LocalTimo TaTolo
Texas andFacific
No 2 daily
No 4 daily
T2S am
640 pm
300 pm
1320 am No lOdeily 1030 am
TSOpm No 1 dally
630am No 3dally 005 am
30 am No 7 daily
430pm No9 dally 433pm
Missouri Kansas and Texas
FoH Worth and Rio Grande
Arrive Leave
1115 am Fort Worth 800 pm
Houston and Texas Central
Arrive Leave
No 44 mail B40pm
No 48 accommodation 915 am
900 am No 43 mail
700pm No 47 accommodation
All the above tralcB from the Union Depot
C D Lusk Ticket Agent
8t Louis Arkansas and Texas
Arrive Leave
645 pm Express and mail 825 am
Tho Texas and Pacific Meets the S15
Milwaukee Bate
Proceedings to be Instituted Against the Al
buquerque Road General and Local
Railroad Helm
Sometime since the Cotton Belt road
announced a 15 round trip rate from
Fort Worth to Milwaukee on account of
the biennial conclave of tho Knights of
lythias For a long time the Cotton
Belt played a lone hand in the gameand
it lookea for a time as if no other road
would meet tho out It was evident
however if other roads did not put on
the same rate that the Cotton Belt would
haul the people ami as this did not set
well with tho Texas and Pacific a road
that was reaching tor this business the
matter was taken under consideration and
nt last it was deoided to meet
tho rate Yesterday it was nnnounced
by the Pacific that on July 5 and C a
SIS round trip rate from Fort Worth to
Milwaukee would bo put on and on
those dates tickets at the rate indioated
will be sold This is undoubtedly the
lowest rate ever made to point3 outside
of Texas nnd it will no doubt be taken
advantage of by a large number of
people who contemplate a summer so
journ in the Northwest
Moro TJonncing
J B Gilohrist assistant superintend
ent ol the Colorado lines of the Union
Pacifio has resigned and a circular has
been issued abolishing that office after
July 1 It is understood hero that rav
eling Auditor William Anderson will suc
ceod J W Griffith as auditor of dis
After thn Allinqnorquc
Yesterday the Fort Worth street rail
way company the Hurley Bros and
others interested injthe Arlington Height
instructed their nttornoys to institute
proceedings against the Fort Worth aud
Albuquerque railroad compauy to re
cover right of way grantedon account of
the said railroad failing to comply with
certain contracts The plaintiffs mean
business nnd unless there is a change in
tho situation will press the matter to
The Pecos Valley Itoad
Track laying is now progressing on the
Pecos Valley road and in n fow months
the line will be completed from Pecos
City to Eddy New Mexico This road
will open up a now territory the trudo
of which will be directed by it to Texas
The remote benefits from the line can
hardly be calculated at present but that
they will be greo no one will for a mo
ment deny A section that has hereto
fore been isolated will be made accessi
ble and tho trade of it will bo worth
thousands of dollars to the city that gets
it Fort Worth should be on tho look
A Stubborn Fight Looked Far
The order recently issued by the Iowa
railway commissioners requiring the
roads in that state to make continuous
rates over two or more roads in con
formity with the jointrate bill lately en
acted by the legislature bids fair to make
more trouble than nnything that has
ever taken place in the matter of granger
legislation The order is to become ef
fective July 4 but the various lines in
that state hnve agreed to Ignore that or
der and if the commission attempts to
compel any of them to adopt the new
tariff aud brings suit against them a
stubborn fight Is to be made in the
courts and the matter will oe carried up
to the United States supreme court
The Strong nod tho Wenk Lines
Practical and experienced railrond
tncu are still very much divided in opin
ion about the future of tho reorganized
Western passenger association Some
of them assert that it is sure to continue
and that the older it grows the stronger
it is likely to become They claim that
the different roads interested are so
pleased to get their troubles settled and
to have rates restored to a paying basis
that none of them could be hired to do
anything that would in any way Infringe
on the agreement which they have
signed On the other hand some old
and experienced railroad officials who
have carefully studied the situation and
are in a position to form a oorreot opin
ion onit are laolined to think that the
peace is but a temporary one and that
no great provocation will be required to
cause the trouble to break out anew
One of this latter class in alscusii
the situation said I am very Irfffoi
afraid that Chairman Goddard haj troir
r WU < S
jp tp
ble ahead of him and It will not be very
lonft till it shows Itself The danger
arises from the weak roads They are
quiet now for the simple reason that they
are Retting as much business as satisfies
them but they cannot permanently com
pete on equal terms with the larRer and
stronger roads and these bare either to
make them concessions in some direction
or they will make trouble It is always
the smaller and weaker roads that start
these difficulties and onoe started there
is no tellinc where they will end These
