OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 27, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1890-06-27/ed-1/seq-1/

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Tpal cities of Europe Directors K M VanZandt Thos A Tidball I
rrd J J Jarvis E J BeaU It L Ellison
Snrplns Fniifl 50J0Oof
DiBErroRS J G Wright MMHWCeo L Harler C J Swasev W A Huffman C H
Jitsli K M WyDnc A333 etfrE E Powell E W Taylor E E Chase llil Pare T H
UaltiD A 1 SmithCSt3JlUFsb 3Tronsacis a general banking business in loans discounj
lid eichsnEe tojKflStfcrd domestic Correspondence solicited Collections made and pi
iridttedgidciy deposit boxes for rent
= = = =
1 LLow 1iesldent
tcmn secoxp ami iiocsxos fgifigpJCAPiiAi 250000 1 tbaxsict a
nt iult vntnTUfTs ffihvaeLvs 125060 oeveeai baskiiq bosh i
riBznoKEM5s i > JEfirroid M B Lovd C n nirbee Zane Cettf D C BKlM z371 t6Srce
ip5rJcfcsoi s B Burnett L B Harroldand il Harrolf
u Jl VasZakdt President Thos A Tidb <
Successor toa3JjjpPPSI2andt CoJ Fort WorthTei
Capital Stock FaidtJggPl0BOOO Surplus Fund 30000
A f eseral baniingirffftransacted Collections made andpiomptly remitted Exchang
RDtNa Cashier
wtim Cutlery and Sporting Goods
3Autnorized Texas Agent for Spalding Base Ball and Athletio Goods
Fif hing and sbootiup Tackle Lawn Tennis Croquet Hit Em Ajaia
Bicycles Trycicles Velocipedes Qoat Carts Iron Wagons eta in fust
tTCry kind of in and outdoor sport Send for illustrated catalozua
209211 Houston St Fort Worth Tex
KD BATEMAN Established 1SG3
Jefferson Tex
JBBEbSAIiB gbocebs
5191621 ana 1623 Main and 16201618 and 1622 Rusk Streets Fort Worts
Healttwg Prleasure Resori
ccommodation complete and first class in every
S3 per day special by the month
23 < 3r wrBSTBH0033 Proprietor
iX XjESS 53
A an early date wc expect to Uu
J > Ae it the best in the rfaWEyi
eluFecially to U f F
this hotel and under the new management
ous sample rooms recently secured Commercial
Geo O Hudgins Manager
itched CastorTa
llax WlKE McAnnulty Jas W Swayne
VPTW Tailor Pres E E CnAsn 1st VicePres Moroav Jokes d
f CfiritEl Paid in S500000
The Leading Clothiers Mens Furnia
Will place ou their counters this week t
most desirable line of
Ever shown in this market in
Cloths Flannels Silk Mixtures a
reduced juices
AILot Alfred Benjamins latest novelties in this line also
a Mrtine of Waiters Jackets
See us on all kinds of midsummer goods this week
The celebrated Lithone waterproof collars for 12 = c and
4ply linen collars 10c each
C McCabtht President Cnxs Ecnzvnvn XU TtJMjK7 GEiJiia Cashlo
Capital WJMJgPfl Rirplus 60000
Safety DejJ rKBoxQs Fire and Burglar Proof for Rent
Dlrcctys fiyiJBandidKe JC McCarthy O il Crane T T D Andrews Charles Scheabsr
Denver Colo
Capital Pri
Bank of Commerce pays all prizes
Cash Capital and Surplus
Wehave onhVjdMONSiMlffLEND SLOW
on desirable rcalflMsWof all kinds anywhere in
Texas WetTip Vendors LienNotes and
extend thogxroVthree to ten years as desired
Our lasgerpatdup capital and surplus and solid
Eajrfgln connections give us unsurpassed facili
iffcs for making cheap rates and meeting our
customerswants We solicit a share of your
< C1 Main street cornerThlrd upstairs
J B Reliable and activelocal correspondent
wanted in every good agricultural district
throughout the State
207 HOUSTodjt
Croquet Hammocks and Swings Artist
Oil Colors Canvas Brushes Placques
Palettes and
Worcester Diction
Jo hi
Unabridged and Indi
Ox ps Madras Zephyr
> ure Silks at greatly
Plain and plaited bosoinjpSpen front and back plain and
fancy pique satin strbaif and handembroidered full dress
Of the ligiitesj giabrics extra full and extra long1 with puff
Denver Colorado
persojy ivfiy class possessing a knowledge o
and desiring remunerative employ
should correspond with the Oaskell Lit
Club Southern Branch Dallas Texas
ypeirateF Apt
Dallas Tex
Carried too Much Beer
Special to the Gazette
Sax Antonio Tex June 2C Peo
ple arrivins here todoy from Itossville
Atascosa county toll ot a lively time in
that town yesterday morning It ap
pears that a party ot Mexicans who
were out all nfeht celebrating Dia de
San Juan encountered another party
bent on the same influence near the resi
dence of Judge Laugstone when an al
tercation occurred between the oppos
ing factions the principal aggressors
belnff Jose 11 Delgado and Lazaro San
ceilo Words led to blows when Sancedo
drew a bulldog sixslooter and tired
point blank at Delgado the bul
let striking him and passing
throuch his left hand causing
an nply wound During tlio confusion
Sancedo escaped and has not yet been
