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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. NOVEMBER 6. 1908. The State of Texas. By virtue of the authority vested in me by a certain Deed of Trust, dated the 27th day of April, 190H, and recorded in Vol. 4, Page 13, of the Records of Deed of Trust of Randall County, Texas, wherein the Canyon City Ice & Light Co. conveyed certain property therein described to D. A. Park, in trust, to secure the First National Hank of Can , ' yon, Texas, in the payment of its note of even date with said Deed of Trust for the sum of nine thousand, three hundred ninety live and ar-100 dollars, due one hundred and twenty days after date, with 10 per cent interest from maturity, on which note the interest to October, 23rd, 19(W, has been paid, and Whkkeas, said above de scribed note is past due, and unpaid, and the First National Hank of Canyon, Texas, has re quested that I proceed under the powers delegated to ine in said Deed of Trust; ' Twokkfokk, I will proceed to sell the property described in said Deed of Trust at public vendue at the court house door of Randall County, in Canyon City, Randall County, Texas', to the highest bidder, for cash, on "the First Tuesday in December, A. D. l(.)0s, the same being the First Day of December, A. D. ItHis, between the hours of VORTEX AND Cole's Hot Blast -m STOVES are the ideal heaters for this section of the state and for this climate, giving the greatest amount of heat for the least expense and trouble. You cannot find anything equal to the stoves which we are offering now. We have made a careful study of this problem and after due consideration of the quality, durability, saving of fuel and light draft we are offering you this make of stoves. There is no necessity for you to suffer longer with the poor heater which uses more fuel than it should. The Vortex and Cole's Hot Blast burn less fuel and keen fire 8 1 for a longer period Just 6ir R put a lump of coal in one of these stoves and close it up. When you get up in the morning, shake the grate, open the drafts and put in a little coal and soon the room is warm and comfortable. It is if you don't keep warm this winter, for we have the goods, and the prices are right, so that any one can af ford to be comfortable. Kindly investigate, at least, be fore buying. H I KM J" ill J U!J P"'" "I"' ml fr i Mill 10 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. in., and will apply the pro ceeds of said sab. as follows: First, to the payment of all costs necessary to the execution of this trust; Second, to the liquida tion of said note; Third, the Re mainder, if any, to be paid to the Canyon City Ice & Light Co., it's assigns or legal representa tives. The property described in said Deed of Trust and herein adver tised to be sold, is described as follows: Situated, lying and being in the County of Randall and State of Texas, viz: All of that part of Block No. forty (10) which lies south of the right-of-way of the Pecos and Northern Texas Railway, as shown by plat of Heller Addition to Canyon City as shown by the Deed Records of said County. Also, Block No. Twenty-four (2 i), in Lair Addition to Canyon City, as the same appears by the plat of said addition recorded in the Deed Records of Randall County, Texas. Said lands being the property on which the plant of the Canyon City Ice & Light Company is lo cated, together with all imple ments and machinery thereon and connected therewith, to gether with all light, lines and everything connected with said lines. Wjtnkss my hand at Canyon than any other make. Your Fault WE HANDLE ALL KINDS OF FARMING IMPLEMENTS 1 Harare I ill MM'IHII ML' II I H J City, Randall County, Texas, this 3rd day of November, A. D. l'.KK D. A. Park, Trustee. The New Railroad Will not be a certainty without the required amount is sub scribed by the land owners along the proposed line as per con tract. But while this good work is going on, I have a great bar gain to offer for sale in eight sections of most all smooth land nine miles from Canyon City, at about one-half of the regular price that is being paid for land. This will all have to be sold in a body. Good title, easy payments, interest at 7 per cent. L. G. Conner. Better have those old Hues ex amined before you burn your house up. Prichard will do it. Phone 158. 