Pecple in Fort Worth Realize that they must
Connect with this Sectbn of the Stats
Mare Closely.
The Fort Worth Telegram re
cently published an article show
ing that their city was bidding
for the future trade from this
territory and that thoy were
alive to the fact that ere long a
direct east and west line of rail
way would be built through the
western portion of the state
western is now projected to
Cisco. This will open a vast
territory for other jobbing
centers than Fort Worth.
The only hope that Fort Worth
has of retaining this territory
thru the efforts of others lies in!
the faint chance of the Hock
Island extending its Graham
branch from Graham to a point
in the northwesterly direction.
Otherwise there is not a single
railroad scheme now on the pro
gram that will benefit this city
directly through the building up
In view of the local railway 'of the northwestern sec ton of
He once had this line projected,
but unfavorable legislation com
ing on the heels of real hard
times forced him to abandon his
scheme and no one has yet ap
peared who possessed strength
sufficient' to put this scheme
A house is no stronger than
its walls. Fort Worth today
may be likened to a house that is
well built on all sides, save one,
from a railroad standpoint. In
the language of the late Mr.
Tweed, "What are you going to
do about it':"
The quotations here given are
from the Canyon City grain deal
ers and show the market the day
before the issue of this paper.
The prices are for grain in sack
unless otherwise stated.
Wheat. No. 2, bushel $00 0s
Oats, best, bushel -JC)
Maize and Kafllr in heads,
new crop, ton 10 00
Millet hay, per ton 00
Johnson grass hay, ton.. . 0 00
Alfalfa, per ton 11 00
Save the Boys and Protect the Girls.
situation we publish the article , this state,
in full below. j What is needed in Fort Worth
For the first time since the: right now and is needed more
panther came here to lie down than anything, is a line from Tlie Taylor County Grand
Fort Worth is sleeping on her ' Fort Worth to Texieo. This line Jury has undertaken to reform
rights. Dav bv dav. week bvSmistbe built, or Fort Worth j tho world, and in doing this the
week, month bv month, nroW-ts 1 will forfeit the prestige that is august nnti) lias got siiginij
are being realized that are cut- now hers as the center of rail
ting the foundation from under; roads. The building of such a
this city's supremacy, and no ef-. line would encounter no serious
fort is made to counteract the Engineering difficulties. It
effects, not a move is btinr made; would be the means of an almost
to overcome the handicaps that countless thousands
mixed on the matter of ethics.
They believe that girls should
be better protected by law from
the enemies of virtue ami purity,
land so far as they have gone we
of acres of 1 heartily agree with them.
are being heaped upon thi
in her onward race.
Fort Worth has lontr, and very
justly, boasted of the fact that this city to reimburse Fort
this is a railroad center. Yet; Worth for giving a bonus of
this city is without direct con-1 200,000 to the project. In fact,
nectit.ns to the verv richest field ' unless suca a line is built in le
ttled with far-1 Only on one point do they ap-
rich lands beini
mors. In one year it would i pnmch the most vital part of the
l.iin.r onon.'b :ul.lition:il trnde toltiut'stion at issue and that is
when they say: "The young
men of our country should be
j noble, manly men, and should be
ss!the guardians rather than the
that is now being developed and j than five years, this city is bound j despoilers of the virtue of the
no etTort is being made to reach ! to see that the tide of trade will young girls who are entrusted
this field by the people of Fort : be northwesterly in Central j to their company by confiding
Worth. ' i West Texas and that Fort Worth j parents.'
