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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 6. 1908. V E. F. Miller, who is on a visit to his former home near North Manchester, Indiana, is reported as being very sick at that place, having been taken with a severe case of typhoid fever. Canyon City Professional Cards D. M. Stewart, Physician and Surgeon 0!Hoe in Wulhice ImiUlinsr over A. H. Thonn son's rtrim store, dills iinswered nlirht or day. Geo. J. Parsons, Physician and Surgeon Offlce. Thomi'son's drmr store. F. M. Wilson, Physician and Surgeon OUIee. City l'hurmiicy. dills iinswon-rt lnv orniuht. HrsirtcMK't' phone Xo. Id. S. L Ingham, Dentist Canyon Nittioriiil 11, MHITiinUMl. ml; Imililinti. All work Geo. A. Brandon, Lawyer Twi-nt y-tliri'f .wars' pnirtict: :inl rxi'iTirnw in Trxas i-ourts. OMce in court house. W. D. Scott, Lawyer ( iflii-i- in court house. Xotnry in ofileo. Buie, Rollins & Woolley, Lawyers II. l Ynnli Iluie A. S. liollins ('. S. Woollvy Court I'mi-ticp solicited. Will attend to iMsr In nil courts of the slate. Kxiimlnation of limd titles n specialty. Notary in olllce. Oftlee in Smith linildini.'. I'lione Oi. J. C. Hunt, Lawyer Does loth eriminal and civil practice. Twelve years' experience. I.nnd titles passed upon. Write all kinds of contracts and instru ments. Notary in otllee. Oftlee northeast cor ner public scpiarc. up stairs. Canyon. Texas. R. A. Sowder, Attorney-at-Law and Notary. ( 'omplete abstracts of Kandall county lands. OMIee over Canyon Supply Co. I'honeill. STAR Barber Shop H. E. Muldrow. Prop. Everything new and up-to-date with the best of barbers in attendance. Fine Bathing Arrangements Agents for Amarillo Steam Laundry. Campbell's Soil Culture IS MAKING HISTORY Campbell's Scientific Farmer HAS A FIELD OF ITS OWN It tells you how to get jrooil croiM fn dry years liy the Camplx-U System of Soil Culture, and ho to double the present yield per Mere. A yield of winter wheat, by the Campbell System, nt the Nebraska llriineh Station. North Platte. Nebraska, this year was 67 bush els ikt Here. Mr. Campbell is establishing experimental fiirms'in many sections of the country. This ystein is beinc practiced more every year and it great success is becoming more completely demonstrated. It' no longer a theory, but is a proven fact. Sample copy of the Farmer Free! Send for It now. We want reliable, active agents for ourpnlfr. An opiiort unity for young men and women to w ork their way thru school or provide for nec essaries. We pay salary and commission. Write for terms. Campbell's Soil Culture Co. :; Lincoln. Nebraska LATEST ELECTION NEWS OHIO AND INDIANA CARRIED BY TAFT, BUT ELECT DEMOCRATIC GOVERNORS. Montana Goss to Republican Column Missouri Still in Doubt, and Latest.Reports Favor Taft Over Bryan in Maryland. The election last Tuesday was something of a surprise to every body and the results in Indiana and Ohio are particularly so. In Ohio Taft carried the state by about .r0,(X)0 plurality, while Har mon, the democratic nominee for Governor, carried the state by about 20,000. In Indiana rIalt carried the state by about 8,000, while Marshall, the democratic candidate for Governor, carried the state by about 10,000 and it is thought that the entire state ticket is elected. In this state the democrats elected seven new Congressmen, giving them eleven in Congress while the Republi cans will have only two. It is thought that the legislature will be Democratic and as it will elect a new senator lie will likewise be Democratic in principle and al ready the name of John W. Kern, candidate for Vice-President on the Democratic ticket, is being mentioned. In Ohio the legislature is still in doubt, with the likelihood that it will lie democratic, and if so the new senator from that state will come from their ranks. In Nebraska the entire state ticket will be democratic and Pryan carried the state by about ten thousand. The democrats carried the en tire state by about TiOOO and will probably control the state legis lature in West .Virginia, while it is likely that a Republican Governor has been elected, al though it may take the official count to decide. Pryan carries Texas four to one. He received more votes than did Campbell, democratic candidate for governor, though they are not far apart. 