captured Too much beer was the cause
of the fracas While riding along the
road early this mornlne I > K Navarro
picked up the bull dog where Sunredo
dropped it and at once banded it to
Squire Langs tone The pistol was at
once recognized by several persons as
the property ot Sancedo
attorneyGeneral Hogs on the
TFiiKrT s liocri club
Special to the Gazette
Tkhhkix Tix June 2C The Hogg
Club lias had several names added to
their list since Monday mIt is asserted by
muuy Hogg advocates that Kaufman
county will send 11 delegation to the stute
conveution instruoted for Hijgg
Special to the Gazette
Sheiimax Tkx Jumi 2C Our citi
zens are arrnngluK to give Hon lustavo
Cook a praud reception next Saturday
uktht when he speaks in Sherman
Judge Cook will speak at Howe ou tlio
sumo day where a big picnic will be
given Tom llrowu speaks at the picnic
near Shannon schoolhouse north of
Sherman tomorrow
Special to the Gazette
Rockwall Tex Juno 2C C B
Randall and J V Bailey spoke at Wil
low Spriugs last night and spoke here to
day This couuty will it is generally
thought instruct for one of these gen
tlemen and the friends of each are
working hard for their favorite The
primaries will be held on the 12th
Correspondence of the Gazette
Clakexdox Tkx June 25 Sine
our couuty convention politics is nt rather
alow ebb All parties irrespective of
choice seem to believe that Gen Hogg
will be nominated for governor on lirst
ballot There is a considerable differ
ence of opinion as to the merits of the
proposed commission movement but it is
very noticeable that quite a respectable
el ment of thinking men consider that a
railroad commission in Texas would be
to Western Texas what the long haul
clause of the interstate commerce com
mlaak r is to the state of Texas and some
Matlock Insinuations
If Anyone Knows Aught Keilectiiur on
His Official or Personal Integ
rity Texas wants It
Earry la Reply to the Letter of Chairman Fin
ley Hall at Corslcaua Ho and
Cook to Heot at Denton
nsking themselves the question
have we done and what are we
Special tothe Gazette
New BiRMixniiAM Tex June 26
The Madison county Democratic conven
tion instructed for Hoge Pendloton
Culberson McGaughy and Wortham
and for Page of Houston county for
the senate
Correspondence of the Gazette
Biuuy Tex June 23 The McCul
loiih county Democratic convention to
delegates to the legislative con
gressional and state conventions has
been called to convene at Brady July
12 1890
Our people are making preparations to
celebrate the Fourth with a grand bar
becue A good time is anticipated and
a general rally of candidates They will
have an opportunity to address the dear
Correspondence of the Gazette
Duffau Tex June 25 A primary
convention will be held here next Satur
day and judging from present indica
tions it will unanimously instruct for J
S Hogg for governor
The question of holding primary elec
tions tor county offices is being warmly
discussed by Democrats here Tho
friends of primaries claim that a dark
lantern party will yet show itself and
some of the opponents to primaries say
every man running for office in Erath
county is a Democrat The county
convention will be hold July 12 when ic
will be determined whether to hold pri
mary elections or not Senator L N
Frank tor reeleotlon and Lee Riddle
of Graubury and Thomas O Martin of
Glen Rose for representative aro very
popular candidates here and it Is gener
ally expected herethat Erath county will
instruct her delegates to vote lor them in
the district convention
Special to the Gazette
Denton Tex June 20 Extensive
preparations are being made for the oc
casion of the joint debate between At
torneyGeneral Hogg and Judge Gustave
Cook which takes plaoe in this city on
Monday June 30 inst This will doubt
less be the largest assemblage of voters
that there has ever been in Denton to
hear a political discussion Commission
and anticommission have been the ab
sorbing topics of discussion throughout
the county for some time past As these
two gentlemen are the champions of the
respective polioies above named the dis
imi next Monday is generally ro
iirded as the greatest event of the pres
ent campaign for Denton county
Special to the Gazette
Midland Tex Juno 2C The cow
boysjn Andrew county away out next
New Mexico met at Scharbauers ranch
and held a Democratic conventiorv John
Soharbauer was president The vote
was unanimously for Hogg not one cow
boy but what favored him
The citizens of this place are urging
Maj A W Hilllard of Midland to offer
for the legislature They think it time
