rUBLISBED EVERY DAY DEMOCRAT PUBLISHING COMPANY Publishers and Proprietors crnea op rcaucATtom Corner of Ctitk and Fifth Struts JMiiro at tub Few Wceth Tixas Fo3r ernes i SaccupCutti Mail Mattee j AfES OF SUBSCRIPTION TO MAIL ETJBSCRrBBTM TCf 0f Prep oio ty AsPttMf wrl1 EAILT WKKDT Cre year SI I OneTear flrmonthe 160 Fir months Tfciee month I001 Three months tim < uxm ivesx n not imontti I months to cent nrvABlABLTTX ABTAirc rAILYDeliveied n ine = b e114 l Utltrmtand tampU ecpits EEMITTANCEB by draft chert rjostomes deTorrcgl t ed letter en > Bcrcyo at critUfc All other character of remltUnceJ f f f cbe k nt in registered letter mads must bs orders etc A11 check money mi til toTHE GAZETTE BRANCH OFFICES DAL1A3 JcrrMFiiGjnrn Correspondent C W Wuro J Easiness Acent Offce Vfl Main street where orders for sub nd advertising should be left ioMmi can be found on talo at all news lutein the city WACQ L Jokes Correspondent H B Dobset Apent and Correspondent ABILENE r F IUdfobb Agent and Correspondent street Offfc Postofflce bnlldlnK 25 Chestnut f hi 7cer where all orders for subscriptions rt advertising bcld bereft W n Etm > Aeciit nd Correspondent G rwrwwii Agent m West Sixth itrtft = = r = a Ms is kept on Ble and ADVERTISING rarer of t J the office TJlty Vbe scertaincd at AS AUI RICA NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS from SOCIATION New York or rASTTBR irUFINESS orFICE t Trillins uiZdfno roru ITEETltKN BDSIKES3 OITETOB Us ihtEooktry CMeecoBi WASHINGTON OBTIOB ZZft 1 ttrttUU W SPOltQBD Corrttpon dent communication for TBE 8A11 letter or GAZETTE vhether on Justness or for rvlUcatton riiotiM DEMOCRAT egartstei BLISB GAZETTE or 1AG CO Tort Worth Tex and NOZ 20 ANY INDIVIDUAL All communications intended for jruHea Wen mutt le cceompanted by tht writer mr and eddressnot for pubhcattonW t on evidence of good faith TEE GAZETTE on rCrti urillng to to themselves uttl plea tifitrtf rertonal ncicic itanpfor reply THE GAZETTE will slve S1O00 community or iriho companv tsEcclatlon which shall build the first free road from the city of Fcrt Worth to the Tarrant county In direction The ty line any read to be at least fifteen feet wide graded and macadamized crpraveledsald road to bo com pleted on or before November 1 ItfcO AVJtlTJOVAT DOJTATIOXS ttefoUoutng gentlemen dtstrt to ait tn tli red movement to the extent of the amoun tit cpfoUe their names respectively r r rmrtti 9ion no C Xiro 100 00 iO Vrtoto 10OOO XE tiose lOOOO ScltrtileCart 100 00 SlftchanW Xattenal Bank 300 00 VrZat 0 ° ° o JOJHIm iMVIt > l FOB THE SUMMER Those of our readers who are Rolug sway for the tbe summer can bare the Gazette mnlled to them at their summer residence by leaving word at tbe count ing room For f 060 the DaUa QatMi vitl bt tent str months cud alto a copy cj the original Web tiers Unabridged Dictionary ISSlpaget xr tjrrts chars prepaid to exprett oJc nearest th iubtcrtbtr TO TBE PUBLIC Tbe only traveling persons male or female at present authorized to receive cud receipt for subscriptions to Tub < Ja TXTTsnreJU BteedmanC W Wilson Vf X Uoyster L Calhoun and Mrs 8 Kennedy The rublionre cautioned not to pay money to any other person represent in C tliemirlves as traveling agents of this raper bs all authority heretofore issued to any other person tban those named is hereby revoked Democrat Publishing Coupakt April H 1890 TBE AL BATNE MONUMENT Saxisbust Tsx June 231S30 Editor Gazette Please accept the enclosed contribution from the little folks of the Saliabnry Sunday school to the At Uayne monumental fund We are trying to train our boys to make manly men and our girls to admire mialy men and know no name worthierof admiration thia that of Al HayneCouAucnn CouAucnn Tex Jane331S33 Editor Gazette Demi Sib Enclosed find check for 5L05 which pleaseapply to the Al Hayne monument fund Respectfully Fbaxk Vekvox EdltorChler FBXDEBicxsstmo Tex Jnne 73 1S3 Democrat PublishinkCompanr Fort WorthTex Gentlemen Tha movement on foot to erect a monument to the nobis Walter Uayne in com mendation of hl > heroic deed at the Spring Pa ace fire Is one that all lovers of the brra and nob e nill appreciate Erect a monument that will serve to kindle the hearts of all future visitors ot the next Spring Palace and inspire them with some of that courageous un flinching and unselfish spirit possessed by the noble martyr who died that others might live I enclose tl as my subscription to the monu ment Sespecttf ally yours yoursA S WEsntEnc Hebals Omra Editorial DEjMETMaTr I DexisoxTex July w 1390 j MrA B Smith Cashier Merchants National Bank Fort Worth Tex Deax Sik Enclosed please find my check for JCSSO being the aggregate ot sums received by the Herald for the proposed Al Hayne monu ment A nobler braver man never drew breath Yours truly Geo B Goodwis Editor of the Herald HE331ETTA