383 CONGRESSMAN VERE ELECTED. Representatives Were To Be Chosen In Forty Three States Tuo sday. Washington Nov. 2. Members of the house of representatives are to be elected Tuesday in !K1 congressional districts in forty-three states, Maine, with 4, Oregon with 2, and Ver mont with 2, having already elected their congressmen, all of them Republican. According to reports received at the Democratic and Republi can congressional headquarters all of the nominations to be made for the -: districts have been made. The Republicans failed ! to make any nominations in 41 ; districts, I! in Alabama, 11 in Georgia, 2 in Imisana, in Miss issippi, o in houm Carolina, in Tennessee and 9 in Texas. In I only live districts.'; in Min- nesota and 2 in Tennessee have the Democrats failed to make 'nominations. The total nomina jtionsofall parties and fraction of parties are as follows: Democrats, Republicans, :!12; Prohibition, 7i'.'; Socialist, : lf:!; Independent, l-'!; Independ ence party, .".": Social Labor, 11; j People's party, 1; American, 1; i Jeffersonian. 1. The Republicans elected in Maine, are: First district, Amos I j. Allen, re-elected; John P. Swasey elected in the place of Charles E. Littlefield; Edwin ('. Purleigh, re-elected; Frank E. Guernsey, elected in place of Llewellyn Powers, deceased. Oregon re-elected W. C. Hawley and V. R. Ellis. Vermont re elected David J. Fester and Frank H. Plumly in the place of Kittrodge Ilaskins retired. Four members of the house have died during the year, leav ing vacancies to Ik? tilled in the present congress A. A. Wiley, Second Alabama district, and Adolph Meyer, First Louisana district Democrats, and Abram Ij. 1 1 rick, Thirteenth Indiana, and Llewellyn Powers, fourth Of members of the present house, XI Republicans and 1 Democrats were not renominated. OFFERS PREMIUMS FOR GOOD CORN. Big Agricultural Journal Offers One Thousand Dollars for Best Indian Corn in Sev3ral Classes. Farm and Ranch, after duly considering the various sugges tions made by readers, has de cided on the following division of the thousand dollars in cash which Farm and Ranch will pay as premiums for corn grown in 1909. ACKKAGE YlKI.D. For any kind of corn grown in Texas, Arkansas, Louisana or Oklahoma, in 1909. Best yield on one acre, measured land, to be sworn to by three reputable and disinterested parties: ex hibit of not less than mo bushel of corn to be made. First prize, $100; second $."0; third, $2r; fourth, $10. WHITE COUN. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Texas. First prize, S2r; second. $10: third, $7.r0; fourth, $:; lifth, $2."0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Arkansas. First, $2!"); second, $10; third, $7.T0; fourth, $:; fifth, $2.'0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Louisiana. First, S2r; second, 10: third, $7.T.0; fourth, $:, liifth, iro. Pest 10 cars grown on one farm in Oklahoma. First, $2r; second, $10; third, $7.."0; fourth, sr.; fifth, $2.e0. YICI.i.OW CORN. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Texas. First prize, $2r; second, $10; third, $7.0; fourth, $.'; fifth, $2."0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Arkansas. First $2i; second, $10; third, $7.r0; fourth, $:., fifth, $ Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Louisiana. First, $2r; second, $10; third, $7.."0, fourth, .sr.; fifth, $2.r0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Oklahoma. First, $2r; second, $10; third, $7.."0; fourth, $:.; fifth, $ HED OK MIXEDl'OUX. