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s ON & CO. C. N. HARRIS Fire and Tornado INSURANCE Only the very best companies are represented through our agency. Here they are: THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 6. 1008. -j -J mmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfmtmmmmmmmmmmm -i-"-" I " ! I I i iiitp nn rn tul vihmih hi . 1 TOM? Ull IV I Ufa I nmimi.iH Aetna American Central Continental Commercial Union Detroit Hire and Marine Equitable Firemen's Fund German American Hartford Home Insurance Co of North America Liverpool, London & Globe Michigan Commercial Mechanics and Traders New York Underwriters National North River National Union Northern Assurance North British & Mercantile Providence of Washington Phoenix of Hartford Phoenix of Brooklyn Queen Royal Sprin field St. P?ul Fire and Marine Shawnee Westchester . Fire and Tornado Insurance C.N. Harrison & Co. ii The "OUTDOOR" Herd OF REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE BULLS IN SERVICE Strike Twenty No. 1KJ,Nm (Anxiety-llesoid) Winsome Prince No. 172,42.') (Rose Stock-Post Obit) Imp. Armour Dale No. I",s43 (Anxiety-Dale) FOR SALE One car load two and three year old bulls. One car load yearling bulls. Ten head two year old heifers with suitable bull. Ten head yearling heifers with suitable bull. One hundred head cows with calves on foot. ADDRESS- John Hutson, Canyon City, Texas in WHY NOT BE ATTRACTIVE with your correspondence? No one thing that a business man can do to attract attention to his business is better than a neat, attractive letter head. Just think of the letters you receive and which attracts you most at first. The one on shabily printed paper? No. Let us offer you our services in getting up and printing a letter head for you. We are prepared. THE NEWS PRINTERY," THE TEXAS GAME LAW. What the State Says You May or May Not Lawfully Shoot Only a few more days to the beginning of the game season. and since Texas now lias a strict law. vigorously enforced by the army of deputy game wardens, many inquiries are being made as to the provisions of the law. Below will be found the essen tial restrictions or regulations. The open season is as follows: Deer November 1- to January 1; limit, three bucks no does. j Turkeys December 1 to March 1; limit, three turkeys. Quail, Partridges and Doves November 1 to February 1; limit, twenty-five birds. Prairie chickens, pheasants, antelope and Rocky Mountain sheep not to be killed for five years under any circumstances. It is unlawful to purchase, offer for purchase, transport within or without the state for purchase, wild turkeys, ducks, geese, grouse, prairie chickens, pheasants, partridges, quail, doves, pigeons, plover, snipe, inclr-inme or curlews. Each j1"- L- bird constitutes a separate of fense. The penalty is a fine of from $10 to $100 or imprison ment of from five to thirty days, or both. Unlawful to sell, offer for put chase, deer, antelope, Rocky Mountain sheep, hide or antlers thereof. Netting or trapping of wild birds prohibited. Unlawful for common carrier to transport game unless pre scribed affidavit is made by per son killing same. They must have killed it and that it is not being shipped for market, but for personal use, and such per sons must take passage on same train. Three days of killing of wild ducks (seventy-five) per mitted at one shipment. Possession of game out of season is prima facie evidence of guilt, and each bird is a separate ! offense. The state game warden and his deputies have the same power and authority to make arrests and serve process as sheriffs and the same power to secure aid. He may arrest with out warrant. A game bag one way can con tain a limit of twenty-rive birds of all kinds, and no more. It makes no difference whether there are ducks, doves and quail only a total of twenty-five killed one day is allowed. Snap Shots. Still Can Not Believe It Last week being excursion week, there were quite a number of homeseekers from the North who. visited Canyon and the sur rounding country, Although the number was not quite as large as usual, the percentage of buyers was larger than ever be fore. All expressed their ap preciation of the merits of the Panhandle, but a few were loath to believe their own eyes and were inclined to view our climate, our soil, our water, and the crops of grain that grow here with something of the same philosophy of the Irishman upon seeing the kangaroo for the ftrst time. A