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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER G. 190B. They WIS OF THE VERY CLOSEST KIND .1 inspect 10 in i m-yw vtgrwr - ir-!-tw J .UMua a I si-ress op Of f I ELSSANGB- YOU; (M?? a orrtah sir of e!fgance about a "Q-jcca Q .:. It is unmistakably an aristocratic shoe. For t. cb! i: : you cannot get a shoe more nearly perfect h f. r comfortable or satisfy ing one. Yet ck.- tue er.orn.--.-3 ovlr-at of 10,000 pairs Jaiiy, "Qu?ci QucVy" f cxt you no more than ordinary sr A NEW COMMISSION HOUSE. Movement on Foot For Location in Canyon cf a Large Firm for Handling all Linds of Products. There were parties in this city yesterday "looking out a location ; for the establishing of a com-J his power to make the paper of; of Plain view spoke to a fail-emission house for the purpose of i interest in local matters every j large audience at the Daptist buying and selling all kinds of j time he is complimented on his Church in this city last Wednes- produce, vegetables, fruits, grains and products. These parties are well impressed with the location and stated that it was very probable, that if they could succeed in making their arrangements for buildings,; they would locate here. They j do not desn-e their names mauej " ! ton where he went to viit his public until after next week 0ja tnp to Soutliern lexas points- , wilI aLso attt,nil (,m. amount of some pending ar. j and tlie Dallas lau . jferenco at Waco before he re- rangements. j Mrs. L. M. Tines of Glo.-ter, j turns. If such a house is established j jjss js jn the eitv the guest of j , . . . hereit would be a paying pro-hc,P sifter. Mrs. J. D. Gamble. I Mr. and Mrs. Dav,s have re osition as they could contribute I turned from a stay at Dallas and to all this Plains country to the I Jud- ami Mrs- 11 fnk ; Mineral Wells. Mr. Davis stat west and south. Thev intend to j Iuio with tneil' famib'. have re- ed to the News reporter that a . n r ... . 1.. a ' i a ... r buv fruits in car loads and then retail. They will buy all kinds i of ' farm products, chickens, J eggs, butter, wheat, oats, corn, j kafrir, inilo, and in fa-t any kind ' of products, fruits or vegetables j and pay the cash for them there by making a reudy market, something that i badly need.d here and the enterprise will be gladlv welcomed. S. C. Lewis, of Roann Ind. was in the city this week and j made a pleasant call at this office. He has been on quite an extended trip into the southern portion of the state and when questioned regarding his im pressions of the various portions of the state lie said that he thought the Plains country was far ahead of any other portion of the state that he had seen. He was well pleased with what he had seen here. The Best Weekly Paper. In a letter to renew his sub scription to the News this week. Rev. A. R Ilaynes, formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Church in this city said: En- ject to bag some big game in closed lind check for Sl.l'j for eluding "bar"' if they can stand years subscription to the one Randall County News, the best! For State Wide Prihibition. Prof. E. W. Peterson con weekly paper in the Panhandle.'-i j ducted the song service at the This paper is receiving words j The State Prohibition Com-j Methodist church last Sunday of encouragement on all sides ! mitte have begun an active cam- j evening. from its subscribers and youlpaign for statewide prohibition j Ir. and Mrs. Curt Smith of may be sure that they are j in Texas and have begun to send j tllt, xina community spent last appreciated. While it is the aim 1 out men to speak in favor of the j Wednesday night with friends of the editor to do everything in work it makes him feel more like getting out and hustling in order that such praise might not be without proper foundation. Albert Foster and Bert Phi- lips hflV0- r(.turnwi from Dallas, lurn'-u 11U,I) ;t ''- l'U "'o; -southern lexas. Clifford Keynolds of Plainview visited his father and mother, Mr. ;md Mrs. George Keynolds jn this city last Sunday. , T ,, , cuff for which they appeared bo Mr. and Mrs. E- J. Hawley! . ,r .J , have returned from Ruby, Okia.,! where Mrs. Hawley has been spending the last month on a visit with relatives. i Mi Willie J. Eakman, who j has been attending school at J Weatherford, returned to her home in this city last Wednesday on account of illness. Miss Fannie Struthers of Clifton, is in the city on a visit to the family of H. E. Muldrow. She may decide to make this place her future home. Rev. E. R. Wallace, of Arling ton, was in the city this week on a visit to his brother, John A. j Wallace, and occupied the pulpit at the Methodist church last Sunday night. E. C. Drown, N. C. Dishopand others of this city are preparing for a week's hunt in the moun tains of New Mexico. They ex- still long enough to shoot. ami in saving this wo havo diroot reference- to our stock of shoos, which is now conipleto. For the man who wants a shoo that is built on honor wo aro glad to honor the building of that oxcollont shoo, The Crawford Shoe as containing the essence of all that goes to make the very best shoo that is placed on the market. It is durable and comfortable and in addition is made in the latest stvles of toes and leather. Queen Quality Shoes for ladies occupy the e.iviablo position of lc.'ing at the head of all makes in their own exclusive styles and qualities. There are none like thi'm. Ladies who know what a shoe is know that they cannot get a better one than ''The (ueen Quality." Our Shccs Ars Hoi The Cheapest in make or quality bur th-v are th Cheapest when you consider the quality in connection with the pi ice. ; proposition, Rev. C. M. Shuffler 'day night thereby opening the campaign in this county. There j were a large number of other 'speeches in this behalf made on the same night throughout the j state. ' John A. Wallace is in Ai ling - every ume ne weni aa ircm Canyon City he came back more pleased with our country. Some of our citizens celebrated election day by an old-time knock down and drag out tisti- If, 1 I!.. 1 l...w... jui iii.i ii'fii"! , tin i';. , twi'i donated to the public cause. Doth appear to have mourning placed upon their countenance and the tight was declared a (lraw by i,.fc.n.(. Oscar Hunt. A. C. Richey, vice president of the Ferguson - McKinney Dry Goods company of St. Louis, was in the city last week and to the News man stated that it had been four years since he was here and that the country had i developed most rapidly. That he-had not expected to see sol much advancement in this soc-j I,.,, 1, 1,., Kt !.,: 1 1 1 i ! country deserved and eventually would have the finest kinds of farms and farm improvements. Mrs. D. Manley, a graduated nurse, has located in Canyon City for the practice of her pro fession. She comes highly rec ommended and there are those in this city who have required her services and who are glad to sieak a good word for her work. : jn t1js c.;tv Mrs. Massay A. Bogar, living northwest of this city, spent a portion of this week in this city, the guest of Mrs. John Potter. Presiding Elder Miller of Clar endon was present at the Meth odist church conference in this city last Sunday and preached at i the morning hour. I ! Work on the new brick resi dence for Travis Shaw on West Evelyn street is being pushed, the walls being almost com pleted by this time. K. M. Peeler has returned from a visit at Dallas and Wills Point. Mrs. Peeler, who went down with Mr- Peeler, will spend the winter at Wills Point. Mrs. Fred Reese, who had been visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Reid, in this city, returned to her home at Amarillo yesterday. Horn -To Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gamble, a boy. J. D. says the boy is three cubits tall, nine cub its wide and has a voice sixteen statutes in breadth. He also says his son is awful heavy. C. R. Durrow was in Amarillo last Monday and went to Plain view that afternoon, where he went to attend the funeral of Mr. Newman, manager of the Rock well Dros. Lumber Company at j that place. A. A. Hauter, a former resi dent of this place but now living in El Paso county, his postoflioe 00 1 CSS OCMl Villi HOlll, V l 111 ii i r li the city last week, looking after some of his business interests here. Word has been received in this city that X. Mines of Atlanta, Ills., who had previously pur chased land in this county, is on his way with his household goods in order to locate upon his land and improve it. His home will be in the Dlock pasture east of this city. COMPANY. Proposed Changes in the Constitution of Texas. The proposed amendment to Sec. .'