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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 6. 1908. f "i 1 1 The Leader 1 1 Many a man has found himself "Within the Grasp" of an embarrassing predicament through false idsas of economy and the lack of knowledge or indifference to the subject of goods. He has paid stiff prices for wearing apparel that looked good on the surface, but, like beauty, was only "Skin Deep' We protect our customers from this predicament by standing behind every article we sell. Buying for cash and selling for cash we both save money. Below we mention a few things that are especially good. Dry Goods 3( inch bleached domestic A heavier grade ( l-2c S K5c 3(5 in. cambric finish l'ercale, fast colors, new barred effects 12 1-2 72 inch all linen table damask. Moral designs, the best ever shown at the prices - - Si. 00, $1.25 and $1.50 We are offering1 a value in Crash that it will pay yon to take advantage of an all linen, half bleached crash, per yard - Dc Ladies9 Cloaks In this department we are showing; a strong line both in heavy and light weight material. Medium weight Chiffon broadcloth coat, handsomely trimmed $1.1H) A better grade than this number cannot be bought for less than $12 anvwhere. Other coats range in price from all good values at the prices asked for them. $(5.50 to $22.50 Our Special for Saturday: 10 yards apron check gingham, 50c. 1 THE LEADER 1 T ! I Camp- A. B. ONLY A QUESTION OF REPUBLICAN MAJORITY (Continued on pace 2) one only has carried, the remain-j ing two having apparently been J snowed under. The one that car ried is the amendment relating to the public schools. For Congress it is almost con ceded that every congressman irom this state will be dem cratic in principles this year. While there is some doubt ex pressed as to the successor of Mr. Garner in the fifteenth dis trict it comes from the republi can sources and the returns do not indicate that there is much reason for the doubt. This dis trict is scattered over counties having few telegraphic and tele phone facilities and therefore the returns are not yet complete. Returns received by The News show the election of the follow-; ing named state officers and Con- gressmen all of them Democrats. STATE OFFICERS. Governor, Thomas M. bell (re-elected.) Lieutenant Governor, Davidson (re-elected.) Attorney General, II. V. son (re elected.) Controller, J. W. Stephens (re elected.) State Treasurer, Sam Sparks (re-elected.) Land Commissioner, J. T. Robinson. Superintendent Instruction, R J. Cousins (re-elected.) Railroad Commissioner, O. B. Colquitt (re-elected.) Commissioner Agriculture, Ed R. Kone. Judge Supreme Court, F. A. Williams (re-elected.) Judge Lourt criminal .Appeals (full term.) W. L. Davidson (re elected.) Judge Court Criminal Appeals (unexpired term.) W. F. Ram sey (now serving by ment.) CONGRESS. Districts. . Morris Sheppard. :!. Martin L. Di.'s. Gordon Russell. Choice 1!. Randell Jack Real. Rufus Hardy. A. W. Gregg. John W. Moore. !. George F. Burgess. 10. Albert S. Burleson. 11. Robert L. Henry. 12. Oscar W. Gillespie. 13. John H. Stephens. 14. James L. Slayden. lo. John X. Garner. 10. R. W. Smith. Election Day Dinner. Plainview Lumberman Dsac1. Word has been received in this city of the death of J. C. Xew man at Plainview. Mr. Xewman was well known in this city and had many friends who will re-1 gret to hear of his death. He was manager of the Plainview Lumber Company and was also postmaster at that place. His The ladies of the Methodist (body was interred at Plainview eliurcliol tins city gave a dinner last Tuesday. C. R. Burrow of and supper at the Dunbar build-j this city attended the funeral ing on the west side of the square in this city last Tuesday, the affair being a complete suc cess both financially and from the point of view of having plen ty of the finest kinds of things to eat. 1 1 ne nnn mot Pi me 1 II frTa El ea II II H Ii ti II M n rA W i t mm lm ft j n i mn m ltc am mm mm w.i eu r .i im r mm mm mm mm mm im la it h u h ei ii n h ii u i a n n u h i ii 11 e 11 County Teachers' Institute. The committee having the mat ter in charge will meet in this city next Saturday to arrange the program for the County being j leacners Association or Kanuaii j county which will meet in this city on Saturday, December 1'Jth, and will extend through December iMth. The program will be ready for publication next week. services. David- County Commissioners' Court, Reid-Davidson Wedding. Dudley Reid and Miss Kate Davidson were united in mar riage at Hereford last Sunday, Rev. Baker, pastor of the Pres byterian church in that city, offi ciating. The couple left imme diately for Amarillo, where Mr. Reid is a popular employee of the Santa Fe. Mr. Reid is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Reid of this city and is well and fa vorably known here, while Miss Davidson is very popular in her home town. We predict for the happy couple a long and pros perous life. We have had especially printed for our trade sore. of the finest post cards that can he made and they represent various scenes of interest in this city and the canyons near us. They are beautifully colored and are artistic. Send a few to vour friends as a souvenir of the town. The regular Xovembcr term of . the commissioners' court of this county will convene next Mon day morning at which time, among other matters, the count ing of the votes cast last Tues day in this county, will be had and the new officers will present their bonds. There is quite an accumulated business before the court this term. County Court Will Adjourn. There has been nothing doing! in trie county court tins weeif1 and it will adjourn for the term j next Saturday. Xearly all the j cases on the docket have been ' cleaned up and the new clerk will enter upon his duties with almost a clean slate in this de partment of his court work. W. J. Parsons Dead. appoint- I. Word was received in this city last Friday of the death of W. J. Parsons which occurred at his home near Haskell. The inter ment was held at the cemetery in that city. Mr. Parsons was the father of Dr. George J. Par sons of this city who, together with his family, were at the bed side at the time of his death. The people of this city certainly condole with the family in their time of bereavement. J. M. Rockwell of Houston passed through the city last Monday on his way to Plainview. J. K. Kelleyof Mustang, Okia., but formerly of Illinois, was in this city this week on a visit to l friends. Mr. Kelley intends! moving to Canyon City at an early date. Speaking of his im pressions he said that our coun try was ahead of Oklahoma in all respects, especially as to the class of people and their energy; and morality, while our soil and climate was as good if not better. J. M. BurkhaKr was in the city yesterday on his' A ny home from Stockton, Mo. where hTif-i been on a visit to his relatives. Holiday Diamonds Jn order that our friends may have something; worth while to se lect from we will have a nice line of mounted and unmounted dia monds in stock in time for the Christmas trade. If you contem plate an elegant gift to your wife, sweetheart or friend we can sup ply it. Reliable Timekeepers There has never been such a stock of watches and clocks han dled west of Fort Worth as we have now. They are standard make and of the best quality, (.'locks of any old kind a man may want, high priced, low priced or a medium price. Our watches run in price from $1.00 up to the size of your pile and you get your mon ey's worth whatever you may buy in this department. Jewelry Department Is more complete than ever. We have a full line of the latest de signs in everything. Our cut glass is more than worth the money we are asking for it and it is pretty too. Hand painted china, toilet sets, silverware and carving sets which are as good as money can buv. See them. Drug Department There is not a drug store in the whole western country that is bet ter prepared to serve you with just the item of medicine needed, whether it be in patent medicines or the most intricate prescription. Our preseriptionists are men of long experience and our drugs are strictly pure and fresh. It does not pay to use anything but the best when your health is concerned. Don't forget that we have an excellent Watchmaker and .Jeweler who thoroughly understands all departments of the jewelry and watchmaking trade, and that he is always at your service. The work is guaranteed. You could not ask for more. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pipkin re turned last Saturday from Dallas where they had been on a com bined business and pleasure trip.