg 3 Phil
adelphia 2
Syracuse N YJnne 21 Syracuse 817
0 Brooklyn 5 T S Batteries Morrison and
ORourke Mattimors and Pitz Umpire Does
PniDADELpniA Pa June 21 Rochester C
13 2 Athletics T 11 1 Batteries Whitney
and Robinson Barr and McGuire Umpire
Chicago III June 21 Chicago 22 17 3
Brooklyn 3 7 11 Batteries Baldwin and
Farrel Van Haltren Murphy and Dally
Cleveland Ohio Juno 21 Cleveland 8 9
1 Boston G 9 0 Batteries OBrien and Sut
clie Kilroy and Murphy Umpires Matthews
and Leach
PiTTSBinto Pa June 21 Pittsburg 3 Phila
delphia 2 Base hitsPittsburg 7 Fhilidel
phia 7 Errors Pittsburg 1 Philldelphia 2
Batteries Staley and Carroll Bufilnton and
Cross Umpires Halbert and Ferguson
Buffalo N Y June 21 Buffalo 8 12 1
New York 10 11 1 Batteries Haddock and
Mack Crane and Brown Umpires Knight and
Chicago III June 21 Chicago 5 9 3New
York 1211 2 Batteries Sullivan and Nagle
Rbssle and Buckley Umpire Zacharlas
Clevelakd Onto Jnne 21 Cleveland S
Brooklyn 12 Hits Cleveland 4 Brooklyn
IS Errors Clevtland 0 Brooklyn 0 Bat
teries Lincoln Dawie and Zimmer Lovell and
Daly Umpire Lynch
CiNCiirrfATi Ohio June 21 ClncinnatI 0 3
7 Boston 2 1 1 Batteries Getzein and
Bennett Foreman and Baldwin Umpire Mo
Philadelphia Pa June 21 Fhilahelphia 7
8 Si Pittsburg C 9 S Batteries Baker and
Decker Vickery ajd Clements Umpire
The SulllvnnJnclaon Mill
Special to the Gazette
WAsntvGTOs June 21 There is a good pros
pect that when the fight between Sul
livan and Jackson takes place it will be almost
under the shadow of the capltol dome It is
learned today that arrangements have been
made by which the mill will be held under the
ausnicies of the Virginia Athletic association at
a point about three miles from the capitol across
the Potomac on the Virginia Shore The Vir
ginia Athletic association claim to hold a char
ter by which it can do anything in the athletic
or pugilistic line within the borders of its
grounds withont fear of interference from Vir
ginia authorities The ground on Which the
bght Is expected to take place is now used as a
driving park and baseball ground Now that
Sullivan nas nothing to fear from the laws of
Mississippi it ts expected an early date will bo
set for the fight
Soil IvanJackson Tight
Washington June 21 Tho 3ulIivanJack3on
fight if it comes off it is said now will take
place very near the national capital The fight
It is said is to take place under tho anspices
ot the Virginia athletic association On the
Virginia shore of the Potomac near Washing
ton Some months ago there was a good deal
of comment caused by the enactment ot a law
by the Virginia legislature which incorporated
an athletic club and gave the officers of the club
omnipotent powers as to its grounds and prop
erty It is stated today the club has purchased
the property lying between this city and Alex
andria known as the Gentlemens driving
park and propose to erect thereupon a
club house and such other buildings
as may be necessary The work of construction
is to commence at once The management has
announced Its intention to have the Sullivan
Jackson fight take place there They say they
can do this withont interference for the
law plainly states no Sheriff or police
officer has any Jurisdiction over it Professor
Perty ot the club management his intimated the
opening performance at their new grounds will
be a bull fight This proposition would bring
out all objections possible and the matter
would have to bo settled by the courts which
the iucorporators say and appear to beleive
would uphold the law as passed by the last legis
i >
LnBlancheXilclieU Still Declared Off
Sak Frakcisco Cal June 21 The fight be
tween LaBlanche and Young Mitchell which
was to have occurred at the California clut >
Celt Friday has been declare d off The causf
fenerallr assigned is the recent declaration o
he chief or police that ha would arrest prin
cipals and seconds when they entered the ring
v Chicago Races
CmcAao III Juno 21 First race Selling
purse ftfOD halt milt Silver Charm won Wood
ford second 8akonetts third Time 19
Second race Purse 600 one mUe Longevity
won Bock second Corticelli third Time
ll 6
Third race Lakeside stakes sweepstakes for
Cities twoyearolds worth SISUO second re
ceiving 200 and third 1100 firs furlongs
Philora won Dsperinxa second Mary C
third Time ItQs
Fourth race Free handicap sweepstakes
worth to winner J1W to second nine fur
longs Robespierre won Business second
Amends second Time 1W5
