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Highest of all ia Leayeabg Power U S GoTt Report Aug 17 J889
The State Convention to bo Held in
Tort AVortli
t Convenes on September 8 What It Will Do
Whom the Call Embraces A State
Ticket rosalble
A state labor convention will bo held
In Fort Worth on Monday September 8
Tho call for It issued some time slnoe U
pretty broad and general and the con
vention when it assembles will have
power to do whatever may in the judg
ment of the delegates present seem best
for tho interests of labor If the con
vention sees fit it can put a state ticket
In the field and take such other steps of
n political character ns will place the la
bor element of tho state upon a footing
before the people as an independent po
litical organization
Tho call for the convention extends an
invitation to members of the Farmers
Alliance and the Grange as well as to
the Knights of Labor and trade unions
of the state to send delegates The pri
mary purpose of the convention will be
to organize a state federation of labor
and a consolidation and industrial union
of he labor and farming interests of the
The Dallas TimesHerald a couple of
days ago published an interview with
Mr J T TV Loe of that city a leading
Federation of Labor official whoso sig
nature is appended to the call for the
convention He said that the above
were the objeots and purposes of the con
vention but intimated that the labor
element nil over the state were wide
owako and alert When asked how the
labor element regard the platform and
ticket of the San Antonio convention he
ssid They condemn it till except the
railroad commission and antinational
bank platform and are red hot over the
refusal of the convention to recommend
the adoption of the Australian ballot
system 1 cannot ear that labor men
will vote against Hogg or the state
ticket They will however in every
part of the state make special efforts to
secure tho right kind of men for the leg
islature We recognize that the power
lie with the lawmakers and therefore
will endeavor to have the right men sent
to Austin We are lying low but we are
at work all the same
Bears on the Sptcalntlve Market Cornered
Dealings by All Manner of Rumors
London was Acaln a Free Bayer
Special to the Gazette
New YorK Aug 28 Reports and
rumors of every kind that could possibly
bo construed in the interest of the bears
were freely circulated this morning The
published reports of combination of many
of the leading railroads of the country to
fight organized labor and the aotlvitv o
the leaders of various organizations of
railway employes was looked upon by
the bear contingent as foreshadowing a
speedy and bitter conflict between the
two interests London had buying
orders in a number of its specialties
Chicago continued bearish on grangers
and was a seller Union Pacific was
ngaln strong and comparatively active
Other stooks notably strong were New
England Burlington and Quincy Lake
Shore and Louisville and Nashville which
were all up a point or more from
last nights closings Coal shares were
also stroug Reading advancing a point
from the lowest price Sugar trust
whioh was depressed J in early deal
ings recoverod i points but later lost
part of the gain Hooking Valley was
quite activo and advanced over a point
on an increase of S5 per cent in net
earnings during the month of June The
market closed quiet and strong at con
cessions from best figures The Bank of
Englands rate of discount remains un
changed at 4 per cent
The Murder of Albert Cox Followed by the Sui
cide of the Slayer William Ohr
Special to the Gazette
Sax Antonio Tex Aug 28 These
dispatohes on Tuesday contained a briot
account of the murder of a wealth
farmer in the southern part of this
county When the news reached bis of
floe Sheriff MoCall at once dispatched two
deputies to the scene of the tragedy and
these officers returned this morning It
seems that a few days ago there was a
quarrel between Alfred Cox and William
Uhr over the trilling matter of Uhrs
calves getting into a field of Coxs ad
joining Uhrs farny Cox had spoken his
opinion pretty freely to Uhr and the
latter did not at the time resent