Midland was coming to the front The
major will probably make the race
Special to the Gazette
Cousicana Tex June 2C Land
Commissioner R M Hall candidate for
governor addressed about 200 citizens In
the opera bouse here tonight He said
on the first of next January there would
bo 5000000 in the state treasury be
longing to the school fund That money
should be invested In fertile lands to be
sold to Texas citizens on terms proposed
by the school laws Ho said the rail
roads should have credit for the good
they have done but they should be
regulated in the interest of Texas and
not of other states He advocated a
commission that would be just to the
rallroadrand at the same time protect
the people a commission not with
plenary power but with special authority
to execute laws in the interests of com
mon justice His speech was well re
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tkx Juno 2C Mr Bryan
T Barry chairman of the Co ok cam
paign committee has prepared the fol
lowing reoly to the letter of Chairman
Finley which appeared in The Gazette
of this morning
I have not written any letters to
Mr Chairman Finley and shall not do
so as I do not regard him as the Demo
cratic party of the state Neither Is he
the autocrat or receiver of the party I
respect him however in his position as
chairman of the executive committee of
the state and shall submit uncomplain
ingly to anything ho does within the
scope ot the powers conferred upon him
but when he truusccuds them he Is no more
more thano ther citizen Tlio state or
gatiou of the party consists of an execu
tive committee composed of a member
from each ot the thlrtyouo senatorial
districts in the state and a chair
man all selected and appointed every
two years by the state conventions
No writteu law has ever been made for
the government of this committee and it
is certain that no power lias ever been
conferred upon them except that of call
ing the party together iiTstat convention
and naming the time and plaoe of meet
ing Besides this each member is chair
man of the executive committee for his
senatorial district Again these powers
aro conferred upon the committee and
not upon the chuirmnu and until tho
committee acts tho chairman has no au
thority to publish its decision upon any
question When the state convention is
called the county ami precinct conven
tions are called nnd when tho people
assemble they aro supreme and the offi
cial duties af all the committeemen fully
performed nnd their authority termin
Chairman Finley understood this and
assembled his committee nt Lampasas
and the committee seleottd San Antonio
as the place and August 12 the time for
the meeting of the convention and Mr
Finley issued the call If Chairman
Finley is such a power in the party
why the necessity ot the meet
ing nt Lampasas What else did
the committee do We have no report
ot anything except that it is claimed Mr
Finley read to the committee and they
endorsed a letter written by him to Mr
Miller stating his views upon who
should bo allowed to participate in con
ventions of the party It appears how
over from the accounts wo get that
there is a controversy among members of
tho committee as to just what tho com
mittee did and intended to do upon this
point but 1 think Mr Finley himself
feels sure the members of the committee
will not claim that they intended to say
to the Democraoy that they must be gov
erned by the provisions of this letter in
their conventions If either does how
over they will find their principals tho
Democracy of the state will show them
by their proceedings in conventions how
little regard they have for the assump
tion of authority But if not intended
as a party command the letter and all
other expressions of Chairman Finley
become only his personal expressions
and Mr Finley himself becomes the first
person to raise the question of a t > st
in this campaign Now what will Mr
Finley do Will he claim that he has
acted by direotion of his committee in
what he has said If so let him show the
proceedings of the committee Will he
claim that his committee has the author
ity to decide who shall participate in the
conventions of the party If they have
the authority if the party has conferred
this power upon them does it become
their duty to exercise it and if so Mr
Finley should call the committee to
gether at once so that they can act It
will not do to say that he read a letter
written by himself to Mr Miller and
claims that the committee endorsed
it The question is too important
the interests of the party are too seri