Fifth race Threefourths ot a mile heats
purse ST50 Unite won first heat Videltc sec
ond Reserve third Time 111
Second heit Katie S won Unite second
Bertha third Time 117
The Great TennySalvator Contest
Special to the Gazette
NEwYonlt Jnne 21 Shortly after the las
race had been decided at Sheipshead Bay yes
terday afternoon a diminutive colored boy en
tered Tenny tho great fouryearold that is
matched to run that other great rouryearold
Salvator a mile and quarter tomorrow
tnnlr Irnnrra ihn Tiiilfn once
stooK ana Knows from tne way juago
fcronIia the track at a slowpace and then halted
DaracilSDOM that lie moant business at the head of tho stretch IIo ws then Tabbed
> sj iV
down and Fred Taral in street dress mounted
the colt and gallopped through the straight
It was surprising how many men appeared on
the track and In every hand flashed a stop
watch ItwatobeTennys mark for tomor
rows race and everybody was eager to see how
he would go Running well within himself the
colt broke from the pole on the turn and made
the first mile in l13tf a mile and furlong in 157
and a mile and a quarter In 209 1S The time
of the last mile was 112 35 Fifty watches did
not vary more than onefifth ot a second Sal
vator took his work in the forenoon when tho
track was much heavier HIS time for a mile
and a quarter was 212 Interest in the match
is at fever heat and should tomorrow be clear
and the track fast one of the largest crowds
ever gathered at Sheepshead Bay will see the
mile and a quarter record smashed Both par
ties are confident of victory but Barrator will
bo the favorite in the betting
The Dig 2ellotr n Free 3Inn
Pcbvis Miss June 21 J L Sullivan
pleaded guilty here this morning to the chaige
of prize fighting on which he was yesterday in
dicted by the Marion county grand jnry Judge
Terrell then spoke briefly on the case and
wound up by imposing a fine of 500 and costs
The money was promptly paid and the big fel
low after thanking the conrt district attorney
and others walked out of the room a free man
The outcome of the case was a surprise to many
and has caused a partial reversal of the hasty
Judgment passed yesterday as to the prejudiced
feelings ot Judge Terrell The diplomacy and
tact ot Prosecuting Attorney Neville contrib
uted largey to the result attained
American Itlfleznen
HAMBcao Jnne 21 The American riflemen
today went to Schutzenfest at Baxebace In
the point shooting competition two Americans
won prices but at the competition for the silver
cop they were easily beaten by the Hamburgers
Sheepshead Bay Races
EnEEreriEAD Bav June 21 First race
Sweepstakes 20 each with S00 added futurity
course Fairview won Lord Harry second
PrisclUa third Time 111
Second race Sweepstakes 100 each with
1500 added one mile and one furlong Her
Highness won Gloaming beat Flora Ban for
second place Time 157
Third race Handicap sweepstakes of 25 each
with 1250 added mile and seventy yards
Folsom won Padish beat Eon for second place
Time 203 25
Fourth race Coney Island sweepstakes
1250 added mile and furlong Fiernzi won
Prince Royal beat Senorila tor second place
Time 155 35
Fifth race Sweepstakes50 each with1250 ad
ded threequarters of a mile Balero won
Vagabond beat Busscll for second place Time
110 Sixth race Handicap sweepstakes of 15 each
with 300 added milo and onequarter Brian
Barn won Rancacas beat Venguer for second
place Time 21145
Ganza division Uniform Rank Knights of
Pythias meets tonight at Pythian hall in full
dress uniform to make final arrangements for
their trip to Milwaukee
Judge Gustave Cook antirailroad commis
sion candidate for governor will address the
people at the courthouse in Fort Worth on the
evening ot Thursday June 2G at 3 oclock
There will be preaching at the Broadway Bap
tist church this evening at 730 oclock by Rev
A P Groves
City Engineer H H Kerr took oath of oEHco
last evening and today he enters upon the dis
cbarge of the nil duties ot his office
Charlie Warners little boy died yesterday
morning early and was buried in the afternoon
Charles Alien and Mrs Josie James were
Ucensedtowed yesterday
Harry Maxwell is the name of a twelveyear
old youngster nabbed by Officer Kitts whilo
sleeping in a wagon on Rusk street last night
The chap says he ran away from home in Den
ton county because his father whipped him with
a strap
Professor 15 E L Newbsrne was unexpect
edly called to Virginia two weeks ago Ho
writes his friends here that it will not be possi