weak roads can not compote on equal
terms with the older and larser lines
and as soon as they see that they are
getting the worst of it njain they will do
something that will disturb the whole
Tony Trucks
The increasing use of engines with six
drivers for passenger service gives prac
tical interest to a question discussed at
the master mechanics convention as to
the safety of the pony truck com
pared with the fourwheel truck for the
front of the locomotive The testimony
of all who spoke there and with others
with whom we have conversed is to the
effect thatthe testifiers never knew a
pony truck to leave the track except for
some special cause applicable also to
fourwheeled trucks but as to tho com
parative advantages of the two forms
upon other considerations opinions
seemed divided
The Northern Pacifio to be Extended
The Great Northern railway Is soon to
be extended to the Pacific The only
thing that delays the beginning of work
is the definite selection of a route says
VicePresident Clough in an interview
Tho money necessary for the comple
tion of tho work was raised in London
We marketedour bonds there and two
days after the books were opened 510
000000 were subscribed We will cer
tainly begin work on our line to the coast
before September Wo have had sur
veying parties in the field fur months
They havo located at least three passes
through the mountains and as many dif
ferent routes As soon as we decide
which is the most feasible wo will begin
construction of a line which will give the
Great Northern by long odds the shortest
route to the coast
Mineral Wells Helps Wentherford Out otn
llnl Hole
Special to the Gazette
Mineral Wells Tex Juno 20 Tho
report reached our town on yesterday
evening that owing to the inability of
the citizens of Weatherford to raise fif
teen hundred dollars of tho three thou
sand required of them to secure the right
ofway for the Weatherford Minernl
Wells and Northwestern railroad That
the management of the road had con
cluded to give the enterprise up when
the following correspondence took place
between the railroad committee ot this
place and Weatherford railroad commit
tee was had which explains itself
Minekai Wriis Tex June 231990
To the Railroad Committee Weatherford Tei
We will pay 1500 on right of way if you cant
raise it in Weatherford
SignedJ Mineral Wells Railboad Com
In reply the following message was re
WcATnEEFOED Tex June 231S90
Railroad Committee Mineral Wells Tex
We accept your kind proposition Will draw
on yon for amonnt
Signed J H Caucthbrs
for Railroad Committee
Thus it will be seen that Weatherford
will get the longtalked of railroad if no
more trouble arises over the condemna
tion of somo fellows corn patch
There is nohing mean about the people
of Mineral Wells and when her neigh
bors get into trouble she is always will
ing to lend a helping hand
Messrs White and Gurley the presi
dent and vicepresident of the Gulf
Brazos Valley and Pnoiflo railroad are
expected here tomorrow and your cor
respondent is reliably informed that they
have perfected every arrangement by
which they will got all the financial aid
that will be required to complete their
road from Red river to the gulf and
that work will begin in a very few days
on the northern end of the line and the
road completed to Henrietta in time to
haul off the fall crop
We are all elated over tho prospect of
securing the Rock Island road and feel
now that it is an assured fnot and feel
it in our bones that Mineral Wells Is
destined to become the greatest health
resort in the United States
Wichltn Valley Railway
Correspondence of the Gazette
Setmouk Tex June i Tho grad
ing of the Wiohita Vnlley railroad is
about completed to this place < ind track
laying will begin in a few days The
cars will be running by the 1st of
Approved by the President
Washington June 27 The president
lias approved the act authorizing the
sale of tho property of the Chicago
Kansas nnd Nebraska railroad company
In Oklahoma and Indian Territory to tho
Chicago Rock Island and Pacifio rail
Oxcarts vs Railroads
Corretpondence of the Gazette
Farjiersviixe Tex Juno 2G
Messrs Jackson King grocery mer
chants of this place bought about 20000
pounds of flour from ono of the flouring
mills nt McKinney Tex nnd although
we have a railroad running direct from
MoKinney to this place they can get
their flour hauled from McKinney to this
place on wagons cheaper than the rail
roads will haul it aud have given the
job of hauling 11 to J E Jones Co
stablemen of this place who are now
hauling on wagons and say they are
making good wuges for their men and
Another Itnilroad tor Athena
Corresrondence of the Gazette
Athens Tex June 2G The pros
pects for another railroad for Athens
grot brighter The locating party for the
extension of the Trunk are at work
in the suburbs of our little city and to
day will determine where the new road
will cross the Cotton Belt The contract
for twelve miles six south from the
terminus of the Trunk and six north
from Athens has been let and work Is
expected to begin within ten days The
citizens are quietly waiting and watch
ing fearing that it all may result in
