OCR Interpretation

Fort Worth daily gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.) 1882-1891, September 12, 1890, Image 5

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86064205/1890-09-12/ed-1/seq-5/

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1A1 4 j
1020 a m
o atol
nd Pacific
rnocxTj Leave
jc 2dail5 725a m
< isny c < pm
No Sdaily H2p
No 10daiv 1030 a ni
50 d m No 1 daily1
903a m
a ra No 3daily
H M a m No daily
No Odaily 435p m
4 su p ra
Missouri Kansas and Texas
Arrive horthbouxd Leave
630am No Jdally >
i0 > p uj No 4daily 620p m
10p ra No 1 daily SlP m
nL a No 3 daily 90oa m
Arrive NORTnBOcvr Leave
No 12 daily 845 a m
No 34 daily
Fort Worth toSt Louis 313 a m
42 D m No 31 dally
No S3 daily
> ira m StLcuis to Fort Worth
Fort Worth and Denver
i p in No ldaily
No 2daily 930 a m
1Oflam Noadaily
No 4daily 440p m
Gulf Colorado and Santa Fe
m No UJ daily 440 p m
up m No 2 daily 905 p m
sa ra No 1 daily 733 a m
m No 9 dally 205 p ni
Fort Worth and Rio Grande
1 a m Fort Wosth 300 p m
Houston and Texas Centra
vrrivc Leave
No 44 mall S 0 p in
No tf > accommodation 915 a m
1 oa m No 43 mail
p ik No 47 accommodation
All toe above trains from the Union Depot
C D Lusk Ticket Agent
St Louis Arkansas and Texas
T Tf Leave
i I p m Express and mail 623a ra
Buys aiicl Soils
ft Ihe only members of American Ticket
brokers association in Ft Worth Refers
tobinks business men and railroad offi
cials as to relnlutv
Opposite Pictfwick Hotel
Hotel Vernon
Will onen October 1 1890 with all
nodeni improvements
The hotel Is a threestory brick cost
ing 530100 ami Is the largest and most
lommodious In the Panhandle new and
elegantly finished
1 lectric lights and electric call bells in
efery room elevator hot and cold water
baths nnd steam laundry Street cars
pass within half block of hotel every ten
minutes for depot and all parts of the
city Postofhce express office court
houso in adjoining block Hates 2 50
and S3 00 per day
It F Lockett Co Props
A Plan Surrsrested That Is Expected to
Put au End to Bate Ware
Tie Chicotro and Alton May Initiate the Two
CentKate War An Enzlnaers superstition
Iowa Joint BatesGeneral and
Local News
Rate wars especially freight ones do
no Rood to any one in the Ions run and
the sooner some scheme is devised by
which they can be avoided the better It
will be not only tor the railroads but
the commercial world as well The fre
quent fluctuations In freight rates un
settle mercantile business as well as rail
road business and it is unnecessary to
stato that unsettled conditions in no
matter what business is bad for it The
publio wants more than anything elso
fairuniform nnd steady rates rates that
cun be relied on as bolnir the same to
daytomorrow and for all time to come
f uoh a stato of things would enable the
roads to make reasonable calcula
tions as to earnings and they
could regulato expenses accordingly
and the merchant would be enabled to
day to calculate on what his freight bill
next month would be on so much freight
L nder the present condition of things
rate wars being liable to breakout at any
timo uo such calculations can be made
nnd as to the future all things are uncer
A plan hns been suggested and it
seems to be a good one to form an oper
ating compauy to receive all freight at
given points nnd distributing it to the
railroads giving to each a fair propor
tion and by so doing preserve the rates
by keeping down the wars which have
been playing bavoo over since railroad
competition begun This Is no visionary
idea but it is quite practicable and it is
to be hoped that for both the railroads
and the publio something will oome out
of It
lie Helteves Engines Take rita nnd Go Out
on Hurrahs Like Human
A party of railroad men one of the
number an engineer were talking yes
terday about the runaway engine that
collided with a freight train noar Hodge
the evening before Various theories
were advanced as to how the engine got
owny no two of wbloh agreed One
would insist that some person pulled the
throttle while the engine stood in the
ynrds and she just shot out lickaty
brludle another suggested that the
tteum had forced the throttle back and
let her go gallasber
You ure all wrong said the en
gineer that engine is a crank and I
will bet on it Engines are queer con
cerns nnd sometimes I believe the things
ure half human I used to run an en
gine that had fits and spells Some
times she would go along as nice ns you
ever saw and then again she would get
into a tantrum and the devil himself
couldnt do a thing with her until she
took it into her head to behave herself
I could always tell when she was going
to get ugly She woula begin to kinder
groan at first then wheeze At last the
fetched thing would begin to snort
nnd slip wheels until I would
just have to shut off steam and