ble for him to return in time to take charge of
the department of civil government in the sum
mer normal to which he had been elected O
SLattimore Esq has been chosen to this de
partment and will no doubt make it highly in
teresting to the teachers
The Gazet ss nonpariel baseball team has
about mado arrangements for a game at an early
day in which the best amateur talent of the city
will be engaged the proceeds to go to the Al
Hayne monument fund
Claiborne Brinson was brought up from
Arlington yesterday afternoon and placed in
jail at Fort Worth by Sheriff Richardson An
inquest was held on the remains of Leo
Ditto by D A Matthews of Arlington
bnt the verdict was sealed f Brinson
bears his position manfully Ho givfjra history
of the case which if correct exonerate him from
blame Sheriff Richardson sayathat bird shot
was scattered thick as sand iQVfia vicinity of
where the shocking occurred
1 t
An ico creatrfSeatl
the grounds at B
Thursday evenlcy
body invited
11 be plven on
ray Baptist ohuroh
6th Inst Every
Special to the Gazette
VictoriaTes June 24 Hon E
L Dunlap returned today from a tour
through the counties comprising tho
Seventh congressional district in the in
terests of Cook and the Demooratio
party and expresses the opinion that
every county in the district with the ex
ception Bee and DoWitt will instruct for
Special to the Gazette
Gainesville Tuxt Juno 21 Re
turns liavo been received from every pre
cinct iu tho county and indicate that
Hogs has probably carried the county
Precincts No 2 3 C ana 7
instructed for Hor and precinots No
15 and 8 are uninstructed It any of
tho uninstructed delegates voto for Hoeg
he will get tho county No effort was
made in this precinct the larger to have
any instruotions but it Is known that
some delegates are Hogg men The Cght
next Saturday promises to be close
and exciting In all of the precincts
instructions were unanimous and enthu
siastic for Bailey for congress
Iteturus have been received from every
preoinot in Montague county and Bailey
carried every one except Forrestburg
which he lost by one vote The attend
ance at the primaries wus the largest
ever known
Special to the Gazette
Jacksonville Tex Jnne 24 By
appointment Hon W H Martin
Judge James I Perkins John B Long
and Judge Norman G Klttrell all can
didates for congress from the second dis
trict addressed the people hero today
An unusually large crowd assembled
to hear thenS showing that the people of
this country nre becoming really inter
ested in the politics of the country
Mnj Martin took the lead and dlsoussed
the political issues of the day
In a general way only deviating
from the general form by advocating
the repeal ot the internal revenue taxes
Next Judge Perkins took the stand and
in a very able manner discussed the polit
cal Issues from a purely Democratio
standpoint His speech ttob well re
ceived by his hearers He was
followed by Ijong who in a few re
marks outlined His policy The ad
dress was closed by ft short speeoh from
Judge Klttrell who entertained his audi
ence for an hour in a happy manner pe
culiarly his own Atintervals the Jack
Eonvillo band discoursed muilo for the
entertainment of alt
Tnnheliftg Under the Czars Mansion
Special to the Gazette
Vienna Juno 2 PrivatQ dispatches
received here via Bucharest confirm th °
recent report of the discovery of a mine
under the czars apartments in St
Petersburg It It believed in that city
that polloo officials were Implicated in
the plot and a number ot arrests ot
prominent persons are expeoted Court
and government officials nro tormented
with fears of arrest or disaster
The North Side Bridge Question Set
tled by the Council
The City Goes Out of the Graveyard Business
About Cnttlns Electric Wires to Ac
commodate House Hovers
It was a few minutes after 10 oclock last eve
ning when the city council was called to order
with his honor the mayor in the chair and al
the aldermen present except Mr BaUey
The minntea having been read and adopted
the report of the committee on claims recom
mending payments aggregating 9638 including
137251 to K M Van Zandt account ot public
Schools and 1S36SS to S A Tomlinson on the
engine building was adopted
An account of W F Lako for sewer pipe
amounting to 3319 referred from claims com
mittee was discussed Jt appeared that a suit
would probably be entered against the city if a
settlement was not made Referred to the
sewer committee