by physical demonstration but waited
till Tuesday morning when
urmed with his Winchester he
went to where Cox who was unarmed
was working lu his field and fired three
shots at blm at close range Two of
them took effect one in the arm and one
in the breast The latter wound was the
fatal one It was inflicted at about 7
oclock in the morning and Cox died
from its effects at noon When the offi
cers from the city got there and met
Justice Cbavngaeaux who had already
arrived on the scene they discovered
that the justice would have to hold two
inquests Instead of one as Uhr had com
mitted suicide his body having been
lound about a quarter of a mile from
the place where he was when ho shot Cox
The top of his head was blown off and
the face and forehead powderburned
The pasture In which the body was
found Indicated that Uhr had snoHiim
self with his own Winchester tho print
of his knee and one foot showing that be
had knelt so ns to place the barrel
aginst his bead and reached for and
touched tho trigger The mark of the
stocii of the sua where it bad made la
dentation in the ground was very plain
the weapon having fallen with Uhr as he
fell forward and sideways at its dis
charge There were no tracks of any
other person but Uhr found in tho vioin
lty and the conclusion of the coroner
was that Uhr havmc shot Cox and feel
ing afraid to face the consequences of
the act took his own life rather than
undergo the trial that must ensue Both
of the victims of the tragedy are pros
perous farmers and both leave families
Uhr was considered by his neighbors ob
being a very eccentrio oharacter and
Cox while not inclined to be quarrel
some was known to be brave and would
not stand what he regarded au insult or
imposition and had told Uhr what he
thought of him in terms that were une
Xoung Stan or Boy
Wanted a young man or boy to work in
mail room and set type Apply at Ga
zette business office at once
Kelson Morris the Chicago Packer Will Estab
lish Packing Houses and Stockyards
at the Seaboard East and West
Chicago III Aug 28 Anew en
terprise involving 1000000 has been
entered Into by Nelson Morris the paok
cr Tho new scheme Is the establish
ment of slaughter and packing housos as
well os stockyards at the seaboard East
and West Monday the Interstate stock
yards company the name of the new
organization filed orders with the state
department at Trenton N J with a
capital of 1000000 Tho company will
at ouce begin building new houses in
New Jersey where all meat for foreign
export across the Atlantio will be
slaughtered Heretofore this trado has
been supplied by Morris Co from
Chicago rattle beingslaughtered here
and shipped in refrigerator cars
to the seaboard It is known
that difficulties with the men
employed at the stocicynrds have bad a
great deal to do with the establishment
of these slaughter bouses on the coast
In San Francisco Morris will build
slaughterhouses canning establishment
and stockyards This will protect his
Westorn export trade These houses
will reduce tho loss by a strike at any
point to a minimum The object of the
new departure is also to extend the
dressed buef trade to fields not yet opened
up The Oriental capitals and many is
lands of the Paoifio ocean have hereto
fore been strangers to American dressed
beef industry and It is intended to in
troduce dressed meats in that territory
Tort Worth University
The fall term opens Sept 3 Some
valuable additions have been made to
the faculty Full college courses spe
cial courses musio art commercial and
military Address
W I Uraitam President
They Are After tho Whole Field The State
The delegates elected at the Republi
can county convention to attend the Re
publican state convention which meets at
San Antonio September 3 expect to
leave this oity on Monday morning Tbey
will meet on Saturday afternoon at 2
oclock at G W Gillespies office in
this city The following is a complete
list of the delegation M C Hurley
John L Ward J C Martin J E Mar
tin J H Veal G S Chapfn J J
Putman W P Goff S W Woodnrd
A Cavell L Scheuber J W Ham
inook H P Shiel N B Moore Page
McKmneV G W Gillespie I N Dar
ter M H Sorrelle The fare for the
round trip to San Antonio will be G
