OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, August 29, 1890, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

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IiXaj e b
Publishers and Proprietors
OFFICE OF publication
Corner of Rusk and Fifth Streets
Ekteked at tbb Foet Wobtii Texas Poit
orricc as SecondClass Mail Mattes
Posfoce Prepaid by the Publithern
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Three months 3 WI Three months
Scsday Gazette 1 year Si 00 S months Jl 00
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DAILY Delivered in the city by carriers at 1
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Parties writing to Tnn Gazette on business
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for reply
The Gazette will give flOOO to tho company
community or association which shall build tho
first free road from the city of Fort Worth to
tho Tarrant countv line In any direction The
road to be at leatt fifteen feet wide graded and
macadamired or graveled said road to be com
pleted on or before Xovember 1 1310
additional donations
Theiollowtng gentlemen desitetoald In tho
road movement to the extent of the amount set
opposite their names respectively
E E Powell J100 00
Caswell Bros 100 00
J O Wright lOo 00
E E Chase 100 00
Robert McCart 100 00
MerchantsNational Bank 100 DO
WFLake 103 00
MGEllis 130 00
Those of our readers who ore going
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ing room
Tbe only traveling persons male or
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and receipt for subscriptions to The Ga
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Annie Shapard and Mrs S Kennedy
The publio are cautioned not to
pay money to any other person represent
ing themselves as traveling agents of this
rarer as all authority heretofore issued
to any other person than those named Is
hereby revoked
Democrat PUBUsnixa Company
April H 1890
Ealisbokt Tex June 23 1330
Editor Gazette
Please accept the enclosed contribution from
the little folks of tho Saliibnry Sunday school to
tbe Al Hayne mouumeutl fund
We are trying to train our boys to rnasa
maLly men and our girls to admire manly men
and know no same uorthierot admiration than
that of AI HayneComanche
Comanche Tex June S3 19M
Editor Garette
Deab Sib Enclosed find check for 5103
which pleaseapplr to the Al Hayne monument
fund Respectfully FUAsr Vbbnov
Editor Chief
Feedebicksbubo Tex June 23 131
Democrat Publishing Company Fort WorthTex
Gentlemen The movement on foot to erect a
monument to the noble Walter Hayne in com
mendation of his heroic deed at the Spring
Pa ace fire is one that all lovers of the brave
and nob e will appreciate Erect a monument
that will serve to kindle the hearts of all future
visitors of the next Spring Palace and innpire
them with soar of that courageous un
flinching and unselfish spirit posicssed by the
noble martyr who died that others might live
I enclcte 1 as my subscription to the monu
ment Ecipectltully yours
A S Webtheim
Hebald Office EDrrorjAi Uetabtmsnt
DenisonTex July is is
Mr A B Smith Cashier Merchants National
Bank Fort Worth Tex
Deab Sib Enclosed please find my check for
fOsn being tbe aggregate of corns received by
the Herald for the proposed Al Hayne monu
ment A nobler braver man never drew
breath Yours truly Geo B Goodwin
Editor of the Herald
Henbietta ClayCotlTEX Aug 1S3
W L Malone Editor Gazette
Sib Enclosed please find postoffice money
order for SI50 and for the same you will please
plire it to the f una lor a monument to the noble
Al Hayne
I wss an eyewitse s on that nltht to many
needs of bravery he did on that field of fire and
ame aud he should be remembered Yours
very respectfully W A Equiebs
Fobt Wosth Trx July 271333
Editor Oazctte ITease accept this little con
tribution five dollars from the Sundavschool
children of the Fifth street C M E church to
the Al Hayne monument fund We feel it only
Inst and right to contribute to the memory of
iravery and patriotism at any call Very re
spectfully J W Tatlob Supt
Beaumont Tex July 311
Fert Worth Gazette Fort Worth Tex
Gentlemen Enclosed pleat find oar No
K31 on Ball Hatchings Co of Galveston
for lea 00 being our contribution to the fund
being raised for the erection of a monument to
the memory of our heroic aud lamented friend
A 8 Hayne Yours truly
Tub Uiuance LoiBEBCoiuMxr
A dHebecourt secretary
Subscriptions through The Gazette to
this date are as follows
Barnett Gibbs 5 00
John Henry Brown 500
W S Decker 2 53
WillL Sargent 103
Alvarado Methodist church 4 T5
Salisbury Sunday school 150
Frank Vernon 1 00
A S Wertheim 103
senscmrnoNSTOA b smith
Tbe following subscriptions have been
made to Mr A At Smith of tbe Mer
chants national beak who originated