An account ot Dennis Matican was presented
for fivo days pay as witness in the Eanc case
On motion ot Mr Nies all claims for witness
fees were referred to the city attorney
The account of FWKane recently city en
gineer for 150 was not allowed The blU was
For use of instrument lever fifteen months
at5 75 00
For uso of instrument transit fifteen
months at J5 75 03
The school committee reported that they
would be ablo to secure the building corner
Seventh and Throckmorton streets for the
next scholastic year by paying rent during the
entire year including vacation The committee
was authorized to close the contract for the
building until January 1 1S91
A letter was read as follows
J P Nicks Esq
Dear Sir Will you plea e present to the city
council the following resolution which was
unanimously adopted at a meeting held June 22
Resolved that the city council be requested
to procure and repair a building for public
schools in ward 7 also that two new rooms be
prepared at building No 4 Missouri avenue
and that building No T have one or two new
rooms added thereto also one new room at
building No 5 West Broadway as the growth
of the scholastic population now requires
T H Roc
Secretary City School Board
Referred to the committee on public schools
Tae committee on public grounds reported
To the Honorable Mavor and Board of Aldermen
of the City of Fort Worth
Gentlemen We your committee to whom was
referred tho matter of purchasing grounds for
cemeterr purposes would recommend the pur
chase of the 200acre tract ot R E Maddox
lying west of the Sycamore creek for the sum of
J00 per acre he agrees to accept the citys
notes or five per cent bonds of the city in pay
Signed W L Rail
G H Day
The following minority report was read
To the Honorable Mayor and Board ot Alder
Gentlemct Your committee on public
grounds to whom was referred Beveral propo
sitions from different parties offering to sell the
city certiin tracts or pieces of land for cemetery
purposes beg leave to report that we have
failed to come to an agreement in said matter
two ot said committee differing with myself as to
the most suitable piece of land to bo purchased
for said purpose I find Messrs Rail and Day
of the opinion that the city had Lo3t accept the
proposition submitted by Col It E Maddox
offering to sell a tract of land lying west of
Sycamore creek and south of and adjoining our
present dumping grounds and by close exam
ination ot same I find according to
my judgment at least onehalf of
said land in the valley of Sycamore
creek The uDland is cut up by a large branch
running east and west across same and some
smaller drains which will leave only about one
fourth smooth land and perhaps less than that
amount which for the city to buy at the price
submitted would be ruinous in my judgment
As to the other propositions submitted I will
state that I believe the most suitable piece for
the city to buy is the tract offered by Fakes
Darter Co the same being a part of tho C B
Daggett survey containing about 200 acres It
is located on the northeast side ot the river about
one mile east from our old cemetery
The land is very near and smooth
with beautiful elevation the soil is a sandy
loam with clay foundation and plenty ot trees
I recommend thepurchase of the land offered
by Messrs Fakes Dater Co believing thi3
location to be the most suitable place for a cem
etery that can be found in the vicinity of Fort
Worth James Ktan
Of Committee on Public Grounds
Mr Jackson moved seconded by Air Rail
that the report of the majority be adopted
There were several propositions to sell land
on the table and they were read
Mr Nies moved that in view of theso con
flicting views on the cemetery location that tho
council go out of the cemetery business He
could not find any authority In the citys char
ter for runninga cemetery and if the city left
the matter alone it would be takon up by private
Mr Jones agreed with Mr Nies Mr Martin
said that as a matter ot financial retrenchment
he was in favor of Mr Nies motion
Mr Jackson was in favor of the city owning
only enough ground to bury the paupers
Mr Nicks was in favor of avoiding the ad
ditional expense ot new burying grounds The
city now has ample grounds to bury tho pau
pers Mr Nies motion was carried unanimously
and the council recommended that the matter
be taken np by private parties
As there was no report from the sewer com
mittee on the table Mr Jackson called atten