Cur Co Tex Ang 41 W L Malone Editor Gazette Fib Enclosed rlease find postofSce money order for tlSO and for the same you will please place It to the fund for a monument to the nobis Al Hayne I was an eyewilnets on that night to many deeds of bravery he did on that field ot firs and flame aud he should be remembered Tours Very respectfully W A Equibes FoBTWonHTEX July 271SD0 Editor Gazette Please accept ibis Hale con tribution five dollars from the Sundayschool ciiiUrrnot the Fifth street C 11 E church to tho Al Hayne niunuintnt f and We feci it only juit and right to contribute to Use memory of bravery and patriotism at any call Very re spectfully J W Tayeob 6npt BEAtraoxT Tex July 311830 Fort Worth Gazette Fort Worth Tex GEmniEH Eneosed please And our No 031 on Ball Hatchings Co ot Galveston forJIW 00 beingour contribution to the fund being raised for the erection of a monument to the memory ofonr heroic aud lamented friend A E Hayne Yours truly Tbb Reliance Louses Compact A dHcbeeour secretary Subscriptions through The Gazette to this date are as follows Barnett Gibbs fS 03 John Henry Brown f > 03 W S Decker 2 S3 WI11L Sargent I 00 Alvarado Methodist church < > Salisbury Sunday school Frank Vernon J ° J A 8 Wertheim D SUBSCRIPTIONS TO A B SMITH The following subscriptions have been made to Mr A xl Bmlth of tbe Mer chants national bank who originated th > movement Subscriptions will be re ceived by Mr Smith or Tbe Gazette ZenoC Boss J M ° 0 GeorraL Hurley 2s01 Caswell Bros WW H W Tallant 25 0J Walter J Hurley J5 CaseySwaser JJ Thomas J Hurley JJ W A Adams ° j > Jake Johnson < < < > A B bmlth M M DanCarey 1W JGJones M J P Smith 25 00 C W Connery 25 M George Strong 23 00 Robert McCart WOO T B Burbridge 25 00 Jno A Bergen Son 25 00 WA Huffman 100 03 Geo B Hendricks r 23 W Randall Chambers Co 2a 03 O Y McClellan 2500 A A Greene Jr 23 03 H J Gollberg 00 W H Ward 25 03 Jno Rltlcan 2300 Henry Finch 25 00 M B Loyd 25 00 WJ Born 23 00 WF Lake 25 00 FryFates 25 OJ M G Ellis 25 00 Thoi Roche 25 00 Ellis Kellner 23 00 W Q Bateman 60 00 Frank Leslie M > Cash 18 00 A J Anderson 00 Turner Dinger M 00 Lewis Bros Manuel 00 S O Moodie < > J A Sweeuey 00 E W Taylor 60 00 E E Chase 50 03 a P Meade 60 03 Morgan Jones loo 03 James F Noyes Detroit Mich 23 oj Thomas P Martin M > ArthurStert WOO Ptoressor Alex Hogg V 5 03 TJ Melton 2 60 John T Montgomery 6 00 The congressional convention In tbe Howdy Martin district tlnnlly notn inntid Long Tbey were a long time about it The crip which started last win ter in Russia has almost completed the circuit of tbe globe It has only recently Invaded Alaska Waxajukkus lines have certainly not fallen in pleasant places bis oppo nents now call him the Kreutzer Sonata of modern politics A lot of New England senators do not look with as much admiration now as they did some time ago on lioss Quay1 dignified silence Serious and critical is the diagno sis by Dr 1owderlr of the strike on the New York Central A few days previous It was an interesting crisis The prohibition mauugers ot the Kan sas machine are very busy just now ex posing each others hypocrisy and cast Ing mysterious hints at so and sos wine cellar DuniNG tbe races at Saratoga at which there were present a large number o Kentucky turfmen there has been drunk 75000 gallons of water principally In the morning The Republiians of the senate have oontluded to put an end to tbe washing of their dirty linen in public The pub Ho regrets he decision to withdraw There was lots of fun in it J Ballot Box Forger Fouaker bobs up with a letter indorsing the fraud and force bill That is not surprising but It is no matter Foraker and the force Oil1 have both gone to tbe limbo that await all frauds and humbugs Tub curious student of cause and effect may study tbe relation between nbic Republican majority in tbe late elec tlbn In Oklahoma and a petition to con gress from tbe Territory for an appro priation Tun average musical crltlo of the newspaper exhibits rare qualification for his worli One recently objected to William Tell and Masanlello for open air musio because they are set in a mass of instrumental description and recitativol Mr Racm has told his story to tbe committee According to tho tenor or it he jsaTery much wronged Individ ual and tbe Democrats ought to hide their heads In shame for intimating that so good a man as be could ever be guilty ot the slightest departure from the path of rectitude Tbe Raum whitewashing farce and the force bill have both been pigeon holed and nothing more will he heard of them during tbe remainder of the pres ent tedious term Slight blessings will come to us now and then In spite of Dr Harrison and the g o p There appears tu be a good deal In the Idea that the rapid industrial growth of tbe South has alarmed New Eaglaud audjnoited the greedy