tbe movement Subscriptions wilt be re
ceived by Mr Smith or The Gazette
ZcnoC Boss t Go 00
GeorgeL Hurley 23 09
Caswell Bros V500
II W Tallant JSO
Walter J Hurley 25 00
CaseySwasey 250
Thomas J Hurley 23 00
W A Adams 25 0
Jake Johnson SO 03
A B Smith 100 00
Dan Carey 100 00
J OJones 25 0
JPSmith 23 00
C WConnery 25 03
George Strong 25 00
Robert McCart M 00
T B Burbridge 25 00
Jno A Bergen Son 25 00
W A Huffman 100 00
Geo B Hendricks 2J 0J
Randall Chambers Co 25 0J
C Y McCIellan 25M
A A Greene Jr 23 00
H J Gollberg 25 00
W H Ward 25 M
Jno Batican 25 03
Henry Finch 23 00
M B Loyd 25 00
WJ Boaz 23 00
W F Lake 25 00
FryFakes 23 03
M G Ellis 25 00
Thos Eoche 23 03
Ellis Kellner 25 00
W Q Bateman 60 00
Frank Leslie W00
Cash 13 00
A J Anderson 10 00
Turner Dinger 10 03
Lewis Bros Manuel 6 00
S O Moodie 10 00
J A Sweeney 1000
E W Taylor 60 00
E E Chase 60 03
GPMeade 60 03
Morgan Jones 100 00
James F Noyes Detroit Mich 25 ft
Thomas P Martin 10 03
ArthnrStert 10 00
Professor Alex Hogg 6 00
TJ Melton 2 50
John T Montgomery 5 Oj
Ferd Helm Brewing Company 25 00
W O Connor Dallas 25 00
iort Worth Clearing House 10 00
The constantly growing circulation of
the Weekly Gazette is evidence that the
effort to furnish n flrstclass paper de
voted to tbe interests of the people is be
ing appreciated
Tbe Weekly Gazette is a twelvepace
paper containing a summary of the news
of tbe world for each week and is filled
with choice literature and miscellaneous
reading matter which must prove in
structive and entertaining to tbe young
as well as to the old
The Agricultural Department edited
by Professor Stella recently introduced
commends tbe Weekly Gazette to all
Texas farmers and contains matter each
issue more than worth the price of the
As an advertising medium tbe Weekly
Gazette is incomparably superior to any
published in the Southwest aud offers
unequalled facilities to all who wish to
reach tbe people of Texas
For a Convention of Teians Interested In
Developing the llannfaclnrlns and Mer
cantile Interests of the Stto
Fobt Woetii Chamber op Commerce j
Secbetabys Office >
Fost Wobth Tex Aug 211K
A convention of delegates from trade
and manufacturing organizationsmunic
ipalities and people interested in devel
oping tbe manufacturing and mercantile
interests of Texas has been called to
meet in Fort Worth on September 24
IS90 for tho purpose of devising ways
and moans to induce capital to seek our
state and accomplish this object
Tbe advantage to acoruo to the people
of Texas by haviug our raw material
found in endless quantity In this state
manufactured Into merchantable com
modities must be patent to every mind
that has given the subject careful con
sideration Manufacturers are disposed
to come to our state capitalists are fa
vorably disposed but there has been no
united action to place before them the
facts about our resources and the vast
field open to them and wholesale mer
chants This convention is called to
meet the demand made upon tbe state
It is proposed to have Eastern and
Northern manufacturers and capitalists
present at our deliberations Governor
Ross has Repressed a willingness to co
operate in tbe mntter
To this end you are cordially invited
and requested to send one or more dele
gates from your organization munici
pality or county to this convention
Efforts will be made to arrange with the
railway companies for reduced rates to
delegates aud others who attend As
the time is short we respectfully urge
immediate action and request that you
send to the secretary of the Fort Worth
chamber of commerce tbe names of
those selected to represent you in tbe
K M VaxZandt President
E S Biden Secretnry
The mayor of Marlin is a mayor wha
is a mayor
There will be a World a fair if
csgo can find a place for holding it
Ueed Cannon Co are making a
dazzling record on harmony la the
Whats the matter with employing a
few Pinkertons to keep order in Reeds
Jack Falstaff Reed should adopt tbe
London Prize Ring rules and then turn
the warriors loose
Real estate In Fort Worth continues to
advance in price but no steps are taken
to provide the people with parks
Dr Talmage will lecture at Waco
Saturday night under the auspices of the
Young Mens Christian association
A city hall a big park and a central
fire station erected by the city would
give Impetus to the building of houses
in Fort Worth
When the czar and tbe emperor parted
the former shouted to his departing
guest Aurevoir This is supposed
to be Russian for Ill see you later
The last of the Wyandotte tribe of In
dians Is reported to have died Leaf by
leaf tbe roses fall one by one the
scalpers fall
Among those killed by the late disaster
on the Mount Pcnn Gravity road was
Miss Hlnkle the oldest woman practi
tioner of medicine in this country