The Republican county executive 00m
mittee will meet at the same timo and
The senatorial convention for this dis
trict will be held soon and a oandidate
placed in the field for senator A candi
date for congress will also be nominated
The organization of the party will be
made thorough and complete and the
Republicans are in the field to win says
one of the leading local party lights
Tort WorthBusiness Collegn
Will begin the twelfth years work Sept
1 with an Increased attendance All de
partments comnlete For information
address F P Preuitt President
The Arbor Meeting The Interest Shows no
Sign of Abating
There was no falling off In the attend
ance on the Arbor campmeeting las1
night With each day interest grows
and at each meeting Is observed some new
face anxious for the soothing words of
the gospel
Dr Little pastor of the Missouri ave
nue church addressed the meeting last
night He spoke of the duties of Christ
ians and the necessity for preparing
themselves lor their work In the Lords
vineyard His talk had fine effect The
meeting was conducted mostly In the way
of a prayer meeting in the course of
which many earnest tnvboatlons were
laid at the feet of the Creator
Tonight Or Little will conduot the
meeting again
The singing at these services Is most
hearty and delightful The ladies take
an entbuslastio part In this feature of the
There are still many inquirers each
On Saturday Mr H W Stone gen
eral secretary of the T M O A will
conduct the services and a large crowd
is expected
Will not Christians arouse themselves
and come forward to save those dying
about them
Bids for privileges at the Grand Basket
plncic given by the Industrial Council
will be received not later than Saturday
evening by J W Armstrong with Fort
Worth Supply Company
ws 5 f5ap3
The Demand tor a City Hall Almost
Eeal Estate Sales for Ansnst 1890 Show a
Lorco Gain Over the Sams Month la
1889A Brlct Block
Real estate sales during the present
month havo made very peroeptible gain
over July as well as over August 1889
The increase over the same month las1
year Is above 100 per cent Indication
are that September is going to be the
commencement of u very brisk fall sea
son Never before at this season of th °
year was there such activity in the mar
ket both in the amount of business actu
ally consummated the inquiry for prop
erty and the costly improvoments of such
additions as Riverside Arlington Heights
and other suburbs done to answer the
present demand for home sites
More work of this oharaotor is
in progress now than at
auy tirnS in Fort Worths
history for the same reason The way
small buyers are taking hold ot real es
tate for homes more than justifies all
that is being done to supply them with
ohoioo places In whioh to build To se
cure buyers now streets must be made in
additions water provided and rapid
transit lines constructed that will bring
the suburb within a few minutes ride of
the heart of the oity Values are in
creasing all the while and in some cases
prices have been legitimately marked up
twice in the past year The public ap
preciation of tho fact that all this is
backed up by the general prosperity of
the city ia all its municipalcommercial
and industrial enterprises is what creates
a continual growing demand lor prop
On next Monday George L Game and
Frank Kaiser will begin the construction
of a twostory brick fortyfive feet
front on West Weatherford street the
building to adjoin the Palace stables and
bo of the same stylo of architecture
Jake Johnson will join in building fllty
feot in the same blook and Mr Robin
son will fill in the gapwith a similar
building The entire block will be uni
form and will add greatly to values on
the street The entire block will bo com
pleted early in 1891
There is a general almost universal
demand for a fine oity ball The tax
payers of Fort Worth as well as those
who have business to transact with
the city want the hall built They think
it peculiar to say the least that the city
attorney must have an offioe in one build
ing the city encineer in another the
superintendent of water works in
another the assessor and tax collector in
another the treasurer in another tne