descendants ot the Puritans to kick up a row that would throw tho political and especially the industrial affairs of the South Into tur moil and confusion Es Governor Ames of Massachusetts who with many more of bis thrifty New England brethren mtfde enormous for tunes out of the war tariff now declares that be is In favor of a reduction all aloug the line When the exgovernor and his Massachusetts friends bad an ex cellent opportunity two years ago to secure just what they want a reduo tlon all along tbe line by voting for Grorer Cleveland they scorned the sug gestlon and cost tfcelr votes for Har rison and tbe Chicago platform pledging to reduce the surplus by raising tbe tariff o a prohibitory point a Mr Napoleon Bonaparte MnKluley now proposes to do greatly to their disgust A campaign of education Is a desider atum among tbe farmers ot tbe Georgia Alliance which Indorsed tho subtreasury folly The Texas farmer is nbead of tbe watermelon raisers ot Georgia He is more thoughtful and stops to consider before accepting a plan that may possibly prove ruinous to him The Georgia farmer should do likewise In reply to a lengthy speech by Sana tor Mitchell the other day touching tho constitutional right of congress to levy protective duties Senator Reagan in a brief speech corrected the senator by showing that tbe object in granting tho power to congress to regulate trade and levy imposts was not the building up ot one class or section at the expense of another but for the purpose of equaliz ing all interests preventing the confu sion that existedj under tbo confedera tion and collecting revenues for the ex penses of the government Tbe sena tors reply was forcible to tbe point and telling as the tariff sophistries fell be fore It Dr Juenemann a European has in vented an explosive that he thinks is calculated to rob warfare of its bloody effects and reduce it to a pleasant and agreeable past time One of Herr Juenemanns bombs exploding in tli ° enemys ranks emits a gns of such powerfully soporlllo effeot that all within reach aro speedily reduced to a coma tose state and ot course fall nn easy prey to the enemy who has only to dis arm and make prisoners of tbo entire opposing force A bomlet exploded lu tbe United States senate now nnd then when Grandma Hour or Grnnny Blair or Blllie Chandler is fulminating against the South would do a world of good The Nat McKny bill which passed the house the other day Is a fao simile ot tbe bill for McKays benefit vetoed by Presi dent Cleveland McKays grab Is a sklu game which has been thrown out by various congressional committees since tbo war closed and Is a demand for extra compensation for work done by McKay as a contractor during tbe wa on two or three guuboats or ironclads But McKay Is a stalwart who went to England to study ntid report the con dition ot the working classes in that be nighted land of free trade which be did just In time to aid in electlug Ben Har rison and now Ben tells the boys that they must reward the patriot by allowing his rasially tlalm nnd they are doing It VERIFY YOUR FACTS A noted man once said it Is some times necessary to verify your facts Reputations suffer and business Is often ruined because those who so Industrious ly circulate the on dlts fail to secure a necessary verification Not long rlnce a young lady of Memphis of excellent family and untarnished name was forced into most unpleasant newspaper noto riety by a reporter who was zealous with out wisdom A wrong that cauuot be righted On dlts nre as fatal to bus iness prosperity as to a womans fair name aud yet a love of gossip a mor bid desire to spread news no mutter what tbe effect leads citizens of a town to Industriously circulate reports ot the existence ot an epidemic which credited paralyze business and bring financial disaster This is a case where a little wholesome verifying beats vaccination Take heed what thou tellest as well as what thou hearest FIX TBE RESPONSIBILITY The late distressful nccldent on th9 Quiuoy railroad by which twentytwo persons were killed and injured tba en gineer states was occasioned by tbe care lessuess of a working party In leaving a jack upon the track A day or two since loss of life occurred In this statu bocnuse both engineer and brnkeman were asleep at their posts Scarcely a day passes that the Associated Press dis patches do not tell of railway auoldonts more or less fatal resulting in most in stances from gross neglect or crlmlna carelessness Responsibility should be fastpned and tbe guilty brought to jus tice Human life is too precious to be wantonly destroyed and travelers have a right to expect safety so far as human foresight can secure it Carelessness in positions of trust amounts to criminality nnd an economy that compels men t ° labor to exhaustion is not only cruelty to them