!, Art. VII. of the Consti tution of Texas, relates to public free schools, and is for the pur pose of permitting common school districts to levy a special tax of not exceeding ,"c on the one hundred dollars' valuation. And it is proposed to provide by statute that '27c of this shall be available for school h uses and -7f for the maintenance of schools. The law at present will not permit the levy of a tax greater than l'Oc on the one hundred dollars' valuation in common school districts. rriw n min fl men t mniv wcil ii SeC. 1M, Art. V, authorizes Com - missioners' Courts to subdivide the counties into not less than four nor more than twelve jus tice's precincts. Eigiit is the maximum now. The proposed amendment re lating to salaries of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor author izes the increase of the salary of the Governor to ,0()0 per an nuin and the salary of 1he Lieu- tenant Governor to $l:0(. The Governor's salary at present i;s $4,000 and the Lieutenant Gov- j 110,111 ,rilil1 f,)l' Amarillo. ernor gets per day during the, " first sixty days of a legislative' For Sala at session and $2 a day thereafter.! It provides that when acting as j One patented section of land, Governor the Lieutenant Cover-jail smoothe, eight miles from nor shall receive the Governor's! railroad county site town. Price salary. j SlU.'iO per acre on good terms. ! This price for ten davs onlv. Dalhart Gets Railroad. Dalhart, Texas, Nov. -A. E. j Wirt wired from Austin today ; that a charter was secured from the Enid, Ochiltree, Dalhart and j Western railroad which runs i(i."i miles through Dallam, Hartley, Hansford, Moore, Ochiltree and Lipscomb counties. The new road will connect with eight verging lines at Enid, Okla. Shops and terminals will be built at Dalhart. Abe Vanoy has purchased one of the tinest spans of mules that we have seen in this country for some time. He says he is getting ready to farm in this country as the land ought to be cultivated. If m : . a RAILWAY TIME TABLE. Then has been a change made in the time of arrival and de parture of the passenger trains in this city, the change to take effect next Sunday, October sth, and is as follows: MAIN I. INK, WKST ISOCND. No. .V. to Clot is 2:."i p. m. No. to OnrNli.ul II:I5 a. in. No. ;:!. L'umI r'ri'iirlit. !Om u. m. MAIN LINK, KAST DOC XI). No. .'is. from Olovis lu:'l a. in. No. to Kiiiisiih City 5:!ll p. in. No. 71. L ! 1'rriiit 2: in p. m. pr.Aixvir.wnKA.vcir, xokth h'xd No. to Ainnrillo little a. m. No. Local 1'n-iL'lit ti:m p. m. PLAINVIKW BRANCH, SO. IIOL'XI). No. 7. to I'lninOt-H 2:op. in. No. ;:! Lot-iil PrelL-ht H:ila. m. Train No. '.7 on tlu- Main lint- lt-iivinc Can- ( ."hi v n in hi. in niiiiiu up in r, . nun ; Train Xo. :i. ontlio Mum Line iimvini: from I n"v,N "' ""'""' "" Hardwick-Dyche Wedding. County Judge A. N. Henson yesterday morning performed a marriage ceremony between Lee II. Ilardwick and Miss Dimple Dyehc in his office in the court house. The News reporter 'ouhl not a.V information as ! to where these people ! fi-""! Iut loft on the liaiieii siftcr- Address, "Land Owner"' care of the News, Canyon, Texas. ;v It. For Sale At a Bargain. A saddle and set of single buggy harness for sale cheap. See them at Hick's Feed Store. :i2-ltp. Mrs. T. F. Reid left yesterday afternoon for Amarillo where she will visit with relatives. R. 0. Peacock is reported as being under the weather this week. Nothing serious. Phone 11 when you have an item of locid news.