OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, June 28, 1890, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1890-06-28/ed-1/seq-1/

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Ever shown in this market injpords Madras Zephyr
Cloths Flannels Silk MixtnrejEi pure Silks at greatly
reduced prices
Plain and plaited bosgl > open front and back plain and
fancy pique satin stsjfes and handembroidered full dress
t J islil
Of the ltehtejgtfaabrics extra full and extra long with puff
Surplus 60000V
ces Fire and Burglar Proof for Rent
J C C M Crane T T D Andrews
rirrctors S McCarthy
lux Klsgr aCl9aJlcAiinulty Jas W Swayne
E Cbask 1st yi prejn io
irmitted Gaiety deposit boxes for rent tt
SutbIus Fnnfl 5000009
Dirfctoes JW WrigM Morgan Jones Geo L Hurley OJ Swaser W A HntemaaaScS
liUfh ItJlgWrrae A P Luckett E E Powell E XV Taylor E U CliiSje gO mlKV
jlpa smith Mark Evans csTransacts a general banking b BtiMUMtllrdiscounts
Correspondence 0lIctte < l pPPiW15ae and promptly
AlLr Alfred Benjamins latest novelties in this line also
a fuJFlino of Waiters Jackets
jSee us on all kinds of midsummer goods this week
The celebrated Lithone waterproof collars for 12te and
4ply linen collars 10c each
K Jr VjZandt President
Capital Stock
Safety De
stflent N Hakdino Cashier
iSi VanZandtiCo Fort Worth Tar
g35pT5OOO00 Surplus Fund 530000
SSjflrisiness transacted Collections miflo and promptly remitted
itBernncipal cities of Kurope Directors K M VanZandt Thos A Tifl
SfjTK B And J J Jarria E J Beall EJL Ellison
1 C HcCamhv President
Soever Colo
Capital Priz
Bank ot Commerce pays all prizes
We have on
on deslr
Denver Colorado
Cash Capital and Surplus
estate of all kinds anywhere in
up Vendors LienNotes and
for three to ten years as desired
capital and surplus and solid
SS > Eastern conrections give us unsurpassed facill
ties for ranking cheap rates and meeting our
customers wants We solicit share ot youf
< 01 Main street corner Third upstairs
ITB Reliable and activelocal correspondent
wanted in every good agricultural district
throughout the State
fsjStbqnel Hammocks and Swings Artist
J1 Oil Colors Canvas Brushes Placques
Palettes and
Worcester Dictionary
Unabridged and Indexed 10 W
Teachers Ministers 5J = Jgtt pStf competen
persons ot anyxla jjSSfeSsrag a knowledge
literatura fltfiUBWrnig remunerative employ
rnea fejioald correspond with
rary Club Southern Branch
The Oppositions Policy on the Federal Election
BUI The Status of the Galveston
Deep Water Bill
the GaskeUJU was
L SsBsP band a
jBffnler Agent
Dallas Tex
Ulchlzan mrnlshes the President and Texas
tho Fecrelnry
Chicago IIIJune27 Tho Worlds
fair commissioners met this morning
The committee on permanent organiza
tion made a partial report recommend
ing that the officers of the commission
consent to a president and flvo rice
presidents a treasurer nnd secretary
the first vicepresident to be of
opposite politics from the president
and the other four to be equally
divided between the parties The report
was adopted The committee then pro
ceeded to the election of a permanent
president Thomas W Palmer of Mich
igan was unanimously chosen In like
manner John T Dickinson of Texas was
chosen permanent secretary The mat
ter of five vicepresidents was than re
ferred back to the committee on per
manent organization to report reoom
Colored Coo Shot
Special to the Gazette
Sax astonio Txx June 27 Early
this morning Ransom Coleman the
colored cook of the Commercial restau
rant was shot throngh the leg by one or
two negroes with whom be was quarrel
ing The weapon used was a Winches
ter and
tbe row was about a cup of
Special to the Gazette
Washington June 27 There are ru
mors that the Demoorats will absent
themselves from the house when a vote
is reached on the Federal election bill
The Republicans are being notified that
they must be in their plnoes Uo pairing
on either side will be allowed It
is also said that at least six
Republicans will vote against the bill
so if the Democrats secured their ab
sentees now four in number thero
might be a possibility of defeating the
bill although this it a contingenoy
They cannot however afford to throw
away any chances and they will be o i
deck to vote against the bill
solidly should they conclude not to with
draw from thehall
The status of the Galveston bill is un
changed from that mentioned in Mon
days Gazette Senntor Coke hopes to
have his amendment to the liver
and harbor bill adopted ap
propriating Si000000 for Galves
ton but as heretofore stated this
is a remote contingency unless be total
of the bill as it now stands can be re
duced to admit Galveston and Hay lake
channel This would require a lopping
off of appropriations in other direc
tions amounting to at least S2000000
The house committee on rules still sleeps
on the proposition to give the original
50200000 Galveston bill a day for con
sideration so that the outlook for affirm
