We are always in the lead with new goods The public will remember the great bar
gains we placed on our counters during the past dull season but tie curtain has dropped on
the great clearing sales only to rise again to show the most elaborate array of
Max Elsku Cashier
CAPITAL 3000001 SUKFLUS 60000
Safety Deposit Bcxes Fire and Burglar Proof for RanL
Directors J Q Eandldsc J C McCarthy C II Crane T T D Andrews Charles Scheuber
Max Elser R E McAnulty Jas W twayne
SWTayujb Pres EEChase l t ViccPres Mobgav Jones Id ViccPres A B Smith Cashier
Director G Wright Morgan Jones Geo L Hurley CJ Swasey V A Huff mn O E
Bn h E M Wynne A P Luctett E K Powell E W Tay or E E Chase It M Pjs T P
Martin A B Smith Mark Evans eg irinsucts a g n rVl banking business in loans ui c nnts
and exchange foreign aid domestic Correspondence solicited Collections made a id promptly
remit d Safety deposit boxes for rent
M B Lovd President
D C Bessett VicePresident
E B Harbold Cashier
Directors Miss A Harrold JID Loyd C H Higbee
Jaction 8 B Burnett E B Harrold a d M Harrold
Zane Cclti D C Bennett George
KM VasZandt President Teos A Tidball YicePresidtnt N Habdisg Cashier
Successor to Tiitball VanZandt li Co Fort Worth Texas
capital M Faiu Un 3500000 Santos Fan 40000
A general banking business transacted Collections made and poinplly remitted Exchange
i rann on all the principal ci ai of Europe Directors K M VanZandt Thos A Tidball N
Hardin H B Herd J J Jarvis E J Beall K L Ellison
InI17 l
S E aTi
Over One Thousand Head of Horses
Comprising Stallions Brood Mares and their foal of various breeds
cfpure bred and high grade Galloway Shorthorn and Hereford eattle Bale will be made at my
ranch in Grayson county Texas on the Texas and Pacinc railway twelTe miles west of Sherman
Ere miles ear of Whitesboro
Commencing September 11890 and Continuing for One Week
Certain clssaes of stock will be sold on such days as named in programme Lunch will be serve 1
free etch am during the sale bpecial trains will run fro n Sherman and Whiteaboro to and fro
hi laacu Rouudlrii < tickets to these points at reduced rates will bd on sale at all stations by all
liiits il railway from August 29 until September 6 inclusive good to return until September IX
fcem lor programme and circular for terms and full particulars in detail
he Arlington Restaurant
Win cpm for dinner Thursday August 21st I hops to see all of my old patrons aaln I shal
i > H vtiip help enly ana iverj thing shall be tirstcltsi I shall serve the bestKansts City steak
and Teas also all game and oysters in season Breakfast or supper only 43cts dinnsr Sicts
bhcncicr a specialty all hours from 030 a m until U p m W W SV1SSBCV Propr
Notions Cutlery and Sporting Goofc
li < 5
KYtKF ixycicies c ivii > oues uoanaru iroa VlJOaj 33 I
ivirj kinu oi in and outdoor sport bendfar Ulascratei amlitit
203211 Houston St Fort Worth Tex
EtUMUbed 1K3
iFomirly of Jefferson Tri
fa 16191621 ail 1623 Mali el 16201618 ail 1522 EflsS Streets Port mm Tern
We ask you to come and see them and guarantee you a great treat and unprecedented
l bargains in every department
l v
l OlliC 0r Dressmaking Department will be open September 1
C McCarthy President
C ias SckslBEr VicePreident
Largestand beststock Pianos
for rent Bargains in second
hand Pianos Headquarters for
Sheet Music and Music Books
409 HOUSTON ST Fort Worth Tex
733 AMD 733 MAIH ST Dallas Tax
Onlj complete stock in the city Betail
prices lower than ever
No 207 Houston Street
Our revised price list is revoked We wlil is
sue a later and reduced one on September 1st
Wait tor it
Abeautitnl line of Satchels Bags Baskets
and Scholars Companions
F11M1 Lfl8s For Sale
66 sections in Deaf Fmith county at 250 per
acre and To sections in Randall conn y from
S 25 to 4t0 per acre on easy terms 4 leagues in
Ccchran county cheap and on long time Cheap
lands in Fiojd Lubbock and Swisher We
want lota for sale in Amarillo
Ataarillo Tex
Oympsum City Kansas August 19 lb90 To
the Public and to wbcm it mav concern and
especially to Manufacturers and Dealers In Plas
tering Materials
Know yc that there is but one Acme Cement
Plrster in the United States It is manufac
tured at nympsura City Kansas by the Saline
County Plaster Co There ran be no other ma
terial lawlully handled under that name be
cause the undersigned Company have a Patent
Trade Mark on that name jnd no on else has
the right to use it Neither to use the word
Acme in connection with any plastering
material Such patent registration of Trade
Mark was made by the XT S government