circus came town anu of course Mike and Pat went to see the animals. All went well until they came to the kangaroo with his short ears, short fore leirs. long hind legs, long tail to balance his peculiar shaped body, and the pockets on either side for carrying the young, llns was too much for Pat's credulity. le was too wise to be deceived by any such delusion, and with a slap on Mike's sheulder, ex claimed, "Shucks, there's no such animal." Of course this sounds ridicu ous. and is only a piece of Irish originality, but really is it not much more absurd for a man to rnv from $100.00 to $200.00 per acre for land in any state when he can buy land in the Panhandle with equal, if not greater, pro ducing value at from fr-0.0l) to $40.00 per acre? Watch this pa ner and read the letters of men who have farmed here as well as elsewhere. "Garden Spot of the World," Says Fort Worth Telegram, in Heralding the Defi of Plains Country. CITY Meat Market CANYON MARKET DAWSON BROS.. PROPRIETORS Fresh and Cured Meats, Produce and Vegetables LET US SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS. v 5 J J 5 -J 1 1 -i -J r OUR LEADER: THE FAMOUS Nigger Head (Hand Coal. Globe Cattle Dip Cottonseed Products, Grain, Hay, Etc. J- Crovdus Bros. & Hume Co. . . The automobile must goif it takes all night to crank it. One trouble with the country is that people have permitted their appetites to outgrow them. The one thing needful, as many of the people seem to see it, is class legislation in favor of then class. The wonderful success of the fair proves that Dallas is the great Southwestern center of population. j Do not extend courtesy with a price mark on it. The first thing a man wants after he wakes up and rinds him self famous is somebody to start a tire for him to dress by. When a doctor has doubt about collecting his bill he advises the patient to eat and drink very abstemiously for a while. After a man has been "a good follow" for a few years he be comes a bad paymaster. A hot air merchant is one who gives his goods away. Old bachelors are not all wo man haters. Some of them are doubting Thomases. The easiest way to get along with a funny man is to laugh at his jokes. Percy Noodles says it costs him fifteen dollars a month to be a society man, but that he is worth it to society. Do not sing the National air through your nose. BROOM CORN A SUCCESS. Bray Farmer Sells a Shipment of this Product at $65.00 Per Ton. Some time ago the Banner Stockman had an item concern ing the yield of broom corn grown by G. A. Oiler of Bray, in the eastern part of Donley county, embodying a statement by Mr Oiler to the effect that after twen tv vears of experience in raising this product in the the north he finds Donley soil and climate bet ter adapted to the plant than any he had ever seen. We note that last week Mr. Oiler shipped five tons of his broom corn to lch ita Falls where he found a mat ket for it at $Gj per ton. If a number of our farmers would go into the broom corn business along with Mr. Oiler, Mr. Corner and possibly one or two others to whom the culture of this valuable product is now confined, market facilities would be better themselves and the dis nosal of the corn, which is now the most difficult feature of its culture, would be made easy. Even with a market so far off, with its conseepjent trouble in marketing, broom corn is bound to be a profitable crop at !(. per ton and with a yield of a third to a half ton per acre. Daily Pan handle. Speaking for the Chickens. A Southerner, hearing a great ' 1.!. ..Kw.l,.-. l-.!.. commotion in ins cuiiveu imun one dark night, took his revolver and went to investigate. "Who's there?'' he sternly de manded, opening the door. No answer. "Who's there? Answer or I'll shoot!" A trembling voice from the farthest corner. "Deed, sah, day ain't nobody hyah 'ceptin' us chickens." From Everybody's Magazine. The Fort Worth Telegram has the following editorial regarding the Panhandle's great victory: Hats off to the Panhandle the irarden snot of the world. The people of the Panhandle know what they have got ana they are daring the wide, wide world to dispute the claims they are urging. Twelve counties in the Panhan dle have exhibits at the Dallas fair, towit: Dallam, Potter, Moore. Swisher, Hale, Floyd, Briscoe, Gray, Donley, Wheeler, Childress and Hall. These twelve counties have joined in issuing a defi to the state of Texas to match these agricultural exhibits in quality, quantity and