ative legislation is not very promising
Thus the matter stands tonight in the
nine hole
A favorable report was made today
by the house military committee on the
tablisb a military post at Eagle
The senate passed the bill orlgin
for C0000 and the house bill only
carries 20000 The bill wiij go to con
ference and will probably pass for about
S30000 The secretary of war is to
decide whether the necessity exists for
a military post however before any ap
propriation becomes available
is at homo fixing up his fences and is
missed on the floor by many friends who
hope to see him returned
Blalno vs aicKlnUy
l pecial tothe Gaiette
S3 Washington June 27 It is a mis
taken assumption that Harrison en
dorses Blaines criticism of the McKinley
tariff bill nndhis proposition for such
tariff legislation as will secure recipro
city between the American nations
Harrison is much more closely allied to
McKinley than he Is to his secretary of
state andJs known to favor the MoKIn
ley bill WhtUr Blaine has said be
bos said independently UoKinley took
dinner with the president Wednesday
and had a long conference with him dur
ing the evening It is understood they
discussed Mr Blaines action at length
and that McKinley was assured of the
hearty support of Harrison in his effort
to force the monstrous tariff bill through
congress Blaine is actually leading a
revolt against the administration
There are many who think that his
course is suicidal but If be is committing
suicide he is committing murder also
for if his criticism does not kill the Ilo
Kinley bill it will kill the party which
takes the responsibility for It
A sensation in society circles has been
made by the disclosure of the fact that
the widow of a certain former official of
high rank who came here last fall and
renting a handsome mansion entertained
extravagantly all winter has been In
the pay ot the Alaska seal tur company
us a lobbyist The contract of that com
pany with the government for the
monopoly of the seal fisheries expired
last winter and as will be remembered
was renewed for another twenty years af
ter an active light The lady In question
formerly n social leader of great pop
but upon the death of her hus
aisappeared nnd has been living in
comparative poverty in the West There
was much curiosity as to the source of
her income and it was supposed her
means were small and those who at
tended her receptions and ate her din
ners went home wondering how they
were paid for 2fow they know but her
lobbying has been done very quietly and
without detraction andjiow that the ob
ject has been gained she has folded her
tents like the Arabs and silently silent
ly stolen away to other fields of con
Pension Bill Approved
Washington June 27 The presi
dent has approved the dependent pension
> evrs from Mexico
Cmr of Mexico June 27 The gov
ernment newspapers persist in claiming
there is no revolutionary movement on
the frontier therefore no conflict and no
arrests at Laredo but the publlo are
used to these denials and pay no atten
The Wells Fargo is extending to Yuca
A bridge on the National railroad near
Obreeon fell with a freight train The
locomotive nnd a number of cars were
carried down The engineer fireman
and brakemen were killed
International SundaySchool Convention
Pittsburg Pa June 27 This was
the last day of the international Sunday
sohool convention The consideration of
the time and place lor the worlds Sun
dayschool convention was taken up
Mr Jacobs of Chicago read a report of
the executive committee which recom
v < = srW B
Blaines Policy Either Snicidal or
Murder to the Party
How a Society Leader Worked the Bab
bits Foot and Carried Her
Point Tlien Skipped
mends thnt the second worlds and
seventh triennial international Sunday
school convention be held together The
repoit was adopted and it was decided to
hold both conventions iu St Louis in
1893 the timp to be set later by the
executive committee
Tim Heat In St Louis
St Louis Mo Juno 27 Four more
deaths nnd about ten prostrations were
caused by heat here today The ther
mometer in the signal office registerd 97
Megs and tho readings elsewhere are
about 100 degs
R G Dnn Cos WeeR y Resume of the
Business World
Condition of Trade Fast and Fresent the Fu
ture Outlook at Leading Mercantile
Centers of the Country
New York June 27 R G Dun
Co s Weekly Review of Trade says
While the whole of trade as indicated by
speoial reports by bank exchanges at In
terior cities and by railroad earnings
continues larger than in the same
month of any previous year
the prospects for the future is ren
dered less satisfactory by industrial
hesitation and by doubt regarding the
monetary outlook The industrial hesi
tation results from the delay of legisla
tion and increased uncertainty regarding
the outcomo Wool is distinctly weaker
in the interior and at Eastern mar
kets and the disposition is shown