but unpardonably hazardous to others TBE CENTRAL STRIKE Master Workman Powderly In an ap peal to the publio states tbe case ot the New York Central railroad strikers The strike originated he finds in tbe dismis sal from tbe service of the company ot a few men who were never told the reason for their discharge The cause of their dismissal be finds Is that they belong to the Knights of Labor The railroad managers deny any suoh pretense or cause and Mr Powderly says plainly that he does not believe Mr Webb o Munager Toucey when making such de nial Asked by the strikers to submit tbe reasons for their discharge to arbi trators tbe managers entered a prompt refusal holding that tbey have an absolute right to employ and dls obarse whom thoy please when they please and the same is nobodys busi ness but their own There are tboso who will deny suoh autocratlo and irre sponsible power In a corporation when carried to extremes But however that may beit seems that the strike Is only just begunend being indorsed by a unanlmo ns vote of the executive committee of the < I Knights Is to be prosecuted in a Qght to the finish Other branches ot tbe Knights will wall walk out tbe firemen and possibly tbe engineers on tbo Vander bllt lines will join tbe strikers and a general tieup nnd consequent demorali zation confusion aud losses lu busi ness circles will follow It is an ugly and muih Vo be condemned affair all around no matter which side Is to blame Tbe public has rights as well as tbe company or tbe workmen nnd yet both seem to have acted in utter nnd complete disregard ot that tact Tbe matter in dispute Is a contemptible trifle about which to begin a war that is to result so disastrously uot alone to the combatantsbut to the publio Tbe publio knows uotbing and cares less about it It is th duty of railway compaules to deal fairly and justly by their employes and to exhaust every honorable means to prevent trouble It Is likewise tbe duty of employes to be faithful and consider ate ot their employers rights and to avoid hasty Illadvised and precipitate conduct when disputes arise As it now appears neither party to tbe quarrel manifested tho slightest disposition to avoid a fight or seemed to care an iota for the consequences to the publio The strike seems to have been a rash and headlong movement and the prompt refusal subsequently of VicePresident Webb to arbitrate and Put nn endto the contention showed that conscious ot untold millions at bis back he felt that be could afford to snap bis fingers at the strikers and the publio The claim upon either side that a prin ciple was luvolvod when both wero trampling upon principle and outraging the rights of tbe public is a delusion and a sham DEOENT JOURNALISM There Is perhaps no part of newspaper work where moro nice disurlmluation ij needed than In what Is termed sensa tional matter There Is a difference be tween a news item aud one that feeds only a prurient curiosity While it may be urged that a newspaper is a buslnatg enterprise It Is also true that it is a raorul agent The public crave news and the daily press is suppysed to cater to it How far an editor Is morally bound to satisfy this oraving and Is re sponsible for the effect tbe publication ot news matter is likely to produce is open to discussion Mans mental as well as physical nature Is subject to morbid cravings uud the appetite grows by what it feeds upon and In each case the result is unsoundness and at lust an utter rejection of wholesome food Tbe simple statement of crime com milted or of some social outrage con veys all that can be termed news while an enlarging of tbe facts a dressing In fervid language of a leprous subject a display in glaring headlines ot Its most disgusting features Is pandering to a vitiated tasto that is unworthy the btgb position claimed by the press for Itself Not only is it dishonorable but It is also dishonest it is so because without an Intelligent decent cllentelle tbe modern newspaper would be an Impossi bility as to this tbe management must look for permanent support The decent element of society has a right to demand that papers which go Into thelr homes shall not go as wolves In sheep clothing that their claims of clean journalism shall uot be a pretense aud that whenever the managers of any paper decide to make It a Police Gazette they shall so declare and seek for patron age In tbe slums thatsupply material Aside from tbe moral aspect there Is an argument that reaches tbe most ob durate stickler for tbe sensational style It is the exchequer argument A rich item handled in the highest spiced style may sell a large number of extra copies and if these Items como in rapid succession tbe Sash may seem to be a steady fire but Is It so The newsboys cry Heres all about tbe eto and run to and fro between the offloe