Draw aline midway between 'will receive merely the overflow That is commendable, but how
the I-rt Worth and Denver City i trade that comes from this vast!!!! they be taught this great
on the north and the Texas anil; area. J lesson of life' Not by tho
Pacific on the south and you will! In every other direction Fort ! present attitude of society on
find on the map the only section ; Worth has railroads that serve j this question, by which the pro
of Texas with fertility of soil, i every demand. Hut in every j fossional seducer is received on
salubriousness of climate and! other direction, with two ex-; equals terms with the young
cheap lands that is now without ! ceptions. Fort Worth is in; man of clean life who foels a
railroad facilities, except in a 'strong competition with other j higher sense of honor. As long
piecemeal sort of way. ! places as well equipped for the j as no town can feel itself assiim-
That the eyes of the railroad j fray as this. It is only along ming the proportions of a city
builders and the moneyed men ! the Denver, the Hio Grande and j without its newspapers and pub
are upon this section is' evidenc- j the Texas and Pacific, for a given lie men beginning to prate about
ed by the work that is now being j distance, that Forth Worth en- j a "necessary evil" and demand
done. The Orient from San I joys rate advantages of material that a certain district be assign
Angelo, northward to Kansas benefit to this center. Hence, j d as a pit fall for unprotected
City; Sam Lazarus, with the I to prevent the territory that is j tfirls and unrestrained boys, just
powerful backing of J. Pierpoint j now largely hers froai going to , so long will the majority of young
Morgan, is abundantly able to! other centers, Fort Worth must j men fall short of the high stand
finance his projected line from (take steps and take them at once ard of manhood advocated by the
Quanah to El Paso; the plans of I to strengthen her hold upon the j Taylor county grand jury.
the Atchison sj'stem call for an
extension of the Plainview line to
a point on the San Angelo
branch, the gap between the
Every pound of freight moved Gocd Cou&h M3dicine for Children and Grovvn
by the Orient and every pound FolkfcToo.
of freight that will be handled by
e couio. naruiy oo wiuioui
Mrs. Flora JVspain of
Hloyd, Ky. I found it to be
so good for the croup and have
Byers and Waurika, in Olda-jthe Wichita Valley from its I
homa. will soon he closed and I northern connections at Wichita I
...... .- T.'il mfini in;t t n t mil-')! 1n!
that Fort Worth will be deprived : of revenue to this city. It is
of portions of her natural ter-' impossible to handle a car of
ritory without any compensation freight through the Fort Worth
whatever. ' yards, from one connection line
Trade travels in the line of j to another, without that car leav
least resistance. Already Fortjing, in the way of wages and
Worth has been cut off from 'clerk hire, not less than fifty
business in the Panhandle by ! cents, and frequently twice that
the Rock Island and the Santa ! sum, in this city.
Fe having eat and west lines.
As soon as the Orient is connect
ed up Fort Worth will be unable
to compete against Kansas City;
for the reason Kansas City will
have the direct line to a rich
section of Tt-xiis. I-t the I
Years ago, when Captain Pad-!
dock planned the future rail-!
roads for Fort Worth, he planned
a line from this city to Albuquer-
... v- l"..,... .i,,. 4 k; ! or
que, . iijc tun -wuu
years that have passed since
used it for years. I can heartily
recommend it for coughs, colds
and croup in children and grown
folks, too." The above shows
the implicit confidence; that many
mothers place in Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy, a confidence
based on many years' experience
in the use of it. No one need
! hesitate to use this remedy for
jit contains no chloroform, opium
other narcotics and may be
J given to a child as confidenlly Ms
tza Cat,
rus line from Quanah to El Pao'his plans
be complete, and once more Kan
sas City, Oklahoma City and
other jobbing points will profit
at the expense of Fort Worth.
The Henrietta and South-
11...),. ..1. ....,i.i; l.,.,1
have envolved nothing j ' """""'-.
to strengthen nor to diminisn
the truths that the old plans of
Captain Paddock embraced.
The Albuquerque line was one of
the strongest links in this chain.
!to an adult. For sale by City
Th Canyon Mercantile Com
pany pays the highest price for
butter, eggs and produce of all
Harter & Chesser
Yours For Good Work.iR. a. terrill.
NoithwEstern Title Go.
Complete Abstract of All
Randall County Property
Corn, best .
Maize, threshed, bushel..
Kaffir corn, threshed, bu..
Chickens anil 1'ggs
Fryers, per dozen ....
Eggs, per dozen
.r. ,
The churches of the city invite
all persons to attend the services
at their various places of wor
ship. The times of the regular
meetings are given below.