authorities at Washington D C datea tbe 1st
day of July A D ItSJ and continues for thir
ty years All pe sons are therefore notified not
to in any way nse or abet or aid advise or as
slst in usins said name Acme Cement Plas
ter or any portion of it in connection with
anv plastering material All persons doing so
will infringe upon said parties Trade Mark
and will be held acconntabls in law and prompt
ly pro < ecnied therefor Signed Th < Saline
County Plaster Comoany by John H Prescott
president Attest E Tupper socretary
Fort Worth Texas
Commission Produce
Dealer in Hay Corn Oats and Bran Eansa
Corn and Oats on hand wholesale and retai
Southeast corner square Telephone 319
Bank Conners and Store Fixtures
French Plate Mirrors
Dm and Saloon Fittings to order Par
quetry Wood Carpet Tiles and Brass Goods
etc Jobbing done
2u5 W Eighth street Fort Worth Tex
To Advanc Coal Fifty Cent Per Ton
ChicagoIII Aug 29 Tbe Chicago
coal exchange held a meeting today
and resolved to advance tbe price of
bard coal fifty cents per too on and
after September 1 This means a like
advance throughout the whole West
Resolutions Adopted by the Farm
ers National Congress
Oklahoma City Likely to be the Territo
rial Capital if Governor Steele
Doesnt Veto the Dill
The PPinncratle Slate EiTotlva Committee and
the Komlncts o tbe Party to Meet at
Austin ptembi r 6
Correspondence of the Gazette
Dublin Tkx Auz 27 The Repub
lican convention of Eratb county being
called to order K H Townsend wua
elected temporary chairman and H U
Andrew secretary The followlns dale
gates were elected to the state conven
tion which meets in San Autonlo Septem
ber 1890 G N Arnold Dublin E
J Hewlett Stephenville and I G
Monroo Tliurber Tex The secretary
was Instructed to furnish the delegates
with proner credentials The deleKittes
were instructed that it the state conven
tion decides to put a state ticket In the
field we favor J 1 Osterhout as ojr
candidate for crovernor Otherwise the
delegates ro uulnstruud G N Ar
nold was elected permanent chairman
This convention also furors J C Oe
Gress as chairman of the executive com
Special to the Oazette
Tylek Tex Aug 28 The mem
bers of the state Democratic executive
committee and the nominees of the Dem
ocratic party for state oflicers are re
quested to meet mo In Austin an Friday
September the 5th for consultation and
nrransemeuts of the campalsn
Sicned N W Fivlay
Uhulrtniin State Democratic Executive
Committee Tyler Aug 29
Special to the Gazette
TEintEix Tex Aur 29 Judee
fleath the Prohibition candidate for
Boveruor has been iu the city pretty
much all day lie expected to speak
but the appointment was not published
and so he returned to Rockdale without
addressing tbe people
tendlktons appointments
Special to the Gazette
Bklton Tex Aug 29 Georjre C
Pendleton will uddresi the people on the
issues of the day at the following times
uud placet Floresville Tuesday Sep
tember 2 at 2 p m Laredo Thursday
September 4 at nlpht Sau Marcos Fri
day September 5 at nlcht Jfew Urnun
fels Saturday September G at night
Loctthart Monday September 8 at
night Gonzales Tuesday September 9
ut night Cuero Thursday September
11 at uightVotorIa Friday September
12 at night Edua Saturday Septem
bers nt night
Special to the Gazette
Glkland Tex Au 29 Poli
tics are quiet here Candidates are
numerous and can be seen on the streets
most every day Candidates for the leg
islature will hold a rally and speaking in
the park Saturday afternoon 230 p m
GuTJtltlE O TAug 29 The leg
islature organized this morning by the
combination of the Democrats and Al
liance members Hou G W Gnrden
shire Alliance member from Payne
county was chosen president of the
council In the lower house it was de
veloped that the Democrats and Alliance
members hud combined and bad fourteen
votes out of twentyfive Temporary
Chairman Colson adjourned the house
until 2 oclock this bfternocn when Hon
N A Daniels Alliance member will
undoubtedly be elected speaker
Special to the Gazette
Oklahoma City O T Aug 28
There is great rejoicing in this city over
the permanent organization of the ter
ritorial legislature in Guthrie today
The Republican members from this city
voted with the Democrats and secured
the organization G Y Gardenshire
an Alliance man from Payne county
was elected president of the council and
X A Daniels a Democrat was chosen
speaker of tbe bouje amid tb wildest
excitement As the matter now stands
tbe rapllol will come to this olty unless
vetoed by the governor Governor
Steele Is highly indignant at the action