ously impending tho interpretation Of
what has been done and attempted to be
done to admit of any delay I say as 1
have always contended that Mr Finley
and his committee have no authority to
dictate to the people upon this question
but if they claim it they should exercise
it in a way so that they will be under
stood And if they do not claim this
authority and have not attempted to ox
erciso it they should say so for Mr Fin
ley s expressions aro beiug used by one
side in this contest to forward their ends
Now what will Mr Finley do What
say tho committee Any member of the
committee and I contend any good
Democrat has the same right to
speak bis mind upon this ques
tion as Mr Finley As to
the letter of Mr Finley in todays
papers I want to ask by what right he
signs himself officially to such a docu
ment Its intent is plain The com
munications he replies to are all against
Gen Hoggs side and in this communi
cation be puts himself forward as a sup
porter and partisan of Gen Hogg No
other interpretation can be placed upon
it by thinking people His insinuation
that persons who are recognized as quite
as good Democrats as himself and have
rendered the party quite as much service
as he has are about to disrupt the party
will not justify it He does not say so
but he evidently has joined others In at
tempting to misrepresent me and what I
have said as to who should participate in
Democratic primaries 1 challenge him
and everyone to show where I have by
one word advocated the exclusion of any
one on account of bis occupation or bis
membership in nny order not political
and he ought to be ashamed of
himself for this attempt to in
lludnce the passions of laboring people
I have said that we did not want the sup
port of any but Democrats Will Gun
Hoggs supporters say as much And 1
have said that persons who refused to
support the Democratio ticket in 18SS
and will not pledge themselves to do so
this year should not participate Am I
not right I have further said that mem
bers of secret oathbouud political or
ganizations should not be allowed to par
ticipate Should they Upon this point
Mr Finley and some others who do not
profess great fealty to the Democratic
party but who singularly enough are
very much In accord just now with
Chairman Finley claim that I would ex
clude members of the Grange and Alli
ance I have never named these orders
and my contention could not effect them
unless they control their members in
politics Do they I have here
tofore heard they didnt and have never
charged that they did but some
of my critics bare slandered either
them or me But as to the charge of
bolting I contend that where Demo
cratio primaries are overrun by enemies
uf the party Democrats should appeal
by sending up contesting delegations
Am I wrong Shall Democrats submit
to such an imposition nnd defeat ot their
party If so wo had as well surronder
to the Republicans Is it a crime and
shall one be denounced as a bolter for
refusing to surrender his party to its ene
mies Will tho executive committee or
its chairman say surrender or appeal
That is the questiou that is being dis
cussed in some localities and I think
Democrats will not surrender und will not
bo whipped into submission by being
charged with intending to bolt by u
chairman or anybody else
I > LLAS notes
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tex June 2 Attorney
General Hogg left ou the westbound
train this eveuing
Hou Gustave Cook will speak here
tomorrow night
Encouraging reports continue to be
received at the Cook aud Hall headquar
ters bn tho counties go on instructing
for Hogg just tho same
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tex Juno 2C Tho Times
Herald of this evening contains the fol
AttorneyGeneral Hogg is in the oity
today recuperatiug The TimesIIer
ald man called ou Mr Hogg and asked
him if he had anything to say in refer
ence to the slanders of the capitol syndi
cateand theinsiuuatipn of their attorney
Mr Matlock Gen Hoge said ho would
not at present dignify the slanders any
more than to sny The intimation
by Matlock that I ever acted dishonora
ble or dishonestly or ever attempted
blackmail in my life is false If he or
others know of anything that rplleots
upon my official or personal integrity
they owe it to me nnd above all to the
people of Texas to make it public at once
so that it can be fully investigated aud
if true that Texus may be spared the
humiliation of instructing her delegates
to vote for the nomination of a corrupt
man for governor
Correspondence of the Gazette