Vue Republicans of Texas are organ
izing for the ray Thats right 1
proves that they are free to organize and
puts to shame tbe liars who deny the ex
istence of political freedom in Texas
As the spokesman and tool of the
arch bulldozer Reed is it any wonder
that Cannon is in bad odor with tbe bal
ance or tbe brethren
Empty honors would be an appro
priate legend for the monument Editor
Shepard insists will be built even if it is
decided to remove Gen Grants remains
to Arlington
All that a few Republican congress
men lack is John L Sullivans muscle to
enforco their arguments and ideas
With that what thundering statesmen
they would be
Since Republican supremacy in the
House is merely a question of superiority
In muscle and vulgarity Boss Reed
would better adjourn and return to the
Klttery navy yards
The Noble Old Republicans in con
gress should not indulge plantation
manners Such blackguardism as
that witnessed in tbe house Wednesday i
° disgrace to tbe country
What a pity it is that Col Elliott
Shepard is not In congress now As a
defender of Roed nnd Cannon he could
got all the lighting ho wants withou
going outside of his own party for it
When Mr Joseph Cannon said that
under tbe grace of God no other busi
ness should be transacted by the House
until tbe lard bill was disposed of was j
bo or was be not guilty of filibustering
If Joe Vulgarity Cannon wishes to
maintain his supremacy as Republican
leader in the House he should rjrovido
himself with a pair of bras knucks or a
trusty sixsbooter Tbe brethren seem
to have it in for him
J L B Emporia Kan Yes there
are more than tour national banks in
Fort Worth otherwise this citys clear
ings would be very heavy as you
say for only four banks You can
learn the names of the other banks by
referenoe to a bank direotory
You cannot make a silk purse out of a
sows ear or a gentleman outof a black
guard Illinois congressman With al1
the passionate nature of the South thank
GodI no Southern congressman ever
proved to be such a blackguard as
Cannon of Illinois has shown himself to
Tariff McKinley has been renomina
ted for congress in bis old district but
since tbe Republican gerrymander In
that district has been corrected a nomi
nation is no longer equivalent to an
eleotion MrMoKinley will be given a
leave of absence probably for a couple Of
A man in New York attempted suioido
because as be said be was hungry and
wanted to die On the game day a New
York woman gave a dinner at Newport
costing S10000 It is items suoh as this
tbat bring into sharp contrast existing
conditions and furnish arguments for
malcontents Hungry men and fashion
able women are llkoly to lead in extrav
agancies that will wreck good govern
The farmers reserve their fence mend
ing until tbe winter days but politicians
And wire pulling so destructive of their
bounds as to requiro tbeir attention
much earlier For this reason it is propb
osied tbat congress will make short work
ot tbe McKinly tariff bill and that Mr
Reed in about a week will discontinue
until next December bis peoullar babit
of counting absentees present
In todays Gazette Is republished
from the Dallas News a protest against
Master Campbells report from tbe re
ceivers of the International railroad Tho
recivers say the advertising they have
been paying for was contracted by the
Texas pool when the International wns a
member of the pool Tbe Galveston
Nuws having donled making any con
tract with the pool there is an issue ot
veracity now between tbe Galveston
paper and tbe receivers
Just at this date tbe Republican party
seems to lack tbat union in which is
strength aud that peace which the mouu
mentless leader so feelingly urged
Quay and Autocrat Reed are not smok
ing the calumet and tbe infection
spreads Now it is tbe Garfield club
which is rent because in a division of
spoils after the late presidential eleotion
certain members were overlooked
Great is office and we want tbe profit Is
the legend of the party
The proceedings of tbo sixth annual
convention of the Texas bankers asso
ciation held at Houston last May have
recently been published In n very neat
volume of 100 page It contains a re
port of the speeches made and paper3
read during tbe convention as well oa ot
the work done Those papers contain
many of them valuable and useful In
formation and suggestions concerning
financial and commercial affairs nnd
are well worth study by gentlemen in
terested la such matters The volume Is
printed by Clarke Courtsof Galveston
Foe indnlging a little pernicous activ
ity or as they term It offensive par
tisanship la the Bexar county Republi
can convention the postmaster ot
San Antonio is set npon by
bis Republican brethren who pre
fer charges against him of violating
the civil service rules with a Tiew to