nothing They have had their expecta
tion raised high and then abruptly let
down so often that they have little con
fidence in railroad talk The partiej
work however it is right tojaajgjilrTo
mean business
Tlie Objections that are liaised to tho
Enactment o a Commission Lair
One of the Reforms Sweeping the Country
Shall We Reject it Now and cesptlt
Two or Three Years Later
Del Rio Record
In the approaching election the ques
tion of commission or no commis
sion will come before the people to be
voted on
The voter at the polls should act from
the samo high sense of honor and duty
that controls the juryman in the jury
box Ho should first understand the
issue fully and then make up his mind
thereon clearly calmly and conscien
tiously To decide upon a great policy
of state and vote thereon without un
derstanding it is even less excusable
than to decide upon an issue lu court
without bearing the evidence or consid
ering the instructions of the judge
In this article I shall endeavor to out
line what a commission Is what deficien
cies in our systom of state regulation of
railroads it is designed to supply nnd
what benefits to the people and to the
railroads themselves nre expected to ac
crue from its adoptiou
Before proceeding to this however
let me say by way of Introduction that
the railroad commission idea is one of
those creat legislative reforms like the
common school system or the Australian
ballot reform which the experience of
states has found to be necessities and
which when once inaugurated sweep
over whole countries and become the
universally accepted policies of govern
mental administration Originating in
the older states a number of years ng < >
it was found to bo an unqualified success
and was therefore copied after in other
and newer states so that now it is in
force in all the states of the Union except
in about ten or fifteen No state that
has ever adopted it has at any time since
shown any dissatisfaction with it
and there is not a man in the
Union today of broad general
acquaintance with public affairs
who would for a moment question its
success or wisdom unless he is one who
is seeking office and hoping to obtain it
by misdirecting and abusing the honest
conservatism of a largo and intelligent
class of people
Enough by way of introduction
We have In this state already laws
regulating railroads that is providing
for their valuation for taxation fixing
maximum freight aud passenger rates
prohibiting discriminations etc eto
But the trouble is as the troublo was in
other states before thoy adopted the
commission idea that the powers for
Inforcing these laws are too widely dis
tributed are scattered OJt among too
many officers namely among the county
commissioners < ourts the state board
of equalization tho attorneygeneral
and others all of whom have their otbBr
official duties to perform and the rosult
is that the laws are not enforced or if
enforced at all are enforced only here
and there nnd in most cases only feebly
and ineffectually
Tho railroads of Texas constitute a
vast complicated interest requiring for
their proper supervision by the state a
strong central board of able capable
men vested with plenary powers to see
thnt the laws are wisely faithfully and
impartially executed No one man can
do this much less can it be done effi
ciently and successfully under the pres
ent system of giving the county commis
siouerscourts a part of these powers
the state board of equalization a part
and the attorneygeneral and others cer
tain duties to perform As it now is
the main responsibility devolves upon
the attorneygeneral and he by bis ex
perience in these affairs has found as
the able men ot other states soon saw
that a railroad commission is a necessity
otherwise that the laws cannot be fully
aud fairly enforced
Take the matter of assessing rail
road property for taxation
for instance under the present system
the county commissioners of each county
assess the railroads in their own county
for local purposes Tho result is that
there is no uniformity of Valuation of the
same road irj different counties If in
one county the commissioners are espe
cially friendly to a road it not infre
quently happens that the road gets off
with a very low valuationwhilst In other
counties the valuation may sometimes be
plaoed too high This is all wrong It
forces tho roads to Interfere in local poli
tics to the shamo and disgraoe of the
community in order to protect them
selves by electing friendly commission
ers The roads themselves have no taste
for this and would be glad to got rid of
To do away with this absurd systom of
railroad assessments is one of th im
portant results which the state commis
sion law is designed to bring about To
be sure in some of the railroad commis
sion states this is still left to the state
board of equalization But the better
experience has been to yest this power
in a state board of commissioners sub
ject tq review by the stato board of
If It be urged that the election of the
members of the state commission could
also be controlled by the roads it may
be answered that the railroads have never