Tihuacan Tex June 24 Last
night Capt W II Richardson and Hon
R E Steele candidates for state sen
ator spoke here iu favor of the com
mission Both gentlemen are confident
of success iu the race Geo A Boll
Fairfield candidate fordistriot attorney
spoke also
The indications aro that the commis
sion men are the favorites and that
Hogg and the commission will have a
walk over
At the joint discussion between Hogg
and Cook a few days ago in Mexia they
say that Cook was not fairly treated by
the largo audience All the preference
was shown for nogg and Cook worked
under a cold collar
Correspondence of the Gazette
Mount Calm Tex June 21 Ac
cording to appointment our esteemed
friend and countryman Hon G W
Belcher visited us today and was
greeted by a large and enthusiastio
nudience After a formal introduotion
by our old and honored friend Col J J
Eliott he delivered an eloquent nnd stir
ring speeoh in favor ot Gen Hogg for
governor of Texas and tho adoption of
the constitutional amendment His
speech was well received by all present
with frequent outbursts of applause and
enthusiasm He presented Gen Hoggs
merits and high legal attainments won
derful abilities as having the moral
courage to carry out his convintionsaud
would place the people of Texas on the
high road to prosperity greatness mag
nilicauce After the speaker closed a
motion was made to organize a Hocg
and commission club which resulted In
the election ot Col J J Eliott presi
dent and T D Boyd as secretary of the
club with something under fifty mem
bers Old Hill county is for Hogg con
stitutional amendment aud commission
the situation at lone oik
Lose Oak Hcst Cocnit Tei June 23
To the Gazette
I notioed iu yesterdays Gazette a let
ter from this place written by F W
Massey in which he said there were only
three antiHogg men in this precinct
and that I wns oue of them He said
that I was young and green lfit is a
crime to be young I plead guilty to tho
charge And if a man who opposes
Hogg is green 1 also plead guilty to
that charge Mr Massey reminds me of
the Union Lnborites in Wood county two
years ago They called me green be
cause I did not support Marion Martin
and Bill Farmer in which there were
150000 people just as green as I was
Now they call mo green because I do not
support Hogg If the different Isms aro
excluded from the primary at this place
Hogg will bein the minority otherwise
iu the majority It is an undisputable
fact thnt every thing that bolted from
the Democratio party two years ago is
for Hogg and they were the ones Mr
Massey was interviewing Between the
Democrats the vote is nearly equally di
vided I dont know what the Hogg
men will resort to next When they
fail to carry a point they begin to vilify
Mr Massey made a similar statement to
the Dallas News as was made in your
paper of the 24th and he now acknowl
edges that it was a falee statement
Correspondence of the Gazette
Waxahachie Tex June 2C Iho
gubernatorial race is being much dis
Sioux City Iowa June 2C In the
convention yesterday W MoFarland was
nominated for secretary of stato JJ
Lyons for auditor and B A Beson for
state treasurer The platform commit
tee reported as follows In convention
assembled we reaffirm our devotion to
the principles ot the national Republican
party and we make no other test of the
fealty to the Republican party of Iowa
We heartily indorse the able prudent
and patriotio administration of President
Harrison and with special commenda
tion of the movement for closer and bet
ter relations both business and polit
ically among all American governments
and people
The platform then spooially declares
adherence to the principles of protec
tion and favors the coinage of the entire
silver products of American mines ap
proves the purpose ot Republicans in
congress to amend and improve pension
laws und urges further and
more generous provisions for
Union soldiers expresses nbborenco
ot all trusts and trade conspiracies and
calls for the enforcement of laws Fed
eral und stato to exterminate iniqui
tous nnd dangerous combination The
concluding paragraph is as follows We
declare against a compromise with sa
loons and stand by the peoplo of this
state in their hostility to its existence
and power We favor suoh legislation
on the part of congress as shall protect
the police power of the states in their
efforts to regulate confine or prohibit a
public bar and for the approval of
work and record of the Republican party
of this state in their great cause of tem
perance involving public peace and
safety of good government We appeal