having him bounced Do tbe hungry
and envious enemies i ot tbe postmaster
hope tbat Deacon Wanamaker and his
chief who have been trampling civil
service rules under their feet since they
took office will kick him out for a simi
lar o nse The Idea U preposterous
Missouri courts may hare to decide
whether drawing caricatures in chalk on
the side of a woodshed is assault and
whether throwing ohunki of watermelon
at tbe offender is battery Should this
car lent ure business be deolared offense
against law and order why may not
newspaper portraiture at least in that
state fail under the ban
The Democrats of tho Ninth congres
sional district did well in nominating
unanimously Roger Q Mills for reeleo
tlon to congress Mr Mills Is one of the
foremost men in publio life today His
able and consoientious work In the bouse
has given him a name and fame second
to no one In his party as a defender o
tbe rights of the people against tbe ag
gression of monopoly and the centraliza
tion of power As a statesman he leads
his party in the house and as a com
moner and orator before the peoplejho i3
unrivaled He Is worthy of every honor
his district can confer upon him Texas
aad tho country at large are honored by
such men
The following paragraph and jumble
of words is taken from the report of the
grand jury of Lavaoa county as found
in the Houston Post The reader will
find It very amusing although meant t °
be serious
We feign would draw the plctre but as we
fiances tlocaen ar of criaeii oar stajewO
tnlits pagejCjn nce togiow color and crini
a n until aimot bit eke > d to pacononinm
causing a ciiliel people 10 snudder and stand
eg last furnith n j inoeed a fal coumentaiy
upon tne peace ani proivi y o our country
The language of n 1 Writ tnd all m
juncliars both human and divine in vain
would seem to stay the hand of the muid rer
and Eta sin Though printed in letters ol gold
and boldly emblazoned upon the skr as a flam
ing sword of teternal vengaacc welded by an
omnipotent power its commands appear to him
but as gashes of blood in tbe face of lisaren
viewed vtVh contumacy and contempt a mock
ery md tirade to his imperturoably accnrsedt
but especially privileged proeision and be
come as heedless as tuat of Joshua to the sun
to stand still Truly It mtat be said Ihitnot
until there exists a higher standing of morality
and edccition and the criminal is forced to eel
the supreuacy of the law or until the machin
ery of the universe shall cease to work and tho
sea give up its deed will the lion and the
lamb lie down together
The row in the house Wednesday was
the most Interesting event that has taken
place in tbat body for some time Since
tho passage through that body of the
force bill nothing worthy ot mention has
been done there beyond quarreling and
growling over private pension bills and
other such petty matters The eufoiced
detention of members who want to go
home and tbe tyrannous rule of Reedi
Cannon Co has had Its natural effeo
on tbeir followers As a leader on tbe
floor Cannon is a coarse gross and vul
gar bully who has earned the dislike of
Republicans as well as Democrats En
forcing the orders of Reed it could not
be well otherwise So when Mason a
Republican from his own state de
nounced him after bis obscene
reply to a Democrat MoAdoo as a d d
liar a scoundrel and a tramp it is prob
able that he echoed to some extent the
sentiments of a number of Republicans
who have had to submit in silence to tbe
contemptuous snubbing which they have
endured for months at the hands of Reed
and bis spokesman Cannon When Wil
son as obscure follow from the state ot
Washington came to the support of Can
non another Republican Beckwith of
New Jersey mounted Wilsons frame
instantly as if to do him up The ser
geantatarms with the aid of frlend8
separated the combatants and put an
end to tbe melee
A cry will doubtless go np from party
organs calling upon congress to adjourn
and go homo Tbat is certainly what it
ought to do and should have done some
time aeo But what a pity It would be
to adjourn now when Rpeds bear garden
is getting to be so interesting What a
jolly spectacle it is to see tbe God and
morality patriots of the party of great
moral ideas clapper clawing and de
nouncing eaoh other raking the slums
and gutters for epithets and language
vile enough to express their sentiments
towards each other while scrambling
and fighting over plundering and corrupt
Senator Davis of Minnesota a Repub
lican of course has not voted once if we
remember correctly for any of tbe
amendments to tbe McKinley bill pro
posed or voted for by Plumb and other
Western senators In every instance be
has trained with tbe East following In
the footsteps of Allison of Iowa
Strangely enough this protectionist