and streets until the extra edition is ex hausted but when tbe subscriberslist is overhauled how many names have been added and how many advertisers have been convinced by this extraordinary sale that tbe paper Is their best medium to reach customers Should sensation follow sensation the character ot the paper becomes known and those who buy and sell belonging ns the majority do to the decent element wilt refuse their patronage to a journal tbey hesitate to admit into their homes However d praved a mans tastes may be there are few that have descended to so low a depth ag to be Indifferent about the class ot literature which falls into the bands of their sons and daughters The pretext that tbe ostentatious record of crime maices It hideous and debars others from Imitating is of all pretexts tbe most flimsy Never in the moral history of mankind bos It been shown that famil iarity with crime aud an Intimate knowl edge of tbe details In its commission have become a lesson in morals On tbe con trary it has always been conceded that famlllary with vice hag led finnlly to Its adoption with all its hidcousness The downfall ot many a son and daughter is direotly traced nnd openly charged to tbe Influence of evil literature Let those who would contend for the other side carefully review tbe character ot such journals as have withstood all storms and retained the confidence of the reading publio let them examine the columns and see the amount of bus iness represented there and think of the influence they weild then say If It can be said that the prurient the Ti cIons the sensational in journalism Is the way to permanent prosperity What ever the conclusion this much the pat rons ot newspapers novo a right to ex pect tbatno mongrel whelp shall be rotsed upon them It adjournal selects Its arena ia the slums and fattens on 6f1 THE GAZETTE TOUT WOUTH TEXAS SUNDAY AUGUST 24 u V garbage let It fold up Ita oloak ot re spectability and appear in its proper Rarb C0MIG COLUMN A GLAD SUUPRISK Herface was a sweet one young and fair Yet oer it rested a weary air As of yearning long denied A look of one who has sought fnvain Who hopeless and sad leced sees ntain SuU restless unsatisfied Her hand so small and white io behold Lay half concealed in her dress sot fold Where like a moonbeam it gleamed Then without warning be eyes flashed bright And her whole form quickened alert and lis Like a different girl she seemed What wai It brought the light to her eyes And touched her form with such keen surprise That it almost seemed to shock lit She had searched for something near and dear She had searched in vain for a whole long year And now she had lound her pocket I Bessie Cuaxdleb SurpottJi Supposin ez Im settin Upon this cornfield fence The tosJels wavin round me All budded out immense A clover bank to oh ma Whar bees are settlin dense Supposin I should see her Asteppin up the road Her pooty face asmilin Ez cute tz ef she knowed Hike her heaps Lutdasscnt Go tell the little toadl An supposin ez her footfall Kern nigh an nigher still My noconnt pesky speret Should give a owtul thrill An set my tongue awazgin To speak ont whats my will N how I jest completely Am serh a jak thel I Haint got mv wits about me Whenever she drrrs nigh Im like a owl when sunup Isyelleiin theskyi But now Id saysupposin A blush should take her cheek Im growel tbet bold an brassy A Hon pears right meek An I askyeb fertohev me Law thets the way Id spcakl An thenbut shuckslwhst trifllnM Ef sbo was here wby snool Id only blush an wriggle An stammerout Tuctyou Why hOMdy Miss Clorindy Aushedsay Howil > do Eva Wildcu McQlassox A Nntlonnl Prejudice Why do the Germans object to trlchinxi anjhow Because the Germans are down on Paris ites Never Tasted Isnt she sweet I dont know said Chnpple sadly Is a taste I have not been able to acquire She Woppin Attempts tn Si en a Joke I have a good one this tlmel said Wopplo Fatwit asbe entered the club There was a look of Incredulity npon the faces of the group by the window Are vou sure a ked one bee it I aint I was walking with that bril liant Miss CeaneBaler this afternoon when we met a redbeaded girl Where is the white horsef asked Miss BeaneBaker Come now Miss BeaneBaker I replied that is a horseradish Ha ha I never heard Miss BeaneBaker lagh so heartily But the group by tbo window did not laugh It was as solemn as a Philadelphia backalley at midnight What the devil is he driving att asked one of another And then even while yet Woppie stood ex pectantly waiting for the laughter which never came one of the group by the window went to a table got a conij paper and took it to tbe be wildered Woppie Fatwit Here It Is Wop pie hesaid pointing out tho Joke You got it wrong as usual It was not horseradish but horsechesnutyou meant to say But Woppfe had disappeared