of the Republican member from this
county and it Is thought he will rnto the
capltol bill
Special to the Gazette
Marquez Tex Aug 29 The Forty
ninth representative convention met at
Leon yesterday and nominated A A
Vestal of Leon county over Randolph of
Madison and Castle of Leon
pedal to the Gazette
GtJTHRiE O T Aug 29 In the
organization ot the two bouses of the
legislature today the Domocrats cap
tured everything as far as tbe selection
of permanent officers was proceeded
with In the council tbe organization
was perfected and Democrats elected In
every instance Gardenshire was made
permanent president and E J Simpson
ot El Reno chief clerk In tbe Jiouse
Daniels of Canadian Independent Demo
crat was elected speaker and Gay of
Beaver Democrat chief clerk The
Republicans exhausted every method
known to nllibusterlng but met with
defeat on every hand They are com
pletely routed Tbe Democrats are wild
with excitement and are celebrating
their victory In fine style The gover
nors message will be submitted tomor
Special to tbe Gazette
Cameron Tex Aue 29 The con
vention of the FlftyHrst representative
district composed of tbo couuties or
Bell Milam and Robertson met today
and was called to order by Hon T S
Henderson W M McGregor was
elected chairman S N Strange
a prominent and successful farmer of
Bell county was nominated by acclama
tion Among the delegates were Hon
George C Pendleton and George W Ty
ler senator tor the Twentythird dis
trict Mr Tylers friends expect to see
him go up higher when the proper time
Council Bluffs Iowa Aug 29 At
the third and last days session of the
Farmers national congress yesterday a
vote was taken to select n state in which
the next meeting should be held and
Missouri was selected The fruit of the
Farmers congress embodies itself iu
the work of the committee on resolu
tions This committee hns held long
sessions and tbo discussions were ear
nest calm and dignified From the first
vote It was evident tbo committee was
divided on strict lines of the two systems
of political economy now being discussed
at all the political meetings In the coun
try One part believed In the doctrines
of the Republican party and the other
declared that the depression was great
and general and that remedies were
needed greater than the increase of the
volume of the circulating medium and
great reform in the tariff A great mauy
resolutions were acted upon some of
them of a very radical charactr but the
following are tbe only ones which re
ceived the approval of the committee
Resolved that we demand of congress
most liberal appropriations for tbe im
provement of all practical interwater
wuys which shall make them instead ot a
disuster and destruction to large sections
of our country useful as great national
highways for commerce and trade
We demand the unlimited coinage ot
silver the abolition of uatinnal banking
taws tbe refusal of our national govern
ment to exteud charters of national banks
now in existenco and the issuance ot full
legal tender treasury notes In lieu of na
tional batik notes m sufficient volume to
meet tbe business demands of the Uuited
States and the constantly iucreasiug de
mnnd of trade
Resolved that we ar6 in favor ot a
constitutional amendment making United
States senators elective by the people
We believe that the farmer is paying
more than his just proportion ot taxes
therefore wo favor a gruduated Income
tax law to the end that the iucomes of
the wealthy mny bear their share of the
governmental support
Resolved that we demand of con
gress the amendment of the patent law
so that the exclusive use ot aa invention
be limited to ten years
Resolved that at the Columbian ex
position to be held in Chicago in 1S93
the agricultural and horticultural Inter
ests of the Uuited States should be most
prominently and grandly represented
aud to that end It is recommended that
the various statu legislatures make liber
al appropriations for tbe creditable exhi
bition of their agricultural and horticul
tural resources and tbe possibilities of
their respective states
OceolaFla Aug 29 Republicans
of the First aistrict have nominated J
W Stripling for congress Stripling Is
present Uuited Slates ottjrney for the
Northern district of Florida and is tbe
man who preaeod the cases in Judge
Sway nos court against tbe alleged
violators of the election laws for which
bo incurred the ever lasting wrath of the
1 mocrats A patform was adopted
the salient points being demands that the
negro vote shall be counted in tbe South
and recommending Federul control ot