yet been able to control a single state
election whilst on the other band it is
often a very easy matter for a road
to control the election of the county
commissioners only in the few counties
ot the state through whioh it passes
The members of state railroad com mis
slons nre almost invariably men of stnti
promineuce men of high character
large experience in business affairs and
established reputations Such men are
not easily purchased and even if they
were their work is of so vast importance
and of so publio a character that if they
should betray their trust their perfidy
would be at once detected and de
nounced nnd the very object for which
they sold themsslves would thus be de
feated But there Is not a shadow of
danger of corrupting the commission
even If the railroads were so disposed
which 1 do no t believe they are
Under the commission law the rail
roads are usually divided into thn
classes first second and third Jroi
trunk lines liko the Southern Pacifio
are placed in the first class connecting
noes constitute tho second class and tap
roads or feeders the third class
The considerations among others
which control in fixing the valuation of
all roads for taxing purposes are a the
obnble present cost ot building such a
road b its present earning capaoity
c the amount ot capital invested
These and other matters nre inquired
luto bv the board annually persons and
papers being sent for and the valuation
of each road is fixed fairly and uniformly
In all the counties of the a ato through
which it passes Roadbed rolling
stock important bridges etc are val
ued separately
It goes without saying that a state
commission could do this much more sat
isfactorily and justly to all concerned
than a great number of county boards of
commissioners can each aoting Inde
pendently of the others iRallroada
themselves prefer it after they have once
tried It Whereas under thq old sytem
they have to go before a greater number
of county boards each year under tho
new they should have to go before but
one a state board
In the matter of freight discriminations
and maximum freight rates however
the state commission law has proved of
the createst usefulness The board is
vested with plenary cowers to seo to it
that the laws are fully complied with
On complaint of any shipper or other
person tho board is required to make
special and thorough investigation to
take all necessary testimony and to in
stitute proceedings through the proper
law offices for the violation of the lnw
and tho protection of tbapublio So
also are stock watering nnd pool
ing prevented
In a word the railroad laws of a state
in the bands of a commission nre wisely
and faithfully enforced the rights of the
people are protected and the best inter
ests of the roads themselves are not in
terfered with or jeopardized On the
other hand as it now is these laws are
dead letters on the statute books they
are n failure and farce as every intelli
gent citizen of the state knows
Now for the objeutiqns to the com
1 It Is urged that the legislature can
regulate the railroads
In answer to this it is only necessary to
say that the legislature can enaot laws
but cannot enforce tbem there has to
be some man or set ot men properly
authorized to enforce tho laws Be
sides the legislature is in > ession only
ninety days In every two years or three
in every thirtysix mouths
2 It is objected tnat we are not yet
rendy for a state railroad commission
that it would discourago and retard rail
road building and that therefore we
would better wait until we get more
Kansas and Nebraska furnish an an
swer to this Both nre newer states than
Texas l olh have had railroad commis
sions for years and both have increased
their railroad mileage much faster than
we hnve So will Colorado and several
other now Western statss
But railroad commissions have nothing
in the world to do with crippling or re
tarding railroads Tbey simply see to it
that the law governing railroads is en
forced If there Is anything in Texas
that Is hurtful to railroads whioh there
is not now nor is likely to be it is the
law and the legislature not the com
mission makes the law As well oppose
a judge on tho bench as to oppose a com
mission Both are equally and
simply officers of the law sworn
to see that it is faithfully ob
served If It is thoucht that tho
law is not just blame the legislature
and repeal tho law but TJo not condemn
the judge on the bench or the commis
sion for enforcing it Verily however
no one will accuse the legislatures of
Texas with having boon ungenerous or
unjust to r ilroads seeing that they
havo given them an emplro of the peo
ples domain No a railroad commis
sion would have no more effect on rail
way building in Texas than would tho
discovery ot a eatelito of the moon
Then let us all unite for a commission
thus putting Texas in line with the other
great prosperous states ot the Union
of the great reforms that are now
sweeping over the country Why adver
tise our own want of progresslveness to
the world by rejeoting it now nnd ac
cepting It two or fo ur years later Re
spectfully W W Gatewood
The Warring Factions of Hidalgo County Up
