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THE RANDALL COUNTY NEWS. Vol. XII. Canyon, Randall County, Texas, Friday, November 20, 1908. No. 34 EASTERN RAILROAD OFFICIALS ARE HERE. Vica President, Secretary and Assistant Treas urer of the C. L. 4 C & A. in City "I never knew how great a state Texas was and and how great a field it is for the investor in railroad and other properties Under favorable circumstances, until I made this trip," said George II. Ross, vice president of the Clover Leaf route and the Chicago & Alton, who is en tour of this state with a party con sisting of Traffic Manager W. L. Ross, James Stewart Mackie, secretary and assistant treas urer, New York; H. C. Steven son, assistant general freight agent, Chicago, and P. W. Mahl, general purchasing agent of Colorado it Southern, Denver. The party arrived here last night over the Houston & Texas Central from Houston, after hav ing visited Houston and Galves ton, coming into the state over the the Katy from Denison and Dallas and then up to Fort Worth from Houston. Only daylight Large Scissors, Small Scissors, Embroidery Scissors, Button-Hole Scissors, Clerks' Scissors, Barbers' Scissors and Also SCISSORS rices 49 Cents Per Pair Saturday, November the 27th ('omniencinp; at 7 o'clock in the morning; on the day above. Xo excuse for asking; the tired husbands to fix the old scissors. If you don't g'et a pair of these scissors we will know you have not g;ot the 49 cents. The hour is set, the date you know. Don't Fail The Amarillo Business College iv-ipvmiv The only school in the west having a Santa Fe train wire direct J J hlihdHAl 11 i into the school, affording every opportunity to its students to get a i practical experience in railroad telegraphy. oiinifTH V I) High grade school, attended by mature young men and women, nmmi iu. it why are anx;ous to better their condition. Hundreds of graduates occupying the highest positions. j TYPEWRITING Write Man for a copy of the College Journal. 1 We teach by mail. We stand for merit. J BOOKKEEPING Pride of the Panhandle. Write at once for full information. J ' You can enter this school any week day in the year and pursue j your studies to a successful completion. i ! PENMANSHIP AddressDrawer 519, Amarillo, Texas. I runs are being made so that the state may be seen to best ad vantage. Prom here the party will make a' trip up the Denver road to Wichita Falls and over the Wichita Valley to Stamford and Abilene and back to Wichita Falls, and then up the Denver, Colo., by daylight. J. Stewart Mackie, the secre tary and assistant treasurer of the Clover Leaf and Chicago & Alton, is secretary and treasurer of the Trumbull lines, which in clude the Colorado & Southern system. Mr. Mackie is here on an inspection tour and to attend the annual meetings of the rail roads in which he is interested. He expressed himself as being highly pleased witli the pros pects in the state up to the pres ent, and when asked if any im provements were in prospect for the Trumbull lines, he said: "I have never known the time when you could stop railroad improve ments in Texas."' This morning Mr. Mackie and party will look over the Denver road terminals and the Trinity & Brazos Valley terminals at River SCISSORS front $1.00 down will In; placed on to Get a Stove Mat Tomorrow HARDWARE DEPARTMENT ercantile Company West Side of Square. side. The party will leave here about 1:510 this afternoon for an inspection of the Denver and Wichita Valley lines Ft. Worth Record. Among the Trumbull lines mentioned in the foregoing arti cle is the Texas Central which runs from Waco to Rotan. This one of the prospective roads which may build to connect with the new proposed railway out of Canyon City to the southeast with connections into Galveston. The Cattle King Restaurant. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Artt have re-opened the Cattle King restaurant across the street from the depot in this city and propose to run an up to date place where you can get a reg ular meal or a short order at any time. It Rev. M. E. Hawkins has re turned from Waco to which place he went to attend the meet ing of the North West Texas Conference of the Methodist church. I I sale for Cash at THE COMMISSIOMERS' COURT PROCEEDINGS. AFTER BEING IN SESSION ALL WEEK AD JOURNMENT WAS TAKEN SATURDAY. Much General Business of County Was Tran sacted All of New County Officers are Sworn Into Office. The Commissioners' Court of this county certainly had a strenuous time last week. They had business galore to transact and early in the week they wad ed into it with a will and much of the accumulated business of the former administration was cleared out, all the officials gave their bonds and were inducted into their several offices, settle ments with all thecounty officers had and a general clean-up par ticipated in. We gave, in our issue of last week, the proceedings of the Court up until Wednesday after noon and during the remainder of the week the proceedings as reported below were had. About the most important item transacted during this time was the order appointing the County Judge as Commissioner to have the cemetery ten acre block of land subdivided into blocks and sold to white persons for burial purposes. This ac tion was taken in order that some definite understanding might be had as to the owner ship of the various plots of ground. The Ladies Improve ment Association of this city is working in connection with court and it is intended that all money received from the sale of blocks or lots shall be expended upon the grounds in the way of beautifying and improving them. The transactions of the court as shown by the minutes were as follows: The treasurer was instructed to pay to Joe Foster, county as sessor, upon warrants drawn up on him, out of the first funds collected upon the tax rolls for the year 1!MX the following amounts as his fees for assess ing the state, county and dis trict school taxes for said year: Assessing state and county taxes $i)73.7ri, district school $-0.i!0. The two bonds of Joe Foster as assessor of state taxes and as assessor of county taxes were examined and approved. Taxes upon the north half of survey 4i, block Hr. were ad justed on accounn of double ren dition. The bonds of I!. II. Sanford as sheriff and as state and county tax collector were examined and approved. They amounted to I '$1. '5,000.00. J ! The petition of I. N. Hicks, etj ; al for a public road running from the northeast corner of survey 111:!, block to the southwest ! corner