congressional elections There will be
no state convention ot Florida Republi
cans this year Tbe state central com
mittee has put the following ticket in
nomination For comptroller L Ball
ot Tallahassee for supreme jud e J
R Cballen of Jacksonville
Phoenix Ariz Aug 29 The Re
publican territorial convention nomin
ated Gen W Cheney of Cochise for con
gress The platform indorses tbe
national administration commends the
silver bill and insists that the free coin
age of silver must follow It requests
congress to pass before adjournment the
bill now pending known as nn act for
the publication of elections iu Arizona
and demands admission of tbe territory
as a state
A Harder Capture Confession and Lynching
all Bemen Two Snns
Lexington Mo Aug 29 An
atrocious murder the arrest of
tbe murderer his confession of
tbe crime and a subsequent
lynching were the elements of a
double tragedy that occurred here to
day Sheriff Mitchell received a tele
gram this morning stating EF Parker
a merchant of May view ten miles
south bad been murdered The
Bheriff two deputies and the
coroner and a correspondent
of tbe Republic left nt once for May
view Arriving they went to the scene
of the orime and were confronted with a
ghastly sight Lying behind the counter
with his head almost severpd from his
body lay Parker An examination re
vealed that the Instrument used was
most likely a corn knife or a cleaver
The murdered man slept in a room back
ot tbe store and bad evidently been
awakened during the night or
tarly in tbe morning by a man
who pretended he wished to buy
goods Several articles of clothing were
lying on the counter and in all proba
bility tbe blows bad been struck while
the merchant was stoopiug down in the
net of pulling from beneath the counter
n larger assortment The crime
was probably committed for robbery
for the oath drawer wan found rifled of
some money and an examination of the
dead mans clothes showed the pockets
turned inside out A watch and S40 in
money were found In bis coat which
would suggest that tbe murderer was
frighteued away before securing tbe
valuables Mr Parkers mother lives
in Sharon Pa and has been Informed
of the crime
Later Dr McDonald has arrived here
and states that a negro named
William Walters was arrested a few miles
north of May view by Constable Tbos
Cbinnfor the murder of Parker con
fessed his crime and was banged to a
tree by a mob
Marina Intellgesce
Special to the Gazette
Galveston Tex Aug29 Antred
Steamship New York from New York
with general merchandise
For 110 the Dally Qizcrra will fas tent one
year and also s copy of the original Websters
unabridged dictionary 32sl pages expraii
Uiarxes prepaid to exjnaa office Hearts the
Senator Edmunds Resolution En
tirely of His Own Making
Aot Smallest Chance or the Passage of
the Force Bill hether or 2o
ills Resolution Carries
Why Governor Wnfl y of Arizona Wai Re
moved Peace Established In Central Amer
ica Armies to be Betlred
Special to the Gazette
Wasihnuton Aug 29 The resolu
tion of Senator Edmunds to take a recess
from September 19 to November In
clearly shows the desperate straits in
which tbe Republican party finds itself
Failing in passing tho election law at
this session they want to gain all the
time possible for tbe consideration of the
election bill and so desire to have an op
portunity to inane time of their political
opponent But tho Democrats will not
be caught by uuy such movo In fact
they will talk such a resolution to death
The Democrats say that tbe Edmunds
proposition is a violation of the
ngreemeut under which tbe tariff bill is
now being hurried through which was
that tbe Federal electionJiilll should not
be considered at this session Quay is
emphatically opposed to uuy recess and
there are many others who say that tbo
senate ought to pass tbe bills they agreed
to iu the Quay resolution and get out
The Republican members on the house
sido do not favor the Edmunds resolu
Asbistaut Secretary Butchellor has in
formed tbe collector of customs at El
Paso Tex tbut In case an Importer
makes entry of a certain number of
borses at a certain valuntiou and pays
the estimated duties thereon but for
some reusou fails to bring into the Uuited
States nil the borses he is entitled to a
re und of the excess deposited uud in
case an Invoice Is presented aud entry
made of a certalu number of tons of coal
which nays a snecillo duty aud after
weighing it is found short In weight tho
importer Is required to pay tbe duty only
on the actual number of tons imported