la Arms bloodshed Threatened
Great Excitement
Special to tho Gazette
San Antonio Tex June 27 Trouble
has agaiu broken out iu the turbulent
end lawless county of Hidalgo The
country is very sparsely settled but it
is spit up into political factions He roe
and bloodthirsty Every few months
the governor is appealed to
to suppress disorder and restore one
faction or the other to oQieo
On last Saturday the regular term of the
district court expired and the last official
not of Judge J CRussell was the dis
position ot County Judge ilcCnbe Sh r
111 Hillard and others ot their taction
holding office A man by the name of
Dougherty brayo Intrepid and desper
ate was appointed Sheriff by Judge Hus
sell The latter immediately declared his
court closed and hied him with great
haste from Hidalgo to Brownsville Sher
iff Hillard refused absolutely to surren
der his office immediately called to his
aid a posse of flfty men well armed and
took possession of the courthouse and ail
the county records At last reports
Dougherty was mustering a band of 100
men to assist him in routing the Hillard
party from tho courthouse Tho whole
country around Hidalgo is in a state of
feverish excitement over tho threaten
ing situation expecting bloodshed mo
mentarily The county is entirely cut
off from telegraphiocommunication nnd
the means of getting news from the seat
of war are very poor and slow
Chair Car from Texas to St Faul
For the annual meeting of the National
educational association to boh < jMi0t0
Paul Minn the Missan jgpKsand
Texas railway wiUf srVursion tickets
to St PanyjjPHriouis Hannibal
Knr sjfMj FChicago at the exceed
jjMI TOwrate of one fare for the round
p Tickets will bo sold June 29 to
July 4 inclusive good for return until
October 1 J E Smith
City Ticket Agent corner fourth and
Houston street
C D Lusk
Ticket Agent Union Depot
Fourth of July Excursion to DublJniSk
The oltUens of Dublin have
parations to entertaiaialWBTyTn the
most hospitaWsraMililKrTbere will bo
a grand pBjajj Wndresses by Hon C
A Gttl pfrjnT Hon R M Hall and
ted speakers races and an im
nse display of fireworks
An excursion train on the Fort Worth
and Rio Grando railway will leave Fort
Worth at 7 a m and returning leave
Dublin at 7 p m Fare for the round
trip Si50 Tickets good to return on
July 5 also
2Iiltrau7ite Kxrurtion
On account of tho Biennial concloraasti
the Knights of Pythias th amJR
FaciQo will sell on tha spjl rctb or
July roundtrIptSg TTOinFortWorth
toMilwaukM SrW for 15 Forpar
ticulajijjjipyu Jake F Ztrrof
stP city Ticket Agent
Ticket AgentTJaioa Depot
Bbowkwood Tex June 28 Correspond
ence Crops through the county are fine
though they need rain now
tfABMEBsviLLB Tex June 26 Correspond
ence Everything is very dry here and crops
are needing rain badly Corn is beginning to
fuller and unless wevhave rain soon tho corn
crop will be short
Cosjmebce Tex June 23 Correspondenci
Crops are promising but are needing rai
SETmora Tex June 24 CorrespsndrtKK
Harvesting Is over and it is estimatedthere
will be 23000 bushels of wheat marketed at this
place this season
Athens Tex June 25 Correspondence
The crop prospects aro very fine and with a
good rain Inside of ten days there will be plenty
of hog and hominy the coming year in old
Henderson county Cotton too though rather
small looks well and farmers are generally
well abreast of their wort
Plenty of rain fell in Swisher county In the
Panhandle during last week Wheat harvest
ing is going on rapidly
The crops in Swisher county are said to be
excellent This year is the first in farming and
rye is four feet high wheat in ground broken
last year has large heads with well filled plump
heads The yield is estimated to be from
twentyfive to thirty bushels to the acre
Crops in Coryell county are reported excep
tionally fine although owing to wet weather in
some places the farmers are behind with their
work Cotton la In bloom The fruit crop is a
Sheep shearing has begun in Coryell county
and the yield of wool is good
Apiece of ground near Weatherford 50xls
feet has yielded a crop of Irish potatoes that
sold for 17 The ground is now sown in millet
Crop3 in all parts of Hill county are said to be
excellent The oat crop in some places was in
jured by the rust
In Caldwell county cotton is reported a littlo
backward The corn crop is said to be better
than last year a small acreage of oats yet a
good yield and tho watermelon crop abundant
In Donley county the farmers report the T Usf
abundant and the crops fine The wheat
age is put at from twentyfive to thirtjf bushels
per acre and oats from sixty to eighty Vege
tables are exceptionally fine and all crops doing
Mr George Cox of Coryell county has been
exhibiting cotton stalks thirtytwo Inches high
and having thirty forms
New wheat has been brought to market at
Wichita Falls It sold for 1 per bushel
There Is on exhibition in Quanah oats raised
this year in Hardeman county that averaged
fifty bushels to the acre and barley that aver
aged thirty bushels
A H Ward a prosperous farmer near
Forney had on exhibition at that place an open
cotton boll last week
There is s sh rp sprinkle of cotton lice and