from the West made some very damaging
statements Wednesday concerning the
bill which as an entirety he considered
a wisely devised measure Heap
pears to be greatly smitten with Blaine1
reciprocity elixir and would if he
could inject large quantities of It
Into tbe bill He would have tbe
tariff on sugar and would put a duty on
coffee to trade with ditto wool
hides rubber cocoa cabinet woods
eto Any trade tbat could be made in
tbe way of enlarging the markets south
of us for farm prodnots where there 1
no snob market he favored strongly
All buncombe
He represents a wheatgrowing dis
trict and was therefore an enemy to
the tariff on binding twine controlled by
the rapacious twine trust Binding
twine shonld be fre In his opinion
which of course Is correct bnt not one
whit more so than the Demooratlo claim
tbat divers other things of more gen
eral rite than binding twine should be
But the most surprising admission
made by Mr Davis Is that th
protective polioy shonld not be
limited to the home market Ameri
cans said he cannot forever live and
crow rich off of one another Is that
so We havo heard otherwise The
policy which Davis has bsen a supporter
p p fP 1 5 T
of for yean was based on tho postulate
tbat tbe people could be enriobed by tax
ation For tbat avowed purpose the
taxing power of tbe government has been
used faithfully since the war
But that is not all He Bays further In
tbo same Hue that tbe home market is
so completely possessed tbat in a conflict
of Interests every principle of protection
has been in mnny instances selfthwart
ingand contradictory Tbatdeolaration
s a trifle obscuro but probably means
that tbe tariff fosters trusts and com
bines which are thereby enabled to con
trol tbe homo market and permit such
reduction in prices as competition and
improved methods nnd machinery would
naturally and inevitably cause Such Is
his meaning wo take It of complete
possession of the home market Again
s he right but ridiculously contradic
tory of himself in stating at tbo outset
tbat tbo bill which perpetuates to trusts
and combines tbe complete possession
of the home market is in Its general
aspect and as an entirety a wisely de
vised bill What arrant nonsense
that is How can n measure tbat
thwarts and makes oontradlotory every
principle of protection be wisely de
What a grotesque and ludicrous ex
hibition a Republican makes who tries to
play for the gallery and tbe dress circle
at tbe same time Davis is a dema
gogue who knows and admits that the
tariff Is a humbug and an injustice but
lacks the courage to break with the ma
obine Like raunv others of his breth
ren he has a backbone of putty
Republicans Declare tbe Sprayer Has Got AH
He Ever Will Get From tbe
5 O P
Correspondence of the Garette
Washington Aug 25 Tom Reed is
mad Why Because tbe senate ha3
wisely decided to let the election bill
slide for this session at least No bet
ter example is needed to show Reeds
intense partisanship and his desperate
methods to attaiu bis purpose than his
action in the matter of tbe election bill
after that measure had been laid over
by the senate He actually endeavored
to get Republicans in tbe bouse to pledge
themselves to defeat the tariff bill if
the Lodge hill was dropped One of
the men to whom Reed made this prop
osition is on the ways nnd means com
mittee and was a staunch friend of Reed
He was astonished at this revelation of
Reeds despenttion and recklessness
nudsnid afterwards that tbe speaker
bad ceased to ben safe man Ho bad
gone altogether too far in this matter
as be bad la many others aud was no
longer worthy of tbe confldence which
republicans reposed in him Tbe
knowledge ot what Reed has attempted
to do has made the friends ot the tariff
bill hotly indignant and they declare
that be has got all be ever will get from
tbe Republican party
Amos J Cummings has peculiar ad
vantages as a member ot congress for
obtaining good stories and bis last let
ter to the New York Sun contalus the
following anecdotes which are speoially
pertinent to Texas
Some time ago a Democrat received a
clipping from a Texas paper It alleged
that Roger Q Mills in one o bis
speeches out there had said that if
Speaker Reed was in hell he would count
tbe Democrats in tbe bouse to make a
quorum A Democratic member showed
the slip to tbe speaker With grave
dignity Mr Reed replied Mr Mills
Is right Why shouldnt I count them
If thjy werent there theyd be oa the
One of the ablest men in tbe house is
Judge David B Culberson of Texas
Tbere is nothing showy about bim He is
a quiet dignified man with a heavy
brow broad shoulders and great Intel
lectual capacity Occasionally be visits
tbe cloakroom Tbe other day he en
tered it while several Demooratio mem
bers were commenting upon tbe havoo
made by the Farmers Alliance In tbe