to meet the needs of manufacturers
This uncertainty nlso affects tho esti
mates of the future demand for iron
and also the continued addition of new
furnaces weaken that mnrket Cotton
declined tju Wheat has fallen of l e
with better news from the Northwest
while lard and hogs are a shado higher
Coffee is steady but oil has declined 3jSgC
Raw ugar Is 1lCo and crushed o low
er and further concessions on refined
are expected The general level of
prices is lower in part because of a re
action from many specula
tions which the prospect of un
limited silver coinage engendered
Business at other cities is well main
tained for the reason and the exceed
ingly confident tone hitherto prevailing
does not at all abate If there are po
slbilities of disappointment they dont
seem to be realized as yet Boston notes
good demand and higher pi ices for
cotton and leather goods demaud for
lumber nnd large receipts of wool wbioh
tend to weaken the market Chicago
continues confident of a large and profit
able fall trade and statistics
of the board of trade snow an
increase over last year in the grain
business and in seeds A slight
decrease in meats but a gain nf nearly
100 per cent in dressed beef an increase
in lard and a large decrease in butter
The dry goods business exceeds that
of last year and prospects of the
clothing trade for the fall are thought
quite flattering St Louis reports trade
in all lines above the average Mil
waukee notes excellent crop prospects
and good business and trade at Denver
is good An average business is reported
at Kansas City and no change at Pitts
burg except that while Iron mills are
fairly employed rails are lo lower In
all reports whether from North or
South there is a noteworthy absence of
complaint about collectons and money
markets are fully supplied
but the demand is quite
active St Louis and Cleveland closes
upon the supply at Milwaukeewhile it is
weak at Kansas City
Business failures ocourring throughout
the country during the last seven days
number 202 as compared with 199 last
week for the corresponding week of 1889
the figures were 215
Thats What the Mrxlcan Revolution Amounts
To Another Encounter with Fllllbasters
Special to the Gazette
Eagle Pass Tex June 27 Revolu
tion in Mexico is in the air and taany
peoples mouths but it does not seem
anywhere else The most circumstantial
rumor of today Is that a force of rurals
under command of Lieut Call
Maximo Valdez had run upon about
an equal number of filllbusters
at Lampazos about 120 miles south of
this place and got the worst of the en
counter This tiding was brought into
Feidras Negras by courier last nightand
in response a company of thirty cavalry
and thirty impressed recruits under com
mand of Capt Bibaros left this morning
Col Menodize Abal who commands the
Mexican post in Peidras Negras says he
does not regard the lawlessness
in question as having any force
of political signification whatever
but that his men have been
dispatched as a precautionary measure
The Mexican Martinez who is the head
of the mauruding party has no following
of any moment and must not be con
founded with Gen Ignacio Martinez
Tho idea of a revolution against the fed
eral government of Mexico is looked up
on here as chimerical and there certainly
does not seem to be at this hour any
ground for apprehending any movement
in any way threatening the stability ot
affairs on the Rio Grande frontier Jefe
Politico of this district accompanied the
troops this morning
An ExConfederate Dead
Special to the Gazette
Huxtsville Tex June 27 Mr W
B Rome who has been clerk of Walker
county for twentyfive successive years
died last night after nshort illness Ha
was an honorable soldier in the Confed
erate army having received a severe
wound while in its service Efficient
faithful to duty and always leading an
honest and upright life bis death will
be learned with regret by his many
friends over tho state
Work Besunied nt Cairo
Caiijo III June 27 The Illinois
Central strikers resumed work at 5 p m
today and trains are being made up to
go north and south at once No dis
turbance of any kind has taken place
during tho time the men have been out
J v > sati >
r n > rtwwfpv =
Englands Newfoundland Fisher
ies Dispute with France
Movement lor Shorter Hours for Shop
Clerks Orkney Islands Gale
Absconding Editor
Why Fope Leo Failed to Carry Out His Flans
to leave Rome Riot In a Church
fallsbnry Ministry
Special to the Gazette
London June 27 The blue book on
the Newfoundland fisheries dipute with
France which the government has been
expeoted to 1sue for some days past
made its appearauce todny It com
prises 433 pages and contains all the dis
patches which have originated at Lon
don St Johns and Paris bearing upon
the difficulty from June 1SS4 to tho
present time Together with these dis
patches 214 in number is a complete
history of the events which have given
rise to tho dispute and the full text of