web worms in Kanfman county not enough it
is thought to do serious damage
Cotton in Erath county is in some places
over two feet high has well devoloped forms
and somo blooms
The farmers are realizing a fine crop of vege
tables in Runnels c6urity
Rain is needed in Limestone county
Crop prospects In Johnson county are re
ported good but there is some want of rain
Hay making is going on and the grass fine
Corn and cotton crops generally are reported
good in all parts of Rosqne county
Cotton is in bloom in Bosque county
The corn crop of Wise county will be assured
if another rain falls soon
It is thought another rain in Grayson county
county will insure good corn and cotton crops
The oat crop is harvested and is said to be satis
factory to the fanners
Taxarkana Tex Juno 27 Speciair A
splendid rain fell here today and the reports aro
that it was general throughout the county
Themavorof Wills Point is advertising for
bids on a 3000 school house
The Episcopalians of Taylor expect to erect
soon a chuch building The other denomina
tions have houses of worship
The new high school at Belton is completed
and will open September i with Professor Wede
meyer as principal
The Tulia public school Swisher county
closed June 20
The Texas Chatauqua normal institute will bo
organized at Georgetown on Monday next
The annual commencement exercises of St
Marys college San Antonio wore held at col
lege hall last Tuesday
At a meeting of the trustees of schools in
Kaufman countv a resolution was passed recom
mending the adoption of uniform text books
Tebeell Tex June 27 Special Tho
protracted meeting at the Baptist church closed
Thursday night and was quite a success The
meeting nt the Methodist church Is increasing
in interest Bev F A Eojser assisted by Hev
M M Morphls of the Cumberland church is
doing mo3t the ministerial work
Gbandvicw Tex June 27 Special
Professor T Q Harris of Dallas spent Monday
in town lookingafter the interest of the normal
which opens July 2
Comanche Tex June23 Correspondence
The delegates to tho district conference aro
coming In from every point of the compass Tho
opening sermon will be preached tonight by
theltev Dr Nelson of Brownwood While
there is some disappointment expressed on ac
count of Bishop Keys inability to attend yet a
successful meeting is anticipated Several
prominentministers from a distance are expect
ed besides there is no scarcity ot home talent
Kev Horace Bishop ef Waco is expected to
night The presiding elder Kev W T Mclu
gin of Lampasas arrived last night and will
preside over the conference He loots fully
able both mentally and physically to hold
them down
The First national bank and the American na
tional have consolidated and the reorganiza
tion has it is stated a working capital of 500
000 and a surplus ot 30000
A slock company has purchased a body of
land near Waco known as Mount Lvns and
prorose to make it a most desirable surburban
addition to the city
Four new Iron bridges are in course of erec
tion in the vicinity ot Beevill
Bids are being sent In to build the new court
house in Hale county
The Tulia Messenger says that over 15000 worth
of lots have been sold in that town within the
last thirty days
J W Cunningham of the Missouri Kansas
and Texas paid 100 an acre for ten acres of the
McDonaltlandat Hlllsboro
A big oil tank has been erected at Lullng for a
distributing point
The bridge at Iredell Is completed and the pco
Sle of Smith county celebrated it on Friday By a
ig barbecue
Brick houses are being built In Morgan and
the town said to be growing
The board of trade at Morgan is taking steps
to improve trade by opening up roads leading to
the town The board has also oSered a bonus
of SIMM to anj one who will put up a good mill in
the town
Work has been begun on a handsome block of
buildings at Taylor Williamson county
The Pedro Zaza tract comprising 9000 acres
has been purchased The land is In William
son county and will be cut up into small farms
and placed at once npon the market
Several new buildings resident and business
aro in course ot construction at Milano
A magnificent brick structure is soon to tak9
the place of the old wooden structure once occu
pied by the Rockdale Democrat
The well company recently organized at Gates
vllle has a capital of 20000
The artesian well at Goldthwalte has reached
the depth of 700 feet The digging will continue
in tho belief that a stronger stream will bo
The board of trade at Comanche Is considering
the expediency of erecting a cotton seed oil rnfli
at that place
A recent discovery has been xaade near Cle
burne of abed of what is said by men said to be
competent Judges th best flre proof clay A
stock company will be organizecTat once
The new Palace building at Quanah is com
pleted and Greer county has been invited to
place her exhibits within the building
The bridge over Bed river to cost 15000 and
to connect Quanah with Greer county is ex
pected to be completed in sixty days
A second bank at Quanah will go into opera
tion on the first of July
Work on the river wall in San Antonio com
mences this week The wall is to be 2S3feet
long and eight feet high