stop My fireman used to talk
to the machine just like bo would to a
child and after awhilo I would make an
other trial and we could go ahead all
Yes sir tbnt runaway engine on the
Denver is one of these cranky concerns
that there U no accounting lor Why
r SZs X fertfis kt
she U liable to take fits like this nt any
time if she Is ever fixed up and 1 would
not be surprised to hear of the machinery
jumping off a bridge ony day You just
take the number of the engine and keep
tub on her will you and I will bet you
will hear something more about her in
tbo year The thing just got into a
tantrum and ran off thats all
It is Probnble that the Chicago nnd Alton
vflll Initiate tlio Iteforrn
Notwithstanding railroad men claim
that all is quiet In passenger circles and
that the whitewinged angel of peace
hovers over the situation it is a faot
that this is not so It may be thot nil
appears to be quiet and that to the out
side world there are no evidences of dis
turbance but there is a spirit at work
that may at once develop Into a regular
revolution of passenger rates in this
country Tbo question of a uniform
rate of two cents per mile has been dis
cussed for some time and it Is not at all
improbable that such a rate will be made
before a great while It is even re
ported now that the Chicago and Alton
road is on the eve of mnkinc the rate
a regular passenger rate of two cents a
mile on all classes of travel The recent
order making party rates for ten or
more persons will bring It on some pas
senger men claim and it may be that
the Alton will take the first step
In the movement Some railroad men
claim that tho party rate plan will
mean the nbsolute demoralization of
passenger affairs on nccount of the
operation of scalpers who can under the
new party rate scheme buy tickets m
blooks of ten or twelve and peddle them
out at will
The Alton Is a leading Western road
with au aggressive management and it
is regarded that It is more liable to take
the stops suggested herein than any
other line Mr James Charlton the
general passenger agent of the road has
been approached on the subject but has
refused to commit himself though it is
known that he favors the policy of a
gensral reduction of passenger rates
When n road like the Alton makes a
two cent passenger rato in Missouri
other lines will follow it up like so many
sheep Recently the Wyandotte and
Northwestern not an influential line
made a two cent rate in Kansas and Ne
briUka and as a result nearly every line
in the Sunflower state was on pins and
needles for two or three mouths in fear of
n general order from the Kansas legisla
ture based on the theory that If one road
can make money at two cents a mile oil
of them can do It The Wynndotte
spoiled the arcument however by going
into the hands of a receiver soon after
the low rate was put on
Railroads Will Resist itho Enforcement of
Them In the Courts
The Iowa railroad commissioners are
preparing for another tussle with the
railroads of the state in tho courts
This is caused by a firm determination on
the part of the commissioners to give the
people of the state joint rates and the
equally Arm determination on the part of
a number of the leading railroads not to
submit to further dictation at the hands
of the commission In response to wbnt
was deemed a publio demand the last
legislature passed a law establishing joint
rates The railroads resist enforcement
of the law on the ground of unconstitu
tionality and judce Fairall of Iowa City
issued a permanent Injunction restrain
ing the commissioners from attempting
to enforce it pending an nppeal to the
supreme court The commissioners de
termined to attain the desired end by
another means relying upon the original
railrood law of Iowa which gives the
commissioners the power to make rates
They issued an order August 1 establish
ing what they wore pleased to term rates
for a continuous haul over two or more
roads This order was to go into effect
August 15 Ouly about half of the Iowa
railroads have signified their intention of
complying with the commissioners re
quest nnd AttorneyGeneral Stone baa
been instructed to commence mandamus
proceedings to compel the adoption of
the joint rate rule against the folloving
roads The Iowa Central Chicago
Rock Islaud and Paoitic Chicago and
Northwestern Chicago Milwaukee and
St Paul nnd the Chicago Burlington
nnd Quincy The suits will be vigor
ously pressed
The Aransns lnss fleeting
A meeting of first mortgage bond
holders of the San Antonio and Aransas
Pass railroad was held in New York on
the 8th to consider what action should be
taken to protect their interests in view
of the recent default of the railway com
pany Little was accomplished E C
M Rand an expert employed by tho
Farmers loan and trust company pre
sented a voluminous report which will