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Texas. First prize, $ J.') second, $10; third. $7.."0; fourth, $:.; fifth, $ Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Arkansas. First prize, $2r; second, $10; third, 7.."0; fourth, $:; fifth, $2.r0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Louisana. First prize, $2.1 second $10; third, $7.."0, fourt $."; fifth, $2.r0. Pest 10 ears grown on one farm in Oklahoma. First prize, $2."; second, $10; third, 7."0; fourth, $r; fifth, $2.r0. JV.XK COHS. Pest ten ears grown on one farm in Texas, Arkansas, Louisi ana or Oklahoma. First prize, $2r; second, $10; third, $r. SWEEPSTAKES. White corn sweepstakes (10 ears)$21; Yellow corn sweep- '' ; ' stakes(10ears)$21;RedorMixed:Al,l,s' Sw,,nd 'nct, Ocie corn sweepstakes (10 ears) $21;! Sl'fer . i i i ,..i,;. wi I Associate Justice Court Civu Grand sweepstakes, white, yel- j . i i i , r.r,y i 1 1 1 A i Hwa s . u n e x p i red to r 1 n , Dunk 1WW tl UU Jt ' Illl'vv w. v a vio sill) . All prizes ottered by Farm and! Ranch are for corn grown in 19o9. Farm and Ranch will secure r.nmi mtrmt nnfl U'hfillv disinter- , , .in ,1 estedcorn judges who will de- .. , i t..,,,,,, i culo on the awards, and r arm; and Ranch will bear all ex bear all ex - penses of judging, but growers who send corn for exhibition must prepay all transportation charges. The time for holding the con-j test lias not yet been decided, J but will be announced at a later ! date. Special directions in re-j gard to j) roper entry of exhibits' and other necessary information , will be given in due time. j Farm and Ranch corn contest j will be open to all growers corn in Texas, Arkansas, Louisi and Oklahoma without any re strictions whatever. No entry j tn, t-:il olio t'frrwl f.l OvtltKit ! " i"-" ther than the payment of trans- 1 a'K Jy portation charges on exhibits, Justice of Peace, 1 rec t. No. will be placed on the growers. Redfearn ir.t, Shot well 1. QUIET. COUNTY ELECTION VOTERS OF RANDALL COUNTY TAKE VERY SMALL INTEREST IN VOTING. Democrats Carry County by Large Majorities. Two of Proposed Amendments are Popular and Carried. Last Tuesday was a very quiet day in Canyon City so far as it applied to elections except that the interest of the people was centered on National affairs. The vote in all the boxes was very light when it was thought that a heavy vote would be polled. In the entire county there were only about 27.1 or 20 votes cast. All the boxes had been heard from yesterday afternoon ex cept one and that a small one. The people of the county seemed interested in the school amendment which was to be voted upon and that carried the county by a vote of 170 to 21. The second amendment also carried the county by a vote of 90 to ;17, while the people did not seem to want to pay the gubernatorial of ficers a higher salary for they voted against that amendment by a vote of (W for the amend ment and 9 against. On the officers to be elected the vote was divided on party lines, the democrats having a large majority of the votes cast The republicans had started out earlv in the campaign to poll as large a vote as possible but as the campaign grew older somewhat of an apathy overcame all classes of voters even the enterprising republicans. In the Presidential race the Pry an electors received 229 votes, the Taft electors 4 1, Peo ples party 2 and Socialist 1. The other officers as voted upon and shown from the voting boxes re ported are as follows: Governor, Campbell 227, Simp son -17, Rhodes 1. Lieutenant Governor, Davidson 221), Ogden 41, Rogers 2, Hunt 1. Attorney General, Davidson 2::o, Atwell 42, Smith 1. Comptroller, Stephens 229, Cage 41, Latham 1. State Treasurer, Sparks 22, Pugbee 41, Pell 1. Commissioner General Land Office, Robinson 2:11, Swan 2. Supt. Public Instruction, Cous ins 2:50, McFadden 1, Swinford i:i. Commissioner of Agriculture, Kone 2:50, Ilarboth 4:1. Railroad Commissioner, Col quit 2:51, Hurley 4:5, Meitzen 1. Associate Justice Supreme Court, Williams 2150, Starling 4:1, Martin 1. Judge Court Criminal Appeals, full term, Davidson 2.'10, Cooke 4:5, Pellinger 1. Judge Court Criminal Appeals, unexpired term, Ramsey 2.'10, Harrison 4:5. I.,..;,.,. ",n..t f.vil lin 2:11. ,.,.1 1A- i .. i. 1 i congressman, wisiricr, Stephens 22, llaney 42, Tain i blade 1. ! Representative, loHth District, i Powman 2.50, Green 1. District Attorney, Pishop 2.52. ' County Judge Henson 2.51, c- , ! 