And some one of the group by the window took up a copy of The Llhtot Asia and re peated softly as In a revery The dewdrop slips into tbe shining sea Polk Swaifs Too Mncli Water to be Natural Did he die a natural death What the colonel Ito Indeed That Is not for him He died of dropsy She Trobably Got It Too Jones Does your wife try to be bossy mith Oh no she is tery moderate In her demands All that she asks is the last word Alex E Sweet Answering a ChrTespnndent Mrs B writes me I am embroidering or rather I am goingto embroider a beantifnl motto tohanginour parlor butl have a dispute with my husband as to what it shall be The only point on which we agree is to leave it to you Vhatmottodoyou suggest Fight On Alex E Sweet An Idln ynrrasy of Language Thats a paradox What Tbe man who lies to save his friend stands up for him Wlnliert lie n Rabbit Johnny Dumpsey looking up from his arith metic with a sigh Oh papa how I wish I wa a rabbit Mr Dumpsey Indeed I And why would you like to be a rabbit my son Johnny Dumpsey Because I was reading a book today which said that they multiplied with astonishing rapidity Paul Pastxob The TJnnttntnnbts It is hard to mako a whistle ot a grunting porkers tail It is bard to make a purse ont of his ear It Is hard to make successes when tbe other pcope fail It is bard tp seem a youth when in the sere But all these things are easy as is falling off a log When compared with that employment weird nnd wild Of sitting in the nursery with ones senses all agog In devising schemes that can amuse a child Caslvle 3 iiiih In Olilnhoma Good news good news cried tha prison ers counsel Youve been indicted for mur der Yon call that good news Cert They micht have Indicted you for tak ing tbe horse and then our goose would have been cooked Hexst H Habxmess A stroke of lighting ran the whole length o New Yorks new aqueduct recently probably looking tor the steel there is aald to be In it A Bad IIrente Yon Americans dont know how to spell said Loidde Jinx One ot your most culti vated journals speaking of what I suppose is your congressional rarade spelled it pay raid CnOLMOSDELY HaECOCBT Cause and Effect What does the doctor say youve got I think he said it was luraberaeo Well I told you to let John split the wood Yon never wUl do as I teU you Not a Waahbnsln There is one thing Im willing to wager will never be discovered lu the Congo Basin Whats that Soap TrtAD Bccxaisw It is said that 8taney sever alludes to Emia uEmin Pasha butas Emin Pshawl Not n Dart Horse Hillsbobo Tex Aug 221S90 To the Gazette We notice in your correspondence from Corsicana that Mr Davld Derden nom inee for floater from the Thirtyninth representative distrlot is referred to at a dark horse or compromise candi date While we do not consider it a re flection upon a nominee that be should bo a dark horse we deem it proper to say that your Corsicana correspondent misapprehended the facts Mr Derden was in no sense a dark horse On the contrary be was a very white steed that developed considerable speed and some bottom His was tbe first name for tbe position before the Democracy of this district He was tbe choice by more thun a twothirds majority of the Hill county Democratio convention uud it is a great compliment to him aud to Hill county that tin should hare been nomin ated by tbe Democracy of the district over the distinguished gentlemen who were bis competitors Very truly yours N B Kennedy 0U11 BOOK TABLE Honks Rpcrivmt Omt Ltttlb Mejt asd Wokbs September Price SI a year BinvLASD f eptember Price 60 cents a year Published by D Xothrop Co Boston Feask Leslies MosTnLV September Mrs Frank Leslie editor and proprietor 110 Fifth avenue New York Price S3 yearly TtupTm on Thb Expi tios op a Sis By Beatrice Landon Price 25 cents The Minerva publishing company 10 West Twentythird street Peteesoss Magazine September office o publlcaton SU6 Chestnut street PhUadelpba Terms SI a year The Ladies Home Jocbnal September Curtis publishing company Puiladelpha Price SI a year A CALL For a Convention of Texans Interested In Developing the Jlanuractnrln and iter rsntlle Interests of the btate Fobt Woetb Chambeb op Commerce Secbetabvs Office > Fobt Wobth Tex Ang 211590 A convention ot delegutes from trade and manufacturlngorganlzatlonsmunic ipalities nnd people interested in devel oping tbe manufacturing and mercantile interests of Texas has been called to meet in Fort Worth on September 21 1890 for the purpose of devising ways and means to induce capital to seek our slate and accomplish this object The advantage to accrue to tbe people ot Texas by having our raw material found In endless quantity in this state manufactured Into merchantable com modities must be patent to every mind that has given the subject careful con sideration Manufacturers are disposed to cmue to our state