be distributed today among the bond
holders He declares that tho property
possesses a considerable value and ex
presses confidence in lts > prospects Tbo
expenditure of a little money to put the
road in firstclass condition is urged by
Mr Rand The road was built under
n contract by Capt M Kennedy who
was to receive stocks and bonds of the
company in payment It appears that
the contractor has a claim against the
compauy for 52800000 but the man
agers have not passed upon it President
U Lott of the company assured tho
bondholders that the property was in a
better shape than Mr Rand had repre
sentedand finally the meeting adjourned
subjeot to the call of Chairman Sldell
A Novel Suit
F n Warner a former looomotive
engineer on the Toledo and Ann Arbor
road has brought suit for 121 wages be
claims duo him While Warner was an
employe his engine was wrecked and
the company claims through his care
lessness and bis pay was withheld on ac
count of damages The road through
its attorneys filed countersuit ngainst
Warner for S300 the expense of repair
ing the locomotive The company bases
its aotion on a decision of an Indiana
judge where a counter Judgment was
given tho railroad company against a
farmer who sued the company for killing
one of his oows In thiscase the railroad
company claimed S30 damages to the
pilot and headlight of the engine on ao
count of the accident and the court sus
tained the claim
No Progress
There has been absolutely nothing done
in the Fort Worth and Albuquerque road
thu week There still exists that inclina
tion on the part of everybody to hold
back and give way to somebody else
who so far has not come to the front
The situation can be summed up in a tew
worcbw No progress has been made and
none will be made the way the matter
is being engineered Some of the old
time workers men who have influence
Ji i ba < Skii Xi
must buckle on the harness and push
this matter or the time will soon come
when it will beKaty bar the door
for all timo to come The present effort
to put this enterprise on foot again is
about the last call and unless something
la done the people of Fort Worth might
just as well throw up the sponge so far
as a road to the Northwest is concerned
The Usual Denials
The reported big deals In Southern
railroads which have been discussed for
several days nre now vigorously denied
President Inman of the West Point
terminal company telegraphs that
there is absolutely no truth in the re
ported sco p of he Monon by the East
Tennessee though the report that such a
deal had been perfected grew out of a
statement hy au East Tennessee official
Gen Alexander president of the Central
of Georgia is equally emphatio in deny
ing the report that his road has cbsorbed
the Covington and Macon and the Chat
tanooga Rome and Columbus
A New Source of Revenue
A French railroad has hit upon a new
source of revenue In future people
who accompany any of their friends to
any of the stations on that line to see
them off will only be admitted on the
platform on payment of a fee of one
penny In return for whloh they will re
ceive n special ticket of authorization
For those who are apt to tarry a long
while over their leavetaking there is a
further tax as the ticket is only avail
able for one hour at the end of which
time another must if necessary be ob
General and Iersonnl
B R Thompson general agent of tho
Canda cattle car company left for the
East lust night
W D Lawson traveling passenger
agent of the Missouri Kansas and Texas
was In the city yesterday
II T Keenan livestock agent of the
Chicago Burlington and Quincy is back
from a trip among the cattlemen
C II Boardman traveling passenger
agent of the Chicago Burlington and
Quincy was among the pilgrims in the
city yesterday
It is on record that the Vanderbilts
once gave a check for 700000 in a tre
mendous ruilway transaction but that
record is now beaten by a check for
1250000 said to be drawn in Loudon by
tte Indian and Poniusula railway com
Congratulations nre in order with Bob
Wade the popular Fort Worth and
Denver conductor It Is a jolly fifteen
pound boy and named in honor of his
father He is a now addition to the or
der of railroad conductors and all the
boys bid bim welcome
The sand along the banks of the Co
lumbia river in Oregou is an obstacle
to railway traffic almost as difficult to
overcome as the snow blookades duriug
the winter Nearly every train is de
layed on account of the ever shifting
sand hills covering tho tracks
VIceProsidout Felton of the Erie says
The railroad business of tho country
judging from Erie business ia beyond all
previous proportion The demand lor
enrs has not been so great for a loug
time We havent a place on our lino
where we can fill the orders My hope is
that this large business will soon bring