tion to the fact that the work on the city sewers
was stopped by reason ot disputed right of way
Mr Fraser moved that a competent man be
employed to secure rights of way for the sewers
Mr Clements spoke in favor of the motion
His honor the mayor called attention to the
status of the sewer work stating that the atten
tion of the chairman ot the sewer committee
had been called to the state ot affairs and the
mayor requested the other members of tho com
mittee to devote some attention to tho sewer
works that the city might be keot cognizant of
the progress and condition of the same
The motion to appoint a right of way agent
the mayor to appoint and fix compensation
was carried
Petition was read from Mary Sealy for pay
ment of funds charged upon a lot in block B
Fields addition and was referred to the city
Petition of residents on Hampton street ror
extension of water pipes for their accommoda
tion showing the expense would be small To
the waterworks committee with power to act
Petition for the grading of block on Pennsyl
vania avenuerbetween Lipscomb and Hemphill
streets was referred to the street and alley
committee with power to act
Petition for the extension of water mains
south from Lula street on South Jennings avenue
te the southern limits of the city was referred to
the waterworks committee
Petition recommending appointment of D C
Gulden to fill the office of sanitary police
man in case of an increase in the number ot
persons acting in this capacity by reason of the
increased territory to the city and the approach
of warm wHir > Referred to the board of
The bond ot H H < Kerr as city engineer was
The street and alley committee was instructed
to proceed with the grading of Live Oak street
south to the south lino of the center street
in Masons addition and to negotiate with prop
erty owners as to cost
Application of City Attorney Towell for leave
ot absence during three regular meet
ings of the council in July was granted
Mr F M Burroughs representing citizens on
Henderson street asking for extension of water
pipes to that street represented that water fa
cilities had been granted neighboring streets
Mr Nies said that the waterworks committee
had the matter nnder consideration No report
has yet been made and this and many other
similar requests are being considered all to
The following was adopted
It is hereby resolved by the city council of the
city ot Fort Worth that on July IS 1893 an elec
tion be held In the Seventh ward of said city at
Popes grocery store to elect two aldermen for
said Seventh ward and that Mr Stephen Mnl
keybe and he Is hereby appointed presiding
officer to hold said election due notice to bo
given by the proper officers Clements
A resolution for the adoption ot an ordinance
to compel the laying of a cement sidewalk at
the south line of Seventeenthstreet and run
ning thence on the west side of Jones to the
north line ot Front street thence to Calhoun
was adopted
X resolution wan adopted to the effect that the
street and alley committee look into the making
of crossings over and across the railroad tracks
to the eastern part of the city
The street and alley committee was instructed
to place the alley back Ot llaupins livery stable
in good condition
The ordinance relating to the moving of houses
outside of the fire limits and regulating the cut
ting or removal of telegraph telephone and
electric wires Wa read
It was moved that the ordinance lie over nnder
the rules
Mr Fraser announced he would oppose the
Zlt T J Hnrley spoke briefly but earnestly
on the matter as representing the Fort Worth
land and street railway company He said it
was not right to discommode the thousands of
people who sse the street railways
lu order to facilitate the moving ot
cheap houses In the fire limits Its spoke of a
frame building which on he previous night
stood near the Ellis house and alruot against
the electric wire ot the street railway a thing
which Mr Hurley said would not have been al
lowed In any other city in the world The cut
ting of these wires would mean great expense to
the company
Mr Norton electrician in charge of the Rose
dale companys works explained tho damage
the cutting of wires by night or day would incur
Mr Powell city attorney said he was not
satisfied with the ordinance as it stood
The ordinance wentover for a week nnder tho
Bids for the painting ot schoolhouses were re
ceived and read On motion ot Mr Jackson the