31-2t Parties having land joining or near town and desiring to sell same for bonus purposes to rail way committee should see tf L. G. Connkk, Chairman. We can suit you to a "T" in the grocery line. White Star Gro cery Co. Phone 109. tiring Co. WHY THIS WONDERFUL AND RICH REGION WON OVER ALL Plains Exhibit at State Fair Convince the Thousands of Nature's Lavish Gifts Seme Vital Facts. Grand sweepstakes, blue rib bon and a prize of one hundred dollars for the Panhandle ex hibits over all of Texas at the State Pair at Dallas: Thirty separate prizes won by Panhandle counties in a strenu ous contest at the State Fair at Dallas: And now the Eastern Texas populace will stand agape. Now the Texas text book board, which orders geographies for the children of this state which declare that no crops can be raised in Western Texas except by irrigation, will please go and dip in the river seven times and ask forgiveness. Now will the-people of other states who 'have lately made their homes here hug themselves and congratulate each other on the wisdom of their choice. , Now will hundreds of eastern Texas people pay scant attention to the pessimistic effusions of their local newspapers and of the Texas text book board and pre pare to go to the great Pan handle. Such a loading up of "old hair trunks" will occur in Eastern Texas' this winter as have never occured before. It was splendid victory. The Daily Panhandle hereby and herewith congratulates all the people of the plains; congratu lates those citizens who furnish the productions; congratulates itself, and congratulates and thanks Mayor Lon D. Marrs and the tireless workers of his staff at Dallas on the splendid work done for this, the richest, the most healthful, the happiest, most prosperous land in the American union. The eyes of the whole country are on the Panhandle of Texas, an empire in itself, and the Pan handle of Texas never disap points those who come to this fertile and progressive land. This popular country has been settling at a rapid rate for several years, and now that this crowning prize has been won at the state fair we may look for a larger im migration than ever before. Hundreds of substantial men will return to. their homes after viewing the Panhandle exhibits and the grand prize blue ribbon and thirty other blue ribbons, and prepare to migrate to this favored land. Property values, already on a solid basis, will stiffen materially during the next six months. The middle states, the southern states and other portions of Texas will furnish new citizens by hundreds, and one year from this date the population of the great Panhandle, already far be yond that of one year ago, will be largely increased from the present satisfactory conditions. The Daily Panhandle, with profit to the man looking this way repeats with pleasure an ex cerpt from an editorial in this paper of the issue of October h, and the facts contained in that article are given a splendid en dorsement by the decision just rendered by the officials of the state fair in awarding the grand sweepstakes prize to the Pan handle exhibits. The editorial in part was as follows: The Panhandle will, at an early i day, and is doing so now to a i large extent, furnish the world j with a large part of its Hour. ! It will furnish many train ' loads of meats, through the pack ing plant soon to rise in Am jarillo, and through those at Fort ; Worth, Chicago, Kansas City I and elsewhere. j It will furnish to the markets I of the country almost countless 'carloads of melons of different 1 varieties. ! It will furnish vast quantities of deciduous fruits, including j grapes, cherries and apples. It will furnish or can furnish train loads of as tine sweet pota toes as are grown in the south. It will furnish splendid, large- boned, healthy specimens of breeding stock to the man else where over the union, for it is true that the Panhandle is des tined to be the breeding ground of the world through its splendid stock farms already in existence and thousands more of them to be established. It could, if it cared to grow, furnish enough broom corn brush to manufacture half of 'the brooms used in the United States. It can, and does now furnish many thousands of bales of cot ton, the lint and staple of which classes higher than cotton from any locality in the South, be cause there exists no dead and trashy stalks on Panhandle farms, the plant always remain ing green until late in the season. The Panhandle can furnish and will furnish ere long hun dreds of car loads of sugar from the sugar beet, that vegetable growing to startling size in this soil and containing an unusually large percentage of saccharine. The Panhandle can furnish, and will furnish ere long, hund reds of cities and those in other states a higher grade creamery butter and cheese, and from cows not reeking with tubercu losis germs. The Panhandle will soon fur nish the world with as large and luscious canned tomatoes as the world ever munched. The Panhandle is furnishing Irish potatoes of such grade and size as to make a Colorado grower green with envy. The Panhandle is growing thousands upon thousands of tons of feed