about an advance in rates to a reasona
ble busls
Something Expected to Drop
Special to the Gazette
Abilene Tex Sept 11 A call
meeting of the progressive committee of
Abilene was held in the parlors of the
First national bank on yesterday after
noon to consider what action to take in
the railroad from here to San Angelo
that is now ngitatlng the publio mind
After a complete disoussion of the differ
ent phases presented a committee was
appointed to meet the San Angelo dele
gation in Fort Worth on the 21th inst
and agree upon plans through which tbo
nroposed road will bo rapidly put in a
ehape for early construction The com
mittee appointed consisted of J P Mas
sie vicepresident of the Farmers and
and Mercnants national bank Ed S
Hughes wholesale hardware and P M
DeVitt capitalist This committee will
also represent Abilene at tho manu
facturers convention to be held in Fort
Worth on the 21th In the meantime
Abilenes subscription list ia growing
rapidly and will have grown to enor
mous proportions by tbo time the com
mittees meet
A letter was also read from the board
of trade of Wichita Falls asking that a
committee be appointed to meet their
representatives at thejeonvention also In
a matter of vital importance to both
places which is supposed to be in con
nection with tho Henrietta road A
committee was appointed
Abilene will also send a committeo to
confer with a delegation from Henrietta
A letter was read from the president of
the Ballinger national bank asking that
Ballinger be remembered and considered
in the San Angelo deal and promising
financial aid of giant proportions No
action was taken
Takintr tbe above into a full considera
tion something may be expected to
drop with a crash at the meeting in the
Fort on tbe 24th which will be of inter
est to all of the places named as Abilene
is in the swim and will float from
a way back
A Railroad lor Llano
Special to the Gazette
Llano Tex Sept 11 A proposition
was submitted to the people of Llano on
the 3rd inst by Mr E C Longcooe
representing Eastern capitalists to con
struct a standard gauge railroad to the
town of Liana either from Taylor in
Williamson county Temple In Bell
county or Waco in MoLennan county
Tex provided the people would sub
scribe a bonus of 100000 and furnish
the rightofway from the Colorado
river to the town of Llano tozether with
depot grounds The 8100000 was se
cured by our citizens today and the
committee immediately notified Mr
Longcope Llano will be the terminus
for twelve months from tbe completion
of the road Work under tbe contract
will begin in ninety days and trains are
to be run into Llano town within twelve
months from September 3 Enthusiasm
runs high Llanos future is assured
Tbo boom is on and with railroad facil
ities our resources will be developed a
oity will spring up maclcllke upon our
beautiful hills taking the lead in popu
lation wealth and commercial impor
tance of all others in this state and the
equal of any in the South
Returned to Omaha
Special to the Gazette
Ross Tex Sept 10 G M Hurd
agent for the Cotton Belt at Omaha
Tex and his charming bride who have
been visiting their brother R G Hurd
at this point returned to their home
Jaa fcSaiMiatej aWsyfcM
t i1 i i i i
Hill countv ha3 had fine rains Cotton
of late plantinc will be greatly benefit
ed Cotton will averane about onu
third of a bale to the acre and corn was
lighter than was expected
Cotton receipts nt Sherman aro greatly
increased this week It is opening very
While the cotton crop is cut off to a
considerable extent in Rusk county still
there wlil be more of the staple raised
this year than there was last
The Greenville Banner says There is
not much said now about going West
everybody is busy and seems to bo satis
fled And people certninly ought to be
satisfied with tbe crop this year While
it ia not perhaps as great as it haa been
in the past it is very good Corn is
good on the blaok land and ootton
throughout tho country will make some
thing A very largo acreage has been
planted and will nil make some cotton
whiie many crops nre considerably above
an average
In the vicinity of Floyd rfunt county
cotton is said to be half opened and the
greater part of it will be in this month
Ross Sept 10 This section of coun
try is being blessed by an abundanco of
rain several fine showers have fallen
during past fortyeight houra Grns3
com lug up finely and range will be first
class in a short timo The cotton crop
we are clad to say is not nenrly so poor
aa the majority of fnrmera have feared
They find upon picking that the yield is
much better than they anticipated and
the crop will not fall far short of tho av
erage and ns tho acreage Is much larger
than that of 18S9 the amount of cotton
marketed will be about the same as tbo
average year
Madisonvillk Sept 9 Cotton is