South Information had just been re
ceived of a well known congressman
seeking a renominating He bad done
everything that could be done to placate
tbe Alliance early in tbe season He
had joined it and swallowed its sub
treasury scheme Ho even went a step
further He introduced a bill as far
ahead of the subtreasury scheme in ex
travagance as that scheme Is ahead of
the strongest protective tariff It was
all in vain The Alliance ran over him
and left blm crying bloody murder
His case remarked tbe judge
reminds me of a story ot a man I once
knew in Texas He was riding over a
road behind a yoke of oxen He sat in
tho forward end of the cart upon a pile
of boxes As tho wheel dropped into a
rut tbe pile toppled He lost bis bal
ance and fell outot tbe cart He was
afraid tbat the wheel would run over
him and he loudly shouted Whoa
before he struck the ground It was too
late The wheel did go over htm But
this was not all He shouted Wboal
so loud and long that the oxen stopped
and backed the cart Tbe wheel went
over blm a second time
One of the Leading Uembrrs ot tbat Body In
Texas Relates Ferns Incidents of Bis
Trip to tbe North
Mr D S Brown bas returned from
the North whither he went with other
members of the Texas department ot the
Grand Army of tbe Republio to attend
the national encampment at Boston
Unfortunately for blm owing to an at
tack of sickness he was not able to con
tinue his journey but fortunately for
the cause of Texas immigration ho was
compelled to He over In Pennsylvania
where between Pittsburg and Philadel
phia he spent a couple of weeks spread
ing tbe glories of the state ot his adop
tion among the tillers of tba soil ot that
Mr Brown besides being a leading
member ot the Grand Army In Texas if
also one of the leaders of tbe Republican
party In Tarrant county Up to the re
cent county Republican convention he
held the position ot chairman of the
county executive commute In the
Grand Army be Is past post commander
past senior vice department commander
and present assistant inspeotorgeneral
of the department of Texas He Is an
Ohloan by birth but has lived In Texas
for eighteen years Tbe people among
whom he circulated la ths North are
Pennsylvania Dutch of strongest Repub
lican proclivities
Mr Brown aays I never sawn peo
ple so much interested in any subject in
my life as those folks were when I would
talk Texas to them Tbey are all well
todo people own their own farms and
have saved considerable money But a
new generation is at hand and the pa
rents are casting about to locate tbeir
sons Only recently tbe Immigration
agent bas penetrated these isolated com
munities with bis advertising matter
and tbe people have only just awakened
to the possibility that there may be a
land outside ot Pennsylvania Tbo
Northwest has dome more advertising
tbere than Texas bas but the farmers
were all anxious to bear about this state
They could scarcely believe what I told
them about our soil and climate When
I told them how cheap they could buy
better land in Texas than trut they til in
Pennsylvania tbey were astounded Tbey
could not understand how liui exFederal
soldier a Northerner and a Republican
could get along in Texas tor eiirlileeu
years and come out alive I showed them
tbe call for tbo Republican state conven
tion an San Antoino That surprised
them They had an idea that tbe Re
publicans lu this state were squelched
entirely au d not allowed to bold con
ventions I told them tbat every man
had his liberty in Texas that Texas is
not what they had known her twenty
years ago Then tbey wanted to know
how tbe Democrats always rolled up tbat
big majority in the state if tbe Repub
licans were allowed free expressiou I
told them it was because tbe white people
here all stick together which is a fact
I am conlldent the immigration
agent could reap a rich harvest in that
country If he worked it properly But
be would have to go out into tbe country
away from tbe bis cities and talk long
and loud and distribute good literature
Tbe farmers there read anything labeled
Texas with avidity I Hud The Gazette
a great immigration Inducer they
never supposed Texas could produce
such a paper
In the neighborhood of Altoona be
tween Pittsburg and Philadelphia I
have no doubt a thousand immigrants
could be got with little trouble and they
would brlug money with them Each
family would have from S3000 to 150000
with which to buy aud improve farm
The Eobln on and Whitehall Alliances and
Uany Citizens of Waco Enjoy a
Joint Hcnlc
Special to the Gazette
Waco Tex Aug 23 The Robinson
and Whitehall Alliances had a joint
picnic yesterday at Whitehall Ave miles
west ot tbe city A large crowd was in
attendance Mr Ben Terrell the state
lecturer was booked for an ad
dress but did not arrive Maj B J