superintendent ot schools in
another while the mayor and oity
marshal liayo no offices at all
All of these offioes are widely
scattered to the great inconvenience of
citizens and positive injury to the citys
business The people want to see the
citv make substantial permanent Im
provements and believe the time has
come to do some building It would be
the part of wbdo for tho city to set on
foot at once work > n a city hall fire sta
tions and new schoolhouses to cost in
the acgregate 5300000 The day of
wooden buildings has gone and the citi
zens have a right to expect the corporate
powers to do their full duty in providing
firstclass buildings for publio use and
A Wichita Kansas firm whioh is also
interested in Fort Worth is looking
around for a suitable Main street lot on
which to erect a fine building
Several Rusk street property owners
are anxious to have the sidewalk ordi
nance apply to Rusk street They recog
nize the value of good sidewalks to a
street and believe that business will
only seek a street with good walks on It
The North Side street railway compuny
has leased the building on Main street
formerly oocupied bv R C Woodall for
offices and this leads to the belief
that Mr A T Byors is getting ready to
build the sixstory building on Main
and Seventh for whioh plans have boen
prepared for some time
C D Lusk contemplates the ereotion
of a residence in the Viokery addition
east of the city
The six twostory residences of James
Ryan on Peach street are nearing com
The machinery for boring the huge ar
tesian well on the cotton mill property is
on the ground and work will begin in a
few days
The way dirt is flying on the Riverside
street car line is enough to make a Fort
Worth mans heart rejoice
Superintendent Scoble of the water
works is greatly encouraged at the flow
of water obtained by the oity from Us
artesian well and thinks that before the
2000 feet limit has been reaohed a 500
000 gallon flow will be secured
The driving park and fair project
meets with muoh encouragement and a
meeting will be held to put the ball in
The contractors have just completed
the grade and graveling of Sixth avenue
and Pruitt streets The are beautiful
streets and greatly improve Grandvlew
Dr A A Johnson has let the con
tract for a residence in Grandvlew
American land and investment
company to Jonathan Walk
er lots 5 6 7 and 8 block
79 Arlington Heights S 600 00
William J Cole to Edgar
Sweeney 106x108 feet block
9 Sandidges addition 2200 00
Union land company to T J
Healy lot 18 block 17
Union depot addition 575 00
W R Booth to Martin Casey
strip No SO Moore Thorn
ton Co s addition and
part of lot 5 block 90
Terrys addition 2250 00
R L Carlock to N A Wall
ace Interest in Popperwell
Tremble P M Witt sur
veys 2000 00
H B Herd to Zeno C Ross
third interest inlot 9 blook
62 Fort Worth 3000 00
Chance In Professorships Occasioned by the
Appointment of Pritehett
Special to the Gazette
Austix Tex Aug 28 The board
of education held a meeting in the after
noon Governor Ross Superintendent
Cooper Comptroller McCall and Dr
Baldwin of the Sam Houston normal In
stitute at HiintsvIUe beins present The
board accepted the resignation of H C
Frltchett heretofore professor of mathe
matics in the institute and who assumes
charge of the state educational office to
which he hasTjeen appointed by Gover
nor Ross The board appointed J L
Prltohett brother of the foregoing to
fill the place he having been transferred
from the chair of natural soienoes to that
of mathematics The board filled the
obalr of natural eclenoe made vacant
by the cbango by the election of Profes
sor William Coleman of Houston Mr
Coleman resigned bis position a year ago
to travel nnd study The board accepted
the resignation ot Miss Lavinia Aber
oombeo teaoher of musio and history in
the institute and appointed as her suc
cessor Miss Faunio Abercombee The
board also added another obalr that of
assistant teacher ot Latin and mathe
mntios and gave the place to Miss Jessie
Ward ot San Antonio who graduated
with the highest honors in the institute
and subsequently spent three years in
the state university The board
nuthorized the local board at