coming in nt a lively rate and business
brisk We are still dry no rain except
a shower now and then
Teruell Sept 11 A splendid rain
fell here today commencing about 130
p m A very heavy ram fell north of
Forney Sept 11 A fine rain fel
here today
Honey Grove Sept 10 The farm
ers in this violulty are needing ootton
pickers badly Tho crop is large aud
many of those who failed in their crops in
tbe West can find employment bore
Emorv Sept 11 Crops are not so
good as reported a month ago Corn
especially ia short and cotton perhaps a
half crop
AbileneSept 11 Tho sun shone out
this morning for tbe first time in throe
days during which it has rained almost
without ceasing About seven inches
have fallen to date which puts tbe soil
in excellent condition for the ooming
wheat season and guarantees the success
ful termination of our present crop
which will show a most excellent yield
Wichita Falls Sept II Tbia soo
tion of country has been favored with a
three days rain The ground is thor
oughly soaked creeka aro all runnlne
and water tanks full The farmers are
happy and at work turning over the vir
gin soil The prospects are good for an
Immense acreage to be sown in wheat
this fall Tbe rain has been general
throughout Northwest Texas and the
Panhandle country
Denton Tex Sept 11 Tho fine
rains which have just fallen have been
the cause of many n farmer purchasing
rye and wheat for fall sowing a thing
not known here often Plowing has al
ready becan and wheat sowing will soon
be the order of the day Large quanti
ties of turnips hare been sowed for
winter feed as stock feed will bo scarce
on account of tbe long drouth
Galveston Sept 11 The weather
and crop bulletin of tbe Texas stato
weather service for the week ending
September 11 was issued this evening
It givea temperature rainfall and crop
prospects throughout the state as fol
The temperature for tbo past seven
days has been about normal in all parts
of tbe state The maximum ranged
from 87 to 100 and the minimum from
51 to 72 The rainfall haa been exces
sive over the western southwestern and
coast sections also in some localities
over other portions of tho state
Rain baa fallen during the week as fol
lows Dallas 53 Weatnerford 148
Cuero 251 Luling 12C San Antonio
492 Waco 50 Huntsvilie 47 Bren
ham 2C7 Belton 02 Palestine CO
Corsicana 67 Columbia
ton 185 Tyler 20 Longyiew 48
Grnyham 52 Castroville 100 Bur
net 116 Corpus ChristI 48 Venus
45 Temple 40 Lampasas 153 New
Braunfels 550 Galveston 304
The condition of tho crops where these
heavy rains have fallen Is varied Pick
ing has been stopped and grades staple
has been injured In some sections cot
ton has baen badly beaten out of tho
bolls At New Bramfela potatoes and
late cotton will be benefited while early
cotton has been Injured At Temple
picking is progressing rapidly and ia one
mon h earlier than last season At
Brenham picking has been retarded and
the cotton fields damaged At Venus
the weather has affected crops favorably
At Corpus Cnristi picking la progressing
generally At Burnet rains have in
terfered some with picking but will be
very beneficial to late cotton and grass
Cotton is turning out much better than
was expected At Graham and Green
ville rain baa checked picking but will
improve the fall crops and put ground in
good condition for plowing Over the
eastern parts of the central and northern
portions rain has been sufficient to inter
fere with picking Tbe outlook has not
been changed materially
The new Federal court building at Jef
ferson has been completed
An exchange from Hartley thU3 re
joices Only a few months ago there
was nothing here now we have a hotel
and anotherone on the way a livery
stable with fine turnouts two dry goods
nnd grooery stores two more to follow
soon a good hardware store one of the
nicest and best real estate offices on the
road two lumber yards blacksmith and
carpenter shop windmill supply house
a newspaper good wells an abundance
of fine water good depot and on the line
of tbe greatest railroad in Texas
An effort is being made to form a
bridge company at Vernon the object
of whicn ia to bridge Red river a few
miles north of town The Pease river
bridge isunder construction
The San Angelo city council have taken
steps toward the extension of their wo
terworka service and a contract is now
before the council by which the Son An
gelo waterworks company shall increase
tbe service to 1500000 gallons a day
the water to come from the mam Concho
San Antonio Sept 11 The largest
real estate transaction of the day was
rki j
Swfc vf C
the purchase of tbe llugo and Schmelt
zer property on Alamo plaza by a local
attorney for an Eastern syndicate Tbe
price paid was 5160000 This property
four years ago was bought for 528000
Forney Sept 11 A large new busi
ness bouse is going up at the corner of