A rolling mill at Quanah complete in all its
appointments will be finished by the 1st of Au
A liberal subscription has been made by citi
zen of Waco to bnild a new cotton mill the lo
cation likely to he near FaCgiU park A tacet
Famous Summer Resort
Greatly Reduce
410p i
610 am Galve3ton
430 pm
33 pm
S < 0pm
1230am 500
KM 30 pm
I 500am
ATemple u
A Cleburne s
T 59f
mA Chicago Lj
d Temple
ASan AngeloJ
410 p ai
120 pm
1250 am
pleasure resort on tho
Boston mountains Elevation
above sea level Balmy air pure medi
water grand scenery positively no ma
laria In addition to the magnificent Crescent
Hotel there are numerous other good hotels
boarding houses colleges etc Round trip
tickets via Paris and Friseo Line good for
ninety days
For further Information address Manager
Crescent Hotel Eureka Springs Art or near
est railroad ticket agent and illustrated pamph
let will be
vo r > pNr
No 10 No 2
No 1
625am HoustonallrXipm
120 pm
853 am
50 am 320 pm
CO am 205 pm
13 ami 141pm
12c ali 1600am
d1 frC0am
sCity a 7TOaru
1000am l Cleburne
123upjn a Dallas
1235 pin D Dallas a
540 pm Paris A
630pmlBt Lou l
613 pra a343am
000 ami
823 ami
Pullman Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars between
Galveston and Kansas City on trains Noi I fc
All classes of European steamship tickets out
ward or prepaid sold at lowest rates and all In
formation furnished on application
O P T A Galveston
C D LUSK Depot T A 316 Houston stras
corner ThirdFort Worth Tcr
ing was held Friday to elect officers and forward
a charter to Austin
Tho ice factory at Cameron is a pronounced
The Ice factory at Decatur is in ull opera
SeymoueTex June21 Correspondence
Eddie Munie of Mineola is putting in a large
stock of groceries and J M M D Lankfons
of Winsboro will open a large stock in July
Beowxwood Tex June 26 Correspond
ence The ladies auxiliary to the board of
trade formed a temporary organization this
evening electing Mrs H II Moore president
and Mrs John E Bell secretary They ad
journed to meet July 1 at 5 oclock p m for tho
purpose of permanent organization
Waco Tex June 27 Special In accord
once with a proposition made by the Boston
captalists the live citizens of Vaco went to
work yesterday and by night 60000 in stocU
was subscribed for the building ot a cotton mill
in Waco There is not a shadow ot a doubt but
that 100000 will be subscribed here and it mav
reach 150000 At any rate the amount of stock
taken here is to bo duplicated br tho Eastern
capitalists and a mammoth cotton mill for
Waco is an assured fact
Geasdview Tex Juue 27 Special Tho
First national bank of Grandview was organ
ized yesterday to begin business August 1 1S99
with a capital stock ol 30000 W G Davis
president F M Weatherred vicepresideut
Thomas F Mastin cashier
Joshua Tex June 27 Special Mr S
F Hackney has this day purchased G W
Blairs interest in the grocery store of Blair
Hackney Mr Hackney will continue business
at the same stand
Sherman Tex June 27 Special The
city ha closed a contract for an artesian well
to be dug at the waterworks station to cost
about U000 to be 2300 feet deep
Temple Tex June 27 Special Answer
ing a call or President W Goodrich Jones of
the Temple national bank tor a meeting of tho
bankers of Bell county the following officers
and directors met at the parlors of President
Jones last evening and organized
bankers club viz H C Denny ol the
ing house ot H C Denny Si Co
J L Miller Sr president J L MHieriJr
cashier A M Monteith S Mac Ray and J
T Smither directors of the Belton national
bank Belton B A Ludlow president Louis
M Tyler cashier P T Morey vicepresident
and TWCochran director of the Citizens
national bank of Belton F F Downs presi
dent O K BurwitzandP L Downs directors
First national bank of Temple
W Goodrich Jones president C
A Brand vicepresident C W Yancy
director and V S Rowland assistant cashier
of the Temple National bank The
Bankers club was permanently organized
by the election of J L Miller Jr president
W Goodrich Jones vicepresident J L Lee
secretary and treasurer and F F Downs and
B A Ludlow together with the
other officers an executive committee
By means of the club the bankers expect to be
able to do much toward giving strength and tons
to the finances of the country and it has its
social features as well which are pleasant and
Tho Staked Plains Messenger B A Berry
Co proprietors is published at Tnlia Swisher
county and had its first edition Juno 20
The Luling Register intends issuing a big edi
tion on the Fourth of July
A citizens mass meeting was held at Quanah
last Tuesday night to devise the best method to
properly advertise the agricultural resources of
Hardeman connty
Mr Lee Strong and Miss Ada Dougherty For
ney June 20
Mr C B Flott and Miss Mollis Robinson
Terrell June 22
Mr O S Lattlmore and Miss Emma Buck
Waco June 23
Mr Ernest Knehner and Miss Amy Louisa
Brann San Antonio June 23
Mr Charles Wernigke and Miss Theresa Stahl
Ban Antonio June 21
Mr William P Beaumont and Mlssi Mattie
Evans San Antonio Juno 2
Mr XI J Harris and Miss Martha Moore San
Antonio June 23
Mr John Brendel and Mrs G Helborn San
Antonio Jnne 22
Mr John Hale and Miss Johan Darnell San