Huntsville to employ a librarian Dr
Baldwin stated that the new building
costing 40000 appropriated by the
state will be dedkated September23
The new hall 74x97 built on acoustic
principles in whioh a whisper can be
heard ucross tho ball will seat 1500 peo
ple On the occasion referred to ex
Governor Roberts and Rev Dr Currle
of Virginia will deliver address3s
Professor Cooper the retiring superin
tendent of publio education delivered
his report to Governor Ross It is
lengthy A chapter is devoted to the
great question of school text books and
the problem of the state assuming charge
of their publication
The Texas and Paoifio railway paid
2158 passenger tax for the quarter end
ing June 30 last
The comptroller deposited 7000 In the
state treasury
Prof Hall Msturns
Prof J R Hall can be found at bis
studio from 10 to 12 and from 2 to 4
oclock for the enrollment of pupils for
lessons m instrumental and vocal musio
Lessons may begin September 1
Cotton Belt Bultetln
Galveston Tex Aug 28 The fol
lowinc is the register of maximum and
minimum temperature with the rainfall
In inches and hundredths for the places
named during the twentyfour hours
ending at 6 p m seventyfifth me
ridian time
Trinity Hall Seminary
Will open September 1st at 9 a m All
who wish to enter will please enroll as
soon as possible
Miss A C Conkling
Yesterday Local Weather Report
Corrected daily by J P Nicks
At7 CO a m 77 Clondy
At 1000 m SOCloudy
At 120Op m 82 Clondy
At30Up m 86 Cloadyt
A16UI pni 66 Clondy
Atb00p in 85 Cloudy
On nocount of scarcity of feed and con
sequent hlch prices on and after the 1st
day of September I will charge S18 per
month board for horses Respectfully
Thomas Wittex
hotel jjhiitjuus
J W BaraevHiss Seattle Thomas Arkansas
Walton Purdham Chicago Charles D Cates
Will A Miller Decatur T E Anderson Wax
ahachie W M Itodford St Louis O Haerem
Chicaeo J T Tonne and wife Killean Tex
1 red Campbell Childress James Trent O A
Eantfman Denver Texas and Fort Worth rail
road D B Gardner Texas W M Fann
lee Wallace Tenn W E Edrington
Cincinnati Ohio 8 S Weaver A N
Dunham Texas J A Wittstoct Dallas
F M Latsch Sedalia Mo J C Howerton Cin
cinnati William M Payne Texas Bob Moore
William Evans Marietta IT D P Warren De
troit W A Sisson Alabama J H QrlrnItasxa
WII Ellington HUlsboro H C Lang Bloom
ington 111 John Cain New York E P Edmz
ton F M Files J O Flies Itasc A Harvets
Coleman George H Robinson Wallace Show
company N J Finney C F C McMinnvMe
Tenn Miss Fannie Price Weatherfoid
Tex Miss Sffie Wadley Nashville Tenn
G P Campbell G P Knott James McKreav
H Hennissey James Aidkins J Krettns H Mil
ler O Wanth C Fisher D Allen E Pefar Wal
lace circus A F Williams Rnsselville Ky W
N McKamy Mexico Mrs Chapman Greenville
O U Koehler Cleveland 8 G Leslie Alvarado
Mrs W E Muse St Louis Mo T M Marrs Mrs
M O Marrs Master Peter Marrg Georgetown
Ed F Davis Wallace show J H Thomas Texas
D Barrett Kansas City LAD Fast Galveston
B Newman Big Springs O G Miller Panhandle
D L Bailey Boston J II Fnrdlander New
Tors LLeePutzel New York E J Anderson
St Louis W O Eeed Pans William Kay
Poutrhkeepsls N Y A It Spilman Vireima
E Kirchred Galveston Chas T Sivall Sells
Bros circus L N Nelbourn and wife Green
ville J Eicon JSamavere Shreveport O H
Potter Dallas J C NiditzelStLonis J Fowler
Axle A C Carlisle St Louis P B Myers Louis
ville Ky F A Mlnter Axle
J F Ellison Caldwell Kan W D Isenberg
Seymour E C Paylon Cleburne J G Putman
Lampasas W Hunter St Louis S A McMurray
Qnanah L S Flotau Texas I Steinback Cin
cinnati E M Petterson Galveston B N Burke
Chicago J J Combs Quanah W C Seed Paris
T Bruce Fannill Elcbmond Va TT Slattery
Galesburg Ill Ed C LeClaire Chicago Eobert
Reid new York W J McDonald and wife
Quanah John G Taylor St Louis C H
Passer Dallas William Watson Waco
LHoswell Clarendon EE Kolp Iowa Port
J Leon Fonrnier Columbus Ohio C Tone
Brady Tex H D Bradley Brady Tex E Mc
Call Weatherford W Martin Columbus A O
Carlisle St Louis George Leachman Dallas O
McGowen Commerce J H Glasgow Seymour
J F Hewitt Cincinnati HWMill Nashville
Tenn W J F Boss Waxahachie H J Tandy
Temple C L BItchie Kopperl D AWalker
Texas WB Greenfield wife and son PineBluff