Eendrick opened the days entertain
ment with an interesting speech re
viewing tbe work of tbe stale executive
committee ot which he is chairman
Mr James I Moore of Waco made a
speeoh on tbe business prospects of Waco
and was listened to with rapt attention
Tbe plcniu was eujoyedby a large num
ber of our citizens outside ot the Al
Mason Chapman one of the road over
seers of McLennan county is being tried
in Justice Gallagbers court for neglect
lug to work his section of tho road
Twentyone saloon keepers were pulled
yesterday and today for selling liquor
on Sunday Nearly all plead guilty and
paid up
The Farmers AUIanc and Merchants ot Bock
tal ftont Inll Together
Correspondence of the Garelte
Rockdale Tex Aug 27 Tbere is
much friction between tbe Farmers
Alliance and tbe merchant buyers owing
largely to each being interested in sepa
rate cotton yards Milton Simmons a
member of tbe Alliance was employed
to weigh cotton at the Merchants yard
and after working tor a time was ex
pelled by his Alliance There is blood on
the moon here metaphorically speak
Rockdale has suffered aninvasion of
sneak thieves lately who have entered
several private residences nnd appro
priated useful and ornamental articles
No heavy losses have been sustained but
tbe annoynnces bave been great and tbe
first marauder captured will likely be
severely dealt with
Tbe Rockdale Rifles a newly organized
military company bave recently been
fully equipped with arms uniforms
eto and are working bard toward pro
ficiency in drilling The company is
commanded by Capt Henry Lockwood
Politics seems to bave subsided here
very suddenly A few weeks ago every
thing was at fever beat aud many an
ticipated a serious crash between Alli
ance and nonAllianco Democrats Con
trary to this tbe conventions were held
attended by no greater excitement than
usual and now if tbe politicians will let
tbe people alone until election day there
will be no more trouble on tbat subject
But tbe friction exists in the domain ot
business and many evil passions and
prejudices are being unnecessarily ap
pealed to by unwise people
Believed to ba Profitable
Special to the Gazette
New York Aug 28 Good authority
on cotton oil says Wlnslow Lanier
Co make a careful investigation of
the condition ot tbe property and believe
tbe business in itself profitable and sub
stantial Tbey will issue a full state
ment to the stockholders in connection
with a financial plan which they will
Barn Fired by Lightning
Special to the Gazette
KrtE Tex Aug 28 Last night at
10 oclock aterrifio rain and thunder
storm struck this place and tbe rain fell
In torrents ail night During tbe storm
the fine twostory barn ot S G Parks
was struck by lightning and some twenty
tons ot hay in tbe upper story caught
fire Although tbe fire department
responded promptly and did good work
in saving Mr Parks residence near by
the barn was entirely consumed Mr
Parks succeeded in saving his buggies
wagons and horses but failed to get out
a One dog valued at S100 which as con
sumed In the flames Tbe total loss will
amount tosomething near 1000
Tor f 660 the Daltg OazttU uill bt lent ttx
vitrntht and alto a copy ej the original Wtb
jters Unabridged Dictionary 2331 paoei tx
prtti charsfi prepaid to expmiectntar tilth
Tliey Say 1 hpy Mndeno Contract with
the Galveston A cws
raid the News for Ailvertliln
Contracted for by the
Texas Iuol
Dallas News August 27
Tyler Tex Aug 25 The follow
ing reply of Receivers Bonner and Eddy
of tbe International and Great Northern
railway to tbe master In chancerys re
port was tiled today in the district
No mi Jav Gonld vs International and fires
Northern Kailrcad
in the distrct cour
Smith oon aty in the mitter of tho report of
the master in chancery No 100
To the Hon Felix J McCord Judge Seven
teenth Judicial District
Now come T R Bonner and J M
Eddy receivers of the International and
Great Northern railway and file the fol
lowiug exceptions and answers to suid
1 They submit that said report is not
In conformity with law nor tbe rules ot
equity In Buch cases in this That the
same does not furnish this court any
ground or basis for action in the premlsts
iu regard to either of the two matters re
ported upon iu that said report merely
contains the bare assertions of tbe mas
ter Iu obancerv unsworn and unaccom
panied by evidence of any discrminu
Your receivers submit that according
tn all recognized rules of practice in mat
ters of equity the report of a muster in
chancery should bo accompanied by a
full transcript of the evidence upon
which his findings are founded so that
the court may intelligently determine
the mutter so that the burden ot the
proof may not be thrown upon the par
ties nTectd by said report iu tbe absence
of the testlmouy accompanying the re