of survey 140 in same i block, was deferred for further i consideration. The petition of John II. Hell was again considered. This pe tition was for a road beginning !at the southeast corner of sur vey ".), block M" and running north to the northeast corner of survey block 1, and the peti tion was finally deferred for still further investigation and consid eration. The report of W. J. Redfearn as justice of the peace for the quarter ending October 31, was examined and approved. The quarterly report of S. V. Wirt, county treasurer, was checked up, examined and ap proved and final settlement with ' him had. ! Tli- finance ledger kept by the 'county clerk showing the ac counts of the various county of ficials was approved. The report of Judge J. C, Hunt, treasurer of the Canyon City Independent school district for the year ending August 31, was examined, checked and ap proved. Taxes on survey No. 70, block M9 were adjusted on account of erroneous rendition. The following order was passed: "It is hereby ordered by the court that the county judge is empowered to have the cemetery situated on section CO, block B5, II. & G. N. Railway Company land in Randall county, Texas, consisting of ten acres in the northeast corner of said section, surveyed and a plat dividing same into blocks and each block subdivided into lots made and said plat recorded in the deed records of Randall county, Texas, and the said county judge is further authorized and empow ered to sell said lots and make deeds therefor to white persons for the purpose of burial." The "per diem" of the several officers of the court was allowed as follows: A. N. Henson, county judge, six days, S1H.00; J. U. Knicely, commissioner, six days; Slrt.00; R. E. Baird, commis sioner, two days, $0.00; S. H. Iiofton, commissioner, two days, $0.00; W. J. Redfearn, commis sioner, four days, 12.00; M. S. Park, commissioner, six days, H.0O. WILL PLAT THE CEMETERY. Improvement Association Will Join Commis sioners' Court in Beautifying the Burying Ground. As reported in the issue of this paper last week the Civic Improvement Association met in adjourned session at the court house last Monday afternoon to hear the report from the com missioners' court relative to the work in the cemetery grounds south of the city. County Judge A. N. Henson was present and gave a report of the action of the court which is given in full in another column of this paper and the action of the court was fully concurred in by the Association and steps were taken to have the grounds platted and the new building which is to be erected there lo cated, so that the carpenters might complete the building at an early date. Considerable enthusiasm was evoked on the part of those pres ent and arrangements were made for the cemetery committee and other members to go out to the cemetery last Wednesday after noon to begin the work. On Wednesday afternoon quite a crowd of the Association mem bers met Judge Henson at the grounds and the location for the house was decided upon and the work of surveying begun. As soon as the surveying is com pleted the plat will be recorded and the blocks will be offered for sale. The money resulting from the sale will be spent in beauti fying the cemetery. Judge Jasper N. llaney has re turned from Denison where he was in attendance upon meeting of the Red River Improvement Association. He reiorts that the proposed bill for the establishing of a National Park in the Palo Dnro Canyons in this county re ceived much favorable progress during the meeting. Miss Willie Sowder, one of the teachers in the public school at Tulia, was in the city last Sun day on a visit to her relatives, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sowder. Mrs. A. N. Henson has return ed from an extended visit to Kansas City and St. Joseph, Mo. THE THANKSGIVING DAY SERVICES JOINT CELEBRATION TO BE HELD BY CHURCHES THURSDAY MORNING. Interesting Program Arranged For Annual Ser vices Which Are to Be Held With Presby terian Church No Sermon. It has been the custom of the various churches of this city to arrange for a joint meeting at some one of the churches on Thanksgiving day. This arrange ment has again been made this year and the meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church on West Evelyn street at 10 o'clock next Thursday morning. An interesting program has been arranged. There will be no regular set sermon, for as one of the pastors of this city re marked: "It is hard for a person to keep his mind on a dry ser mon where there is a roasting turkey waiting for them." How ever there are to be several ad dresses the longest of which is limited to ten minutes. Those who have the matter in charge desire the attendance of as many as may make it conven ient to come and give thanks for the blessing of the past year. They also request that the busi ness men close their places of business by 9:30 a. m. so that all of their employees may attend. The services will begin promptly at 10 o'clock. We give below the program as arranged: Organ Voluntary . . Mrs. Ingham Gloria Patri Choir America Congregation Nicaca Congregation Invocation Hro. (J roves Anthem: "Ijet Mount Zion Re joice" Choir Address 15ro. White Quartette Address Hro. Harder Duet Add ress Prof. Redus Solo Prof. Peterson Address Pro. Hawkins Anthem: "Praise Ye the Fath er" Choir Collection for the needy in which all may have part. Doxology. A gentleman by the name of Rollins from Falls City, Neb., has purchased a tract of 100 acres .of land east of this city and this week returned to his home for the purpose of loading his car of household goods and will return here as soon as pos sible to improve his land. Two other gentlemen from the same place, Messrs. Fischer and (Jresham, have bought land in the Ceta neighborhood and will move to their new lands within the next month. Rev. and Mrs. .1. M. Harder have returned from Fort Worth where they went to attend the State Haptist convention which was in session in that city last week. .1. M. Renshaw, a former resi dent of this city hut now of Ksta cado, was in this city Tuesday closing up tin- sale of his home place here to Marvin P. Garner. I. W. McClure ami daughter, Miss May, were among those who attended the Haptist con vention in Fort Worth last week, returning the first of this week. Judge and Mrs. L. C. Lair were delegates to the Haptist convention at Fort Worth and have returned home reporting a very pleasant trip. Mr. A. 11. Thompson returned last Saturday from a months visit with relatives at Alvarado.