Rev. M. Hawkins, Pastor.
Services at 11 a. m. and :00 p.
m. Sunday. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening, :00. Sun
day school 10 a. m. I). A. Park:
Supt., Miss Angie Meyers Sec. j
Senior I 'loriie Sundav I p. in., i CG
Dr. F. M. Wilson, leader. Jun
ior licague Sunday i! p. in, Mrs.
J'hn Hibdon, Leader. Home
Mission Society Tuesday after
noon at church, Mrs. John Hib
don, President.
(.'HKIST1AN (.'lU'KOI.
Rev. J. H. White, Pastor. Ser
vices Sunday morning 11 o'clock
and evening at ;0. Sunday
School '.:! !t a. m. Lee Van
sant, Supt., Travis Shaw,
Secretary. Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening s:00. Choir
practice Friday :0 p. m.
Rev. J. S. Groves, Pastor. Reg
ular services at 1 1 o'clock Sun
day morning and :0 o'clock
Sunday evening. Prayer meet
ing Wednesday evening H:00
o'clock. Sunday School 10 a. m.
H. J. Cavet, Supt., Miss Frankie
Gober, Sec. Junior Endeavor
Society, 4:1." Sunday afternoon,
Mrs. Nixon, f'ader. Senior En- fc.
deavorSociety, 7 -MO Sunday even-
Look to Your Own
We have the most complete line of
ever in this city. Buying many of the staple lines in car
lots enables us to sell you at the lowest possible price.
Will Give You Prompt Deliveries
to Any Part of the City.
When you can thus supply yourself with the very best
and at the lowest price, what good reason have you for not
doing so?
Highest Price Paid for Anything
You May Have to Sell.
The White Swan Grocery Co.
Phone 109.
Highest Ciish Price I'jimI for Hides, Hay, Maize,
Kiiflir Mends, etc.
Wo are a Strictly Home Concern
and ilesirc your patronage.
i Canvon Coal Company
ing, Miss 1 Jessie Groves, Pres. i
sii;ntjst. i
Services Sunday a. in., 11 J
o'clock and Sunday p. in.,
o clock. Wednesday evening tes
timonial service at s p, m. V.
Edna Henson. C. S., lirst reader.
Sunday school 10: 1." a. m. All
children under o, welcome.
Only teachers, officers and chil
dren present. Mrs. Ava R.
Hall, superintendent.
Rev. J. M. Harder, Pastor.
Services at 11 a. m. and S:()(t p.
m. Sunday. Prayer meriting
Wednesday evening :to. Sun
day School 11: in a. m. J. C.
Hunt, Supt., Miss Columbia I
Redfearn Sec. Ladies' Aid So
ciety meets at pastor's home
every first and third Tuesday
afternoon at o'clock. Mrs. J.
A. Harbison, president, Mrs.
Carl Coffee, secretary.
i '1 m .V ftfl KV II (ft . I MJ l-J N 3TT ft. TO
writes Mrs. Mary Hudson, of Eastman, Miss., "took
my advice, -which was, to take Cardui. She was
staying with me and was in terrible misery, but. Car
dui helped her at once.
('; "m ffl
J 23
IS Will Help You
"Last spring," Mrs. Hudson continues, "I was
j in a rack of pain. The doctor did no good, so I began
to take Cardui. The first dese helped inc. Now I
am in better health than in three years."
Every girl and woman needs Cardui, to euro
irregularity, falling feelings, headache, backache and
similar female troubles. Cardui is safe, reliable, vi
scicntinc. Try uartiui.
A Play That's
Just itight
Speaking of
laughter, you
can find the
real simonpure
article, the sort
that filters
through your
system and
malles the
whole world
glad, Right
here in this
Hi' wtfa ' ' k&('lxki''
SmiEes is What Your Face Weeds
One of those natural plays that has no
wicKed women with painted faces and white
washed car
eers, no loath
some men nor
any shocking
"I Am DiacK, Donald"
"Your Money's
Worth, or Your
Money BacK.