building committee was given authority to do
such work as they deem proper on the school
An ordinance for the improvement of Elm
street was laid over nnder the rules
The following was presented Be it resolved
that the city engineer be instructed to repair
and put up the North side bridge as follons
Replace the iron after having it straightened
and repaired and remove the rock approach and
place it at tho base ot the cylinders for break
water and place wooden bents and bridge seat
under south end of some
Signed Frassb
Mr Nies wanted to know what aid tho city
would get in the repairing of the bridge
Mr Clements wanted to know if tho street
railway company could not get along with one
approach so as to accommodate teams Could
the company not gel along with ono track
Mr Nicks sold the council long ago had dis
cussed that matter and decided that two tracks
were not so much inconvenience as ona track
Mr Clements did not think so
Mr Martin would like to hear from Mr
Byers about aid in repairing the structure
Mr Byers said the company would give the
300 in aid of payment for the expenses of re
Jiair With regard to the double track he said
t was laid nnder instructions from the council
and under the supervision ot the city engi
neer Mr Nies moved adoption of the resolution
Mr Jackson moved that the expenditure be
limited to 1500
Mr Fraser was in favor of doing the work
without limit as to cost It they started in let
them finish the job
Mr Jacks on saw no assurance that the costot
repair would not go np from S1S00 to C80U There
was no assurance that the city would not be
caught liko it was when the bridge was originally
built Mr Jackson amended his limit to make
it XtZOQ and Mr Clements seconded it
Mi Nies moved amendment to the amendment
so that the work should not be begun until a
third of the amount to be expended be pledged
by private parties Day seconded Mr
Mr Nicks opposed the latter amendment He
thought the SOj offer was liberal He made the
point that as the city has accepted aid from
the county in building the bridgo the city wa3
obliged to keep it in repair
The resolution carried with all its amend
Mr Byars wanted to know it his proposition
was rejected
nis Honor I should say yes It is met by a
counter proposition
Mr Nicks It is met by a proposition to defeat
the repairs ot the bridge
Mr Clements We are not making rapid pro
gress in this business We must not dodge the
issue Ifa majority of the council arc in favor
of the repairs I am in favor ot it We are losing
time Tho opportunity cannot be mado more
Mr Fraser Ths county commissioners and
many citizens of the North Side have approached
me about the bridgo They say they lmve paid
taxes to have the bridge built and the city
should keep it in repair
Mr Jones We will have to repair it and we
might as well go ahead Mr Frasers idea is
the proper one
Mr Fraser moved that the city engineer be
instructed to prepare plans and advertise for
bids to repair the bridge
Mr Jackson could not see the use of the dis
cussion He did not think there would be any
dlfnculty raising the necessary subscriptions to
carry on the repairs under the adopted resolu
Mr Byars As far as the North Side railway
company is concerned you have got the nest pro
position you will ever have from us The bridge
may fall before we will raise our proposition
We did not inquire into the cost of repairs be
fore we made the proposition
Mr Martin moved reconsideration of the vote
by which the resolution for repairing the bridge
was adopted Carried
Mr Martin moved that the original resolution
be adoped with an amending clause accepting
the 300 proposition
Mr Nies called for the yeas and nays on the
amendment which wero as follows Yeas
Jones Ryan Nicks Martin Rail Jackson
Day bmith Fraser Clements Navs Nies
Then came up the resolution with limit ot
230 expenditure which was carried
The mayor called the attention of tho council
to their ignorance of the status of the citys
sewer works He suggested that the council
might instruct the members of the sewer com
mittee other than the chairman to look after
the matters under the charge ot that committee
Mr Clements said that he and Mr Jones
would give the matter attention
City Attorney Powell wanted instructions re
garding the sign ordinance
The street and alley and the sewer committee
were instructed to confer with the city engineer
as to his necessary staff ot assistants and as to