and not on the number of tons stated in
the invoice
has been bounced Secretury Noble be
ing asked today about his removal said
Governor Wollley has resigned and his
resignation has been accepted The
president has come to the conclusion that
he is uot tbe right man in tbe right
place That he is in a word not
capable of grappling with the complica
tions which confront a governor of Ari
zona There are many conflicting in
terists in that territory which require
skillful handling and Governor Wollley
has signally failed to harmonle them
There are no reflections whatever on
him as a man or as nn official
Mrs C W landy and daughters of
San Antonio are guests of Seuator Jones
of Arkansas for a few weeks
Mr and Mrs J 13 Hereford of Dallas
and G W Davenport of Fort Worth
are in the city
The BreckinridgeClayton case will be
taken iu tbe house on Monday
Congressman Abuer Taylor of Illinois
who has large interests in Texas is quite
Patterned After Quay
Special to the Gazette
Washington Aug 29 The concur
rent resolution introduced by Senator
Edmunds this morning for a recess from
September 19 to November 10 was put
in it is understood entirely ot bis own
motion and not as a result of any party
conference The senator has apparently
concluded to try the tactics ot
Quay with his resolution against tbe
force bill that Is to throw it In and see
what comes of it It will be a test
simply of tbe strength of sentiment in
the senate favorable to the renewal of
the force bill agitation when congress
has been given a chance to rest a little
If It is buried in tbe committee be will
throw it in a second time dud probably
keep up his game until some action is
taken on it There is not tbe smallest
hope of its passage A small
group of Republican senators are
devoted enough to the Idea ot passing
the force bill to vote for anything which
points that way but there is nothing to
prevent tbe Democrats from talking the
resolution to death There are thirty
seven men on that side eaob good for
one whole days speaking This would
consume a month or more and carry
tbe session over election time Eveu if
the senate should by any trick manage
to pass the Edmunds resolution it would
hardly go down with the house where
the members on both sides are very rest
less over tbe prolongation of the work
aud are looking forward to getting home
as soon as possible for a long rest It
was this short recess plan taking shape
in tbe mind of Senator Edmunds that
doubtless gave riie to the report about
the prospect of an extra session
Opponert to the jSdmandi Itcsntntlon
Washington Aug 29 A senator
who was asked how tbe Edmunds reso
lution was received by the Republicans
said be did not believe tbey were in favor
of It Tbe general sentiment expressed
at tbe conference last week was be said
that if any time was needed beyond tbe
limits ot tbe short session the president
should Issue his proclamation convening
congress In extra session
Senator Pierce said be was satisfied tbe
president would not call an extra session
of congress Edmunds resolution the
senator thought could have for its ulti
mate object only one thing tbe passage
nt the election bill The Democrats
would see that aud they could and would
talk tbe resolution to death to prevent
action on tbe bill
The president is empowered under cer
tain conditions of things to do just what
Senator Edmunds resolution proposes
In case the two bouses should fail to
agree upon a date for adjournment sec
tion 3 of article 2 relating to the cowers
and duties ot the president says be may
on an extraordinary occasion convene
both booses or either of them and in
case of disagreement between them with
respect to time ot adjournment he may
adjourn tbem to such time us he shall
think proper Mr Fdmnnds says be
will uot call up his resolution for several
davs the time depending upon progress
with the tariff debute
Ulemher of the Ilotme Opposed to Ir
Washington Aug 29 Several
prominent members ot the bouse who
wrre speaking upon the subject ot the
Edmunds resolution expressed them
selves as being opposed to it They do
not want to return to Washington aftpr
the election wanting a few weeks o rest
after the labor of the campaign
Pence KutnbllMied in Control America
Washington Aug 29 Acting Sec
retary Wharton today received a tele
gram from Minister Mizener at Guatemala
through Minister Ryan at Mexico City
dated the 23th inst as follows Wen
again to Acajutla in Salvador on Monday
with three ot the diplomntio corps
Met the provincial president with sev
eral hundred leading mon of the repub