Antonio June 21
Mr Tom Black and Miss Mamie Rhodes
Shiner June 20
Mr Ed Knox ahd Miss Jessie W Bailey San
Antonio June 21
Mr W J Palmer and Miss Delia Wise near
Decatur June IS
Mr William Miller and Miss Belle Rennels
Cottondale June U
Mr J E Mitchell and Miss Maude E Halsell
Decatur June 19
Mr w L Bryan nnd Miss Carrie 8outh De
catur June 22
Mr W J Boaa and Mrs Lou Darlington De
catur June 2t
Mr John Evans and Miss Mary Scaggi Deca
tur Jnns 23
Mr R M Ramzy and Miss Emily E Byaxs
Decatur June 22
Mr T a Langley and Miss M J Yoaknm
Decatur Juno It
Mr B J Chilton and Miss Jennie Thomas
Decatnr June 22
Mr Thomas A Hale and Mist Annie May
Stone Georgetown Jnne 22
Mr James W GatliSa and Miss Elizabeth
Turner Georgetown June 21
Mr Ben F Pattemon and Mrs Samantha
Curnraings Georgetown June 22
Mr George H Preston and Miss Cora 8
Gee TexarkanaJune2i
Mr W W Levcrett and Miss Annie Knowles
Texarkzna Jane 23
Mrs Jane Sedberry Jefferson June 2S
Mr Joe Yates Forney Jane 17
Mrs A J Lewis Cameron Jnne 20
Mrs M A Richards Belton June 21
Mrs Thomas Daniels Carlton June 23
Mr Rice Jackson Rockwall June 23
Mr R H Williams Rockwall June 20
Mrs BessieLaughlin near Rockwall June22
3Iiss Minnie Williams Meridian Jnne21
MrsMalinda B Aprice near Waxahachle
June 16
Mm E E Avondio Texarkana Jnne 24
Judge William Waarmnnd Fredericksburg
points In TEXA3 an
Close connections In all of the above cltiss wit
fast trains of Eastern and Northern llnai
make the M K tT tty the bestUusj
Kew Ydi Eostoa MoatreU ani sl pji
J E SMITH City Ticket Agent corner Foarii
and Houston streets
C D LUSK Ticket Agent Union Depot
W D LAWSON Texas Traveling Passsugsr
A rent
GEO A EDDY n C CROSS Receivers
J J PREY Gen Supt Bedalia Mo
J WALDO General Traffic Manager Sedalia
H P HUGHES Asat Gen Tais Agt Fort
Worth Tex
OASTON MESLIER Gen Tass and Ticket
Agt Sedlaia Mo
Shortest Quickest and Only Line
bus transfer across that city
Leaving Fort Worth
Arrives Texarkn
Delivering passengers in depots of connecting
lines without a long and uncomfortable
elininic Chair Cnr
and Pullman UuiYct
iers Toxarkana to
Connecting at that point with through traim to
all points east and southeast
All further informationcheerfully furnished oa
application to any of the following
Traeling Pasneuger Agent
Gen Agent Ml Main Street Fort Worth Tex
Depot Ticket Agent Fort Worth Tex
Gen Pa Agt lines In Texas TexarkanaTex
Gen Manager Gen Pass Agent
St Louis Mo
Houston Texas Central Railway
Tho AilSteel Rail Lino
Double Daily Trains Each Way
No 2 fast mail Denison to Houston Through
Buffet Sleepers between Galveston and St Louii
and Galveston aud Chicago via Dallas J3 son
and Sedalia Between Denver and
via Houston and Fort Wortb ja HTJsJirfcp
ing and Drawingroom cata HiHHRslon and
2j pm
010 era
S 33 pm
I5 pm
500 pm
3 pm
100 am
223 am
13 am
953 am
750 pm
10 < Q am
1 30 am
10u am
233 pm
S 33 pm
41 am
1211 pru 620am
131pm 210 am
l3ilpm 613 am
Brenham 12lupm
Houston > am
Galveston G + 5ain
New Orleansl 4U3pm
720 am
FAULKNER Uen Pass Agent Houston
D LUSK Depot Ticket Agent Fort Worth
Fort Wflpfli and Denver City Ry
Denver Texes Fort Worth R R
Texas Panhandle Route
ouuriesb line quicjcrsc time iromtne liulfot
Mexico Fort Worth and all principal points in
Texas to Rocky Mountain resortsand Pacifia
coast Including Trinidad Pueblo Manitou
Colorado bprings Denver CoL Salt Lale
Utah Portland Oregon Tacoma Beattle an
Port Towns cd Daily trains leaving Fort Worth
2 a m comprising new and elegantly equip
Pullman Palace Sleeping Cars through
ver connecting at Colorado Junction noli
Midland Railway and
having through cartarrMiMnifcisco Loi
Angeles and
Round trip tjajjWPwa from Fort Worth to
Colorado ggJB Port Worth to Denver VT0
ColorjfttMRgs S30 Pueblo S3 Trinidad
S jpffa1OVe tickets bear a final limit to
ti 31st Transit limit on going trip iW
on return trip five days from last tourist
int viz Trinidad
Ogden and Salt Lake City and return X > 5
limited to ninety 9 days with a transit limit
ofM days in each direction Cheap tourist
rates to all points in Montana Idaho California
Oregcnand all points North and Northwest
The above comprise more noted and magnificent
scenery than is compassed in any other routes in
the known world Do not complete your ar
rangements for a tourist trip until yon nave ap
plied to the undersigned
G P A Ft W D a EyFort Worth Tex
G P A D T P W Ry Denver CoL
H M DeHART General Agent Dallas Tex
N B DAVIS City Passenger and Ticket Agent
Third and Main streets Fort Worth Tex
The GrtttPopular Route Betwass
The East and the We3t
415 amDenison 1043 pm 1130 am
435am Sherman lJ23pm UU4am
SW am McKinney < Iipm y20atu
715 am Dallas 750pml S20am
Fort Worth 000 am
850 ami Garrett t 613pnil 43am
900aniCorsirana < S20pm 343am
Morgan I 1013am
Favorite Line to tlmsAttifrEast
Una or Purtoun PalacsSleeplai
Trough to fat LouU via
See that your ticket ada via the Texas an
aci6c Railway For maps timetables tickets
late and all required information call on
Ticket Agent Union Depot Forth Worth
Ticket Agt dty office cor Main and Thirds
Traveling Passenger Agent Dallas Tsr
Ge3 Pats and Ticket Ajcat Dallas Tex
General Maatiti