variety. The only reason this challenge is not made to the world is that Texas, with the Panhandle, is the acknowledged superior of the re mainder of the universe in agri cultural matters. It is well that one should blow his own horn, when he can do so with pleasure to himself and with prolit to those who hear him. The Panhandle of Texas knows exactly what the rich soils of that section will produce and the desire is apparent that it would like that those living in darkness should have light on this subject. In no other section of this country has such marked ad vance been made in an agncultu ral way as in the Panhandle. It seems only yesterday when tin vast fertile area, pregnant with the most wonderful agricultura possibilities, was a great domain over which the long horn steer, the booted and spurred cow punchers and the prairie dogs and the rattlesnakes had ful sway. What changes the fleeting times have wrought. The cow man is now forced to loosen his grip on the hold of things; the man with the hoe is to be found in every section of the great Pan handle: he tickles the earth with his plow and with the passing o a season his granaries are over flowing and his bank account is as fat as a corn fed pig. No chills, no fever, no buck ague, no mosquitoes, no other ills, pests and nuisances that inflict a less favored section are heritages of the Panhandle people. The winds that sweep the broad prairies arc as chock full of health giving ozone as the soil over which they blow is tilled with fertility. The society is the best in the world and the school house and church have followed the plow and the thresher. The Panhandle has a right to be proud of its achievements The challenge issued to the world in tones unmistakable and in lan guage so simple that it cannot be misconstrued, will not be accept ed. It is as safe a bet as a roya Hush aye better, it will win as easily as a "six full" when a six full is backed by nerve and grit and the real thing all through. Hats off to the Panhandle! She has won her own way to the hall of real fame in the house of real greatness. JIM FOSTER, Proprietor WE LIKE GOOD MEAT to eat ourselves and therefore know just what our customers want in this line and We Supply Them with the very best meats that can be bought. We Are Now in Our New Location in the Smith & Monroe build ing, south side of the square. CITY MEAT MARKET JIM FOSTER, Prop. For Sal The Ed Harrell creek sec tion of land six miles north west of Canyon City, 250 acres in cultivation and 80 acres more in alfalfa, 40 acres more could be planted in alfalfa. Good five room house, and large barn for about 20 head of horses, also hay barn for 65 or 70 tons of hay. One of the best alfalfa farms in the Panhandle. Will sell the horses, tools, etc., with the farm if the purchaser desires them. In quire of M. H. BOGAR 29-4 Phone 122 2 Rings -1 WILL BUY Wheat & Oats AND PAY BEST MONEY Star Mill and Elevator Go. Depot, Canyon City, Tex. V V V V V VVT V V V 5. C. Taylor. .1. Frank Smith. Rowan Land Co. Dealers in Panhandle Farm and Ranch LANDS AND Canyon City Property CANYON CITY, TEXAS It Is a Wonder. Chamberlain's Liniment is one of the most remarkable prepara tions yet produced for the re lief of rheumatic pains, and for lame back, sprains and bruises. The quick relief from pain which it affords is alone worth many times its cost. Price 2j cents, large size :0 rents. For sale by City Pharmacy. Croup Cured and a ChilJ's Life Saved. "It affords me great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been benefited by Chamberlains Cough Remedy. My child, An drew, when only three years oiu was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks to the nminnt use of Chamberlains Cough Remedy his life was saved and today he is a robust and healthy boy,"' says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. This remedy has been in use lor man years. Thousands of mothers keep it at hand, and it has never been known to fail. For sale by City Pharmacy. THK COZY COllXKK can be made extremely attrac tive at a very little cost if fur nished from this store. Couches, rugs and pillows are here a plenty at remarkably low prices. FINE FUKNITUKK VALUKS always prevail here. Our cozy corner specialties are only a sample of the opportunities that pervade the entire store. Come and make your nome siuik the winter. It s not very iai off now. THOAUS BROS. The Quality House. rrTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT t M i 1