the treaty under which France claims
the rights for which sho is now contend
ing Descriptive matter and the text ot
the treaty nre printed in English with a
Durallel columu in French The book
attracts a great deal of attention as it
furnishes the first comprehensive and
authentic accouut of tho Xewfoundlaud
dispute that the publio has been able to
obtain and throws n flood of light on
points hitherto too vague to understand
siioitTEi suoi nouns
Cardinal Manning and a number of
other prominent men called on the lord
mayor at the Mansion house today with
a view of enlisting the cooperation of
tho lord mayor in a scheme for the pro
tection of the interests of tho
shop clerks whose long hours and
low wages appeal to the sym
pathy ot the more favored olassos One
ot the auestions discussed was that of
early dosing and a movement was de
cided upon to exert influence upon the
shopkeepers to the end of shortening
their hours of business
Official information of the results of
the recent gale off the Orkney islands
is at hand showing that six fishing
vessels were wrecked and thirtyfive
men comprising their crews were
drowned The effeot of the gale upon
the islands was also very serious and a
largo amount of property was destroyed
which the fishermen will find it sxtremely
difficult to replaoe
The editor of the Volks Timmel a
socialist paper published at Geestemund
Hanover has absconded with a large
sum of money of which he was the
trusted custodian The vietions of bis
defalcations are several socialist organi
zations and a number of poor people for
whom the editor acted as banker
At Alt Kemnite Prussian Silesia last
night a miner named Spronger waylaid
a postman and shot him dead He then
opened the letters in the postmans bate
but found nothing of value whereupon
he shot himself and fell dead by the aide
of his victim
A Seniatlon la Italy
Special to the Gazette
Rome June 27 The Toscanelll is
about to publish a pamphlet which will
undoubtedly create a sensation through
out Italy The pamphlet declares that
last year a project had been fully ma
tured by the arrangement of which
with the assistance of France the pope
was to leave Rome It is related that
the Italian government got wind of this
scheme and immediately warned the
pope that if he should leave the palace of
the Vatican it would be instantly occu
pied by the Italian government and
would be declared to be Italian property
The pope thereupon renounced his inten
tion of leaving the oity fearing that if
be did so be might never be able to re
Ceded to Germany
Berlin June27 The sultan has con
sented to cede tho Zanzibar coast to Ger
Twentyrivo Persons Drowned
London Jun 27 Details of the
damage done by the gales on the Scotch
coast during the middle of this week
show that nine vessels were wrecked and
twentyfive persons drowned
Panama Canal
Paris June 27 The committee which
was sent to Panama to investigate the
condition of the canal has made a further
report on the prospects of the enterprise
The committee says that the construction
of the canal at the calculated level would
occupy twenty years and would cost
1737000000 francs In the opinion
of the committee the work could be only
completed on the basis of an inter
national agreement or a syndicate of the
states interested
Tnrka Invade a Clinrch
Constantinople June 27 Advices
received here from Erzeroum regarding
the troubles in that city state that a de
tachment of Turkish soldiers searched a
church there while services were being
held in belief that a quantity of arms
were secreted in the building The con
gregation resented this indignity and
opened fire with revolvers on the Turks
In the encounter which ensued one
Turkish officer four Armenians and
eight Turks were killed and many others
A party of Mussulmen made a riotous
demonstration and stoned the British
Ripe for a XleTolt
XoNDOJf June 27 Signs of an early
collapse of the Salisbury government nre
increasing on all sides The ministry
have unquestionably become alarmed
and are planning a new deal which they
hope will strengthen the new cabinet and
restore the poDularlty of the government
with the many who have become dis
gusted with its tergiversation and inde
cision and are ripe for a revolt agaicst
A >
j jwrwwiwtyiii nnn
the Conservative party when an oppor
tunity arrives
Admitted to BalL
Srccial to tho Gazette
Mt Vernon Tex June 27 Tcday
Jack and Ed Riburne sons of W R
Rlbume who killed J D Williams on
tho 25th Inst in this county waived
examining trial and by agreement of the
county attorney were admitted to bail in
the sum of 1500 each which they very
readily gave The whereabouts of W
R Riburne has not as yet been found
The Distinguished Gentleman will Be Accorded
s Fitting Reception At the
Opera Ilonse
AttorneyGeneral J S Hogg candi
date for governor of Texus speaks in
Fort Worth tonight and as a result of