his offices
The matter or street signs was brought np
again Mr Fraser thought awnings should bo
left to keep off the sun Mr Jones said the
ordinanco contemplated the removal of wooden
signs such as are dangerous to the public
A resolution permitting the North side street
railway company to raise their tracks at the
crossing of Houston and Throckmorton streets
was referred to the street and alley committee
On resolution the city engineer was instructed
to carry out the order of December last relativo
to rock excavated from South Boaz street and
to turn same over to the street commissioner
On motion the city engineer and street and
alley committee were authorized to change tho
plan for the citys part of tho overhead bridge
on South Boaz street making two spans of
thirty feet each instead of two twenty feet each
and two ten feet each
A proposition from S A Tomlinson to make
the changes in the fire ball recommended by tho
fire chief at a cost of 33 was referred to the
building committee
Jesse Dearing was allowed S3 < 3 for removing
partitions In the conncil chamber
A resolution directing the city engineer to
notify the Fort Worth street railway company
to conform to grade established on Pennsylvania
avenue between Jennings avenue and Hemphill
street and notify the council In the event of
failure to do so
This was withdrawn upon explanation of Mr
Byars that tho establishment of grade was all
that prevented previous compliance with regard
to this matter
Capt S H McMurray of the rangers is In tho
John Howard came down from Wichita Falls
yesterday Ho Is as happy as usual over the
Miss Lena Terry left yesterday for Michigan
where she will spend the summer
The Misses Lula and Lillian Loving of SO
West First street two of Fort Worths fairest
and most bewitching belles left yesterday for
the mountains of Colorado to spend the summer
with relatives
Mrs E M Bamford after a six weeks visit
with her brother J M Perry leaves for
Guthrie I T her home tonight
Cant J P Morris of the South Side leaves to
day for Memohis Tenn on private business
but will talk Fort Worth and Texas during his
v C S Mattison left last Sunday morning to
spend about a month ln the state ot Illinois
where Mrs Mattison is visiting relatives and
Miss Belle Bowdry left for Carrolilon Mo on
the 21st
JF B Worsham of Henrietta one of the
leading citizens of his section ia in the city
stopping at the Pickwick
Mrs W G Turner of Fort Worth and Miss
RenaSlayden of Waco have gone to Denver
Col to spend the summer
B S Lovett attorney of the Texas and Pacific
with headquarter at Dallas is ln the city
quartered at the Ellis
Rev J Morgan Wells lastnlght departed for
Kentucky where he will spend his summer vaca
E B Harrolds family left for the North las
evening over the Missouri Kansas and Texas to
spend the summer
A Texas Boy Assassinated
Special to the Gazette
Tort Smith Ark June24 Mack
Irvin a young man from Texas was
found dead by the roadside on Sunday
evening mar Antlers He bad been
waylaid and assassinated He bad been
in the country some time and was
acoused of taking stock oft the range
that did cot belong to htm and it is
thought some ot the Indians murdered
Bitten by a Mztd Dog
Special to the Gazette
San Antonio Tex June 2 A mad
dog ran amuck on South Laredo street
this morning and before ho could be
killed by the police lie sucoeeded in
biting Mrs Alice Arnand and her little
daughter and a negro man Mrs
Amaud and daughter will leave at once
for the New Tork Pasteur institute
Passlntr Himself 02 as a Weolthy Projpea
Borrows Honey Jnmpj m jiotPl
Bill and Skips
Special to the Gazette
Koppkrl Tex
June 24
three weeks ago an old dried up 3aBj
off prospeotor arrived ln t0Hn
put up at the hotel was nssigned ta
best in the houso
room and made
bis business by informing all that he w
here for the purposo of inspects
country with a view of purchasinga fa J
for himself and that foiiroraveot
his friends and relatives would
next week for tho tamo purpose ani
that they would undoubtedly settla i
this community Our pood pe0D
thought the boom wns surely oa
from the effect of the Spring laiaej
Every man who owned a pieio
dirt lay in the shade thinkij
it uselsss to toll and
per < Pi
during these hot days with such tliutfr
lug prospects of an ascension of v l
upon it Our best citizens had him to
dine with them at their homes ana dar
after day took him in their carnaej
showing up the best farms in the 0rjzo