Ate S Smith and mother Ruston La
J B Taylor San Antonio J H Snow Santa Fe
route M A Greenfield Eminence Ky B S
Prica A It Scot Dallas T H McDuffu St
Louis W O Hicks Denlson M A Griffin Dub
lin W J Ball Meridian W E Ingram Hous
ton HO Wagner Temple James Hardy Tay
lor W H Earee Chicago T T Anderson Balti
more Md F PTalmage Denton F C Siard
William Sickles St Louis Lee Linn Lndiana
olisAJDeLamare New York G H Bntch
is Vernon
Kicked by Hi Horse
Correspondence of the Gazette
Salado Tex Aug 28 T F Kam
py our postmaster had a very bad acci
dent to befall him last night He went
Intoihe stable to feed bis horse and the
horse Tcieked him on the lee near th8
knee and broke both bones He had
medical aid at once nn Is now resting
There Is some talk of Bmallpox here
but none bos been found yet
Saxet eliminates all poison from the
niio Wants a JNVic JSuitdinO or Store
The underslened will erect for respon
sible parties buildings ot any beicht or
style from four to sis stories on the lot
adjoining the wholesale dry goods house
we are ereotlng for the MartinBrown
company or on the lot south West Main
and Ninth which extends through and
to Houston street 50x200 tho whole to
be completed by March 1
Rentals to be based on eight per cent
net on the actual cost of building and
value of lot Apply to the Fort Worth
Loan and Construction Company 610
Main street
The finest Vaudeville display can be
seen at Andrews theater corner Second
and Main streets tonight
Builders Hardwire
Largest stock at W F Lakes
Buy yourselTand wife a pair of shoes
at MoAUlsters sbou store for the same
amount of money you would bare to pay
for a pair tor yourself
A B 8mitu Trustee
The Finest rigs In the city
Toilet Sets
Tenpiece sets S3 at W F Lakes
The great drama The Galley Slave
will open the programme at Andrews
theatT corner Second and Maiu streets
tonight giving everybody an opportu
nity of witnessing it dont miss It
For Bale
A complete stock of dry goods with
lease on threestosy briok bulldinc cen
trally looated Business established and
lnoreasing Terms reasonable Apply
corner Fourteenth and Houston streets
between 2 and 4 p m or 105 and 107
Houston street
llttTtnest Imors in or
A1 Anderson Egimfttora
Dont go barefooted when you can buy
shoes so cheap at McAllisters shoe tore
A B Smith Trustee
Tho Galley SlaveatAndrews theater
corner Second and Main streets will be
he first on the bill ton ight
rteber Wagons
B 8 Perry has succeeded the W A
Huffman implement company as state
agent for Weber wagons and solicits
patronage of the trade Headquarters
Fort Worth Tex
Shoes at first cost at MoAUlsters shoe
store Go and pet prices
A B 8MITH Trustee
Ask your grocer for yeast powders and
crackers manufactured by the Fort
Worth Candy Craoker Co
The Galley Slaveat Andrews theater
corner Second and Main streets will be
the first on the bill tonight
Best set of teeth S10 Filling onehal
usual price Barxes McDamisi
S6Pieee Tea Set
Five dollars at W F Lakes
Shoes are oheap compared with dirt at
McAllisters shoe store
A B Smith Trustee
Bye Seed Bye
Milan Patterson Fort Worth Tex
The Galley Slaveat Andrews theater
corner Second and Main streets will be
the first on tho bill tonlgbt
Shoes are the least part of your family
expense if you buy them at McAllisters
shoe store A A Smith Trustee
Wood Mantels and Tterlest Grates
Largest variety of these goods at W
F Lakes
Use crackers candles and yeast
powder manufactured by the Fort Worth
Candy and Cracker Co
Save a weeks grocery bill by buying
your winter supply ot shoes at McAllis
ters shoe store A B Smith
The Fort Worth Candy nnd Cracker
Co are headquarters for cakes candies
yeast powders coffees and crackers
See the great drama the Galley Slave
at Andrews theater tonight corner of
Main and Second streets
Last night about 8 oclock at the resi
dence of the bride corner First and Tay
lor streets Mr Peter Lesser and Mrs
Rosalie Hoffman were united in wedlock
Kev C F Bauman officiated The
marriage was verF quiet and only a few
intimate friends were present to witness
It Both parties are well and favorably
known to a large circle In this community
who wish them all happiness