port of the master Wherefore your
receivers pray that before your honor
shall attempt to adjudicate the mutter
referred to in snld report you request
said master in chancery to file with his
report full memoranda ot the testimony
which he by inueudu refers to in sniil
report and upon which same is supposed
to be founded
Answering tho allegations n said re
port 1 As to the discrimination
charged therein to have been made by
your receivers they say that iu truth
und in fuot no unjust discriminations as
therein is charged bave ever been made
by your receivers And there bas been
no complaint to your receivers nor in
nny court of justice within your receiv
ers knowledge by nny parties affected
or supposed to be affected thereby that
they have been discriminated against by
tbe rates given to J H Brown Co
W W Roberts J W Bateman and F
T Rembert
Your receivers further say that the re
port of the said master In chancery here
in used the following language That
suid discrimination is tiufair and unjust
to tbe publio dud clearly in violation ot
law That this fact Is not sustaiued
by anything stated in tbe report nor by
any evidence accompanying tbe same
but tbe same stands as a mere assertion
Therefore your receivers call upon the
master in chancery to sustain theso
allegations by filing a memoranda of tho
facts which were before him as a basis
for said report and said allegations
Your receivers further answering tbat
part of the report referring to the dis
bursement of S1200 to A H Bolo Co
your receivers pray again that the master
in chancery by proper ord r of this
court be required to file in tbis court a
full memoranda ot tbe evidence upon
which thla finding is supposed to be
founded so that tbe court may take in
telligent action and so thnt your receiv
ers may nio special answer thereto
Your receivers say for the present and
will sustain by evidence to be herealter
filed in this case before this answer is
acted upon tbat said Sl OO paid lo A
II Belo Co was paid out in tho regu
lar course of business of tho receivership
for advertising enrds In the Galveston
nnd Dallas News provided for by a con
tract made by the Texas trafilo associa
tion while the International and Great
Northern railroad was a member of that
association long before the receivership
And your receivers allege that tbe
amounts paid per month nnd per year by
the International and Great Northern
railroad for such advertising wns a rea
sonable amount for same and was the
same or less than usuully paid for sarao
amount of advertising space by other
parties and corporations nnd that same
was never within the knowledge of your
receivers or either of them intended to
be on the part of either the Galveston
News company or the railroad nor of
the Texas trafflo association as payment
for the Influence of the News in political
or other matters all of which will mora
fully nppear by contracts letters papers
and bills hereufter to be filed as evidence
herein on the part of your receivers
your receivers respectfully submit that
It Is highly Improper unjust and inequit
able that they the officers of this court
In whom trust has been heretofore re
posed by your honor and tbe manage
ment of the International and Great
Northern railroad receivership should
be brought Into disrepute and scandal
ized as Is done in the said report No
100 witbout evidence upon which tbe
master acted being fully set forth
whereas It is referred to in tbe most re
mote way so tbat this court is unable to
asoertaln upon what testimony tbe mas
ter acted in said matter
Wherefore your receivers pray tbat
your honor at chambers and witbout de
lay make an order that said master fur
nish to this court in tbe matter of the
report No 100 a fail statement of tbe
evidence taken or referred to by him ia
the matter of said report together with
such further evidence as he may be able
to obtain throwing any light upon the
two matters by blm referred to and tbat
upon final bearing of these exceptions
and this answer your receivers havo
credit for tbe amounts paid out by them
as shown In tbeir exhibit of receipts and
disbursements J M Duncan
Attorney for receivers
Tezani Abroad
Special to the Gazette
New York Aug 23 E P Dublett
Dallas New York H Hamilton Dal
las Barrett F Dahlman C Ii Frost
Fort Worth Hoffman W A MoBetle
Galveston St Dennis H B Adams
San Antonio Gilsey S A Morland
San Antonio International S O
Sproutblehv San Antonio Mnrblebor
ough W E Calhoun Texas Grand
Central D Crook Texas St Dennis
F HHalloway H E Hudson Texas
Barrett C I Scofield Texas Gilsey
T H Goodios Waco Colonnade Mrs
L Doanle Austin St Dennis G Samp
son Galveston Continental A M
Oliphant SanAntoalo St Nicholas

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