Dally and Bola DAro streets
Burnett and Mulkey the evangelists
have their big gospel tent pitched at
The Texas Christian Advocate th °
official organ of five conferences of the
Methodist Episcopal church South
makes a tabulated statement of the re
suit of the work In fiftyfour place9
there have boen 2051 conversions and
1472 accessions to the church
The college at Carthage Panola
county ia nearing completion and will
be ready for ocoupanoy by October 1
The Gazette acknowledgea the receipt
of an invitation to be present at tbe ded
ication of tho new 40000 building of the
Sam Houston state normal sohool at
Huntsvilie on tho 23d inst The struc
ture with all its equipments is a model
school building The Sam Houston
memorial hall 98x74 feet and having
accommodations for 1500 persons is said
to be the best auditorium in tbe stato
The Houston memorial window procured
by the contributions of Btudents ia a
thing of beauty The building the
memorial hall and the memorial window
constitute a worthy tribute to tho hero of
Tojas independence
Kmoky Sept 10 Tho Emory high
school private opened this week Pro
fessor W A Clark in charge with a
good attendancei
Lewisville Sept 11 Rev O S
Thomas pastor of the M E Church
South Rev 3 3 MooreJpastor of the
C P church and Rev J B Cole
pastor of the Baptist church are all en
gaged in carrying on a very interesting
meeting at the M E Church this week
It will likely continue for several days
Denton Sept 11 Tho city publi0
school began here Monday Capt E F
Comegya superintendent with his effi
cient corps of teachers Tho attentlance
at the opening was 490 The prospects
of the school were never better and it
haa always been vS sucoesa under the
management of Capt Comegys The
normnl college which convenea aoon ia
receiving the fin shing touches In the way
of furniture and fittingsfand bids fnir to
open with a largo attendance Twelve
new students from nbroad arrived today
and many others are to come soon Pro
fessor J C Chilton president of the
institute is very much encouraged at the
San Antonio Sept 11 R L Stan
field superintendent of county schools
woko up this morning to fina himself in
Othellos predicament hi3 occupation
gone J ml 20 Wurzbnch had summoned
the commissioners court nnd on bis
recommendution the ofhee of superinten
dent of schools waa abolished as a useless
expense to the county The proceeding
was decidedly summary and Professor
Stanfield declares lits determination of
exhausting nil legal remedies for redress
Terrell Sept 11 Sumner Griffith
young son of Mr J C Griffith who bad
himself bruised by being thrown from a
horse is doing finely
Mr Samuel L Dale and Misa Nannie
Ilopson Sherman September 9
Mr Henry Kriug and Miss Viola
Smith Beeville September 3
Mr Newt Walker and Misa Nora Good
man Blum September 7
Mr Blankership and Mrs Emma
Bishop Cleburne September 7
Mr Will Horton and Misa Unttie
Young Forney September 7
Mr S B Robertson nnd Mrs N E
Miller Greenville September 7
Mr II E Oden and Miss Annie
Sparks Greenville September 7
Mr J J Brnnson and Miss Sue Mel
ton Greenville September 7
Mr John J Clark and Mrs Cyrena
Blake Greenville September 8
Mr E F Lamm and Mis Balinda
Garrison Greenville Septembers
Mr John S Young and Misa Minnie
Turner Greenville Septembor 9
Mr Gnfe Hudson and Miss S A Neal
Greenville September 10
Mr Dnn Morgan and Miss Mollie
HIckey Greenville September 10
Mr George Abbott and Misa Martha A
Sanders Greenville September 10
Madisonville Sept 9 Dr J E
Morris a prominent physician of Fulton
Ky recently located here and Miss
Jennie Hall of this place were married
lnat Tuesday in Bryan
Sherman Sept 11 Mr L A Stroud
and Mrs Nellie Jose were married last
night at the First Methodist Episcopal
Mrs J J Dix San Diego SeptemberS
Mr W F Irvine near Whitewright
September 9
Mr J B Lott Beeville September
Col M M Brooks Forney Septem
ber 5
Mr John Clemons Commerce Sep
tember 7
Mr J A Hestor Gainesville Sep
tember 9
Fort McKavett Sept C Died at
their ranch in Menard county on Sep
tember 4 William Leslie beloved son
of William L and Camilla B Blaok
aged fourteen years and ten months
Sherman Sept 11 David Edwards
one of Shermans most respected citi
zens died today at 1130 a m The
remains will be transferred to Minneap
olis Minn for burial from which city
decease J moved several yean ago
San Antonio Sept 11 Edward
Degenei aged eighty two years died at
his home in this city this morning He
was German by birth but came to Sam
Antonio at an early age He repre
sented the district m congress in 187072
He leaves a large family and fortune
Honey Grove Sept 10 The news
was received here today that Mrs Tom
Wortham had died In Keokuk la yes
terday Mr and Mr r Wortham are
residents of Honey Grove
Lewisville Sept 11 Mr nnd Mrs
Steel of Parker county are visiting their