capitalists are fa vorably disposed but there has been no united action to plice before them the facts about our resources and the vast Held open to them and wholesalo mer chants This convention is called to meet the demand made upon tbe state It is proposed to have Eastern and Northern manufacturers and capitalists present at our deliberations Governor Ross has expressed a willlugness to co operate In the matter To this end you are cordially invited nnd requested to send one or more dele gates from your organization munici pality or county to tbis convention Efforts will be made to arrangewith the railway companies for reduced rates to delegates aud others who attend As the time is short we respectfully urge Immediate action and request that you send to the secretary of the Fort Worth chamber of commerce tbe mimes of those selected to represent you m the convention K M VanZandt President E S Biden Secretary AKANSAS PASS The Fntnrrt Fruit Coanry ot tbe Fonthweit Northern reople Infatuated with tbe Climate Special to the Gazette Aransas Pass Tex Aug 22 Tho fifty families of Italians who came here from New Orleans a short time ago hav ° all purchased land from the Aransas Pass colonization company nnd are pre paring the land for vegetables and fruits Many vineyards apricots lemon or ange groves and other tropical fruits are beiug planted nnd in a short time Aransas Puss can furnish tbe North and West vegetables melons and fruits six weeks earlier than any other portion of Texas William Henry Maul of Philadelphia Inst year offered a prize ot S100 in cash for the finest melons and H H Farrar of Aransas Pass took tbe premium The truit and vegetable trade promises a large and profitable commerce In the near future and tbe prospects of deep water in a year or two add largely to the prospects The people of Texas are just beginning to notice this sections wonderful at tractions as until recently it was with out railroads and barricaded with pas ture fences Aransas Puss bas increased in population and wealth ovor 400 per cent since the railroad reached here two years ago Northern people are universally In fatuated and surprised at tbe cool sum mers and warm winters forgetting that tbe trade winds which touob the gulf coast at this point furnishes as at some points In California cool winds in sum mer and warm ones in winter K0ETI1WEST TEXAS FA1B An Orzanizition Formed at Vernon Yesterday to Benefit all Northwest Texas Special to the Gazette Vernon Tex Aug 23 This day Vernon added another laurel to her crown by organizing what will hereafter be known as the Northwest Texas dis trict fair association At a massmeeU tug at the courthouse at 10 oclock to day what had been considered for some months by our farseeing people was consummated The meeting was largely attended by citizens who know no such word as failure or cant The gen tlemen above mentioned have written so well and faithfully concerning a fair association at Vernon that it required but a short while to get things In shape The Northwest Texas fair association was organized Capital 50000 Board of directors S W Lomax E J Woldran J R Roth man R B Gant G A Brown X A Turner L C Heare and James A White of Wilbarger county W A Stinson ot Greer county Duncan G Smith of Hardeman county S J New ton of Baylor county J J Truscottof Knox county and Judge Bar Ise of Wichita county A charter will be op piled for at once The association will have the grounds ready for use by the 25th of September The grounds will be located just outside of the city limits probably in Paradise valley just east of tbe city This is one more grand step Vernon Is taking not only for herself and Wilbarger county butfor the whole otNprthweU Texas That It will b a sueWs none dare doubt a 4 BEALTI AND BUILDING The Present Week Will See Several Fine Buildings Uuder Way The Heal Estate Market Aetlv Prospect tor lloro cheap Monrr from tha East Bank Clearings in real estate circles tbe past week has been something like the busy weeks ot lust spring The sates made hare been many and some ot them of pood size Many Inquiries for property have beea received nnd altogether tho outlook 1 > very bright Citizens who have been away for tbe summer are returning and nre getting rendy tor fall business It is now apparent that by the middle ot Sep tember or earlier real estate operations will be heavy and that sales will bs many BANK CLEARINGS Clearings for weekending August2316SI 30 C3 Same week last year aSblitJ Per cent lucrease for 1890 C37 THE BUILDING RECORD Building operations all over the city are active but tbe number of houses going up could be doubled and the pressing demnnd both for stores and residences would not be supplied Ti3 present week however will see a good start made in erectl g suoh buildings as we need Work will begin on tbe