1 " County Attorney, Scott County and District Clerk, Garner 2:10, Luke .'17. Sheriff and Tax Collector, San ford 22-i, Adams Tax Assessor, Joe Foster 2:54. County Treasurer, Young 227, Craig 559. County Surveyor, G. (J. Fos ter 7, G. A. Prandon t, Chas. HufThines :i. County Commissioner, Prec't. of, - "' - "' "; x-.. ii. ..if ,,,,-, .u in commissioner, x ut i. u. , Niece 2r, Sims 10. Commissioner, Prec't. No. :5, Knicely 21. Commissioner, Prec't. No. BIG MM RE In order that we may rid the town of the unsightly trash and weeds which abound here, we desire every good citizen to join us in a united effort to have a big burning of the weeds and trash on Wednesday, fte. 11th. Let everybody in the city pile and bum these things during that day and if they will place what is left in their alleys the Ladies1 Improvement Association will have the Trash Hauled Off Free of cost to the people. Let us all, for once and at the same time, make a general cleaning and get rid of the old tin cans, bottles, trash and rubbish. Don't forget the date, Wednesday, November 1 1th. The assistance of every citizen of this city is earn est lv requested in this work. STREET COMMITTEE, IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION. Hide and Animal Inspector, Gober H, Campbell I. The remaining box outstand ing could only change one race and that is for County Surveyor which is very, very close. Notice the vote. HAPPY NOTES. A pie supper was held at the school house Friday, October JiO. Proceeds amounting to $.10go to paper and decorate the school house. P. J. Noft of Wakefield, Nebr., will start a lumber yard here as soon as the lumber arrives. Mr. P. P. Carlisle will assist him. Miss Anna Schooller is assist ing in J. M. Stone's store this week'. C. W. Long has started build ing on his lots in the northwest part of town. Mr. Dillinger, the druggist, has returned home after nearly three weeks' business trip to Kansas City and Dallas. Fred Jones is assisting in A. W. Woods' store. A new addition is being built to the Happy Mercantile. W. S. Cook went to Wayside Tuesday on a business trip re turning Wednesday. P. P. Carlise is in Happy for a few days. McCline was in New Mexico several days last week but says the Panhandle is O. K. Rev. Coleman preached in the Happy church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Christian, Miss June, Miss Cook, Miss Carter and Messrs. Jones, June and Perry composed a jolly crowd who spent Sunday at the Canyons. A week's camping is planned for Chrismas week. Haim'V. Letter Heads Statements Bill Heads Envelopes Card Anything and everything In tha way of high-grade commercial printing. Our assortment of job type is complete, our press facili ties of the best, and our workmea true typographical artists. This tells all the story of our facilities for doing job printing of the right kind at the right prices. THE STRUCTURAL STEEL HAS ARRIVED. Active Work on tho New Court House Resumed And Building Will be Rushed to an Early Completion. The hearts of the contractors for the building of the court house in this city have certainly been made glad. The large ship ment of steel which has been delaying the work on the build ing for the past three weeks has arrived and the work has been resumed. With this shipment practically all the material for the entire building is upon the ground and therefore there will be no further delays on account of that. The contractors and their men are busy placing the steel over the first floor and locating the caps over the entrances and windows, alter which the walls will be pushed upward with as much speed as a large force of men can make. The contractors desire to finish the outside, work before the ac tual cold weather of winter sets in so that they may take the cold weather to finish the inside. It is expected that the entire out side walls will be finished within the next thirty days and that the roof will be finished immediately afterwards. If this is accomp lished these people will be able to finish the building well within the time contracted notwith standing the fact that they have a very serious delay. As it is the building begins to look very much like a substan tial ornament to the city and when it is finished we feel sure that every Panhandler will be able to point to it with pride. Cards Envelopes Bill Heads Statements Letter Heads