stuffs, the quality and quantity of which are not even approached in any quarter of the globe. The Panhandle of Texas is growing men and women who for honor and morality . and thrift and brains bend the knee to no people on God's beautiful earth. The Panhandle of Texas is growing into an empire which for wealth and health can never be surpassed. The Panhandle of Texas is one vast expanse, climatically speak ing, of pure ozone, where the chill chilleth not and the buck ague bucketh not. The Panhandle is developing and moving fast t ) the realm of greatness, carrying out the intentions of a loving God who put this favored land here and who put these people here to do a great work, looking to even a greater civilization in future. The Panhandle of Texas is a land blessed in many ways. All are invited. And now the people of the great plains renew this invita tion and extend a welcome to a land where every prospect pleases and where peace, plenty and health reign supreme Pan handle. Exchange: The .story is going the rounds in the Texas press that in the piney woods a man was recently tried for assault. The state brought into court as the weapons used a rail, an ax, a pair of tongs, a saw and a rille. The defendant's counsel exhib ited as the other man's weapons a scythe blade, a pitchfork, a pistol and a hoe. The jury's verdict is said to have been: "Resolved, That we, the jury, would have given a dollar to have seen the tight.' A Methodist Minister Recommends Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea, Kemedy for several years for diarrhoea. I consider it the best remedy I have ever tried for that trouble. I bought a bottle of it a few days ago from our drug gist, Mr. II. K. Brooks. I shall ever Im glad to speak a word in its praise when I have the op pority." Kev. J. D. Knapp, Pas tor M. E. Church, Miles Grove, Pa. Sold by City Pharmacy. US AND SOME OTHERS Don't Knock. If there is a chance to boom business, boom it. Don't be a knocker. Don't pull a long face. Hope a bit. Get a smile on you. Hold up your head. Get a hold with both hands. Then Pull. Bury your hatchet. Drop your tomahawk. Hide your little ham mer. When a stranger drops in tell him this is the greatest town on earth. It is. Don't get mulish. Don't roast. Be jolly. Get popular. It's dead easy. Help yourself along. Push your friend with you. Soon you'll have a whole procession. Be a good fellow. No man ever helped himself by knocking other people down. No man ever got rich trying to make people believe that he was the only good man on earth. You can't climb the ladder of fame by stepping on other people's corns. They're their corns; not yours. And they're tender. Keep off the corns. All men are not alike. Once in a while you may find one who is very much alike. But some are different. You're not the only shirt in the wash. If you don't like their style let 'em alone. Don't knock. You'll get Used to it. There's no end of fun in minding your own busi ness. And it makes other peo ple like you better. Better have others get stuck on you than get stuck on yourself. Nobody gets stuck on a knocker. Don't be' one. Be good . A merican Printer. If you are just bound to knock, just knock the stuffing out of some fellow who will not and never does say a good word for this town and county, and say, when you do that knocking just think about this editor and hit your man just twice as hard and charge half of it up to the editor. Recipe for a Good Town. Grit. Vim. Push. Snap. Energy. Schools. Morality. Churches. Harmony. Cordiality. Advertising. Talk about it. .Write about it. Cheap Property. Speak well of it. Healthy Location. Help to improve it. Advertise in its papers. Elect good men to office. Good country tributary. Patronize its merchants. ' Honest competition in prices. Faith exhibited by good works. Make the atmosphere healthy. Fire all croakers, loafers and dead beats. Let your object be the welfare, growth and pros perity 'if the people. Speak well of the public spirited men, and also be one of them yourself. He honest with all your fellow men. Exchange. How to Kill Your Town. Kick. Keep kicking. And don't quit kicking. One pull one way and one the other. Go to other towns and buy your goods. Denounce your merchants be cause they make a protit on their goods. Knife every man that disagrees j with you on the method of in creasing business. ! Make your own town out a very bad place, and stab it every chance you get. Kef use to unite in any scheme for the betterment of the town. Exchange. Oh, Where! Oh, Where! Oh, where, Oh, where has the Commercial Club gone, Oh, Where, Oh. where can it be? It started out lively with member ship strong, and why its so dead we can't see. Alfalfa hay for sale by K. G. Oldham.