six story building corner Main and Seventh streets also on the three story 100 feet front building on Mnin aud Twelfth Hyde Jennings has now decided to build a four story buildiug adjoining tbe Hur ley office building The 90000 brew ery contract will be let The contraot for building the 250000 cotton mill will be closed and John Tierney who can now get a tenant will probably decide to build on tbe comer opposite the board ot trade Several residences will also be built John U Rvan Is now completing bis plans for buildiug ten twostory and ten onestory dwellings on the South Side and they will be handsome modern buildlugs All this Is good but it is ouly a foretaste of what is to come later on Fort Worth is in tbe saddle and she pro poses to ride the good horse prosperity well The men who build up tbe re tailers of the citywlll find plenty to do this year and the merchants will prosper accordingly It begins to look as it a building era of first maguitude was just opening in Fort Worth and that is what will make a oity MOltK CHEAP MONET Mr E A Walton treasurer of the Peoples buildiug loan and savings association of Geneva N Y spent several hours in Fort Worth yesterday sizing up the city with a view of doing business here Mr Walton is looking over Texas thoroughly and Is well pleased with the state and its cities Tha association proposes to loan money in Texas for building purposes at a reason ably low rate ot Interest uud will be cor dially welcomed NOTES 07 PROGRESS James W Swayne Is back from Color ado where he has spent the heated term He returns full of vim and Is ready to take a hand in the active work to be done tbis fall In tho upbuilding of Fort Worth He says be is more than ever Impressed with the advantages ot Fort Worth and believes in ber future Mr Swayne thinks people should build brick or stone residences in tbe future lu place of frame that such houses give solidity to a city like this R E McAnulty Is back and says there is no better city in tbe country tban Fort Worth He finds he says tbe outlook i very encouraging J A Smith at onetime a merchant ot New Orleans but for four years a ranch man of LaSalle county bas come to Fort Worth to reside and to go Into business He is greatly Improssed with Fort Worth He will have to wait to get a business house but has about made arrangements to have one built for him Mr Smith Is a brotherinlaw of Charles Scheuber and I C Terry RECORDED TRANSFERS E W Provmo and F M Marple lot 1 block 1 Pro vine Marple addition 600 00 Mrs Ev A Hendricks to as signs of J N Masterson fourteen acres out ot the Jackson survey 1 00 For 10 the Daily Gazettb will be sent one year and also a copy of the original Websters unabridged dictionary I2SI pages express charges prepaid to express office nearest tu subscriber s Texans Abroad Special to the Gazette New York Aug 23 William Clow er C O Harris Dahas Earles Mrs Chilton Dallas St Louis L Rees Dallas Normandler J Goodman El Paso Belyidere C L Frost Fort Worth Bartboldi G M Courts Gal veston GUsey J Graysonage Galves ton Tremont M Lehman Galveston St Dennis A V Moller G Moller Galveston Metropolitan J P Byrnes Houston Earles J G Tod Houston Sturtevant L P Harrison Paris St Dennis J H Bemis Texas Gilsey A J Center Texas Gilsey L F Cooper Mrs Swayne Fort Worth Sturtevant JJohnson Fort Worth Gedney H H Lacy J D Read Fort Worth Normandie J L McKlnsley Fort Worth Grand Central T B Flynn Galveston Sinclair F Kaston Galves ton Belvldere ForSBSOiht Uatty Gazette setil bt tentttx months ana alto a copy of the original Wib stert unabridged Dictionary 22S1 pages ex press charges prepaid to express ojjlcst nearest tit ubtcriber t Dallas Notes Special to the Gazette Dallas Tsx Aug 23 Stars Jones assistant city tloket agent Texas and Pacific left this morning for a weeks trip to Mexico C C Curtis of Fort Worth South western traveling ageat of tbe Van dalla line Is In tbo city J B Wadleighof tbe Cotton Belt arrived tbis afternoon from a mouths sojourn in tbe frozen North Hh spent most ot tbe time looting among the Ice bergs ot Nova Scotia and Newfoundland It is now a settled fact that freight rates on all Texas lines will be returned to tbe July rate on September 1 This will be a relief to railroad men Ship pers are also glad that settled rates are to prevail hereafter From now until about Ihe 5th of Sep tember the railroads will have a big pas senger list made up ot young men end young laales going East to attend the seminaries and colleges In the other states Mr James M Steere assistant gen eral freight agent ot the Santa Fa who has been absent in Boston for some weeks enjoying a needed vacation and attending the national encampment ot the GrandArmy of the Republic Is ex pected to arrive In the city either to iilsbt dr tomorrow morning r mrrd ltd ltdi r 23 cam the pr sari m gS3