confidently to the electors of Iowa
The platform was adopted
Portland Me Juno 2C Tho Pro
hibition stute convention nominated
Aaron Clark of Buxton forgoveruor
Stueuexvillk Ohio June 2i >
Joseph E Taylor wuh today Lominated
for congress by the Republicans of the
Eigteenth district
Columiius Ohio Juno 20 Josoph
II Outhwaite was today renominated
tor congress by the Democrats of the
Ninth distriot
Srecial to the Gazette
Houston Tex June 2C Tho North
Houston primary today instructed for
Hogg The city primaries will be held
Saturday night
Campaign fights aro numorous Pas
senger Agent Faulkner of the Houston
and Texas Central choked a man who in
sulted him
This evening Sheriff Ellis and his dep
uties walked into a saloon to irrigate
District Clerk Vasmor invited Ellis to
drink and a row commenoed Ellis be
ing with armed deputies Vasmer chal
lenged him to a duel
The HoggCook oampaign here is get
ting warmer than the weather except
in Galvoston where the thermometer is
fixed so that the temperature is always
Accidental Shouting nt Dallas
Special to the Gazette
Dallas Tex June 2G During the
matinee races this evening at the fair
grounds a shooting ocourred the par
ticulars ot whioh it is difficult ti obtain
Mr Philip B Miller assistant county
attorney and Mr Will Campbell a
well known horseman are the
parties conneoted with the affair
Mr Miller who Is suffering
from a wound in the left arm near the
elbow says Mr Campbell received a lot
ter informing him of the death of his
mother and attemptod to commit sui
cide He Miller interfered and re
ceived the disoharge of the pistol in
his left arm Campbell says that
he and Millor wore in the club
room of the fair grounds and in taking
a pistol out ot the drawer it was dis
charged Miller being wounded as al
ready stated Both parties agree that
the shooting was accidental
International SundaySchool Convention
PittsburgPa June26 This morn
ing after devotional exercises state re
ports were reooived from Michigan
Kentucky Indiana and Utah The
Utah delegation stated Mormonism was a
pretty lively corpse The committee to
which was referred the report of
the executive committee then
reported The committee conourred
in the matter concerning
work among tho colored people and rec
ommended tho appointment of a capable
colored man as the promoter of Sunday
school Interests among that people The
recommendation caused a heated debate
and the word colored was erased
from the report President Harris then
made a stirring apponl in favor of the
colored race aud it was finally decided
to secure a good man nt onco regardless
of color The recommendations and
suggestions were all adopted without
serious opposition After soma routina
business the convention took a recess
Killlnc tit Telasco
Special to the Gazette
Velasco Tex June 2G Early this
morning a difficulty ocourred between
Jack Huey and Will Hill over soma
family troubles and resulted in tho
former shooting and instantly killing the
latter Huey and Hill were brothers
Worlds Fair Commissioners Sleet
Chicago III Juno 20 The World3
fair national commissioners held their
first meeting in this city at noon today
Judge John T Harris of Virginia was
chosen temporary chairman and made a
brief speech reviewing the historical sig
nificance of the work on hand
Hurler ISank Robber Convicted
Milwaukee Wis June 2G Tha
saloon keeper Baker on trial at Ash
land on a charge of robbing tho Hurley
bank of 10000 was found guilty to
Texas Convicts
Special to the Gazette
Huxtsville Tex June 2G From
todays summary at the penitentiary
Texas has on hand 330C convicts
Bismarck Talks
Berlin June 26 According to tho
Catsel Stadt Zeitnng Prince Blsmarok In
an address to the delegation from Cassel
with reference to the AngloGerman
agreement said that if England looked
well after her own interests for the time
England would treat German merchants
in Zanzibar jn a friendly fashion but
sooner or later they would try to oust
Germany Speaking ot Heligoland ha
said that the possession of the Island had
always been the wish of the German pa
triots but there might be various opin
ions as to the price that had been paid
for it
Itnsslan Journalists Ansry
St Petersburg Juno 2G Russian
newspapers are angry over the cession ot
Heligoland to Germany They fear the
possession of the island by Germany will
hamper Russian nautical operations
Many of tho papers assert that a secret
defensive alliance has been formed by
England and Germany
7a Bs itti irttaMisiicrg

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