bottom The old man was hijtilT
pleased and would Buroly locate
t > Q
would not purchase until his friends ar
rived from Missouri
Next week rolled around h
then Bald he had received a letter froa
them informing him that they would be
in tho followlnc week as they haj
stopped off in
that was
went well
day night
Sherman Texas Well
reasonable and all
when he sudien
ly disappeared and has so far fauej
to show up and most likely never wilt
hero Ho borrowed several small
amounts of money claiming he couli
not get n fifty dollar bill choused and of
course forgot to return them before skip
pine and likewise neglecting to pay hu
hotel bill Ho claimed to have eons
from near Paris Mo CMonrne countt
and dubbed himself John Mcllride
tending of course that he was weaituy
He stands about live feet six uitaej
small build and features uark eves re
hair and whiskers nnd sideburns go
mustache wears very slouchv ciottnnz
generally goes coatless talks Incessantly
and is very social and intimate on a short
acauaintance lie would have no doubt
pulled the people for more but lor tho
fear at being tracked up Verily hs tj
n slick ono and may Tun iktti ts
the means of his land scheme beic
broken up
T l A
The Coys Fainted Denver Red last M ht Ix
Hundred Strong
Special to the Gazette
Denver Col June 21 About CO
delegates representing every state ia
the Vpioa assembled iu Odd rellotri
hall this morning for the purpose of at
tending the eighth nnuual convention of
the National travelers protective assort
ation which wns called to order nt u
oclock by President Root after whita
Governor Cooper and Mayor Londoner
addressed tho hoys welcoming then
to Colorado and Denver President
Root and Col Phil Trounstine replied ia
behalf of the knights ot the grip
At the conclusion of this pstt
of the programme the president
announced his committees niter
which a recess was taken till 2 oclock
At the afternoon session but little busi
ness was transacted as the auditing
committee was still engaged in the ex
amination of the treasurers books and
accounts preparatory to roporting to
morrow morning liy that tune tti
committees appointed this morning nrs
expected to be ready to report when the
active work of the convention will com
mence A reception by the citizens of
Denver and Colorado division of the T
P A was tendered the delegates and
their friends at the Colisiuui tonisbt
It Draes Along In tas District ConrtXew
NBults Filed
The trial of the Suddeth murder csi
wns the topio of greatest interest at thj
Tarrant county courthouse yesterdsy
The day was entirely consumed with the
taking ot evidence which process wai
just completed when court adjourned
last evening No startltng facts wera
brought to lisht that had not beeu devel
oped in former trials ot the case This
morning the arguments will be com
menced and it is not anticipated that
much time will be consumed by ins
Iu the county court the suit of Dennii
Mountain acainst the North Side street
railway company judgment was ren
dered for the defendants The plaintiff
sued for 1000 dnmace cauiod by a isr
running into his buggy
The case of George Alston nga uut the
same company for 200 damages causnj
by being knocked off a car was entered
upon late in tho day
Ed Kingsbury entered suit In ths
county court apalnct tho receivers of ths
Cotton Belt railway for 2H claimed oa
a contract
The AntiCommission Candidate for GoTiraor
in tho Ciiy
Judge Gustave Cook ot Houston can
didate for governor of Texas is in tti
ot his campaign itinerary
city in the course
erary He is quartered at the Pickwick
Ho arrived In Fort Worth ye terdJ
morning but owing to indisposition
kept close to his room during most ot toe
day nnd when called upon by a Gizet
excused himself from an
of not
interview on the Pe
well Mr OX
is a gentleman of suavity and eaQ
ment He u making a fn
issues He is a brainy man witn a r
ord of brilliant achievements
hind him During Jtwdar
wos waited upon by nin
of the adherents to his oause in this u
and it was arranged that he n0Ul M
liver an address at the courthouse
at a v
evening of Thursday the
m when no doubt he will cUe
audience comprising most of the e i
oommlssion sentiment of these parti
Austins Census Eeport
Soecial to the Gazette
AUSTIN lex June 24Fire
curred on Seventeenth street tonte
suiting In tho total destruction of a
dence ocoupied by Mr Noches
The census of Austin complete
port Btl6 250 This does not W
South AustinlT