This week to drop in pur Mercliant Tailoring Establishment and leave your measure for
a fall suit By placing your order now you will be sure of getting same completed when you
want it and at the same time as our stock of fall woolens is now complete you can have
pick and choice before it is broke We pride ourselves this season on having the largest and
handsomest line of Suitings and Trouserings ever shown in the state
We lead on correctness of fit and stylishness of cut
In our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT we shall continue to sell anything in Spring or Summer Suits
at exactly what they cost us of the manufacturers Take any straw hat in the house for
onehalf of former price
All Summer Furnishings and Light Weight Coats and Vests at actual cost
The latest shapes in Fall Hats are now in We are sole agents for the celebrated You
mans hats none better
Merchant Tailors Clothiers Hatters and Furnishers
Fourth and Houston Streets
This hotel has just been thoroughly renovated and under tho new management made the best m
the state Commodious sample rooms recently secured Commercial trarel especially solicited
C H IViurdock Manager
Established 15S3I
Formsrly ot Jefferson Tex
Kcs 16191621 am 1623 Main ana 16201618 aid 1622 Host Streets Fort Worfo Tern
Importers and Wholesale Dealers
lies Liquors
Agents for Anheuser Lemp and Schlltz Beer
Port wortla Tosc
P S Quotations on all brands of Kentucky whlsldes from stool
Iiere or warehouses in Kentuclor furnished upon application
WM Pbrbill Attorney ot Law
Boymour iicayxor Co Te c
Real Estate Agents and Abstract Office
Abstracts furnished at short notice Correspondence solicited
Boom In the J H Brown Building can be had
to any extent desired Apply to
Traders National Banc
School Xottce
To parents teachers and scholars
have used every effort possible to procure
a full line of school books and bert school
supplies for use in the schools which be
gin next Monday My prices will be Id
nil cases as low as the lowest Appreci
ating past favors I confidently ask a con
tinuance of the same Prompt and
oourteous attention guaranteed Allen
A Letchworth 708 Houston Btreet
next postofSce
Try Silver Loaf Baking Powder
Manufactured by Fort Worth Candy and
Cracker Co
Drs Abdill Mattlson extract teeth
without pain
Tou may think it is a hoax but go to
McAllisters shoe store and buy a pair of
shoes and you can then tell your friends
that it Is a tact prices have been out la
two A B SMrrn Trustee
A Bargain in Wichita Talley Tands
Four seotions of the finest land in the
valley will produce thirty to forty
bushels ot wheat per acre on line ot
W V railway four miles west from
Dundee the present terminus 5 to
5550 per acre Easy terms
J L A TnoMas Gen Land Agt
C10 Main street Fort Wortb
Gasoline Stores
Eelngerators Icecream freezers at W
F Lakes
Handsome Wood ITantels
With the Peerless grate at W F Lake
Miss Whitmorea kindergarten and
sohool will open in the kindergarten
rooms at the head of West Fourth
September 11890
Tou will find coffee roasted by the Fort
Worth Candy and Cracker Co superior
to any In the market
The Peerless is the Best
Gate on earth See It at W F Lakes
Before ordering your fall and winter
suits call and see the many beautiful
suitings at my tailoring establishment
212 Main street L expect to do the
tailoring business ot Fort Worth Fine
work low prices must win
W S Matxet
Shoe leather is the cheapest thing in
Fort Worth if you buy It at MoAUlsters
shoe store A B Smith Trustee
Buy a years supplv of shoes at McAllis
ters shoe store while you have an oppor
tunity to get them at halt price
A B Smxtii Trustee
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The Leading Dentists
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An infallible cr > ra for catarrh Cnre guaran
teed or money refunded Write full description
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ficient to euro the worst casej sent prepaid fi
Agents til Main street Fort Worth Tex
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Practice limited to diseases ot ths
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charges prepaid to eiprsss ofiu aearatc th