children W D and M LI Milliken
this week Mrs John Gullage and her
two little children are also in Lewisville
this week visiting her father and moth
er Mr and Mrs J M Fox James
Williams Esq editor and proprietor of
the Denton Chronicle was in Lewisville
yesterday looking after his paper
Mr D C Plumb of the firm of Clark
Plumb real estate dealers m the Pan
handle and Dakota lands recently sub
mitted a sample of Texas wheat to Wash
U K WKgfew
Surgeons and Specialists
The most widely and favorably known specialy
Ists in the United States Their long experi
ence remarkable skill and universal success in
tbe treatment and cure of Nervous Chronic and
Surgical Diseases entitle these eminent physi
cians to the full confidence of tbe afflicted every
where They fcuaranteo
A Ckktais and Positive Crnc for the awful
effects of early vico and the numerous evils that
follow in its train
Private Blood axd Skin Diseases speedily
completely and permanently cured
Nervous Debility and Sbual Disorders
yield readilv to their skillful treatment
Piles Tistclaand Rectal Ulcers guaran
teed cured without pain or detention from busi
ness Hydrocele and Varicocele permanently and
successfully cured in every case
Syphilis Gonorrhea Gleet Spermator
rhea Seminal Weakness Lost Manhood Night
Emissions Decayed Faculties Fcmile Weak
ness and all delicate disorders peculiar to either
sex positively cured as well as all functional
disorders that result fromOUthful follies or the
excess or mature yesrs
QTDTPTfTPP Guaranteed permanently cured
UiiilUl UilL removal complete mthout cut
ting caustic Jr dilatation Cures effected at
home by patient without a moments pain or
To Younp and MiddleAged Men
PITPP TnB awfuI effects of early
UUlUj uUilij vice which brings organic
weakness destroying both mind and body with
oil its dreaded ills permanently cured
TlTjn pTJIpIin Address those who have impaired
UhOi Dill 10 themselves by improper indul
gence and solitary habits which ruin both mind
and body unfitting them for business study or
Married Men or those entering on that hanpy
lifeaware of physical debility quickly assisted
Consultation free in person or by mail It
you are afflicted and cannot call write to us
inclosing stamp for reply Call upon or address
825 Main St Cockriii Building DallasTex
Houston Texas Central
The AllSteel Rail Line
Double Daily Trains Each Way
No 2 fast mailDenison to Houston Through
Buifet Sleepers between Galveston and St Louis
and Galveston and Chicago via Dallas Denison
and Sedalia Between Denver and New Orleans
via Houston and Fort Worth Pullman Sleep
ing and Drawingroom cars oetween Houston and
Local Tiaie Card In Effeet July IS 1590
burn Cusby Co of Minneapolis with
hichly Rratifyinp results This company
controls one ot tho largest Uouring mills
in tbe great wheat country ot the North
west The followinz reply was received
to tbo communication
Minneapolis Sept 2 1S90
D C Plumb Esq Grand Pacific Hotel Chi
Dear Sir Wo are in receipt of your favor of
August 30 addressed to our vicepresident Mr
Dunwoodie also have the sample of wheat
which has been examined carefully by ourwheat
expert and head miller We aro nnable to givo
you a chemical analysis of the wheat but are
unanimous in our opinion as to its being of ex
tra quality for milling purpose It compares
favorably with our No 1 North of the last crop
and would command a good price on our market
Signed Washburn Cros3yCo
Tbe sample of wheat which Mr Plumb
sent to these experts was obtained at
Henrietta and was raised in Clay county
this year It shows conclusively that in
matter of quality as well as quantity tbe
Texas produot is not behind that of the
Treat Northern belt The farm on which
tbe sample was grown averaged about
twentyfour bushels to the acre and was
notunequaled in many sections of the
Mr Plumb stated that the average
wheat yield in the Panhandle would
probably not quite equal that of last
year which averaged from twenty to
twentyfour bushels to th acre This
slight falling off was to be attributed to
the heavy rains early in the season He
also mentioned the fact that the aoreage
would be greatly increased next year
This results from the Increase in tho
population whloh is swelling rapidly
under the steady stream of immigration
that is beading for tbe Panhandle lands
and from the added transportation facil
ities which the Wichita Valley railroad
would afford That enterprise will open
up a large area ot unimproved
land as well as allow established
farmarf to bring larger Balds under oul
tivation The heavy rains which have
recently fallen in that country havepre
pared tbo land for cultivation and al
ready the plows are at work This will
be continued as last year until well on
towards tbe holidays under the influence
of late immigration and an immensely