the efforts put forth by tho central Hogg
club at its meeting on Thursday night the
distinguished orator will be received by
his Fort Worth adherents in a manner
befitting his position and possibilities
The opera house has been secured for
the occasion and the same will be ar
ranged In such a way as to secure the
utmost of comfort to the audience which
is expected to be large At 8 oclock tais
evening a delegation composed of the
reception committee appointed by the
central Hogg club will wait upon Gen
nogg at the tho Pickwick and escort him
to the opera house They will have a
band of musio with them so that the
populace may know that events of an
unusual nature are transpiring
Mr Hogg went from Fort Worth to
Weatherford yesterday morning Ha
spoke in the latter city during tho after
noon to a large audience so advices say
and this morning he returns to Fort
Worth He has numerous friends in this
city who will bo glad to avail themselves
of this opportunity to hear him expound
the doctrine of railroad regulation
The Bill Reported Back with an Addition ot
0250000 Insnrlnz its Passage
Special to the Gazette
Uew Orleans La Ouno 27 The
senate committee to whioh tho lottery
bill passed by the house last Wednesday
was referred reported it back increas
ing the amount to be paid by the Louisi
ana state lottery company for the privi
lege to 51250000 a year Instead of Sl
000000 and for the entire period
of twentyfive years 531230000 In
stead ot 525000000 The chnngo was
due to Mr Lawton of Algiers who
when the question came up Wednesday
announced that he would vote against
the bill unless tho amount paid by the
company was increased a quarter of a
million to the amount offered by the
English syndicate This was agreed to
by the friends of the lottery company
and Lawton then cast bis vote for the
bill thus assuring its passage but cost
ing the company 5C250 000 The addi
tion 5250000 goes to the general fund
of the state and can be used by the leg
islature for any purpose whatever
Kearlns a Settlement
Chicago III June 27 The las
advices from the strikers meeting
are to the effect that the striker3
are still in session but matters have pro
gressed so far that a settlement ot tho
differences between tho men aud com
pany is considered certain It is un
derstood the men have reached a point
where they are willing to abate their de
mands for the superintendents dis
charge and that they are willing he
shall be retained providing he is de
prived ot the power to hire and disoharge
At the conclusion ot the meeting this
afternoon the strikers filed out and an
nounced that by a vote of 30C to 105 they
had decided to accept the terms of the
company and return to work The re
sult caused general rejoicing not only
among the men themselves most ot
whom had begun to realize their
action had at least been precipitate
and tbat the cause was inadequate
considering the magnitude ot the inter
ests involved but nlso the general offi
cers of the company felt that a heavy
burden of anxiety was lifted from their
shoulders When the announcement
was brought up from Eighteenth street
that tlTe men were ready to go to work
preparations for a resumption of busi
ness were at once begun end it was an
nounced after 430 p m that all trains
would be running as usual
General Superintendent Sullivan was
seen after the settlement and at the close
of the final conference he said that the
strike was settled not upon the basi3 of
any concession on the part of tho rail
road company but by a complete and
entire surrender of the men He said
Superintendent Russells powers had not
been curtailed and he would contic e to
give orders as ho had always given He
said it had always been the usage of the
road for the division superintendent to
eive orders only to his immediate in
Trunk Line Presidents
New Tore June 27 One of the
most important meetings of the year of
trunk line presidents was held today
The presidents were called together to
devise means for putting an end to the
rate cutting and fix upon a scale for
eastbound rates At I oclook the pres
idents took a recess and announced that
the matter of the eastbound rates had
been settled so far a3 they were con
cerned We considered the subject
said one of the magnates and decided to
refer It to the Central traffic association
Tbat body was Instructed to call a meet
ing at the earliest possible date and dis
pose of the question
The presidents at the afternoon session
continued the discussion of rates for
freight and livestock to seaboard and
Instructed the Central trafflo association
to prepare a classification schedule on
the Increased scale and refer it back to
the presidents themselves for final
For 10 the DaCy Gazsttb wfll be sent one
year and also a copy of the original Websters
unabridged dictionary 12S1 pages expreit
charges prepaid to express o2ce nearest tha

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