lic The basi of peace was explained
slightly modified accepted and signed by
Ezeta Returned here Guatemala yes
terduy afternoon when Guatemala ac
cepted and signed Both parties have
been ollloially notified to retire th > ir
armies in fortyeight hours aud to re
duce them to a peace footing iu eight
days This establishes peace iu Central
Tho acting secretary said be regarded
this as a satisfactory settiemeut ot the
To Abandon Hot Spring
Washington Aug 29 Gen Grant
acting secretary of war lms direoted the
abandonment of the military reservation
at Hot Springs Ark as a military res
ervation and its transfer to the interior
department for disposition ot tbe land
As Heviewed by the Mercantile Arjeney
oi K G Dun Co of Sew York
Easier llony and 3Iore Favorable Crop Re
ports Tend firevly to th Betterment
ot Trade Conditions
New York Aug 29 R G Dun
Co a weekly review of trade stys The
great relief iu the money market here
has tended to improve the state of busi
ness at the same time better crop pros
pets brought distinct reaction in specu
lations which most retarded exports
thus while tbe volume of domestio
trade continues greater than any
prerious year at this season tho bank
clearings for August outside this city ex
ceeded last year by 21 per ceut The
outlook for the future is clearer aud
brighter Wool sales at Boston reached
3000000 pounds and many mills hav
ing substituted Territory warp tor fleece
the wool in use on the market for lieece
has been weak Better orders for
woolen goods are reported by mills
Fair trade oontlnues In cotton goods
Tbe boot aud shoe trade Is large and
actiro We have witnessed of some
further improvements in the demand for
manufactured forms of Iron and steel
plate aud structural mills being crowded
with better prices in some cases but the
pig Iron market according to report
of accounts from Philadelphia is badly
disorganized at presentand is no stronger
the doubt whether the production has not
much exceeded the demand affecting
views of buyers Stagnation prevailr in
the coal trade and it is admitted tbut
May prices still rule iu actual sales
The restriction of the output la very im
perfect tbe total this year to August 1C
being only 330000 tons behind last years
record Accounts from other cities
are even more favornble than
usual excepting as to the money
market Boston notes special activity
in leather At Philadelphia collections
in many branches are rendered slow by
the monetary pressure Chicago on the
contrary reports money plenty at 6 per
ceut on call and collections easy u
better trade than last year in dry goods
and clothing a reduction of 75 per cent
iu stockyards business since strike a de
crease of GO per cent in wool compared
with last year 20 per cent in butter
and a steady decrease in dressed beef
but a large Increase in cured meats
lard cheese cattle binds aud 100 per
cent in bogs St Louis has a fair vol
ume of trade At Kansas City no
change is noted and at Pittsburg good
demand for manufactured iron Sa
vannah reports a brisk trade but Jack
sonville much discouragement At At
luuta trade Is good and the crop outlook
very promising The movement of sta
ples is held in check by high prices
Wheat export falls for below last year
and the value of all exports from
New York tor four weeks shows a de
crease of 25 < C per cnt from last year
but prices have been yielding rapidly
wheat and corn each about 2 cents and
oats 3 cents for the week oil over l4
pork 25 cents per barrel and cotton Y6
cents Hogs lard aud butter are
stronger and coffee unchanged
Business failures occuring throughout
the country during tbe last seven days
number 189 as compared with 192 the
previous week for the corresponding
week of last year tbe figures were 211
A lionble Xatecalion
Columbus Ohio Aug 29 Of the
four men to be executed at the peniten
tiary annex tonight betwoeu 12 and G
a m ElmerSharkey for raatrloide has
been reprieved to September 26 and
Isaao Smith tbe Pike county murderer
to October 21 Otto Lueth tbe bov mur
derer of Cleveland and John alias Broii j
Smith of Cincinnati will pay tbe penalty
of their crimes There has been a great
demand for admission to tbe prlsou to
day and hundreds of people have visited
tbe prison though only a few bare been
permitted to see tbe condemned men
Their last day has been a quiet one
spent In the reception room separated
from the other tire condemned men In
the annex
rtr Papers
Parties desiring copies ot Tn Gazxtes
to send off can secure them wrapped
teaay fur mailing at the business office
at Ccealia copy