increased wheat crop may be looked for
next season
Safety from a Festtlentlal Seturge
Protection from the disease not a medicinal
agent which merely checks the paroxysms is
the grand desideratum wherever the endemic
scoarge of malaria prevails Quinine does not
afford this protection The chief reason why
Hostetters Stomach Bitters has won such im
mense popularity is that it prepares the sys
tem to resist the malarial pest This it does by
bracing and toning the physical organism reg
ulating and promoting an equal flow and dis
tribution ot the animal fluids and establishing
digestion on a sound basis Not only ia fever
and ague prevented bat the worst types of the
disease are conqnered by it Such la the only
couclosion to be draws from the overwhelming
evidence in its favor It ia equally efficacious
rnrouGii trains CAitsr
Pullman Sleepers
Between points in TEXAS and
Close connections in all of the above cities with
fast trains of Eastern and Northern linns
make the M K TIfy the best line to
New Yon Boston Montreal aslSLPanl
J E SMITH City Ticket Agent corner Fourtj
and Houston streets
C D LUSK Ticket Agent Union Depot
V D LAWSON Texas Traveling Passenger
J JFHEY Gen Supt Sedalia Mn
J W A LDO General Traffic Manager Sedalia
H P HUGHES Asst Gen Pass Agt Fort
Worth Tex
GASTON MESLIEH Gen Pass and Ticket
Agt Sedalia Mo
Texas and Pacific
The great popular toute between
The East and the West
Short Line to New Orleans and
all Points in Louisiana
New Mexico Arizona
and California
Double daily line of Pullman Palace Sleeping
Csjs through to St Louis via
See that your ticket reads via the Texas and
racific railway For maps timo tables tickets
rates and all required information call on
Ticket Agent Union depot Fort Worth
Ticket Agt citv office cor Stain and Ihird sts
Traveling Passenger Agent Dallas Ter
Gen Pass and Ticket Agent Dallas Tex
General Manager
The Cotton Belt Route
Delivering passengers in depots of connecting
lines without a long and uncomfortable omni
bus transfer across that city
Leaving Fort Worth
Arrives Texarkana
Arrives Memphis
D PurcellA
AKans CItyD
DKans Citya
A Chicago
ASan Angelo
1000 amL Cleburne
1230 pm aDallasD
1235 pmD Dallas A
540pm Paris
630pm St Lonlsx
S2 a m
7 p m
610 a m
Carrying Through 0oache3 and Pullman
Buifet Sleepers It Worth to Memphis
Connecting at that point with through trains to
all points East and Southeast
All further information cheerfully furnished
on application to any of the following
Depot A gent Fort Worth
GenlAgt 401 Main street For Wo < h
Gen pass Agt lines in Texas Toxa r x
General Manager and Chief Engineir in
Texas Texarkana Tex
Eort Worffi yew CifyRj
Texas Panhandle Route
Shortest line quickest time from the Gulf ot
Mexico Fort Worth and all principal points in
Texas to Rocky Mountain resorts and Paclfle
coast including Trinidad Pneblo Maniton
Colorado Springs Denver Col Salt Lais
Utah Portland Oregon Tacoma Seattle and
Port Townsend Dally trains leating Fort Worth
comprising new and elegantly equinped
Pnllman Palace Sleeping Cars through to Don
Yet connecUngatColorado Junction points with
A T S F K R D RG R R Colorado
Midland Railway and Union Pacific Railway
having through cars for San Francisco Los
Angeles and Portland Oregon
Roundtrip tourist rates from Fort Worth to
Colorado points Port Worth to Denver V J
Colorado Springs < H > Pueblo 3C Trinidad
25 The above tickets bear a final limit to
October 81st Transit limit on going trip 3J
days on return trip five days from last tourist
point viz Trinidad
Ogden and Salt Lake City and return J5239
limited to ninety 9n days with a transit limit
of 30 days In each direction Cheap tourist
rates to all points In Montana Idaho California
Oregon and all points North aud Northwest
The above comprise more noted and magnificent
scenery than ia compassed in any other routes ia
the known world Do not complete your ar
rangements for a tourist trip until yon have ap
plied to the undersigned
G P A Ft W D C EyFort Worth Tex
a P A D T F W Ry Denver Col
H M DeIIABT GenerslAgent Dallas Tex
N S DAVIS City Passenger and Ticket Agent
Third and Main streets Fort Worth Tex
No 10 No 2
320 pm
435 pm
4 < 0pm
1110 pm
623 am
415 pm
450 am
625 pm
840 pm
1000 pm
500 am
510 ami
815 pm
845 pm
1115 am
430 pm
500 am
No 1 No 9
1140 pm
1125 pm
120 pm
855 am
850 am
730 am
715 am
1239 am
1215 am
800 am
730 am
440 pm
20 pm
1250 am
515 pm
245 pm
214 pm
900 am
825 am
320 pm
205 pm
a 345am
Pnllman Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars between
Galveston and Kansas City oa trains Nos 1 2
All classes of European steamship tickets
outward or prepaid sold at lowest rates and
all information furnished on application
G P iT A Galveston
C D LUSK DopotT A Sis Houston street
corner Third Fort Worth Tex

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